Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Cold But Parties Are Coming!

And a very good evening (or morning or afternoon who knows when you will be reading this) to you my Fiends!

I read this statement today in USA Today (hey, it shows up, great breakfast reading) It was an article talking about the current cold wave, and they were speaking to an Official Something in Bismark, ND and I thought it might put things in perspective for us, cold wise.....

To Quote: (more or less)

"Schools rarely close for weather here. The current situation of -30 to -40 windchill may force us to make some changes. Our current policy is if the windchill is over -15 below zero the students DO NOT go out for recess."

The funny thing is, these kids out there are most likely HAPPILY outside in say, oh -10 windchill, and bumming out at not currently being allowed out. Only in South Dakota.

Today's forecast was: A high of -5 below. Call me kooky, but I am not sure -5 ought to be referred to as "A High" it did make it, barely.

Earlier today I checked in with weather and it said "Tomorrows forecast is forecast to be MUCH colder than today." Hello on the optimistic!

Here is the current forecast: HIGHS around -10 tomorrow, windchill readings -35 to -45.

Not sure you can understand how cold this is if you haven't been in it. I have seen winters here with real temps (they abandon the windchill at this point) of -20 to -30. The air freezes and hangs there. Your hands, gloves or not, freeze very fast, as do toes. It gets into your bones and STAYS there. Getting to your car, even at a mild -10 and starting it, is a painful process. You really hope you don't have to get gas or add wiper fluid. Or break down.

(If you have teenagers, you pack the trunk with coats, boots, hats mittens and such as they WILL NOT wear them. It's not cool.)

But enough about cold, everyone except Dragonsally and Hera, is going thru it in some way right now. We'll hang in there and whine about it together.

On a happy note, I don't know if I have officially announced it, but I will do so now..Paul and Lorraine are playing Charlie's at the Water Street Inn, in the big ballroom, for St Pats, 6 to midnight! We'll be somewhere else during the day, I'll let you know, but what is special about the evening show is that it will be streamed LIVE over the internet. All six hours, sets, breaks everything.

For those of you in Europe saying oh great, like we are staying up for THAT, you will be able to record it. Tho honestly, not sure SIX HOURS of Paul and I, delightful as we are, will make for astounding viewing, but you can get a taste anyway.

We will also have it set up, thanks entirely to Dr Wicked, he is the evil genius behind this entire stream, so anyone can send up TIPS for the jar, which Fod knows we will deserve, and request songs and send messages, which I will read out loud.

Minneapolis Fiends, Dr Wicked will need a minion or two. You have already volunteered and your presence is mandatory for some portion of the evening. I thank you in advance. There will be a drink or three or five in it for you.

We are having a party. Much like New Years, only live on camera. We will be talking to Fiends and audience members during the breaks, and we will be talking to you. Send us messages, and we will respond.

I know it seems far away, this cold January night, and we do have a party before then. Dr Wicked wants to do a trial run, so maybe...Well I am having a B'day party too...Can't compare to what St Pats is going to be, but might be fun.

Love and Staying Warm,


At 6:21 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

probably not first

At 6:21 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

What? First?!? w00t!!!

At 6:22 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Yay for streaming shows! I loves them.

At 6:23 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Lorraine, do I need anything special to attach to my computer? Like a camera or whatnot?

Inquiring minds.....

At 6:23 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

congrats Maureen, Miss quick draw. The St. Patrick day show sounds like alot of fun. Thank you Paul, Lorraine and Dr. Wicked.

At 6:28 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm so excited! live Lorraine and Paul....hmmm, must think of intriguing questions--i only have 2 months.

At 6:32 PM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

Streaming is good... actually being there would be even better but MN doesn't thaw out until... May? June? My shamrocks would be frostbitten ;-)

At 6:34 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Fun! Looking forward to it already. :)

Assuming we all survive the cold, that is. I'm packed in with dog and cat and fuzzy blanket, and it's only 14F, not so bad at all.

And Q, how could you doubt us? The Fiends can do ANYTHING. 300 comments, pfaugh.

At 6:35 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Exhausted after the rush to get over 300 comments - off to a warm bed now. For sure that's the only warmth I'll find.

My hands are still cold!

Night Fiendom!

At 6:37 PM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

A streaming show, how cool! Can't wait to see you two, and can we heckle you live, too? *evil grin*

G'night Siri!

At 6:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Your shamrocks would be frozen Maureen

Lorraine, your weather IS bazonker. I have experienced those temps, once, at the top of a mountain in Austria and I couldn't believe how cold it was - and you're living in it. Sheesh.

El, scary drive. I'm so glad both you and your car are okay.

Hey, Dr Wicked - countdown to show widget?

At 6:39 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

D-Val and I and the Vampirella can be included with D-Sally and the Heraesque.
It has been sunny and 75* here in LA, and there looks to be no break in the Santa Anas...
and all i want is some snow....

no one gave Drew a shout out for the Elton John touring gig, he is sad. *cries. Come on! Captain Fantastic!! (i think the landslide of 3 trillion comments buried poor Drew...)
Quiche! you DID create a MONSTER.

At 6:47 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Good Fod! I turn my back for a moment and when I turn around again there's an unread post with over 300 comments? Seems I'll be playing catch up for a bit. Love the parties; shudder at the thought of the bitter, bitter cold; and must be off to read what happened around here yesterday. Wow.

At 6:53 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

There's also Stacy (and me and soon, for a bit, Na) to include in the not-cold-here crowd, too! :)

At 6:57 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Party! I'll make the martinis! That sounds like the coolest thing ever.

What else sounds cool is WorldCon in Montreal in August. That's when we get cabin fever here in Tejas. Hmmmm, August.

It's 50F outside now at 9pm, due to get down to freezing. Looks like a nice weekend, though. Anyone who wants to thaw out, come on down! We have two very friendly cats and extra beds.

When I read that -15F wind chill comment it reminded me of the schools here. They don't let the kids out if it's under 40F!!! It doesn't matter if they have the proper clothes on. Drove me crazy when The Offspring was in elementary school.

Stay warm under the duvets, and if you're outside watch out for sliding trucks. Good luck, everyone, and sleep well!

At 6:58 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Oooh, sorry Drew! That is the coolest thing and we are all incredibly impressed. Say hi if you're in Dallas!

At 7:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I never doubted you, just didn't expect you to EXCEED it by so much..

OK HELLO? Elton John??? Drew You so rock!!!!! If we do a Desert Island Disk post, and don't think we won't be..
(top five cd's you would take and why, don't post now but think about it)

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, record one, is SO #1 on my list!!!!!!

And you are touring with him??????

Uh, coming to Minneapolis by any chance, would SO, love DAHLING to see you again!!!!!! (hee-hee)

Shouts out to Drew, and if you knew him , my Fiends, you would do the same.

(he Karaokes the HELL out of Metalicas Whiskey In The Jar, which in my book defines cool!)

At 7:04 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

ok, he stopped crying. * sniff
thanks you doll Q, i am going to track those dates for us to ATTEND!

At 7:09 PM , Blogger Eve said...

Woah. Such busy fiends! Finally got caught up.

The agricultural comments were quite enlightening. I'd heard little snippets that there were problems but not enough to even begin to see the actual size and scope.

Loved the spider link Sally! I've been reduced to baby-talk. (Who's da coot lil spidie? You're da coot lil spidie. Yus you is. Daawwwwwww! Here has bugz.)

I'm excited for some streaming! I'd love to hear Q and Paul. Partay!

At 7:14 PM , Blogger dabbler said...

'night, all. Prolly won't be around much tomorrow...long day and no internet at office yet.

Thinking that Minnesota as a possible next job for DH is right out. I'm freezing In Eastern PA at 20F. Though twin cities are where all the FAA Air traffic stuff moved for LMCO. Nah, too cold.

At 7:14 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

YAY! for Internet parties!

Ms. Kitty, somebody said something about Elton and Billy together being cool, but I don't remember who. It wasn't long after your initial comment about it. Mr. Drew should not be upset; he has a really cool gig with that. :)

You could come to Central Texas. It's incredibly dry; we are under a burn ban. The lows for tonight and tomorrow are in the mid 20s and the highs the next two days in the 40s. This weekend the predicted highs are around 60. Personally, we really need a couple of weeks of freezing weather to kill the effing ticks and fleas. Might kill some mosquitoes, too.

At 7:15 PM , Blogger Annie said...

So what's the record for number of comments before a new post?

Is currently -26. I want to try the water-throwing thing. Hmm. Be right back.

At 7:19 PM , Blogger Adri said...

We should form an I35 Fiend club. Just in Texas it sounds like there's Fluffy, adrianlian, and me all in a row.

At 7:22 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

{{{Eve}}} I'm so sorry to hear about your FiL.

At 7:24 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Rhode Island has an unhealthy number of people who moan about the weather. Maybe it's not just Rhode Island. The thing is, our winters are so wild and ridiculous. The truth is that we can have fifty degrees one day and ten below zero the next.


So as much as I try to refrain from complaining, I hate winter. I just do. I hate it. There's nothing about winter that I like. Winter just sucks.

Good-night, Fiends. (collapses)

At 7:27 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Eve - I totally read over your comment about your FiL. Hope all goes as well as can be for him

At 7:28 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Record number of posts in 24 hours?

Yesterday (well a moment ago) at 334...

Go Fiends!!!!!!

I worry you will exceed that somehow.....

And me going to Elton John!!!!!!!!!

At 7:29 PM , Blogger El said...

I will sign up to be a minion, I'm an excellent minion!

Jess- the school I attended in North Dakota supposedly had tunnels between two of the dorms. We looked long and hard for those things, because ND winters make Minnesota look like a cakewalk. Never found them, but we did find an interesting and creepy bomb shelter under one of the buildings.

Oh look, my name is blue now. I wonder how that could have happened, lol.

You people are a bad influence. :P

At 7:29 PM , Blogger Annie said...

Just did the water thing, neighbor kid was outside and watched, "Do it again!"

At 7:30 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Q haz a tunnelz?
That would be pretty awesome.
I think everyone should LIVE undreground. Much better insulation than above ground houses. Me, I want a hobbit home.

At 7:31 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I'm driveblogging-- since 5, and am growing to loathe the 91 fwy.

Kitty, I totally missed your earlier concert comment; that is awesome! I will email you about coffee? And yes, I enjoyed my 89 degree weather today. Immensely. We are toasty in LA.

Okay, two tow trucks, no accident. WTF?!

At 7:32 PM , Blogger Annie said...

El, what school were you at? I'm in Fargo atm....

At 7:37 PM , Blogger El said...

Annie- I'm glad water could amuse you!

I went to good old JC in Jamestown. I have many fond memories, but I am glad that I no longer have to drive 90+ miles to see a decent movie.

Fargo, ah, Fargo. It was a bastion of civilization for us.

At 7:38 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

El, you are now HEaD Minion! Laminate for you! Mwwhahahah! I mean, do glad you will be there.......

At 7:38 PM , Blogger Annie said...

Yes, I can be easily amused....

I'm back in Fargo now for the time being.....can't tell you how much I miss Minneapolis.....

At 7:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh fods, I am laughing, Mim found a piece of American Processed Cheese in the garbage, (ok so I dropped it on the floor, in front of the cat box and dinner was a little sketchy tonight) and she has dragged it all the way to the sun room, and is not EATING it (good kitty) but chasing it and stuffing it under the rug...

Attacking it.

Why go out, I say???

At 7:43 PM , Blogger El said...

Annie- Fargo happens to a lot of good people. Don't worry.

You could go to a midnight movie at the old Fargo theater sometime. That's at least fun, yeah?

(No offense intended, any Fargo fiends or lurkers! But once you're used to Mpls, it's hard to make the transition.)

Q- You'd think I'd have the sense to be frightened, but my students have deadened my brain's fear receptors. I have no fear! I need no fear!

At 7:44 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fargo, Annie??? We have nothing cold wise on you!

At 7:45 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

El, if I was worried you would have got a completely different response...You are SO qualified and I am grateful.

At 7:48 PM , Blogger Annie said...

El--yes, there's the theatre, and occasionally there are writing workshops and what not. Otherwise, I survive by frequent trips to the library and living vicariously through people still in the Cities :)

Q--coldest it's been here is -90 with the windchill. I like to think that if I can survive that, I can handle anything!

At 7:49 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh I am good at being a minion! Sign me up! I think. If you actually get me out on both New Years Eve and St. Pats -- two nights I typically do not want to be on the roads -- you are amazing.

Yay Drew! Very cool.

Eve so sorry about your FiL. You and yours will be in my thoughts.

Good Grief these comments fill up so quickly.

At 7:52 PM , Blogger El said...

Annie- you can totally handle anything. And books make for a great escape. I'm going to start a new one myself, in a bit. After swahili and poems.

Q- I'm excited, and I can probably draft help. Rock makes the world go round, after all.

At 7:53 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Oh. I meant to mention that Nathalie posted a link on her LJ to photos of freezebubbles. They are really, really cool!

At 7:57 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

On Weather:

It is cold and that sucks and we get to complain... but... I hate how the "News" makes it sound like it is the biggest thing in the world. The Coldest Day EVER (well in the past five years anyway) Ever!

Why back in the day we had to walk 12 miles to school when it was 20 below zero for a month at a time. Okay not really, but it is not like this sort of cold never happens...

At 7:59 PM , Blogger Annie said...

Swahili and poems--I like that combination :)

At 8:04 PM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

Eve - sorry to hear about your FiL. I hope things work out for him. {{Eve}}

Husbeast and I saw Billy Joel & Elton John in Louisville a few tours ago. Great show. Apparently they're playing Indy this tour, but tickets are a little out of reach (I saw $165/ticket quoted). Ouch! Love them both, but that's a bit rich for my pocketbook.

Our high temp tomorrow is supposed to be -1. They might actually close down Purdue, which usually takes an act of $deity. Makes me glad I don't have to leave the house if I don't want to.

At 8:08 PM , Blogger El said...

Yup, bomb shelter under the dorm. It was a series of tunnels under each wing of the building. We had to do a little, uh, breaking and entering to get in.

Abandoned Mental Hospitals take the cake for creepy. They always make me so terribly sad.

The neat thing about my school is that it was actually older than ND is as a state. So there was loooooots of really spooky stuff going on around there.

At 8:11 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Agh, 300 comments last post? gah, i will never catch up. Kitty! Tell Drew he is so lucky - elton and billy joel - that would be fun! didn't you cook chicken for sir elton's dogs last year? also tell drew his chainmail (i think? it was extremely cool) that he made rocks. ok, Lorraine, you can just quit sending your weather my way - we are about 24 hours behind you, even the dogs are not wanting to go out, i can only imagine how miserable it was for poor cabal.

At 8:19 PM , Blogger Dr. Wicked said...

This is what happens when you throw boiling water into the air in January in Minnesota

(Filmed earlier this evening at Starbucks)

At 8:24 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

St Pat's sounds like great fun!!! I will do my best to be a back up minion. :)

At 8:31 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Dr Wicked, that was awesome for this little Aussie duck.

At 8:43 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Billy Joel is way awesome; I can't imagine the two of them; both masters of the piano; playing together. I'd love to see Billy playing Rootbeer Rag in person. What a thrill!

Mostest even cooler will be hearing live streaming of Fablo & Paul! Whoot!

At 8:57 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

300 comments rolling and I killed it. *sniff* sry

At 8:58 PM , Blogger Na said...

Fiends, you crazy awesome bunch of noodles! Solving the world's problems (loved "Omnivore's Dilemma" - seems to me restoring diversity to midwestern farms would be a Really Good Thing...), tea advice, making wings.

Busted 300! and already 55 comments on the new post. I can't get it all in depth. I'm wildly trying to finish an editorial assignment AND pack to get out of the tundra and on to LA. But just had to take time and do some reading here.

The kids here stay in for recess if it gets below -4 F. My son alternately complains about and enjoys this (they sometimes watch shows for indoor recess).

In this part of Canada, so far it seems to me folks manage the cold by staying indoors as much as possible on the -40 days. But every day it gets that cold here, I wonder about folks who live even further north. And definitely, definitely, one should blow one's nose before going out.

Sometime will totally be trying Dr. Wicked's demonstration, out our front door! Gotta check out that spit-going-conk one, too.

Right. Best go. Won't sleep well tonight, never do before a flight.

At 9:00 PM , Blogger Na said...

Oh hey Stacy! I saw your message - fods willing and all goes well, I'll be in LA this time tomorrow, have plans for Friday, but pretty sure the weekend is unscheduled. Will know more when I'm there. Wheee! Okay, taking my frantic self away for a bit...

At 9:02 PM , Blogger vampi said...

holy crikey i can't keep up now.

Kitty, i did say something about the billy and elton thing. i might have left out the bit where i drool and get all jeealous. here it is: AWESOME for drew. my first 2 cd's that i bought were elton and billy. much love for the 70's power piano ballads.

oooh i have my coraline carl's jr toy!!! pics here

today was lovely. i'm kind of boggled by people choosing to live in a place that gets that cold. i walked over to fruit guy today, it was amazing. i tried papaya. i'm still iffy on the mangoes, does this mean i get kicked out of fiendom?

streaming show is an awesome and amazing idea. for those that can't make it, maybe the recorded show can be podcasted.

At 9:04 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

vampi; i don't like either of those fruits. you can sit with me back here. :)

At 9:07 PM , Blogger Eve said...

Thanks for all the well-wishes. They mean a lot.

Great vid DrWicked!

Those pics of the frozen bubbles are amazing. Reminds me of Jareth's crystal bubbles from the Labyrinth. Very pretty.

Have a safe trip, Na!

Found some amazing clockwork jewelry on Etsy

Off to bed. Been a long day. Gnight!

At 9:17 PM , Blogger vampi said...

so na, where in lala and were you visiting? i'm up by glendale. if i recall, you were going to be way more south. if you venture this way, i strongly recommend the griffith observatory. beautiful view and neat planetarium.

the frozen bubbles were awesome. the frozen boiling water was cool also. i'll stay here in lala land where it is a bit more moderate.

At 9:33 PM , Blogger Na said...

Hey Vampi! I'm visiting mi hermano away down in Aliso Viejo, which is -- gar. South of Irvine and Newport and that, deep in "the OC", half way to SD for you, I think.

I LOVE Griffith. Haven't been there for -oh carp. over a decade. :( I grew up in the South Bay. Back then, I couldn't wait to get out of LA, but now there's quite a number of things I miss. The weather might be one. :P

Got to finish packing. Fiends and FabLo, be merry, keep warm or keep cool as needed!

At 9:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathalie those bubbles are so beautiful! It's tempting me to see what it'd look like here, but I have no bubble solution.:(

Jess, I have a weakness for abandoned asylums. They ARE eerie, but also kind of cool..great places for taking pictures.

Datagoddess - They're thinking of shutting down Purdue? *tries to remember if they've ever done that before* Freaky. (I'm from Lafayette, so I wonder about these things;)

Dr Wicked that was an awesome ice cloud! Yay for science!

At 9:42 PM , Blogger Adri said...

I looove clockwork jewelry! I have these by a Clockwork Zero and I wear them all of the time.

At 9:44 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Just say 'abandoned asylum' and I think of Supernatural. Mmmm, Jensen Ackles

At 9:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gave me a good laugh! No- 5 can't be high! The weather guys like to here in L.A. will sometimes say "It will be in the low 90s." and like you I think, since when is 90 a low anything! It's warm out here in Malibu it was 80 and are the surfers happy. Good luck to you and Paul! Love- geri - yoga gal

At 10:18 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

I-35 Fiend Club. Sounds good to me! Frozen bubbles - too cool for words. 12:17 a.m. too late - gotta get up tomorrow!

At 10:39 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

What 150 odd comments to go through and now another 69?
I am going to give up on reading the comments.

At 10:56 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Shouting out to Drew...

Not so cold here either. In fact it was +9 at 06:30 this morning. It might go much higher (predictions are for 12 max) but it still beats the hell out of -40F.

Maybe American processed cheese smells like dead mousy? Or catnip?

At 10:57 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Following Starshadow's lead in the other post, I can report that here in my part Melbourne it is 21 C outside - but feels 10 degrees hotter in the sun. Inside its a very muggy 25C. The house still hasn't cooled down from the other day when the overnight minimum was a sultry 27C (third highest min on record for Melb).
Summer has really started for us at last it would appear.

At 12:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow....go and be useful for a day, see what happens...

Okay--cold in North Dakota: I once traveled by MilAir (space available) from Minnesota to California, trying to get home for Christmas. At the Air Force Base in Minot, ND, I had to trundle my rollie bag about a kilometer (maybe a bit more) from where the bus dropped me off to where the "get your name on the waiting list" office was, then back nearly that far to where I was staying over night (you have to check in at the flight control office BEFORE you can get a place to leave your bags..AF logic! Or just how they like to tease the Army :) )

It was December 22. Vehicles were plugged in during the day. I've NEVER been so cold in my life, not even Winter Solstice in Alaska. That prairie wind is killer!

As for negative temps--when learning Korean, you realize that there is no way to verbalize a negative number as a "high temperature". Seems accurate to me!

Elton John/Billy Joel: wow. Just .. wow.

Another cold memory (hey, there is a reason I don't live there anymore, and it ISN'T the company!)
Living at Drew's house (not Kitty's!) in Mpls, working at some phone answering company south of the Mall. JUST moved to Mpls, first winter there...must have been January or so. The bus didn't go all the way there, so I walked maybe a mile each way from the bus stop...but always in daylight (short shifts, thank FOD!)
If you kind natives hadn't hooked me up w/that place on Lake street (Kaplan's?) where I bought moon boots four inches thick and ELK hide gloves lined with sheep...probably be a statue there still today.

Much thanks for ALL links (though the spider, brrr! and WHO talks baby talk to an arachnid!! sick puppy... oh, no, my bad--normal FIEND! :))

At 12:22 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Lys, you've just reminded me - that winter trip to Austria I survived with the help of moon boots.

At 12:34 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

The quantity of comments is killing me. Happily, the quality is still FABULOUS. I bit the bullet and read them all, but I think it was a mistake. I'm too tired and I've already forgotten everything ::sigh::

Dracul:Prince of Fire was magical! Cirque de Soleil meets steampunk. Zombies and dragons. FIRE... Ballet and "Thriller". It was a fund-raiser for The Crucible and if you ever get a chance to see anything they produce, do it.

At 12:37 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I was just reading your post out to the husbeast Lorraine, and we were looking at the temperatures on our thermometer. Just rereading has made me feel chilly enough to put a cardigan on.
Husbeast wants to know why you all want to live in such cold places.

At 2:27 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

It's 25-deg. F here. I thought I was cold, but apparently I was sorely mistaken. Time to break out the shorts!

At 2:40 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Those frozen bubbles were AMAZING!! Speshly the bursted one, great capture!

Good pre-emptive that those of us in inconvenient time-zones can record the stream, there might have been Very Grumpy Noises otherwise!

At 2:44 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Wow - I go to sleep and another 200 comments happen? It's going to get hard to keep up.

Speaking of which - Q / Dr Wicked - is it possible on the new site to display the number of each comment (as well as the total number of comments) - when we'r having such high numbers of comments it would be helpful to be able to identify the specifcic one you're returning to (e.g. Adri@3)...

I've seen it on other blogs but don;t know how easy / difficult it would be to add.

The frozen bubbles and Dr Wicked's Ice Cloud are amazing. I just can't imagine anything that cold. Its about +45F here at the moment (how do I make it draw a little degree sign, anyone?) - which is a lot milder than it's been for the past few days. It's supposed to get colder again over the weekend, but this means about +30F, which I'm guessing would count as positively balmy where you are!

St Pats sounds great - I shall start thinking about some suitable requests/quetions/virtual heckling....

Louisa - you mentioned oraline at Dublin Film Fest - do you have a ink - I thought I'd found the festival website but couldn't see any mention of Coraline. I have always wanted to go to Dublin, although not sure how well that matches with the whole 'saving like crazy to come to Fiendstock 09 in June' (which I am determined to do even I have have to live off marmite on toast for ever afterwards.

OK. going to do some work now.

At 3:01 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Marjorie - the schedule hasn't been released yet but I've been reliably informed that Coraline is on the 15th or 16th. Much as I hate them, Ryanair would proabaly be your best bet for cheap flights over, though sometimes Aer Lingus have good deals too. And my guest room isn't five star but it's free!

At 3:27 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

15th February would be a lovely date to have that movie premiering...

At 3:46 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I can turn on comment numbering if Quiche lets me upgrade the blog to the "new" Blogger layouts...

At 4:30 AM , Blogger dabbler said...

Amazing freeze bubbles and photography. Still have them open in other tab thanks to yesterday's training from savvy fiends!

Morning/evening/howdy all.

Bah! despite coffee can't remember what else I wanted to respond to. Be well and comfy...

At 4:33 AM , Blogger Lindsey Joyce said...

School closed here today with some snow and a present temp of 12 degrees. I feel cold from the inside out and am now sure can never live anywhere near the Dakotas.

and my goodness, so many comments! You may need an assistant soon enough!

Elton John...jealous. jealous jealous jealous.

At 4:37 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Those frozen bubbles are magic indeed. I had no clue you could do that so remained utterly fascinated when Cesare showed me the link.
I also liked the somewhat ludicrous idea of blowing bubbles in the dark (the guy says on one of the pictures that it was actually the biggest challenge of all: to find them in the dark).

At 5:55 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Louisa - Seriously? (about the room) Becasue you're right - I looked and RyanAir have flights for £11 return.. will e-mail you...

At 6:01 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

interesting article, following on from yesterdays discussions in the Guardian

At 6:02 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Absolutely Majorie, and don't worry, my freezer is tiny - not enough space for a Fiend's head!! Though maybe for a Spicy Brain....

At 6:45 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning Fiends. Early. Too early. Been helping Boss. Boss is driving and has interview in three hours. Needs reception. Wonders where he will be in three hours.

Not sure where he is or where he is going, so this is tricky pre-tea.

Boss calls back. Wants to know when it gets warm. He says IT'S NINE DEGREES HERE!!!!!!!!!! Indignantly.

I am wondering how I can fix this for him. Not sure I have control over the weather, but am checking to be sure.

Seems to be windchills today of -40 to -50 today, with a low actual temp of -25 here.

I really better get some tea, I am thinking.

At 6:46 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I tried to go and look for comment numbering in my blogs and could not find the option. I did amend the commenting with a pop-up window though, to make life easier for visitors. Good suggestion (whose ever it was).

At 6:48 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Sounds like you should have shipped him to Rome. Or Melbourne (or Brisbane). Or Manilla.

At 6:49 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

So tell Boss it IS warm, and he could be -40 like you are. Some people... *grin*

At 6:52 AM , Blogger Eve said...

Gmorning fiends! Last night was quite a refreshing sleep. Feel much better today.

and WHO talks baby talk to an arachnid!!
The same fiend who occasionally keeps black widows as pets because she feels too guilty to actually kill them when she finds them. *watches the arachnophobs squirm*
(Is my use of too and to correct? I always have a hard time with those....)

Yay! More way pretty steampunk jewelry! Thanks Adri.

*sends warm vibes to fiends dealing with way to freaking cold temps*

*trots off to work*

At 6:56 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Suddenly sky turned gray and wind is blowing... should I be worried? Is this the consequence of arranging warm weather for Boss?

At 7:05 AM , Blogger Jane said...

I picked a fine time to get hooked on this site - is there always so much to read???

BTW, looking forward to the row of interviews that will come now that the Coraline movie is about to premiere - hope Boss and Cabal get to someplace worm soon.

At 7:07 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

A year ago, fifty comments would have been a good day. It is getting worse by the day.

At 7:07 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Ooooh 100

At 7:11 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Boss is doing a live interview in a couple hours, on the web. I'll try and find out where.

Can anyone tell me WHERE is it warm in the US today? Not west coast, sorry.

Mistress, I could try but telling him it IS warm where he is is risky. He might believe me, he might not.

Jane, it is pretty chatty here, which is something I love, don't worry about keeping up, can't be done.

We are getting a chat room thingie on the new site, so Fiends can hang out and talk there as well.

At 7:15 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Florida? Doesn't he have friends with a house there? It's a bit far for the interview, even if he drives like a maniac, though...

At 7:29 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Might work, but I don't think he wants to go so far.....

Checking on the live interview...It's at noon central time, on the Coraline Movie Book.

IT'S BLOODY -17 here, according to Prius, when I went to warm it up!!!!!

Hello??????? What the heck is the windchill?????????

Me wants my bed....

At 7:33 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Good morning, Fiends. It's snowing here. It's cold. Not as cold as where Lorraine is, but cold nevertheless. Spring had better get its you-know-what into gear.

At 7:33 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Q - I don't think you have control over the weather, but I think you may turn out to be held responsible for it:

I think Boss may be a like cats in that respect:
- He's responsible for writing books'n'stuff,
- you're responsible for Everything Else, including weather, and predicicting whether he'ss have reception and where he'll be 3 hours from now.

Maybe telling him 'it is warm relatively speaking ' is the way to go...

At 7:36 AM , Blogger Jane said...

39F here in NC, but sunny and not too windy.

Too far to drive but OMG having NG as a house guest (even with dog)would be so marvelous! I have all 4 of Absolute Sandman prominently displayed - maybe a bit geeky and should hide them...

Thanks for the info on the interview.

At 7:41 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Bingo! I knew I'd seen it somewhere. I think This must be the interview?

At 7:41 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Jane, I miss NC.

There really are such better places to live than Rhode Island. But I'll be going off to college soon -- most of my choices happen to be in MN, but there is one in WI and another is Maryland.

At 7:42 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oops. Meant that another is "in" Maryland.

At 7:53 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Emily, you used to live in NC? It's one of the (very few) bits of the US I've visited, as my sister worked in Chapel Hill for 2 years, so I visited her there. (NC=North Carolina, right?)

At 7:56 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Chapel Hill is wonderful. My father went to school there so when we lived in NC we used to go for football games. Such a pretty campus!

At 7:57 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I lived in Chapel Hill for a couple years, and Durham for a couple. Nice area.

At 7:59 AM , Blogger Dr. Wicked said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8:02 AM , Blogger Dr. Wicked said...

Neil's talk starts at 1 PM EST, that's Noon CST and 10 AM PST

Listen to Neil Live on the web here.

Call in and listen/ask a question by phone:
(347) 826-9684

At 8:07 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

It's 6 p.m. here, which means if I leave work dead on time I should get back in time..

At 8:21 AM , Blogger Adri said...

It's 60F and climbing here in South Texas. If he's still on I35, he can just keep going. My weather widget says it should be in the 70s by early next week, with sunny skies straight through. There are some quite nice resorts and things in the Texas Hill Country between here and Waco. And, of course, Austin is nice. (San Antonio is a popular tourist destination as well, actually. Also we have some oldish buildings and strange customs.)

**goes to hide from enraged Northern Fiends**

At 8:24 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

I meant to say - I signed up for Harper Collins Author Tracker, so they sent me an e-mail about that interview - you can sign up here if you're willing to giv ethem your e-mail...

At 8:32 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

So did I and the picture of Neil that came with the HP reminder was really cute.

At 9:09 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Marjorie, I have not lived in NC -- but have visited it and loved it so much that I wish I could live there! I have lived in this little RI town my entire life. Shame, really. I wonder if any Fiends have visited Rhode Island?

At 9:12 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

New post with a link to the radio is up....Tho of COURSE I hadn't thought, you are all on author tracker!!!!!! Hee-hee, you know things before I do...

At 9:22 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Emily, I have been to Rhode Island many times. I lived in New London, Connecticut for a few years.

At 9:36 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

shoot, are tehy going to archive the interview? ben and i are headed out to target to get him a little reward for talking to his new kindergarten teacher in his pre-k interview!


Hope i can listen later!

At 2:04 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Quiche, get Toni's husbeast on to the weather for Boss thing.

and OMG, jaw drops to are gonna be cold today

At 2:10 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I thought it was a really cute photo to Nathalie. Have to try and get my head around time differences to see if I can listen

At 11:16 AM , Blogger Ani said...

I must be a fiend, now--I put the concert on my calendar in spite of not planning a trip to MN, OR having a good enough connection to stream it!


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