We have a Baby Fabulouslorraine.com!
I got to see the very first mock up design of my new site today! Done by our very own Dr Wicked, which he may hear my thoughts on here first, if I don't hurry up and write him back. Nearly cried. It's lovely and perfect, and no, you can't see it yet, the un-veiling when it is done is going to be a Party! It's going exactly where I had my vision of it, and looks, here's dorky for you, but it's the way I feel, "Just like a REAL website and everything!"
I am pretty darned happy about it.
It's got everything I wanted, done in the style I wanted. Music bits, Bengal bits, our Night Garden page! The Blog, a home for Fiends, it will have a bit I need to write yet on who the heck I AM, and my writing bits. Maybe some Bee bits too.
My very own site.
And I so do owe Dr Wicked.
That's the big news for today. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, but for now, here's some more shots that are making me pretty darned happy. Chicken night tonight, always popular.
Magic's room is looking pretty trashed, as I don't want to scare him with the evil vacuum. He is the one pulling his covers off the cave too, not me, he wants some sight lines he does.
The New Bed came today, a small futon. And we will be making it a bit more home-like. I cleared some shelves for him yesterday and he has been climbing.
I love this last one, he has nabbed the Prey and making off to his cave with it...
Here's Little Queen Mab on her Leopard Blankie. She is too the point where cuddles and petting are Expected and tonight she PURRED....
Lear will come around too. I love that guy. It's hard to get perspective from the photos on just how HUGE he is. The plate is smaller than a dinner plate and Little Queen isn't that small, bigger than Venus and Mim.
My sister Tracy's package came today, an entire BUNDLE of peacock feathers! I also got some more feather sticks, both of which I left at work, ah well, something for tomorrow.
Sometimes a bundle of peacock feathers and five Bengals is all one needs, I am thinking.
Love and Websites,
Oh my gatos!!
I love your pictures of such beautiful cats. (My first comment is an homage to the kitchen crew at the restaurant which was my second job for years and years -- they were Latinos and they teased the waitstaff about always saying "Oh my God!!" and so one of them would say "Oh my gatos!!" in just that Valley Girl inflection, and I loved it too much to ever quit using it!)
Great pix and I can't wait for the website!
*laughing* Hey! José does that too!
They are all so beautiful, but Magic is so...spectacular. The patterns on his coat and those eyes.
I can't wait for this site too, I have been wanting my own for a long time now, not just a band site...
Magic IS beautiful. I think the most beautiful Kitty I have ever seen. I love the way he is pulling the covers off his cave, I put it back the first couple times, but he wants it DOWN!
Looking forward to the website!
Are you going to try sleeping with him, or just hanging out for a while first?
Very exciting, the web site! Yay for Dr. Wicked!
Mab seems so comfortable! Purring! Wonderful!
Hanging out at first, then sleeping. Hope he likes AFP and Radio 4's Just A Minute, which is mostly what I've been listening to nights these days...
This website is going to be very good. I know this. It's like I felt when I got my Spooky House, a whole place of my very own...
Like I said - a warm, homey place, full of snuggling - your site will be just like your home.
I'm tireder now that in many a day - this was a long one.
Night, Fiendom
MUST have been a stressful day, poor Fiends, this place is like a TOMB tonight.....
Rest you well, and know we are here...
I love the picture of Magic dragging his prey back to the cave. He looks proud of himself :-)
Can't wait to see the new site!!
Let us all bow down to Dr. Wicked!
::happy sigh:: Magic is such a changed kitty from when first came to you, Ms. Fabulous. You deserve a standing ovation. :)
As far as a Spicy Brains scent from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, of course Ms. Fabulous knows people. There needs to be a Night Garden scent to go with it. Maybe even a Feather Stick scent? And there could always be In Fod Fiends Trust. ;)
Fiendish, aren't I?
::wicked grin::
You've gotten me started and now I can't stop; Skullduggery as a scent. Misspelled on purpose. Then there is Rise of Cthulot/Candrake/Marrot.
Hope Cabal is okay and doesn't really need surgery. :(
Happy Happy. Wonderful news and pictures. I am so in love with those cats.
Mr Magic is just coming ahead by leaps and bounds now, and it makes me sing
Oh I love the idea of a Night Garden scent!
Also sending good thoughts to Cabal.
Night Fiends!
He does like to drag his prey, and clawless, he has only his teeth to do it with, brave lad he is..
Adriandalen! You rock, we will see what she has to say about Spicy Brains, I told her about all of you and we will see what she says, Beth is generally up for a lot of things, I do like her.
Where IS everyone? Sleeping, hiding?
Magic is going to be a very cuddly friend, I wish I could have them all together, but I don't think that will happen..
'Night Aleta, and we should have a Nigtht Garden Scent..
I'm sort of here, also sort of watching new Daily Show and Colbert....
Hey Annie, sort of watching SUV here...Thinking of maybe having an early night....
I need to go to bed myself. I didn't get much done this morning due to dozing. That, and bed will be much warmer.
Missed that there was a new post, thought it was quiet!
Ben's finally in bed.
Love the new pics and can't wait for the new site!!
i tested out the BPAL "Spider" scent today ... on my wrist and not my neck! I smell like an old grandpa, it's really musky...blech, not for me. Tomorrow i'll try potter's field. Night Garden sounds like something i'd be very allergic to (i'm thinking something like night jasmine, etc.) but i could be very very off there.
I hope Cabal is ok :(
I'm also getting tired of waiting on my DH for photos, so I'll probably send my Night Garden poem to you and Jess tomorrow. Unless, of course, you tell me to wait a few days. :)
No waiting! These are going on the new site! The Night Garden is being planted as we speak!
I have a lot of problems with scents too, there aren't many that feel right to me..It's weird, they just don't smell right..
I do love the real Jasmine plant tho and always have real jasmine around...
Wouldn't have to use night jasmine, Chantrelle. Moonflowers are highly scented, though I don't know if there is a pure oil available for them. There is also magnolia, which is a very long lasting scent in nature; both day and night. Southernwood is a really nicely scented artemisia, but I don't know if it is particularly "night."
Same here, i've got 2 enormous jasmine plants in my front yard around my window...can't be within a yard of jasmine perfume though.
OK, off to watch Season 2, Ep. 1 of Dexter!
You know, I don't often brag, but I got a note from someone from Laika/Focas thanking me for help in setting up the vid shoot today saying they wanted to send me a thank you, and what was my shoe size, which mystified me until I read Boss's post...
Oh Cabal, how did I forget to send puppy smooches to him? Hope the news about his ligament is good.
Nikes! And good looking ones too. Lucky Quiche :)
Poem sent. I decided not to wait until morning. ;)
Did I get anyone?
All good news!
Except for pained Cabal, poor pooch.
My guy hijacked my computer for the evening to stream a ball game. I was perfectly willing for this. Good to get some work done. Still, missed being able to pop by and see what was goin' o'er here. :O
I started a night garden-inspired poem before the holidays. Jasmine was figuring prominently in it. And datura. And slithery things. And... a scarecrow - I've no idea why.
Sally - did you ever figure what was up with the email checkbox not appearing every time? 'S happenin' here, too. *scratches head*
I'm here, but not for long. Six comes along too soon, and I'm already at the point where it will be midnight before I'm between sheets.
It appeared to be a Blogger glitch....gremlins?
Long workday for me. I'm prepping a proposal for sending out tomorrow evening (PST). I feel like everyone on my team has contributed something, which is awesome, but also means I have my work cut out for me assembling it all into something coherent. 34 pages at the current count.
Bengals all together are lovely-- don't push it or get your hopes up, but I wouldn't rule it out all together. Do they do the paw thing under the door?
Also, peacock feathers sound like SUCH FUN. Also very in style right now-- but I haven't been able to buy anything featuring them b/c I know it would just be a very expensive bengal toy. :D
Oh, I don't suppose anyone would be in favor of using herbs and incense notes for a night garden scent? Maybe we could have night garden in bloom (for the floral lovers) and night garden overwinter (for the non-floral lovers)
Blogger gremlins, sure! They'd be the ones what occasionally eat people's comments, as well.
Fods, I seem to be coming down with a clod. Er. Cold. Heh. Shall take myself off to sleep and hope to head that off. Lovely evening-morning all y'all.
Just caught up on yesterday's comments! Goodness I missed a lot-- all sorts of party planning and bengally things. And now that I'm here and paying attention, no Fiendchatter. Conspiracy! :D
I'm so tired, but I don't want to go to bed yet. As soon as I wake up, I have a conference call and then back to the proposal.
*waves at Adri* I'm here...and I hate to tell all of you in freezing places, but I'm hot. we have a summer's day at last.
It's cold here now. Like almost Minnesota cold. Well, okay, Minnesota in October cold :) My rain runoff (the collecting of which is illegal in this state, evidently)is freezing and staying frozen all day long.
back to wishing for heated floors.
Should be a calendar.....
Back to soup and sniffles. THANKS to all the other Fiends who sent a virus through teh intertubez to my computer.
The computer is fine. Me, not so much.
and Blessed Natal Day to the bouncing baby web page.
It was cold here today-- 37F. It should be back up to the 70s/80s tomorrow, though. Unlike Sally, however, I am in the northern hemisphere.
People tend to throw things at me when I say this, but....I actually like winter. *ducks*
sorry i worked late, got obsessed with new work tool so i had to send a long email detailing exactly where i think they went wrong.
i still need to make ticia's cd, but today was crazy, i didn't lunch until after 3pm.
i've been obsessed with trying to stitch together a 9 photo panorama i took today of the view form my office.
love the magic in action photos!!!
insanely jealous of the coraline shoes.
woot on own website :) that's always fun.
what notes would be in a spicy brains perfume? so far the only bpal scent i can wear is london, which is rosey, but boy thinks it's too strong. i can't wear the stardust one i bought:(
ok my thoughts on the blogger gremlies... if it recognizes you as logged in you should see the check box if you haven't clicked it already. if you have already posted once and clicked it says somethig to the effect of all comments emailed to somethign@something.com and gives a link to unsubscribe.
if blogger doesn't recognize you, you need to put in your log in information and click preview. the you will have the click box to check.
What a bunch of beauties, the lot of them.
I am so happy about the new site. I can't wait to see it!
Annie! I tried to find you on FB but the search thingy did not get you.
Try? My name there (and most RL places too) is Nathalie Boisard-Beudin.
I am supporting the idea of Fiends scents too. Spicy Brains, Midnight Garden, maybe one called Magic?
pretty kitties; clicky tickety toc box
Adri, I think I am more with you on this version of the Midnight Garden. I think each firned would probably end up with a different definition of what they think of for a midnight garden. Mine would be more about nascent dew and a hint of frost...
Nathalie--added you, and on a random note, FB popped up a Coraline ad as I was doing so, first time I've seen one on there!
Just looking at those glorious photos of Magic again, and thought it looked like he was gnawing on the end of a fishing rod, and I can just hear him thinking " I caught it myself"
so, um... wtf
and why am i not sleeping?
Power of the interwebs..Fiend in US posts item about something in Aus that Fiend in Aus then reads -it hasn't even hit the news here!
And I meant to say, WTF indeed - just read the article to Pete and promised I'd never do that to him.
Here's one for you Vampi riding blind
i just dont understand people. i mean how could that have seen like a good idea at all. no, how could that be an idea period.
lol! i'm betting that's a mirror. i sense 7 years of something in his near future.
here's a feel good one awww
Wouldn't it be seven times seven years of bad luck, for such a silly transport idea? *grin*
A new site! Another reason to have a party soon!!
2009 is off to a particularly good start, yes?
I suppose I should work on a Night Garden contribution...
The kitties are so gorgeous. I don't recall if this has been asked/answered previously but is Bengal purring any different from regular kitty purring?
Checking the email box and heading to bed. Be well, Fiends.
Squeee! Excitement over new webpage. Can't wait to see it in a ll its glory. (Jumps up and down impatiently)
The cats are just beautiful - Magic's markigns in particular - is he unusual even for a Bengal? It's so good to hear and see him becoming more confident.
Annie - I've sent you a fiend request on FB (I think)
Yey for new website goodness! Can't wait for the unveiling! and Yey for cool shoes! Great pics, now off to read different posts, as don't know what happened to cabal. its 6:30 am, too early, too early..
Good morning fiends!
Got up early, with time to get things done before the rush to get myself and Penny (daughter) out of house. Ack! Have now caught up on yesterday's comments...
Prolific bunch, aren't we!
Want new music, L. and can't wait to see website...fast work, that!
More later....
I can't wait to see the site! Have Dr. Wicked email me so I can set up the domain and possibly hosting.
Morning all! No time, and nothing interesting to say, but I wanted the ticky box.
They're now predicting LOTS of ice - am packing my Yax and Umbrella for the walk to work and especially home again. Bah!
Yay!! Yay!! This site makes me happy - all the sweet little kitties healing their psyches in the quirky house. Skritches and love to each.
*Throws a snow ball at Annie*
I am giddy about the new site! Even more to do when I should be studying? Love it.
Kitties are gorgeous and look much more at home with every installment.
I now realize, Phiala, that you are talking about those things for your shoes and not the large hairy animal. But it was funny for a second there.
Hurrah for the new website; it will be nice to see it. ;)
Poor Cabal. :( I will keep my fingers crossed for the big doofus.
Lys, get better soon. If there are pictures of Gereg & co. on Facebook, I suppose I'd better go see about making an account…
Well, the big furry things ARE very good in the snow, and if I had one I could ride it to work instead of walking.
But alas I only have the shoe-thingies, which are much easier to feed.
Lys, thank you so much for friending my nephew! It's good of you to take an interest in him. :)
My Francis is trying to type something to you all. Or to your cats, maybe. Tricksy he is.
Yaks? Cool. Handy too. You can make butter from their milk, I hear.
Bengals Purr just like Kitties do, and Magic's markings are kind of special, I haven't seen one before who is quite so striking...
Morning! Up, teaing, going thru mail.
I have so many ideas for my new site, I just keep thinking of more, I had better start writing them down. Poor Dr Wicked!!!!!! I have, oddly enough, time this weekend, and plan on working until it is DONE!
I would just like to say, again, HOORAY! I am so excited about the site. Good luck.
Ugh! Someone in my apartment smokes in the building and it's making me nuts-o. It is in the contract that there is no smoking inside and I really wouldn't care but for M. I put a note by the mailboxes and don't want to get anyone in trouble but I think I am going to have to call the landlord. Bluck.
More coffee and then cooking to be done.
Have a nice day all!
Magic has more rosetting (the centers of his spots are lighter than the edges) than a lot of domestic bengals. Super show quality bengals have this, too, but ti's a fairly recent development and still rare in the fully-domestic bengal set. If you want to see some really striking bengal markings, check out this clear-coat marble boy. (this is my boy Rocky's son :D )
I'm waiting for my espresso machine to heat up and discovering, delighted, that my conference call is canceled.
Gayle, ew! The guy below us is a heavy smoker (not outlawed in our lease) and he leaves his windows and doors open I guess to try to air his place out. You can smell the mix of cigarette smoke and chemical air freshener from the ground floor sometimes.
Ramping up to focusing on this proposal. I have to get it in by 5:30PST.
What a gorgeous kitty and picture set Adri!
He's beautiful!!!!! Mim looks like that, I need Kitty to come out and take some proper pictures of all of them!!!!!!!
I'm for work, see you all tonight!!!!
SunDog is breathtaking in person, but these pictures are also by the talented and famous Helmi Flick, who shoots the pullout posters for Cat Fancy magazine.
Is Magic's marvelous coat due his being an earlier generation guy?
vampi thanks for the tech tip - did notice that the email box only shows up after a first comment, but understand the preview thing, yes! *nods*
Yaks would be most excellent transportation: built-in wool for keeping your feet warm. Phiala, my first mental image was of you standing astride two yaks as they walked down the icy streets to work, perhaps hands on hips like a superheroine.
Hello and belated happy new year! Resolution no 1 - to delurk - done!(tried to on new years day when you wished all us brits happy new year but internet on phone was NOT HAVING IT) Wandered over here from Boss's blog one day, curious about the bengals & been lurking ever since. Magic is gorgeous, you're working wonders with him! Hope 2009 is particularly fiendish & fun for all :o)
Tell me more about Night Garden please!
Welcome! Get comfy.
And apparenty it is National Delurking Week too.
Let us sniff your brains...
::sniff sniff sniff::
Welcome Hellie!
Hi Hellie! Welcome and congratulations on crossing that all-important resolution off the list. :)
My two cents about Night Garden:
People are writing poems and prose as well as beading, painting, drawing, quilting, taking pictures and anything else that may have something to do with our love of gardens and the night in any combination. The results are emailed to Lorraine and Jess (keeper of the Night Garden). They will be posted on the website.
Ben got a Leapster 2 for christmas...we've had a to set "screen time" rules, that boy would never put that thing down given the chance! He's on it now...2 minutes left.
Can't wait to see the new little baby site!! awww.
Not much going on here today. Library with ben, not sure what else.
How old is Ben? I forget, sorry. I want to get M something like that but he already plays on the computer a lot so I'm not sure if I should. Do you generally like the games?
I want a Wii + Fit. Pricey. Plus I really don't need a machine laughing at me. Still looks like fun.
Hi Hellie,
Welcome, and well de-lurked! The Night Garden is a project which started back in ?August? (runs of to check archives) yes. 17th August. A conversation about garden gnomes inspired a poem from Jess, and the next thing we knew we had a whole ‘create something along the theme of ‘The Night Garden’ project happening. The beginning was here, as far as I can tell… Jess is looking after everyone’s contributions, I believe (You are, aren’t you, Jess?).
Which reminds me, I’ve got a half-written story somewhere.
Okay, I have joined Facebook. Found Quiche. Found Kitty. But I don't know the other Fiends' real names! Auughh.
Ben is 4, the games are great actually. How old is M? I forget too.
Val, I'm Robyn Pearson on FB
Hi, Hellie! Glad you decided to delurk. There's no going back now!
I smell your spicy brains.
M is 4 also. B-day in April. Maybe he will get one then. :)
Found you but sent the request without a message...
Yay! Now my Fiendish network will grow. ;)
Santa left a Leapster2 for DD2, and she's five. She hasn't played it much in the past couple of days, but DD1 is back at school so I imagine DD2 will pick it back up soon. I hope that it will make the time pass a little easier while her big sister is in dance class for an hour and a half. Right now she really likes the dragon games, though I did buy a couple more games to plug into it when she tires of the built in games. It's nice and handy for taking in the car, especially since it's a 25-30 minute drive into town.
Thanks Nathalie! Just added you Val.
It's a preview of teenage years, won't talk if playing video game, etc :P He has Cars, Star Wars, ISpy, Ratatouille, WallE...all are great and you hook the leapster up to the computer and it downloads it's info so you can track how your child is doing...it's pretty darn spiffy.
Yay, Val and I are friends now! ;-)
I think I just convinced a friend of mine in Chicago to foster bengals! :D
For those of you curious, my night garden poem is on Tribal Moonbeams (blogger) and Sparkling Facets (LJ).
I really need to work on my Night Garden thing. I love what I have done so far but my imagination got very active on this so I have a lot more to do. I am early for a meeting and I think the people who saw me waiting in the hall think I am suspicious. Hee! Campus is Very Quiet today!
Don't worry, Jess. I don't have a Facebook account either, nor does kali-licious at last count. :)
Jess - there is a Jessica Mersky from Philadelphia on Facebook...so there is already someone you can hide behind.
I've always been rather pleased with the fact that I am ungoogleable.
I hated soccer too....I don't think I even lasted one season :)
Swimming was the sport for me, benefits of being on a team without all of that pesky teamwork.
Facebook is like crack. Holy crap. My productivity has totally tanked for the day.
Hi all,
From hearing how Lorraine and Boss like the Wii fit, I've decided to try and find a machine. After checking at our local walmart, in the last 2 days, I've been inspired to write...
Why I try not to shop at walmart.
Me: I was told yesterday to call around noontime to see if any Wii consoles were delivered.... I couldn't get through when I tried calling.
WES(walmart electronic salesperson): ........
Me: Can you suggest any time for me to check? I was told to call but the phone was busy.
Me: Is there any special time during the day I should check?
WES: ....... (smiles).
The End.
Now is it just me that thinks that it would be nice to hear, 'you know, our truck delivery times vary so I can't say for certain, wish I could be more help.'?
Sorry to vent, I'm prob just expecting too much.
On a happier note, I love seeing pics of King Lear and his Queen. He has that old soul look to him, almost like a working class joe kitty.
Helloooooo, Fiends, and eska vou vou Hellie! There's a properer welcome.
I took my computer and worked offline all--- no, most, of the day. Got much done. *whew*
hee hee - love your description of night garden guarding, Jess.
fingers are cold. trouble typing. brain is frizzing after writing technical stuff for so many hours.
I played soccer for 7 years. i loved it, though i've never been a fast runner by any stretch of the imagination, so was never very great at it.
Oops! gotta go collect the dragonets.
Forgot to say big congrats on the new website, I can't wait to see it.
I'm afraid my Night Garden contribution will have to wait. Right now it consists of seed catalogues and graph paper.
Also, the need for a place to plant it....
Small downside to apartment dwelling, I share the gardening with die-hard Daylight People.
I got my wii fit online by using http://www.wiialerts.com
43 pages and counting on the proposal.
I'll give that a try Adri, thanks. I shouldn't go shopping when I know I'm a big grumpy pants that day.
Go, Adri, go!
Beez, you could always go with container gardening. :)
Thank you, Jess. I'm glad you like it.
What could be seen as social networks that I'm already on:
Yahoogroups - gobbled up onelist and elist, and who knows what else
Care 2 - though I don't really use it much
MeetUp - not used since they decided to charge $20/physical meetup regardless how many people showed up, or didn't, and charged to the organizer
Classmates.com - you don't choose your password
tribe.net - mainly for belly dance, though I joined as an alternative to MeetUp when they started charging
MySpace - only so that I could see a friend's page
Ning - so that I could participate, officially, in NaBloPoMo
I don't think I've left anything out, but I'm not positive. I really have no burning desire to join Facebook. Oh, I'm not ariandalen on any of the ones above Blogger.
ariandalen, you could trade in three or four of those for one facebook account. ;)
Just kiddin' around. I initially got on facebook to organize a high school "reunion", and it was the first of these sorts of social things for which I'd signed up, just happens to be the one I'm familiar with.
Hellie welcome.
Adri- Sundog is WOW, jaw droppingly wow
I want a pet Yak. Free milk and transportation and it could mow the grass.
Oh brilliant, Val on FB. Off to friend you when I've made my way through this morning's comments
Ariandalen, I know what you mean. I'm in a zillion social network places but the ones I consitently visit are here, LJ and Facebook.
I don't need Facebook for high school or college reunions as my high school and college each have their own website with contact info. I can understand if you started with Facebook, or you aren't registered with any other place. I just don't need yet another site to connect to people with similar interests. ::shrug::
My only reason for joining facebook was to see the pics of Lorraine and Paul from New Year's. I don't plan to use it for anything other than Fiend photos and random chitchat. (And OOOOH there are videos too!)
Whew! Proposal done. 43 pages was the final count. Three tables, one diagram, one illustration, and three appendices later...
Crossing my fingers for this one-- the RFP was sent out to a short list. Hoping to get on the short short list next week, in which case I'm San Francisco bound for pitch meetings on Jan 13!
re social networks-- they're sort of part of my job, but aside from that...
I got on Facebook for all of the gloating of a high school reunion with none of the icky social interaction. Then, in June of, uh, 07, I think, they opened it up to these app developer things and before I knew it, all of my real (geeky) friends and colleagues were on it! So now I use it 'for real.' It's also how I keep up with my sister, since she is still in college.
I also use: Livejournal (for fandom and RP stuff, also syndicate my twitter feed here), Blogger (for comments!), Twitter (my primary social network), Flickr, and basically every instant messaging protocol out there.
Would that still have you in SF on the 17th Adri? I'm going to be in SF for Jonathan Coulton and to celebrate my bday that weekend :)
Chantrelle, possibly! Depends on whether I can get tickets for that show :D :D :D
Actually, I take any excuse to stay in SF longer, and it's so EASY for me to fill up a week with business meetings (one a day, so it's all tax deductible :D )
Looks like theres no tickets on the Great American Music Hall site :( Maybe you can call them? We're up there the night before too but we're having dinner at Michael Mina that night!
My folks are staying at our place and watching ben so we have a whole weekend in SF kidless! :)
Welcome Helli and a new delurker fiends! Adri, Sundog is breathtaking. what a magnificent animal!
Well! This will take some time! Such Chatty Fiends!
First of all Welcome Hellie! You are probably sleeping by now, but welcome anyway! Well done on de-lurking!
I hope you are very happy here....
Adri! That's great! Please thank them from me and the group!!!!!
Jess, can you e-mail all the night gardens to Dr Wicked?
(like you know his e-mail. I am going about this so backwards..)
Dread Val found me on Facebook????? Who told her I was there??????
Blogger is doing odd things again -I'm already signed in but it wants me to sign in again. Grrrr.
Lorraine, it is a spectacular photo of the two of you that Val has put on FB
Dread Val put a photo of us on Facebook????
This has gone too far...
I'm after that Fiend!!!!
(just messing with you..)
If she'd put a cruddy one up, I'd be after her but its such a nice one Quiche. And I want your shirt.
Must see this picture, she mutters...
Night to all...last night watched Sleuth with my kids...as I finally found a copy. Sooo creepy and layered deceptions. And nobody likeable at all. But brilliant.
And today was supposed to be WEATHER. But became wimpy. Disappointing, as half my appointments canceled for no reason at all.
Barely keeping up... need to go back and follow links.
Oh yes, Lorraine--- I think Boss's Wii fit has you confused with me (58 and obese!)
DUH, I was paying attention, queen of dork! ;) Get this, though! It turns out Stacy and I have two friends in common, in a very odd connection. First Lys, now Stacy... Do any other Fiends who know me in real life want to reveal themselves? ;)
Quiche, I will take it down if you want.
and we have the music for strippers as Val's friends reveal themselves
*ducks for cover*
NO, val its sucha gorgeous photo of the two of you
No taking it down Dread Val, and I haven't even SEEN it yet! You know how it goes, long day, lots of work, you have to go hunting SOMEONE at the end of it!
And whom better to go for than someone named Dread Val!
I was just kidding! I love it that you posted us! And am so glad you are on facebook! Hours of time none of us has!
My cousin just emailed me with extra passes to WonderCon in SF in march..woohoo! Jill Thompson is going to be there, i don't really know many other names but it should be pretty groovy...and ben is free :D
Very sorry indeed if my whimsy made anyone uncomfortable, I forget tone doesn't always come thru. Do forgive...
New post is up? Does that help?
Jill Thompson is a joy and delight! Scary Godmother is the BEST!
Hunting the Dread Val? Well, you can hound me, now you've found me; but I'm far more cunning than you...
*evil grin*
Heh, I know I will be so busted next time we hang out in person. ;)
Yr on Dread Val! The game is afoot!
how do you play that game? afoot? never heard of it?
da dum! kish!
isn't that the one where you wriggle your toes and the stop. the wriggle again and suffer the pain of the pounce?
no? must be only my dogs then...
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