The Best Cat Toy Ever, Magic, and a Cool Book For A Good Cause...
Fairly hectic day today, went by more than quickly, not sure I have a lot left for Adventures, tho surely some are going on. (my life will not much longer be in the Tubes...)
My sister Tracy did send me an ENTIRE BUNDLE of peacock feathers, which are, according to Venus and Mim, the BOMB! And the same mail brought THESE which are hands down the best cat toys I have ever found. I thought these jungle kitties could play but it seems , since the arrival of Da Bird, that we have only scratched the surface.
On thing, make sure you get the single pole, the connecting poles come apart. Rather quickly. I didn't buy mine from this seller, but am having trouble finding the one I did. Google around, hours of fun these things are....
Magic made some more leaps, as it were today, while playing with Da Bird...He got kind of nearer me than he likes to and froze, so I slowly put out my hand, with on finger to his nose, a few inches away, not looking at him. This is a thing one does with Bengals, and cats in general I am sure, kind of a "Hey, are we cool?" sign for them.
He opened up HISSSING , but I didn't retreat, tho I do have to admit to being terrified, despite the lack of claws, he could still do a lot of damage, but he reached out and sniffed!!!!
Knock ME over with a Feather!
Then he scadattled (I think that is a word, despite what spellcheck thinks) but came right back for the Feather Stick. Veus and Mim were going pretty nuts playing "Claws Under The Door" and Magic got fascinated. And then, he looked at me and Mewed!
He has never mewed me before.
Moving on from Bengals, more wonderful work on the new site, and this weekend is going to be some serious working time for me and Dr Wicked. Well, mostly me getting things TO Dr Wicked. (Jess, can you send him all the Night Garden Things?)
Hellos to new de-lurker in the UK, Hallie! (May have got her name wrong, but as I said, long day, and I am beat, anyway, very glad she is here, nice New Years Resolution, de-lurking, anyone else?)
Go this today too, and happy to help....
There is a fundraising effort in place for S J Tucker (I think you'd love her music.) She had to go into the hospital just before Christmas and has racked up some wicked scary medical bills. And has no health insurance.
Neil Gaiman has contributed a story for an anthology being published to raise money for 's00j' - info here:
If you have time/interest, could you pretty please blog about this?
Thank you, regardless!
- Dusti
Love and Early Night,
I don't wanna be number one!
oops! That was me.
Ticia - *grin*
Lorraine, definately leaps and bounds with Magic. He sniffed you. *Happy Dance* And the girls playing paws and doors. They want to meet the boy. This is so good.
I'd better get cracking on the google map thing and email it too.
Blogger is really being a pain in the butt. Its doing the sign in for each new comment thing again. Grrrrr
Oh Val, you are a sly fox....
Thank you, Lorraine!
You are indeed fabulous. :)
split personality fiend! how cool!
those cat toys are the bomb. I get one (they are called 'cats paws') at petco and they are only 7 bucks or so. The feathers don't last really long (I have 4 cats & they all leap for them) but you can then tie small strips of rabbit fur or some such to the ends & still have a rollicking good time! they really love it when i partially hide it under the siesel (sp?) rug. when i pull it back slowly they tear after and dig and eviscerate the rug!
So incredibly wonderful about Magic. Once you found his name it seems he can't hide anymore. Love that he hissed and meowed ! Good boy!
I'm hoping our new cat tree will be here tomorrow! :)
And, silly blogger - demanding that you put in a user ID and password, instead of just knowing who I am after all this time.
He mewed - the sweetest sound a mother can ever hear.
I felt like I was in a spotlight - the only one here.... Then I come back to leave an intelligent message, and Sally said everything I was going to.... Damn stage fright!
Bedtime in the midwest for those of us who have hit the proverbial wall.
Night, Fiendom.
Elionwyr, you are most welcome, very happy to, a really good cause, and I do know the music, please pass on our good wishes!
Darn. Thought we had a de-lurker and it was only 'Ol Ticia, hee-hee! Surely you can't still be shy???? You are a Fiend now! No going back..
Magic is amazing, all I can say.
Sorry blogger is being weird. Working ok on Firefox...
It was just all that blank white staring back at me...
And I'm a shy fox; and I'll teach you a lesson or two!
That's great that Magic sniffed you before he skedaddled. ;) Softly, softly.
I have a new minion starting tomorrow. That should be interesting. I also have gotten my xbox to stream Netflix. This means when I'm out of Netflix DVDs, I can still watch new things! (I don't watch tv, so this is seriously exciting.) my tandoori chicken is in the oven, my wild rice is cooking, and Dog and Cat are hanging out next to me. This is an awesome day.
And now must run before Quiche catches me!
I don't want to catch you now, I just want to come over for dinner, Val!
Ticia, know what you mean, I never want to be first either...
See how cunning I am? I set a tandoori trap for my hunter. ;)
Ack! And I fell for it, must get more cunning indeed...
(Venus, Mim, Lear, Mab and Magic, she is with Cabel! After her!)
Take that!
Siccing the kitties on poor, sick Val! Shame on you!
Cut pic of the two of you BTW!
You're sending *five* Bengals after me and Cabal? Let's hope my favorite co-conspirator remembered the tuna...
They will totally roll on me for tuna, sigh. They are like that...
May have to concede to Dread Val, my army in shambles, and her with Tandoori chicken..
Eek, still catching up on comments from the last're a lively bunch, you are....
w00t!!!! Magic sniffed you! ::BIG GRIN::
Then he mewed at you after seeing, sniffing Venus and Mim at the door! I'd say he wants to know the connection. It's aaallllllll good. :)
Sally, are you sure your internet connection isn't hiccuping? That may be why you're having to sign in for each comment. Blogger thinks you've signed out each time because the connection was lost. Though I suppose it could be Blogger's connection to Australia, too. ::shrug:: Just thinking out loud.
Ms. Fabulous is becoming totally toobular, dude.
yay for magic sniffs and mews!
Struggling to get ben to bed...some nights that boy is so....FOUR!
The fact taht someone needs to have a fundraiser for getting sick is so so so wrong.
The girls waving under the door... that's what got me. :-D
Thus meowed Magic!
Book and cause look good.
The game is afoot
Bengal fiend hunts Cabal fiend
Victor known in June
Annie, that's putting it mildly! Chatty bunch here they are these Fiends!
I suspect Magic and I are in for more than either of us ever hoped for...
Game afoot indeed. June will be fun. Gayle, I know I owe you an e-mail, things ought to settle down in a couple days and then I can think about this....
Well, victory depends on whether or not Cabal could be trusted to not open the can with his jaws...
OH Yay!
Val, we have xbox tv too... fun, as also no tv otherwise. Doctor who!
Apparently blogger will show me a ticky but not agree that I did in fact check it...
Ways I've killed Lara tonight: shot by mercenaries, self immolation, electrocuted by, I kid you not, a Tesla coil
The game reports I am at 45% completion.
YAY bengally goodness! Anythign feathery or furry is a big hit here. Also anything that can be climbed or taken apart and the parts hidden.
Ack, forgot the ticky box!
we picked up the book at the library today called "Halloween ABC"... I would shelve it next to the dangerous alphabet, same genre. It's a collection of poems.
Much to my glee, F is for fiend!
a fiend with fiendish glee
is happy as can be,
mixing fiendish drinks,
stinking up the sinks,
unwinding all the clocks,
mismatching all the socks,
growing grass upon its head,
and never ever going to bed.
Hmmm, so I went to write a new comment, but I wasn't appearing as signed in even though I'm signed in to google, so I went to google and clicked on my account and it wanted me to sign in again -hey presto, I was signed in back here. Google/blogger IS playing games.
Val, can I fall for your Tandoori trap too? Mmmmmm, Tandori.
Hey, look at this interesting thing which came up when I tried to post "Conflicting edits
There was more than one attempt to edit this resource at the same time. This may have been because you double clicked on a link or a button or because someone else is also editing this blog or post."
Chantrelle - that's us to a T
(or F)
What Sally said!
But...we're not growing grass on our heads. We're growing whole gardens.
Just got an email from the same cousin i'm getting those wondercon tix from...his dog just died :( She was so sweet! 15 and covered with tumors for the last few years though...poor sweetie.
Raise a glass in honor of Dancer the wonderdog.
Oh wonderful Chantrelle!
I am for bed, early day tomorrow...
Chatter me some dreams this night..
Thanks for mentioning Sooj and her fund-raising efforts. Every bit of help spreading the word makes a difference. It's especially nice to see a note of approval for her music, too.
We also really appreciate Neil Gaiman's contribution to the anthology.
Chantrelle, the poem made me laugh.
And, I raise a glass to Dancer..... It's a glass of water, but maybe that's appropriate for a dog.
Fiend Night to you all.
Awwwwwww Magic's talking to you! The baby steps are really paying off.
I had one of those "bird" toys and had to give it away because Primus just wasn't into it..he'd just look at it, and look at my hand holding it, and look at me as if to say "You must be kidding."
I'm currently host to my friend Jen's kitty, Hollie (at least until she and her husband can get an apartment) and have just found out that she LOVES to chase the flashlight. I've never seen a cat do that. Sure for a laser pointer, but not a regular flashlight.
Mmmmmmm tandoori chicken, my favorite.:) Your dinner sounds better than anything I have Val.
Chanterelle I love that, F is for Fiends.:) And I raise my glass (water, actually) to Dancer the Wonderdog.
Glasses held high, and ruffs called to Dancer the wonderdog
blag to blogger. i left some comment that was somewhat wittier than normal but it seems it didn't take.
you are now left with my unwitty post of:
hooray for sniffing and mewing
watching some show about a carbon fiber helicopter that is quite neat
a toss of a squeaky newspaper for dancer the wonder dog
my dogs always loved the regular flashlight, or even the reflection off your watch.
good to know that tuna is th bengal/cabal army's weakness
mmm tandori.
mismatched sock fiend, that's me :)
Yeah for magic. Today a sniff, tomorrow maybe a rub against the finger to mark it with his sent?
It took me a while to find a place where I could donate somethign for your friend without having to buy tons of merchandise. I'd love a book but so far they are not mailing overseas...
Scadattle? Would that be the same as scoodaddle? Only with an accent? It's a word. Not in the dictionaries but, hey, who cares.
I googlecated. Its skedaddle, oh, or is it skeddadle...
I always thought it was skidaddle (as in skid)
ahhh, just checked the Macquarie dictionary...skedaddle or skidaddle for more see
Oh, cool, Magic is coming out of his shell. He spoke to you!!
I just got home - spent the day at the hospital where they "deprogrammed" my MiL's pacemaker so it's no longer working. Stubborn woman surprised us all and is still hanging on now, over 12 hours later.
Lame attempt at humor, sorry. This has been really hard to deal with and watch my husband and his family go through.
Don't mind me, keep talking about happy things, like Magic's mew. I'm blubbering all over and could use things to make me smile.
And I forgot to check the stupid box. Sheesh!!
*wanders off grumbling at herself, double-checking that it's checked this time*
Oh Toni, hugs to you and your husband and his family. That is tough, really tough
Hugs Toni.
I saw this and saw a direct link with feathers-onna-stick...
*de-lurks* Another one from the UK here!
Just wanted to say that I am loving your posts about the Bengals. They are all absolutely gorgeous, and it sounds like you're doing a fabulous job. The progress with Magic sounds so exciting!
welcome Quixotic...prepare your spicy brains for lots of sniffing...mwahahahahah
Excellent news about Magic! And the feathery sticks look fun, too. (although when I triend to get Tybalt to play with his bouncy eye last night he just Looked at me. I think it was a "what, get off this mildly warm & feecy blanket and paly where there may be drafts and cold floors? You fool" look, but I may be wrong..
Welcoem Quixotic! And Toni, sorry to hear about what your hsband and his family are having to go through. Never ever easy.
Chantrelle, love the pome. Mismatched sock fiends are us. (I don't uderstand it. I live alone (except Cat, who doesn't wear socks) I deliberately buy dozens od identical pairs of black socks and I STILL can't find a matching pair. (I also managed to dye some pink at the wekend, due to overlooking the 'handwash in cold water only' label on a red top; I don't understand how it is possible to dye black socks pink, but apparently it is...)
Have to go. a client has just turned up for an appointment she doesn't have with me...
The Bee-Bengal Alliance becomes increasingly concerned with each new display of your powers, Quiche. Though they may send waves of feral cats against the oppressors, you might turn them away with a single cat whispering finger!
blurrily realizing that there IS a limit to how many hours in one day to sleep, even when sick..
And hey, wireless router means laptop in bed!
I'll be back to the drugs, Dew and sleep prescription in a little while, but until then...
A little assistance for Ariandalen in the sniffing spicy brains department:
but put your beverages down!!
I'm not sure how spicy my brains are at the moment - I made soup with the last of our Christmas stock last night and now the house reeks of overboiled vegetables - I'm sure I must do too!!
Thanks for the welcome yesterday everyone :o)
g'morning fiends, it is way too early, and these brains are more like mush than spicy. Welcome Quixotic, you may pass some brains my way...the day of reckoning is here: school begins today, no more comfy holiday sweatpants... Condolences to dancer dog's family, always sad to lose a pet. Magic is making gains by leaps and bounds, how wonderful!
DataGoddess, my sympathies for you, and for your husband's family.
And also sympathy for dancer dog's family.
Omnisti, you are again most welcome!
Quoixic, welcome to you too! Such a lovely lot of UK Fiends now we are getting!!!!!!!
Tony, very sorry, keep us posted!
Socks MATCH??????? Who knew???? Wondered why they always sold them in pairs...
Nathilie, did you figure out how to donate or order? You know you can always have things sent to me, and I'll send them over for you...
Tea. More tea. Sleepy today. Vet with Cabal today.
Hellie! Glad to see you again! Don't let Adriandalen scare you, she's just playful..
Lys, now you are sick???? You do this why?
I am very powerful, Danguy. You must remember this.
Oh. Look. I'm up and commenting on my blog which has been a HIVE of activity all night, until of course, I get up and have 15 minutes before going to work.
Now I am talking to myself.
Yup. All done and settled.
Actually socks are sold in pairs so one specimen could be sacrificed to the voracious gods that live in your washing machine and dryers. What? You expected those things to work by themselves? Tsk, tsk, tsk...
THAT goes a LONG way towards explaining a lot of things....
Especially the strange noises those contraptions are sometimes making. You think it is springs or something mechanical but they are just laughing at you...
Just got ANOTHER request for help, this one from a dying man in Nigeria! And guess, what, if we send him our bank details, he will leave us his millions!
I knew my laundry laughed at me. Got it pretty beat down tho. All the clothes STAY in the basement, so the dirty ones go IN to the washer, and when it is full I run it, and then look! There's the clean ones nicely in the dryer..
I need a life.
Undercaffeinated. Fortunately that's curable.
And look: ice. What a shock.
I got around the socks problem by never wearing any. If I can't go barefoot, I wear sandals or boots and just dispense with the things altogether. My dad, a physicist, had a theory that socks turned into dryer lint -- conservation of matter and all that. I suspect they get shifted into an alternate plane of existence, or one of the latter six of our ten dimensions.
In some other dimensions, sock fetishists are making toys of them, to amuse their children.
*snort* Nathalie, I think you've hit on it! if I'm sacrificing socks to appease the laundry gods (and I am), what the heck are all the quarters for???
The laundromat owner. Think of it as protection money: You might end up with no socks at all...
Protection money - laundry mafia :)
Good point....I'm going to quit before I have some sort of disfiguring accident with a bleach pen.
Kind of solved this problem years ago..
You pay a fee each year, and every month they send you more black socks....
Clever! And it keeps the laundry gods purring.
I think that thye go off to other dimensions on some kind of exchange programme, which might explain that despite the Great Sock Purge I held at the start of last year, an the fact that in the last 12 months I have bought only aditional pairs of black socks identical to the ones I already own, I now do not have ANY matching pairs. . .
(I sacrifice them to the washing machine god as well, of course, but that only explins the odd-numbered-ness. It doesn't explain why, in my sock drawer this mornign, there was a single grey sock, 3 single blue socks (in differnet shades and lengths) and one black sock about 7 sizes too large. Do they breed?
Q, meant to ask, is CAbal actually having an Op today, or is it tests and checkups? Either way, pass on a hug and pat*
*To Cabal, I mean**
**Unless your vet is very huggable as well
Of course, they breed! And foment. And sometimes are up (or down) to no good.
i love waking up to fiends. my throw way comment sparked such lively conversation. i won't wear plain socks. most of my socks are Halloween relates, with bats being my favorite. stripey socks are also a+ for me. i do have some "normal" sock for wearing with my nice pants suits when i have to play normal for a day. i'm so glad that isn't very often.
la fiends, any suggestions on good places to get pierced? my brow ring grew out a few years ago because it was done badly, and i'd like to get it redone. i like the little C shaped bars.
off to work. my thought are with you and your family toni
mmm. so perhaps I should be concentrating on some sort of captive breeding programme, to see if I can get them to breed true. (Do you suppose that's what the people at have got?)
My preferred style of sock.
Only problem, I don't knit fast enough...
those are way cool phalia, i would wear those.
and val, you don't sock inside of boot? doesn't that cause issues?
Nope, doesn't cause issues. I have very callused feet from years of going barefoot as often as I can get away with. I loathe shoes, but must concede sometimes.
New minion in a few minutes. I always get nervous, wondering if they'll fit in and if they're going to be cool with my peculiar sense of humor.
Also, now that we have done Facebook, on to Twitter, where I have been forever. Come join me if you're not already. ;)
*wow* The Magic magic keeps flowing, rippling, widening. Marvelous.
Virtual hugs to you and yours, DataGoddess.
Welcome, Quixotic!
Halloween ABCs and sock mysteries explained most wonderfully. What a nice way to end the week. Oh wait, it's only Odinsday, say you? Drat.
Titles?? Nobody told me I needed a title.
And I'd just like to say, "Curse you Val!"
The poetry "step into the purple garden" is called "Night Garden" according to my list of documents. There was one picture with it and there was also this poem:
In a better - or at least different - world,
I would capture clouds to ride and glide upon,
Letting their manes carry me through to other lands,
Taming their skittish and sometimes umbrageous moods
And disappear into an ever renewed sunrise.
In a better - or at least different - world,
I would gather shreds of clouds left on the bushes
In the midnight garden after darkness has been,
Full of dew beads and tears shed in one's sleep,
And make a coat of dreams to fly away.
In a better - or at least different - world,
I would wander into the misty garden
Feeling multiple breaths from other dimensions
Reach for my skin, for my soul, lick existence away
And disappear without a trace.
Which I thought I'd sent you but obviously did not.
Because of flooding, schools are closed. So I'm home. The time is out of joint and all. An odd feeling...
YAAAYYY for Magic and Q, who is magic herself. :-)
You people live in crazy cold places...that icy road picture is just wrong Phiala!!
Toni, my thoughts are with you and your family, that's so hard!
Jess - I"m not good at giving titles to things unless they're silly parodies like on foodporn...untitled may have to do for now.
I don't think i own solid-colored socks. Sometimes i borrow hubbies for things like hiking, etc. I have skulls, stripes, polka dots, knee-high and sweater tights depending on the season. I even like to wear funky socks when you can't see them. I loved being all dressed up and swanky with some heeled black boots and secretly wearing pink hello kitty socks underneath.
I have to head off to acupuncture...back in a couple of hours.
If I am forced to wear socks, I wear fun and funky socks from Sock Dreams. A lot of their stock is meant for smaller Fiends, but they're good about including measurements and fitting notes for those of us who are larger. I looooove their over the knee socks on cold days!
Also, somehow I have just woken up. That was some serious sleeping.
Thanks for all the thoughts, Fiends. At the moment she's headed for the in-patient hospice, and we're sitting tight at home. Husband had a good visit with her on Monday before the latest downturn, so he's at peace. It's just the waiting that's hard.
On the sock topic, when I actually left the house to work I had about 15 pairs of black socks that all matched. I somehow ended up with an odd number of socks occasionally, but I figured they were offerings to the Dryer God.
Since I started knitting my own, I don't put them in the dryer so the Dryer God doesn't even know they exist. But you have to watch that Washer Goddess, she needs offerings occasionally. Other than those, I have bunches of white ankle socks, all alike...
You have had your Helen Keller moment with Magic!!!!!!
FTR, Lorraine, the more I read your blog the more I want to adopt a Bengal! But I'm not sure my vaguely neurotic kitty, Lurk, would approve. (He's very friendly with other cats, though...)
I have a bee question for you!
For months now, I have had these:
appearing in my house. I assume there's a nest in the wall somewhere - they keep showing up in the back rooms of my house, one or two at a time. I feel bad for the little guys. They fly for a day or so and then crawl for the next few. Is there anything I can do for them? :/
well; it should be SKULLDADDLE considering...
i'm only sayin...
Hi Fiends!
Data Goddess- Sending virtual hugs to you and yours...
Jess- the title is : "Vampiric Kitty" (original, no?) and my name is : Ticia Isom. Thank you!
Make sense.
Do we have news about Cabal?
Poor Cabal! 6 weeks without being able to run about and move as he likes? That is way too cruel...
I think Jess is fibbing!
What is happening with Magic is so wonderful.
We used to use peacock feathers in elementary school, in Physical Education, for balancing techniques -- stare at the eye at the center of the tip ...
And oh, poor Cabal! Six weeks of trying to convince him that he can't do whatever he wants?
Poor Quiche and poor Boss, too, having to try to explain it to him.
The Bengal Bee Alliance will pay for this indignity!
Poor puppy....I hope he does okay.
look at those beautiful cats, you are showering them with all that they need, love & trustful affection.
meanwhile, your hellion daughter Selina Kyle has managed to charm the neighbor bully cat, actually both of them, she is amazing and so confident...
Dr. WIcked, if you are reading this, write me back!
DataGoddess......thoughts are with you and yours :(
Val, now following you on Twitter...
Socks are evil. I only wear them because my toes might freeze and fall off otherwise and I'm rather fond of them.
And, as many of you seem to have much creature-wisdom, was wondering if I could ask a question: I have a black lab/greyhound mix, rescued about three years ago; she seems to be comfortable around me but is still very timid and frightened by all manner of things. Any ideas of what else I can do to reassure her when something frightens her? If I curl up with her on the sofa she'll calm down after about an hour or so...anyway, thought I'd ask :)
Have to go run errands now....
Me too (following Val) Also, I think, Annie - are you dear prudence?
Q, can we temp you to twitter too?
Twitter… oh yes, twitter. ;)
MWAHAHA I have corrupted you! It's my retaliation for Facebook.
You're welcome.
Now, to ponder what Boss' cryptic 'sure' was actually in response to…
I thought it was his certainty that he could give up twittering any time he wants?
i'll get onto twitter too i guess, what the hell.
OK, i'm vampandora (my other pseudonym). Chantrelle was taken.
find me people, i dont know what i'm doing there!
Well he said he would just stop and you challenged that, Val, so I suppose he meant to say that he is sure he can do it. Just stop.
Which he could. Who need Twitter? (When there is Law and Order?... Ooops.)
On the other hand, 140 characters is a good format for haikus.
Val, no it's for the art question!
I couldn't find a vampandora but I'm phiala. And I still blame Val.
Gotta go pick up the kid, i'll deal w/ tweetytwitter later.
I can't find you either, Chantrelle (I'm on as Coraline73) or if you can find val we all seem to be following her...
I am cracking up here at work. Good thing I have an office door. ;)
Oh, you all are temptresses (and tempters -- Dan Guy, I'm looking at you, kid)! I had a day off work and I could have done something good with it, but no. Okay, not much. A little housecleaning and some laundry and billpaying and crocheting on Sam's overdue, huge blanket, and I'll be doing homebound tonight. But compared to what I *should* have been doing. I blame you all. :-) (totally kidding, I love y'all)
I need a cheatsheet.
Name on Q's blog crossreferenced with Facebook, Twitter, and whatever else I'm supposed to recognize you at.
I'm not doing so well at keeping track!
That is an excellent idea!! I've been getting confuzzed too.
I shall retret and start working on a cheat-sheet! Would be very useful, I think
Uh, you guys know about Cabal HOW????????
I just got home from the vet..
Because WE are all on twitter, as you should be.
It's all Val's fault!
But you should be on twitter. Even Boss is doing it.
Did I miss a Cabal update somewhere?
You and me both, Aleta, I called Boss and gave him the news as he was getting on a plane..
What the heck is Twitter?
Ah. I see it now. (The Cabal news) Damn.
NOW what am I supposed to blog about tonight?
Hmph. Well, I do have PICTURES....
Twitter is Val's revenge for being dragged onto Facebook.
Or, alternatively, Twitter is a horribly addictive waste of time.
Or, well, it's here
and you can see for yourself.
Try me, or Val, or Boss.
Lorraine, the Twitter update is very short. I hope you will blog the details. Poor Cabal and poor YOU to be the one to deal with it. Hard stuff!
Twitter only allows 140 characters so we really, truly need a blog post about this :)
Mollified. And it IS his dog...
I'll run to the store and post when I get back.
Glad you don't know ALL, the only other thing I had to talk about was the new futon, and somehow, that, so far, seems to lack a little for its own entry.
Oh, good. We definitely don't want an annoyed Lorraine!
Do tell us all, Ms. Fabulous!
That's okay, Ms. Fabulous. Not everyone has been sucked into Twitter. I thought everybody got the info from Boss' blog, but it did take me a while to get to that conclusion.
Granted, I come here to read the comments rather than have them fill my mailbox. Guess I'm just a Luddite. ;) I mean, all I use my cell phone for is calling people and the occasional photo.
tiny little voice cries help I joined twitter and I'm lost in the intertubes. please send search party
I want to hear the story of the Vet Trip!
Val, you really are evil - Twitter is a black hole!
I am SO not subscribing with my mobile/cell phone.
yes, a full Cabal update please.
Went to Twitter, signed up, figured out what it was , went ACK and am not going there. I do not need more e-mail! This and facebook are MORE than enough!
Ms Fabulous is trying to do a post, but 5-7 is 3-5 west coast and prime time for phone calls from there, and there is this MOVIE coming out....
I do love it, but it makes for a longer day.
Right. Back to important things! New post coming as soon as I can write it!
Where was that bee query....HA! Found it. Checking, tho I think I know what you have...Elionwyr
Or not. Elionwr, can you e-mail me at looks like you may have a swarm, and may need Swarm Patrol. And let me know where you live...
I"m soooo excited for the movie!! Sorry it's meaning so much extra work for you though Lorraine! Still, you will make everything about it fabulous ;-)
what is all this chitter? Over something called Twitter? Too much for this critter...
yes, my use of language deteriorates when sick....I blame meme virus mutations...
Hack...cough...ew! Spittle.
(gross) Bitter over Twitter?
Mayhap, a little....
Virus Brain Haiku
Lacks something. What could it be?
Please Lorraine-do Post
Details of our Cabal's Health
Lest Some be Left Out....
Lorraine did post. Up now.
This is me.
This is me on Twitter.
And this is me liveblogging Paul & Lorraine on Twitter.
you look entierly too normal. i must say i'm a bit dissapointed.
It's all a clever ruse! HAHAHAHAHAHA
I mean
yes, of course.
I am very boring. Nothing to see here.
No plots, no schemes, no sir.
i'm still skpetical. i mean i expected some dementors, a wand or something, not this adorable family...
Ack, the fiends joined Twitter while I wasn't looking! I'm Adri on Twitter-- I actually have it listed as my webpage for this blogger account, since it's mostly as close to blogging as I get. :)
also-- we're on the short list! I'm going to San Francisco next week!
Now to try to find Fiends on twitter.
"The Fiends joined twitter"...
I have this mental image: you know the cartoons, where everyone stampedes to one side of the boat, and it tips, so everyone stampedes to the other side, and back and forth for a while?
The Fiends stampeded to Facebook, then stampeded to twitter... and who KNOWS what comes next?
Congratulations Adri!
No worries about FB or that twatting Twitter. We are a hive, just swarming...
I think the word we should be using is skulldaddled.
I'm just sayin.
I tried posting this at the appropriate time but my computer is very sick. I just opened my internet connection & it's telling me I opened 23 windows!!! Guess I'm taking it to the computer Dr. tomorrow. Dang! Just got El's out; now it's my turn.
Oh No, you need the computer Stacy so we can all talk...try restarting and see if that fixes it.
I love skulldaddle. I am going to use it.
oh i've tried everything in the last 24 hours; reloaded spybot; ran avg scans; even got a new; what i thought was free service; only to have it run & tell me i had 15 critical problems and then ask me for 30 dollars to fix them! Well; I'll fix them! I'll take it to my computer guy who charges me twice that! Ha!
Have you tried System Mechanic? You can get a trial
I find it pretty good at finding and fixing things for me.
Thanks for the welcome everyone! :)
I do have a twitter account, but have been neglecting it, with the exception of following Stephen Fry's updates from time to time.
this is me on Twitter.
this is me on Facebook.
Hi Lorraine,
omg i had not heard about SJ Tucker, and now im listening to the songs on her website, and i just LOVE it! Thank you so much for bloging about her! I'll buy the book even if it may be a big shipping for Sweden, and ill keep listening to her music. Thanks a lot Lorraine! -Sverker
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