Weird Plants, Red Hair and Our Sponsor...
First off, before we get to My Day At the Beauty Parlor, I was walking in my garden this morning, as one does in this part of the world, seeing what's shown up, or grown, or is still alive (Since our growing season is about three weeks long at the best of times) and this showed up!
I know it is some sort of Hen and Chick, and I do have Hens and Chicks, but never anything like THIS before. Notice the chicks growing off a pinwheel of purple spines. Looks suspiciously like some sort of Alien Flower, sent for a Purpose. I would not, wisely I think, point any fingers, but I do certainly Suspect something.
Of course, it doesn't have to be some sort of Evil sent by the Bengals Wasp League, it could just be something beautiful sent by Malena to make me happy.
Enough of that, onto the Beauty Parlor for my new hair, a process involving some hours and not a little money.
First off, meet Amy, my Personal Stylist. (ok, not just MINE, but the only one I go to.) I am sure she does other people as well, and would be happy to do hair for anyone in the Minneapolis St Paul Area. She has just bought her own salon, called Maude Salon. Besides her salon, there are several art galleries and studios, all very cool indeed. Visit her. She will like you. You will like her.
Amy is a one of us. (whomever we might be on any given day)
Let's get to work. This was MEANT to be the BEFORE shot of the poor bedraggled me going into the salon, but I kind of like it as well as the afters, anyway to set the mood...
First, all the hair must go....We don't want OLD hair now do we????
Cut to three hours later and Ah-ha! We have RED again. And Curls. If only I could make it LOOK like that! Thank you, Amy!
Now, a word from our Sponsor....
Hello everyone!! WUSSUP! This is the amazing Maddy Gaiman! Seeing as I am featured in one of Quiche's pictures she asked me to say a few words. First of all, she's fabulous. Not quite as much as me, but very much so. Reading her blog will bring bundles of pure joy to your day, no doubt about it. Also if you want to be happy just stare at my beautiful face in the picture she posted...and for those of you wondering, nope I definitely don't have an ego. ENJOY THIS WONDERFUL BLOG! Quiche is cool. Oh and Malena is pretty rockin' awesome too. Have a nice day!:)
Love and Red, Lorraine and Maddy