On the Edge of Serious Kitty Fame
I am feeling good tonight. I finished up a huge project today and now it is DONE. Sadly, I am not at liberty to tell you about it yet, but I am feeling right proud of myself, and feel that I should be patted on the back a few times, it was a new one for me. Stay tuned....
Here's some fun. Freaky Venus and Madame Mim may soon be Internet video stars! It went something like this...
Last weekend, our new friend Aleta, came down to a Paul and Lorraine show, and brought four of her friends, (delightful all, one was even a Flash Girls fan, blast from the past!) and one of the friends, Colette, turns out owns a Laser Pointer Business. Now anyone who has cats knows how important these little things are, HOURS of entertainment.
We started talking, she has generously agreed to donate laser pointer to my Bengal Rescue Group, and it came out that she has been wanting to do a Kitty Video for the laser website.
Hello? Bengals. She needs Bengals. MY Bengals. Can you see it? Bengals chasing lasers on the Cat Wheel???? There are a few You Tube vids with cat wheel and lasers, but they are short things people have got by luck, mostly. My Bengals LIVE to chase lasers. And anything else. They will work as many hours as it takes, to get a good shot (kind of like Malena shooting our vid, which is very, very close, by the way)
And I just happen to have a handy soundtrack ready too. Go listen to The Fox again. Perfect? Who knows where this could go. My sisters dog was once nearly on Ripleys Believe it or Not. ( they made him a full suit of armour , but didn't want to ship him and leave him for two weeks and could not go themselves )
CAA and I are talking. I can see it now. We will call it "Life in the Jungle"
My Friend who is the Assistant to a Director who may be making a Movie based on one of my Boss's books, wants to be mentioned here, and let everyone know it is 92 degrees in Portland and she forgot deodorant today. She says "Yay Armpits!"
(yes, that is JUST the sort of exciting thing we top level Personal Assistants talk about. She also called me Sparklepants, which I kind of liked.)
Love and Superstar Kitties,