Thursday, February 05, 2009

Bee Movies?

Tonight is the Premiere of Coraline, as most of you probably suspect already and I think we do need to do a shout out to Boss and to everyone who made this movie happen.

I don't talk much about Boss, as this isn't the Boss Blog, but the Fabulous Lorraine blog, but I have to say to him, "Darn, I'm proud of you." He's been working so hard the last couple of weeks, the kind of hard that would have broke most people. I'm not sure what I will get back tomorrow, I am envisioning some sort of Puddle of Goo, but whatever it is, I'm glad it is coming.

Coraline tonight in Portland! Tomorrow, all over the country. Can't wait to hear your thoughts. I know, however, how you are going to feel, as you see, I have seen it. Twice. Your eyes will shine, your heart will be happy, and you will believe in Magic.

And then you will go and see it again.

Kitty has Portland Pics up already!! Including one of one of the most beautiful young ladies going!

Enough of movie premieres. Clearly there are more important things we need to speak on, like ME for instance and just how did I spend my day, for the most part?


I know, a little early? But it's never to early to start planning, and it WAS over 30 degrees for the first time in over a month, I believe. Felt like spring! No one, of course, wore a coat, and everyone who could worked outside. The lines at the car wash LOOKED like lines at a drive in movie premiere, (you can't wash cars under about 30 degrees) and people kind of danced as they walked along.

I, cleaned the chaos that was Bee World in the Garage.

It looked a lot like Nightmare on Bee Street, dead bees everywhere, dust, cobwebs, old frames everywhere, bits of hives, half combed bits, old wax.....Nothing was in it's proper place, with frame spacers, hive tools, smokers, and bits of tinder lying everywhere, along with dirty socks, old shoes, and water bottles.

And honey. Lots of honey. Lovely, sticky honey. All over everything.

Clearly a job for Bee Assistant.

Who clearly had NO idea how to go about this. Had to go into see Merry Housekeeper five or six times and ask "What gets up honey?" What do you dust with?" "How do you wash the floor?"

Finally she gave me a bucket with soapy water and a rag and told me to go off and play by myself, she had work to do.

Did my best, now at least when the Birdchick comes out next week to order our new Bees, we can see what we are working with and what we need.

It's never too early to get excited about Bees, I say.

Love, Movies, and Bees,


At 4:43 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Perfect time for a bee post, i just made myself a big cup o' blackberry honey tea w/ lemon to try to quell this throat goo monster attack.

re: boss and your work....Proud is an understatement!

At 4:45 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

OOh! I love it when i get first on things related to food...HONEY!!

It's destiny really.

My friend who has a 12 yr old told me that one of her daughters friends is a big Boss fan and when she was told I knew him i gained SOOOOOOO many cool tween points! hehe. Not sure how i can redeem those.

Off to check Kitty's blog.

At 4:47 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Fablo, You Rock!!
So does boss, what more can I say?

At 4:49 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

OOps, so does Kitty & The lovely young lady in the kitty pics!

At 4:49 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

This is the closest I've come to first in ages...

At 4:49 PM , Blogger Adri said...

So excited to see the movie tomorrow! My partner and I are going to try to catch a matinee (in 3d!), for we are old before our time and not interested in Friday night movie premier crowds. :D

Today I had five espressos in about as many hours and now feel all weirdly anxious and strung out. I wish I had done something as productive as clean up and organize a bee garage.

At 4:49 PM , Blogger mistressmousey said...

Dangit, now I want a fancy pink camera. And I don't even like that colour of pink. Kitty, is that seriously a medium format? It looks too small - or am I misreading something? Any way...

Yay! Movie! (bounce bounce)

mmm... honey (minus the dead bees, please)

At 4:52 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Definitely a shout out to Boss and Kitty and our Quiche is in huge order.

But instead, I give you all a Claw Under the Door!


Bee World looks really clean now… that's the after pictures, right? And no one wore a coat today? Well, I can see how that would happen after -15° and other madness like that. It's 60° and raining and I hurt from this level of cold and damp.

Um, can I take a break from Claw Under the Door to remind you about that jar of honey? ;)

At 5:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


Dead bees! Zombies. Damm. That is SO in my head now!

The honey kind of went weird, it''s sort of hard now, like spun honey, not gold and smooth, like honey honey. Not sure why it does that, we will have to ask the Birdchick.

DO check Kittys blog, and comment, she's got some GREAT shots up.

I need to stop working for a bit and go Bengal.

At 5:07 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

What the world
needs now
is bees
dead bees
they're the only thing
than regular zombies...

(I have no idea what you're talking about, Michelle! *mwah*)

At 5:08 PM , Blogger vampi said...

lalala checkbox. i'm scared to start my drive home as it has started raingin here, and rain in lala-land is like a blizzard everywhere else. people FREAK OUT. i look out over 6th street and i've seen lots of flashie lights and traffic.

i was juts going to ask what happens to the bees duringhte winter, i guess i have my answer, zomBees. if you put the honey back to room temp, won't it go back to normal honey viscosity? i know boy once putt he olive oil inthe fridge, and it took a few hours for it to become oil again.

wish me luck on my way home

At 5:09 PM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

You really should have taken a before picture. Not that all that work and the lovely results aren't impressive. Sounds like you wanted to get away from the phone and email for a little while!

You should see if Kitty can snag an extra key for you.

And you should be as proud of the work you do as the work he does - you take care of the stuff that would take him away from doing what he does. He can handle getting from point A to point B, doing interviews, and all the stuff he's been doing these last few weeks because you and Kitty are there to take care of how he gets there, who he talks to when, and making sure there's at least 5 minutes in his schedule to sleep.

Because you are excellent at your job, he can be excellent at his.

At 5:24 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Q, Kitty, and Boss of Both: You all inspire me in so many ways. Mostly you make me want to work harder at the things I love. What a wonderful world to have been able to peek into these past few months. I am feeling love and joy and the sort of creative energy that makes the world go round all coming from your work.

Bees! Fod. Any updates you make about bees -- even about cleaning up the bee center -- touches some deep part of my heart. I don't understand what it is exactly that makes the bee tales resonate so deeply for me but thank you so much for exposing me to this wonderful wee bee world.

Seems like cleaning up the bee stuff would be a rather nice change of pace from dealing with airlines and schedules and all of that sort of crazy stuff.

At 5:29 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Fablo is QUEEN of assistant. That I know. Pagent?? No, not good enough.. why honey goes to thick sugary stuff, i dunno, and how to keep it from doing that?? I mean one can only eat ,drink & share so much. Coraline.... smile.... what a great beginning to a weekend. Dan guy, click on kittys link for pink camera info.

At 5:30 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Fablo is QUEEN of assistant. That I know. Pagent?? No, not good enough.. why honey goes to thick sugary stuff, i dunno, and how to keep it from doing that?? I mean one can only eat ,drink & share so much. Coraline.... smile.... what a great beginning to a weekend. Dan guy, click on kittys link for pink camera info.

At 5:31 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Fablo is QUEEN of assistant. That I know. Pagent?? No, not good enough.. why honey goes to thick sugary stuff, i dunno, and how to keep it from doing that?? I mean one can only eat ,drink & share so much. Coraline.... smile.... what a great beginning to a weekend. Dan guy, click on kittys link for pink camera info.

At 5:40 PM , Blogger Ian Ransom said...

Well done on all counts. I'm happy to simply report that honeybees did return, in force, this past spring to buzzle and zuzzle 'round my lemon tree as it blossomed. They had been eerily scarce the year before. Disturbing, for lots of reasons.

Kudos to you and your Boss and all who help produce art of quality and soul these days, in all media. I'm seeing Coraline at 1:15 PM tomorrow afternoon. Childishly giddy and loving it.

Me, a pack of tooth-rotting Red Vines, in the dark, watching Selick interpret Gaiman. Doesn't get any better. I hope it's a smash and will be back with thoughts when thoughts have been thunk. Cheers, Lorraine and sundry Fiends.

At 5:50 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

it is SPOTLIGHT CITY out the window, we just had the maid pop in for turndown service and she said "may i look out your window?" and Boss is all sweet giving her the lowdown on what is happening downstairs at the premiere theater. Man of the people!
Yes, Quiche, he may be a puddle of goo, but MAddy will keep him together on the plane....
love love!

At 5:50 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Thirty degrees?! And to think I'm always preaching about how we Rhode Islanders shouldn't complain because those in MN have it below zero ... but nooooo, we get fifteen degrees here and you get THIRTY.

(tiny sob) I want to be you.

On the brighter side of things, I just saw Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central. "Bravo, Newbery."

I can't stop laughing.

At 6:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I should have taken a before pic, but didn't have my camera and didn't know Merry Housekeeper had one. Trust me, it was a mess.

SO exciting to know all this is going on, spotlights! I am SO glad Kitty gets to be there.

The reviews are so good, this is such a happy nigtht for so many people! Maddy bought the cutest dress, the kid has some STYLE going on!

Jake Ian, I do ency people who have leon trees and can pick lemons. I can on mine, did today , but the poor thing is in a pot, so it can't get very big, but it TRIES. Only it's confused, and sort of blossems and fruits randomly thu out the year...

At 6:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like my movies news like I like everything -- COVERED IN BEES!!! I am so happy for you, Q, and for Miss Kitty and that all of your hard work on behalf of your nice boss is getting some good recognition. You are ALL beyond amazing.

Your honey sounds like it might have crystalized. Try warming it up in a double-boiler type thing and see if it gets golden again. But I'm so not a cook and I might just be really really wrong. :-)

At 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

(tiny haiku detour -- I had my 9th grade advisory, which meets in a "classroom" that used to be an administrator's office (!!), working on haikus about our class, and here is my favourite:

a room that is small
can be so loud or quiet
but it's mostly loud...

At 6:35 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Oh my, Edit?? LOL!

At 6:36 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ahhh, finally able to comment after diverting to Kitty's blog and phone calls.

I think you, Kitty and Boss are all awesome. What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been.
Go Team Gaiman. What a trippy experience this must all be for Boss.

And Maddy - doesn't she just get more and more gorgeous.

Bees - Like Aleta, I love hearing about them. Really looking forward to when the hives get active again.

At 6:39 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hey did you guys ever figure out how that fancy extractor thingy works? Last I remember hearing it was a bit puzzling. Or did I dream that.

Spotlight City. Fun. So cool that your hotel is right there.

I did not know that you could actually grow a lemon tree in a pot indoors.

Mention of Maddy's style reminded me -- one of the things my Maddie loved about Coraline was her fashion sense as it was very much like her own!

Images of humans playing Claw Under the Door and Zom-bees are now in my head doing a fun and spooky dance.

At 6:44 PM , Blogger Ian Ransom said...

Lorraine, it's great that you've got a tree that bears fruit. Not easy, w/ lemon varietals. Mine's huge (18ft.), but then again I didn't plant it; it came with the property and this kind of lemon tree (Meyers) grows pretty well in the SoCal desert. Murderously thorny, but when those blossoms are at peak...the fragrance is something else. It thrives in the heat, as long as it gets regluar water and fertilized once every other month.

It's a bit insane--the bees are responsible for pollinating it and, since they were AWOL last year, I worried about even getting a season's crop of lemons. They grow and fall by the hundreds from August through November, but it's still hot in Palm Springs throughout that time, so...perfect conditions. I'll sit for a full hour every evening squeezing and straining the day's "drop" until my hands are numb and burning. I freeze most of the concentrate, but otherwise make ~gallons~ of lemonade all summer, infused with fresh rosemary from the garden (incredibly refreshing) and I put lemon into everything remotely edible (incredibly desperate). Then I freak out when I run out of space to store lemons and/or people upon whom I can foist lemons. A friend said to me this summer: "Wow. I never had anyone give me a big bag of lemons as a dinner-party gift before. Are you trying to tell me something?" She was ~sorta~ kidding, but I guess she had a point. Had a funny look in her eye. Maybe it was that third martini she was working on, but I dunno. I've offered to mail friends boxes of lemons and have been politely refused every time. I can't stand to see them rot on the ground; I may be *just* a little uptight about my lemons. Ya think? (sigh).

At 7:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Love the Haiku! sleep, perchance to dream...of coming Spring.

At 7:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fiends will descend in JIR en masse, hands out for bags o' lemons.

Yummmmmmmmmm................I do predict.

At 7:13 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Did any Fiends see the front page of the Life section of USA Today today?

At 7:17 PM , Blogger dabbler said...

The entire Boss and support team deserves to feel immensely proud. Hoorah for doing what you love and having the world recognize it as wonderful!

And I'll add my honey .02...cold causes crystallization, reversible by heat. Just setting in a pan of warm water, or over a heat vent will probably do it.

At 7:18 PM , Blogger dabbler said...

Very long day, finally got to read the post and comments...but not much brain.

Except, Jake Ian, I would happily receive box of lemons in season...and even pay postage!

At 7:19 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Honey and lemons!

Honey crystallizes sometimes when it sits for a while. Heating it will melt it. You can microwave small batches.

At 7:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Em! I found it....that's cool!

And, to save others a little time, try this.

At 7:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I never got to the paper today, but I can bet I know what's there!

JAKE IAN! If you send me Lemons I will share Boss's secret Lemon Syrup for making Lemonade recipe with you! It's what we do with ours, maybe once a year or so...If we get enough.

You can grow wee ones in pots, put them out in the summer, they go NUTS!

I'll try that with the honey...

Sees are special kind of earth magic, if that doesn't sound too new agey...It's true. You are very close to something very, of the earth, I guess.

And there is Nothing like hand feeding bees with your bare hand. Nothing.

Has anyone read Clan Apis?

At 7:26 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jake Ian, now you can go into the Lemon Business! I had a friend once in LA who had a lemon tree, they were the BEST!!!!!!!!

Checking this USA today....

At 7:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps I should have labeled the link better! Try the link in my post above, Lorraine!

At 7:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Very funny in USA today, don't think they GOT it and they are going to feel very silly.

It ought to be noticed that I , having seen this movie twice, did not notice at any point Coraline's real mother cleaning, contrary to the article which says she spends her time that way.

At 7:32 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh thanks Emily! That USA Today review is great!

At 7:36 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Boss is tweeting the red carpet.

You all probably knew that.

At 7:36 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I seem to have missed the part in USA today about cleaning?

I must be dreaming again!

At 7:38 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I'm a little sad that I'll be Coralining all alone, and I don't think in 3-D. None of the ads here mention 3-D, but I'll try it. May have to go to the mega theater, rather than the cozy one.

Whimper at being the only mid-Iowa fiend, and whimper at being so blasted tired again. I wanna play with fiends more, but my eyes won't have it.

Zombees - I giggle.

(PS - thanks for the hint from somebody that if you preview your comment the 1st time you log on to blogger in a day that when you come back the clicky box is there. This way, I don't have to think of 2 things to say.)

(PS 2 - Sorry Emily for your cold weather, but we deserve above freezing. It was only about 40 here, but I was in short sleeves and left my coat in the car after lunch. We are an odd group.)

Night Fiendom.

At 7:47 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I really ought to have included a link to the article, but I'm not very good at posting links!

I think I am off to bed now. It is late and I need energy for two library storytimes tomorrow and then Coraline. Sitting in the cinema requires little energy but a lot of alertness.

There's a little thing on my blog about how excited I am to be taking William to see Coraline - and about how it was such a turning point for him to read it. As excited as I am to see this movie, William is probably more excited than I am. He thinks Coraline is just the coolest book I've read to him, and he can't wait to see it brought to life as a film.

Well. Time for bed. So glad I saw the Colbert thing. Simply riotous.

Good-night, Fiends.

At 8:09 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Tomorrows blog will obviously be asking only one question....

Magic sniffed me twice, and got really playful! He lay on his Ottoman and ROLLED with the caught feather stick feathers.

He viewed Venus and MEWED!!!!!!!!! She hissed. Door closed. More claws under the door tho.

At 8:12 PM , Blogger El said...

Oh my goodness, fiends, it's been a long bad week but you all make me smile.

Now I have a question. I'm entertaining my parents this weekend. They are adventurous people, we want to eat out and enjoy ourselves.

So. Indian? Sushi? Something else? Thai is out because even though my brother and parents love it, I have a sensitivity to peanuts.


At 8:15 PM , Blogger Na said...

I agree, all of Team Gaiman deserve kudos! And rest.

I might get to see Coraline next weekend - hope it does very well this weekend.

Bees have always had a very special place in my heart, too. Hee hee - drones are already practically zom-bees!

I love Clan Apis. :) It's wonderful to read something that's entertaining and scientifically accurate and spiritually inspiring. I started reading it to my son once, eager to share it with him, but he was so upset when the older bee dies, I knew we couldn't finish it, not 'til he's older.

Off to read links, tick the box, and dream of lemons. Coincidentally, have been enjoying lemonade today, a splurge from the health food store.

At 8:17 PM , Blogger Na said...


At 8:24 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hi El! It is almost Friday. Yay.

I have not been there in a long time but I have always loved this Kurdish place and Everest on Grand is a fun Tibetan place.

At 8:28 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sorry you had a bad week, El, and glad you are here with us now.

Don't know much about Twin Cities food, but Sakura for Japanese and It's Greek to Me for Greek, and I will eat anywhere if it is Indian.

Oddly enough, Maddy requested Indian, a curry, for dinner tomorrow night when she and Boss get home, so I get to COOK tomorrow.

At 8:35 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Loving the last posts chatter. Behind on this post. Coming back for the Quiche.

Shower, then bed. ::sigh:: I'll catch up tomorrow.

(I closed my eyes when I previewed. If I'd seen ANY of the comments, my good intentions would have gone down the drain.)

Nighty night you glorious fiends!

At 8:46 PM , Blogger El said...

Aleta, I think you have won the prize! Tibetan food sounds delightful. Looking at the menu made me hungry.

Although... if you're cooking, Q, and it's as good as your bacon and eggs, perhaps I'll bring the family 'round for some curry.

I kid. :P

I'm glad Magic is so playful. I bet he's growing more bold by the day.

At 8:52 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i soooooo want lemons honey and indian food, not necessarily together.

i have been dying for some lemons. we were walking my coworker's dog and we walked past this tree with a ton of lemons. it smelled so amazing. mmmmmmm.

i've only ever had honey form the bear bottles, so i'm going to assume that honey from bees you keep yourself is way tastier. also the whole pride form having taking care of bees and processed honey must make it taste sweeter.

At 9:13 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I do have to say I cook Indian food rather well. Boss got tired of my sadness at the lack of Indian in this part of the world, and bought me cookbooks, so now I cook it.

Magic IS getting much more bold, he comes out every time I go in, and today when I cleaned the little, he stayed out.

At 9:13 PM , Blogger Adri said...

I just looked this up for a friend, and thought some of you might find it handy as you chat with your parent friends about Coraline as well.

FabLo's writeup on 'is Coraline too scary for kids'

At 9:17 PM , Blogger TommyB said...

Yay honey! I took up homebrewing last year- now you have me thinking I should try a batch of mead. hmmmm

Looking forward to Coraline- we probably won't get to it until Saturday at the earliest (if at all this weekend- very busy).

As for eating out in town- I'm partial to India Palace myself (Roseville and Maplewood)- and Punch is always good. yes it's pizza, but I wouldn't even classify it as the same dish you get in the Hut.

Further west, there is a pretty good Turkish place on Highway 12 just past 494- Istanbul.

At 9:22 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi TommyB and welcome! Now you are out , you are going to have to come to my B'day party, yes??? Anyone who knows good food is WAY welcome...

Thanks Adri! I do hope that helps people, I thought a lot writing it.

At 9:30 PM , Blogger TommyB said...

Oh yes- I have informed the Wife that this is our plan for next Friday.

Speaking of Indian and cookbooks- have you tried any by Raghavan Iyer? We got his "660 Curries" and it totally rocks!

He used to do Community Ed classes in St Paul, and we were lucky enough to catch one by chance. Still haul out those recipes when we really want to impress someone.

At 9:38 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yea! Will be very nice to meet you both! Havn't heard of that cook book yet, but oh yes, will....

You will meet a lot of Fiends that night I am thinking..

I am for sleep, my dears, chatter me some love to read in the night.

At 9:49 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hey tommyb (aka nice guy, aka tom) so glad you guys will be out for the big bday bash! Saddly no laser lady as she will be honeymooning in Costa Rica. (where it is warm). Will see who else we can round up!

Night fiends!

At 9:52 PM , Blogger TommyB said...

Hey! I said "no more Mr Nice Guy"! Remember?

Ah heck. I give up.


At 10:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lorraine; Oh, how you've made me miss It's Greek to Me! What a GREAT restaurant! Better than the Greek restaurants in SF, too.

Nice Guy aka Perfect Tommy (okay, I'm a Buckaroo Banzai geek): Yes, Mead! You should definitely do this. Just sayin'

Very sad day here in NM; some evil people obviously didn't treat their Pit Bulls said pack o' pit bulls got out of their pin and mutilated six Alpacas (one unborn.) sigh....sadness....Alpacas and Pit Bulls all euthanized. Pit Bulls don't get that way by accident.

At 10:13 PM , Blogger TommyB said...

The Deuce you say!


Sad about the Pit Bulls. If you really want to know someone, look at their pets. Because that's what they do when they think no one's watching.

At 10:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PT! I'd kiss you, but I think that watermelon over there (tho not important right now) is watching....

Thank you for the sympathetic vibe, however. Watching the news kinda sucked tonight, to be really blunt.

Tomorrow will be much better..I don't really like 10 year old mini humans that much, but borrowing them for Coraline and then giving them back when done has great promise. They are VERY bright younguns....

At 10:22 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

RE: Mead. Hubby makes awesome beer and has made quite a few batches of's great. And it changes and morphs over time. The longer it ages, the more it ferments away sugar and gets dryer and effervescent. I say go for it...I think it's 12lb honey + 5 gal. water? Not sure though. He's tried things with cardomom and orange and mulling spices and our favorite has always been the straight up honey.

I need to make more indian food. Madhur Jaffrey books were my favorite but they went away with old housemates (well, they *were* their's) and i never bought my own. Need to do that...and get a larger kitchen because i recall using alllll the burners and pans in the kitchen!

Is that what you'll cook for us in June Q? I'll do frittata, you do Indian? :D

At 10:24 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

OH yeah, forgot to say good night. My cold kicked by bootie today, must get sleep.

so, 'night all.

At 11:38 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Yeah! Claw under the door! *pounce*
Ooh... Zombees

Speaking of which, Yes Boss will be one of these when he finally stumbles home. I have visions of Maddy suporting him (bit like Antigone supporting her blind father).

No Coraline for me. Not for months if ever, alas. :(

Ian, have you tried to make lemon curd? That is smile on scones.
(Weird. I meant to write "that is nice on scones" instead. But It's quite cute with a smile too).

Lemon and honey is what I am having. It does wonder for my throat right now.

At 11:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have found RealD 3D theatres (presumably most of which are showing Coraline) in Sioux City, Davenport, Cedar Rapids and (the most, of course) in Des Moines.

Are any of these near enough to you?

Hope it allows you to do it by map selection, then gives you actual addresses and phone numbers of theatres so that you can call them directly to verify.

Good luck, and have fun!


we only love you for your Lemons.

*jk* But you do make them sound ever so loverly.......

At 11:53 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Bees and honey. MMMmmmmmmm. You already had the advice about warming the honey to de-crystallise.

Lemons -wonderful. JIR - don't suppose it would be practical to ship them for europe...
I've only ever seen them growing (ripe) in Turkey - so sad to see them (and oranges) lying rotting on the ground. (Saw the trees oin Spain & Morrocco too, but the fruit wasn't ripe)

Curry sounds yum! MAybe you can post your favourite recipie on the fiends cookbook facebook thread.

Bought my tckets for June yesterday Yay!

At 3:48 AM , Blogger louisa said...

NPR Books We Like - Sandman 4

Morning Fiends ::waves::

Dead bees brings a drunken Manny to mind I'm a lonely soldier...

At 4:01 AM , Blogger Phiala said...


After a remarkably long effort to figure out where Coraline was playing (bad websites, "We're sorry we don't have showtimes for that theatre" and suchlike), I have finally figured it out. Only one theatre is showing Coraline. The 3d theatre is not, and apparently won't be.

And worst of all, my preferred theatre is not showing Coraline, AND the website prominently displays, "Digital 3D Technology to be installed in time for Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience"

Oh boy... *pout*

At 4:04 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Coraline Day!!! Morning Fiends. I"m going to be late for work now. Sigh.

Lys - should be 3D at the theater I'm going to, but ads haven't said so. I'll just go and see.

Nat - I'll pretend you are watching CLine with me - and when I get home I'll tell you all about it!

At 4:51 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I love "Clan Apis".

At 6:21 AM , Blogger Amy said...

I'll be there for birthday fun next Friday. =) Yay!

I'm so excited about Coraline. I'll be driving into Minneapolis to see it in 3D sometime this weekend. Wheeeee! And you all have no idea how huge that is, for me to be excited about a movie enough to actually go see it right away rather than wait until its out on DVD. Much less add a bit of a drive. (Other than a couple of movies friends dragged me along to go see, the last one I watched in a theater was Return of the King.)

At 7:05 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Have you guys seen this already? NY Times on Coraline:

At 7:30 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Jess, thank you for linking - I did get as far as the corner shop this morning but they didn't have the Grauniad :-(

Erin, I love the opening para of that review.

At 7:37 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Still no time to catch up, argh!

But I had to share:

Hear Bobinskys call,
The Coraline launch is nigh.
Button-up your eyes.

At 9:06 AM , Blogger TommyB said...

Lysandwr: just to close the loop here:

Use more honey! Find out what she knows!

See how everything works out?

At 9:34 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Off to see Coraline in 3D with DD2!

At 9:45 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning Fiends! All my little fires are out, so I can take a moment to bid you good day.

On the curry, ack, could never write out how I do it. Indian, and all cooking perhaps, is so intuitive for me. I learned the tricks from Madhur Jaffrey's books and one called "Indian Restaurant Cookery at home"

The Madhur Jaffrey are really good, and it seems involved, but she lays it out step by step, and most of the recipes kind of follow the same pattern, once you get it, it's great.

As far as cooking in June, we'll have to start figureing things out soon, I'll do a blog and we can get some ideas. Selfishly, I want you all to cook for ME, hee-hee. I never get cooked for.

At 9:49 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That's okay, dear, I think we all want to cook for you (at least I do).

At 9:50 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Lorraine - you're on!! I love to cook for people and I'll cook as many things as asked of me. I'm heading to England for a week in march, after that i can think about june :) I can't plan multiple trips at a time--i need a FabLo!

At 9:57 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fods, just with the two of you, I am set!

My thanks!

At 10:00 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Cool, i should chop too much, it's the part of cooking that kills my wrists.--i do love it though.

At 10:03 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I volunteer to be a designated eater.

So... we have a weekend picked out, but are there any definite dates or other plans yet? I have much going on that week and this will require logistical planning that is very nearly Lorraine-worth. The sooner I can start, the more likely it is to work out. I think.

At 10:10 AM , Blogger vampi said...

lol. top fiend chef...awesome. so lorraine is padma, who's Tom and Toby? i can't imagine any fiend is as bad with imagery as toby is. maybe someone can be the anti-toby.

morning ya'lltonight is coraline!!!!!!0ne!!!! squeee

At 10:12 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

OMG, can't toby just comment on something without it being metaphor or whatever the proper term for his BS is?!?! I haven't watched this week's yet...maybe today over lunch.

At 10:38 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Got a new recipe up on FoodPorn before I had to head out to my appointment. Last night's dinner :)

check ya later dudes.

At 10:43 AM , Blogger Fluffy said...

I'm just here for the quiche, lemons, magic and honey!

Jake Ian, I will pay for some lovely lemons to ship to Texas when you have more! Plus I NEED the lemon syrup recipe. The raw honey we get here from the local Romanian priest's hives ("Father's Honey") tends to crystallize but it does melt when heated, and I generally just use it crystally because it's fine.

Phiala, you are right about movie theater websites. I have three 3-D theaters within 15 minutes of the house and couldn't find which of them were showing Coraline until this week. Psssh. Or is it Pffffft?

Now the teenage daughter has ze cold and I'll have to go tomorrow by myself instead of tonight with A Valid Excuse by my side.

Wow, Jess! I never even thought about cooking any of the recipes from the Nanny Ogg book! Brilliant!

And I'll be glad to cook in June! What are my specialties? Shepherd's Pie, Fresh Fruit Salad and Tuna Casserole. Okay, I do grown-up food too. And cakes. Just give me an assignment and I'm all over it. DH and I do good crepes, now that I think of it. We made a stacked crepe and salmon appetizer once that was amazing.

Woot! Just for the heck of it.

At 10:46 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Jess! Haha! You're making me think "Hell's Kitchen."

Cooking? June? Food? Hmmmmmm....... I'm excellent at pouring wine and grocery shopping.

At 11:05 AM , Blogger mistressmousey said...

Oh yeah? Well I'm only here for the zomBees. ;)

At 11:12 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

I think I shall specialise in cake and dessert ;-)

At 11:19 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Jess, and don't #*($#@ forget to #$($&#@! with a Scottish $(#&$^@ accent.

;-) I love Gordon Ramsey. Watching his shows is my guilty %&#$*#@! pleasure.

At 11:28 AM , Blogger Na said...

I probably should join Phiala in the designated eater/taster corner. My cooking tends to be - what ingredients do I have on hand, and what oils and spices might taste good with them? 'Though recipes work, too.

I love all the bee talk. At the risk of being new-agey some more: I usually think "air" with bees, 'cause o' the flying. Earth magic makes lovely sense, though - I guess on account o' the honey?

At 11:30 AM , Blogger Na said...


LOL. Y'all owe $$ for the swear jar. ;)

At 11:50 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Who's a foul mouthed yahoo, then?

At 12:12 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Are we only allowed 1 foul mouthed yahoo at a time? Becasue if so, I think it should be on a rota

At 12:14 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Why only one? It's not a game of Highlander...

At 12:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


I seem to have fallen in among miscreants!


As far as Top Chef goes, we can have Padma and Tom but not that icky British guy. I know he is meant to be funny, but it doesn't work, and I simply won't have him!

At 12:17 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

just checking ;-)

At 12:18 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh man this day is just whizzing past me! Yicks.

You fiends make me laugh and smile all day. Hee.

Of possible interest to local fiends: I am going to see Coraline at Rosedale rather than Southdale this evening (6:50 show). Hope all going with the Dr. Wicked crowd have a great time! I just have to save some time by staying closer to home.


At 12:18 PM , Blogger vampi said...

so would dreadval's show be more hell's kitchen then?

At 12:19 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

fallen amoung miscreants?? But we follow you Doesn't that mean you are Head Miscreant?

At 12:26 PM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Marjorie, I have a feeling we're going in circles, if L has fallen in with us and we in with her!

I'm getting dizzy.

At 12:28 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I'm so dizzy my head is spinnin'

Like a whirlpool it never ends...

Did I sing that outloud?

At 12:30 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

the dizzy - do you think it could have travelled back in time and caused me to break bits of my household all day, one egg at a time?

At 12:33 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Dread Val's cooking show plus the assorted Top Chef characters plus designated eaters and drinkers -- sounds really crazygreat!

At 12:43 PM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Nathalie, I love that song. I just started an Edith Piaf inspired station on my Pandora Radio.

At 1:00 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i'd like to be a token drinker as well. i'm good at very basic things, an nothing i'm all the proud off.

and did anyone else get a weird call today? i just got one from mr bobinski.

At 1:04 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Um, do you REALLY think it's a good idea if Dread Val COOKS?

I was thinking she ought to be in charge of a different area, something more in her line?

Chantrelle and Nathilie are Top Chefs.

(I am going to make Chantrelle in charge of ALL cooking decisions , as she is very orginised, and can look like the other mother when she wants to, but don't TELL her yet)

WHERE this is all happening is a conundrum too...

At 1:11 PM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

It's Fiendcon 2009!

At 1:16 PM , Blogger Na said...

Truth is, I tend to swear a lot, but not so creatively as Jess. ;) If we had an actual swear jar in the house, we might as well label it Kids' College Funds.

At 1:17 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Can't be a Con, Vampi, I don't do them well.

What did we name it?

No Paloozas either!

At 1:18 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Something Fayre.
I think it was Lys who nailed it last time.

At 1:21 PM , Blogger Na said...

Marjorie - sounds like you need to make a shamble...

At 1:29 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Lolith Fayre? Although I'm still holding out for Fiendstock..

At 1:31 PM , Blogger Na said...

Dan had something set up on fb, with a tentative name, but now I can't find it... Dan, was it an event, or a page? Or did you take it down? FiendFest, maybe it was?

Snow! We've got snow again, after a week of thaw. At least it looks prettier.

At 1:36 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Na, I'll give it a try

At 1:36 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 1:40 PM , Blogger vampi said...

quiche traveling zombee and bengal side show

At 1:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No one called ME!!!!!!!

How quickly they forget...

At 1:44 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Fablo, maybe they just thought you didn't need reminding?

At 2:00 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Claw Under the Door!

At 2:10 PM , Blogger vampi said...


At 2:16 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I'm sorry, I have to be excused from work because I am TOO STABBY to stay here any longer. Please let me know what code to use on my timesheet.

And also, I'm not speaking to Jess any more because she made my brain hurt. A lot. And you really don't want to know.

But I have Coraline tix, and that will not be stabby at all. Except maybe in a good way.

At 2:30 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

"Coraline, cures all known stabbiness"

At 2:32 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Just listening to the news.. " is frozen ice..."

I'm disappointed now I wasn't listening to the earlier part of the report, which was presumably about the non-frozen sort.

At 2:36 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, I have been fairly aware these past couple of weeks that Coraline does in fact come out today.

Dread Val is back and playing Claws Under The Door.

(no one should tell her about our worries regarding her cooking. She gets to drink and be in charge of that, she will be happy)

Mistress, don't be stabby, and I think you should just hurt Jess's brain right back.

"Frozen ice" hee-hee. Wacky Brits.

At 2:49 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

My cat Binky doesn't want us to be bored when we're in the bathroom so she plays Claws Under The Door. I am thinking of promoting her to The Dread Binky. It has a ring to it.

Phiala, hope you feel less stabby soon. I believe feeling stabby is allowed by law, but the act is strictly prohibited on the local and federal levels.

If Binky is going to be Dread Binky, then what title should I give her sister Peaches? I don't want to show favoritism.

At 2:53 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i feel like a princess bride joke need so to be inserted here...

At 2:55 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

you *said* that, but did you mean it?

At 2:57 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

As you wish...

At 2:58 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Catching up with comments while listening to Edith Piaf - brilliant idea Nathalie
I am SO jealous of all of you seeing Coraline right now
*pouts* Two months to go for us.

Em, we are literally living in hell here today. Not poking any part of my body outside.

Jess, you're lucky, just a paw under the door when you're in the bathroom. Tysie demands to be in with you.

At 3:01 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Too right, Quiche! As long as I can drink while I cook, it will all be good. I'll wear The Corset (for fundraising purposes, you understand), and it'll all be fine.


Just keep my glass full, or it'll be..

Claws Under the Door for you!


At 3:14 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Claws under the door.
No bengal could ask for more!
Violent yet safe.

At 4:05 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Oh buggery bollocks, i'm sooo not organized! But i can swear, drink and cook simultaneously (i use brit-swearing to make it a little safer for 4 yr old ears)...of course we're going to UK in a month, that could backfire.

Looking for a place to stay in Hove in march...and one night by Heathrow. We were going to stay w/ my friend but their place is tiny and we'll give them their space w/ the new baby. I get SCREWED every time i stay in london so if there is a recommendation from anyone for a place by heathrow that won't bleed me dry and doesn't totally suck, I'd love it.

At 4:06 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

OH! i got my coraline figures that i ordered in the mail today. 3 boxes w/ ghost children, coralines, cats, other mother, bobinski and wybie. theyr'e great!

At 4:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Uh, Fluffy?

What is this:

"My cat Binky doesn't want us to be bored when we're in the bathroom so she plays Claws Under The Door."

You can't possibly mean you keep your cats out of the bathroom when you are in there doing fun and interesting things. For one, they would not stand for it, and for 2

Well, I do work in animal rescue and we have removed animals for cruelty and abuse before, and placed them in proper loving homes.

I am going to assume you were joking, and would never dream of keeping a cat out of ANYWHERE it wanted to be, and that henceforth, you will be a good servant to your Overkitty.

(Dogs of course do NOT get to be in the bathroom, or anywhere else you don't want them to be, obviously. They do as they are told)

At 4:12 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Sigh... I feel like such a slacker... I just can't keep up with the comments these days.

anyway... I keep seeing lots of GREAT reviews for Coraline and I will be going to see it tonight!!! WOOT

Wish you could all be there too

At 4:22 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

In other mother outfit...ben is putting on his wybie outfit. We head to pick up other father in a few minutes.

At 4:23 PM , Blogger mistressmousey said...

Peek-churz Pleez!

At 4:26 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh Yes, Chantrelle, Pictures!!!!

I just added the cauliflower to the curry. It now looks like a big pot of simmering brains. How perfect for Boss to come home to!!!!!!!!!!

At 4:26 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

You are so right Lorraine.
Dogs don't want to go in the bath usually, because the B*A*T*H is there.

Unless their name is Mulder, then they want to be in the bath, all the time, unless it IS time for a shampoo.

Where Tysie keeps trying to be at the moment is the freezer. Our new fridge is an upside down one, and she seems fascinated by the freezer drawers.

At 4:28 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mim loves the dryer. I am terrified that I am going to Dry her some day...

I'm waiting for Kitty to get her new post up so I can link to it again, she has tons of last night photos!

If you send me photos of you tonight, going to Coraline, I will post them too!

At 4:30 PM , Blogger mistressmousey said...

Curried cauliflower is one of my favourite Indian things to eat! Never thought of it as 'brains' before. Maybe if I describe it that way, Allistair will try them. :)

At 4:34 PM , Blogger Annie said...

I've managed to talk my brother into going to Coraline with me so I don't have to go alone (and then he can drive!)....two hours!

At 4:40 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

hey fiends! I am in the theatre. Starting to fill up. In some ways it is odd that I felt the need to see this again today. But I am excited to see it with a regular audience. Also really want to see it do well first weekend. Doing my part. Wee!

At 4:44 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

it's tonight, it's tonight, it's tonight!!! squeeee! got me tickets & me & el are ready to go to the 955pm show! Can't wait!

At 4:49 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Ms. Fabulous, Queen Empress of us all, did seem to like "Fiendom Come 2009" as a name for our gathering. I was even given permission as I liked with the next few new fiends at the time.

Besides, -cons, -faires/fayres, and -paloozas have all been used before. We are a creative group. Surely we do not need to copy this nomenclature from other gatherings. Right?

I've already put my name in for the Nike Dunks. :)

At 4:52 PM , Blogger Adri said...

I have my Coraline tickets for a 9:50 CST 3d showing! I'm going with two friends (who are not big Neil fans, who, to my knowledge, don't know the book, and who asked me, excitedly, if I wanted to join them on opening night to see 'that Coraline movie'. GO GO MARKETING TEAM)

re: cats and shut bathroom doors. My bathroom is an en-suite to my bedroom, so I don't usually shut the door all the way, thus cats can come in and out. We had company the other day and I had the door shut. I figured it was safe, what with the cats all happily asleep across the apartment.

Ahaha. I opened the bathroom door only to see three cats staring at me, shocked they had been kept out.

That'll teach me!

At 4:54 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Q-- I am SUPER paranoid about checking the dryer for cats before turning it on. Irrationally paranoid, since we don't leave it open and I rarely turn my back on it when I'm loading it. still. UGH

The very thought gives me the creeping horrors.

At 4:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Creeping horrors.

What a lovely phrase, Adri!

I am so happy for all of you seeing the movie! There will be a new post up when you gt home and we want to hear ALL about ti!

At 4:59 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I'm home!! I SAW CORALINE!!! Woo Woo.

I'll tell you my favorite experience while there, but first I have to read the comments.

Oh. Loved it.

At 4:59 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

William and I went to see Coraline today! I left the cinema feeling refreshed and amazed and thrilled and like I never ever should have doubted that it might not be a good movie. William said the only part that frightened him was when the other mother counted to three and became big and tall.

It was such a marvelous and incredible and truly stunning movie. I am so glad I went to see it! And it was special to see it with Will.

At 5:03 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

hello team!
lookit pictures from last night and i even posted two (kinda crummy but better than nothing) videos!

Q, i can smell the Indian curry from here....mmmmm
Magic, i got a present for you, boy. I will bring it when i come out.

At 5:04 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

Went to the 230pm show of Coraline today. Since everyone was still at work and school and such, and this being central Wisconsin no one does anything before they chow down on their Friday fish fry, I was pleasantly surprised that there were 4 of us, 2 of which were easily over 30 and one that was over 60 and one that was under 18. I couldn't take the smile off my face when walking out at the end, I loved it! The cat was my fav :) The mice rocked too I must say. Sadly no 3D within an easy distance but was great anyways. Now eating an almost homemade pizza, drinking wine and wonder if I will dream in stop motion animation.

At 5:06 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

HA! Kitty, New post is UP, and it is all about YOU!

Who's first?

At 6:24 PM , Blogger Uisge said...

Yay. I quiver in anticipation of new bee adventures.


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