Shoes and Magic, With Dog, Venus and Mim....
We're going to get everyone in on the action tonight! Here's the mending Cabel with the Coraline Nike Shes. AND the picture frames that showed up from Kitty today, for my B'day!!!! Now those are some frames I can work with. May just hang them up....
Here's a close up. Lovely, yes? I will wear them at my Birthday concert on the 13th, at Charlie's in Stillwater, 7:30 to 11:30, webcasting live (just in case anyone forgot or anything!) And now for some Magic.....
Magic AND Venus, see the Claw of Doom? It's one of Magic's favorite games. I think Venus and Mim have fun too. Do we know how to party or what?????
Here he is playing on his cat tree. Can you see his new Underworld 3 poster in the background? (that is a movie I need to see again, before I comment. If you loved the first two, see it. But don't see it first.)
I love this guy. He is so ready for fun, every time I come in, and he so wants to be a part of things. I was looking at pictures of ALC's today (Asian Leopard Cats) and he does have that same tiny head, and rounder body. NExt we have us some Venus by the coffee table sans fish tank. (I will get another fish, perhaps indeed many, but I need some time to grieve yet for , uh, Fish. He was with me two years, swimming. Eating. Swiming. We had some good times he and I.)
And another so you can see her leanness....
And finally, Mim lurking across the room........
Lear and Mab will have to wait for another night to get their page time, this ought to be enough for anyone...
Love and Shoes,
new post!
Ha Ha!! I'm the slacker!!!!!
However, the laundry is all done, the taxes are done, the garbage is out, the dishwasher will be loaded and running before I go to bed. So, Suzy Homemaker lives!
Ms Fabulous - remember that Dr. Wicked promised us a playlist so we can request the right songs next week (giddy giddy giddy). You maybe don't remember that, because you were playing while we were all chatting about that.
And, thank you for a 2 post day, with lovely kitties and shoes and Dog.
Heck, Paul and I don't even have a current playlist...Not sure where Dr Wicked is going to get one....
Love those picture frames!! Where did you find those Kitty?They are incredible!
And Bengals. It warms my heart to see those beautiful kitties. The claw under the door is priceless!
And the beaded door hanging is beautiful.
Cabal... is one gorgeous boy.
Lovely kitties all! Love the claw of doom. Q, are Magic and the girls in the same room now?
Aleta May and Gayle - Do y'all have Paul and Lorraine's playlist down? And Beeze - y'all are the staples there.....
I wondered if they were the Coraline shoes. Pretty! And those picture frames are to die for..Kitty has superb taste.
Mim the mighty huntress cracks me up.
YAY!!!! I was first!
I'd like to thank The Academy, and fiends everywhere. This is an honor I share with fiends everywhere. I may have grabbed the top spot, but we're all winners.
What? My time's up? But, but, but...
I Think Venus looks fine, its just that we are so used to seeing overweight cats now that overweight appears the norm.
MAGIC -wow that boy has come a long way. Are he and the girls ready to meet, with all this under the door play?
Shoes look great and frames are out of this world
We need some Fiendish good vibes sent Tysie's way. Her blood glucose levels are way up. I'm as worried as anything.
VIBES Sally - does the heat stress Tysie enough to mess up the bg levels? I know physical stress can do a number on mine, so I'd think it might do the same to an animal....
I want to reach into the pictures and give them all scritches!!
Magic has apparently gotten used to the flash, did he seem bothered by it at all when you took the pictures?
The frames are *so* cool!!
*vibes* to Tysie.
I agree with Sally, I think Venus looks fine. After we switched cat foods, my boys slimmed down a LOT (except for Rocky who, suddenly able to eat, gained 7 pounds of muscle mass). When I asked my vet about it, concerned, she said that really they were 'normal' shapes for cats, and she wished all the cats she saw were as healthy.
Augh, blogger posted before I was ready.
Magic looks amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. :D Very shiny and happy! It's good that he's enjoying playing with the girls under the door, too.
Magic doesn't react to the pictures, doesn't mind them a bit.
He and the girls are not together, he has his own room. Sometimes the later gen cats will really pick on the the EG's, and he has no claws. He can't be in the house at large, it would terrify him, he would never come out.
Poor guy.
It is POSSIBLE that Lear and Mab might get on with the girls. I may try letting them out, with the door to the dinning room closed, so they can smell the other bedroom and bath and stairs, and then, let Venus and Mim back up when they are in. We've had a couple open doors times, with me in the middle, and lots of under the door playing.
We'll have to see, it would need to be done very, very slowly...
I'm not worried about Venus yet, she isn't underweight, just very lean and has dropped a couple pounds, we will try some new foods and see.
See? I try to be funny and no one laughs. ::sigh::
It's not about me anyway. It's about the kitties, right?
I am so amazed at the progress Magic has made! If I hadn't been following his progress on the blog, I might never have believed it. He looks like a different cat.
The frames and shoes look kickass! Well done on the frames, Kitty. :)
Magic looks like an entirely different cat; you really have done wonders with him, Quiche. Now he looks curious and playful, instead of terrified.
I am now a minion down, and am a little sad. Not at liberty to really get into it in public, but it just didn't work out. I feel bad cutting anyone loose in this economy, but it had to be done. Gave it a month, and just couldn't make it all work.
However, I have alcohol.
Should smoke be coming from my oven? That seems… odd, considering it's only chicken in there, baking… oh, crap, I bet it's the burnt cheese that spilled a couple of days ago. Oops. Off to go tackle that before the smoke detect…
Oh poor Magic, I never even contemplated that being declawed would mean it wasn't safe for him with clawed kitties who might pick on him.
Val - hope your smoke malfunction was easily fixable.
Yes, it was the cheese. It's, uh, caramelized, now. That's it, caramelized.
Right, another drink.
Well, Val, at least you know the smoke detector works....
Sad for you about the minion, but also, in these perilous times, minions have to work extra hard to not become redundant. I don't think you are wrong to expect people to pull their weight. I’m not a boss, and I’m not a minion either, but I know to keep my nose clean and to the grindstone right now….
And with that, I'm off to bed so I will arise with plenty of time to wash my hair and get to work on time. Might even stop for a treat on the way there, since I've been such a good girl at home these last 2 nights. Tomorrow, nothing but play!
Night, Fiendom.
They are such pretty kitties!!The claw rules!
LOVE the shoes..i'm thinking, i could just sew some black buttons on shoes i have...hmmm...i have many buttons.
Ticia - i laughed! :)
Sally - sending good glucosed-ness southward.
Been playing on hubby's G1's mine if i like it since he's got a work phone already. IT's growing on me. It's more gadgetry than i'm used to.
Val - stop drop and roll!!!
Dread Val is an adventure cook!!!!!!
I think you are very funny Ticia!!!!!(I did laugh) AND may I be the first to congratulate you, and ask, how will this be affecting you life, and what are you next plans???
EG's are very timid, not the reverse. They are very much flight, not fight kitties. I don't think he could be in an entire house and be happy, and he can't defend himself at ALL...
Ticia, I chuckled, just the smoke was rather overwhelmingly demanding my attention. Yes, how will this affect your plans, and which section of the world will you be dominating next? ;)
I'm SO an adventure cook. Jamie Oliver has nothing on me. Someday we must have Cookalong With Dread Val -- it'll be a horrible mashup of Gordon Ramsey's swearing and Bernard Black's cooking skills. But with the added bonus of The Corset. And I will make you my chicken tikka masala, Quiche, I have not forgotten my promise. Hey, that can totally be the pilot episode!
Did i share my coraline exhibit pics here? Me & ben out front and one pic i snuck inside (photos weren't allowed..shhh!!)
Chantrell, you and B are the bee's knees! DVal; I heard sirens; I became worried; glad all is well. I feel horribly bad over my Bengal foster, Aspen. He's in a room by himself except when I see him in the am & on my lunch and when I get home from work & before I go to bed. That sound's like alot; I imagine for a big love kitty like him; it's far too long between vistis. Breaks my heart. I hope we find him a home soon. He deserves to be loved and have a home all for himself where someone is there for him always.
Magic looks great! Ginger Snap seems very interested in all the kitty photos.
Cabal looks great too. I want shoes like that. They are fun and comfy looking.
The frames are so perfect for you Q! What a great find Kitty.
I'll have to be going to bed early again tonight. Why did I set up a morning meeting?
I'm going to Disneyland!!
Fods help us Dread Val!!!!!
Stacy, that is the hard thing about fostering, you feel like you never have enough time for everyone. I have three rooms to visit every day. I would be with all of them all the time if I could.
He will find his family, put it out there. Is he friendly? Happy? Social? Like people? Any problems?
I have Dog too right now. Have to go back there soon and take him out. Which he hates. He pooped in the kitchen in the ONE HOUR I was doing errands and Hans was in the basement. Despite having me take him out early, and Hans again when he got there.
Enough poop for Hans to bring in a shovel!!!!!
Why am I telling you this???????
Good to see the kitties, especially being playful. And Stacy, it sounds like you're doing a lot for your foster. I'm sure you'll find the perfect place.
It's been a wild few days. The good news is that my new boss is quite nice, the bad news is that one of my students grows exponentially more troublesome by the day.
But, for now, I have nutella. I will send nutella-flavored good vibes to fiends tonight.
Oh yes, I shall cook. And it will be epic. EPIC.
I dunno re: the poop report. You're giving us the scoop?
*ducks and runs*
Val - can you hear my groaning from up here in Santa Cruz?
As the book that they read at ben's school last week teaches, Everybody Poops!
::snort:: Val, I don't know how to say this.... Your cooking pilot scares me. Bernard Black and Gordon Ramsey should not be in a kitchen together... Even a corset can't save that show. The tiki Marsala though, that may tip the scales in your favor.
And dogs and poop. All I can say about that is California. Gotta love her. The drought is canceling out the only thing that keeps Olivia inside - rain. Yes, that is the silver lining to my cloudless sky.
MIGHT be done with work soon and going to have me some sleep....
Pretty tired...Long day it was, but I did good. I think. Hard to tell.
hey, sweet. i can comment here with the G1. rad.
Lorraine, hope you get some downtime soon!
You did good today, Lorraine. Never doubt it.
Shoe envy. sigh...... Fur envy (I *do* love Angus, and even Jezebel curse her furry butt....but that Bengal love is such a glorious temptation whenever we get a glimpse of your success...)
Now then, where was I? Congrats to Ticia, evening out vibes to El.
"Gordon Ramsey's swearing and Bernard Black's cooking skills. But with the added bonus of The Corset."
I snorted my wine. Shame on you, Val! I hold you responsible for spilt Pinot Grigio AND carmelized cheese :)
Chantrelle-- G1 SO JEALOUS. Ahem.
Val-- sorry to hear about your lost minion. I hate letting people go, especially when job prospects are low. However, sometimes people just don't work out, and you can't hold yourself responsible for that.
I think setting your oven on fire is an excellent cleansing activity, though!
chantrelle, LOVE the pictures. that skirt is unbelievably cute, as is your escort.
why shouldn't you tell us about dog poop, the last few posts focused on pee, it's a natural progression :)
omg tuesdya:) 3 more days until movie!!!! sorry it's keeping you hopping Q, this shall pass soon thought
Cool shoes! Glad to know those are frames. At first I thought they were the legs to a funky low stool or two.
Yay for Magic!
As far as weight and cats goes, I was worried about mine, but he's eating again. He had lost at least a couple of pounds, and was looking thin and bony. You think a couple of pounds is not a lot, but for an 8 pound cat that's 25% of total weight. Tangwyn has always been 15.5 - 16 pounds as an adult, and all muscle. Even at 14 pounds he looks thin.
Anyway, I'm going to bed.
Swee-ee-eet Dreams, Fie-iends!
Sorry, Lys! The 'caramelized' cheese is all my fault... and I suppose the spilled wine must be as well. I should open another bottle myself, there seems to be a problem with the current one being empty.
But seriously, wouldn't that be awesome?! Cookalong with Dread Val. If I had a video camera, I would so make this happen. Maybe in June, or sooner, we will have our first episode. And we could have guest stars! First guest star would be Quiche, naturally. Good thing The Corset is leather and thus can be wiped down easily; I predict a mess.
but...where did the wine go?
Val -the ratings would go through the roof if you made a mess and had to clean the leather... I'm just sayin'...
oh, and about the Coraline dunks; didja happen to see the blog where they had them posted ebay for $6500.00! Dude; you could start your own Bengal Rescue site with that! *no; don't sell them; I couldn't and I know you won't either* it's just an incredible amount of money for a pair of tennis shoes.
although considering they were designed by a guy who drinks coffee that was pooped out by wild cats; maybe there is a certain symmetry to the Bengal Rescue Site.
i'm just sayin.
Hi Quiche & everyone.
oooooh, I so covet your shoes. I could out them to such good use down at Wilsons Prom. I also love the "claw of doom" that is such a great game. Magic looks positively chilled, he's come such a long way.
Ticia, I thought your acceptance speech was great and they should have given you more time :)
I love things that go 'bump' in the night, but I've never thought of hurling a hawking cat at the pooch sleeping on the floor beside me before, Phiala. *grin*
Val, you should look at it like you've done the minion a favour. You haven't let them waste time working in a place that will probably make them (and you) miserable.
And ummmm, caramelized cheese is in the same league as over-browned curry ;)
Speaking of which, Sal, hope Tysie is OK and the bad reading is just a glitch.
Chantrelle, your boy is definitely going to break a few hearts when he gets older.
Okay, Vampi...we'll take this slow.
Y'see...sometimes people older than you (we'll call them "adults" instead of boring old fogies, like me) actually turn to classic beverages, often with something called "alcoholic content".
Now, these sorts of beverages...once their container (usually glass, it keeps them from escaping sooner) is opened...have a very very bad habit of growing wee little (sometimes bubbly) legs, which allow them to depart in great haste.
And they are sneaky, so they do it when no one is watching.
I hope that clears it up for you. :)
Stacy - ROFL!!! I forgot about that coffee!! ROFL
Jacquib - Thank you. I'll be blogging my longer acceptance speech after I get back from Disneyland.
Okay, I'm getting punchy. I must to bed. Nighty night you little fiends!
ROFL Lys; I know where they are; they've all run off to Vals!
Ticia, I think you just landed on a splendid idea for how to raise money for various causes. ;)
Lys, damn the wine's bubbly little legs! The bastard thing escaped AGAIN. Damnit! I must drink faster.
toldja! LOL
I had to come to the blog to see your acceptance speech Ticia - dunno why Thunderbird didn't download it. *frowns at computer*
all hail the Ticia
Val= one word:
You know, I've had two whiskeys somehow escape just tonight. Sneaky buggers.
Adri--I have the most trouble w/Irish whiskeys, myself.
Figure it's the Piskie in the whiskey :)
apologize to all Cornish folk out there, who know what cultural fusion I just wreaked in order to eke out a bit o' doggerel ;
lol. i was thinking "where did the wine go?' in a more piratey johnny depp fashion, but i like where you took it.
Hurray for happy critter pics, bitchin' shoes and fine frames.
Oooh, Ticia, this means you get to be in the parade, yes? Blog that, too.
This is me, going to bed. Stayed up too late again, and I wasn't even working this time. Just as well I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions.
'Night-morning, all!
i want shoes.
yes, no credits on this one.
but we got credit.
out the boo-tay.
flying tomorrow,
will fill in the blanks--
but let it be known, i want the SHOES.
xoxoxo check in tomorrow, esp if i get no updated sched!?
love love. me
Ticky Box comment mostly.
CAts all look gorgeous, as do shoes and frames.
Magic is just such a different little leopard from when he arrived, wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for my own self.
Yes - cookalogwith Dread Val. Does anyone have a video camera they can bring in June? Then Chantrelle can review the end results for foodporn, and interview the survivors.
Interesting customer question of the day (and it's not even 10:30) - Are your children's books divided by gender? WHAT??????
Val, get Dr Wicked to hook you up with a live feed (no pun intended) from your kitchen. And viewers would have to take a drink every time you did, I know I'd watch!
Nike Coraline,
by mixing mythologies,
are the perfect dunks.
Cool shoes and frames! and quite nice to see how all the animals are doing - they all look wonderful. read thru many of the comments, you all made me laugh - especially dv on her new cooking show - i want to be there for the pilot, Lorraine can help chop with the exploding knife. ok no thoughts, just too little sleep with a too early morning, and a too busy day! hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
Posting a comment to get the ticky box DOESN'T WORK if Blogger eats your comment.
Ticky box comment
I have two mental images for Blogger - one like Jabba the Hutt, fat and oozy from eating so many comments - the second a painfully thin, old man with very little hair and round, silver-framed glasses, with comments moving in lines all over his skin.
And I ticked the box, yet have had no comments, and was assuming that I had killed the thread. Definately Blogger as Jabba (or the absorbathon thing from Dr Who)
"Why yes, but only in the breedings season, when we have to keep the brood dictionaries seperate"
Of course, if you could breed from them i would save on stock buying (althogh might make stocktaking more complicated)
Perhaps you could start stocking little pink and blue book-cosies, so that you could offer them (the same) books as 'male' or 'female'
Watch, as in my teun I prove you wrong. (we may be able to keep this up for long enough that others will get sufficiently caffienated to commnt)
Did you hear that we're looking for a new poet laureate over here - maybe you should apply?
Odes to order..
They all look happy and healthy--shiny coats and bright eyes. Love to see cats' bodies just as they prepare to pounce and kill
BTW, thanks for assuring me (in the previous thread) that I didn't bum-out the world with a Cat Death Story. And to the luv who lost ~two~ cats to FIP, you have my commiseration and sympathy. I normally have to put my fingers in my ears and go "LA LA LA LA LA" whenever my brain happens to remember putting weak little Trixie in her carrier and taking her to Doc for the Final Shot.
Why do we guys have to force ourselves *not* to cry at such things? I remember doing that and it sucked. Didn't accomplish a thing, being dry-eyed so I could look pragmatic for the vet I'd woken-up in the middle of the night. Just made me more rigid and frustrated and heartbroken, of course.
Oh, well...I'll think about reasons for that tomorrow. Or not. The photos were much appreciated for morning-coffee grins, Lorraine. Don't forget Mab and Lear. Inquiring minds want to see.
And, great mix of names, by the way. May I ask where you came-up with the name "Mims," peradventure? Not from the movie 'Willow' by any chance?
it does seem a missed opportunity to get more poetry more publicity.
I for one woould find the prospect of beng paid in alcohol quite inspiring, too...
We'll see about shoes for Kitty cats! And you got yr updated schedule BABY!!!!!! As I am very, very good at this! Boss is on his new plane now, or nearly.
Morning Fiends!
$6500? That can't POSSIBLY be right?
Jess, no threadkiller that! Would have been here sooner, but I've been assistanting and all. And you guys DO get up REALLY early, you know..
Jake Ian, guys should cry at those times. I am no fan of what people "Should" or "Should Not" be doing.
Hmm, not Willow, young thing. Sword in the Stone, remember Madame Mim? I was pretty little myself when it came out, but I saw it a few times over the years. She was a fine villain! She had the wizard war with Merlin, where they kept turning into things...
That's her full name, Madame Mim.
I like Wendy Copes poetry. A lot.
What is this poet laureate of which you do speak?
Good morning (no, I am not nearly as perky as I sound)!
Marvelous shoes for a Fabulous birthday girl. Very cool.
Magic really is so beautiful. I hate to think of him being abused.
Nice shoes! Do they come in a size 3? :-D
Poor Cabal. He probably feels badly about going in the kitchen, but I don't think I'd want to poop outside either. The mention of a shovel is hilarious. With the wee tiny dogs a kleenex suffices.
Dread Val - YES!! to cooking show. And definitely leave in bits like the caramelized cheese event. I suspect all the fun parts get edited out of the other shows. I did enjoy Jamie Oliver's show back when we had cable.
Another day of single-digit temps. Begone winter!!
Poems I write on demand always come out like canned ham - plasticky and artificial. (Okay, so I've never had canned ham.) Prose on demand, on the other hand (hey, I CAN write random poetry), always has something special.
Oh Fods, when they said they were sending me shoes in thanks for all my help, I thought it was just a SHOEs you know, I didn't know they weren't say, FOR SALE everywhere.
Wouldn't have shown them if I had known they weren't, very sorry about that. I hate bragging, really didn't know they weren't just SHOES.
Ok, feeling better. They are all over ebay, and people are HOPING for huge $$ but so far only getting around $700.
Q, is okay! We like to see your cool things! That way we can live vicariously through you, not being nearly so cool ourselves. :)
Apparently the soles of the Coraline dunks glow in the dark, too. Someone posted the card that they got with their pair, here.
Oh, and, morning, Fiends!
It's a lovely day here at Saltmine U. One less minion, though. A bit sad. But, on to the pile of work.
Yet the shoes are cool. There is no problem here.
Well, thank you. I just HATE the thought of what we used to call "Acting Big" I truly didn't realize they weren't just SHOES one could buy anywhere.
Drive by commenting...
I think I knew (from BossBlog??) that the shoes were not for sale, and I wanted to see them anyway, becasue they're fun and cool. (I'm also curious to know if Boss got a pair too, and if so, whether he will wear them, given that they are Not Black) I think theyre is some competition in the credits to win some (Althoguh I fear it will be a US residents only thing again)
Poet Laureate:- The Queen of England (except I think it's the government nowadays) emplys her own poet, to write poems about National Important Stuff, like it being her birthday, or us all being doomed to recession, or whetever else is cheery and important.
The one we have at present has been doing it for 10 years and is thus running out, so we will need a new one. S/He gets paid £100 per year plus a 'butt of sack' - A butt (in tis context) is a barrell, holding about 700 bottles, and sack = sherry. (There has been a official poet laureate since 1616, when it was Ben Jonson, and I don't think they've reviewed the wages recently)
Jess, actually, it's your time that's WRONG. We have the original proper time, we keep it at Greenwich ;-)
Unless we lost proper time when we lost the Empire?
Madame Mim I do indeed remember. If there's a well-filmed sorceror battle in cinematic history...I'm on it. God, I once met one of the two main actors from the 'Willow' movie at a club in SoCal (actor and club shall remain nameless) and regaled him by reciting dialogue from the flick.
He was a great sport. At least until my girlfriend (who was more than a little tipsy, made the mistake of asking him, "So, is it hard to get parts in this town for a midget?" Couldn't believe it. She didn't mean to be so coarse, but then again she also didn't last long in the Ransom Realm. But I do indeed digress).
Loved that scene from Sword in the Stone, wherein the two kept changing form.
But I'll bet "Mab" had to have been inspired, if not from the general faery/goddess-legend, then from Miranda Richardson's kick-arse portrayal of Queen Mab in the '97 miniseries, Merlin. I seriously like Miranda R.
Finally: Yes, we guys worry far too much about "should" and "should not." Emotions are a last bastion for us, I'm afraid, but I'm getting over that as I age. Pets help. Lots. And, thanks, Jess, for the affirmation. Well-met by daylight.
I love those shoes...
The rest of us can try to win one of the 1,000 slightly-less-limited-edition pairs of Coraline shoes -- which are the same minus the big buttons over the laces and the note, I believe -- by staying through the credits of the film.
Xander and I and Eden will be at a Friday 7pm screening ("IN STUNNING 3D!"), so hopefully however the shoes are not being given out on a first-come, first-served basis. I imagine 1k pairs of shoes will not last 8+ hours on wide release.
Well, that clears some things up! Must read later tho when I have time, work beckons.
Queen Mab came from Romeo and Juliet "I see Queen Mab hath been with thee" her name was "Queenie" which seemed lame. And it was an easy leap to go to Queen Mab, a add King to Lear's name.
Also, from Martin Millars book, Dreams of Sex and Stage Diving. Loved that book. I think he tracked down every last reference to Queen Mab ever written.
Ah, mine are the less limited too, no big buttons. Boss is getting some too, but only Maddy's and mine came yesterday...
From what I can gather, allegedly, there are 1,000 pairs of Coraline shoes.
Of that 1k, 100 are "extra limited" with oversized buttons.
Of that 100, 50 are "super-dooper limited" with animal heads and tails.
Jess, o Link Fairy, I nominate you first Poet Laureate of the Fiendocracy, citing your poems above as argument.
People do ask the silliest questions in bookstores, but dividing books by gender?!?!! What, like the toy aisles in deparment stores? Yikes.
Happy work-a-day, all.
Hm... when I saw the shoes "oh, that Lorraine, she's acting big, harrumph!" didn't even remotely enter my head.
Silly Quiche. You're one of the least-braggy people I can think of.
Jess - I agree with what you so eloquently said about the poet post. Presenting something so that it's not an intimidating foreign thing is the best way to get more people to understand and enjoy it.
Good morning fiends. I think I will have whiskey in my coffee. Woken up an hour early by panicked European clients who, somehow, lost my mobile number but were able to call my partner to wake me up. All while forgetting that they had the power to fix the problem themselves. Ah well.
I also have a 'constructive criticism' meeting with one of my business partners today to discuss some client feedback about him. I mentioned it a few days ago and apparently bungled the delivery, as he told me today his feelings were hurt by it. Thankfully, he is self-aware enough to admit that, confident enough to realize that he's probably misinterpreting me (and knows me well enough to infer this as well), and thankfully willing and happy to seek out the real meaning of what I was saying. So, we're having another discussion about it today.
Still, these kinds of talks are never fun. Not nearly as fun as, for example, fabulous shoes for fabulous assistants. :)
A man has been caught with two pigeons stuffed in his trousers after he got off a flight from Dubai to Melbourne.
linky work?
Which begs the: "Are those pigeons in your trousers or are you just happy to see me?"
Sorry...couldn't resist. bragging seen...not even a little!
My thought is, How crass of people who have been given a very special gift to immediately sell it on ebay.
Mind you, I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of re-gifting, ie giving as a gift something I received but don't need/care for/have room for. But it does require a certain amount of finesse and respect for the givers feelings...and no financial gain. Very peculiar.
And do you suppose those pigeons are still alive after spending who knows how long in envelopes down some bloke's pants?
Some days I think I must live on the wrong planet, because so much makes no sense to me.
I see your pigeon smuggling and raise you:
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Undeclared Aubergine is a terrific band name...
Trying to make the 'terrific'
in the above line in italics, and failing, reminded me I have been meaning to plead for help. I'm not deliberately ignoring those of you who have tagged me with the 'list 25 things about yourself' meme on facebook, I just can't figure out how to post notes. And yes, I could ask my daughter, but she gets enough chances for sarcasm at her mother's expense without my going out of my way to offer opportunities!
I'm sure it's perfectly obvious, so be gentle!
Sharing the fun, cool and interesting things that happen in your life is very different from Acting Big. I love seeing those shoes attached to a real person that I am lucky enough to know.
In some ways it is the opposite of "Acting Big" -- you are showing us that even though you are part of a world that is in fact Big you are just a person like the rest of us, someone who gets excited about cool things that come your way. I think it would be "Acting Big" to act as if you were above getting excited about the fun parts of your life and had no need or desire to share that excitement with your fiends!
Val-- Yes. Cooking show. I would watch!
So I am reciting the toast that Tina Modotti (Ashley Judd) gives at Frida and Diego's wedding in the film Frida (the "I don't believe in marriage" speech for those who know the film) at my friend's wedding reception this weekend. I am excited and a little nervous about this! I don't yet have it memorized so I better get to it!
If you go into your profile (in the bar at the top of yout facebook homepage) you should get some more tabs, one of which has a plus sign on it. If you cligk that you should get a drop down menu to add more tabs - I think one of those you can add will be notes.
(BTW I don't think I've got you on my fiends chart so can't work out if we're already friends on facebook or not. )
As for italics, use a < i > before and a < / i > after the words you want in italics (but without any spaces).
Q, you are Fab, no Acting Big that I can detect.
I'm making a cheat sheet of html tags, can forward to folks when I've got it done.
Marjorie - have you got me on your fiends chart? Were we supposed to email you or somefin'? That's what I'm remembering, but pretty sure haven't got to it.
Attention Alan Rickman (or Bill Pullman, and other) fans, Bottle Shock is now on DVD. :) Truly, Madly, Deeply however still is not, unless you wish to buy it at extortionist prices. :P
THANK YOU Marjorie! Did what you suggested, and I got a snarky facebook "Katie hasn't written any notes yet" comment...and now I can. At least, when I have a moment I can.
I could post the rest of my real name here, but would prefer do I add info to your chart?
Ah, spacedlaw, I see, I for got the '/' after.
Na, I'd love a copy of your html sheet when you finish it...takes me a long time to remember how to do this stuff.
Now to think of 25 things...
But I have TMD! And have hd it for years. AND I am pretty sure I did not buy it at outrageous rates either. Could this be a DVD zonign effect?
No Big Headed Lorraine....that is one of those questions, if you are asking it of yourself at all, then you are not exhibiting the attitude :)
Poet Laureate--I loved that the Guardian article said well, the poets need the money "and probably the wine" .
Americans would no doubt call to abolish *our* position of Poet Laureate (esp after torture such as the Inauguration poem) if they were, generally, aware that we have one.
Back to .....projects.
I had TMD for awhile on dvd as well (in the US). I guess I bought it in 01 or 02, and it was a reasonable price. Must be one of those limited print run things so now they're hard to find.
dabbler, I'm drawing mostly from the fb page, that you can access from your "notes" there now. If you've got the notes page open, there should appear a hotlink at the bottom of the box, suggesting you format the note. Click on this and it opens the html tag cheatsheet. 'Though I'm still happy to send it as a Word doc.
Having a crazy day. K (my dragonette) talks frequently of a friend we left behind in Texas. I got in touch with the wee one's mom, and learned her daughter asks about K all the time, too. They're four years old. I'm a leaky faucet now.
Then got a call from the property manager here, and learned that they're putting the property we rent up for sale. So, there's going to be a For Sale sign in our yard soon, and realtors bringing people through our home to show it.
Na - yes, I have you on my chart - I started with people's names here and added facebook / Twitter /homepages as people mentioned them - Dabbler - I'm marjorie taylor on facebook - my picture is the same as here - If you friend me on facebook (or send me a message there with your e-mail adress) I can send you a copy of the cheat sheet and will add you in - it's mostly just because I was getting confused with people having diffrent names in different places.(Did I mention I'm easily confused?)
Not just you, Marjorie! As fiends increase in number, I'm finding it a little tricky, too.
Re: TMD - It's not currently "in print" on DVD, but availability goes in and out like that for a lot of films, especially ones that aren't commercially huge. I watched for two years on Crossing Delancey for example. ;)
Watched? Waited, meant I. And the exorbitant prices are set by folks on eBay and Amazon, to sell older CDs and DVDs that are out of print but that they know have a fanbase. As another example, I've seen Maruice and I being offered for $99.
I just had a look for TMD on and the cheapest comes at roughly 30€ indeed.
Boss just did a Twitter shout-out to the Fabulous One:
Hurrah for my asst. lorraine who made it so instead of getting in at 11 tonite after 12 hrs in the air I get in at 5 after 6 hrs in the air.
Yup. Sure did that, I did. Last night at 8:30, 9:30 Montreal time, managed to find people, find flights, re-book flights, cars, inform people all of it.
We never sleep, here at Assistants-R-Us....
How cool he shouted out to me tho! He's the best.
And now the world will marvel at the fabulousness that is you.
And rightly so too.
it's Karma. You are your fabulous self,and fabulous shoes arrive..
I killed the thread again :-(
I've just been watching Terry Pratchett's documentary about Alzheimers - but not the most cherful of subjects, obviosuly, I liked his opening description of himself; I have, for the past 25 years, Hallucinated gently for a living
Lorraine, I cannot imagine having to handle all that you do with your job. You are truly Fabulous (but not just for assistanting).
Keep your nasssty diseassssse laden seedsessss and birdsessss and aubergineseses away.....we don't wants themssssss
We have enough bloody pigeons here already!
That was what confised me about the story - why go to all that trouble for some pigeons and an aubergine?
BTW, aren't you up very early? And in tomorrow?
*sigh* I meant confused.
My brain has already gone to sleep. I think it's time the rest of me went too.
Lorraine, you are the least big noting person around -and new shoes deserve to be celebrated amongst Fiends.
Fiends, I need distraction. Tysie's BG's are going up not down and I'm a rather panicking little mama right now.
Sally, sorry to hear that.
I'm not sure i can be very distrcting just now . Have you read all the intervirews on Boss's last blogpost? They were quite distracting.
Oh, and this, if you didn't see it on twitter...
No, up latish..10 to 10 in the am now
I really really want to get this guys thoughts on what he was thinking...Pigeons? Undeclared Aubergines? Wonder if has picked it up yet...
Can you imagine him in jail when they ask him what he is in for? What's he going to say "Stuffing birds down my trousers?"
Bet they leave him alaone.
HEY! How come no one consoled me on my grieving for Fish? I truly didn't feed him to Bengals.
That's part of the trouble with getting feeder fish for the Bengals to plaay with and eat sushi with. I mean, how do you decide, YOU, you're a pet, swim! You, dinner!
And if you run out of Dinner FIsh, and Venus and Mim look at you, do you then re-evaluate feeder vs pet status?
My life is complicated here.
sympathies on the passing of Fish, and I am SO glad he didn't become Bengal food. That would have been weird.
Deciding who is a pet, who is dinner...I used to hate it as a kid when Dad would all of a sudden tell us which cow we were eating. On the other hand, it did make it really clear where food came from.
Hee-hee...Just trying to distract Sally.
Oh, by the way Sally, AFP is really happy, and you will be hearing from her people soon about dinner. I asked too if they could get you some seating in the club, so you could see the show, and not have to stand, too.
That has GOT to be distracting..
Adri, hope the talk went well.
Sally… hang in there.
Jess, poetry shouldn't be intimidating at all, I agree.
Na -- hoo boy, do I ever know that feeling of having the place you live ripped out from under you. Hang in there, too.
Quiche -- all fish are but toys and dinner to cats; I think that's why fish exist! ;)
Sally, I feel for you! Scritches and cuddles to Tysie.
Val, thanks. In this, I see the big upside to owning a home. Or pwning one for that matter. And why once a body's settled into a home, they'd be willing to commute.
Strongly desirous of ice cream, but have none at hand. Bother.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG....Yup, pretty good distraction.
Na, could I offer you choc chip from my new fridge? Its very frozen. I didn't realise how our old fridge wasnt working until we got one that did!
Oooh, thanks, Sally!
And have a blast hosting AFP and DE. How Fab is Lo!? \o/
Easy answer Na - Fablo is THE FABULEST
For those of you not twittering, here's my gummy bug-filled box for friday night's premier line:
I'm still missing 5 fingers...hmph.
Good evening from Rhode Island, Fiends. It's cold here but there was lots of SUN today. Real, actual sun makes me very happy.
Seven-year-old William is getting extremely excited here: "Coraline is coming out the day after tomorrow!"
How awesome is it that he has recently discovered a real love for books? He's not reading a lot on his own yet, but he has lately loved to sit and listen. We read Coraline, of course, and are now in the depths of "Junie B. Jones". Good old Junie B. ...
don't take this the wrong way, buti would be terrified of you if you tried to give me a gummy bug. EWWWW!
love hte theme though, you are so creative :)
No offense taken Vampi...i can't wait to see who takes the bugs :)
So I showed my DH the pigeon smuggler, and read him the bit about the undeclared aubergine. "Where'd he have THAT?" was the response.
Chantrelle, I love this thing you are doing with the bugs and the eyes and the fingers. Inspired.
I might well be getting done with work soon for the day, but then again, might not.
And I have the easy part of this journey....
I am pretty tired here tonight.
Magic came to sniff me while I Bengaled and got shocked!!!!!! And ran. HOW do I get rid of this shocking-ness, I am constantly getting shocks, everywhere.
Am I electric??????
On the way to bed, but just want to recommend the movie Milk to anyone who hasn't seen it.
Very well written, acted and filmed, and a really important piece of history. It may be around again for awhile since it has gotten some Oscar nominations. see how far we have and haven't come.
Well, you are an electric girl, Q, but all you need is extra moisture in your house. Like, say, fishbowls.....
Koi ponds? Damp towels hanging around?
Lorraine, one word to cut down on sparks...humidify!
I like hot water humidifiers, myself, but anything that lets the air be less dry will help. We have a humidifier in the living room, because the woodstove makes it so ridiculously dry that it could damage the harps. And our noses.
Adventure ignores it totally. But she likes not having her fur crackle when she's petted.
Time to hibernate... Good night all!
it's your "spark"ling personality, haha, only funny silly i have tonight. how neat magic is getting closer - aren't you going to portland too? seems to me you really deserve to go and do the red carpet too, you work so hard! ok, dead on my feet, dead in my head, put dogs to bed, and wander there myself. g'night all, sweet button eyed fiendish dreams...
Good ideas all!
I'm not in Portland, don't get me wrong, I know Boss would have been happy to have me if I had asked, but Kitty does it better, wrangling Boss at events like this, I am not dissing myself, it's just I can be of much more use taking care of the big picture here, than out there.
And what would I do with all these Leopards and Dog?
Holding down the home front is a great skill Q. Great to have a job where you can be clear about and play to your strengths!
Okay. I am back to memorizing the "I don't believe in marriage" speech. It is short but it has been a long time since I have had to learn lines!
I feel like there are many things I should be saying to many fiends. It has been a very scattered twisty week for me and my schedule has been like one tenth as full as Q's and many others here. Hugs to all and well wishes in all your endeavors.
Actually I don't think "holding down the home front" is what you do. I think that is not quite right. Being in the position to keep the big picture clear and working is much more like it!
I'm just sayin' - Kitty may be on the red carpet, but who has Coraline Dunks????
Our Ms Fabuloso, natch.
Did you know Himself twittered about you not once, but twice? You are a big deal! And that's not to say you are Acting Big!
WAY more than te home front, hee-hee....Think about how very many things he is into..
Twice??? Didn't know that!
Ah, can't see the other twitter, but I see I may be organizing cupcakes for "Everyone"
Walk in the park.
1st Tweet:
Hurrah for my asst. lorraine who made it so instead of getting in at 11 tonite after 12 hrs in the air I get in at 5 after 6 hrs in the air.
2nd Tweet:
better than a time machine, lorraine has an official airline guide, 16 years' experience at bending airlines to her will, and cunning.
"Cunning" says he.....
Yeah I am sorry -- the picture I had in my mind when I said that -- home front -- was not at all what it sounded like. Much bigger. More like the center of the storm. Or the center of the universe.
I'm getting excited for your birthday Q! Wee!
Center of the Universe, to be sure. Good call, Aleta
When did I get so tired?
Night, Fiendom.....
Graveyard Book just got a shout out on Colbert Report!
You are SO electric, Q!! (As well as being the *least* bragadocious person I know, or know of -- and i love it when you invite us to partake of the coolness that is your life!!)
To bed. A bad week so far, but I have no one to blame but myself. Tomorrow and Friday will be longish days (at least 14-16 hours from leaving home to returning) but Saturday is movie day. Yay! :-)
Cool! What did he say???? I missed it..
{{Aleta}} Sounds like you're having one of Those Weeks, too. Just think, all, the week is more than half done.
After Friday, do you get some slower time, Lorraine?
I feel a cold trying to attack so must go to bed. I'll have to watch Colbert tomorrow, i MUST see the Graveyard book bit!! It's not online yet...damn time zones.
Nighty night fiendy lovelies!
Lorraine is, as we would say downrange, Queen of the TOC (Tactical Operations Center)
The NERVE center of Absolutely Everything.
The facilitator in the kitchen of the Restaurant at the center (not end) of the Universe.
Today I drove to Albuquerque and back. Helped my mother pick out her first bicycle in over fifty years.
And oven-roasted a beautiful all-natural Cornish Game Hen....basted w/organic honey and olive oil....
Organic garlic, lavender and other herbs....
Drunk w/a lovely wine from Cali called (what could be better!) Three Knights.
I'm really enjoying these Three Knights right now.
It has been a pretty decent day, all told, here in New Mexico....if considerably quieter than Other Parts of the World. Sweet.
Lysandwr, that sounds lovely!
I have just accepted defeat on the whole 'getting to work' front - we have had about 3" of snow overnight and it turns out that a Smart car is not well adapted to these conditions - one time when its being small and not very heavy is a disadvantage. Fortunately have some work I can do from home.
Judging by the howls of joy I can hear from outside, I think the schools must just have announced they are closing today!
Oh good, so my work from home suggestion is viable.
Better to be safe and warm.
Yesterday I was unexpectedly buried im a mountain of government paperwork. The dumptruck showed up in my office and piled it up. Papers on the desk, papers on the floor, papers draping the poor African violets.
Except that it's all electronic, but that visual isn't as good.
Things I was told explicitly not to do are now my fault for not having done. Things multiply; completing a single page leads to myriads more.
Whiskey helps, but I may not take any to work with me while I continue sorting out this mess.
If you don't hear from me, send an excavation crew with a shredder!
You can view Colbert cracking wise about The Graveyard Book at
It's the third video from the left under "All New Video", entitled "Who's Not Honoring Me Now?" The Graveyard Book is from 1:00 to about 1:30!
I feel for you, Phiala. In fact your plea feels very familiar.
Beware of colapsing piles. Trust me on this.
I am not able to see book diss. Acording to the error message this appears to be in retaliation for sending the redcoats back in 1776 :-(
Phiala - keep a shovel and much coffee close to hand. Also crampons as necessary
Ah yes, due to (IMHO ridiculously out-dated) international rights issues, online videos from Comedy Central can not be viewed from most other countries, as local tv companies own the broadcast rights there.
You could go through a US proxy, if you have the know-how. Or just hop on the bittorrent bandwagon!
Marjorie you should be able to see it, I never have any problems with Colbert/Daily Show unless I try to watch a full episode. Unless they favour Ireland over England!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dan - my know-how goes as far as knowing the phone number of Neil-in-IT. I've heard rumours theat this internet business doesn't actually involve little elves rolling up the words really small so they can fit down the little wires, but I am hazy as to what that's been replaced by!
Louisa, there is a click-though to some bits of video but doesn't seem to include Boss. I shall have to imagin it instead!
Colbert mentioned The Graveyard Book? Goodness gracious, methinks I must see this. I love Colbert.
OMG.... Colbert is too funny. My eyes are watering!
Snorkel with extender tube still reaches to top of pile of paperwork. Survived the part requiring meeting with supervisor who (unsurprisingly) was not familiar with relevant regulations.
Now: more coffee, brief internet break, and the last chunk of sourdough cornbread.
Soon: next pile of forms.
Complication: the main office printer is down.
Hee, hee. The Colbert thing was funny - he kindly put up a graphic of the book cover and everything - here's a recap:
Colbert is ranting about how he hasn’t received a major award since his last Emmy, so he goes on to list “Who’s Not Honoring Me Now?” and the Newbery is first. He quotes the synopsis from “ 18-month-old escapes the murder of his family by stumbling ahead of an assasin (sic) into an old graveyard.” Then he goes on; "Bravo, Newbery!" (does the slow clap. clap. clap.) "Sounds like a fantastic children's book. Hey! I have a great children's book too - it's called ‘F*ck It, We're All Gonna Die!’ Newbery, please!”
Phiala, I suppose it's no good wishing for a virtual window for the piles to "accidentally" fall out - right? Cause then they'd still have to be resurrected. Zombie paperwork. I want to eat your brainzzzzz
bittorrent = BSG wonderfulness ;)
But I can usually find the Comedy Central stuff somewhere up here. Shall have a look-see...
Na, "zombie paperwork" .... Now I am scared! Noooooooooo!
a belated, random thought:
Shoes and Magic, With Dog, Venus and Mim
could be the title of a postmodern still life incorporating Pre-Raphaelite elements
Erin - fire is our friend.
Boss just Tweeted this:
20,143 of you? When did that happen?
His followers have gone from, what, 4,000 two weeks ago and 7,000 last week to this. Publicity must be working.
I'll have to watch this later, home for a bit with Bengals, and this computer has no Flash, and won't let me install it as it requires Admin and password and NOTHING I try will let me in.
Tea is such a good thing.
"zombie paperwork"
PLEASE don't give it ideas!!!
Jess - can we be a seething mass sometimes?
Lorraine, try pouring the tea in the drive. :-) It worked for Doctor Who.
Oh, Tweet! It's just too exhausting to have one more online communication tool. I can't keep up as it is.
Na, yes, fire is our friend. This filing will be gone in no time!
Phiala, be glad the printer is not working. Last thing you need is yet more zombie papers marching about.
And yet zombie paper is made by recycling paper... Eco friendly? Brainzzzz.
I need tea too. The cats refuse to make any, the ungrateful beasts.
The cats managed to put tea on my laptop a while back. It finally quit and Apple called with the bad new yesterday...
RIP Laptop.
New post as I can get to it today, promise.
Your dunks deserve wings on them.
But couldn't Magic have a little supervised play with other kitties sometime? After maybe watching one another from Secured Locations (massive child-gate in doorway?)
RIP laptop. Do you mourn for it for longer or shorter time than for Fish?
Hi Laura J. I'd have to figure that one out. It would need to be an entire door, as Bengals would have NO trouble scaling anything.
I'd like to, but most important is not to upset anyone.
They are REALLY sensitive kitties, and even Venus and Mim who love eachother, play really hard sometimes. Like they are trying to kill eachother.
Right now, even getting used to the idea that he likes me, is very hard for Magic, it scares him. And he is peeing.
Very slow is the key.
Well, Fish was pretty special, and I do still have a computer. Will have to talk with Boss and see.
I'll miss laptop, but I don't think I will mourn long.
I meant to share sympathy about Fish. My fish recently went to the great aquarium in the sky. I feel sort of bad though because it was a 1-inch cardinal tetra living alone in a 10-gallon tank. Over the course of a year something killed off all his tankmates slowly even though I medicated them. So I didn't want to get new fish worrying that they would succumb to the same disease. So for about six months it was just me and the tetra.
I do feel your pain.
I once had to pour tea out of a laptop. At least it was black tea, no milk or sugar to gum up the works. And it wasn't my laptop, I was just the deskside grunt who had to deliver the bad news to the laptop's user, basically that hard drives usually don't survive bathing, it lets out the magic smoke.
Watch out for zombie paper! Oh, you can use fire to scare it!!
OK, that was lame :-)
It's cool, Q, that you and Kitty complement each other's strengths. One of the joys of having a team instead of being by your lonesome and having to do it all.
**don't read the next paragraph if you're needle phobic**
Yesterday I saw the pain doc. He stuck needles of steroids in my knees which hurt like %^#$%^&, and told me the best he can do for my back is to inject it, too. Had the back done this morning, and it's WEIRD. It didn't hurt while he was doing it, but as the novocaine is wearing off it's being twingy.
And in wonderful news, I found a local theater that's not only showing Coraline, but showing it in 3D. We don't have to drive to Indy after all!! Probably go on Saturday.
With a bad back, this is indeed good news. You might want to book the tickts in advance, though...
I hope the injections will at least perform some magic on your sore spots.
DG - Yay for local Coraline - I hope the ?cortisone? jabs work for you
BTW Chantrelle, did I say how great your box of bugs is?
tried to make an 'Other Snowman' today - picture here I don't think snow-sculpture is really my forte...
Oh, no! You're poor laptop. Mine had a glass of wine a few weeks ago. Luckily the liquid didn't get beneath the keyboard and the Apple Genius was able to just switch out the keyboard.
Having to buy a whole new computer is the opposite of fun.
Buying a new computer is the kind of fun that can last me WEEKS! There's the researching and the bargain-shopping and then the ordering and the waiting and the reading of the manuals and then it finally arrives and there's the unboxing and the charging and the booting and then there's the configuring and the re-configuring and the overclocking and then there's the restoring from backup because you pushed it a little too far and screwed it up so much that you have to return it to factory fresh condition and then there's the configuring and the re-configuring and the being a little more cautious this time and then, finally, weeks later it's finally just another well-loved member of the family!
Xander and I and Eden are going to see Coraline in 3D at the Potomac Mills AMC in Northern Virginia this Friday at 7pm. If there are any lurking NoVA residents reading this then you should totally meet us there. Wear a black flower on your coat or an owl feather in your hat and we shall know you and introduce ourselves.
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