Lots of Gigs and Way to cold!!!!
Hello All! I think I am finally back, as myself, on our blog! And yes, it is way way to cold here. When you start getting actual temperatures of -20 to -30 it gets a little silly.
Ok, here's is a head's up on some really fun gigs that are happening in my part of the world, where it WILL one assumes get above zero at some point...
February 9th and 10th, 9-1 Paul and Lorraine at Kieran's in Minneapolis. It's our first time there and we would like to really impress them, so if you can brave the cold, please do come down.
February 16th and 17th 7:30 to 11:30 Paul and Lorraine at Charlie's in Stillwater. The 16th is my Birthday Pah-te!!!!! ( I STILL want a Pony! ) Come early , this place is going to be packed!
March 2nd and 3rd 7:30- 11:30 Paul and Lorraine at Charlie's again.
And on Sunday March 11th, at 7:00pm... (click on the picture to find out who this is and next post I will tell you what I am doing with her)
And let's not forget St Patrick's Day! March 16th and 17th Paul and Lorraine will be at Charlie's. On St Pat's itself, we start at noon and go until 1:00AM! Foolish, foolish musicians!!!