Cabel Update!
Boss's Dog, Cabel is out of surgery and recovering. Reports are that it went well, and we shall see...He comes home tomorrow morning, and we will be camping out together for the weekend....
Blogger is being a bit strange, no options for photo, link spell check ect....
Love and Dogs,
Good news, that! I'm sure he'll bounce right back and be knocking things over with his cone faster than you expect.
Happy Camping!
Whew! I'm so glad. :) You will have a ton of scritches to pass on to him. :)
Yay! I find that to be the scariest part. He will be sooo happy to see you tomorrow, and content to laze about for a day or so. Then the fun begins.
Oh, and if the vet gives you chewy pain pills, keep them OUT of reach. WAAAY out of reach. Ours were on the back of the kitchen counter, where Grendel got them down (somehow), chewed off the child-proof (but not wolf-proof) cap, and ate the remainder. Ever need to induce vomiting in a large dog, I'm your go-to-girl.
Excellent news! Hugs and scratches behind the ears for Dog.
Whew. That's one part over. Let's hope the recovery is smooth sailing...
*points at Beez's avatar* You're Bernard Black! :D
Yay!So glad to here it, and thank you for letting us know
Glad it's gone well!
Ahem. "Hear it" was what I meant to say
Glad it went well!
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear the good report.
Belly scratches from me are winging their way east on the winds of thought.
Yay! Hope that's the toughest bit.
Yay! Scritches all around!
Hrrm. I guess that's not the toughest bit for the caregiver(s). :) I meant for the part that causes the most concern.
Hurrah! The Bee-Bengal Alliance has snuck its implants in and The Great White Threat is neutralized. Now its plans can proceed unfettered.
Implants!!! I thought we discussed using Nano-technology on the Great White Threat!!! Did I miss a Bengal-Bee memo?
Don't underestimate the other half of Cabal's Cabal, Danguy! You remember what happened when Quiche tried to chase me...
Good to hear! Sending calming thoughts of healing to the Cabal. And scritches of course.
hooray everything went well. now comes the fun part keeping him calm.
Huh- I believe Cabal is now bionic.
The Bee-Bengal should perhaps remember that nano-technology can work for Big Dog.
(speaketh woman who knows the vets muahahahahahaha)
Ooooh! Got a gig!
All signed and confirmed. Yay!!!
Hurrah Phiala! Gigs are good.
Congrats Phiala, wish I lived closer... I have always had a desire to learn to weave but I haven't found the right opportunity.
Congratualtions, Phiala! Sounds interesting :-)
I've been teaching weaving for about 15 years, but haven't ever been PAID for it.
Exciting, but also making me quite nervous.
That's awesome Phiala, congrats!
All official and everything, plus people are going to fork over money AND bring a bag lunch, just to learn from you :)
Is very exciting.
I just hope someone brings ME a bag lunch!
Apple for the teacher....I'd say you can at least count on fruit.
Hey Phiala, very nice! Enjoy.
It CAN'T be worse than teaching intro biology to college freshmen. On Saturday afternoon.
Of course, not much is...
Bionic Dog????? Hadn't thought about that....
Hurrah, Mistress of the Skulls! Way to GO!
Home from work early, so Hurrah for me! As of tomorrow it's all about me and the Dog, so this afternoon and tonight is all about me and the Bengals!
Yeah! Bring out the fetaher sticks!
Chicken in the oven! Tuna! five bengals a weekend's worth of attention in one day, I'm exhausted just thinking about it :)
But, it will make a charming blog entry!
Be sure to have a bubble bath while you are camping out with cabal! glad it went well, hope doggy heals quickly!
Ohoh. Here she goes again on her nihilist trend...
yep, she'll be telling us to "simplify" and "live off the land, man" :)
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Nah, I don't believe it.
She did last time. One moment i had this great LJ friend and next she was gone. It's scary.
I like my real (wordpress) blog WAAAY better than LJ, but it echoes to LJ so friends there can read it easily.
I tried to play around with a wordpress blog when I set up my account but found it very user unfriendly. Besides I have already three blogs and that is more than enough...
They've done a lot of work on it, and I'm very happy. But that's as a stand-alone install, too, and I don't know if that's different.
I have one blog posted two places, a proto-blog (in the works), and another daily update, all running in WordPress.
Well, at least Blogger let you get this much though. Hooray for surgery being over!
Enjoy the weekend of canine recuperative camping. It probably wouldn't help to roast marshmallows, would it?
Here's hoping your wrists find time to recuperate, too.
Live off the land! Me and my Bengals are Jungle bound, I love it!!!!!!
No bubble baths sadly. Tubs are upstairs. Can't leave Cabel alone, poor little Conehead......
It will work, I will make it work. Here at Assistants-R-us that's what we DO...
You've nursed a Queen Bee....a Conehead is just par for the course :)
it's gone awfully quiet. . .is eveyone twittering instead?
Trying to finish up so I can go HOME.
Just hammered at work. ;/
Tis quiet. Too quiet. They'd better not be twittering.....
Someone wrangle these Fiends!
Chatting with our illustrator about concepts for my pitch meeting next week.
Also, it was a whiskey by 2pm kind of day. >.<
We are ALL hypercompetent, Q, and can twitter and facebook AND keep up here.
Er, just not and work at the same time. :(
"canine recuperative camping" try saying that five times quickly.
Lexocat, you have developed a new sobriety test. way to go.
I am really glad to hear surgery went well. Scritches for Cabal, strength for Quiche for the weekend ahead.
Oh. all working. not socialising. Hope the rest of the working day improves..
PS - how does one wrangle a fiend. It sounds dangerous to me..
*hides something behind her back*
Twitter? Us? Oh gosh no,! Yeah, that's the ticket. Cleaning!
Marjorie, quite dangerous. Only the best protective equipment will do. Or chocolate, but only really good chocolate.
One wrangles Fiends with chocolate of caffeine I believe Marjorie, oh and animal stories and good music and books
See, must be true, boith Phiala and I named our drug of choice
Had to pick ben up from school and then he never lets me do anything on the computer. He's in his quiet time now so i have a little time...i do have to clean up the house though, we have friends from Chicago showing up tonight :)
Or maybe feathersticks coated in chocolate?
wrangling Fiends=herding cat
back to nyquil and echinacea comfrey soup
oh, and strong thoughts towards Cabal healing *nearly* as quickly as HE thinks he is...
and suddenly, i eat chocolate and feel all, y'know, wrangled.
(I also have a mental image of FabLo, in a black, skull-encrusted bee-keepers suit, flanked by bengals and armed with whips and chocolate.)
Um. Did I tyoe that out loud?
frikkin drugs...
herding catS
i think maybe if you're herding cats, it's best to start with just one and work your way up.
There's my Fiends!
No black around bees, they think it a bear, kid you not....
Herding cats. They heard that you know...
No, the black one is for when you're wrangling fiends. (or herding cats)
(No one expects you to herd bees AND fiends at the same )time
Hi! I'll read and check in later.
Wow, black = bear for bees. who would have thought. I wonder what different colours mean to bees here.
these would be the fingers that wrangle the Fiends?
changed my mind....
Wrangling Fiends is MUCH easier than herding cats.
Lorraine, please point out this post to the Bengals. I'd hate for them to miss it.
Seriously, we didn't even need tuna (OR chocolate) to get a small horde over onto FaceBook.
.....Though,performance pics of Lorraine and Paul might be considered the equivalent.
By the way, Phiala, now that I'm up...congrats on the gig, and I wish it was closer.
We have a Fiber Arts Society here, but (unlike a proper Guild) they don't seem to have that educational mandate. No workshops, seminars or even private classes. oh well...
I liked the creeping skeleton there, Sally.
I am playing Scrabble again, with my brother, via facebook. We both should be working. And i need to think about feeding the dragons soon.
Le Birdchick mentioned not wearing black around bees in a recent post. Something about Boss wanting to open the hives, and she and NBB saying "Nope. No. Nope!" as black was being worn. Happy to read the hives seem to be thriving.
why is it everytime I get to read fiendish thoughts, i end up at the brownie pan?
Yes, thinking about it I saw birdchick's post too - didn't realise they [bees] thought it was bears.
I hears they like yellow, though.
sally, did your bees come from europe originally or did they evolve on their own? I guess if they are immigrants they'll think it's bears too.
I am working on my second wind. I think it is almost here. Busy fiends everywhere it seems.
Tonight I am off to my book club where we will discuss the Graveyard Book and have a mini wedding shower for one of our number who is about to be married.
Congratulations Phiala!
Still sending soft love to Cabal and Q.
i thought I posted the following a good 30 minutes ago. But, no...I 'previewed' it and left it hanging. Sigh. Having one of those days where everything seems too hard so I'm not updating it, just posting:
Ah, so THAT'S the explanation for no black around bees. Been wondering about that for some time, actually.
Sally, a sobriety test? Hee hee. Um, yeah. One that I'd flunk stone cold sober. Can only type, not speak, the phrase quickly.
Phiala, congrats on the gig! It sounds way fascinating.
Tuna night here. 5 happy happy Bengals!!!!!!
Am I exciting or WHAT?????
We had tuna night here last bengals though! Although our Pooter does get the trimmings and is a happy kitty.
We had Zucchini Gratin for dinner. I added mushrooms tonight and it was delightful.
'grats on the gig, Phiala!
Now it's whiskey and chocolate-- my anti-anxiety drug of choice. :D
Tired tonight, but still here. Thursday is my long day (right from job to class), with very little computer access. But I was worrying about Cabal and about you, Q, and all you have to do this weekend... will catch up completely later, I hope.
oh phiala congrats:) sounds like a very interesting gig.
pity no bubble bath, cabal is so lucky to have you to take care of him during his recovery.
i just woke up. taking care of sick boyfriend is quite tiring. he was up all night, i go him to go to doctor. need to take him tomorrow to get labs and possibly back to doctor.
that zucchini looked tasty
Just realized I have a hair appt Saturday, rats! Called my sylist, yes I do have her cell, thank you, and she says Conehead can come with me, so that is good. I need new hair!
The car ride will be good for him, as all he ever does is sleep when he gets in the car for a long ride, and if he acts up or doesn't like it, Aimee say no worries we will abort.
My life is weird sometimes.
is it wrong that i just imagined someone with a megaphone shouting "ABORT! ABORT! dog is on the move, repeat, dog is on the move and not happy!"
Now that you mention it Vampi - that's exactly what I see.
How will you go getting him in and out of the car?
This is wonderful to know!
Totally off topic, M. Fablo, but I thought you, and the other fiends, might get a giggle from it. I teach a general education 9th grade advisory class, and today was our first day back from the break. So one of the activities I gave them was a sort of New Year's Resolution list for the new semester. You know, stuff like "I will start -- [fill in the blank]" and I will choose --" etc. Number 8 was "I will appreciate --" and most of the students put things like "my mom" or "everything that is given to me." A few of them wrote things related to school, like being allowed to turn in work late, or nice teachers. But the funniest one to me was, "I will appreciate -- if people would stop pushing my buttons." :-)))
Glad the White Wonder is doing okay. :) He definitely looks like he put on some weight once Boss got home, which is a good thing. :)
Now, I just saw this piece of animation on Channel Frederator and thought that the Fiends and Ms. Fabulous were the perfect audience. I'm going to go investigate Morcheeba now.
Hoorahs all around! For Cabal, Phiala, Bengals, and Lorraine!
My husband has a gig in an hour, so I'm off. They sing "Mary Mac", Lorraine.
You can hear them at myspace
pladdohg (plaid dog in English). Kind of appropriate for today's theme.
Ariandalen, that was beautiful! Fiends always find the best treats!
Okay, I'm off now!
Love that Grace! Don't we ALL!
Have a great music time, Ticia, thankfully, I am not booked this weekend, would have made things REALLY problematic with Boss gone...
Jess, I did get new hair a while back, and I know this will shock a lot of you, but it needs to be done every 6-8 weeks, with the extensions and all. But it IS really cool hair.....
Weird day, feeling weary. Ex-friend coming back and telling me all of my problems when I thought it was done, and my neighbor coming over and being sad together for a bit.
But I am here now with Fiends and Bengals, and going to get Dog tomorrow, so all will be good, this I know.
Going to play with my new camera on the balcony outside and maybe take pictures of my sad, dead rosemary. (I can't even keep rosemary alive). Or maybe bengals. Possible night garden contribution??
Might go downtown on Saturday and take nighttime cactus + neon lights pics, too.
*snugs* lorraine
oooh adri, what kind of new camera?
Uhoh! I'm going to be late to the gig! Woops! I love this email notification thing!
I couldn't just continue on my merry way without telling you how special you are Lorraine. That ex-friend sucks. They must be miserable in their own skin - why else would they go out of their way to wound you. I think you are well rid of them.
Why can the words of one person do so much more damage than the love of many?
We ALL have faults and things we need to work on. But it should be each persons responsibility to look at themselves and fix their problems. But it's so much easier to point fingers at others. ::sigh::
Lorraine, and all fiends, know that I don't expect any of you to be perfect. I just expect you to continue on your journeys, and let me be there to watch and cheer as we all grow, together.
An ex-friend telling you all *your* problems? Grr. That's sucky.
Obviously no question why said individual is EX friend.
Only question why you must bother to listen. Tell them to go away. meh.
{{{Ms. Fabulous}}}
That person is an ex-friend for a reason.
Now. ::a-hem:: I spied with my fiendish eye...Sayen.
Hi-i-i-i-i, Sayen!
Mmmmmmm, spicy.
Fablo, I'm going to echo what Ticia wrote -- we are none of us perfect (some of us aren't even good, or marginally competent). You are doing so much to help so many, humans and animals alike. You work hard and love lots, and that's better than most and more than better for me. I feel really lucky to be allowed into some of your life and in what lovely ways you live it. Much the same could be said about many of the fiends here, and of the people you work with and make music with -- if you attract such smart, funny, interesting and *caring* people, then take that as a sign of what type of person *you* are...
And sorry your neighbor is sad too. Seeing someone you care about being sad is equally wearing, I'm sure.
Yeah, it does suck when people you thought were friends turn out not to be. One deals. I replied honestly, YET AGAIN, and am sure to get an earful, but my conscience is clear and I am sure this too will move on....
I am reminded of AFP's song where she says "I'm not the one that's crazy......"
Thanks Fiends! Your love means so much...
vampi-- it's a Nikon D60 and my first SLR. I am learning!
Q-- ex friend indeed! Many Fiends have said what I feel; everyone has problems, it's no one's right to tell you what yours are; engaging with people described as 'ex-friends' is rarely productive OR beneficial.
Think of Magic instead of wasting your precious bengal night with negativity!
my tired brain is not good with words, but i feel i should mention that everyone has issues, but it is how the deal and who they surround themselves with that manner. this community is amazing. you love and rescue of bengals is amazing. i only know a small slice of your life, but what i can see is that you are a beautiful well meaning soul. this friend obviously must feel he need to value their self worth on the discomfort of others. basing your worth on others is a surefire way of being unhappy. i hope i made sense.
more snugs and i think it's time for a good night. i should try to sleep early since i had so little sleep last night.
It amazes me that someone would go out of their way to make someone else feel like crap like're loved here Q!!!
Hopefully the weekend will be full of love from Cabel ;-)
Getting the boy to bed now.
Lorraine - what everyone has said.
Hugs to you and your sad neighbor.
Ticia - I love your hubby's band. Playing in background as I type this.
Our car developed an odd noise on our way home just now. Argh. To call mechanic or not?
What the fiends are saying. :) More {love} and {hugs} to you Lorraine. Fiends and fods and bengals and bees and probably-I-can't-imagine how many more wonderful beings are there for you, emphasis on "for".
ariandalen!!! that video is precious. More good music to track down, seems like.
Just remembered a moment from another life (grad school) - someone I looked to as a friend told me (and I quote);
"I can no longer compromise myself to be your friend." As I recall, there was a list, but the chief complaint was that I was five minutes late to everything. Surely that's not the most important measure of a person's worth...
Not that this necessarily compares to your evening, Q. But it sounds like the same sort of person, one who feels they have to try stepping on someone else to lift themselves up.
did any socal fiends feel the earthquake tonight?
i did not, but honestly unless it was a real shaker i don't know that i would have.that was about the time i was getting up and down making dinner.
Ticia and Na, I like the video I posted a link to so much that I've bookmarked it. It struck me that it fits in well the Night Garden project, though it wasn't intended as such.
And I may just have to learn "Enjoy the Ride." :)
Phiala - Congratulations!
And I remain, untwitter-pated and my face is without book. ;)
Sorry about the sad and the difficult. Sometimes it is hard to know what people believe they are accomplishing...
Here's hoping that the things that need to get worked through get worked through and the things that need to be left behind are allowed to be left behind. :hugs:
Back from my book club. Great food, great wine, good company AND a very very rare thing -- all but one person had read the book and every one of them LOVED it! Yeah!
Q, I think the fact that this ex-friend decided to come back just to rudely inform you of your problems says a lot more about the ex-friend than you. Like they say about people that point fingers, they would do well to remember that three fingers point right back at themselves.
Ooh, I'm jealous, Aleta. I want a book club.
It is pretty amazing. The group has been meeting for over 17 years with a core of original members still at it. Many people have come and gone and come and gone and come back again. We read a book a month... but if people don't read the book they can still come and even still have opinions about the book. Hee!
Just checking in, Lorraine. This is one of those quiet times. How are you doing?
Aleta that sounds like a wonderful bunch of people to share a love of books with.
Adri, I love the new camera!
Good news and wishes for a speedy recovery for Cabal! And don't fret too much about not catching it sooner. I had a dog who had bone cancer that didn't show any signs of trouble until it was way too late. I wish I could have done more for her.
I miss her still.
{{{Hugs for Cabal}}}
Have officially joined the dark side..on facebook (gonna kill the myspace acct) Heather D Coffey.
See me making a weird face whilst trying to take my own picture earlier this summer.;)
and now to bed before i have to type this again..
Yeah! But I can't find you... (I seem to have the problem with all newly created accounts. maybe I should wait before I pounce?)
And... Madeline? New brains? New spicy brains?
oh, hai Kali! Some Fiend in Australia sent some Fiend in New Mexico (me :)) a FRiend suggestion on FaceBook that....I now see... is YOU!!!
So....welcome to the Dark Side with Silver linings.....
But some of us draw the line at Twitter....have two tons of fun if you go there! :)
Back to echinacea/comfrey soup. Ah, heck, and some Tullamore Dew over ice...better than Cepacol for a sore throat...
Get well soon Lys. And yes the whisky is excellent for sore throats. Don't chill it so much that you can't taste the full flavour though, eh?
NatLaw: What do you think I am, an Englishman?
But seriously, thank you for the good wishes. Should have known it was just a matter of time....
Hey, I now of some places in Scotland where even just the mention of ice with whisky could get you banned and excommunicated.
More help for Ariandalen:
Vampi, re earthquake: didn't even know about it until a friend in NY called to ask if we were OK. Never felt a thing. Then again, we live on a big granite hill so we rarely feel any but the largest quakes.
Q, hope Friday is less weird and wearisome. Sorry about ex-friend's bad behavior. Sucks.
Good luck with the furry patient!
I felt the quake, but it wasn't a bad one. I actually thought it might've been my dog, who was careening around the house downstairs.
Oh, frequently!
Hey, did you ever find the pics of Gereg (among others) I think Maggie Secaro (sp?) has some old St. George pics of Danny Rutherford as well...though perhaps I misremember...
wonder how long I can get away with that....
Leon Panetta for head of CIA!!!
How is it I am just hearing this?
Mmm. Why? Who is this gentleman? Foreigh fiends want to know.
Googlecate, SpaceNatLaw, go forth and Googlecate yourself....because I could elsewise go on for hours.....even in my addlepated state.
Suffice to say, the CIA will DEFINITELY be heading in a different direction so long as he is the director. Which will be as long as possible, in my dreams....
Anyway, he has the military cred...the political experience and savvy......well, see for yourself here
In Monterey, my OTHER home town, he is a hero to conservatives and liberals alike....
OK, first off, Q I hope you and Cabal and both doing well, and that you're not dwelling on what your ex-friend said - I think what Ticia said sums it up perfectly - expecially the part about one person's unkind words being able to make such an impression.
Just remember, there is a *reason* your name the he FABULOUS Lorraine!
Ariandalen - I love that animation - (and ys, it clearly belongs in the night garden)
Kali_licious - have sent you a friend request on FB, also friend suggestions to Nathalie so hopefully she can find you as well.
earthquakes?? Eeek.
I had a suggestion! So Kali has been fiended on FB too!
Most importantly to many, he is flat out no exceptions dead set against any form of matter who sets the definition.
And since many of us believe information obtained by torture is far less reliable than other methods, this is very good.....
Oh, and many of us ALSO believe that performing acts of torture LOWERS US TO THE MOST BESTIAL LEVEL OF ANY ENEMY..
Yah, he's a good choice. Inspired, even. And now is probably the first time they can get that nomination through.
Just brilliant. I'm so happy, I'll have another jar of the creature WITHOUT ice.....just to celebrate. Since I'm already in bed, falling unconscious will be no problem..
See you all tomorrow; Lorraine and Fabulous Company of Fiends!
G'Night Lysandwr.
(And, Woot! - his opposition to "waterboarding" etc was one ofthe main points picked up in the papers over here..)
Hi Quiche,
Glad to hear Cabal has come through the op OK. It really is amazing how quickly they pick up afterwards.
Sorry to hear about the ex-friend, I hope that's the end of it for you. It would be good if people thought about what they hoped to achieve before they go lay crap on others.
Arwenn, you have a springer spaniel too? The cruciate ligament must be a genetic weakness.
I also think Marjorie? asked about Australian bees? We have native bees, they are small and they have no stinger. They produce very small amounts of honey, so nobody is interested in them commercially. I don't know what they honey tastes like though, I haven't tried any.
Hugs to Fablo...and another agreement for what Ticia said about ex-friend. Taste it, swish it around, note the bitterness and spit it out! Rinse mouth with drink of choice. No need to repeat!
Whole week has been weird kind of energy around here...I've been feeling completely overbooked (some truth) and anxious (no need.) One of those weeks when it feels like I'm running hard to get slowly further behind.
Love to Cabal...and to you Lorraine and all the rest of the fiends.
Hmm...maybe it will snow enough on Saturday that I won't have to have all the costuming for Oz figured out.
Glad to hear Cabal has come through OK and will recover. The Hounds send along Barks of encouragement.
OOoh... Philadelphia Inquirer has a nice Boss article from 1/7...About Sandman's 20th anniversary.
I think my favorite line from the journalist is "a mash up between The Sopranos and a tarot deck" describing Dream's siblings...
Good article...except the picture...that's just scary!
good morning fiends! hope all have a lovely friday, and again can only skim the comments, wish i could participate more, i miss you all! Lorraine, hope cabal is doing better and you get to your hair appt (what color this time?) and exfriend: bah. let us at him/her....
Great news about Cabel! He'll rebound and, quite frankly, with such excellent care, he's going to enjoy scads of love during the recovery process. It's tough being a dog, sometimes, but it's much better when good humans are handy. Best wishes.
~Jake Ian
Wonderful about Cabal! Too bad ex-friends don't stay that way and stay away.
Nice bengal story
Iowa passed a law in 2007 called the Dangerous Wild Animal Law making bengals and other hybrid animals (except the wolf-dog) illegal. We were hoping the law would be changed last year as there was legislation to do so but it was tabled. So even though Iowa is one of GLBR's states I will not adopt cats into Iowa. A few weeks ago I spotted a beautiful bengal girl in a shelter there and posted to our bengal rescue list hoping someone could adopt her. A few days later I got a call from a woman in Iowa saying she had found our website and wanted to adopt a bengal. I explain about the law and that I would hold her contact in file and if the law changed would notify her but I also told her about the shelter bengal and sent a link. She wrote me back a few days later saying she was interested and would let me know. I got an email last night that she was able to adopt the bengal and she was a wonderful girl that made herself right at home. I usually don't get closure on cats that I list if we aren't able to take them into foster care so this was really great!
Hooray for fostering.
The "Except the wolf-dog" surprises me. They are illegal most places, explicitly or implicitly (eg rabies vaccines are not legally certified for use on hybrids, though they do).
My dog is a "German shepherd-husky mix", and it says so on all his paperwork.
Anyone with ANY animal with some non-domestic blood needs to know what they're getting into, and be willing to do the work necessary, AND to recognize that they may not get what they are really anticipating. We were lucky, and careful, and worked hard, and have a lazy wolfie who is extremely obedient, knows his place in the world is below the cats, and good with children and other dogs, but if he weren't some or all of those things we would have dealt with it as necessary, even if that meant not doing things with him that we'd wanted to. (Well, except for knows his place in the pack and obeys. Any challenges to dominance were and would always be met with appropriate and necessary and swift reactions. Hasn't been necessary for years, except for polite little reminders.)
Oo, oo, oo! New fiends delurking!
Spicy brains!
Spicy brains!
Spicy, spicy, spicy brains!
Hi, Madeline Carol, Billman and Jake Ian!
Well Boss pointed to Fiendom, so it was BOUND to happen... (It being National Delurking Week does not hurt either, I suppose)
Oh, right. Spacedlaw, somehow I never made the connection that Boss mentioned this, thus more people would read or comment. All the spicy brains we can stand!
And obviously I need more coffee, as my logical faculties are defective this morning.
Son+ is home sick, the milk's gone off and I'm out of tea.
Anything else?!
*virtual tummy-rubs Cabel*
*virtual tummy-rubs Lo...*
That's wonderful news, Janet! :)
I don't know if Texas has laws regarding hybrids, but they did pass a law several years ago requiring people keeping "exotic" animals to pay for a separate license which is quite expensive. There was no grandfathering for people who had owned them for years, nor were any exceptions made that I know of.
I'm thinking that the law does not apply to hybrids, as I sometimes see ads in the newspaper for wolf hybrid pups. We got Govan from the Humane Society shelter, so he was always listed as a husky, or husky mix. A friend of ours was volunteering at the shelter when he came in and called to tell us that a red husky puppy with green eyes. He was young enough that his ears were still floppy. He died last summer, but my husband and I still argue over what percentage of wolf he was; I say half, my husband says quarter. I still need to find a good picture of him to post.
Boss pointed here?
I guess I need to go read my flist on LiveJournal. ;)
I would assume whatever State official that wrote the law either had or knew someone with wolf-dogs, thus the exemption. While they can be wonderful animals with proper training (all dogs actually) I can see them hurting a person or child more than a bengal. But when they wrote the law they didn't realize just how far reaching the hybrid thing was. Several states make it illegal to own a bengal and other states have legislature in the works, TX being one of them - yet again. I can understand that your neighbor raising and having lions and tigers might not be a great thing but bengals are domestic cats once 4 generations away from the ALC, same with savannahs/servals and chausies/junglecats.
Sorry, I'm not trying to hijack the post. My little rowdy boy bengal foster was neutered today. Hope it calms him down a bit!
The thing about Texas, aside from a big animal control bias against bengals (the 'pit bull of the cat world'), is we're also the state with the most privately-kept large cats which was completely unregulated for a long time. Basically, as long as your tiger doesn't kill anyone, IT'S A OK.
So, I'm torn. I don't think people should be able to keep tigers in 10'x10' concrete runs in their back yards. I think that's cruel, dangerous, and a disservice to everyone involved. I, however, have bengals in Texas, I know happy, healthy, loved, WONDERFUL bengal hybrids in Texas.
Janet, it was Georgia where the law against bengals went into place over some hysteria about them getting loose and hunting down deer or somesuch, right?
Morning-night, Fiends!
Hope Cabal's homecoming goes well.
Lys!!! Thank you for the news on Panetta. Inspired, oh yes. Boss pointed here? Oh. National Delurking Week is for real? Oh.
If it weren't for Fiends, I might not get news of the outside world. Need to remedy that.
ariandalen, are you looking into Morcheeba? (I bookmarked the video, too.) I read that they use different vocalists for many tracks, so want to find more about that vocalist as well.
For now, have work, must do.
Morning Fiends, and New Fiends! Welcome!
Not to worry, Janet, the post is simply a jumping off point for the things we chat about, it can go anywhere.
I think the hybrid laws are weird. Especially applied to Bengals. They are cats, and if they get out, running around attacking people is the LAST thing they would do. Skulldaddle (My new word!) is more like it.
On the wolf thing, EVERY dog needs to be trained, and know it's place or could be dangerous.
On lions and tigers, and exotics, well, I think the law should say anyone, owning any animal must be responsible for it's care and housing appropriate to its needs, and well as it's behavior.
The Bengals law in Iowa is ridiculous. Especially since it allows wolves. If you are in Iowa and want a Bengal, I would say get a "Domestic Tabby"
Wow. That was a lot for my first cup of tea. Deep thoughts.
That's okay, Janet.
I also wonder about ocicats. They are on the cover of "Cat Fancy" currently, or at least last I looked. If ocicats are allowed, I would think that bengals would be allowed.
Oh, right Dog! I am going off to get him soon, and bring him home! Poor little Conehead!
I will be taking pictures and posting them later today, oh yes.
Janet! Most excellent news about the Iowa bengal getting a new home, and the Iowa gal getting a bengal. \o/
These hybrid laws beg a question to me - if you make it illegal to own critters such as a wolf-hybrid or a bengal, what does this mean for you when the law goes into effect? Surely they don't intend that any current owners be required to... I can't even type it.
Adri, have you ever been to the Austin Zoo? It's small, built on someone's ranch land, and is home entirely to creatures rescued from people's private keeping of wild animals, or circuses or the like, where they found having a tiger or a capuchin or a tapir was more than they understood.
Bah. The Canadian telemarketers have clearly found us now. I've just gotten the dozenth computer-dialed call in 24 hours. Sassafrassarassagrumble..
I thought the Ocicats just LOOKED like Ocelots but were bred from all domestic breeds?
Oh, also, an Update, the Hospital called (at 7:30) this morning to tell me Cabel was doing just fine.
I'm glad Cabal is doing fine. He will be so thrilled to see you later today!
Belly rub. That's what he will need.
From the little amount of research I did, oh, fifteen years ago or more, ocicats were hybrids between ocelots and domestic cats, and the breed started out in California. The breed may simply have better publicists.
Ariandalen that's bengals you're thinking of. Hybrids btwn Asian Leopard Cats (like the Asian version of ocelots) and tabbies. Ocicats are spotted, but developed from spotted domestics/broken tabby patterns like on Egyptian Maus. You can spot (aheh) the difference by the flow of the spot pattern. Bengals patterns are horizontal, ocicats are vertical. Both are tabby variants, though.
I'm back in bed nursing a migraine; pedantic Bengal diatribes distract me I guess. I will try to rein it in.
Na, I've never been to the Austin zoo, but it sounds like they have their work cut out for them.
And then again, maybe I simply ran into some confusion over the term "ocicats" back when. Could also be that the people trying to hybridize ocelots were told they can't use the term "ocicats" for their hybrids. ::shrug::
Got a "spot" of migraine, Adri?
Get well soon.
Off to get Cabel! Will be back later today with pics of poor Conehead!
I distinctly remember reading about ocelot hybrids being called ocicats, as well as bengals being ALC hybrids at the time. Remember, this was in the age of 300 baud speed, BBS, and charge by the minute chat. Everybody who had a home computer was on dial-up, there was no broadband, and very few, if any, personal webpages. I actually thought about getting a bengal then (1992 or '93) but could not afford one, and there were a couple of breeders in the Waco area then.
When the High Master hears of this he will surely cut off my plargh and hand it to me.
Good thoughts for the Cabal pick up!
Morning, Fiends! Today, for fun and excitement, my house is getting new ducting installed. Mysterious thumps coming from the attic.
Lys, I'm still digging through my photos that all need scanning -- this is an epic task. Worked Southern Faire since '91 and have boxes and boxes of old snaps to go through... fun, but very slow. Also, a power cord for the scanner would be helpful. I am not surprised at all that you know Danny. ;)
Leon Panetta thrilled me, too.
Hybrid laws are very strange. Which makes sense, taken out of context, I suppose.
Alright, more coffee now.
Ariandalen - woah... the dark ages of '92! I remember having a Delphi account and having to wait to dial in after 6pm so there wouldn't be an obnoxious Sprint charge of something like $25/hr for the privilege of being online. Thanks for the flashback!
FabLo - meh! Ex-friend needs another hobby. What one person perceives as your "problems" may be the very things another adores. If they want more of your time, just say no. You've got more positive things to do like chatting with all of us, and playing with feathersticks :-D
I'm glad to hear Cabal is on the road to recovery! Please give him a big doggie hug for me.
Glad cabal's doing well and gets to come home!!
Glad to hear things are going well. When my dog had surgery 7 years ago, the surgeon recommended warm water therapy to help with her recovery. It was amazing. Not sure if this pool in MN is nearby:
You're welcome, Maureen. ;)
BTW, nice to see you commenting again. You've been missed. :)
Back from picking up now neutered little boy bengal, I noticed his voice is a bit higher, lol.
Ocicats are a man-made breed that is a siamese abyssinian cross, no wild cat involved. They aren't to be rosetted like bengals and they have small spots. They have very ticked coats unlike what bengal breeders try and do with bengals to make clear coats (even though both are considered tabby cats).
What NY city and the state of Conn. did was not allow any new bengals to come into their area but you could rehome a NY bengal in NY as long as it isn't an early generation bengal like Magic and Lear. Same with Conn. Hawaii forced the bengal breeders there out of business and they had to spay/neuter all their bengals. No bengals can come into Hawaii now. Most of the laws treat the hybrid result as the wild cat it was bred with. For instance in IA a bengal is considered an Asian Leopard Cat which is illegal because it is a wild cat. Very confusing laws.
There was also a cat created in California called the California Spangled Cat that was a spotted cat similar to a bengal.
Hope Cabal is feeling the love and healing thoughts from all of us.
Hope you and Cabal are both home safely, now, and that he is resting comfortably.
Blegh on ex-friends. I have one like that, who seemed to have a great deal invested in pointing out my faults, or perhaps more accurately: had a great deal invested in being better at everything than I was and making sure that I knew it. I spent years propping up his fragile ego until I realized, one morning, the debilitating effect it was having on me and my self-perception. Life got *much* better once I cut him out of my life.
Thanks everyone, on all fronts!
Home now ACKKKK!!!!!!!!!
Not exactly what I experted, doing some shots and then will post....
That doesn't sound good, especially the ACCCKKK! part...
Not sure I should post pics..
aww. frankendog?
i'm sure it will be fine. poor guy.
Total Franken-dog!
sounds ominous.I hover with my finger on the 'refresh' button, and with bated breath.
Having watched enough "Emergency Vets" I think I have a pretty good idea of the source of icky. At best, not pretty, but it's up to you whether or not you post pictures.
{{Ms. Fabulous}}
You must post. I was just about to go to bed, and I'm staying up to see what the dreaded Bee-Bengal Alliance has arranged for poor Cabal!
oops. didn't mean to soiund so dictatorial. to post or not to post - that's up to you of course!
I'll post them, but they are not pretty....
Writing now, I'll let you know as soon as it's up, so Marjorie can go to bed.
I'm thinking we're all in this have to spend the night with it, the least we can do is look at photos!
Hey, thanks for the Frankendog laugh. I am totally enraged at my 23 year-old-son at the moments...nobody on earth can make me as angry... and needed the laugh. But poor Cabal, and poor Lorraine. Remember things heal!
Hi Dabbler! I am loving all the new Fiends!
Post is up, but I do warn you, ain't pretty to see....And I kept out some of the worst ones...
Oh, Panetta is interested in the health of oceans. Maybe he will do something about whaling in the Antarctica? Oh - excellent no more torture. (YES, I am writing comment as I go through last night's offerings)
Lys - ROLF pussy cat.
Val, where can one see pics of your furries?
That is a BAD photo of Boss. So many good photos of him around, why the heck did they use that one?
Those hybrid laws are confusing, to say the least
Poor, poor puppy. We went through dog surgery this year, only it was a ruptured disc. It took twice as along to recover and twice as much money, and since it's a spinal thing, the first few weeks of movement restrictions involved keeping our poor dog in a kennel. NOT happy.
My only advice - Greenies makes a pill pocket. It's not fibrous like their usual snacks. It's got the consistency of cheese and the flavor of bacon. You pop the medicine in the pocket, pinch it shut, and aim the thing vaguely in your dog's direction. The pill disappears at the speed of light. So the dog has a lovely snack before he takes his snooze. The average pet store has these.
For whatever it might be worth, my dog (Maggie) has had surgery on both knees. Anterior cruciate ligament repairs both times. Aside from being nine years old and bulldog-mastiff-lazy as they come, she's just fine.
Cabal might have a bit of arthritis later on, but that's not uncommon in dogs as they get older, anyway. I'm sure that he'll be back to his bouncy self in no time. One thing to watch out for, though -- he might start getting very nervous about other dogs being near his injured leg, and develop some defensive aggression issues because of it. There's no guarantee that it will happen, but it's worth keeping an eye out for it, so that you can nip the behavior in the bud if you see it developing.
Best wishes to you, the Boss, and gentle pets to poor, groggy Cabal!
Lorraine, why do you spell his name Cabel instead of Cabal? Is it some little quirk of yours or just a mistake?
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