My Cats Bloody Butt....(And the True Meaning of Art.)
I have been thinking all day about what to write about tonight, we have a lot of new Fiends, and no doubt little lurkers out there, and I thought I should write about something cool, or interesting, or perhaps Coraline related. Something that would entice readers, impress people, make someone laugh. Above all, I did not want to start off, no matter what, with "now about my cats bloody butt...."
Anyway. On we go. Now, about my cats bloody butt. Madame Mim, Bengal extraordinaire, as some of you know from the comments yesterday, has been having a bit of a Problem, in that blood seems to be coming out of her butt. (I could say "Bleeding from her anal area due to intestinal problems, but when you get down to it, it is a bloody butt.)
She's been to the vet, no parasites, just some sort of really weirdly irritated, most likely due to a new food. She has meds. She seems fine. And no more blood is coming from her butt.
I've been thinking about music today too, with the Grammy's and all last night. I think what I don't like about radio music today, is that it all seems manufactured. A package put together for money, and it seems to have completely lost sight of what music IS and what it should BE. In the mainstream anyway. I almost want to say dumbing down for the masses, but that's not quite it.
If you go off thru the woods a bit, not very far, there is another stream. It doesn't much have a NAME this stream, not"Alternative" "Folk" "Folk-rock" "Indie" or any combination. It's just the stream where the cool fish swim. The ones who play MUSIC and who have something to say.
You'll fine the Oysterband there, and Jonathon Coultren, Paul and Storm, Jason Webley, AFP, Thea Gilmour, Magnetic Fields, Hera, The Endless, The Shondes, The Scabs, Hamel on Trial and, well the list goes on. People who are making their own music and doing quite well at it. People who know that what they are doing is real, and don't feel they have to change, or fit into some sort of "What they ought to be doing" to "Make It"
On of the saddest things going is a really great band who start listening to, Fods, I don't know who "They" are, but "They" at the record company tells the band they need to change, do this or that, in order to be more "Accessible" "Commercial" or have a "Hit" It. Never. Works. What makes an artist magic, and special, is when they do what they DO and trying to fit some sort of mold, (Intentional spelling) and be something they aren't, well, they lose what made them great in the first place.
Which brings me to another point, (we've come a ways sine my cats bloody butt haven't we?) Underworld 3. I've been trying to figure out what bothered me about the movie. It's not BAD exactly, but I wish they had trusted their audience, the people who got the story, and loved it in the first two. The story to the prequel was all there in the first two movies, and if they had slowed down, and simply told that story, relying on the fact that people who loved the movies wanted to hear that story played out in this one, it would have worked.
In Underworld 3 it seems as tho the story gets lost. And someone felt they needed to add things, change things and I am not sure what movie they were trying to make. Sonja didn't need to be set up as the rebellious child, Viktor didn't need to be an over the top evil dude, And what Happened to "We were the day light guardians of the Vampires" seems they turned into slaves in a mine.
I wish they had trusted themselves, the story and the people who wanted to see it.
I wish in art and music and movies , the people making the money decisions would understand that people are smarter than they think. Go for it. Put out something real and good.
Hey, it could work.
Love and my cats bloody butt,
I blame money.
Too much money floating around- so everyone's afraid to screw up. So they look around at what worked last time, and do more of whatever they think "that" was. And forget that what "that" really was was originality.
I hope that makes sense- I've been having some wine before dinner, and that always makes me seem mopre profound than I really am.
Glad to hear the cat is no longer suffering any more "hematological anal leakage" as well. As a fellow Servant To A Feline- I know how distressing their health issues can be.
That's a shame about Underworld 3. I haven't managed to see it yet. I've got a bad track record in the last few years for getting to see films before their season ends.
Um, re Mim's bloody butt....I meant to tell you that often when Tysie's colitis flares its because she has been eating too much grass, and the grass irritates the bowel. Always makes me feel guilty, because who gets the grass from outside for her?
Agreed agreed agreed and FOLK UNDERGROUND ROCKS.
Oh shit. Just found out that a close friend's nephew, his mum and mum's sisters and kids are missing. Send what ever good energy you have to spare their way.
Oh Sally ... lots of love and hope for you from me.
It seems to be the smaller local/regional bands, the ones who mainly play for the joy rather than because they have to, who you can tell still have one heck of a time playing (mostly, everyone has their off night) that seem to make the best music. There's a local band, Hog Eye Navy, who are just fun to watch and listen to. People like those, and the ones you mentioned (including you and Paul, if you didn't mention yourself!)
Dan and I love to go to the Indy Irish Fest because usually we find some really good music, and checking out those bands generally lead us to more, and more, and more....
And I think "doing quite well" is subjective.
I'm glad Mim is keeping her blood where it belongs!
Oh, Sally!! Sending good thoughts and light.
Jeez Sally, positive thoughts from me to your friends Nephew and his family. After hearing about all the stuff happening around you, I'm thankful for the 30 below weather around here. I can't comprehend how someone could start a fire like that for fun.
Hope Mim's innards are feeling better.
I think more cookbooks should add wine as a cooking aid.
Oh, Sally....that is awful to hear. Yes, of course, best energy possible. I will hope that they are just traveling to a safer area, and presently unable to contact anyone to reassure them. It has happened before, after all.
Music....well. Marketing is a bureaucracy now, and Music is Marketing to the corporations. sigh. Mold, ruts, it's all about figuring out your Target Audience's packaging weaknesses, and catering to that. Instead of putting out original beautiful music (or even NOT beautiful music!) which the TA will learn how they feel about while they are experiencing it. sigh.
Loved your post, though, reflects the situation so well...and especially this is PERFECT!:
"It's just the stream where the cool fish swim."
Well, thank you Erin, tho Folk Underground is now Paul and Lorraine, same thing with out the annoying drummer. We do have fun.
TommyB (Mr Nice Guy) and are very profound. Wine or not. AT least as long as you are planning to come to my Party. Why I have this feeling no one will show up, I do not know.
Good poins all tho on music. I want to hear to about bands we may not know about who are out there rocking.
Sally, I send you hugs.
Thanks Lys, cool fish rock!
FabLo- are you having anxiety about the gig? With all these people throwing such nice thoughts your way? Relax- it will all go well.
And barring some sort of catastrophe, at least I will be there with the wife. As far as I know I won't be able to get 4 women with me this time. But we'll see.
Sally- sending happy thoughts! Hoping everyone comes home safe.
I am feeling completely brain-dead. I had An Idea and down the rabbit hole I went, into uncharted territory. Hours later I'm rubbing my eyes and glad that I run everything in virtual machines so I can just close it down and make all of the IDE plugins I installed disappear.
Danth, step AWAY from the machines! ALL of them!! (they want your soul, you know....)
Q--huh, suddenly I remembered my wooden wiggly fish from, wait, that's right...YOUR wooden wiggly fish. Heh!
Very glad to hear that Mim is holding on to her blood at the moment!
I predict a happy shiny crowd at Charlie's on Friday night!
Sally. I can't imagine how frightening this all is. Your part of the world is much in my thoughts.
I think there is a great deal of hope for the arts in general right now. The record industry has already lost they just keep hanging around because they are in denial.
There are things/people/groups/sounds in the mainstream that I like. Some guilty pleasures in Top 40 Land. But... Your are so right Lorraine, there is a stream where the cool fish swim and we should all sit on that bank with our feet in the water and a homemade fishing pole in our hands whenever we have the chance!
Sally, Sending light and love your way. Remember that out of touch doesn't have to mean in danger....
Fongers crossed, as well.
You will find me w/my head under the water, so that I can hear them better. :)
Doing my part to get us a playlist before Friday. Is there one gig Friday night, or another one Saturday night too? Inquiring minds....
{{{{{Everyone in Australia I don't know}}}}}
Okay, well, Paul and Lorraine rocks.
Jess, I am clapping! Clap with us, Fiends!
Clapping...fongers?...good grief. Clapping for real music, April, and safety. I believe, I believe, I do believe....
G'night, all
Not having anxiety, I mean, I get paid if people come or they don't, but it would be nice if people wanted to come. Not sure why I think there won't be people there, there always, mostly, are.
Siri, I can't GIVE you a playlist, we never plan these things, and we have a kind of list, but mostly a lot of songs we do aren't on it, as it is three years old, and a bunch on it we don't DO.
Just kick back and have fun with it, If you want to request things, do so, sometimes they work better if we don't know them. Chaos. That's us.
Lys needs a snorkle I am thinking. I can picture her swimming around down there by Aletas feet like some sort of Moray Eel. And Lys, I will NEVER forget that fish.
Ah, I remember the days before I was Just Saying No...Nothing like a good wooden fish after a Dead show...
Uh, Event Page For My Party???????????????? I responded to a thing from the pub manager, but I thought he was just confirming I would be there...
How do I find this???
I just found a section in my in box where an un-holy amount of women want to be my Top Girl! What is THAT about. Not that I mind, but how can I choose, I don't really know them!
What are we clapping for? Is Tinkerbell in trouble again????
We are clapping for spring to happen. And fires in Australia to stop. And Val to remember to eat (how can you forget to eat????) And because random clapping can make other people nuts.
It's all good.
I have always wondered how people forget to eat. Seems to me I am constantly thinking of food. *sigh*
Hey, can anyone tell me when I should start looking for the live streaming of Quiche's birthday gig? I do not want to miss a second of it.
What time is it there, now?
Sally, Google world clock. You can put in a city and and another and find out what time it is both places. How do you think I did the New Years Parties?
Its 1.46PM on Tuesday.
OK - here, it's 8:46 PM on Monday. The party starts at 7:30 on the Friday the 13th .. so, an hour earlier than it is now on Saturday afternoon the 14th should do it for you.....I think....
Apropos of nothing at all (except fish, perhaps)
Do you still need faceplates for Spooky Haus, Lorraine? And do you need electrical outlet plates, or just switches. And are your switches flip switches (the most common), buttons, or wide pressure switches.
and are your outlets in twos or fours or both?
SO sorry to suddenly be so technical....but thought I remembered you saying something like that....and we have all these artists here.. Long story, won't fill up the blog.
Say Yes to Fish! :)
Sally, I so hope everyone is all right!
Q, good your cat is better already.
Me and the new poppets had a fun evening grocery shopping. Who knew that poppets liked the produce section so much???
Poppets in the Produce!!! AAAAAaaaccckk!! Run away, run away...
Cabbage heads will roll over this one. No, that's overkale. Lettuce not leek poppet juice because they over-celerybrated...
Orange you glad I'm staying away from the fruit section?
Sally--I'd webcam a cartwheel, if it would make you laugh right now.
And if I had a webcam.
Oh, and if I could do cartwheels.
Poppets in the produce section, and the bakery, and the cheese, and the spices...
World Clock is very handy.
For Jacqui, and for any other lurkers from Melb (and other Aussies) the party will commence at 12.30 on Valentines Day. Quite appropriate,that.
Ms. Fablo, you are so right about art getting screwed by the suits whenever possible. I am so glad that so many good artists say "screw you back" to the suits and keep making their great, independent, rocking, beautiful stuff.
Glad Mim is better, hope it continues.
Sally, my heart is sad for all of you suffering and sorrow-filled in Australia. What a terrible thing.
Dread Val, I am worried about you.
And Fablo, I will be at the virtual part of the party. I can't find my rsvp form on facebook, but if Dr. Wicked hooks us up again, I am so there. You and Dr. Score are the best Friday night date I've had in many many a moon, and I can hardly wait.
Bah. My head hurts for some unknown reason, I feel teeth-gritty if not actually stabby stabby, and I need to forget to eat sometime soon as I hate tight pants but that's what I'm wearing, grump grump grump...
Stealth Poppets! Like, Where's Poppet?
I'm especially fond of the evident duel in front of (mustard greens? turnip greens?) and the apple/peanut face off. War of the Produce!
It has occurred to me (as I am one of those who posted "attending in spirit, via streaming") that we need to figure out a way to benefit Charlies, shouldn't we?
I mean, if we were there physically we would be purchasing beverages....possibly victuals...maybe even t-shirts! (ah, do they even sell such?)
But I can't order a virtual Anchor Steam or Newcastle. I feel a little that, perhaps I walked away w/a sucker from the gas station sort of way...
Any suggestions on this subject? I'll be off steam-cleaning my soul...
clap clap clap!
And three cheers for making Sally laugh. More good thoughts your way, Sally, with wishes that your friend's nephew and family are simply out of touch but safe somewhere.
Yes, I need faceplates! ALL kinds, electric, lights, and combos. My lights are the switch kind....
Half of mine are still blank, as I want different ones on ever electric thing.
Jess, man, that's cold. Not coming? I am not speaking to you.
Actually, it would help a LOT if all of you who watched the show sent the owner $5. He kind of thinks the webcast will make people stay home to watch it, he doesn't understand how many people are out there, who might just come to his hotel someday after seeing how fun it is...
Send him 5 and say "Saw Paul and Lorraine, paying for a virtual beer, thanks for the webcast!
I'll blog it too....
GREAT idea Lys....
Oh - I was still clapping for April. I think, therefore Descartes was. (And I'm more of a Montaigne fan.)
Hurray, Phiala has poppets!
Back to reading...
Oh, and planning to be here watching Friday!
long day, long night - glad mim's bloody butt is better! Sally, hugs and well wishes, and prayers to you and yours. i am brain dead and completely spent, see you all tomorrow...
And I'm nodding in agreement about cool-fish musicians. I dig righteous babe ani difranco. She simply went and established her own label, to make sure she could do her own thing musically, with wonderful results.
And love the idea of sending Charlie's something. If/when you blog the idea, FabLo, please include address. I even have a US $5 handy.
I don't believe Mim wants to take her pill.
Just a suspicion on my part.
You will need to have a way for people to send it in (snail mail? I don't like-and won't use- the FaceBook process for "Causes", but would trust a PayPal thingie set up directly for Charlies.)
And if I may suggest--I am extremely fortunate (well, for the next little while, anyway) to have had decent savings from my deployments to live on whilst unemployed here. A fiver is an affordable nip for hours of great live music, esp since we aren't having to pay any costs for set up or Dr. Wicked's time (LOVE that he adoptable?)
It isn't much money from each of us, and could possibly add up to enough to make the owner more comfortable w/this here webs camming stuff, you betcha! :)
But there *are* bound to be some for whom this will be a little harder, and (hope you're okay w/this, Lorraine, feel I know you this well) basically...
No-one should feel like they can't tune in and watch/listen if they haven't ponied up, right?
Okay....soul only mildly wrinkled now.... Hey, Dread Val! It's dinner time out there in Cali!
And Grace--drink some water, okay! I get a scosh worried about you as well....
Yes on Ani Defranco! One of the first saying NO!
Oh, Siri, there is a show Saturday, but I didn't want to mix V-day and B-day.
Jess is stalking me? Cool.
Yes, I keep thinking about Stillwater for the gathering. It's a REALLY cool town, about 30-40 minutes from the airport, and WAY cooler than Minneapolis.
A town on the river, with riverwalks, huge paddleboats, old bookstores, used and rare books, antiques.......The hotel is from the late 1800's and beautifully re-furnished, and uh, haveing Paul and Lorraine play there is not exactly a problem.
And I THINK the owners have a B&B there as well, which would make for a kitchen.
Oh, Fods no, no one should feel like they can't watch!!!!!!!! A card would do as much good, or an e-mail even, saying how cool it was, and we can ALL do that!
No pay pal, stick a fiver in the mail.
And if we end up descending en masses, in June, so much the better.
And it WAS his idea to webcast St Pats.
(I hate it when Facebook freezes my computer!!!!)
I wanna stay at Charlies in June. I wanna stay in Stillwater, even if not in Charlies. I'll do taxi service from Minn/SP for hugs. And maybe chocolate. But mostly hugs.
I wanna..........
And Lys, BEYOND adorable. Guy is hot. And I don't notice such things. You are hot too. Shall I fix you up. With him I mean?
And, yes, I know it's the Waterstreet Inn, or somesuch, but heck, staying in a bar for the weekend? What's not to love?
You guys are mindreaders, I have been thinking Stillwater for weeks. We ought to be able to shuttle everyone too, I would think.
I know there is a shuttle to Hudson, just up the river.
But even a cab isn't going to cost hugely, I would think, and if large van cabs or hires could be combined...
Parking is free at the hotel. And one walks everywhere in Stillwater.
It's bedtime for those who have to rise early. Someday, I'm going to stay up all night and natter with fiends around the world.
Can't wait to read what happens after I go to bed - last night, there were well over 160 comments - you go, girls! (and guy...)
Night, Fiendom
The rooms are to die for!
And for those on a tighter budget, there are places around that are cheaper. Those of us with cars can shuttle.
Stillwater would be lovely and I would be happy to help with the whole shuttling thing. Of course it is also a bit more expensive for some things -- but maybe not that much difference really.
I am turning of the computer now. 'Night fiends!
I do LOVE Stillwater.
Thanks for the thought, Q, but I've rerouted my affections towards adoption. I suspect he is, as they say, "far too young for me":)
Hey, I just had this incredible brainstorm! Sent you and EMAIL!!!
Please go read. well. soon. I'm just excited.
Night, Aleta! Night, Siri!
Just occurred t me that "my cat's bloody butt" sorta sounds like an interesting swear phrase.
Q, don't fret, I will be there on Friday and I will likely have a Kat there with me.
Stillwater is lovely, I agree. The fiends could be happy there-- I'll help shuttle if need be.
Stillwater sounds lovely. And hoo-ha, just checked airfares, which are $300 cheaper now than when I last looked!!!!! Taking this as a hopeful sign - afraid to jinx it, I need one more scheduling thing to work out, should hear any day now. *crosses fingers, knocks on wood*
Na--you can Na-ck on my skull, tis pretty hard! SORRY!! Just couldn't's a disease.....I go to meetings.
They don't last long. :)
Fods things move fast.
We will have commemorative tee shirts from Cafe Press thanks to Lys.
Text will be reveled during the show.
Shirts will be cost plus $5 to Great Lakes Bengal Rescue.
My friend's nephew is okay. Big deep breath!
And Lorraine, you can get your cats to take tablets?
*bows in awe*
That is cool.
I do think Fiends could move mountains should we choose to. But we wouldn't, cause that would be unkind to the mountains and the critters dwelling on them.
Wonderful Sally! Thanks for sharing the good news. That really is a huge relief, even way up here on the other end o' the world from you.
yay, Sally! It is all because Na tapped on my wooden, leg. :) Seriously, I am so pleased to hear the good news.
Crud. Food. KNEW I forgot something.
Thanks, Fiends! I'm going to go eat something now.
Actually, I'm a fine one to talk. Got all excited, and forgot to eat as well.
Going off to cook a Trader Joe's lamb steak. Not organic, but pretty darn good.
someday, must visit Sally for the sheep. :)
Well, I THOUGHT I was caught up... Can't read 70 comments right now. ::sigh::
Glad kitty butt is on meds.
I'll check in later.
My eye was caught by "visit Sally for the sheep"... My interest was piqued, but I must resist.
Brains. Braiiins? BraaaiiiinS?
They're not there.
Damn. Wonder where I left them...
Just got back from the dentist with my new splint thing AND the casts made of my should I decorate them, or should I leave them plain?
why no, I never did have braces
decoration ideas for my pathetically crooked toothies.
i am so tired. being away from home isso exhausting.
love the comments.
thinking of ya'll
Aleta, I do think something along the lines of "by my cat's bloody butt!" would have a certain swear-y quality. In a Fiendish way.
Q, I love the image of the nameless stream and all the musicians who are gathered there. Once upon a time there was a band called The Balancing Act who swam in that stream. I've honestly never loved a band more before or since. Sigh.
I mean, how do you not love a band that writes songs about "A TV Guide in the Olduvai Gorge" or "The Neighborhood Phrenologist"? They played melodica and short wave radio and acoustic guitars and still covered songs by the likes of Funkadelic. They defied convention and categorization not because that's what they were trying to do but because they just did what they did. I miss them.
I'm not sure if the suits got 'em or the grind of the road.
Sally, glad friend's nephew is found! How are your head and heart in all this today?
Also, I kind of like the plain toothy model. Unless your muse taps you on the shoulder and tells you otherwise, of course.
Hey Lexa! Still in tears when I listen to radio and watch tv reports. I think this will continue for weeks yet.
Lexa--thanks for the heads up....a little googlecating on the subject shows that The Balancing Act has a very devoted following indeed! They have a My Space page, as well as a band home page (even though they did indeed break up in '89) HERE
IRS records was their label; always struck me as a pretty cool group of artists and I liked to think they took better care of their artists than most...
Okay, lamb eaten.....good wishes towards that big continent down south fed and watered.
I'm to bed! Long drive tomorrow.
Stay safe in that wild wild city, Vampi!!
Lys, yes the dedication does continue! I almost linked to the page that you did but held back. Glad you didn't!!
One of the stranger things about that band was how often the individual members would show up on the edges of my life in very unexpected ways, e.g., years ago when my then-new love was moving in to my place he showed up with the bass player of the band (and the band van) to help haul all his stuff. But, he didn't know the band. Had never heard of them. Ever. The bass player just happened to be the friend of a friend...and so on. In the meantime I was doing my best not to make incoherent, high-pitched squeeees.
It was hard.
But variations on that story continued long after the band broke up. I fully expect to run into one or more of them soon as I'm actually a bit overdue.
Sally--rainbow colours, perhaps?
Just a thought..
LexKitty- Neighborhood Phrenologist! I just listened to it, and thought "Leonard Cohen meets They Might Be Giants, with a side of New Cristy Minstrels" .... but think instead I will forgo the categorizing, and say instead they are pretty tasty fish.
Now I want to hear the Olduvai Gorge tune... :)
Sally, it may well continue that way. I wish you stamina. While I'm no stranger to living where everything is burning around me, I think what's happening in Australia is mind-numbing.
Lys, y'know, I might be able to think of a way to make that happen for you. :)
lexocat at gmail dot com would be the place to follow up.
You're right Lexa, its so far from over, and I think its got to the point where our minds just can't take much more in, as a matter of survival.
Morning Fiends ::passes around tea and coffee::
Sally, I've been thinking of you and yours lots over the past few days (((hugs))).
Very happy to hear Miss Mim is doing OK though I don't envy you the whole give-a-cat-a-pill part, Q.
Stillwater sounds amazing, wish I could be there in June. Sigh.
I am sad to hear Underworld 3 wasn't up to scratch. I wish I could say I was surprised, it's all too rare that sequels live up to expectations.
I could write and entire *long* comment on music, but will simply point you in the direction of Kristin Hersh's thoughts on the matter. Having been failed miserably by the music industry (industry? this is music) she is now 100% supported by those who love her and her art. I encourage anyone interested in the area to read more of her thoughts, especially around playing live.
Love the Produce Poppets!!!
I fully agree wine should be promoted as a cooking aid, an excellent idea and one I will do my best to support in practical ways.
I have every intention of being there at least for the beginning of the birthday bash stream with requests!!!
Forgetting to eat is what my friend Peter would call a First World Problem. Speaking of Peter (prepare for shameless plug), it's his official book launch tonight, can't wait!! It's his first novel and has been receiving stellar reviews from all quarters, I'm so happy for him. You can hear a two minute spoken word/musical bit of it here.
/shameless plug
Have a good day all you lovely Fiends!
oh yes,Q, I'd meant to ask who did win the Battle of the Tablet. You or Mim? In any event, v. glad she's doing better.
Louisa, congrats to your friend!
Cats bums are, most assuredly, of the greatest intrest to everyone on the interwebs. It'd probably be front page news if we had a front page. Which we don't, thank god.
About the music: yes.
Its so nice to hear ones own views on something repeated, albiet more articulately and thought out and stuff. Especially because I'm a high-school student, and it is often impossible to hear your own opinions mirrored in such a dizzying cross section of teenaged people. Especially since I am cool fish listener.
Sally: I have heard nothing but news of the fires for the past few days, and have cried about 3 times, simply thinking about the idea of all those deaths really happening. It's weird, but I get the feeling that althouh Australia is such a "naturally" dangerous country, most people never realistically think that tragedy will come, its like "But, its Australia, we're so stable and healthy."
I have family over there, but we found out pretty quick that everyone was okay.
In politics, our class project is to create an effective way of raising moneys for the fire victims, and then actually do it. So...well done us.
*I seem to have written a ridiculous amount, hope this is a done thing...*
Hi DW42 ::waves:: and welcome, glad you've de-lurked :)
Thanks Lexokitty, don'cha just love to see your friends happy???
I was all good and have been working all morning without (much) looking at the internets, and now I take a tea-break and there's a whole noew post and 88 comments to catch up with!
Sally - so gald your friends are safe - watching the news, and seing the speed and ferociry of the fires, you and everyone caught up in it are very much in my thoughts. I'm not a praying woman but if I was, I would.
Q - Stillwater looks lovely - and it would be great to have P&L too - would they do a block booking, do you suppose? (Did I say I've booked my flights, at least as far as Chicago - need to go check on some internal flightd but I think I shall wait a week or so so it comes on next months credit card bill instead!)
If Charlie's can set up a tip jar or something for paypay I will happily contribute - will mail them anyway to say I'm attending by webcast becasue I'm on the wrong continent to come in person, but will definately come and try their beer when I'm in the vicinity.
Incidently, seeing the event on the pub facebook page, can one of the admins put Feindom Come 2009 onto the FabLo's Feinds facebook page as an event? I think it must need an admin to set up as I can't see any way to do it as a member (this could just be me being crap at facebook, of course!)
Phiala - love the Poppet pics - I have never taken mine shopping, I now feel that I have been depriving them. Must correct this.
Louisa - congratulations to your friend. Bristol Airport was closed again last night beasue of snow - keep you fingers crossed for it it be clear & snowless on Sunday!
I'll put up the entry for Fiendom Come 2009, if someone can remind me of the dates - I scanned this thread for them, but I haven't had any caffeine yet and am not up to the task of digging for them.
Oh, and you all might like this: Something Positive mentions Coraline. If you haven't read this comic before, it's very strange and fun.
DG - weekend of 26-28th June
That was quick!
Heh - I figured I should do it before (a)work, and (b)I forgot about it.
Invitations went out to everyone who is in the Fiends group on FB :-)
I will be at the birthday bash, and most likely end up with a few work buddies there too. =) I wrote it on my calendar and everything! Yay!
I really really love the idea of having the June party in Stillwater. Its such a great and fun place to go! And for those of you who haven't had the chance-the Waterstreet Inn is gorgeous! (I haven't stayed there overnight, but based off of how nice everything else is, I'd expect the rooms to be fantastic as well.) I'll be able to help drive people around too.
Ok now I am weirded out. Jess is scaring me. How did she know about the WIND today?
Woke me up rattleing things it did!!!!!!It is fierce and , uh windy, and tress are bending init!
DW42 , not to worry, it is a very done thing. People go on here all the time. We like it. And I have to say you are pretty darn articulate yourself! I'm glad you are here I love getting perspective from younger people.
And hey, YES well done for raining money for fire victims!
Battle of the Tablet:
ME: 0
Kirsten Hersch swims with the cool fish.
Yes she does!
On a quick tea break - oh lovely tea, how lovely you are - got in the film-cover Coraline today!
Marj, we need Sally to send a little heat in the direction of the airport to clear the snow.
YouTube giving cats pills. If you dare.
One of the things I like about Ms. Hersh (it's a long list) is that she has something for everyone (if you don't mind a strong female vocalist/guitarist) - you may know her from The Throwing Muses? Or 50Foot Wave? Or the song she did with Michael Stipe, Your Ghost? She's also done Appalachian folk songs and a ton of solo stuff from quiet to noisy. Did I mention she's smart and funny, has great kids and an awesome husband?
Morning, Fiends!
…I got nothing this morning, really. Carry on without me, as I delve into Saltmine U.
DrWho42 - excuse me for the belatedness; Eska vous vous!
Oh yesssss! Listening to Ms. Hersch now. "This is no time to fuck up..." I have a new love. Thanks Fiends! Fods, it's wonderful to find new music like this. Keeps a person's heart and soul moist.
Dread Val, you may not have much to say to us today, but have you eaten yet? ::tapping fingers::
Glad Triple M is doing better. :)
You could always try grinding up the pill in a little peanut butter, then sticking the peanut butter on the roof of her mouth. No guarantee that it will work, though.
As far as Art goes, I think that the PTB, regardless of whether we're talking about Music, Publishing, Acting, etc., want Originality...but not too original. It's too great a risk, at least monetarily and also socially. Let's face it, there's an awful lot of crap out there, both being sold and sitting around with an artist going, "But my work is just as good as Soandso's!" and I've heard this said with Shakespeare inserted for Soandso. ::sigh:: It's a very tangled web.
Reading and enjoying...totally foggy with scratchy throat and cough, so not much to say. Must endure and see patients til 8pm. Nobody gets their money's worth today. :-(3wareofshee
Ack...ignore last bit of last comment....Move along, those aren't he droids you're looking for,
Sally, my teeth look like that and I DID have braces. Nobody looked at how my wisdom teeth were arriving. Yup. Straight forward, horizontal with the intent of shoving all the teeth together. Fair amount of success, too, till the student dentists at OSU got to practice on me. Cheap, good work.
As it turns out, we're having *quite* the day here at stately Wink Manor...
Boy fell at school this morning and likely has a broken arm. We're waiting on the orthopedist and x-rays to confirm. Sigh.
Lexocat, hope it is a clean break and heals quickly. (Rather have it broken than torn ligaments, I think, especially in a kid.)
Let me share with you an episode from work. As many of you know, I'm a scientist, and in that role I publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals. I also serve as a reviewer for a number of journals, and try hard to write careful, detailed, and helpful reviews.
I just got back the reviews on a manuscript.
Here is the first review, in its entirety:
Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
Please consider to specify the location or study area.
Let me excerpt the paper briefly.
From the abstract: "... an organic dairy in Maryland."
And the first sentence in the Methods section: "The study site is located in central
Maryland in Frederick County (lat. 39.39º N, 77.52º W)."
Suddenly I'm feeling rather stabby.
Yeah, you can't get a whole lot more specific than coordinates.
Perhaps the reviewer was foggy on which PLANET was being discussed.
On the Cat vs. Pill issue.... my coworker talked this past weekend about her cat's medicine for a thyroid condition and how her cat is not good with pills. She has it mixed in a cream by the pharmacist that can be applied to her cats ear, since they have alot of vasculature and a minimum of skin it absorbs right in there. She told me that our pharmacy was the only one in the area that would mix the medicine to be applied in that way, so it sounds like the questionable thing is the Pharmacist's ability/willingness to do this. Of course I'm sure it's not doable for all kitty meds and I'm not sure of how much more expensive it would be, just something that might be a possibility.
Or at least which nation, given the grammar. Perhaps s/he wanted the address to go buy organic milk?
Peer review....necessary for being considered truly scientific. Huh.
It does say USA elsewhere, but not in EVERY PLACE I mentioned the location.
Peer review is sometimes quite horrible, but usually much better than this.
This is not the worst review in the critical sense I've ever received (that one said that the study was wrong, and no amount of explaining or analysis would ever fix it. Well then.) but is certainly the worst review in the rate-the-reviews sense.
Phiala, just realized I read your unicorn story with pleasure, and found some memorable images that stuck in my mind, but never told you that I liked it. A lot.
And sweet twist at the end. Thanks for sharing it.
Oh, happiness! Dabbler, I like your review so much better. *grin*
Jess, you may have a point. I don't think I can say that, though. I'm not sure WHAT I'm going to say. The revision process requires me to respond to reviewer comments, and. Um.
I might write a more detailed review, if you'd like, but not today. Today my head is full of cotton wool, and I'm not quite all here. Don't know where the rest of me is, but I wish I was all there...preferably a quiet, cool bed, with birds singing and a gentle warm breeze, and the sound of waves in the background.
On second thought, I'll save that place for a day I feel better!
And Lexocat, good luck with boy's arm. If he's like my son, he's hoping it will get him out of writing stuff at school. Hope it is easily set and not too painful.
DW42, its not like Adelaide hasn't been suffering enough with the heat. I'm kind of astounded that South Australia hasn't gone up in flames as well ---sorry other Fiends, talk amongst yourselves while the Aussies chat---
Louise, is it possible to buy the book from you and get it shipped over here? It sounds really good.
Quiche, doesn't the new website open for business on Friday too?
Wisdom Teeth Dabbler? All 4 of mine came in totally sideways. They had to smash them to get them out. Luckily I was in oblivion at the time, but I did look like a chipmunk for a week.
Lexa..hugs and healing vibes to the boy.
Phiala, someone didn't READ did they...stabby stabby stabby.
FiendofFur, that is how Tysie had her Thyroid meds before her radioactive treatment. Quite common.
Right. Caught up with comments. tea now.
G'morning Sally!
How's the weather?
Oh yes definately agreeing with what you're all saying re:music. 'Music by numbers' argh it drives me crazy! It's the way something that should be completely honest and expressive can be calculated and crammed into a formula to make money.
I was considered a weirdo at school for not listening to 'normal' i.e. popular music. I wish I'd had the retort 'actually I'm swimming in the stream with the cool fish' then!
My favourite 'fish' is Josh Ritter, wonderful lyricist and simply awesome live! Also, Righteous Babe fans, have you checked out Anais Mitchell? She is amazing, highly recommend both her albums! (
I've been away for a little while so hiya again everyone hope all of you are well and keeping warm/cool depending on location - been at home near Bristol snowed in and stranded in Pucklechurch for a week. Lots of long walks and catching up with friends. Also went to see my Gran who is suffering from dementia, I was so scared to go and see her but she knew me this time. It's really difficult trying to come to terms with the knowledge that Gran as I knew her, my Gran, isn't coming back and also not let this shadow of herself take away all the years of wonderful memories I have with her. Sorry, I hope you don't mind me sharing.
Anyway one reason I mentioned Anais Mitchell above is she wrote a beautiful and inspiring song about her grandmother, 'I wear your dress'. Have been listening a lot to it lately.
Music...Full Frontal Folk, local band, alas, disbanded, of wonderful women...great harmonies and decent instrumentalists as well.
A lot of British pop rock old stuff: Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, Pentangle, John Renbourn, Maddy Prior, Renaissance, Caravan, Moxy Fruvous, Bela and the Flecktones, Libana,
Harder for me to think of singer/songwriters...but John McCutcheon, John Prine, Steve Goodman, Peggy Seeger, Flash girls (the one I've been able to find)
Tempest, Enya,
Must actually work now...sneezily.
Dabbler, you can get all of the The Flash Girls as mp3s on Amazon.
it is unbelievable cold Phiala...stupid weather. Just over 60F. But cool is good for firefighters so I shan't complain.
that isn't really cold, but after 113F the other day it feels it.
Sally, we've been thinking about you southern aussies, what a nightmare :(
I'm roasting a chicken to take to my friend Sarah. She had her first chemo today. Poor girl, the nightmare is beginning. We're all chipping in where we can. Dinner, groceries, house cleaning, etc.
I'm listening to the local college station playing Celtic music...loving it. I don't know their schedule so it's alwasy a surprise what i get when i turn on the station :)
chantrelle, hugs to you and your friend, i hope the healing process goes as well as possible. sally,glad its a bit cooler for you, tho 60 sounds like heaven! we are however, up to 50 today, hurrah! melty yucky mucky mud and ice, but warm! Phiala, hmm, i don't know if i could respond to that without be thoroughly snarky. i mean. really. lexocat, healing thoughts for your boy!
I know virtually nothing about today's music, my hearing is pretty bad and i have tinnitus, most days i just like quiet better. I do love Lorraine and Paul' playing, the dexterity of fiddle playing is fascinating. well, off i go to the next Big Chore, pretty dang busy lately, could use 10 of me or a good assistant or 12.
Oh crap. Crap crap crap.
I just figured out that I can not be at Fiendom Come! It is the same weekend as a family event in Texas that I am firmly committed to. In my mind (as opposed to on an actual calendar) the family deal was in July. ARGGGGG!
Q that does not mean I can't help with planning and such.
Aleta!!! That does give us enough time to get your excommunicated from your family - this family can be more than enough for you, I'm sure.
When do you leave? Or come back?
If I fly I would leave Thursday or Friday and come back on Sunday or Monday.
If I drive longer.
I just figured this out and I am pondering my options.
Chantrelle - hugs and strength to your friend, and all who are supporting her.
my stepmum has a good update on fires near her, and bloody arsonists
Good evening fiends. Just dropping in to offer well wishes and support to Chantrelle, Sally, Jacquib, Lexa, and anyone else I've forgotten to mention by name (my one remaining brain cell needs charging). My heart and my love go out to all of you.
I've got a thwarted muse I need to appease tonight. She wanted to play this morning while I was getting ready for work. It wasn't going to happen. She's not very patient and I've got to coax her out to play now.
Sending healing, strong breezes (your choice: hot or cold; Restful or energizing) to all fiends.
Sally, good post by your stepmom. So sad that people would intentionally set fires like this.
Chantrelle, best to you and your friend. I think it is great that she has good friends willing to help her out at a time like this.
I so want to read what people have written, unicorns and all, but I know that I don't have time right now. Soon.
Good night dear ones, taking my achy, shivering, sneezing self to bed...
Uh, Aleta, this is not an OPTIONAL event for people living in the Twin Cities, and it won't BE a party without you......
I think you should listen to your conscience and do the right thing here.
I'm just saying.
Right. Doing a new post now. A grumpy one. Hasn't been a GREAT day.
Well I am trying to figure out some optiions.
Sorry it was not a great day Q.
Go read all about it...
New post is up....
Ah, Fabulous Lorraine! I've heard such things about you! Such fabulous things! A cool fish you may not have swum across is Marian Call. She's got things happening somewhere. Anchorage, I think, at the moment, but that changes a lot, because she lives in an antique Greyhound Bus and spends much time on the AlCan highway and other fun thoroughfares. Rest assured that wherever she goes, there she is, and the show is not complete without her. And she sounds great.
Hello Ed R and welcome!!!!!
Many thanks for the Cool Fish tip! I will check her out, always happy to hear about new cool fish!
I hope we will hear more from you too here!
Thank you for including us in such a wonderful list. You are so sweet.
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