A Dog Post For a Change....
As many of you have already seem to have heard, Cabal the Dog does have a bit of a problem, and will be needing surgery tomorrow.
He's been limping a bit lately, tho not consistently, which at first we thought might be a sore paw, or a strain, but then he seemed to have trouble with stairs, and jumping into the 4-runner, or getting up and down. X-rays reveled a torn ligament, and our vet recommend a specialist at the U.
I took him down today for his consult, and the Nice Surgeon Lady told us that yes, it was torn, and had also torn away the bone as well, giving him, in fact, a broken leg. (In our defense this Dog did not APPEAR to be in pain, or slow down in any way, as far as running and playing went, just a bit sore from time to time, and we did get him vetted as soon as we saw it wasn't going away.)
No idea how he did it, but he is really active, could have happened with a miss-step at any time.
She explained the surgery to me in detail, even drawing the procedure out for me. Here's a picture of it for you, so it will be as clear to you what they are doing as it is to me...
She then puled it up on the computer, and talked of pins and plates, and recovery and such...
The Doctors are confident that he will make a complete recovery. He will not be able to climb stairs tho, or be outside off-leash for six weeks, and may have to wear a cone.
He can't slip, so we will be getting more carpets for his area of the house, which is tile, and getting in a lot of sand, so he will not slip while walking. Kona, his girlfriend who comes with her friend to walk and romp thru the woods 4 days a week, and Freckles, his best buddy who comes for playdates, will not be able to come over for a while.
They wanted to do this surgery right away, and needed a lot of blood work and such, so Cabel is staying there tonight, with surgery in the morning, and will be home Friday.
I will, of course, keep you all updated.
Love for Cabel,
aww, poor puppy pup! And poor caretakers, it's hard to restrain such a bouncy boy!
Which leg is it? (I am an oddly curious person, I know.)
What a kind looking Vet! I would totally trust her.
Cabal is so beautiful. I was just thinking about how he is really a rescue too and how that beautiful white coat was hidden when first you knew him. It is amazing to consider the impact that the choices of a couple of humans have had on all of these animals.
Poor Cabal, poor Boss and Q and the family -keeping an active boy quiet for 6 weeks will be no mean feat. Its been hard enough keep Shiraz quiet for one week.
Ahh, the diagram explained it so clearly *grin*
Aw..poor guy. **hugs** to the Cabal.
It looks like they're gonna use a plate to attach the ligament to the bone. He's gonna be one sore boy.
Noting quite that serious, but Grendel has had various surgeries, and it is SO hard keeping them under control once they feel better.
And I know exactly what you mean about it not bothering Cabal. Grendel is an old boy, and is developing arthritis. If he overexerts himself he has trouble getting up and limps for a couple days, which bothers us a lot and him really not at all.
Oh poor Cabal and poor you, Fablo, as it probably makes more work for you!! And you have increasing work *anyway* -- bummer. Keeping dogs quiet and not so mobile is almost impossible, I know. My two bigger dogs once ate rat poison (we had had professionally installed and were assured that the containers were completely bite-and-destroy proof. Uhm, no. No, they weren't.) and part of the treatment involved keeping them very quiet. For a month. Eeek. I'm so sorry for all of you!!
Thanks all!
It is his left back leg, Aleta, curious Fiend!
Well, it will be a bit more work yes, Boss is out of town this weekend as of now, so I will be couch sleeping at his place until Monday, I don't think Cabel should be alone , even for me to run home and feed Bengals.
We've worked out a schedule , Merry Housekeeper , Hans and I, so that I can get home to Bengal.
Briefly anyway. Going to spend as much time as possible with them until then. Magic has explored the new futon and not peed on it, and he came out to play, all good.
The room is starting to be a cool room, and not a closet/foster room, since I am going to be spending much time there...
I am worried about Cabel, and taking care of him on my own tho...HATED leaving him, which we tried to make as least traumatic as possible, but didn't go well
I imagine the poor dog feels quite abandoned. First his pack leader leaves, again and then you leave him at the vets.
We are hoping this is the same operation Shiraz won't need this year - but its looking like it will happen. Damned big dogs and their energy and goofy playing style.
Magic is wonderful!
AWWW, poor doggy! He really is so adorable.
Oh, I meant to say - I'm betting the painkiller they have him on will keep him pretty quiet this weekend Lorraine. Shiraz has been on Tramadol for the last week for pain killing and to sedate her a little, because she has inflamed that ligament and her arthritis.
She's not allowed off leash at all now because of the damage she keeps doing to herself (except in the backyard)
He's our first dog ever, and he is a great one. He'll be good, tho Boss winced a bit at the $$ when I told him. Don't get me wrong, he said of course, I did the right thing and yes do it, but it is going to be a lot of $$.
Adriana, I am so getting a massage tomorrow to your new cd! ( http://www.theendlessband.com) I am in the process of upgrading my tendinitis to carpal tunnel from playing so much, and think it will be perfect to scream to.
Hmmmm..Not exactly the endorsement I was going for....
Poor guys.He's a big strong dog with high pain tolerance, so he won't be real patient with not being able to romp.
Another helpful hint (my Labs were famous for this)- if he's in a cone watch out. They don't seem to know where the cone ends and the next person begins, so there will be the odd sudden shove from behind.
Poor sweetie- the separation was tough I'm sure, but they are sooo good there, and he will have someone visiting him all the time. The students just love to spoil the animals.
Oh dear! Poor, poor giant yeti-dog.
Also, because I didn't say it when I first found it out back in another comment: Adriana! I can't believe you're THAT Adriana!! I LOVE The Endless. So cool.
you are remarkably, eerily, deceptively normal....nice job.
listen to me, smartass that's never met you :P
I am now twitter following you though, no escape. You and every one here...ah hahahah! It's all Val's fault!
Poor dawg. I am officially Fretting.
For fun with the Bengals, try a dressage whip. Long enough to keep it away from your body. Judy's cat, Hilary, would carry it to you to play with him. Really a great toy.
Wait, carpal tunnel?! Quiche! Ack! Dude, that's not good either!
Gee, Ms. Fabulous, you certainly have a way with words.
Poor Cabal. Surgery isn't cheap for anyone, regardless of genus and species. The recovery is no fun for anyone when the patient can't speak English (or whatever the local spoken language is). Hugs to everyone involved.
Omnisti, hope things all work out for the best! Come back when you get a chance. :)
I spy with my fiendish eye...Quixotic! Hiiiiiiiii, Quixotic!
Yup. Spicy!
Fiendy, fiend, fiend.
Yes, she is that Adriana. Took Boss to point it out to me. Here tho, she is a Fiend, who like us all, simply makes great art. And is a one of us.
Canceled massage tomorrow, too much to do at work and getting ready for Cabel to come home, and when I get my massage I want to turn my phone off, which is not an option for tomorrow morning.
Oh no! Poor Cabal. :( He will have the best care, though. Whoever said he will be out of it due to painkillers (Sally?) is probably right, too.
Carpal tunnel-- probably the only job hazard of my profession, but almost all of my friends have it or have had it. I went through some really bad flare ups where I had to be braced all the time and be on painkillers. Worst is, since I own the business, and we were in SERIOUS startup mode then, I couldn't take any time off. I had to keep typing.
Eventually changing my desk, keyboard, chair, sleeping style, etc helped and I barely have any trouble at all now. Not sure if there's anything ergonomic musicians can do to help though? Maybe try to make the changes in your typing/computing environments so there's less strain overall?
Oh, also, just commented on the last post since I didn't realize there was a new one, but will repeat so I dont' miss any Fiends... my twitter name is just 'Adri' :)
Chantrelle, I always thought so, good to know.
Sfmarty, welcome! I can see the dressage whip as a cat toy, oh yes!, not sure who Judy is tho, but you are most welcome here!
Adriandalen, you be nice, no fangs!!!! To many new de-lurkers, have you fun, but behave!
Yeah, Val, getting to be a bother it is.
Poor guy. Healing thoughts are heading his way. My 82 year old mom just had hip replacement surgery Monday and they had her up walking that afternoon. Cabal will do fine, I'm sure.
I spy with my fiendish eye sfmarty!
::sniff sniff::
Yes, kind of feels like a knife in my right hand, bow arm. Goes up to the elbow and then to the neck. I have a sports trainer who is helping, and bi-weekly massage therapy, with a masseuse who knows what is going on.
Par for the course, I can still play, and am doing everything right for it, but one does pay the price.
Sure ain't going to stop.
I am unfortunately all too familiar with the wrist tendinitis. 2 1/2 years and counting of not being able to work. Can't type more than a few words, can't open jars, carry anything heavy, do much of anything with my hands.
Rolfing has started to help me tremendously. It's amazing the change actually.
Hey Janet, Magic didn't pee on the new futon, tho I could tell he had been on it, which I think is a good sign...
Q-- I think that's probably the worst thing about carpal tunnel, no one who does something enough to get it is willing to stop doing that thing!
Do your hands go to sleep? Mine were alternately pins and needles and stabbing pain for about a year. I took a LOT of ibuprofen and was working with a chiropractor who helped me learn stretches to help.
Oh, Q, and you have carpal tunnel on top of all this! I am feeling really bad and little sad for all that you have to do and how much of it must be tugging at your heart. I wish I could help. I wish I lived closer. (Of course, everyone could just move closer to me. Right??)
Yah, I would be happy to dog-sit. Cabal and Grendel could limp slowly around together...
Ms. Fabulous, don't wait on your wrist(s) for as long as a close friend of mine did. She didn't do anything for her carpet tunnel problems until she sewed her hand to the dress she was making, and didn't realize it until she looked. That was with a sewing machine, too. Yes, she had surgery on her wrist. She even convinced the surgeon to do it with her under a local anesthetic and watching. ::shudder:: Not me, the two Cesareans I had were enough, and I darned sure didn't watch.
DataGoddess/Toni, my thoughts are with you and your family. I've been in a similar place, including the up and down.
OH, baby!
ignore my email, you 'splained it all in this blog.
sorry baby doggy. that last photo of him is so beautiful.
Quichie, I know you have the sports therapist and massage, but a thought- Abbott Northwestern's Center for Health and Healing has an acupuncturist who has done amazing things for carpal. Might be worth a visit when you're in town.
I manage to keep it to a dull roar, but there have been a few time in my waitressing life when I couldn't feel the coffeepot I was holding or how hot the plates were.
I can't keep up now....no twitter for me!
Warm thoughts to Toni and family, everyone who is sick...and Cabal, of course!
And q, I'd second the acupuncturist idea for carpal tunnel, and also recommend myofascial work... works with the sheath surrounding the muscles, and can make a huge difference. Or somebody who does Alexander Technique...looking at body mechanics and evolving different ways to
use your body when playing.
Nuff suggestions....
Hey sorry to hear about Cabel!
Oh Q, you have carpal on TOP of tendinitis? You have my utmost sympathies. I had the surgery on my right hand (thanks to a bad factory job) when I was only 21 and had to give up the guitar for good. Had a couple of go rounds with tendinitis too. All I can say is YEEEOUCH. It really does feel like a knife in the wrist that shoots pain up to your neck.
I'm glad to hear you have a sports trainer AND a masseuse on the case, that should definitely help.:)
Thanks for the advice all, This is going to be ok...It just hurts, and one can deal with that.
Hi Melissa! I am so riding tomorrow and not to worry!
I know it's early, but I am thinking I may fall asleep on the couch....Will wake to you...
*sings Fiendish lullabyes to Q*
Oh, poor pup. And poor caretakers of pup. Keeping him down for six weeks when he was treating a broken leg as a minor inconvenience is going to be a trial, I'm sure. Like everyone else here, I'm fretting for him tomorrow morning.
Awww, puppy. Such a not-fun thing for such a sweet animal. Give him my love when he gets home. I imagine he'll be spoiled rotten.
Seems like a good night to curl up and make as many good vibes as possible.
Awww, poor Cabal! Looking at the pics, I so want to give that doggeh a hug. I'm with Aleta - the vet has a trustworthy look. :)
Ha, I am Twitter-proof: no appropriate phone with which to send and receive, though apparently one can read online anyone's twitter page? Never did know what that was.
No experience with carpal tunnel, no advice here, but do hope the pain recedes for you, FabLo.
Have been listening to Abigail Washburn today. Pretty sure I first heard of the AW + Sparrow Quartet CD here. This is "Song of the Traveling Daughter", also wonderful.
I just realized i posted the "normal" comment on the wrong thread! I meant it for Dan but you can be normal too Lorraine :P
I hated it when everyone had an idea about how to fix my wrists, sorry for the deluge of advice! I put up with the pain in mine for a long time before they became unusable! And i'm still convinced there's a way to fix them somehow.
I was just listening to The Endless :D
"I have this mental image: you know the cartoons, where everyone stampedes to one side of the boat, and it tips, so everyone stampedes to the other side, and back and forth for a while?
The Fiends stampeded to Facebook, then stampeded to twitter... and who KNOWS what comes next?"
Phiala wrote this on the last post. I can't stop laughing.....
I love this quote (qotd on google):
"Never tell anyone that you're writing a book, going on a diet, exercising, taking a course, or quitting smoking. They'll encourage you to death."
- Lynn Johnston
Unless of course it's fiends you tell, then they'll just distract you from your goal with twitter or facebook.
LOL Chantrelle.
(much to the annoyance of my guy, who's sitting at the other computer, hee hee)
Truer words were never said, Chantrelle!
Good luck Cabal.
Rubius! How is the new-home sitch going? Hope it's all good, or at the very least, complete.
Rubius - Good to see you. I hope your move went well!
Cabal and Support Crew - ((hugs))
I am signing off of everything to write now. Chantrelle has verbalized my internal musings....
OOh, I'm on my computer! I can check the box!!!
oh noes!poor cabel.
and honestly i have dirty brainz.
oooh endless are nice :)
oh noes bad spelling!
ok, now my head is done in, his name is spelled 2 ways in the post.
i see naughty things in that whiteboard picture
i think it's time to hunt some dinner and go to bed.
i went from 4 twittererers, 2 of which were the boy, to 11 in minutes. twitter is evil.
No, no, no, Vampi.
It's spicy brains. Not dirty, spicy.
ariandalen, i had a feeling i wasn't doing something right...
Na - don't need phone to twitter... I do it at website. Go, take the plunge
fiendpressure...you know you want to
You know, only those of us who haven't joined the latest thing are not twitter-pated.
A Fiendish Rebel
Poor Cabal :( Here's hoping he'll have a swift recovery.
And yes, to whomever it was asked on the last post, I'm DearPrudence on Twitter. Was trying to come up with a clever name but failed, and went with the song playing at the time....
Was going to ask, Ms. Fabulous.....watching a rerun of Hogan's Heroes today: are you, in fact, secretly a sexy French underground operative?
(please, someone tell me why I'm not in bed.....)
Hi Na and Ticia, thanks for the well wishes. The house has a few little glitches, like any house, I am sure. I don't have my room set up but I do have my bed... my old bed... for the first time in years...since I last left home actually and although I don't have my computer set up or even operable (I need to get a new motherboard)... I do have this nifty iPod that connects to our wireless and let's me send these posts.
technically not work safe, but hilarious
and i find it even funnier that you can "enlarge" the picture. what a way to ring in the new year.
wow depanting is apparently enough to shut up the fiends
My poor little fury doofus friend...
Most of you looking have found me on Twitter - I lock my updates just so I can occasionally bitch about work, so don't be afraid to follow me if you find me - I'm DataGoddess there, too. And on Plurk, LJ, etc.
Cabal looks so brave in that last picture, like "I really want to go home with you, but I'll stay because you want me to." I hope you have success in keeping him quiet for the recovery period, Q. I think you have your work cut out for you!
Again, thanks for the thoughts, hugs, etc. Tonight's visit with MiL was much better than last nights, because now she's loopy on morphine. No pain, and we promised her that she won't be alone at any time. Her kids (there are 4 of them) are going to make sure there are always 2 people with her, so that if one needs to pee, sleep, whatever the other one is with her.
Vampi - I tried not to laugh, poor guy, but how hilarious.
Sally, you dragon tempress. Fiendish fiends of the twittering kind. I was just starting to feel caught up with the online world when I learned to check the email box thing. I might could twitter, if Danth had the stretchy time going.
*teeth chattering* Too cold here. Headed for warm covers. You know, it's very cold in space. Fiends in Space? Fiends of the Carribean sounds much more appealing right now.
Doh. Caribbean. Ah well. 'night-morning!
Fiends in the Caribbean sounds grand. Melbourne has gone chilly again, and I feel like I need a hat and scarf. what is it with this summer here?
Oh, Minnesota Fiends - I laughed when I opened my newspaper this morning...a St Paul story greeted me here
The Fiendish world is shrinking.
Realized my earlier comment might need explaining....there was a French operative on the show whose code name was Quiche Lorraine, and....sometimes I am a bit too random. Sorry!
Talk about TV shows and I am SO lost.
All the cats have come in, demanding food (AGAIN) and cuddles and are spreading grumbly comments on the fact that it's raining (damnit) and being out is not such a great fun.
They are poking their noses in my tea mug, trying to poke their paws on my marmalade toasts too. if I am eating, how come they can't be eating too?
(And there's me thinking I could have a quiet tryst with breakfast. Fool)
Aww Cabal - as if the poor guy hasn't been through enough in his life.
I'll be ~vibe~ing the hapless goggie as well as your wrist, Miss Fabulous. Carpal tunnel is a bitch, to be sure - a friend of mine got tendinitis/going on carpal just from writing her thesis, and I'm sure you are straining your hands WAY more than she was! Take care, will you?
Poor Quiche, painful wrists and a poorly pup. Hope all goes well for you both.
And yes. Twitter is evil. I am NOT going to register my phone. No. (Ishall just browse on the interwebs instead of working, same as with FB..)
Hi all.
Wishing Cabal a speedy recovery.
Waving bye-bye to the last shreds of my productivity. Ain't it great to be a Fiend? ;)
Hi Quiche,
Sorry to hear about your poor wrist, hopefully it will get better soon. I've also heard acupuncture can be good for it.
Poor Cabal.
Our springer spaniel ruptured his cruciate ligaments in both hind legs a couple of years ago. He was only 2 years old and he had severe arthritis in both knees. The vet said he didn't know how he could still walk.
We had absolutely no idea he had arthritis until he ruptured his first ligament, because he was still running around like a maniac and still springing.
He also had his operation at the university and it was a great success. However, I think they could have built new wings on the building with the dollars we forked out for the operations.
While he was recuperating, we kept him in an enclosure in the daytime and at nighttime he was inside on a leash tied to whatever he couldn't drag or pull out of the wall.
I am not registering my phone for Twitter either. It is hardly falling in the category of MUST READ/KNOW NOW.
Quiche - don't be macho about the wrist pain!! I know you're an incredibly strong person but your bod is giving you a message. I once shrugged off tendonitis as "eh, I can deal with it" right up to the point where I could not turn the key to start the car, open a door, zip my pants (couldn't grasp the zipper tab), hold a toothbrush or a hairbrush or tie my shoes. One day I woke up and my right hand just would not close around *anything*. It took several weeks to get to the point where I could even hold a toothbrush again. I thought I was invincible. I was not.
Poor Cabal! Well-wishes his way, and good luck keeping him from bouncing around. Dogs seem to have an extra dose of enthusiasm built-in.
I hope he does not stop eating again...
Aw..poor dog. hugs to the Cabal.
Which leg is it???
Good luck Cabal.
dog ramps
that dog ramp is nice.
poor boy has been all night with issues involving the bathroom. i cant convince him to go to the doctor yet. he also just fell asleep so i can't move or i'll wake him.
Poor Cabal, hope his surgery goes well. Lorraine, carpal tunnel and tendonitis? wow, pls. be careful - alot of my friends take glucochondroitis (sp?) which many swear eases joint/tendon/ligament pain. I am planning on getting some as my right thumb as ceased to operate without alot of pain, and is chronically swollen - due to pushing too much clay around (as I'm lefthanded I am grateful its my right). Hope the moving goes well Rubius! congrats on the new digs! Hope everyone else is doing well, real life is commanding me to dig in and work, so I have only been able to skim comments. Have a great day fiends!
Good luck today Quiche and Cabel! Big dogs with Elizabethan collars are no fun! Lots of banging into things. I am glad you have help!
I think M is still to young to completely fend for himself so no Twitter for me. ;) No time, no time...
Best wishes to the doggie and his faithful fiend!!
I second the comment that dogs with lampshade collars are no fun. Much furniture gets moved and people sleep on couches. The family springer spaniel had a torn cruciate ligament - no fun, but afterwards she was good as new.
Good luck!!
I did not know this and am so sorry to hear it! I am sending love for poor Cabal. He is a strong one ...
Morning, Fiends!
Thinking of Cabal this morning and sending him love.
Morning Fiends!
No word yet on Cabel, but they should be calling soon...I'll keep you posted, not to worry...
*keeps fingers crossed and ~vibes~ going*
Poor pupper. I'm betting he'll start bouncing back faster than you could even imagine..er..want.
Thinking good htoughts for Cabal!
nooo bouncing :)
poor thing, at least he's going to have good company while he recovers.
Hope Cabel is doing well!
On a lighter cat note.
Ben's in school today even though he usually just goes MWF, the neighbors are on vacation so we took there son's day... yay for mommy!
Twitter is evil, but it did allow me to find the most hilarious five second video ever (drinks down now)... I give you Jonathan Coulton
hahah MONKEY!
i finally convinced boy it's wise to go to the doctor, so i'm off.
Cabel updated posted...
Lorraine, you're hilarious. I hope the music gives you good/screamy release.
...that sounds dirty. Awesome!
You guys are all wonderful. I've been lurking here for I think as long as the blog has existed, I just can't keep up with you all!!
You might, if poor Cabal has to suffer the indignity of the cone/e-collar for any length of time, consider http://www.bonafido.com/page6.html
I've never tried them on our cats, but I've heard them highly recommended.
As a Carpal Tunnel sufferer, the saviour of your wrists is in this book:
I just wish I had found it before my first surgury.
On Cabal, awwwwww poooor doggy, beware with the cone though, he might do the bumping trick, or my old dog used to just walk up to a wall with it on and stand there, looking pathetic.
Hi Lorraine!
Looks like Cabal is getting a TPLO? My dear boy Gabriel got one of the early versions of that repair back in 1995 or 96. It worked great and had him back to leaping, swimming, running and frisbeeing in fine form. Gabe passed away last year just a few days shy of 14 (which is a long life for a lab/rottweiller mix). He had a great life partially in thanks to the surgery that gave him back the use of his leg. It was worth every penny.
hugs to you,
My dog has had two ACL surgeries in two years -- one on each leg. It isn't a walk in the park (disregard the pun), but with a regimen of Rymadil, gentle exercise and daily glucosimine doses, your dog will improve quickly. It took my dog about a year to recover from the first surgery when her other leg went bad. Now some four months later, she has made an even more rapid recovery. It breaks your heart, but as we were told, it can be a congenital defect. Not that it makes you feel better, but it might help to know that these things can just happen. Good luck.
One of my cocker spaniels tore his anterior cruciate ligament last Christmas Day. The hardest part was keeping him off it for the six weeks. Since cockers aren't large he didn't have to have the plate but rather has a large suture run in place of the ligament. He's fine now. :) I'm sure Cabal will be fine, but Neil and his family may be totally crazy by the time Cabal's recuperation is over!
Poor Cabal! I hope he feels better soon!
What breed is he? In the last photo here he looks a lot like my uncle's white Alsatian (German Shepherd).
Hello All!!!!!!
How nice to get good wishes from everyone!
Yes, keeping him quiet is going to be hard..
And he is a WHite German Shepard!
He's home now, new post is up..
No twitter here!!!!!!
Just couching while Dog floors.
New fridge's are fun, I go tone when I got my Spooky House, just a wee one, as there wasn't a lot of room if I wanted another door put in, but I am really just one person who is not there much for meals, so how big does it need to be? I have a freezer in the basement tho...
Watching Planet Earth, Fods that series was a good one...SEE it, if you haven't, amazing!!!!!!
Ooops, posted on the wrong post!!!!!
Couching is good. So is flooring. I am trafficking on the freeway. And suddenly overwhelmed by loneliness, in spite of going to the studio in just a little while, where I will see friends. And in spite of Fiends. So irrational, but there it is. I think I'll take some deep breaths before I go into the studio. Couldn't hurt.
*snugs* val.
The guy next door is practising(oh drat, s or c?) on his drums. My head doesn't like it.
Siri, don't go to twitter. I'm missing all the little missives here, and its much easier to follow stuff on the blog. *sigh*
Val, deep breaths are almost as good as a Guinness
My brother's dog had what sounds like the exact same thing, and had to have surgery with a similar recovery. He is finally getting close to recovered, and just has a little bit of physical therapy left, which is to say, taking him on progressively longer walks. He doesn't mind, as he is a big active dumb black mutt who loves you. a real sweetheart.
His friend, a grumpy old, fat corgi, is much more skeptical about this "walking" malarky, and is not at all sure he likes the idea.
Anyway, my brothers dog is a big dumb sweetheart, and it was heartbreaking to see him in the early stages of his recovery.
I hope Cabal fares as well as possible. Give him lot's of scritches and snorgles, and I'm sure he'll be good as new.
Hang on..."couch sleeping"?! Surely that place is big enough for a guest room?!
Hi Mr Name and Mary, and Welcome!!!!!
It IS hard to see him like this, poor dude.
Yes, guestrooms abound, but they are all on the second floor, and he can't do stairs, so we have turned the China room, as Maddy calls it, into a bedroom, and put a futon in there for sleeping. Very cosy it will be!
Ah, well - a futon...that's all right then! Sounds a bit more comfortable than a couch, anyway - at least you can stretch out a bit more :) Hope the pooch recovers quickly!
Thanks Mary! I hope he does too...We thought we would make a proper bed as Cabel can't do stairs for 6 weeks, so Boss will sleep there, or I will if he is out of town, so Cone-head isn't alone..
My dog had a similar problem. After weeks of special care, she came out good as new. Good luck with such a beautiful beast.
My dog Gracie had this surgery. The vet had her up and walking immediately, but she couldn't do any running or ball playing for about a month. After that she was good as new.
Good luck to Cabal and a fast recovery.
I wish Cabal and you all the patience of the world and my best wishes - my neighbour's extremely active Husky had these very same symptoms, surgery and wait-time and she came out of it healthy, happy and as (hyper)active as ever.
Wait, after your list http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2004/10/sage-advice.asp item #1, it's now part of your job to spread Sand around Neil's house? On purpose?
The irony fairy plotted and schemed to accomplish this one, I'd say.
lol. i remember that one. classic.
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