Sunday, September 21, 2008

Photos to Sniffle to.....

I think since fully half of you have caught this computer virus we have been passing around and are curled up with various hot drinks, and tissues, and since I promised, we will go with something light and entertaining tonight, requiring no brain whatsoever...

Sound good?

Princess Kali-licious is some cute overload! Remember with these photos that one, cats do not sit still, and two, I have no idea what I am taking the picture of, as my view screen is toast. This next shot proves my point in that I thought I was taking a funny cat photo, but only managed to take a shot of four skeletons...

This next isn't particularly a good kitty shot, but I include it just because I REALLY want to know what the tentacled Thing is flying off out the top....

I have this Face, that people laugh at me for. It's the "Oh Fod! They are taking my picture face" Can't model to save my life. (Tho Kitty has had some success getting good shots of me, we will try later this week..) Apparently, Mim suffers from the same problem...

Kali is either rubbing out her tears, mourning the mousie, or waving at you. Or perhaps getting ready to rend and tear. Hard to tell. (note to self: Put some water in the coffee table fish tank, or Fishie will be sushi..)

You can kind of see her here, but mostly is is a great shot of a plant...It's funny, when I think of Kali, she was found in the country, half starved, at about 8 weeks old, no mother, and brought to the shelter, and had been there for a month, in a little cage, way at the top of the room, and not the main room with all the really cute kittens. The shelter is so overcrowded, and I mean no disrespect, just this is all she has known. Truly, a rescue.

There you have it, my sniffling, sneezing, Fiends. I will leave you with an arty shot I call "Bengal With Boots." Ok, with mostly shoes. But the illiteration suffered.

Love and Tissues,


At 4:02 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Kali is, if possible getting more adorable by the photo.
Fablo I need to know. How do you get to keep fringes on your furniture and lamps, with Bengals in the house?
We have fringes on one couch -provided by Tysie :) Any not provided by her are shredded by the darling, no matter how many spray bottles are used as discouragement.
Sniffling down here in Melbourne, Aus byt not with the computer spread germies. Gale force winds in spring make hay fever hell.

At 4:17 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

She is cute, isn't she? And way less hissing today.

We made a deal. I have a lot of nice old Victorian furniture here in the Spooky House, and the fringe chair is not one of the nice peices, $20 tops.

They can scratch the heckout of it, for all I care, and it is the only piece they do. That and the cat trees I have for them.

No idea why they honor the bargain...

Gale force winds? No fun....

At 4:30 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I think I should get your girls to talk to me girl - she doesn't honour anything!

At 4:35 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not SURE that would work.....And I don't know why it works here. This morning they took out a mirror...And tonight Mim climbed the cupboards and knoked off all my candels and Edward Gorey Theatere..

At 5:09 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Beautiful kitty shots Lorraine, and I would love to know what the tentacle monster in the one photo is too :) Hope all those suffering from nasties feel better quick! I am not yet caught up, and have about 5 more hours ahead of me, and tomorrow morning will come all too quick - have a sniffle free and peaceful sunday evening all!

At 5:10 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

well, obviously your girls have better things to break than fringes *grin*

I don't need to worry about Tysie and breakable things. When she was a youngster she and my then dog were playing chasey, a glass casserole dish was knocked off the bench and in the process my baby ended up with a pad sliced in half. I think the pain and indignity of having her back paw strapped for weeks kind of put her off glass.

At 5:23 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ouch! No fun getting cut, how mine survived the mirroe this morning I will never know.

Hi Sue, Yes, what is UP with those tentagles????

Just took Bengals out for leash walking with my neighbour. Theylove it and are no respectors of yards and personal space. We make a lot of friends. In some places seeing two women walking wildcats thru your back yard would be odd, but not on this block.

I like that.

At 5:34 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Aw! Cute!

*whuffling my fluffy old kitty tummy*

At 6:18 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I'm currently undiseased. And I absolutely have to stay that way until the end of the month! Come October, a couple days in bed might be kind of appealing...

At 6:33 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I'm with you, Phiala, need to stay well for a few more weeks then a couple days just might be the thing...

Jess, my point exactly, it isn't the WHAT but how you write about it that makes it exciting.

My new little alien is curled up beside me on the couch, allpoints and still not sure. Venus is on the other side tho and all is well...

At 6:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks so much-kitty photos just what I needed, though in all fairness I am not sick.
She's so precious-ought to be declared a controlled substance.
It's feeding my kitty jones, as my apartment wants a HUGE deposi AND pet rent, so no cats for me for a while.

At 7:01 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Hi Nadine,and welcome (if you posted before, i missed it-I have been so swamped that I scan alot of entries)

No disease here,and I am with Phiala on this one - can't can't can't - not til end of october at the earliest (runs off to wash hands)

At 7:09 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Nadine, and she has posted before SUe, but not to worry this moves so fast, nice of you to welcome!

Are we three the healthy ones then?

So sad no kitties for now, but surely in the future, yes?

Kali has gone quite mad, and is running up and down the couch and following Venus everywhere, Besotted she is, but that doen' stop her from hissing....

Mim is mewing and running non stop on her Wheel...

At 7:15 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

The wild wind has settled in Melbourne, but I's still sneezing and going through the tissues. Drat - looks like I have caught the computer transmitted virus.

At 7:23 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I think it is actually Gayle-force-winds. Init? :)

I find that Maker's Mark is a fine cough suppressant. That's what I am trying at the moment anyway.

Both kitties on the couch (even if you are between) is a good sign.

Ginger is settling in well. It's funny how attached M is already. This really was meant to be. I feel like I have been given a gift of love at a time when that is EXACTLY what I needed. So many of you are pet parents that I'm sure you understand.

I need to get an internet site up that allows me to share photos. Do any of you have suggestions for the most user-friendly-I-have-no-time-to-dick-around-with-complicated-applications site? Do you like what you use, etc.?

At 7:29 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I find Facebook great for photo sharing. Just about my whole family is on there now for that reason. Picasa is pretty easy to use too. I don't like Photobucket so much anymore - too much else going on there.

At 7:32 PM , Blogger LauraJ said...

Wishing you much joy with the new kitty. The fact that she is not already kittyburger speaks well for Mim and Venus's tolerance. THREE queens! I just have one, from someplace they breed very very mean tabbies (who like people, though).

At 7:33 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They do find us don't they? I know that's what happend with Kali and I, I could not have walked out of there and left her, would have haunted me...

Gayle force winds indeed! This global cold virus is getting weird..

At 7:35 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Lauraj, nice to hear from you! One might well be the way to go. I am currently undergoing a "What the heck is the new cat" revival...

At 7:40 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I've been so busy I can't do more than scan all of the wonderful entries. I did have to tell you how beautiful your new baby is though.

And, I have to agree with Gayle's statement that animals come into your life at just the right time.

We just got our first dog (I was an adamant cat person) 16 months ago. She is filling a space my sixteen year old recently vacated, which is as it should be, but it still hurts.

Anyway, yippee for animals that come into your life/heart (for whatever reason).

At 7:44 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Facebook is nice but I am a little too paranoid to put my Facebook info up here too often. Weird I know, but I don't want to send people to my Facebook page every time I want to show them a photo. I have found a lot of great fiends through Facebook. Just looking for a site that I can link here so I can show you all photos of Ginger.

"I could not have walked out of there and left her, would have haunted me..." YES! I so know what you mean. I feel like I have no words for how certain animals have touched my life. But it is because they speak to a part of us that has no language.

At 7:48 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh Ticia, that is lovely and sad. Loss is SO hard and, it seems, animals make that bearable for some of us. Even if the loss is appropriate or at it's time or whatever. Hang in there!

At 7:52 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I am going to watch True Blood and then go to bed. Night (or morning depending on when you see this) all!

At 7:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Ticia, and welcome here. I am glad you have a new friend, and know how it is to lose one.

I know what you mean about dogs, I never had one until a year ago, if he wasn't so special it wouldn't have worked, they do find us..

Makes one think there IS a plan....

Gayle, what about Picassa?

At 7:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am behind on Ture Bood. Rats.

At 7:56 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

tell me how this sounds to you:

we are going to buy you a camera when i come there and i am going to help you with it.
not saying anything about these pictures, which are just fine and servicable. however, you really can get an inexpensive wonderful camera and actually see the screen.
Deal? xoxo i thank you for hearing me out.

At 7:57 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

ps Ture Bood?? that is hilarious, woman.

At 8:10 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty, you are so ON!!! We will do this! I want a camera tha works...

And watch True Blood together...

At 8:11 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I may have given you guys the wrong impression. I'm sorry.

I haven't REALLY lost my sixteen year old daughter. Shes' just growing up and I miss the closeness we shared while she was younger.

She is growing independent, which is as it should be, and it's nice to have an animal that needs and loves you just for breathing... My daughter is embarrassed by EVERYTHING I do.

I'm posting this quickly because I'm so embarrassed, I hope there aren't too many typos.

At 8:26 PM , Blogger Hera said...

Helloo! it's been so long! and congratulations on the new kitty! she's beautiful! I'm home again after two and a half months away, and it's wonderful to get two summers in a row ;) I think Brjann missed me, he has spent the past couple of weeks sitting on me as if to make me stay put, and basking in the sunshine on the dining table.. Lovely to be back! and yes I agree with Kitty - very good idea ;)

At 8:28 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

may i be a total geek for a sec? Dragonsally, you are from australia!?!?!?- which sounds so exotic to my midwestern ears ( i am across the pond from Lorraine) it just takes my breath away. Just as Hera does - from Iceland!! (yeah, my geek flag is flying high - can we say "we have not traveled much"?!?)

end of geek. Ok. us who are healthy will begin to send healing tea, ginger, drug of choice vibes to all who are Under The Weather (or blankie)...

Ouch, Ticia, that's so hard, (and welcome, and welcome to LauraJ too) I found a poem, an old one, about losing a dog (tho it could apply to a kitty as well) on the internet when we lost a beloved pet - It's sweet but so sad I just sob every time I read it. the last stanza is a killer:

"You were never masters, but friends. I was your friend.
I loved you well, and was loved. Deep love endures
To the end and far past the end. If this is my end,
I am not lonely. I am not afraid. I am still yours."

tears, lots of them this minute. i do miss maow and maddy, tho we have lovely companions currently snoring upstairs.

Ok, I am on a rather sad swing this evening - flickr is an easy service to use when you want to just post pictures, they have a free limited version, and a more embellished version - i think its about 25 a year.

Hey Kitty! sure wish I could make it to chicago this october - sounds like your schedule is mighty full - safe travels!

At 8:31 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

oh ticia, i thought you lost a 16 yr old kitty - that's what i get for reading too quickly.

but I do understand, I have twin 21 year olds who are seniors in college, and an 18 year old who is a freshman in college. While this is good and as it should be, I am sad that so much is behind us.

At 8:35 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ticia, no worries, I thought you were talking about a pet, either way, no worries, we are the BEST at ppsting things that get meant wrong, you are in the right goup!

HERA! So good to hear from you and you Freaky Pets, hows all the music going? If your latest cd is anythig to go by, it is going well,,

Glad to hear your freaky pets are doing good.

So when are you coming back to the US????? We want you hear!

At 8:38 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Ivenotime- exactly! I'm such a dork that when I posted the first time, I wasn't very clear.

I never communicate by writing, so I rely on people seeing my face or hearing my inflections... Writing a clear missive is an art. That's why I love Lorraine's blog so much. All of you really write well. I feel like I know you.

At 8:39 PM , Blogger Hera said...

I want to come back too! :) hoping next year.. although it would be so wonderful to visit in the summertime.. ;)

At 8:50 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Yes Ivenotime, I'm from Australia.
Lorraine, maybe its time for one of those google map gadgets so we can all put little flags where we live.

At 9:47 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

For the record, I am not ill.
I was going to say "not sick," but I think I've already proven that otherwise. ;)

Cool photos, Marjorie! I especially like #8. What plant is that?

Glad everyone is getting along, mostly. It will get better. :)

At 9:48 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:51 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...



Actually, Blogger was just being weird and I double posted, so deleted the copy. No worries. :)

At 10:30 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hera! Come in June: we should be having a party!

Cute kitty pictures is just one needs when sick but at work instead of snorgling up in bed with kitties and love. And a book.
None of my little devils scratch furniture, but they are allowed out so that helps, I suppose.

At 10:39 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I do not have a cold. I send wellness wishes to all who do.

I am tired though.

Wonderful photos. Very cheering! I am really falling for the new wee one. I love her brave heart in settling in to the Bengal territories!

Welcome to those newly delurking!

I have posted a new flier about my missing family member over on my blogger blog. There is really no new news on this.

Aside from the stuff with my grand niece I had a pretty good weekend. I hung out with my god child a lot and we wrote and talked about writing and researched for our writing projects. She is almost 12 and I am convinced she will finish her current novel before I finish any one of mine. She may finish her novel before I finish my night garden project! AND I think her story will be a good one!

At 10:44 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh and Gayle -- I recommend flickr for photo sharing.

At 11:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kali has the cutest little white toes. And Mim's markings have gotten really striking and pretty. She does kind of have that "deer in the headlights" look in that one photo though.

Hope all of those who're down with the virus are feeling better. Thankfully I haven't caught it. I'm not allowed to, since I have a dance workshop next weekend.;)

At 11:09 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Belly dancing?

At 1:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loveley pics - could the tentacles be the ghost of the mandrake-cthulhu-carrot, I wonder?

ariandalen - the photo is of a very confused Clematis in my garden (normally it blooms and sets seed in spring, but this year it has done it agin, and currently has both flowers and seeds.) Happily, as I'm not a very good gardener, it seems to thrive on neglect!

If anyone has gardening knowledge I would welcome some advice - it is currently climbing up a very decrepit (and rather pretentious) trellis arch - I want to get rid of the arch before it falls over, but I don't want to lose the clematis. Does anyone know whether it would be likely to survive being un-wound and then re-draped over a new bit of trellis? And if so, what time of year I should try?

(I'm convinced that between us, Lorraine and the fiends know everything about everything, so someone her ewill know...)

Oh, and Gayle, I'd recommend Picasa. It's free, really easy tp use and you can chose between making your photos public or keeping them private for people to see by information only, which I find is great for family pics.

At 6:34 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

'Morning all,

Very sleepy still, had to be up too early, I did.

Marjorie, I kill Clemantis every time. I had the wee-est vine this year and it made one flower then died. It got about a foot long. I always feel so badly buying it, as I know I will kill it...

We should get a Map Gadget thing, yet another thing for the new website....

At 6:38 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

There are plenty available on-line (maps, that is).
Good morning, sleepy head. Have some tea.

At 6:41 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Tea. Right. Tea. Help....

At 7:20 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jess, you are very wise indeed.

It is weird you don't take milk in tea. Not natural. What about soy milk? That's what I like, cow milk is too weird.

It's really too early....

At 7:46 AM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

Fablo, love your pictures. Too much cat cuteness! And I think the tentacles are pieces of your own hair, maybe. Just a guess.

I am home sick and not real happy to be so. No doubt my students are thrilled. :-) My ears and throat hate me and each other with the fury of a thousand wasps. And I could be using this time to study for my big huge exam tonight (I have to go -- grad school exams don't care if you're sick), but no. So I'm gonna try to sleep a little bit now. Then wake up and see what fun things have happened while I was out. Y'all never fail!

At 7:46 AM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7:47 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

To the other sick Fiends -- my sympathies. I'm still trying to get over this infernal pneumonia, which would probably be easier if I were not having to still go to work and the studio. Damn deadlines. Take care of yourselves and rest!

Also, it's going to be the fall equinox in a bit -- which has always seemed out of place to me, as fall doesn't really happen in LA. We go straight from the Scorching season to Fire-and-Santa-Anas season, and completely skip that whole leaves-turning thing I hear happens elsewhere. So happy Mabon, everyone!

Tea -- I got some awesome cinnamon black tea from the coffeehouse across the street from the studio. If anyone would like me to pick them up some, I'd be happy to.

At 7:55 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Over at 11:00 am! Here it is nearly 17:00! And I still have LOADS to do.

At 8:13 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wrens eat seeds, I think....

At 8:25 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Who knew??? Well, the Birdchick most likely..

The tentacles are not my hair, I had it up and I don't have the camera anywhere near my head, as it has no viewfinder and it's view screen is broke..I'm telling you, it's some sort of thing....

At 8:27 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

The more pictures I see of this little kitten, the more I feel that Kali really is the perfect name for her.


At 8:42 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

The tentacles are the outer fringes of Kali's otherwordly personality.

At 9:41 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Another Night Garden thingy there.
Just saying.
Shall send it around the usual way.

At 10:13 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Nice! The night garden idea has definitely been inspirational - poetry, photography, quilts!

Plus I learned a new word, always a plus! :) Or actually two, because looking up this led me to this, a useful word, as the smell of a rainstorm is one of the few things I miss about living in New Mexico. That, and green chiles in everything.

At 10:14 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Reading 63 comments all at once means that I forgot half of what was said at this point!

the kitty pictures to adorable... everybody's! Jess, your kitties at the window are great!

dragonSally -- I haven't made it to Melbourne yet but spent a couple of weeks in the Sydney area and loved it. And the people who know me say that I would love Melbourne even more. I haven't been to that many places in the world but every time I'm on vacation anywhere I don't want to move there, I enjoy it but I want to stay in my temperate, liberal Santa Cruz. Sydney is a different story, if it wasn't so far from all my friends and family I would totally move there.

aletamay -- I hope your niece turns up soon!! teenage rebellion can be so dangerous.

I haven't watched last night's True Blood yet. Last night was our monthly soup night at our house (I make a huge pot of soup, people bring sides, we drink lots of wine, it's grand) and the last guest didn't leave till 11 PM so I was straight off to bed.

I've not yet caught the computer virus yet either. The neighbor boy is sick and I'm trying every herb I can to keep Ben from getting sick but I can hear the little bit of croup sound in the back of his throat just waiting to come out full force at three in the morning.

I've got to go do dishes from last night -- 20 some odd bowls and plates and the glasses from numerous bottles of yummy red wine!

At 10:17 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

okay, I can blame my typos on my voice recognition software -- sometimes it's just flat wrong! really it's not me, it's my computer I swear!

At 11:30 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Nathilie, truly lovely! Both words and picture....

What a cool word site? Who knew?

Chantrelle, do you do all your typing with voice software, how good has it gotten?

At 11:39 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I do most of my typing with the software. It works well enough but I have to correct a lot of typos.

if I didn't go back and correct the typos the paragraph would look like this. Sometimes it would know what I was trying to say, and sometimes it would. See, that last word was supposed to be wouldn't. And since I'm trying to point out that it doesn't do a very good job, it's getting almost every single word right... damn you technology!

At 11:54 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

World Wide Words is a wonderful site. I wrote a couple of stories some years ago using words from that site (it was a prompt from my writing community).
It was great fun to do but they needed reading with a translator...

At 12:33 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I will go with Picasa. Thanks for the suggestions.

I was going to try to respond to other people and say some lovely, clever things. Too brain dead!

This morning M and I rushed out of the house in the most ridiculous unkempt sort of way. Just one of those mornings, no big deal. Got to school a little late, oh well. Oh, right, it's picture day. Ooops. :P

At 1:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Big difference between Would and Wouldn't...

I'd spend time at World Wide Words, but I suspect at this point it might better be spent on learning my French words. As you pointed out this morning Nathilie, hee-hee, it doesn't just HAPPEN, I have to work at it.

I got up way too early too. Can't seem to get excited, tho I have class soon and that is always fun...

At 1:05 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Gayle, I know that our ISD has a retake day for pictures. Maybe yours does too?

Chantrelle, I tried Dragon Naturally Speaking around 8-9 years ago. I discovered that I type faster than the software understood what I was saying. Granted, I didn't have a pressing need to use it, so I haven't really followed it. Now, it's nice not to let the kids know what I'm typing. it also keeps me from deleting a lot of stuff that I have to say to them. ;)

Nathalie, I left a comment on your LJ. :)

At 1:15 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

it really drives me crazy. I can type way faster and I can get the thing to recognize my speech but I can't type anymore. I've got tendinitis in both wrists and have for two years.

If my husband or my son are here, I pretty much just don't send e-mails or post anywhere. Or I just end up typing them and making my wrists sore.

I just finished watching true blood... I am so loving this show!!! I was just going to sit and watch it little bit of it while I ate my lunch but I couldn't shut it off so I ended up watching the whole episode.

At 1:16 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Ms. Fabulous, are you sure you weren't using the octopus that's on the coffee table to try luring Princess Kali out from under the footstool? The octopus is behind Mim in the picture where she's on the coffee table.

At 2:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lorraine; mayhap your camera has grown lashes for its Eye. Since it is sad at having no viewscreen anymore. Just a thought :)
I was also voting for hair, until your response clarified that impossibility.

Phiala; you lived in New Mexico? Where! I am a recent transplant to Socorro, due to my mother's retirement and wish to buy a house (the devil's deal is: she didn't freak into a little ball when I was sent to Iraq twice, and I promised to move her here and get her settled.)
Green chilies on my Sonic burger has made up for much, though! And of course it is beautiful.
That said, I can't tell if all my snuffling is a cold, or from what the high winds stir up.

At 2:17 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, I'm pretty sure I never touched the Octopus....

(what a great line!)

It both squeaks and glows in the dark, what more could you ask of anything?

Devils deal indeed, Lys. It is lovely there tho, and chilis make up for a lot. Do you still have Brandy and Marmalade? I forget their new names.....Angus and Archibald?

At 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you. I couldn't remember "Marmalade"....
Angus is fine and pretty healthy for a cat of more than a decade (I think he must be 12 years old by now.)
Archie died while I was off saving the world somewhere --sigh, said facetiously-- of a kind of kitty liver cancer.
With Amacker's lovely Beanflower gone, that leaves only the other black kitten from the litter. I don't remember where she (?) chose to wind up...or be named.
And have been meaning to ask, was Princess their mother? Meaning, Princess must be rather on the elder cat statesmen side as well.
It all seems so long ago!
love and sniffly hugs (I *do* miss Archie/Marmalade sometimes...we had to get Angus a kitten of his own afterwards because he was wasting away out of loneliness.)

At 2:36 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Aw, &*$#&^^!!!

Sorry, spoiling the fun... just found out that a friend of mine fell from a roof yesterday, and will not live out the day.


I will be good, and not use the actual vocabulary represented above, as I can't currently think of any acceptable words that express this.

I have known this man a long time, and while I am not particularly close to him, he is exceedingly close to many of my very good friends, and in that way is part of my life.

And regardless.... fell off a roof.

At 2:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Much much sympathy/empathy. It sucks/hurts enough to hear that you've lost a positive piece to your universe.....and then to have it happen in such a way is a twist of the knife.


At 3:04 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Phiala, that is awful. Poor man.
Sympathy to all who know/knew him.

And after that, this will sound so trite...
Chantrelle, I was having this conversation with another user of Dragon...are the errors the program makes typos or hearos?

Must let you all know that after 12 hours of hay fever from hell I;m breathing easy - and my nose is no longer secreting bucket loads of, erm, stuff. Hooray. I haven't seezed since last night.
Thanks to Fod, if Fod has anything to do with it.

At 3:16 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh Phiala, I'm so sorry! What an awful thing! Sympathies to you and your friends.

At 3:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Phiala, Damm. Fell off a roof. I am sorry that you have lost something good. Know how that one feels.

Lys, I don't remember where the last one ended up, but Princess was the Grandmother to the Kittens, Furball (RIP, died after being hit by a car) was the Mother.

Glad to hear people are starting to get better. I am still well, and staying that way!

I figured it out, if I am going to get sick, I can't do it until a week from today...

Hugs from me too , Phiala....

At 4:22 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Phiala, my condolences. Death's never easy, but sudden death more so.

What a reminder that life's short, eh?

At 4:44 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Oh, Phiala, that's awful! I'm so sorry!!

At 4:44 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh Phiala I am so sorry to hear this. I know that when things like this happen -- so suddenly and unusually -- it is hard to grasp. My thoughts are with you and yours.

At 6:55 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Phiala, my thoughts are with you, so sorry.

At 9:08 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Oh, Phiala.
I am so sorry.

At 10:32 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

So sorry to read this, Phiala.

At 12:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phiala, how awful..I'm so sorry.
*more hugs*

At 4:04 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Thank you all for your thoughts. I've been thinking a lot of his family and closest friends, some of whom are my close friends, and of the quirks of a world where someone so alive can nonetheless suddenly not be.

I know a couple of you are in the SCA, and the rest can skip this. Duke Morgan Sheridan was a pillar of the community, cliche though it is. The whole region must shift to accommodate the loss of such a strong support.

At 4:06 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

But people seem to be very confusing using names different from their blogger names. Just trying to make it difficult, aren't you??? :)

At 7:53 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

That is one cute kitten.


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