Friday, February 06, 2009

Kitty is the BEST!




And really, really, cool.

Kitty has done the best photo blog EVER from the Premiere last night!

So, I think tonight, we will just link to her, and keep chatting amongst ourselves as we wait for people to get back from Coraline and tell us what they thought.

This opening night is way more exciting for me that I had thought, tonight. I am really excited to hear what everyone says! I'm not even going anywhere, but just knowing everyone gets to finally see it tonight, makes me really happy inside.

Love and Coraline,


At 5:10 PM , Blogger Annie said...

Yay for photo blogs!

At 5:12 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

Kitty Rocks! Thanks for the great post and here's hoping you folks all get a well deserved rest. I just missed the new post, dang.

At 5:14 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Yay Kitty!

You two make me REALLY want an assistant. I'm going to be (likely) traveling three out of four weeks of March and half of April as well. Thankfully this conference season is (so far) all on this continent.

One day. Until then I will continue to marvel at your awesomness.

At 5:14 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Ok - best C moment - at the end, a few of us watching the credits and when the last stuff happened (not telling what it was) I hear a male voice behind me "Dude, I'm getting seriously weirded out here."

Now, what do I do with the knowledged I got at the end of the credits? Am I supposed to go somewhere and register for something.

Wasn't exactly like the book (I like the book ending a lot) but the story came through like a shining star. I forgot the exit lights were bothering me about 3 minutes into the movie, and never heard a soul in the theater say anything. There were about 20 of us, which isn't bad for 4PM.

Wot fun I had.

Rats. Not 1st. Now I'll go read Kitty's blog.

At 5:16 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

What a perfect photo blog! Absolutely marvelous (really must find a new word instead of my overused "marvelous" - I was thinking of using "fabulous" but decided against it for obvious reasons; what about "splendid"?)!

There is a Coraline commercial playing behind me as Jack and Will watch their TV program. "Hey, look, Coraline commercial!" William cries, pointing.

At 5:27 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

*licks paw and rubs head

"awwww shucks" Quiche!

ADRI! we will happily take volunteer interns.
like the Peace Corp. or prison camp.
(just kidding, QUiche, don't get me for that)

At 5:31 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Kitty, if you find one of those volunteer interns, send them my way? :D

Ok. Going to do makeup before dinner. Then... the movie! Yay!!!

At 5:32 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Hi - am I in the Top Ten?

At 5:40 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Okay, now I need to grovel a bit and prove myself a worthy cat servant...

See, they only get "locked out" of the guest bath because it's visible from the living areas. I thought the claws under the door meant they wanted to come in, but if I slide the door back they stay outside and wait for me to poke something out at them! So then I have to shut the door (or it's not so fun) and play Get The Whatever. I actually take the feather stick with me when I "go" because it's like the highlight of their day! That's multitasking.

Also, references upon request from our vet.

At 5:42 PM , Blogger vampi said...

so i was looking for close-toed shoes, because next week vegas is going to be close to freezing at nights. i figured while i can get away with sandals in lala-land i should have at the very least, something covering my toesies.

button shoes!!! i am so wearing them to the movie tonight. and mine are a nicer plaid than the ones i linked too and have a nice pink in them. <3

trying to rouse boy now as driving in rain to alhambra is going to be slow going.

At 5:49 PM , Blogger vampi said...

what the eff, my link didn't work. does this one work?

At 5:51 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

It works! Did you get the purple ones???

At 5:55 PM , Blogger vampi said...

yes mine are black and purple, but a different plaid pattern, more like traditional line plaid and not the herringbone they show. but big black buttons :)

i liked the plaid pulled them out of the box and sqeeed a the buttons.

i'll be other-vampi tonight!

oh forgot the second best part, on sale for $15

and i commented on kitty's blog, but maddy's dress is phenomenal. that girl DOES have style, so poised, what a great dress. if only the people at the oscars had as much taste. great pictures, i'm sooo very excited about seeing coraline tonight.

At 6:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ok Fluffy, as long as there is an explanation for this.

Siri, try going to yes?

All will become clear....

Curry rocked. People home now. All is good.

At 6:05 PM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

We're going tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to everyone's reviews too!

*wanders over to see what Kitty posted*

At 6:13 PM , Blogger Ian Ransom said...

The photo-blog was a definite treat. Thanks for linking, Lorraine, and thanks to Kitty, obviously.

Well...I don't know where to begin, as far as the movie. I saw it today, first showing, 1:15PM.

I was pleased to note that the theater doors were decorated: giant inflatable "other father" hands & head, and on the doors themselves the "tunnel" to the other world was superimposed (real cool).

I. Loved. The. Movie.

Selick and Laika rose to the challenge. There's so much to say about the film. I scrutinized it as I soaked it all in, and wrote a thorough review this afternoon. If anyone wants to read it, it's on my blog:

Go go go go, kids. It's extraordinary. Big box office for Coraline this weekend.


At 6:22 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Yay! I'm caught up! And I'm seeing Coraline in 3D at 10:15 tomorrow morning.

Kitty, I loved your pics!

It's so exciting, waiting for fiends to come back from their movie experiences. It kind of reminds me of our New Years extravaganza!

At 6:30 PM , Blogger Siri said...

There's one difference from the book that really bothered me, but I'll keep it to myself until our far-flung fiends have seen the movie - May, I believe, Sally? Is that what I've read? That difference makes no difference to the perfection of the movie itself - it's just something that is different from the book. If you can't wait, email me and we can talk about it away from here. I do not want to publish any spoilers.

I'd been to, Q, and couldn't find a thing. I went back. I was successful. I found what I needed to do. Woo - perserverence pays off!

At 6:40 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

April the 2nd I believe Siri, according to the Imdb site.

Lorraine, please tell Maddy all the Fiends think she is just stunning, and the dress she wore was beautiful.
I hope Boss gets some good rest now in his own Cabal was a joyous puppy when his no 1 hooman appeared.

I am watching Bourne Identity to try and escape the heat.

At 6:43 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Good - that's closer than May. I'm sorry for your continued heat, Sally - How's Tysie's BG levels?

At 6:48 PM , Blogger dabbler said...

So I had other plans tonight, and didn't get to the opening of Coraline, but my DD and two of her friends went. Not only did they love it, but the theater was full except for the two front rows!!!


At 6:55 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

She's improving very very slowly Siri. Levels still way above what they were a week ago.

At 7:01 PM , Blogger Siri said...

At least there is improvement. Continued good luck to you both!

At 7:04 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I have a Boss home!

May have been right about the puddle of goo, that's a very tired man that is. But a very happy one.

Jake Ian, I do want t read and am going to now...

At 7:05 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Glad Himself is home safely, and into relatively good weather. For a day or two, at least.

Basically, he done good!

You, on the other hand, done Fabulous!

At 7:12 PM , Blogger Mandy said...

Just got back from seeing a 7:30pm show in Raleigh with LOTS of kids of various ages and TONS of adults who seemed thrilled beyond belief to have nifty 3-D glasses.

All the kids from ages 6 and up seemed completely not scared (as I suspected), but I do think the book is creepier. LOL I loved it! I will see it again and must own the movie when it comes out on DVD. I can't wait to get back to school and talk to my fifth graders who said they were going to see it and find out what they all thought. They tend to be purists when it comes to making books into movies, but I thought all the changes were fine.

Having grown up in Michigan, 20 minutes from Pontiac and graduated from Michigan State I thought it was fun to see the Other Father in a MSU sweatshirt. Still, it left me wondering who among the people at Laika has a Michigan connection?? ;)

At 7:22 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Mandy! WE want to know what your 5th graders think too! Please let us know. We know what the reviews say, I am interested in people people...

Jake Ian, lovely! Passing that one on...

At 7:25 PM , Blogger Mandy said...

Lorraine- I will definitely come back and comment once we are back in school (Feb. 16th) together. It is sure to be the first topic of discussion as they walk in the door!

At 7:25 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

As I said earlier, DD2 and I saw "Coraline" today at 12:40 PM CST. It was the first showing, and at the theatre we saw it at is only showing in 3D. :) There were 10-12 people in the theatre, only two of which were under 10, with DD2 being the youngest at 5. Everybody else was over 20, though I was probably the oldest at 47.

::sigh:: We missed the Other Garden scene due to DD2 regurgitating popcorn and Sprite on herself. I managed to get her out, cleaned up, screamed at (her at me), argued with (she wanted to stay), and then went back to watch the rest of the movie. In the end, she decided that the movie wasn't as scary as she thought it would be, but it was still a bit creepy. There were only two other people who stayed throughout the credits.

I enjoyed the movie, and would like to see it again, sans interruption. :)

I have to say that I'm tired of reviewers of children's/family films not seeming to understand how fairy/folk tales work. None of them must have read any Hans Christian Anderson, 'cause, you know, the Little Mermaid becomes sea foam at the end of the story. Gaaaahhhh! That's a rant for my own blog.

At 7:35 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Showed my 14-year-old fashionista Maddy's dress and she thought it was the beast. I'm going to see C. in 3D tomorrow, probably by myself (ha! more popcorms for me.) On a funny note, the Colleyville Courier, our little town paper, reviewed the film and had some very cool things to say:

"It doesn't matter one whit that Coraline is the very first stop-motion animated feature in 3-D unless it has a great story to tell. And it does." Reviewer goes on to the story, the actors, then: "But let's not discount the artists. In the span of 35 seconds, Coraline shows 16 different expressions. It would be easy to get lost in all the... (lots of details here) - except that the eccentric cast of characters keeps pulling you back in to the story."

On a personal note I am very grateful the Fabulous One is not going to send the Pet Police chez moi.

At 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Miss Kitty!!

And, yes, Miss Maddie Gaiman is lovely and her dress is to die for, especially the color!!

Am going with youngest (13) son tomorrow, my second son (21) going tonight with ladyfriend in tow, and if he sends me anything interesting, I'll pass it along.

At 7:43 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mandy, I do want to hear, they can write me if they would like to, and I'll pass on thoughts. E-mail or snail.

Adriandalen, not to worry, I've been twice and missed the first 10 both times.

Fluffy, I was glad to hear your reasoning. I worry about kitties. Do you know there are people out there who DO NOT let cats on counters???? And in fact seek advice on how to keep them off!!!!!

Where do these poor kitties EAT, I ask you????????

And people who TURN OVER in bed once the cat has chosen it's spot????

I could go on, but it makes me sad...

At 7:44 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Maddy's dress WAS perfect. I was proud of her all the way thru!

At 7:45 PM , Blogger Adri said...

In the theater, but had to wait in a looong line before we could get in! Pictures up on my flickr; will link when I get home!

At 8:16 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Maddy is Da Bomb!

Like I said on Ms. Kitty's blog, I'm jealous. That dress is gorgeous! Though it is nothing compared to She who is wearing it. :)

I have been living in the house of puke for a week and a half, and I'm tired of it. DD1 started it off, then DD2 caught her bug last Thursday. DD1 as been fine, but DD2 has been vomiting off and on for a week. ::sigh:: I think she just got a husk caught in her throat today, as she came home and ate a piece of pepperoni pizza afterward and has been fine.

Sorry to bum everybody's high.

At 8:17 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I am really glad I decided to see Coraline again today. This time I was really able to relax and enjoy the movie and I certainly saw things I had missed before. It is so visually stunning and rich that I am sure there will be new details every time I see it. There are a lot of subtleties in this film. Tonight I had a much greater appreciation for the real parents than I have had before.

The theatre was not packed but was reasonably full and people seemed to be enjoying themselves. There was applause at the end. The people on either side of me (a young couple on one side and a family on the other) REALLY really loved it.

Siri there is also one thing -- a rather small thing -- that I did not love. I didn't hate this one small thing, but I would have loved it better with just the tiniest tweak. I might email you to find out if it is the same thing.


Off to look at Kitty's blog.

At 8:19 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Lorraine. I am sorry but... there are places my cat is not allowed. We are both much happier as a result. I know this is true. She told me.

At 8:22 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Well, as long as she told you!

At 8:26 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Adriandalen, very sorry for the puke, but glad you got out!

Adri, can't wait to see!

Aleta, I completely understand, sometimes you HAVE to have SOME limits. Mim is NOT allowed in the dryer when it is on, they are not allowed outside without their little harnesses and leashes , and when I have company, I know this is harsh, but they don't get to eat out of the serving bowls.

They get their own plates at the end of the table. And that is final.

At 8:27 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Quiet around here, where is everyone.

Oh, right.

At 8:34 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I hate it when the computer gets all snarky and won't move and won't end programs that won't work and you have to reboot and my throat hurts and I fell asleep watching House Hunters International and I don't know which house he picked and I'm going to bed.

Wonder how Lys did with her gang.

Aleta - yes, write me....I'll look at it in the morning - going to bed now.

I have to rest this weekend, in preparation for next....

At 8:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

FabLo, thank you for looking after your boss and your actual feline cats, and for making a community.

There are NOT ENOUGH FANS (sorry, a bit lonely) here in NH and I took a nice mundane who has never heard of NG to the movie. We are both over 50 and it was out first 3-D (though she has seen a bit at Disney World). Anyway, with no background, she loved it and we were not too scared. There were some things I missed from the book (an archetype called Messianic Banquet I am very fond of) but on the whole it did not make me insane like LOTR did (Faramir). And I did LOVE the flying things, hummingbirds, dragonflies, dog bats. The credits were worth staying for even if I had not wanted a password, and it took me several tries to find a place to put it and I hope the nice 8 yr old next to me ("I was holding my breath the WHOLE TIME") finds the right place too. No small children wailed at all, no one I noticed walking out (not that I would have). Still love the audiobook best and may make myself a sweater but not with appliqueed stars.

My love to all of you and extra for Magic and to Tysie's blood gases.

At 8:55 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Siri I may not write to you tonight. I am a sleepy one now and have a busy busy day tomorrow so I think bed is not far off.

Lorraine you make me laugh and smile.
Also I did not get a chance to say it before but you make me hungry with the curry cauliflower talk. Yum.

At 10:20 PM , Blogger Annie said...

Back from the movie! Brother liked it though he said it was a bit creepy. First time I'd seen a 3D movie too which was fun.

At 10:31 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Coraline is the #1 trend on twitter right now (click the link to see what people are saying about it in real time. Overwhelmingly positive so far!)

At 10:38 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Also, I'm home, of course I loved it! So did Peter and the friends we went with.

Here're some photos of the line-- this is the big theater on the outskirts of San Antonio, from 9:50pm local time, which is pretty late for people to be out and about here! We saw it in 3D.

At 10:56 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Just got home...well, got home, carried a sleeping Wybie to bed still in jeans and t-shirt but he was out cold--jammies weren't happening.

The movie was AMAZING!! Oh My Fod! It was even better than i imagined. Ben wasn't scared at all (except for of a couple of previews) and he thought the 3D was pretty cool too...he asked me if he looked more real when i looked at him w/ the glasses on :P

What, you want pictures? I suppose.

At 11:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helloooooo!!! Honey, I'm HOOOOMMMMEE!!!!

What a blast..of course, you all knew that. What can I say to actually contribute?

Sold out shows most of the day at the theater in Albuquerque--Staff there stated that the manager wanted to keep Bloody Valentine, but the staff threatened to quit en masse if he didn't get Coraline in on schedule and in 3D. True or not, cool story.

Albuquerque evidently also has a much larger Gaiman Army than I realized, and they were out in Force! Only "costume for opening night" apparent was a trend towards extra oversize buttons stitched randomly on clothing. Kinda cool--sorry, no photos!

Theatre "area" has NICE sushi restaurant. 'nuff said.

Mix overall--eclectic, though lots n lots of PWWB (People Who Wear Black, thank you Todd Menton).
My significant note re age issues:
NO unhappy screaming was heard after the lady w/the four year old toddler left (before the previews)
During the movie, the 7 yo and up did a very good job of reassuring the adults that it was okay to be was a STORY....and everything would be okay.
They had FAITH in the story! It was SO cool.

Still high...even after such a long ride home...that movie is accoutred w/a full compliment of Grace notes! Just so complete....not just eye candy. And the best feline since that Cheshire dude. Maybe better, even.

Okay....sorry....enough blathering. One final note to end on ...a high one, of course:


At 11:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn...I did have two more things to say. Quelle Frommage...

1) How COOL is it, on those rare moments where you suddenly think to yourself "Hang On, this is stop motion!" realizing that Coraline (and everyone else, of course) BREATHES!! She is ALIVE. I wanted to go dowsing with her...

2) Can't even claim longest drive--some group drove in from Arizona, across on I40. Claimed this was the closest 3D theatre for them to see Coraline at....good for them!

At 11:28 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Definitely sounds (and look) like the type of movie you'd need to see several times to apreciate the magic of the makers.

At 11:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should have also pointed out that, as near as I could tell, everyone in that rather large theatre was under ten years old for most of the movie, judging by the squeals of glee...intakes of breath....and general absorption into the film.

Nat--NOW I'm feeling vaguely guilty. Sigh. TRULY wish Danth had that teleport going, so we could whisk all of you over to see it here! Just isn't fair, really....

At 11:37 PM , Blogger vampi said...

omg, i really want coraline's sweater now. our theater wa sbusy, but i think that was just becaus eit was a friday. the weather was icky here, so i think that may have kept some people home.

jon said he waited in line to get our seats, but i just walked in (i was getting popcorn and drinks)

i took my coraline keys form hardees and attached them to my pigtails. i put pic sup on facebook in the fiend group.

i need to see the movie again. i got so distracted wither i was paying attention to the story or marveling at how the animation was so intricate and beautiful. i was also really intrigued by the other mother. as i was watching i kep thinking "oh this is my favorite part" but then the next scene would become my favorite part.

people took very young children to this movie, and while i don't think anyone was scared and had to leave, the kids were too young to pay attention, so were loud.

LOVED it. recommending it to everyone. amazing job.

At 11:37 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I must say I felt a little brought down when I saw that the date foreseen for the show in Italy was July. But I suppose I shall have to feel lucky if it does show at all in the end. And not bother at all if it is not in 3D or even if it is dubbed in Italian as it will most likely be.

At 11:47 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Marjorie - England's snow was just on our news.
I have to say it looked gorgeous. For those of you not on Twitter - we've just had our hottest day on record. Cool change has come in and its now beautiful

At 11:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Delurking to say that I dragged the family off to Coraline 3-D in the pouring rain, and we (the spouse, the 15 y.o. boy and 11 y.o girl and me) completely loved it. LOVED IT! One of the best moments was hearing my own small fabulous Lorraine (yes, truly her name) murmur, "Oh WOW!" at a scene early in the film. I can't tell you how many times she's listened to the Boss' audiobook but I think she loved the film every bit as much.

Thanks for such a lovely blog, Lorraine. I realized today I've been reading it since before you bought the Spooky House. Apologies for such a belated "hello."

At 11:57 PM , Blogger vampi said...

*sniff* brainz....

welcome to delurked status, there's no hiding again now :)

the rain today was really icky. and we almost went to the wrong theater. apparently there are 2 edwards theaters in Alhambra. ugh. luckily i noticed coraline wasn't listed on marquee so we looked and sure enough we were at the wrong one.

and i have decided, my absolutely fav part is when she corrects the neighbors about her name, and then bobinski says the mouses say her name right. i totally sympathize as my name was often "corrected" by others when i was young. (donielle)

At 2:59 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Am loving the reviews and pics and all of it. Might be able to go with family tomorrow (fingers crossed). Ticking box and disappearing again. Hope everyone is well.

At 3:18 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Hello guerilla girl!
Loved Kitty's blog and photos, and Maddy looked awesome - maybe she could do a guest blog (here or at BossBlog) about the premiere?

I'm so excited about seeing Coraline next week!

At 5:38 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Lorraine, you will be pleased to know that I slept on the couch last night so as not to disturb the exceedingly comfortably fluffcat draped across my torso.

He is, however, not allowed on the kitchen counters. He did help himself to potroast last night regardless of this restriction.

(Ghost flagrantly disregarded the rule as long as nobody was looking. Cats. And I still hear the Ghost ghost jumping up now and then. Do ghost cats go looking for the spirits of meals past?)

Coraline: gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Didn't get to see it in 3D, but the regular version was lovely. May trek to larger city south of here to see the 3D version. Got the (surprising) secret code, did the Dunks thing.

No longer stabby. Much. Went to bookstore before movie, came away with _Good Fairies of New York_ (already have Millar's _Lonely Werewolf Girl_), Rothfuss's big fat fantasy novel (read it already, liked it a lot, wanted to support the author, and also to reread it when the next one hits print), AND a copy of GYB with the shiny gold Newbery sticker on the cover.

That, plus Coraline, cured the stabbies. Now enjoying coffee and toast before getting to work.

Oh, and also, took two coworkers to see Coraline who wouldn't otherwise have gone. Both liked it.

At 6:06 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Good morning to Jess,
Writer of haiku comments.
Welcome to the day.

At 6:09 AM , Blogger dabbler said...

Morning Fiends. Cold today. Bah! Is supposed to go up to 40F. Stoopid weatherpeople, it's 9 am and 22F.

I'll believe it when I see it.

(no offense intended to any meteorologist fined or fiendly others.)

At 6:13 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, damn! I forgot I wasn't speaking to Jess. Rats.

At 6:34 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Good morning, Fiends!

Ariandalen, so sorry to hear about the House of Vomit. I hope all is well today.

Nathalie, I am sorry to hear you will have to wait for the film. And I'm sorry you have to read about all our happiness without seeing the film yourself.

Aleta, there actually was one thing in the Coraline film that bothered me a little too, but it was this one thing and nothing else, as the movie was otherwise perfect. I loved it so much.

My cousin wants to see it with me - she is twenty-five and was the one who introduced me to Boss when I was perhaps nine years old.

"Who is your favorite writer?" I asked her.

"I think ... Neil Gaiman," she told me, and then gave me Coraline for my tenth birthday, with a note inscribed inside, wishing me great joy in reading about Coraline's journey to the "Other Side". Four years later, I had it signed by Boss. As he turned the page to sign it, I said, "Oh, sorry, that's just something my cousin wrote." So now I've got this loving note from Cousin Jill and this other little note from Boss. I am a happy reader.

As a closing note, I am off to surprise a friend at her own book signing. She quite likes to have friends and family show up, just in case no one else does (even though they always do).

At 7:24 AM , Blogger Ian Ransom said...

GREAT news, Fiends. I don't want to scoop anyone, but I caught this just a few minutes ago via regarding Coraline's box-office, which we all know could mean life-or-death for the great team at Laika. Read on:

[The surprise third-place finisher is Henry Selick’s Coraline (Focus), based on Neil Gaiman’s Hugo Award winning novel. Riding a tidal wave of positive reviews (88% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes) and featuring state-of-the-art 3-D technology, the stop-action animated film has generated $4.2M in opening day sales, and it could reach $15.12M for the frame. That is well above the number that pre-release tracking suggested.

The film was made for a relatively hefty $60M, and the languid pace of digital conversion at America’s multiplexes means that there are only about 900 screens showing Coraline in 3-D with the other 1,400 or so in traditional 2-D presentation. Given the movie’s dark tone and the limited availability of 3-D, Focus will be thrilled with a $15M start.]

Awesome! This bodes very, very well. What a potential relief for the hard-workers at Laika, and what a great thing for everyone involved with Coraline. So thrilled to read this.



At 7:37 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Guerrilla Girl! Welcome! I am glad you de-lurked, and they are right, no going back now you are a Fiend!

Jake Ian, how cool is that????? Fingers crossed!!!!

Morning all, still sleepy and teaing.

At 8:09 AM , Blogger Ian Ransom said...

Happy teatime and warm wakings, Lorraine (and all fiends).

Yes, yes, yes--this is very promising news for Coraline and Laika. I would have gotten possibly depressed if Laika had been forced to fall by the wayside, after seeing the greatness I saw in the film yesterday.

It would have been a vile SIN.

The GREAT thing is that Coraline surprised by how well it performed, and, now that they have the initial data, they can project figures even more accurately.

Imagine how nicely it may do with a full weekend of kids away from school and EVERBODY eager to see some exceptional entertainment in these troubled times. Fingers crossed indeed.

My only gripe is that some families may not be able to afford current ticket-prices (and the kiddie-snacks), but the superb quality of Coraline should goad parents into making a worthy exception.

Basically, if Coraline is exceeding expectations in this economy, as a children's film, then that's all the greater testament to the job done by Laika. We need their talent around for a long, long time.

GOOD SIGN: A mother brought her two girls AND her infant (in carrier, no less!) to see the film yesterday--sat right in front of me. I was ~really~ worried about possible screaming-baby interruptions, but that was the quietest baby I've ever encountered. I had a chance to chat briefly with the mom and her daughters as we were leaving the theater, and the girls LOVED the movie. All excited 'bout it, including mom. She told me that she homeschooled her two daughters but gave them a day off and brought them to see Coraline because "the story shows that things you value are not to be taken lightly, even when you're a kid."

I should've included that with my blog review, but the review was long enough as it was. But how cool was THAT, to hear from a fellow audience member outside a theater?

Anyhow...thought I'd share, my own fingers tapping as madly as the other mother's. Sorry so wordy.


At 8:23 AM , Blogger vampi said...

so himelf tweeted this article and i can't help thinking, "i don't think i' recognize him in passing onthe street." do i lose my stalking fan membership now? honestly, i'm just not thinking about famous people, so i might at some point later go, hmm that guy vaguely looked like someone i know. but i highly doubt i would jut outright recognize him. now at a signing, of course i would know, because i'm actively thinking about him and looking for him.

morning ya'll. i totally need to see coraline again. the book and the movie are now a melted jumbled mess in my brain

At 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We bought our tickets for a Sunday showing of Coraline due to other family stuff going on. We shall go very early to get the best seats in the theater. Can't wait!!


At 9:21 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Exciting morning.

I was twittered by neilhimself, AND finished the first round of revisions of the now-titled unicorn short story/almost novelette. Long story. I don't want to post it online, but I will email it to any Fiends who want to take a look (and hopefully offer comments).

Now: shower, lunch, more coffee.

At 9:22 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, er, if you want to read it, you can email me at sarah dot goslee at gmail dot com

Obviously more coffee required.

At 9:27 AM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

*waves hello*

Have you guys seen this? Doctor Who/Coraline collision :-)

The sun is shining and it's actually in the high 50s F, the snow is almost gone. We're headed out to see Coraline at 2:15, I can't wait.

And I successfully walked all the way though a grocery trip - until the shot in the back Thursday I wasn't able to stand/walk more than 5 minutes without excruciating pain.

At 9:31 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

So although you still hurt, at least now you are mobile. Good thing. Are you getting pain killers?

At 9:34 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Phiala - sent you an email to your gmail account re: the story.

Good Morning, Fiends - I've walked, breakfasted, washed the car and cleaned the snow and critter food off the back deck. I'm weary. Off to make soup and then I'll be done for the day.

I think I dreamt of Coraline last night - it was good stuff.....

At 9:50 AM , Blogger Na said...

My son just said he'd like to see Coraline. Such an onerous request. Maybe I'll see it this weekend after all. :) It is on three screens, a total of nine showings, in a city of a million peeps. This seems limited, but I'm not sure.

Ticky box, running errands, then catching up with comments. Happy weekending, all.

At 9:51 AM , Blogger Siri said...

DG - So glad about the lessening of pain. I never mind pain, if I can't feel i.

Phiala - got your email. Now I have something to do this afternoon!

At 9:53 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Don't mind paid if I can't feel IT. Not I. Of course, if I can't feel I, I can't feel pain, either.

It's been one of those days - at breakfast with my BFF, as we lingered over our diet cokes, she looked at the line of people waiting and said "It's a good thing we aren't here now." While I knew what she meant, my first thought was "If we aren't here, where are we?"

We laughed like schoolgirls.

We are far from school girls......

At 10:29 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm still on a Coraline high. I forget who said that each scene was their favorite until the next one but i felt the same way. There were a couple of small changes to the story i could have done without but they didn't diminish the experience. The audience was great ... ben blurted out a couple of things starting with "The letters look real!" as the 3D started up. And then announcing some of the characters as they appeared. Not too bad though! There were some upset kids but i don't know if they were scared or tired.

It was fun to pass out the bugs. These tween girls in front of me excitedly took them and then i noticed that they didn't open them until the other mother eats the chocolate bugs--they saved them!!

Magical night.

At 10:39 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

JAKE IAN! you are so cool.
i want to know your secret sources....
good morning from POrtland, where the sun is valiantly trying to shine.
We are headed to VooDoo Donuts for a bite...

At 11:06 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Excellent news about the opening figures - hope some of the pressure is now off you and Boss.

No new snow today, and enought sunshine to thaw the ice on the road, so I was able to go see my friend and her (nearly) new baby. Feeling slightly broody now despite her have wailed at me almost the whole time!

At 11:17 AM , Blogger dabbler said...

Phiala, I emailed you. Would love to read your story/novella. May I also how it to my 17yr old daughter, who loves words and writes?

Did get warm here, after all. Sorry for my earlier whining! Sunny and 42...lots of slush. And I've seen a robin. there's hope.

At 11:22 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

All cool! ery nice indeed.

Kitty, Voodo Donuts???????? I don't much do donuts, but this sounds so up my alley!

Back home Bengaling for a bit. Did some Wi Outdoor Adventure with Mads this morning. (She is loving your comments about HER)

Forgot I have a gig tonight, OOPS!!! Good thing I remembered. Private party, playing with Bedlam. Ought to be fun. Lots of $$ anyway.

At 11:34 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Xander, Eden, and I saw it last night. I was confident that I would like it, but a little nervous about how Eden and Xander would receive it. Eden is a discriminating, thoughtful reviewer and Xander (a) loves Nightmare Before Christmas and wanted more of the same, and (b) gets scared by the most unpredictable things.

They both loved it! I loved it! Xander called it "so awesome" repeatedly as we left the theater. It was a wonderfully fun, exciting time.

At 11:38 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Fiends are, of course, awesome. I've sent out half a dozen copies of my unicorns to people willing to read it. I celebrated finishing the first longish piece of fiction I've completed in years by going out for sushi, and starting the next story. And buying a digital SLR camera, but that's entirely unrelated.

Don't tell anyone, but I'm eating my sushi with a fork because I forgot to pick up chopsticks...

At 11:43 AM , Blogger Ian Ransom said...

Kitty, thanks for Kudos. Intrepid digging does wonders, but I've also an industry background, before it became too painful to keep my iron in the maddening fire and I had to run, run, run for my life to dwell with the spiders and snakes and crusty ole outlaws in the heart of the San Andreas Fault (Palm Desert-Joshua Tree, CA). All my friends are mummies, now. They're informative and lots of laughs. One simply has to dust them off, from time to time.

BTW: *Superb* job w/ the Portland premier photo-blog. Much enjoyed.

At 12:17 PM , Blogger louisa said...

Evening fiends! Lovely catching up with all the Coraline comments, and very glad that I'll be seeing it in a week or I'd become a gooey green puddle of jealously. So much fun to live vicariously through the pics of Kitty and Chanterelle and Adri, thanks for posting! Also noticed that Joe Hill has blogged his Coraline love.

I adore the idea of spicy cauliflower brainz, must remember that for next Halloween and invite over my vegetarian friends.

Off now to watch Innocence.

At 12:19 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I could not go out shopping today so Cesare did that and he came back with TWO heads of cauliflower. So guess who's going to eat some spicy brains this week?

At 12:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not to kill all this food and love talk but Venus and Mim have decided to POOP in the basement! Just cleaned it all up, and installed more litter boxes down there.

My glamorous life!

At 12:36 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Nike Dunks one day, kitty poop the next. That's what keeps us getting out of bed each morning (or afternoon, as the case may be) - just to see what the Universe bestows.

Have a rockin' good time at the gig tonight Lorraine - good thing you remembered it now, rather than later.

Are your temps above freezing? I have the front door open, getting fresh air in - blowing the stink off the house, Ma used to call it.

At 12:37 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

came for the quiche, stayed for the cat poop......

At 12:38 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

yes, forgoe the gig - hope it is fun ;-)

At 12:46 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

The wee beasties' way to tell you "remember you are only human".

At 12:46 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

forgot. not forgoe

At 12:51 PM , Blogger Siri said...

"You are only human, and you are here to serve us. Serve Us."

At 12:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Perspective is a good thing, eh?

At 1:08 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Pa and I had that very conversation yesterday. He's had a bad cold, which had him saying that he didn't feel well. He didn't feel well, and had the right to complain. He had his annual physical yesterday, and to get to the office, had to walk past the office where people have dialysis. He decided his cold didn't matter. While he's right, compared to kidney failure, I told him that he could still complain about the things that weren't right in his life, as long as he realized how lucky he really was.

We both do.

At 1:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cat poop definitely gives you perspective.....the POV from the clean-up squat, at the very least :)

Have a grand gig, say 'Ola!' to Bedlam for me if you would!

Voodoo Donuts--as featured on Amazing Race, right? Looked TOTALLY cool.....

Jake Ian--alright now, lemons and mummies, your coolness quotient is going up so fast you may freeze solid in the desert sun!

At 1:48 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That voddo reminded me of this film...

At 1:48 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...


At 2:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the reviews sound fantastic and thoroughly deserved by everyone all round. It's also really wonderful (and doesn't hurt) that all the greatness is transformed into success in the box office.

All the photo's were truly wonderful and showed people really having a good time. I don't think there was one forced smile for the camera (or is that due to the consummate skill of the photographer?).

Maddy looked beyond awesome in her new frock. Full credit to her and anyone who helped her choose. I'm guessing she had a few followers of the young, gentlemanly persuasion that night!

At 2:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 13-year-old son and I got back from the movie a little bit ago. We both agreed that visually it was amazing (my favourite bit was the moon eclipse). The detail in every scene is truly amazing, the flowers, the house, the *everything* showed so much care and attention is wonderful to look at. I'm not a personal fan of 3-D because my eyes and brain get angry and hurt for several hours afterward, but at least this was pretty 3-D! I am too much of a purist to enjoy changes to an already practically perfect story, but I understand that that's what happens in this fallen world. I'm glad I had the time to see it, this first weekend, and I hope it truly excels all predictions!

At 4:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I'm trying not to brag here, but I just snagged an interview with one of THE people responsible for the success of Coraline!

And it is up on a new post!

At 6:23 PM , Blogger Uisge said...

I've officially admitted defeat (just this morning) on keeping the kitties off the counters. It's easier to change my behaviour than theirs. They just don't understand why I don't want them to lick the butter.


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