I seem to be having a cold this week...
Sniffle. Cough. Tea.
If I die, Hans must put me on the compost.
Tea good.
Waves from couch, where I have been working from today...
Love and Sniffles,
The Fabulous Lorraine and her Fiends invite you in......In Where? In here, where anything probably can and will happen. Be Welcome. Be very welcome.....(Cue Evil Laughter...)
A compost pile has to get very hot to safely dispose of bodies. Hopefully you will recover quickly and it will not be necessary.
I'll fax over some chicken soup!
Feel better soon.
Hugs and virtual chicken soup.
You must not die.
Sorry you feel yucky.
Couch is good. I am glad you are able to stay there today!
Sleep lots. Yay for tea!
Be taking care of yourself.
Bengals make good snuggly heaters, right?
I'm glad you posted, I was worried about you. Rest, tea, soup.
Tisanes (virtual) and sympathy (real) to you, Lorraine.
Tea and couches with
many fiendish well-wishes.
Death shall be vanquished!
Glad you posted, we worry about you, you know. And feel better soon. You make a better Fiend-Empress than you would compost. You'd get bored then.
Would say more, but I'm trying to fit 50 'L's into 140 characters and decide what kind of coffee your Boss is, so I don't have time. How wise you were not to get sucked in to twitter. . .
hope you are feeling better.
avoid the bouncing green balls
You can't die -- that's too much paperwork!
sound's like someone's taking Hemingway a bit too seriously.
I thought you sounded tired on Sunday when we spoke. (wish the convo could have been sooooo much longer; course now I have lots to tell you about Aspen.
Feel better as soon as you can. Try to enjoy your time staying in your jammies & eating comfort food.
Well, ok, no dying. And I do feel better today.
I feel like have missed so much! I did read comments from my phone, so I am mostly caught up....
I wish we could have talked longer too! That was fun, but I think I must have been coming down with this then..Probably got it at the gig.
blame the lutherines!!!! *
i'm going to a lakers game tonight. i'm so excited. i've had 2 long nights in a row, and i've been sniffling. i think plague is brewing. hopefully it waits until after the game.
*i have nothing against lutherines, don't know much about them.
*goes to check on something*
Just as I thought. Oh dear.
I seem to have sent my cold bug to you instead of the intended "good gig"-vibes (I blame the residual fever and hacking cough).
I hope you can forgive me, Miss Fabulous...
Chicken soup and hot apple tea are on their way down the intertubes. Onna dumptruck.
Glad you're feeling better, Ms. Fabulous. :)
I missed the inauguration; I was getting my breasts squished. ::shrug:: One of those necessary things.
Vampi beat me to it, I was going to blame the lutherines too.
Also sending virtual chicken soup, hugs and heat to you (not compost heat, real dinky di heat from outside)
Angus sends you seriously purry love (honest, he mostly ignores the computer when I'm typing other than to lay on it....as soon as I turned to your latest post he started doing the jaw rub thingie on it and purring REALLY loud. Now he is sitting here staring at me, to ensure I get his opinion correct no doubt.)
We both send our "get better" wishes, and wish we were there to fetch tea (he could, albeit slowly, occupy Bengals for you) and tuck up many velvety blankets.
Minky Blanket! That's it--do you have a minky blanket?
Hurray for the not dying part!
You and I can be sick together!
Tea helps. Tea rocks. Feel better.
Sending you tea, chicken soup and warm air too then Emily, and any other Fiends who might be in need of some TLC.
Virtual chicken soup and tea for you, too Emily. Stay warm.
Is that a new pic, sally, or have I not been paying attention before?
Hope you feel better soon Q. Lots of love.
I have spent the time since your gig on Friday reminiscing about Nat and my visit last Feb. Gosh it was wonderful. I've been jigging around here lots... thinking of you... thinking of June... wishing I could be there to take care of you. Snuggle your blanket up a little higher... warm up some soup... deliver straying bengals back to your bedside as footwarmers.
Big hugs, Lorraine. I hope your recovery is swift.
um yeah it is Marjorie. I was bored last night. Does it look silly, or is it me?
DragonSally. I like it. Fun.
OK - 4 wrord of 2 syllable each and it took me three gos. Going to bed now,.
G'Night all. Be Well
More on the inauguration poem... ouch! (but funny)
I do feel bad for the poet, honestly - such a huge and public task, and she flubbed it. And for Obama, who thought he was doing something prestigious for a friend.
My Lorraineamalena site seems to be gone! Weird. Looking into it now.....
It is gone... it went pfft. ACK
Pfft is not good.
Vampi, I don't get your bouncing green balls link... it just links back here... to this thread. Is it supposed to do that? Are WE the bouncing green ball? hehe
Whew! Glad to hear from you Miss Q. i was having visions of the disappear into bed for weeks kind of thing I did once. Ptooey. No fun at all. So glad you're on the mend. And take your time.
Minke fabric is possibly the softest thing in the world. Except kittens. Made a Moomin out of Minke once for daughter's friend.
Still have the rest. Hmm.
Hope you feel better soon, Q. I'm off to take an ill boy to the doctor now. It's everywhere.
What's a moomin? Is it like a moomoo?
What's this, I leave for a few hours and there is talk of death and compost?? No no no, no dying please, that would make for sad Fiends and sad Bengals. I say be gone, Evil Germs, leave our Quiche and our Emily and Lexocat's boy, we need them healthy!
Love the new pic, DS, hiding behind fans always makes me think of Dangerous Liaisons.
The photos of Fiends meeting in CA were great - they've set a standard, Marjorie, we're gonna have to take pics when you're in Dublin. And speaking of being in Dublin, very happy that Boss is gonna make it for the Coraline screening. That's gonna be an amazing weekend for me - a Fiend, a Fantastic Film and a [searches brain for a word beginning with F to describe Mr Neil to keep things alliterate but fails miserably to find a particularly appropriate one] Fellow wot writes bukes.
Hhhmmmm time for bed me thinks, brain no worky good. Night all.
I wasn't caught up with the comments on the last post, but I'm guard to hear that you're feeling better Lorraine!
Ben had the goopy plague for a couple of days too, but since he's a kid it didn't stop him at all. He is, however, asleep in the car at now which never happens. He fell asleep on the way home from school so I unbuckled him, cracked the door, and put a blanket over him. It's raining here today that its just a drizzle and it's not very cold-- even for here!
Adri and I had a great lunch last Saturday, although he forgot to take pictures so we'll have to do it again! ;-) And this Saturday Ticia and I are going to dinner and a show--Sushi and then The Phenomenauts and Jason Webley!
Fiends are gathering everywhere!!
I should run outside and check on the boy.
Moomintrolls are the creation of Tove Jansson, a Finnish children's author. they are adorable, whimsical creatures who inhabit Moomin Valley, and have very charming adventures. Not sickly sweet, but delightful in the best sense...like the real Mary Poppins books, (not Disneyfied) or Carl Sandburgs Rootabaga Tales.
Look at Finn Family Moomintroll on Amazon, as a better explanation. So i made a stuffed animal, starting with a hippo pattern and adapting it. I got a "mad skills" reaction from friend, so I guess it worked!
Sorry to gush...but truly some of the best kids books I've ever had to read aloud.
dabbler... thanks for the info.
Will have to check it out!!
Wish there were more fiends in my neck of the woods. mopes... pouts... pouty pouty poopy face.
... but I am trying to work my life around getting out there in June... the question is whether or not to quit the job that makes me unhappy but would for sure let me get out there next June... or to just keep job hunting and *hope* I will find a job that will let me get out there next June.... it might not be much of a debate soon. We'll see.
Hey EmilyLady,
Get better wishes for you, too. Didn't mean to leave you out!
And to anyone else who is dripping, sneezing, shivering, aching and all that yucky stuff...feel better. FAST
oops i must have failed at link
Damn Vampi, that looks addicting.
Yes, mucho healthy wishes to all the suffering fiends out there.
Gayle (I hope that is the right person) any luck finding a home for those 2 lovely kitties of yours?
um... I didn't mean 'Damn Vampi'... I meant 'DAMN, .... Vampi...'
and Lorraine... no compost for you!!
no offense taken. i highschool i had a friend that always preceeded my name by damn it. the big joke was that i was "damn it donielle". amazing how things were so funny then, but when written down sound so lame. it really was a fab joke, i forget exactly how it started, but it was totally on a school trip to toronto.
Dabbler- I love moomin! My mother has a mug set that we bought in Finland. Absolutely adorable.
Good news, fiends. Today, when I left work at 5:07 pm, the sun was still in the sky. Barely, but it was still there. I danced all the way to the car, I tell you.
Q, Emily, everyone- get better! She said, with all the love in her heart...
Damn-it-Donielle... I like it. and I know exactly what you mean by the sentiment 'it was so funny at the time but it lost it's humour when I wrote it down'.
Drive-by commenting!
The van broke down. I "fixed" the van. I bought a new van. I considered a job offer. I need to ask for more money. I have to arrange to have the van transported and do I need an extended warranty? Too busy to think straight. *sigh*
Lost tonight!
Really, Lost is back tonight?! Tivo means i never have to think of such things, they just appear...but YAY!
Emily -- take care and feel better soon.
Dan -- Van stuff sucks. I hope you can get more money. They need you! And YES! LOST! I am so happy but I want to quick watch the very end of the last one as I know I have forgotten some of it. I know a lot of people have lost interest in Lost but not me. I still love it.
um... Danth, I hope that doesn't mean you are commenting as you drive... :-)
Best of luck with the van-blues.
Hey everyone.. go see Neil's new Coraline vid. There is a link from Neil's blog and it is great fun.
This comment has been removed by the author.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I have a problem watching videos on the computer in my house; there's always a brother or two who will peer over my shoulder. Sometimes they just peer; other times they will also ask what I'm doing. Of course if they see it's Coraline they will say, "Ooooh! Coraline!" and stare.
creepy vid. eeek. i mean appropriate and great, but CREEPY.something about the meneaced glee when he shows the button on his jacket is just spooky.
and all this talk of tea, i had to go make a cuppa, i was too lazy for the "good" tea so i have some cinamin apple tea.
Vampi, I love apple-camomile tea -- first tea I ever tried!
THANK YOU, everyone, for all the get-well wishes. Quiche, hoping you are still alive? ...
Recover soon, Lorraine! You're not allowed to die, you know. Neil would panic without an assistant and possibly do something desperate like mail you to Lisa Snellings for reanimation.
And I emailed you about website stuff.
Well-wishes to the other sniffly fiends as well.
Dan - you know you're worth what you're asking. Be bold. Go forth and dicker with them. Extended warranties are a "maybe"... what are they offering on it?
Welcome back to the land of the quasi-living Lorraine. Hope you pass through the "blankie veil" and re-enter the Land Of The Living, soon. I miss your wonderful energetic spirit here on the blog. Don't get me wrong, the Fiends are great. But, this is your blog. We come here for you. Wonderful, loving, caring you. Get well soon. Enjoy your couch time with the Bengals.
Sending warm lemon juice-Ginger-Honey thoughts to all of our sick fiends and their loved ones.
'Reanimation of Lorraine' by Lisa Snellings... hehehaha
**hugs and chicken noodle soup** to Fablo. So sorry you're sick!
1) Lorraine - you saved my soul today - I had another day at work (legislature is in session, and that's not a calm time of year) and on the way home I thought I was turning on the radio, but it was the CD, and it was Folk Underground and it was Bally Bay, and I danced all the way home (which is difficult when you are driving a stick). My soul was maimed, and you healed it. Thank you.
2) Himself is a very scary man, when he wants to be.
3) Sally - love the new avitar - you look so coy. And Spanish Lady.
4) I've been ruined by work. Everything has to be lists.
Oh, and Marjorie - come for the Fiends, stay for the pie....
OK, it makes sense if you know the people I know. But, if you come and stay after the fiendfest, you could experience the 4th of July here, and I'd be happy to show you some of the midwest, and even give you a place to stay, if you want to see Iowa. It could happen.
Siri, are you thinking you might come to the possible Fiend Gathering in June? ...
Oh absolutly for sure I will be there, good Fod willing and the creeks don't rise.
Which, given last June around here could be a problem.
We all hope you can come too, Emily.
I hope so too and am working out how to make it happen. My mother wants to make sure my post-hospital health remains intact, amongst other things. I have said I will do whatever it takes to get there, and I stick by my word.
Don't know if you are still around Emily, but you should be going to bed - it's late there! I'm off, because I've had a day, and I'm going to snuggle in my warm bed and read a good book. Wonder what it will be!
Night, Fiendom.
Sleep well, fiends... I'm off to slumber as well. Must be part bear...I'd really like to hibernate.
This is how hot it is here
lake burns
I am here, sniffling away on the couch, feeding and being with Bengals, who don't like this either, poor dears.
Feeling like I will live, and may float away if I drink any more tea.
Thanks Maureen, I saw your note but my head is too fuzzy to think about it. I think the problem is getting sorted out.
I miss my Fiends too!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the love!
Glad you haven't floated off the couch yet...sorry you're still having to be there. HOpefully the worst has passed!
Neighbor boy is over, they're "helping" hubby play guitar...too cute.
Hope everyone with the plague recovers quickly. My acupuncturist took my pulses and looked at my tongue today and said "you should be taking something to keep away ben's cold"...yes ma'am.
Oh Lexocat, I'm sorry to hear to your little guy is sick. :(
Am teaing, too. Good Earth decaffeinated Green Tea. For some straaange reason, I feel cold all the time these days. ;) So silly, it got all the way up to 1 C today...
Oh good grief! Our low temperature this morning was 27 F, and our high this afternoon was 80 F. So much fun trying to get your kid dressed appropriately for school.
Here's to your continued recovery, Ms. Fabulous! And to none of the Bengals catching your cold!
It was 30 above zero yesterday! That's like, 50 degrees warmer than last week........
thank goodness its a bit warmer for you Lorraine.
Sorry to here you are not feeling well! I hope you get well soon so you can come riding!
Sorry forgot to sign in first silly me! :) Let me know when you ride again! miss you !!!
Warm wishes to all not feeling too great!
dabbler, a hearty thanks for those book recommendations. I need something new here as antidote to My #^%! Ponies.
Watched the new Coraline link Rubius pointed out - creepy in a quiet way. Boss' grin at the end is what made me twitch. And oddly, that jar o' buttons reminded me of cockroaches. *shivers*
Lost fiends, have you all seen Lost: Missing Pieces? I just learned of it this morning, and realize, possibly I'm one of the last Lost watchers to know of these bits, but wanted to share, just in case.
By the by, apologies to any fans of My __ Pony, if needed - I have had too much of them recently, and personally begin to find them insidious.
To sleep for me. Before midnight! Doing good.
Na, you're exceedingly welcome. I love kid's books and am capable of going on and on. Let me know if you want some more.
And good morning/evening to all.
Sally, I love your new picture. Very fetching!
We are forecast to get above freezing today! And I am just beginning to notice moments more daylight...so I guess Spring will occur. Someday.
we are forecast above freezing today too - hurrah! i will at last venture into the pole barn to get some supplies. Lorraine, hope you are feeling better - i posted a note last night, but am not finding it, so blogger must have eaten it. last night rocket decided to be full out rebel and attack electrical cords. really unusual behavior for her - she is good about staying away from "no" items (well, at least until last night) she managed to bring down the office computer cord, and hurt herself in the process, it was awful, the sound when she got shocked - i ran into the room, grabbed the cord, and was promptly shocked myself. ugh, what a night, i could not get her to calm down, and tank just barked like a banshee. ugh....this has been a tough week, and my computer will not play the video, dang it. ok. enough complaining. fiends, thanks for listening, hope everyone's friday is great
Ivenotime - How scary! How is Rocket today? And how are you? ::shudder:: At least you were home when it happened.
I tried to watch Lost last night, but I fell asleep. Thank Fod for Tivo.
I'm driving to work right now in the pouring rain (yay) with a sleeping dog in my lap (don't worry, we're passengers!).
Hope all of the sick fiends are feeling better.
Sue! I hope you and Rocket are all okay. That. Is. Scary.
You North American folks further east should have a day or two of the warmer stuff. And just to warn you, then it's an atmospheric smackdown on the way (temp here is -15 C and falling throughout the day, it was 1 C yesterday).
Off to take monsters to school, and I'm the parent helper at the playschool. *packs extra patience in bag*
Happy Friday all! Or, for Sally and Jacqui and Hera, I guess it's more of a Happy Weekend!
Good morning. Feeling better, but also tired. I'll probably reconsider babysitting today, seeing as the baby's mother just got over a nasty illness herself.
Lorraine, hoping you are feeling much better yourself; and Lexocat, hoping you little boy is feeling better as well.
Off to send in a book review and then drink tea.
Na, is Friday contagious? It's Thursday here! Send some Friday my way!
You guys are aiming to confuse me aren't you?
It's still Thursday here (and will be for a while still).
Now that I have discovered you, you all post too much for me to keep up!!!
Get better Lorraine!
I also wanted to give you a link you can have some fun with. Amazon just launched "Author Stores" with bios and discussion forums of said authors. There is also a link where the author can contribute to their page. I thought you could have some entertainment by contributing things on Neil's behalf. :)
Neil Gaiman's Amazon Author Page
I am in some seriously bad trouble if this is friday and given my nightmaers last night (in the car in the ditch with all the Bengals and Cabel not cages and escaping, went down from there) this does not sound good.
The next 2 weeks are a tighrope on minute by minute leading up to Movie Launch.
Surely there is someone with a brain who can CONFIRM for me this is Thursday????
It IS Thursday, stop panicking.
Cool. I think panic will be a part of the next couple weeks tho. Kitty and I spent a large part of yesterday going over every little thing, making sure, all our ducks were sitting nicely in a row.
Kind of a ragged row for the moment, but the next few days are set, and things move oddly with movies.
I'm enjoying thinking what those ducks would look like - one with button eyes, one with blue hair...
Are you feeling better, Q?
I hope you feel better and have enough time to squeeze in Rise of the Lycans tomorrow (or soon). I rewatched Underworld 1 and 2 to prepare. Also, Inkheart comes out tomorrow, I haven't seen a movie in the theatres forever but now it looks like I'll need to set up camp in one.
Feel better soon!
I am feeling better, except for rather poor timing this morning girl wise. Sigh.
TOMORROW??????? Tomorrow is Rise of the Lycans!!!!!!
Yes, I am going!!!!!!!!!
Rats is the answer - if the garbage is out at the curb the rats will have no interest in your house :)
Glad you're up to duck-wrangling Lorraine!!
Q, this may help
Sadly, only Friday and Saturday seem to have theirown websites..
So, having settled the whole 'What day of the weekis it' issue (which, i have to say, had me confused for a moment. These damn days all look alike you know)
Sue - hope you & Rocket are both fully recovered from your shocking experinece. We once had a cat (well, my parents had her,she was older than me) who did the same thing when she was young - she lived to be 22 so it can't have done any lasting harm, but a horrible shock for you both.
Q - sorry you've been having nightmares, and hope you are feeling better.
Also, I don't think I commentd before in response to Louisa's post, so just to say I am so over-excited about going to Dublin (1st time) Meeting another Fiend (1st time)and the news that Boss is goingto go after all is the icing on the cake. Frustrated that the tickets to the actual film don't go on sale for another 4 1/2 days . .
Louisa, I will bring my camera. There will be fiendy pictures. Yay for fiends meetign up.
Jess - useful to know, elthough I peronally find I am confused about Christmas less frequently than about Friday.
(Ohh, and 100th)
That Is it Friday? website is a little bit blunt, it's sometimes quite distressing to find out it's not Firday when you're absolutely positively sure it must be... it should say nice things like, "It's nearly Friday - only .(so many)..hours to go!"
In certain photos I apparently look very much like a Moomin. The pic that was on my student ID card was uncanny!
Get well Lorraine, some hot lemon with some of the famous honey might help. My honourary auntie swears by warm milk and honey as a cure for lurgy and sniffles! I'm not so sure of its' medicinal value but the only time I tried it I was basically passed out for half a day. Best sticking to the universal cures of tea and chicken soup to avoid the composting situation!
A picture of a wonderful graffito, used as desktop by some guy, in Verona...
Oops. I just realized it's Thursday. A little disappointed now. Sorry for the confusion. On the up side, I guess I get two Fridays this week.
Remember to breathe deeply, Lo and Kitty!
What is this Inkheart? I saw ads for it in the U.S., it looks fascinating, but I'd never heard of it. Wait. My brain is now waking up - guess I can googlecate...
Perhaps should acquire some caffeinated tea.
LOL at the Friday and Christmas links.
You can check for Halloween too! Cool! :-)
Things are unthawing here... it's supposed to be around 40 (and Thursday) today. I read Birdchick's post about her birding trip in Florida and it sounds like it's colder there.
Snowed on the North Carolina Coast yesterday (which may or may not have been Wednesday).
Us midwesterners giggle at things like that....
(We midwesterners????)
Off to the gym. grrrr.
For once I hopped on here i n the morning and I was in the same day as the rest of you.
Na - it IS Firday - for me.
I'm glad everyone appears to be getting better.
Sue, I had a dog who was a demon on power cords. Killed a perfectly good electric blanket for me with a bit of chewing. I'm relieved you both survived the shock. Tricksy electricity.
Sally - just looked at your email.
You Aussies are nuts.
Hi Sally. And Siri.
And I just reslised I missed the whole Moomins discussion. How did I miss that?
(hanging my head) ok apparently it has been such a week i was wishing it over - i really thought it was friday til i read all the comments. then looked at the top bar of the computer where it said thurs, and the light dawned. not a very bright light to be sure...more of a dim bulb. thanks for the well wishing, rocket was shocked so badly that she defecated both p and poo during the shock, really scared me, but she is happily chewing a toy and is fine. i have pulled every plug in and out of use to safety and have put barriers to rooms i am not in. my daughter told me today on the phone that this week is considered by scientists to be the most depressive week of the year - but didn't know what the criterion was. i will use it to explain my mood. Marjorie, how cool you are going to dublin and such great timing! inkheart looks cool, its about a book coming to life, i think. i also can't wait for watchmen, hope its done well. Oh Na! yey i was not the only one with day confusion:) and what is rise of the lycans??
Sue - great to hear the pup is recovering!! I can't even imagine.
I believe Rise of the Lycans is a new Underworld movie. Or, perhaps, we are all about to be overrun with werewolves - I'm good either way.
:) Sue, ditto, that neither of us was alone in day-of-the-week confusion. Glad you critter is okay, too.
Rise of the Lycans is the new Underworld movie, and is a "prequel" to the other two, I understand. So no exquisite Kate Beckinsale. But the previews I saw stateside looked very cool.
Arwenn, have you nothing to fear from werewolves?
Sue, glad you're both OK. I agree, it's very cool I'm going to Dublin (all thanks to Louisa, who is letting me sleep in her guest room and has promised not to put my head in her freezer) The timing was not coincidental, but it was loking for a bit that Himself wouldn't be going, so that's a bonus!
Freaky fiendy meetups forever!
Arwenn, is there something we should know about you? Have you been feeling at all, well, wolfy, recently?
Sue, glad you guys are ok, and I forgive you this mornings panic, hee-hee!
I need to do a new post now, don't I?
ah... so that explains the mind-numbing soul-quenching work-depression I am in. gods I can't stand this job sometimes. numbers numbers numbers... crunch crunch crunch... they keep falling on my head. I hates them precious... hates them.
I really wanted it to be Friday today... so much so that I tried to talk my boss into letting me off for tomorrow ... I SO need out of this job soon. I may have to say 'screw June' and just quit... before I take something's head off.... or perhaps my own.
Rise of hte Lycans looks good... they are showing the preview on the front page of youtube today.
New Post!
New Post!
New Post!
how bored am I? So bored that I have watched the post numbers climb steadily all day... so bored that I watched almost every comment come in one by one... so bored that hitting my head on my desk sounds better than crunching numbers.
oh how bored am I
so bored I could just cry
oh so bored am I
Dragonsally...huh? I see no new post.
Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath. Cornelia Funke. German writer. Young adult books.
Also Dragonrider and The Thief Lord. Brendan Fraser did the audio books for the 1st two in the trilogy, and Dragonrider. I will so be seeing the movie. Most disappointed that he didn't do the Inkdeath audio book.
Brendan Fraser. Yum.
Rubius :O Definitely sounds like job hunt time. Meanwhile, should you need it, here's a {hardhat}.
You see, Rubius, Lorraine said something about doing a new post, and Sally got all exited at the prospect.
You do a very fine Gollum impression. I'm a little scared....
And oh please make it work that you can come in June. I know all too well the depression of hating a job, but if you can find one now that will let you go - or stay where you are until June 19 and say "That's it, I'm done." and walk away and come to Minnesota. That would be so cool...
Ah, Cornelia Funke! Thanks, Siri. We have The Princess Knight, a wonderful picture book. (Ticia - that would be a good addition to the strong-female-lead fairy tale stack.)
Everyone run and read!
Did the new post, my weary Fiends....Whined about my day at work...Come whine with me! And talk of wet Bengals and Werewolves!
If I am reading twitter correctly it sounds like the fiends meeting in Dublin may get to see Q's boss AND AFP together. Very cool.
I know I am in the minority but I am glad it is Thursday and not Friday. Friday is a very light work day for me and a day I need to avoid getting too behind in life.
I am sorry though that those of you with icky jobs have another day left in the work week. In the new Fiendocracy icky jobs, if they must be done, will all be fit into three day work weeks with triple pay.
I'm in the process of rereading the Inkheart books. Looking forward to seeing Andy Serkis as Capricorn....and now shall go read new post.
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