Perfect Storms....
Tonight was one of those nights that doesn't come around often. Some gigs are great, and fun, and some gigs are a whole lot of work. And some are such a joy and delight that life doesn't get any better.
Tonight could not have been better. It was a Perfect Storm of really wonderful people coming to hear us, and having the kind of time one is meant to in an Irish Pub. The place went SRO early, and stayed that way, and was filled with a lot of people who have come to hear us before, and made our night, but never have they all been there together.
They made me SO happy. I can't claim credit, tho if I do say so myself, we did rock, but it was the people who MADE the rock, if you see what I mean. We got it from them and tossed it on back. I'm not sure I have ever felt so loved before..The kind of night where you leave thinking ..."THAT is why I do this."
Aleta and Laser Lady were there too, which always makes me happy. The only sore spot in the night was I had a fierce headache for no good reason, but Laser Lady, apparently, has special powers and was able to fix it. I must learn this skill.
(I know this is mean, but it's really funny..) It is always lovely to have Aleta and Laser Lady in for a show, but guys, you will be way more popular with the pub if you REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR BAR TAB before leaving.....(call them tomorrow, I assured them it was the Tequila and not intentional...)
Cabal comes home tomorrow, and I think he is getting better. The U of M vets could not have been nicer. They called me every few hours today to let me know how he was doing, and have been keeping them with them, in conference rooms and such, rather than leaving him alone. It was pretty scary, and not at all fun for a while there...Seems to be a case of him eating something Bad, that laid him low, and not something wrong...
It's funny how I have never thought much about the saying "Every good dead will come back to haunt you.." I mean, there I was a few weeks ago, befriending a Carrot, for goodness sake, it was alone and misunderstood, I wanted to help it achieve everything it wanted, and fulfill its hopes and dreams....And I did. And I thought that was the end of it. It was a one off thing, and made me feel like I could make a difference.
I did. And hadn't thought much about it since. Until I went for a snack tonight.
Oh Fods....
Love and Magic Evenings,