Most days I know that Malena and I share a brain, or maybe a heart. We'll write to each other at the same time, or call, only to find the other was just about to do the same , we seem to know when the other needs us. We have the same thoughts about music and the direction of the album, or about what to put on it, about how a song should go. We get happy and sad at the same times.
We each spent this morning buy hooks and hanger things for plants, so we could hang them in bedrooms and courtyards,
( not something I have ever actually done before in my life , tho I would bet she has, little garden Witchie ) When I got home from my shopping I called her to say " WOW I've had this great idea , I am going to hang plant things all over my bedroom " but before I could tell her, she said " HEY I had this great idea and I just went out and bought plant hanger things to hang plants all over the courtyard"
This kind of stuff happens all the time. I'm glad I adore her, as it could be a little disconcerting having someone that much in your brain....
I spoke at lenth with Robin Adnan Anders , of Boiled in Lead today. He is going to be doing the drums on our cd. Gods very gift to drums the man is, never heard better. Oddly enough he and Malena seem to be sharing some thoughts on melding rock-n-roll hard driving Led Zepplin with Steeleye Span. ( no, no idea where they came up with this, but I am happy to go along ) This should rock. Robin has played on my Flash Girl cd's and again with Folk UnderGround, and I am feeling all about drums lately, so he will be all over the thing.
Trevor Hartman, my bandmate from Folk UnderGround is going to play piano on " Post Mortem on Our Love " a song I recorded with the Flash Girls on our first cd. Neil wrote the words, and I wrote the music, and I have always heard it in my head on piano, and I heard Malena sing it a couple weeks ago and am firmly convinced it is going on the cd. She sings it the way I heard it when I wrote it, and then some. ( not sure what -I- am going to be playing, maybe violen ?? ) Trevor may play some accordian as well on another track. ( come on, people, it's not that bad, stay with us here, hee-hee, ONE accordian song )
The last night of the Folk UnderGround week at the Half Time Rec was Saturday night and one of the best times I have ever had playing with that band ( yup, even including Texas, if you have been reading this blog that long ) The bar was packed, our friends all came down ( tho the BirdChick left before we could play El Paso for her ) everyone concerned had a great time. The only problem I have with playing in bars, is , sadly, the drinking people. Not all drinking people mind you, not the people who have 3 or 4 over the night or even 5 or 6 or 10 and get silly , rowdy, fun, danceing, falling over, puking, whatever makes the happy, no not them, I love playing for them and talking to them between sets...It's the would be Romeo's who get younger and hotter ( so they firmly believe ) with each passing drink, and become mighty suprised at the end of the night to learn that despite the fact they havee been watching me all night and digging my music all night, , I am not , in fact, going to go home with them. BIG thanks to Bedlam roadie Liz for shadowing me each time I left the stage. ( Don't mean to whine, mind you, just feeling a bit mauled. )
Anyway, enough of that.I hope this brain sharing thought sharing thinking the same things feeling Malena and I are having keeps itself up until Saturday. Only a few more days until our first real gig. We are singing ALL the time, and hopefully our guitar player, Adam Stemple, is listening to our tapes and learning the songs ( has any musician EVER , in the history of the world since time began , EVER listened to practice tapes??? ) I'm not nervous exactly, I do this all the time, play for people, and having Malena with me is the most perfect feeling ever, I'd rather her there than almost anyone else in the world and I think it will be wonderful and people will love us but every so often I wish life had a pause button, so you could stop time and catch up for a week or two, you know, have another couple weeks to actually learn these songs your ownself...
Keep your fingers crossed and send us good thoughts of me remembering all my lyrics!
Ranting and Raving this evening,
I remain,