Fishies and Kitties, Dead or Alive
Well, I've had a few adventures today. Just as well I don't have a gig tonight, I am not sure my poor nerves could stand it. Paul has made noises about dropping by later, but for now it's me, Blade 2 ( hey , like you've never been too tired to pick up the remote and change the channel ) and PASTA for dinner.
I bought some fish today at Wal-mart ( yes, yes, I know, but it is the only place within 50 miles that has fish ) these are the ( supposedly ) live little gold swimming kind.
I bought two bags, 6 fish each. Heck, at 28 cents each, such a bargain, and my Coffee Table Fish tank was down to one little fish, and Boss's tank was looking like it could use a few more. I held up the two bags and said, which bag do you want? He picked one, and I put them both in his tank, in their bags, one on each end, to keep them straight.
Two of mine promptly died. Floating on the bottom, little crosses for eyes. Dead. No saving them.
( I suppose they expired from the extreme disappointment of NEARLY belonging to a Scream Award Winning Rock Star Icon and instead learned they were going to live in a coffee table of a mere Assistant...Can't think why else they would up and die. Picky fish. )
Having no camera, I have found this image for you, so you can see the dead-ness:
Now , of course, we have to take the bag of four live fish and two dead ones BACK to Wall Mart. I had a funny feeling it was going to be a lot like talking to the cable company....
ME: Two of these fish seem to be rather, well, DEAD.
WALMART: You don't want them? You want to return the fish.
ME: Well, I got them an hour ago, and they are clearly dead, look closely, the floating on thier backs and the little X's they have for eyes are clear indication of a deceased state.
WALMART: What? So you don't want them.
ME: Well, four of them seem pretty happy, look, swimming, eyes open, cute little things, and as I haven't had time to get very attached , how bout you take them out, see to their burial and give me two live ones in exchange?
WALMART: I'll have to call someone, can you fill out this paper work?
I got 'em, but it took some work. Feeling good about my Superpowers, when she asked if she could do anything else for me, I said, I am having some trouble with my cable bill, can we straighten that out while we're at it...???
ME: Never mind, whimsy on my part.
That was going to be about it for my day and this Blog, but when I got home, my Misty-girl and Freaky Venus , mewing about , ( a Cat euphemism for Where the HELL is Our Supper?? ) I heard more mewing, crying in fact, coming from my deck.
There was a small orange Kitty, scared and hungry crying for help. He came to me, and I gave him a bowl of food, I'd never turn down any Kitty who came to me for food, and I noticed he was wearing a collar, which he had somehow gotten his front leg thru as well. It was in the process of working it's way into the area where the leg and shoulder are, think anatomy lesson!!!! You could smell the infection.
I got him in and cut it off and got it out. ( not my favourite thing ) and the tag was a Humane Society tag, so I called and got him over there as fast as I could, and when they looked him up, they started cheering saying It's Garfield!!! She found Garfield!!!!!!
Apparently, he got out the DAY he was adopted and his owners had been searching ever since. He was such a sweet Kitty, and I am glad he has a good home. ( tho the dangers of cat collars could use a little discussion, this Kitty would not have lived much longer )
Again, camera-less, I have to fall back , again, on this from Google Images of what Kitty might have looked like in another day:
That's about it. Lost two fish, but saved a cat.
It goes that way some days..
Love and Fishies and Kitties,