Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hans Update....

Just heard from Woodsman Hans, driving across country with Cabel the Dog.

Things are going much better. The credit card seems to be working now, so they have food, and gas, always good on a trip like this. They are down near St Louis and going to stop and get a hotel in a couple of hours. Hans says he has been napping at rest stops every so often, but needs proper rest and a place to charge phone and Ipod.

Cabel seems fine with it, mostly sleeping, and Hans says he has a special Look for, "we ARE stopping soon, aren't we?"

Hans says the GPS and he are NOT friends, in fact they argue all the time. Hans believes he should be able to go where he likes and says the GPS does not have the right to disapprove of what he does.

If all goes according to plan, they will be home tomorrow and I will have a large white dog again. The Stitches come out on Monday, which will make things much easier.

More adventures to come, stay tuned to find out Will the hotel take both Dog and Visa Gift Card?????

Love and Travel,


At 11:26 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Sleep well Hans!

At 11:39 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...


Poor Hans. No i-pod and a stroppy SatNav as well. This surely goes above and beyond!

At 11:51 AM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Dogs speak very well with "those looks" once you learn to interpret them. I had a dog that had a wonderful "up yours" glare if you dared to expect him to go out in deep snow. It was such a good look that even total strangers knew what he was thinking.

Roadtrip without iPod=pain. Isn't there a cable to power it off the car stereo? Mine has a plug coming off it but a lot of newer stereos have it built in.

I'm betting both Hans and Cabal will be happy to be home.

At 11:59 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

The stitches go but Cabal won't still be able to go up the stairs I suppose.
Hans' adventures remind me of a story that martha is writing about a sassy navigation system...

At 12:05 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

hope they find a dog-friendly hotel!

I got my family tree...and a frame for my ALA coraline poster. Couldn't bring myself to spend the amoutn of money they wanted to charge me for the sandman poster and couldn't find my saucers tube before i left...i think i put it somewhere safe.

At 12:11 PM , Blogger Siri said...


At 12:11 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Tee hee.

At 12:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

6th Indeed!

Good luck finding your saucer, Chantrelle, I have things in very safe places too, so safe, I don't even know where they are..

Apparently the Ipod in the car thing isn't working with Hans' Ipod, poor man! I think Boss loaded some music tho onto the chip thingie...

At 12:32 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Bummer about the iPod tech mismatch. I can't really upgrade anything since they all play nice together and I'd have to do it *all* at the same time and that's too much $$$$.

Big companies plan that, don't they?

Bringing mention of horror pics over from the last thread, has anyone seen today's Speed Bump comic? . No worries... not scary... it made me laugh.

At 12:39 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

i can't figure out where my closest 3d theatre is...i'm guessing coraline is opening here in 2d but we dont' have a 3d theater and i don't want to drive all the way to SF...there has to be one in the san jose area.

At 12:41 PM , Blogger martha said...

Thanks for reminding me - N., I have to get back to work on that.
If Hans can have problems with a SatNav what can poor John expect?

At 12:42 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Far worse, Martha, far worse...
And yes, please, I would like to see more of that story.

At 12:43 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Mandy, it's thought I had it somewhere...Yes, please, do have them write! Would love to hear about them.

Chantrelle, it's opening on the 6th everywhere, has to be somewhere near you,I am sure of it.

Hans talks to the dog and argues with the Sat/Nav....I do not even know what I would be doing...

At 12:43 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We all want more stories!

At 12:43 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Singing? To both of them.

At 12:45 PM , Blogger Siri said...

My BFF drove to her daughter's school today - called me from the road - said it was frigid outside, but with the seat warmers and heater cranked it was lovely inside - so nice she thought she could just close her eyes for a minute - no, wait, she's driving! Hope Hans doesn't think that.

At 12:45 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Oh and you'll be pleased to know that Boss has just barely escaped showing the whole Twitter world far more details of his anatomy that is normally allowed on public services of the internet.

At 12:47 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

This sounds like quite the adventure. Cabal must make for an interesting traveling companion.

At 12:47 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I don't think more stories are going to happen on this (i.e. Rome) side of the world tonight. I can't vouch for tomorrow, of course...

At 12:51 PM , Blogger martha said...

Definitely need more Roman stories.
What's happening with SEC?

Have more of Lempo and Juha the Bird man for you this week. Will get back to John and Becky ASAP

At 12:52 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

of course, if he HAD twitpic-ed it it might have gained more exposure for the movie (pun intended)...

And the rubber duck was nice.

At 12:52 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I love the priorities of a 4 1/2 year old: "hey mom, can you please remember this next time I'm going poop, bring in a whole huge stack of Star Wars books so I can read them all. I need you to remember okay?"


At 12:53 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

SEC needs refocusing on my part (I need to feel more positive myself before taking on the problems of my heroine basically). On the other hand, more Liszt Gardner may happen.
He might even play with bananas.

At 12:57 PM , Blogger martha said...

ARGH!!! Just thinking about Liszt Gardner and bananas is going to give me nightmares.
Bonne nuit ma brave!

At 1:00 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Bananas have plenty of iron. Perfect for vegetarian vampires.
The banana does not become a vampire.
I think.

At 1:02 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I know it will be here, i just have to figure out where there's a flippin' 3D theatre. Worst case, we see it in 2D and drive to SF on another day to see it with glasses.

Loving the live updates from Boss!!

At 1:04 PM , Blogger vampi said...

glad hans trip is starting to go a bit more smooth. i alway argue with my satnav. now i have a funny voice called dr nightmare, that says random things like "ignore that noise fromthe trunk" "reminds me of travelling on route 6 6 6 HA HA HA HA" and other spooky sayings when you least expect. you can hear a sample here and dl if you have a garmin. i can't stop laughing at it.

At 1:04 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 1:05 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Now that would be jumping to conclusions.

At 1:06 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Ugh road tripping. I got enough of that daily when I lived in the rural world. Now I get annoyed if it takes me more than 15 minutes to get somewhere!

At 1:09 PM , Blogger louisa said...

Chronically need food before catching up with comments but as I know there are Fiends here who appreciate Beautiful Illustrations I just have to share that this evening I took in a library from someone moving house which included a copy of The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie illustrated by Arthur Rackham. I nearly cried at how beautiful it is. Though that may have partly been due to very low blood sugar. Food now. Back later.

At 1:11 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Moving and not taking my books? It will never happen. Never. I don't care if there is no room - it is not happening.

What other treasures, Louisa?

At 1:14 PM , Blogger vampi said...

clicky box.

i'm off to nap and find some food, not necessarily in that order. i've done something to anger a muscle in my back so that it twinges when i breathe. fun times.

At 1:18 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

OOh, I love Rackham. I agree with Siri - the books go first. Then furniture if there is space.

Louisa - eat something :-)

At 1:19 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I have just discovered that a Japanese designer, whom I will meet next Tuesday in Paris has been working on Coraline! Small world.

At 1:20 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Wow! I'd always make room for Arthur Rackham.

vampi - I'm cracking up over the nav voice. Mine doesn't have such a thing, but probably just as well.

Chantrelle - I'm betting SJ has a 3d theatre... don't they have an IMAX at The Tech Museum there?

At 1:28 PM , Blogger louisa said...

Pasta is boiling, garlic and courgette/zucchini (yes, international me) simmering.

Sadly the woman has parkinson's and has to move to assisted living so not much space for books. She's taking what she can. She was an artist so I've boxes of beautiful art books, lots of cat books, random fiction, multiple learning Italian books, and the all important "misc."

Now to add a dash of nutmeg and a splash of red wine....

At 1:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is possible that I may be alive. Jury's still technically out, and at about 3:00 a.m. or so this morning, I was very unsure of my state of being -- here? not here? who knew?? I was sad that I had not made my last wish known: that Hans was to throw me onto the compost heap (it seemed like a good idea at the time, especially as he was driving through town and all). All my torso muscles now hate me.

Anyway, hoping that Hans's trip continues to go well, that Dogness is healing quickly, that Coraline movie doesn't eat you, Ms. Q, completely up as we would miss you too much, and that I can find a good 3-D theatre myself. Oh, and that the movie is a stunning, smashing, huge success!!

At 2:06 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

glad to hear the trip is going better, and doggie stitches to be removed soon - he'll be back to normal in no time. Nat, how cool, it is a small world. grace, and all other ailing fiends, hope everyone feels better quick! i have spent the day avoiding all that i should be doing, and may continue this until tonight. why do bills come every day? why do they breed until they are small mountains, while the income pile is nonexistent. I can't find anything so far on coraline opening here, 3d or 2d. sometimes we get first runs, sometimes we don't -

At 2:06 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2:07 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Poor Hans! Sounds like a fairy tale, where Hans the Woodsman fetches a dog. Tell him to be nice to any hangs he passes.

Painting in the studio today is... Interesting. Brief break now for lunch, but must fix the stabby feeling before 3 so I can get a decent painting this afternoon. Posted the morning painting to Twitter, so you all can see the nightmare of painting through a green gel in 90 minutes.

Was going to ask Kitty to coffee this weekend, but then remembered she is wrangling Boss and a text message would be extremely annoying. Oops.

I think I need beer. Yes, that's what I need.

At 2:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty is wrangling Boss, I keep getting little text updates from her, all is going really well, she sent a photo I will post later...

Hans should be calling soon, fingers crossed.

I am waiting for Lasagna just now...

At 2:20 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty just told me to she was the one who took the photo that Boss Tweeted this morning of the Grooming...

Of course!

At 2:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hans just called in, he is in the hotel, and Cabel is running around the room asking if this is now home, .He managed to get a room on the ground floor so he can watch the car right outside it.

He seems very cheerful and happy with the adventure! (He being both Hans and Dog)

At 2:46 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Good to hear! I would imagine both HAns and Cabal are relived that there are no staires to be carried up and down.

At 2:48 PM , Blogger vampi said...

sounds like dog is mending nicely then.

glad hans found a good hotel that takes dogs, those are getting rarer.

At 2:50 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

yay for stair-less dog-friendly hotel rooms. running in circles to celbrate.

At 2:52 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Grendel loves staying in motels. He sniffs at every door. "Is THIS our room? What about this one? Here? This one smells interesting."

"Ohh, you opened THIS one. That means I get to jump on the bed, right? As soon as as I sniff all over?"

Motel 6 and Red Roof Inns have a corporate policy of accepting pets. Very convenient.

At 2:57 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ben reacts similarly ;-)
Maybe not the sniffing but the checking of the doors and crawling and jumping from bed to bed to chair.

At 3:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hans says he is going to try and post here later this evening.

Venus and Mim are playing Oh Yes I Will Catch You Oh My Yes. SO far the garbage has gone over, one candle is broke, and the Xmas tree is DOWN (yes, I kind of like the little thing and it is staying)

(Xmas tree, not sure about Venus and Mim)

At 4:16 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

It's good to hear both Dog and Woodsman are cheerful. I suspect if either one were grumpy it would make for a loooong drive.

If Hans does post I'm hoping for funny Nav tales.

If anyone is looking for dog friendly places, you can always check . They list all kinds of places that welcome pets. I've not roadtripped with Jack yet (Robin would *not* enjoy it), but I'm looking forward to it. He has fun on his trips around town and mostly sleeps in the car.

At 4:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Seems like everyone is out for Saturday night...

I'm home with Bengals, wafting from room to room, me and my featherstick...

At 4:58 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I'm here. Staying warm. Trying to decide if it's better to wash my hair tonight, or wait until morning. Such monumental decisions. No wafting.

At 5:11 PM , Blogger El said...

Weirdly enough, Siri, I am trying to make nearly the same decision.

I'm in for the night. Roommate and I are going to see Slumdog Millionaire tomorrow, but for tonight it's cold so I'm wrapping up and listening to music, trying to figure out the world.

At 5:12 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Shall we flip a coin, El? Heads we do (naturally) tails we don't?

At 5:14 PM , Blogger El said...

Excellent plan. I must dig out a coin......


Heads! Guess I'll have a shower before bed, then.

At 5:15 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Dueling showers, miles apart. How fiendish is that.....

At 5:15 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, now THIS is a fast moving blog!!!!!

Still admit to being curious what Siri is going to do...

At 5:16 PM , Blogger Na said...

Safe overnighting and travel wishes to Woodsman Hans and Cabal.

BA - no composting you! Be well!

I feel like I'm living in other people's past - I've not yet been in a car with SatNav. This is still 2009, ja? (I figure, I got Friday wrong, I might have the year wrong, too. Damn sure it's still winter, however.)

Marjorie, you commented last post about looking for favorite books with the "right" cover - I realized I do that too, esp the YA books I read as a teen, Mary Stolz, Judy Blume, etc, and I have a thrashed copy of Catcher in the Rye I won't replace because they don't print it with the "right" cover anymore. :)
And an AletaMay comment reminded me of the time I stayed up all night reading Amittyville Horror. 20+ years later, uncovered nighttime windows drive me from a room.

Seem to be wittering. Oops!

At 5:16 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

AH, guess we did. Glad that's settled...

At 5:17 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I have to do it now, Quiche - the coin has spoken - never go against the coin. I'll be back, she typed threateningly.....

At 5:20 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Witter away Na, the rest of us are talking about should we shower or not, we need some lively witter to wake us........

At 5:20 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I'm here, but working. Can't have the email on or nothing gets done. (Break time.)

I had NO IDEA Joe Hill has famous relations. Huh. "Heart Shaped Box" was fantastic, and creepy.

At 5:23 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty blogs the day of press junketiing here:

At 5:25 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Wow, stitches out already? Time has flown.
Chantrelle, I now have this mental image of your son crawling around hotel rooms sniffing at everything, with his bum waving in the air.
Na, I've never been in a car with a nav either, probably just as well because I think one would annoy me so much I'd smash it.
Its a glorious sunny Sunday here.

At 5:30 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Boss didn't get me one for Prius because he said, you don't drive anywhere much and you always know where you are going when you do.

He's right. I think I am getting one tho, as he has an extra now. Very fun.

At 5:35 PM , Blogger El said...

I have a cast-off GPS unit from my father. He got a better one and I won't turn it down!

My mother named it Gypsy, so she could have a name to yell at it when it made her angry by disagreeing with her.

I like it-- she hasn't gotten me lost yet, and some of the search functions are pretty fun.

At 5:59 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

*Hans* is the one driving Cabal back? That is so awesome.

At 6:13 PM , Blogger vampi said...

the nice thing about a gps, is even though you know where you are going, if you need to divert, it will reroute you. i pretty much know my way thought the parts of town i live work and play in now that i've been here a year, but the gps really helped me out with that. i am way more confident driving around now knowing i have the gps in case i go off the known path. i have a pretty good sense of direction anyway. i have a portable one, so i can take it with me. it also does bike and walking directions. we take it when we travel. i haven't bothered with any of the for pay traffic options. i just drive and if i get in traffic i turn off and let vincent(he needed a scary name, so we chose vincent) reroute.

sounds like kitty has this junket all under control.

At 6:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And how is it you think Hans is the one driving? I just said he was WITH Cabel, company and all....

The junket is going well, but it's a long 2 weeks yet, go and give Kitty some love! She will need it.

At 6:41 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Na - I've got a nav in a 33 year old Firebird. If that doesn't prove anything is possible I don't know what does. It fit nicely in the slot where an 8-track would've been, LOL! I totally blame Neil for my getting the nav bug. After seeing how well the one in that 1st Mini worked, I thought it was magic. I'd only had some glorifed map-on-a-screen thing in a rental before and wasn't impressed at all (though the convertible T-Bird it was in remains an automotive lust object).

Should Cabal be driving with his leg surgery? I'd ask the vet when you go back - if only for the look on their face.

I'm not the only one who has named their nav unit? Good grief. Mine in Nigel (he just *sounds* like a Nigel.. kind of doorman / butler-y).

At 6:55 PM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

Wow, I'm astonished someone left their library behind when moving. We had over 200 boxes with books in them when we moved in August, and we're still unpacking them. We'll thin them out a bit when we move in 3 or so years, but the bulk will go with us. How do people live without lots of books?!

Had a busy day, went to the house that will no longer be ours as of Thursday and discovered that the inspector tracked soot from the gas log all over the carpet into every room. Oh, well, not our problem anymore.

Used the handicap hang tag. Didn't feel too weird.

There are very few Stephen King books I can read (or movies based on them I can watch). Maximum Overdrive freaked me out, Carrie gives me nightmares, and I couldn't watch Misery. I think Shawshank Redemption is the only movie based on his work I can watch, and I love that one. I can't stand uncovered windows after dark, either.

Goodnight, sweet Fiends!

At 6:57 PM , Blogger Annie said...

Poor Cabal, heading back from warm places just in time for more cold weather...if it were my dog she'd likely spend at least a day glaring reproachfully at me.

At 6:59 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

no gps here, but husband is updating his soon, so i will probably get the old one. i don't really need one as i don't go anywhere much (fods, how boring does that sound, a bit depressing that) Kitty took some wonderful pics, you and her certainly make a great team!

At 6:59 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7:00 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

and why is blogger double posting everything i write tonight???

At 7:04 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Just dropping by to say good-night. William is next to me chattering away about Coraline. He is amazed that there are five whole one-star Customer Reviews on Amazon! This shocks him. How could anyone, he wonders, NOT like Coraline?!

This is a wonderful thing, indeed.

Good-night, Fiends.

At 7:05 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty rocks, hands down. I love it that she can be with Boss on these trips, I am no good at it, or rather, I would rather not do it and she does it REALLY well.

Cabel might not like the cold, but I think he will be glad to see me. I have to admit, I miss the Doofus. I keep looking around for him at work...

Boss went to thin his library once, he said it had to be done, took boxes.

I went down after a couple of hours.

He had three books in the box. We looked at eachother and he took two out and said really he wanted to keep them. We both looked at the last book, the lone book.

I told him he had best keep that one too.

At 7:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Because it likes you Sue.

Night Emily and Data!

At 7:10 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Lorraine, that's the best story about Himself you've ever told - it says so much - as a bookophile myself, I understand it. I hate to cull books. Even ones I didn't like when I read them. I think the only one I was glad to see the back of was Bridges of Madison County.

I knew I liked your boss. Almost as much as I like you. I'm glad you aren't junketing, too. You are too valuable for that. Foreign press, indeed. (I did like Himself's line about a tattooed tornado - I see you more like a constant straightlined wind.)

At 7:16 PM , Blogger Na said...

Dueling showers ::snort::

'Night DG and all sleepy ones.

Thanks for the reassurance, Ms FabLo. Will now witter freely. Mwahahaha.

I went to have supper (whole-grain toast and a bowlful of blueberries with vanilla yogourt - honestly, that's how it's spelled on the container. what is that? Brit-Canadian?) and play Disney Scene-It with the family.

A 33-year-old Firebird, Maureen? Sweet ride!

I have learned so much more about the online world and gadgets since falling down the Fiend rabbit hole. (And my to-read and to-listen lists have grown greatly as well.) Okay, so I gather a NavSat thingie is therefore something that wouldn't come already installed in a car - I was imagining something built into the dash, so thought perhaps they just came in cars less than two years old. I could see me wanting to smash one, too, Sally, but then vampi's spooky add-on voice sounds most entertaining. Hmmm. If I'd my druthers, next gadget I'd be owning is an iPhone. Don't they dispense condiments and perform sonograms now? ;P Uh. Not that I need either one.

At 7:19 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Well, it's why you and kitty make such a good team - traveling is a way of life for her, how she keeps up with it fod knows. and what would mim and venus do without you to torment :) ahh, blogger likes me, well I guess i forgive it then. thought it was just another aspect of the Hell That Is This Winter. i am starting to do my accounting. yes, it is late, but i am proud as i have finally stopped avoiding it. i love books too! i have them in every corner of the house, my husband has no idea how many are tucked away..

At 7:23 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I 'cleaned' out my bookshelves once, you never could tell the difference though.
Whenever we move the number of boxes of books far outweighs everything else.
You are all making me rethink the GPS thing, and Maureen I don't think I know anyone who hasn't named their GPS/satnav.

At 7:24 PM , Blogger Na said...

LOL One thing my guy and I still have in common is books. Books books books. Our books outweighed all the rest of our belongings, when last we moved, as long as you don't count the car.

That is a great story, Lo, especially your bit of advice.

They are my friends, my books. Very hard to part with.

And Siri - totally with you on that particular book. I read it once on a friend's recommendation, and if hadn't belonged to her, I'd have jumped up and down on it a while. (This was in the days when I still read things all the way through once I started, no matter what.)

Off to read Kitty's blog...

At 7:25 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I crave an ipod too Na. Don't need one, as I have another brand MP3 player, but I really want one of those ones with lots of memory so I can load audio books on to it.

At 7:29 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

G'nite DG and Emily.

I sympathize with book lovers, though I've thinned my own stash. When I worked for a publisher there were tons of free books. It's easy to have stacks of them that way.

Na - navs can be built in the dash on new cars, or you can get a standalone. Some fit in the stereo hole in the dash so older cars can be retrofitted (which is how mine works).

I'd love an iPhone too. That's going to be my next cellphone. My current one is 6 years old and I'm hoping it hangs in for a while longer.

At 7:32 PM , Blogger Siri said...

None of my family liked that book. I also read other stuff by him, (whose name I can't even remember, which to me says it all about him as an author) and was amazed at how pretentious he is. Of course, being from Iowa, saying you don't like TBOMC is treason and heresy. We had to wear bags over our heads for months. Didn't have to wash hair as often then.

At 7:58 PM , Blogger Na said...

So that book was set in Iowa? I've blissfully forgotten. Seems to me there's a whole host of male authors that write similarly. I'd include Nathaniel Hawthorne in there. Things that make me go "blech."

Maureen, was there an 8-track player in that car? :D

My iTunes has gone from Poe to Team Sleep to Christina Aguilera. Works for me. :) Suppose BoMC works for someone out there.

At 8:00 PM , Blogger Na said...

Sally - how's the MP3 player? Happy with it? I have the simplest of things, iPod Shuffle, figure I can wait a while to get a fancy iPhone or iPod or MP3. It is easy to covet these things, it is.

At 8:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Uh, I can see not having a GPS, but not having an Ipod? That's just weird!!!!


I am SO going riding tomorrow, didn't make it to the movies this weekend, but I am so riding!

Pulled out my last hair extension tonight. Feels really weird, just having my own hair. Getting more purple on Tuesday, thanks be, I look kind of odd.

Good thing I don't have to be out in public hosting a screening or anything before then....

At 8:06 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Its good Lorraine, just a simple
Iriver one, 2GB. Plenty big enough for music.
Runs on an AA battery. Only a tiny screen so you can see the menu item.
Doesn't make me not crave an Ipod though. Ah, gadgets.

At 8:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

-15 tonight. Windchill -20 to -30.


Welcome home Cabel.

Re-thinking Kitty doing the LA bits...

At 8:08 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm a bit of a Luddite with my MP3 - cannot get out of the habit of loading whole albums, rather than just favorite songs. So it tends to be like an itty bitty walkman, if you know what I mean.

At 8:10 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

That weather isn't fair. Shame Hans and Cabal can't bring some sun & warmth back for you.

At 8:10 PM , Blogger Na said...

And you know, with the new iPhones you get a GPS connection as well. Hadn't thought of audio books on MP3 or iPods. Sweet.

Seem to be channeling Cartman. Sweeet.

At 8:12 PM , Blogger Na said...

I feel your weather pain, Lorraine. Er, which means more on the way for you. :(

At 8:16 PM , Blogger Na said...

Oh! Wrong. It's only -5.8 F here, "feels like" -22. That means you'll be warming up a bit in a day or so.

So this is an unusually cold winter to this point? Folks here seem to think so, and I think that's what Sue said earlier.

Sally, what's your coldest winter temp there? Just curious.

Now listening to Puffy Ami Yumi... Teen Titans, Go!

At 8:32 PM , Blogger Na said...

Killed the thread, but hey, 100th! Or should we now aspire to 106th?

At 8:46 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Very occasionally it gets down to zero (C).
Hang on, I'll googlecate and get some facts for you (talk amongst yourselves for a few minutes)

climate stats at the closest weather station to me

At 8:48 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

ahhh man, i wish i was on that road trip!
but as it is things are full tilt here.
see the blog for details, man Quichey i miss you.

At 8:48 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Okay - show me yours now Na ☂

At 8:51 PM , Blogger Siri said...

{{{{Kitty}}}} for all you are doing on this junket. You go, girl.

Sally - I only wish I could easily convert C to F. I can't. It's late, and I'm too weary to do so.

Waiting up to see what the "NEW" Dr Who is on the local PBS station. I'm sure I've seen it, but I live in hope for the 1st one that Donna Noble was in - when she was the bride. I've not seen that. Why does time go so slowly when you are waiting for something good, but so fast when you are sleeping?

At 8:53 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Seems to me there ought to be some sort of Fiendish decathlon wherein one must be 1st, 6th, 100th, 106th and kill the thread 6 times.


Could just be the cough syrup talking, though.

Na, just out of curiosity, what is the "right" cover for Catcher in the Rye?

At 8:55 PM , Blogger Na said...

Oooh - where are you getting the cool icons, Sally? I saw the skull-n-crossbones on your fb status, too.

may take me a bit to find a meteorology station, but here's the weather page I check most often.

At 9:00 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...


::sniff, sni-i-i-i-i-iffff::

Spicy, spicy brains!

Hi, Mandy and LLM!

In the new Fiendocracy there will be no need for lurking for everyone will be in the shadows.

Hee hee
Hee hee hee hee hee

At 9:04 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Brrrr, Arctic outbreak. That says it all.

obviously I've discovered these don't just work for Twitter, but also Facebook, Blogs and LJ. Very handy

At 9:13 PM , Blogger Na said...

Hey Lexa! Are on the mend?
For me that cover is plain maroon with gold text. I can picture it set in the library spinner rack.

Just realized that Edmonton is warmer than a lot of the country right now, which seems weird. Maybe not. And Rubius must be nearly sweltering over yonder. :)

Sally, your site is way neater than anything I can find here. *pouts*

At 9:18 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Surely the Canadian government have a site like that Na?

At 9:22 PM , Blogger Na said...

Cool, thanks, Sally! Love that they included a skull-n-crossbones. Will come in handy next Sept 19th.

Hee hee. Arctic outbreak. Sounds like, what? A prison break for arctic weather? I am no longer confined above the arctic circle, mwahahahahha.

Well, I should work a bit more. Am going to do it sitting next to my guy on the couch while he watches Dexter. Well, I watch it, too, but mostly listen. What a trippy concept.

And clearly I meant Lexa, are you on the mend. Silly fingers.

Night-morning, fiends.

At 9:27 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i think you can find similar weather stats from noaa site for the states, not sure about canada.

i actually own 3 ipods. i had one, boy needed it because he was taking the bus to and form work. then i needed one so i didn't go nuts with nasty coworkers. then when the second generation touch came out, w both got one. i keep the regular ipod in the car, since radio just sucks. the touch is pretty cool. my job pays for my mobile, so i won't get an iphone.
gps in phones are useful, but not was fast or easy to use as a portable gps. i'm personally not a fan on installed in car gps, because i like being able to grab it and use it no matter who is driving, or if we are walking. a really good use for gps is making a waypoint of where you parked. this way you can choose that as your destination when you are ready to go back to car. very useful when on holiday.

i am in awe of kitty's ability to keep it all running smoothly while out of her home base. it's reasonable expected that things should run smoothly from your home base, but while traveling is impressive.

At 9:35 PM , Blogger E said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:36 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Only eleven of the Twitter keys show symbols for me. The rest are two digit numbers above two digit numbers in a rectangle.

At 9:39 PM , Blogger El said...

Gah, blogger logged me in strangely again and now I can't be bothered to retype everything.

My point was: cherry limeade is good, Doctor Who is good, and Sally's new picture is neat!

At 9:43 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:45 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

which I now repost saying
Thanks El!
*scuffs carpet with foot*

At 10:06 PM , Blogger Siri said...

It's the 3rd series with Martha Jones, who I found to be a little too unrequited. Loved it, though. David Tennat.

And now it's snowing.

I'm for bed.

Night, Fiendom.

At 10:09 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Twitkeys will work in software and on computers that read unicode-6. If you're getting numbers/boxes/question marks, it means it's not reading them properly. This is where I could go on and on about character encoding, bits, bytes, machine language, and so forth, but as a socially aware person, censor myself. Just a peek into the inner workings of the geek mind. :D

Dinner turned out really well. I'll process pictures tomorrow.

I 100% identify with the Boss's book culling troubles. At my last move, I had 300+ books and even with my Kindle, I'm out of shelf space again. Which means I also haven't been keeping up my cataloging. >.<

Maureen-- my favorite business meeting ever was at a publishing house in NYC. We were presenting to the umbrella company, but I found out one of their imprints was Tor. And that the recently published book room was /in the same building/. I managed, barely, to hold it together and be professional for the whole meeting and then, at the very end, when it was all smalltalk and hand shaking, squeaked out, 'is Tor books really here?'

They took me down to the reading room and let me pick out as many books as I wanted, and then shipped them to me. That's how I discovered Scalzi, actually.

We didn't get a contract with them, but /best meeting ever/.

At 10:20 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Three moves ago I had 18 book boxes of books, and its probably doubled since then!
Adri - I hope someone gave you a metaphorical gold star for being so restrained through the meeting

At 10:27 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ticia and Chantrelle are having a Fiend meet up at Jason Wembley, Ticia emailed me this and asked to share
smiling Fiends

At 10:32 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

It's on Facebook.

At 10:42 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hey Fiends!

I am home from my lovely evening with lovely friends -- a group of friends who call ourselves "the porch women". Very nice time.

I have an iPhone. I love it. It has GPS but not the type that talks to you. It helps me muchly.

Books. I need some more book shelves.

I am too sleepy and the other things I want to say are not forming into words.

Go Kitty! Have fun riding tomorrow Q! Tomorrow will be a big organizing and planing day for me as the coming week will be busy, including two fun outings with the godchild -- a movie (thanks to Q!) and the orchestra and work and school and life. Yicks!

So great to come home to many fiendish comments. But now must sleep.

At 10:49 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

You should be able to see the photo even if you're not on FB as its set to public!

At 10:52 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Nope. Says I must log in to see page.

At 10:53 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:55 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caught up with the backlog of comments..oof!

Too tired now to reply, but I loved the story of Boss trying vainly to cull his Book Hoard.:)

Night Fiends.:)

At 10:59 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

I was catching up on the last three days and making notes: Minky blanket, L-Space, inauguration.
phobes, My Little Pony/Binky.
Rubius - Never too old for kids’ stories! Wet kitty, wet futon.
audiobooks on iPod - I gots millions
new Nano - bleh, won't charge anywhere but USB. Vampi - Jewish, broken ankle, 3 iPods - just like ME!! cor.
...and then I realized it's almost 1 am. yawn.
So. tomorrow will catch up. In the meantime, if you want to read some beautiful writing about the inauguration, go to Christopher Moore's FB page and read his 'Crystal Heart' blog entry.

At 11:00 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

third time lucky

Eccckkkkkk. Sorry to people RSS-ing comments. I am having trouble getting the link up to the lovely photo of Ticia and Robyn

At 11:01 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Okay, its not me, its Blogger. it keeps making the links go back to this page.

will it work this time?

At 11:03 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Well, that was an adventure in Blogger not working if ever there was one. Tried to do the right thing and have a nice hidden link for you and blogger just didn't want to play at all.
I am exhausted after that. Think I need chocolate.

At 11:12 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Cut and paste worked!
Thank you, Sally! :)

At 11:20 PM , Blogger vampi said...

fluffly, i am giggling madly at your comment notes. iam amused to be reduced to 3 things, and they are such odd little factlets.

and as for charging ipods, or even other mp3 players with out computer, i have belkin mini surge protector which i keep in my laptop back and use when i travel for surge protection. it has 2 usb slots to allow charging without the laptop for nights i'm too lazy to boot up.

LOVE the picture of the concert partying fiends. the first link in facebook took me to a picture of you with pink oven mitts of doom, very cute.

i've misplaced my motivation, has anyone seen it? just could not face the world today, between my bck and my head, i've been in bed all day.

At 11:33 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

my bad Vampi, I moved the photo to a newly created public album, but blogger wouldn't let me put in new link!

At 2:13 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Home from the show, it was amazingly awesome.
I'm horse from yelling and singing. Ticia and i had a yummy sushi dinner and a great time at the show.

Thanks for posting the picture sally!!!

night all, i'm about to fall over.

At 2:57 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Just caught up on all the overnight comments - Q Ilove that story about Boss trying to thin the libary - I have every sympathy - I was trying to thin mine a little yesteday - did manage to take about 20 books to charity shop / library - ( I can bear to give them to the library becasue I fell that they are going to a good home) so now I've only got 2,500 or so left in the house. I need more bookshelves. It's possible that I will first need more walls. I've never understood people who don't have books. I remember a colleague once sayng she was worried that her child didn't seem interested in reading - I thought 'But I've been to your house. you have one tiny box with books for child and no other books at all.No wonder he doesn't read'

Does anyone else organise bookshelves by how well ou feel the books will get on together, instead of alphabetically?

Just me then.

I have a SatNav - I don't have a very good sense of direction so it's great for getting to places I haven't been to before, and I love that it works out a new route if you have to divert.

I'm going to go wash my hair, now. Then breakfast.

Post from Hans would be great.

At 3:43 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hi Marjorie, my books are more or less organized by genre and author, but not alphabetically. I'd never know where to look for a book otherwise.

The books have been in the same area/shelf for the last 20 years - despite god knows how many moves and different bookcases, so the system works for me.
enjoy breakfast...I'm up late watching tennis.

At 6:34 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

I don't split up individual authors, I just have Boss next to Diana Wynne Jones, Ursula Le Guin & Mike Carey, so I suppose it is kind of organised by genre..

Is anyone else around? I suppose it is a biy early for a Sunday. .

At 6:36 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I've been busily buying yarn. 14 pounds of yarn is a lot, right? If you aren't me?

We probably have 4000 or so books, maybe more, and most aren't catalogued in anyway, and are still in boxes. We're looking at options for an entire room full of bookcases.

At 6:50 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

It is a lot of yarn. Is it all already coloured or are you going to be dying it?
I was going to make marmalade today but woke up with a stiff shoulder and so don't think that chopping stacks of oranges is a good idea.

At 6:59 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Three pounds of wool and silk are to dye and sell. The rest, all cotton, is predyed, and is for making kits for a class I'm teaching in March. No interest (or time) in dyeing student kits if it isn't necessary.

I suppose I should consider showering. And laundry. Buying yarn is so much more fun, but I think that's enough to keep me busy for a while!

At 8:41 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I wanted to bake cookies but can't be bothered. I think I need to write a story but it's not quite there yet.
Having tea.

At 8:42 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


I was just thinking I don't have all that many books and then went DUH! I only buy the ones Boss doesn't have!

Organizing, his library, is kind of an ongoing project that will never end.

My own is kind of a mess, but I know where everything is.

At 8:46 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It's so cold, and staying by the fire reading all day sounds perfect, but Trainer Mel brought my horsie in last night so I think I had better get dressed soon and get myself to the stable.

I woke up early with big plans for the morning and went down and it was so cold I thought me , me mink and the lov sac, and two hours later, there I was with Bengals.

Not a bad morning, actually.

At 9:07 AM , Blogger vampi said...

oooh, i've always wanted a love sac. do you recommend them? they are effing expensive, but i still covet.

At 9:16 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They are the BEST, and if you buy one, go for the big one, even tho it's more $$$, because you will end up wishing you did.

Very cozy for curling up and a ready made extra bed.

At 9:43 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

my books- technical ones, which i have about 400 or so are categorized to media and topic, and i am pretty good about keeping it organized - my pleasure reading - literally stuffed in every nook and cranny - and overflowing, someday, i hope to bring them in the light of day, but fear the hus would have a heart attack if he knew. this morning dogs are happy eating frozen pumpkin in a kong - favorite treat! hope all are having a good sunday ( i double ck now to be sure i have it right :). talk of all the showering: depressing as i had a med. procedure on friday late afternoon with orders to not shower until sunday night. i fear i smell. oh well, it;s just the dogs and i and they don't care :) hope hans and doggie arrive safe and sound!

At 9:44 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

oooh love sac, drool, a library in my home with a love sac: that's my wish! have a good ride lorraine! it's brutal cold here today, and my office at school was a cozy 60 degrees. brrrrr.

At 10:07 AM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

☛ Na - no, but Pontiac offered the option. Mom is the original owner and Dad decided 8-tracks were dinosaurs and got the "radio accomodation package" which just meant "don't put in a stereo but give me an antenna" when the car was ordered. The first stereo it had was an aftermarket with a cassette. That one got updated at some point, and then I put in this new one w/gps.

☛ Kitty - *waves* I commented over at your MySpace. ☺

☛ Sally - cool!! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I can see playing with this is going to be fun, but I'm getting a lot of question marks instead of icons.

☛ Adri - So, if I've got lots of question marks, is it a browser issue or an OS issue? And can I tweak a preference someplace? I know the candystore aspect of seeing allllll those books. Friends couldn't believe it when I'd give them freebies, even though I would tell them I could get a large number of comps with no problems. It was a perk, just like the video games and pool table. I miss the dotcom bubble. And I really could use some of those books now as I try to make friends with my Terminal. I'm untangling css php sql yadda yadda... it's not native, but I'm working on it anyway. If I rely soley on cPanel I'd feel like an AOL user (er... no offense to any fiendy aol'ers... whatever works for you).

Marjorie - books sorted by size if applicable (all the tall ones at one end),then author if I've got more than 3 or so by the same person. Art books tend to be grouped by subject. Cookbooks are actually *in* the kitchen.

Phiala - That is a *lot* of books. You might build your own book cases. I did that in our house since it was much cheaper and sturdier than the stand-alone options. It's basically build a box and attach to wall, repeat as necessary.

Lorraine - I've noticed a trend: Cabal leaves, cold weather eases up. Cabal returns and so does cold weather. Can he be bribed? I'll happily mail whatever offering His Dogness would like if he'd just stop dragging these cold fronts around with him.

At 10:11 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

it's morning still; and since last night at around 8pm there has been a male cat on my roof meowing; non stop. he was in the house last night for a minute or two when we tried to keep him (then put garage; then take to rescue) but no luck; he's back out there all night; and now this am; he let me finger touch him; and he gave me a courtesy rub on my fingers; then just rolled around all over the roof; he had an ongoing convo w/Aspen all night; I was ready to put them both on restriction permanently. No idea where he came from but I can't let my girls out and Stella is P.I.S.S.E. way big time. Any suggestions???

At 10:14 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ride got delayed a little, but is still on. MIGHT get to try sitting a sidesaddle today! Jeannie (Trainer Mel's daughter ) is going to ride some to show me!

At 10:17 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Stacy, if he won't let you catch him, try food in a live trap. At least you can get him in and fixed and then released again, if he is not a canditate for adoption, but I have always believed they choose you....COngrads on yr new friend!

Hans is a coupe hours away with a happy dog. He visited with a friend last night in Kansasa City and Cabel Did Not want to leave her! Maybe he misses me?

At 10:34 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

How could he not miss you? You are his world when the pack leader isn't around (which is often).

At 10:39 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Maureen, building bookcases was the original plan, and I did build the ones in my office. But we have been planning this library since we bought the house four years ago, and it still hasn't happened. Buying bookcases appears to be the more practical solution, if the more expensive one. I will probably still need to build certain parts.

At 10:43 AM , Blogger Na said...

Happy riding Lorraine! Good luck with the nutty kitty, Stacy. Hey, all!

Marjorie - that is how I organize my books, too, based on how I think they "get along". :) Except for massmarket pb, that don't always play nicely with the big books, spacewise, and I happen to have a small set of shelves just for them.

You all have made me wonder how many books we have. May have to count, to satisfy my own curiosity.

At 10:43 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

but i must tell you FabLo's library is fantastic.
everytime i get to stay in the Warm and Fuzzy room I pull out five or six books and lay in the smooshy comforter and mill through. I have seen everything from ABBA bios to handbooks of demon slaying.
and the artwork she has lining the walls,
it is her own personal IRA.
today is a lazy day, waiting to hear the latest,
but hopeful to hang out a bit in treehouse.
ok, so SHOULD i twitter? thoughts please!

At 10:46 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

To twitter or not twitter.
If you have to ask yourself the question, I'd guess probably not.

At 11:14 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Yes, you should totally Twitter, Kitty! I corrupted the Fiends and now they love it. MWAHAHA!

At 1:17 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Kitty - tough call. IMHO It seems like a good way to keep up for some things with a few people, but splitting things across Twitter / Blog / Whatnot starts to get confusing and either repetitive if its all the same, or missing things if not. I've dabbled a bit and so far prefer blog / Facebook since it's not so chaotic. Twitter seems best in small doses. Your Mileage May Vary. :-)

Phiala - someone needs to invent Home Projects That Do Themselves. I think we've both got projects that qualify.

At 1:20 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Maureen, stretchy time would also take care of the problem. I _like_ building things, but there's an insufficiency of hours.

Like today, when I've been at work all afternoon. (Even if commenting and tweeting while working.)

At 1:28 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

I could also use stretchy time. Yesterday I became immersed in trying to figure out how to do a config file, and my brain got hooked on solving a bit of the puzzle. One voice in my head kept saying "you need to eat dinner now" and the other would respond "Yeah.. in a minute". 3 hours later I ate dinner.

I like building things too. I find carpentry and sewing to be similar - just different materials being put together with different tools. The construction and embellishment aspects are what I find interesting.

At 2:45 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

yes, i think we all need stretchy time - so many things i would love to tackle and just haven't been able to. i love to build stuff too, but haven't really done anything for the house in a long while. i really want to try to make a concrete stepping stone path for my backyard - i've had the molds for 3 summers now, and not one made. i am hoping to force myself to start this spring. ooo, I just looked and the gallery i got the cement mold from is online now: - they are up north of me, a really wonderful gallery and coffeeshop. i have the bird mold, and i have the cinch sack too - i use it for dance class.

At 2:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty, if you Tweet I will send my followers to you, I am starving them...They will be happier with you.

I have a large white dog here with me now! And Woodsman Hans is on his way home, a tired man indeed!

I have also ridden sidesaddle!!!!!!

Yes, I have pics!!!!!!!!

At 2:52 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Good afternoon Fiends! Unfortunatley, my original comment here was donated to Lucien's Library. Thanks a lot Blogger.

The big news was: I ate raw fish and I liked it! I have to eat it with veges and rice, but I like it. Chantrelle is a great person to experience sushi with. And music.

Jason Webley live is an experience everyone should have. He had an entire audience of people "not here to see him" eating out of his hand. It was incredible. His energy, his style, his genius are staggering. I have never seen a performer so good at audience participation. Go. See. Him.

Iphones and Garmin GPS are my saving grace. I get lost in my own neighborhood. Yesterday, I got turned around 4 times. "Daniel" saved me.

Fast food restaurants within sight of the freeway are no longer my only options on roadtrips. I love GPS.

At 2:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY for Ms. Q and for pictures!! I can hardly wait. :-)

I am afraid if I were given stretchy time, I wouldn't use the gift well. Most likely, I would just end up sleeping...

At 3:12 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Louisa or Marjorie, if you are still up, do you know what time the screening for Coraline in Dublin starts? Can't seem ti find it listed..

At 3:14 PM , Blogger vampi said...

yes BA, that would be the awesomeness of stretchy time. you can sleep, but still have time for the fun stuff. instead of being dog tired all weekend, i could get stuff done.

At 4:01 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Jess-I love the "Watchmen" trailer... Only twoish more months!

At 4:12 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New post from a tired rider for you....

At 4:27 PM , Blogger dabbler said...

So if I count the bookcases in the Living Room, I get about 1200. Then there are nearly that many in the bedroom, another thousand in the room at the bottom of the stairs, plus about, oh probably thirty of forty boxes in various closets and hidey holes, and the piles in corners....and at my office.

I totally understand Boss's library.

Mostly arranged by genre, and area of interest... but not well enough to be easily findable. I recently was mightily tempted by an offer on freecycle of all the hardware to make movable stacks..bookcases that slide on tracks in the floor. My husband was not amused. Something about having to build an addition with a concrete floor to install them in...

At 10:24 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Well done Ticia! Welcome in the wonderful world of sushi/sashimi (hopefully I should be getting some tonight).


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