Doggie Sleepover...
Cabal is having another sleepover, hopefully, with less disastrous results than the last one....It went something like this....
CABAL: What a great day, huh, Freck???
FRECK: Yeah Cabal! This is the best. They dropped me off early, and we got to play in the Dog Pen. Can you believe how muddy we got in the hour before Lorraine got into work????
CABAL: Great idea you had, jumping in the pool, then rolling around in the dirt! I don't know what Lorraine was sighing about, we were REALLY glad to see her! You jumped all over her, and I didn't leave her side. What did she mean when she said she had just taken a shower?
FRECK: Beats me. What's her problem? We followed her into the house and went everywhere with her? I think she was happy, did you see how fast we got to go to Doggie Day Care???
CABAL: I really liked the way you leapt from the car and took OFF! We got to chase you forever! And wasn't it nice of her to have rabbits for us to chase when we got home??? We went WAY off into the woods, who cares about a few Burrs?
FRECK: Isn't it dinner time? What are you having?
CABAL: Same old, same old, half a raw chicken. What are you having?
FRECK: (Pause.) (Long Pause.) Crap. They left kibble. Say, buddy old pal, couldn't help but notice YOU have half a chicken....
CABAL: (Warily) Yes. I do. Go eat your kibble.
FRECK: Awww...Come ON....
CABAL: I like you, but no. My chicken. I am going to carry it everywhere and eat it every time I get a few steps ahead of you. And since YOU aren't eating the kibble, I am going to eat it when you are done.
FRECK: I am HUNGRY here, look, it isn't easy being me. I'm telling Lorraine, with my imploring brown eyes, she'll crack in a second. See? I have steak now....
CABAL: HEY!!!!!!!!!!
And so it went. Dogs. Gotta love 'em. But silently, they are asleep now.
Which is where I will be soon, two days at the Festival. Tomorrow sitting in for Fiddler/Bagpipe Teacher Joe, and Sunday because Fiddler/Bagpipe Teacher Joe will be back, and I will get to play with him, and get my lesson.
Everyone will be mighty impressed with with my three notes. I know Miss Kitty will be when she gets her voicemail tonight. A special message for her last day of the tour...
Love and the Weekend,