Bye bye Birdie!!!
Fablo left last night and is now safe at home. Before she left, we had dinner with Danth. What a darling dude he is!! With all of you...BALTICON will be a *&%^*&-ing blast, no doubt! Lorraine wrote a song called, Race you to the Moon..FOREVER ago. It's on the Wild Queen album. Anyway, I loved it the first time I heard it and have been working on it ever since. Fablo says I might have time to sing it at Balticon. Yeah!!! Some songs just stick in your head the first time you hear them. Fablo and I are quite a pair. So many of us couldn't live without her. Me and my spider to start!!!
Speaking of Miss Fabulous saving the day..
I love spiders, but I hate what they eat (crickets). I went to the pet store to get a few of the evil fiends. Hey! It's better than feeding her baby mouseys. Oh DarlinG I couldn't do it. The sales guy couldn't understand how I could be afraid of crickets, but had no problem holding a 5 inch tarantula. When it was time to feed Cruella, Fablo saved the day (as usual)!!Who would believe an undead thing like me would hate crickets. Ewwwwww nasty! Dirty! Filthy! Crunchy when you step on them. So, Lorraine opened the cricket box and shook a few into the spider cage. (As I feared) one got out and was hopping all over the front room. I don't think Lorraine has ever seen me that grossed out. Poor Miles thought the world was ending. He laughed when he found out I was screaming on top of a chair over a lil' old cricket. Here's my rule:
If it's furry, I like it. Except Rhino beetles. They are cute too, thanks to watching a Bug's Life.
With me having an unset broken arm, Lorraine got a little taste of LA driving. All I could tell her was, "No one obeys the traffic laws. And if you do, you'll get reamed" For example:
The speed limit, turn signals, right of way, stop signs, and stopping at red lights jus to name a few. LA is truly another world.
So, now it's back to work. Kitty is producing a movie called, War in Heaven. Sounds like we will be filming some scenes in a month or two. Wehoooo! Yeah baby! Jehovah speaks! (that's me) I've got to practice speaking with a RADA accent... (Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts) Think Peter O'Toole. Cause HONEY! There's NOTHING worse than an actor who speaks with a BAD English accent. Better to do it right or not at all. Lots of cool projects going on here in Hollyweird. As usual, I'll keep you posted.
Love with NO CRICKETS!
Malena the spider woman