Pics and Giant Squids
I ( finally! ) put up some pics of the St Pat's gigs Paul and I did over at Much fun was had by all concerned and I am really glad it only happens once a year.
I have been listening to the New Hidden Variable cd , which arrived today. It is SO close to being done!!!!! ( Chris get out here! ) Chris is a musical genieus , and this is truly a beautiful album. And Malena, I knew she was GOOD. I even knew she was REALLY GOOD, but this is amazing. I am in awe of her. Heck, I may be too shy to ever speak to her again!!!!!!! This girl doth have the voice of an angel!! ( or a weird un-dead vampire creature of the night, I have always suspected such beings could sing )
( my parts, the ones that are done anyway, rock as well, if I do say so myself )
And now here. Well, not it turns out. On my excite page this morning was a great story about some scientists who want to microwave a giant squid, but it is gone now! HOW they are going to do this, well, they said they would get a Really Big Microwave. They also said they don't want to EAT it, just de-frost it.
Go figure.
Love and music,