Monday, January 26, 2009

Some Things Are Worth Waking Up Early For...

I think this morning all that needs to be said is....

Congratulations to my Boss, writer Neil Gaiman on winning THE NEWBERY MEDAL for the Graveyard Book!!!!!!

Boss, very proud of you, and happy.

Read his post here...

Love and Dreams coming true,


At 8:14 AM , Blogger Na said...

Big grins for Boss and all!

At 8:16 AM , Blogger Na said...

P.S. Recent horse adventures looked like much fun. Boots most excellent, though I think I will be saving for more poppets. :) And hope Cabal and all his caretakers are doing well, and better after a vet visit.

At 8:16 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

And some things are worth putting honey in your tea for!

At 8:20 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

So awesome.

At 8:25 AM , Blogger vampi said...

super squeeeeee!!!!!!!!

i have to run to work, where i have my graveyard book displayed on my desk. I shall read it again and offer it up to more people to read.

wheeeeeeee awards!!!!!!!

excessive punctuation!!!!!!!!!

At 8:27 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

That is wildly exciting!

At 8:28 AM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

They might have forgiven him for swearing :-)

At 8:30 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

This is so so very exciting! I am just sitting here grinning for the past half hour since I first read the news.

Lorraine congrats to you too because you are certainly a key part of the success of team Gaiman!

At 8:36 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

And also, best author art ever:

At 9:01 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Yay!!!!! It's like a surprise Christmas/Birthday/Halloween rolled into one!

Congratulations Team Gaiman!

That artist artwork is beautiful, Phiala.


At 9:10 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

That has to be a great assistanting moment.... emergency early morning call, knowing that it wasn't bad news - how cool is that?

At 9:18 AM , Blogger Stardustgirl said...

I'm happy for him - he sounded *very* excited in his post, LOL!

Val - I'm with you on the temp scale from the other post. When I drove across the desert (I did Rt 66 a few years ago) I loooved that dry heat. It was July, and I'd stand outside and just soak it in. I drove with the windows open and no AC. Loved it.

Dan - any job news?

How's Cabal doing today?

At 9:25 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

A very exciting assistanting moment!!!Cat and I haven't been off the phone with people yet. NPR has already interviewed him and he is flying to NY right now, and will be on the TODAY show tomorrow morning....

I am home for an hour to tend Bengals and shower, before taking Cabel to the vet, then hosting a Coraline screening in Minneapolis tonight.

And I thought side saddle was exciting!!!!!!!!

At 9:29 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Big Happy Grins and virtual champagne for Boss. Well deserved honour.

(Althogh reading his post it sounds as though you are now likely to be very busy sorting out all those interviews at short notice! - so big virtual higs for you too)

At 9:30 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Side saddle IS exciting!!

Maybe not national media blitz for a prestigious literary award exciting...but still pretty darned cool.

At 9:36 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Getting as many done as possible in the car on the way to the airport. Thanks be Cat is in the car with him!!!!!! I am fielding calls non stop here.

My brain is whirling.


At 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for Boss! And Yay for Team Gaiman! Hopefully you'll be able to get off the phone sometime today?;)

At 9:52 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

That is so amazingly awesome! Was the NPR thing live or is it being aired later? I'd love to hear it.

I have to set the tivo for the today show tomorrow!

Wow, a Newbery Medal author follows me on twitter. :P

At 10:06 AM , Blogger Na said...

LOL at the swearing in-lieu.

Never thought what an immediate whirlwind of activity might get kicked up at the announcement of a literary award. Wow! Joy is effusing from all of you. :)

At 10:09 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

This is hilarious...this is the quote the Wash. Post put in the Newbery announcement article:
"I wrote about a page and a half and I looked at it, and I thought: This is a better idea than I am a writer," Gaiman said. Eventually he decided "I'm not getting any better" and finished "The Graveyard Book."

It makes Neil sound quite cocky!! :P

At 10:10 AM , Blogger Stacey said...

This is fantastic! I saw it on his blog first thing this morning, and of course can't leave a comment. ;-) My copy is out on loan to my niece and nephew, and I've told everyone I know how great this story is.

Congratulations to Neil and crew for the Fucking NEWBERY!!!

At 10:10 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

And this one just confuses me...
"Neil Gaiman, the modern master of the horror genre...."

Really? of the horror genre??

At 10:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! I loved that book (well, of course, but...) and now The Ladies Who Make The Library Decisions love it too!

Teh interwebz needz Bengal updatez. We keepz all of them, fosterz especially, in our cat-loving heartz. Moar Magic! And Lear too!

At 10:33 AM , Blogger vampi said...

i am loving "team gaiman" :)

huzzah to all. this book was fantastic. i'm proudly sporting my graveyard tshirt and wearing ym stardust bpal scent and have my coraline key hanging on my purse. i woke boy up to tell him the news. emailed everyone i knew who has a kid of appropriate age to read the book...

oh fod, i'm an obsessed stalker, aren't i? *sigh*

At 10:40 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

The bit that made me laugh in the Washington Post article wsa where they said, "The English novelist, graphic novelist and screenwriter now lives in Minnesota, apparently making him eligible -- unlike, say, J.K. Rowling -- for the American Library Association-sponsored Newbery Medal." It was the "apparently" that got me, as if they don't quite belive that he is eligbale, or as if the ALA might not have checked!
Vampi - relax, you're in good company here...

At 10:43 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

On another awesome-boss-book note, I put pictures of my coraline cake up at facebook.

husband told the bakery to put my age in spooky letters... not sure how those are spooky, but the cake is still awesome.

At 10:49 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

So far only the Guardian Online seems to have picked it up here - Neil Gaiman is shocked by his Newbery win, but continues to control his language

At 11:05 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The Tribune in Minneapolis ended up not getting him, he was stacked with ten minute interviews until the plane took off, and they called to ask could they use the quote -I- gave them this morning!!!!!!

Uh, I asked, what did I say???????

You said you were Over The Moon, can we quote you????

Uh, sure...

Hi Marla, I agree on the bengals and have been planning to bring them back with some new pics shortly. They don't seem to care about the Newbery.

They cared about the tuna I gave them tho.

Must get Cabel to the vet now...

At 11:07 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Post is up already? Poor man, I am sure he had no idea what he was saying!

Kitty said he was very, very happy tho. And he loved it that she and I were on the phone together listening to the webcast announcement..

At 11:12 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Since not everyone here reads twitter (nonconformists!), here is Neil's tale of his morning:

woken up by assistant at 5.30 in the morning. Not quite sure why. All rather bleary, to do with someone trying to call. argh.
Every little pot of honey in this hotel room turns out to be orange marmalade. This is an I-need-honey-in-my-tea moment. They happen rarely.
About to drink second cup of tea without Marmalade this morning. Also, I just won the Newbury Medal for THE GRAVEYARD BOOK.
Newbery, not Newbury. Also FUCK!!!! I won the FUCKING NEWBERY THIS IS SO FUCKING AWESOME. I thank you.
argh. Interviews needed NOW with NYT, USA Today, PW and Washington Post. Am wet, not dressed and not packed or checked out. Right. Focus.

At 11:13 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I like that you can see the point the tea kicks in. :)

At 11:23 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Second time in as many weeks I've gotten all happy-teary in the shop, once for Barack and once for Neil, sounds about right to me!!!! Team Gaiman Rulz!!! Love that he was so demonstratively happy about the win. May there be many more to come. Now to update my Book Awards page....

At 11:26 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...


I shouldn't be surprised, but ...

This is tremendous.

At 11:33 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

So F@#$% awesome! Go team Gaiman go! F#@#$% newbery! F@#$FD cool! will be F@!#$ fun to watch today show tomorrow (i am at work, pls. insert expletive of your choice :) Lorraine, how fun is that to wake up someone with f@#$$ amazing news! and you rode sidesaddle!

At 11:39 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

This is truly awesome -- news that made my day. I am stunned, even though I shouldn't be. This is just so marvelous. I want to dance. Too bad I'm in a library. I'll dance when I get home. And when I get home, I will FORCE Benjamin to read the book. He is kind of lazy about reading -- doesn't realize he likes to read until he's actually reading. So I am going home and FORCING him to read it.

At 11:49 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Emily - How does he feel about audio books? (maybe he just likes being read too??)

At 12:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mistress, that may not have been the tea kicking in, that may have been Cat arriving and kicking his butt into gear...

The calls haven't stopped, nor the e-mails. I juggle the world, sometimes throwing clubs to Cat and Publicist , and getting clubs from them.

All clubs are on fire.

Cabels stitches are out, he looks good, but in pain. Hans is off to pick up meds, he took him for stitches too as I cannot leave my phone.

At 12:03 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I don't think he really likes audiobooks, but he does indeed love being read to. The problem is that he has grown pickier with age, and really seems to be partial to funny books. I mean, we've never had more fun than when we read "Anansi Boys".

At 12:08 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Q, I meant the tweet about tea, with Graveyard Book won the Newbury tacked on a the end.

Closely followed by much happy cursing - that's where it looks like it might actually have registered. :)

And yes, this has got to be INSANE for as many people as can possibly be dragged in to help!

At 12:34 PM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...


I just heard about the Newbery and then saw your blog post. Yipppeeeee!!! I am so excited for him.

A well deserved award.

And yeah for you too, L! All of your hard work and countless hours of helping him helped to make this possible.

I'm doing the Newbery Medal Happy Dance!

At 12:49 PM , Blogger Unknown said...


At 12:49 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Erin Underwood is right. I didn't even remember to mention how so much of this wonderful event came from you, Quiche!

At 12:50 PM , Blogger vampi said...

i do think we need a youtube of the newbery dance :)

loaned my book out to a coworker as i was gushing about how exciting it was to wake up to my favorite punkrockstar author winning the newbery award.

At 12:54 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Punk rock-star ... I never really think of him that way, but I did have someone once ask me whether he rode motorcycles.

At 1:19 PM , Blogger vampi said...

he has that johnny cash man in black t-shirt thing. he announced amanda palmer on stage...come on that is so punk-rock-star.

i guess it works for me as i have learned so much music from reading his blog and cavorting with the fiends, it all makes such a musical impression in my mind.

At 1:21 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

And songs for those Flash Girls, too ;-)

At 1:23 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

*ahem* and wrote songs for those Flash Girls..

At 1:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! How absolutely effin' Grand.

And I truly love the image, Lorraine, of you with a phone tucked under your hand on mouse...the other typing on a Blackberry...other hands tossing and receiving "clubs" of various sizes and types to and fro w/KittyKat, Ms. Heifitz and various publicists....

Oh, did I mention in my mental picture you are the eight-armed Hindu version of Fabulous Lorraine?

note to self: must go off and paint this....

I am off this afternoon to ensure our local library gets Graveyard Book--and now armed w/some heavy (Newbery!!) ammunition...

At 1:33 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Our library apparently needs to get more copies:

FELTON CheckedOut-Due 1/20/2009
LIVE OAK CheckedOut-Due 2/1/2009


At 1:34 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am off for the Coraline Screening. Guess my intro speech got easier, eh????

Pondering the ethics of sneaking off and seeing Rise of the Lycans instead of Coraline again....

At 1:37 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Not sure I'd worry too much about the ethics, just the cosmic forces which would dictate that the moment you stepped out there would be an emergency :)

At 1:40 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...


YEE HAW!!!!!


(Not like I didn't know that already, being the third generation to have worked in a library. ;) )

::happy dance, happy dance::

At 1:43 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

No clue what this award is but I suppose this is something important.
Congratulations to the Boss.
Celebration tuna for the cool cats (I had a mighty dose of that myself tonight - Hey, I know how to celebrate even if I don't quite know what I am celebrating for)!
Hugs to Lorraine. And Kitty.

At 1:48 PM , Blogger vampi said...

speaking of librarians... i just saw partygirl the other day. parker posey is a feckless party girl ends up working in a library with her godmother and turns into a librarian. rather odd but strangely fun movie.

oh about this award, it is for outstanding children's books. In school every year i rememebr we had to look at the list of newbery and alcott book and pick one to do abook report on. i know i read most of them by the time i was in third grade because i was a book reading fiend.

"The Newbery Medal was named for eighteenth-century British bookseller John Newbery. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children."
quote from here

At 1:51 PM , Blogger vampi said...

caldecott medal, not alcot. i'm daft.

"The Caldecott Medal was named in honor of nineteenth-century English illustrator Randolph Caldecott. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children"

At 1:53 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

I read most of the Newbery books too.

This puts Graveyard Book in company with: A Wrinkle in Time, The Grey King, The High King and Bridge to Terabithia which I think is well deserved.

At 2:00 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Lysandwr - love your image of FabLo as many-armed goddess - It should be painted!

Q, from your description, it sounds as if today is like your normal day, only double speed! Who else is at your screening (apart from Dr Wicked and AletaMay?)

At 2:01 PM , Blogger Hera said...

That's so wonderful! ! !
Endless congratulations! xoxox!!

At 2:10 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

It is also in the company of Island of the Blue Dolphins. Not as big a stretch as you might think. :)


At 2:14 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

WOOOOOOT!!!! Big congrats to Boss man and everyone in his circle that makes it all possible. I was so happy for him I was almost crying with joy at work.

Have fun at the screening whichever Fiends get to go.

At 2:18 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Good call Ariandalen I also missed Julie of the Wolves...

At 2:24 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Another Newbery that i loved was the witch at blackbird pond. I LOVED that book as a kid! I just ordered it onto my kindle so i could relive the love :)

At 2:33 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

WOW, between here, Twitter, Boss Blog my head is spinning.
Congratulations Neil and Team Gaiman.
I've been saying all 'those' words for him too and then some.
This is just such fantastic news.
Lys -your image of Q is just spot on. Paint it.
Cat - that picture at the NYT would make a great t'shirt if you could swing it.

At 2:36 PM , Blogger Beez said...

FUCKING-A! Hurrah!

See you in a little bit.

At 2:40 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Boss's MPR Interview about winning the Newbery

At 2:51 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

As far as I can tell, Boss is the only person to win a Hugo for best novel and a Newbury Medal, or even make the runners-up (though obviously not for the same book.

There were a couple authors I thought might overlap, but no.

At 2:56 PM , Blogger vampi said...

...i am so not working...

but reading the npr article, does this make sense?
"Gaiman's book opens with a baby boy escaping an assassin who is massacred by his parents and older sister. The boy totters to a decrepit cemetery, where he's adopted by ghosts, christened Nobody Owens (Bod for short) and given the Freedom of the Graveyard. "

i read it like the assassin is the one killed by bod's family.

i LOVE they quote his blog.

At 2:59 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

When did you start that blog Phiala? Sneaky gal. Another added to my list.

At 3:01 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

It's all fresh and shiny, Sally. I've been meaning to start one for stuff that really doesn't belong on the weaving blog, and finally did.

I'm not going to tell you where the math and statistics site is. *grin*

At 3:02 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

noooo, I need to know. I am a blog junkie

At 3:03 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

And.... a Fiend for the win! (Of course!)
Lysandwyr is the first-ever commenter on my new blog. *grin*

At 3:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoop! Whoop!!!

At 3:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I think I found/tripped over your "math" site already....maybe was cool, though, and I thought it was you, SaraPhi (who is like a seraphim, only different--NOT :) )

At 3:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, off to the library and then PAINTING!! seriously, I haven't felt this inspired in years...we will see....and Val, speaking of painting--I sent you a question on FB, if it got lost I'll resend....

Happy Dance hugs all around. And especially Emerald hugs (uh, for the classy version of jealousy, "Polite Envy") to all those in the Twin Cities seeing Coraline tonight....

At 3:18 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

The math site is no big secret, but there's almost nothing there. It's a placeholder for an intended site. is mine too - has some interesting stuff, and daily updates, but is not bloggy. Again, stuff that didn't really belong on the weaving site.

Yay time to go home! I know how I should spend the evening - listening to the Graveyard Book! I started the video tour before reading the book, so I want to finish listening before I read it. But I'm only on Chapter 3. (Busy? Me? Nah.) So I should go listen, so then I can read it too!

I get different things out of books from audio or text, and it's interesting to sometimes read first, other times listen. The perception of language especially differs from one to the other, especially on first encounter. This is the first one of Neil's that I've listened to before reading, and it is quite interesting.

At 3:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Very happy. Verrrrrry happy. Congratulations to you too, Fablo. You make it all work. Along with the magic Miss Kitty. Y'all are truly the best ever.

At 3:50 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

we are here waiting for coraline to start. Maddie just lost her 3d glasses on top of her head. LOL

At 3:58 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

That is certainly the best news all day! Go Boss! That totally ROCKS! *sigh* and to think...I have my very own signed copy...So proud for him!

At 4:01 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

How cool is this:
Louisa & I will be
-going to see Coraline in 3D on 15th Feb.
-Going to see AFP gig on 16th
-Going to see Boss read on 17th

(Doing a happy dance and going to bed, now)

At 4:02 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Oh, I've done that trick before, and watched my mother do it. That's when you say, "If I had a brain, I'd take it out and play with it."

Have fun at the Coraline screening!

At 4:08 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Marjorie, that may be the best 3-day assortment package EVER. You and Louisa will certainly have a remarkable time.

We will want a full report, of course. :)

At 4:54 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I can't believe i got to have sushi with this man...what a rockstar!!

Way to keep things together and make this all possible Lorraine!

I'm amazed at the press!

At 4:56 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

This is a great quote from the NYTimes article:
Rose V. Treviño, chairwoman of the Newbery committee, said the popularity of Mr. Gaiman’s novel had nothing to do with its selection. “We chose the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children,”she said.

wow...just, wow.

At 4:57 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I wonder how many of the Fiends work in libraries? I love libraries, and do lots of librarian work myself. I think shelving and checking books in are very relaxing activities ...

At 4:58 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Chantrelle, that is indeed an amazing quote. Thanks for sharing it with us.

At 5:05 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I just sent an email to my friends and family about the award. They all know of my love of Boss, I had to share the joy :)

I can't imagine how he feels if *I'm* this giddy!

At 5:09 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Been giddy since I heard this - as someone else implied - how cool is it that I KNOW a Newbery Medal winner. We always looked for the Newbery and Caldicott winners, knowing they were the best of the best. And I've talked to Himself. Wow.

Lys - paint it - print it and sell us all copies - an Eight Armed Quiche...Love the concept.

Marjorie - that "apparently making him eligible" amused me, too, like the committee couldn't be trusted to know what the eligibility criteria were. After all, they are just a bunch of librarians - how smart can they be.

My mother was a Librarian. They are the finest kind!

Now I wish I had driven up to MN/STP to watch a movie - what a celebration that must be.

Sally - I must say, I'd take this minus 20 degree weather over your 100+ weather, ANY day. I don't do heat well at all.

Oh, and Lys, when you paint, don't forget the flaming clubs (a moderately good name for a rock band.)

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay.

At 6:02 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

How very cool is that??? Maybe now the Big Box Bookstore in my town will carry more than one copy in the children's mystery section.

Glad he didn't swear this time!

At 6:08 PM , Blogger Siri said...

VCR set for the morning. Pondered calling in too giddy to work, but have a 10AM meeting I can't miss. Pretty sure I can't stream it at work. Will just have to watch it when I get home.

Newbery Medal. Wow.

At 6:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So exciting! Now I'm plotting all the ways I can work this into my usual efforts to get our homeschool group kids to read really good books. Ahhh! I'm so happy!

At 6:49 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

This is what I get for actually working on my newsletter today - I don't check the blogs and I'm late to the party.

Well done that man!

Well done that man's team!

I tried to interest Flamingnet in reviewing it and 'Nation' (Pratchett) without noticeable success. Maybe NOW they'll listen to me! Emailed them. We'll see!

At 7:34 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

librarians are the best! there were two who took me under their wing when i was little, and hid there all day long. i saw them when i was 35, they still remembered me and still remembered what i used to read. i loved those two, they were some of the best part of my childhood.

all fiends at coraline tonight! have fun!! so wish i could be there! and Marjorie! what a grand and fun schedule! call me an envious fiend.

At 7:44 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Coraline was great! The godchild really liked it (she was sorta shy with Q -- but she loved it and had much great to say on the way home!)

Lorraine was a great hostess.

Nice to see El and Lindsey and Dr. W.

What a wonderful day.

At 7:53 PM , Blogger Beez said...

I took Son+ and the Big Kid to Coraline tonight.

They both loved it (and Son+ wanted the soundtrack almost as soon as the music started, just like I did).

Thanks again Quichie, and congratulations again to Boss.

Q, he was serious- he listens to either the You and Malena CD or the Folk Underground one every night before bed .

At 7:55 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

That is fantastic news! I know I posted something but it seem lost not; oh well. What a great honor; and his telling of it was really funny; as usual.

At 7:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

What? No Flash Girls????

So much love today, I am writing what I am sure will be a somewhat befuddled post...

At 8:06 PM , Blogger Beez said...


I suppose I shall have to give him my Flash Girl CD's now too?

At 8:52 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I did a post, and considering my brain at this point, am darned proud of myself!


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