Sunday, September 14, 2008

Out For Some Rock!

Quick post before I nip into town to see The Shondes. Yes, I am going out, and not to a gig! Is this what people mean by a social life? Hmmm...May not be very good at it as three of the five people I was going out with had to cancel. I don't think it's me tho....But, before I go, a few pictures for you.

Gayle sent me this today and I thought it was such a nice picture I would share. So serene I look, so calm, so very musical!


And some way too cute of the Mighty M taking Cabal for a walk, with Cabal being fine with it except desperately trying to keep by me...

And finally, mostly for Boss, as he can see my blog, but not his.....

Cabal seems to be eating better now, and happier. I swear he Knows when Boss is coming home soon. Tonight tho, he could eat his chicken, but only if he took it outside, and ate it in the rain. Of course.

Right. I'm off, I'll let you know how the music was when I get home, but I suspect I will tell you, it Rocked!

Love and Music,


At 6:28 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Yey, 'bout time you had an evening out m'dear and i don't mean doggy training :) Have fun, hope the music is all and then some. Gayle, great pics! tho Cabal looks bigger than Mighty M - very cute! Tank has seen Cabal's pic of his chicken feasting and asked why he gets no chicken. He is very sad and jealous. he also wonders why he and rocket have tiny legs and cabal has long legs. he is having an identity crisis, his sense of doggy self worth is at peril!! ahh, i will ply him with bacon, and he will smile again. ok. i spend WAY too much time alone....

At 6:39 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Cabal is such a pretty boy! I think Grendel's legs are longer, but he doesn't get chicken either.

Lorraine, I hope the show is/was fun! Enjoy listening to someone else for a change. I, alas, am still engaged in boring science. I did get to do some fun science today too, but more hours with boring. And no music. :(

At 9:11 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Such great photos!

Cabal and M are so cute!

Lorraine you look great ready to go out and rock. Which I think you are doing right now even as I write this.

So glad Cabal is doing better.

At 9:25 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Great photos - I love the plaintive look on Cabal's face looking back at you when M is taking him for a walk. What a good dog he is - Shiraz and Mulder would be pulling M along, not the other way around. I dare not let them see that Cabal gets all that chicken - they only get the necks and there would be hullabaloo here.
Hope you have a grand night out.

At 10:21 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Yep! There is definitely a look like "But! But my pack leader is THAT way!". Cute picture, though as M looks completely dwarfed.
And I like the way Dog seems to be cocking one of his ears on the picture of you with the bag pipe...

Had a great time?

At 10:31 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Oh I so WANT that Skelanimals shirt!!! You look great.

The dog; eating his chicken in the rain; what is he? Hemingway??? LOL

Cab's cocked ear is pretty amusing as he watches you play. But I think you ROCK my sistah so you GO GIRL!!!

At 10:47 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I love the shot of Ms. Fabulous playing the pipes while Cabal is watching her. The ears tell you everything you need to know. ;)

M sure does look cute walking Cabal, too. :)

Stacy: I loved you poem in the original, but IMHO the additional lines really add to it.

I swear I must be the only person near 6' tall that doesn't want to drive/own a small car, including a Mini. Trust me, living 20 miles from a decent grocery store I understand about needing good gas mileage, but there is something to be said for not feeling like you're about to touch the road. It is much easier to get into and out of a minivan, even if the mileage does suck.

At 10:48 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hope the Shondes show was cool!

Those are awesome shots -- I love the one of Cabal looking back, with an 'Um... wait, you're coming too, right?' expression.

Today was a long photo shoot, in which I was the one who got Naked For Art. I had to drink so much scotch to relax that I think I have now totally caught up on the designated drinking to date. The Aberlour 12, and The Corset both suffered. Did you know it's possible to snap metal zipper pulls? It is.

At 10:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bah, had reverted into Northerner mode with the last post and the use of the word: t'ears. So will start again..

I just LOVE the expressions that Cabal gives in those photos - especially the forlorn look ("I don't want to leave you - I'm worried - hey, look, I'll help you play the pipes" as he is be taking for a walk.

And the use of his ears in the first one. Is he conducting your pipe playing? Could he go on to conduct world famous orchestras?

At 10:59 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Ariandalen; Thanks! I prefer the revision as well.

Pantagruel; I've even snapped the damn metal hooks of my favorite corset, cheap things they aren't but that metal strip that has the loops is just not beefy enough IMHO. I've had to order & replace them on my own. I understand now why the 'bone' corsets are more expensive.

On the clothing note: I have recently taken a job of making four wall hangings out of seven wedding dresses. The dresses are all from one family and date back to 1900. So; right now I'm up to my arse in tulle & krinoline. What's fun is knowing that me & el will be able to wear the 'underskirts' at halloween while wearing our rollerblades, taking our 'dememnted fairy wands' and broken wings and tiaras out to scare the beejeesus out of anyone we can. We'll most likely be laughing too much to do much sneaking up but we will be covered in 'blood' so as to give the eerie bloody bride thing a go.

At 11:19 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Are there prizes for this theoretical Scary Driving contest between me and the Boss?

I quite like the feel of being almost attached and close to the road. I feel like I'm driving in a Mini. I have to pilot the Saltmine U. vanpool van, Slushbucket, during the week, and it feels like I'm in a huge Laz-y-Boy chair with wheels. The steering is only slightly more responsive than that of an dreadnought, and I half-expect the students in the back to yell, 'All ahead full, aye!' as I put Slushbucket in drive.

Speaking of Slushbucket, in order to drive it, the California DMV made me take an official test, in which the evaluator marked me down for... driving too cautiously. No, really. I passed, and they amended my license to let me drive around light commercial vehicles, and say I can be trusted with 10 other people's lives.

Why do I suddenly have this image of Lorraine calling up the nice folks at the DMV, now?

Stacy -- we suffer for fashion, don't we?

On a totally different note, I am tired of the post-pneumonia cough. If only I were Gothier; I could say I'm dying of consumption.

At 12:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adore Cabals' expressive ears..especially in the first photo. He looks like he should have a thought bubble that says "what ARE you doing?"
And M walking Cabal is awfully cute, even though Cabal looks rather torn.
Hope you had a great night out.:)

Pantagruel, oh yeah it's possible to break zipper pulls..I've broken several before with the power of my Klutz Fu. Gotta be a little unnerving when it's from a corset though.

Stacy that sounds like an awesome Halloween costume! I love the broken wings and tiaras idea.:)

At 12:41 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yup. It rocked! They were way beyond fun and had the best energy. And now I have two new friends, I suspected from their e-mails we would like eachother, and we do. I took them much music and audio books, as the road is a long one.

We got some pics, so more on the show soon.

Glad you like the pics! Cabal is by far the most expressive dog I have ever seen. He had a play date with his best friend Freckly today, and I told him about an hour before Freck was coming....Worse than a kid..

"Is he here yet? Is he coming!!!????"

Not sure what he thinks of the pipe playing, much foolishness I suspect...He could conduct tho. I am sure of it. One big pack...

Val, not sure why they gave you that licence..I have called them SEVERAL times now...

Glad you liked the shirt..It says "Dead animals need love too"

Right. Bed.

At 1:05 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And Ah-ha!!!!!!

Just working thru the inbox ( I know Nathilie, I need to go to BED! ) but it seems I have video....

Hard to say, but I think it might be a Rabbit and a Carrot. Or something......

At 1:14 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Weee! A rabbit and a marrot!
(Go to bed, otherwise you WILL fall asleep during the concert)

At 1:19 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Too true, too true...Sleep soon. I just inadvertently insulted you on the last post and had to make it right. How I could have forgotten the Birthday Guest blogging you did I do not know...

At 1:26 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Insult? Where?
Naaah. Go to bed. THAT you must remember. And our French lesson.

At 1:27 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

'Night, see you in the morning...

At 5:53 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Good morning!

Those photos are the best. I love Cabal watching you play, and looking back as he gets taken for a walk by tiny, Mighty M. And in that last pic, I think Cabal is totally throwing the horns with his ears, right there with you.

At 6:16 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Awesome pics! It's a Cabal photo shoot. He's such a pretty dog. And those ears of his convey sooooo much!

That pic of you is amazing and Cabal seems to be enjoying it. With one ear straight and the other bent, it kind of does look like he's conducting. Hehehehe...

Did I miss the name of the band? I love hearing about new cool groups, but my tired eyes aren't seeing the band's name.

By the way, any more music clips to post? :-)

I love that you are learning something new that you are so passionate about. You inspired me to do the same. I just wrote sent off a book review on the Twilight Saga and a review for the BBC's TV show Primeval to an online SF magazine that is looking for a reviewer writer. We'll see how it goes. These are my first reviews - ever! What a blast it was to write them. :-)

I love how seeing someone else pursue something new can inspire you to do the same.

Thanks! You're the best!

At 6:47 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I like "Loneliness tastes of chicken".

Congrats, Erin.

At 7:51 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

your poem is the BOMB! I LOVE it!
I can see him in a bar; black beret and all; smoke filled room; a few chairs empty; it's so late and he's just reciting it like some poor broken soul. It's really awesome but I'm sure with your talent it's not 'the best you've ever done' :)

Fablo! Glad you had fun and can't wait to see that video!

At 9:51 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Throwing the horns? I love that, but haven't heard it before....

Jess, go with the best thing you've ever written! Loved that poem!!!!!

Hi Erin, it was The Shondes. Loved 'em! I think that ONE bagpipe clip a week while I am learning is MORE than enough, hee-hee...

I do want you all to stick around, you know!

Great news on the reviews! Best of luck! You go!

Ah, the video....Viewer discredtion may be advised.freakyvenus

At 9:52 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Throwing the horns? I love that, but haven't heard it before....

Jess, go with the best thing you've ever written! Loved that poem!!!!!

Hi Erin, it was The Shondes. Loved 'em! I think that ONE bagpipe clip a week while I am learning is MORE than enough, hee-hee...

I do want you all to stick around, you know!

Great news on the reviews! Best of luck! You go!

Ah, the video....Viewer discredtion may be advised...

At 9:53 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

You're awake!
I was wondering if you'd surface in time for your French lesson, considering how late you went to bed...

At 9:57 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, I've been UP, just busy..Just sent you an e-mail begging a little time before said French lesson...Work and all, hee-hee...

At 10:00 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Now I guess I have no excuses left and must write a new chapter...
Oh well.

At 10:02 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

"Loneliness tastes of chicken/This chicken tastes of rain." are my favorite lines.

Throwing the horns = throwing the goat; the emoticon is \m/

I have no more meetings scheduled today! \m/

At 10:03 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:43 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I love the last picture.

Okay. Here is one of Emily's Stupid Questions: how exactly does one pronounce Cabal's name?

I've never been sure about that.


At 10:57 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well. You cleared THAT right up for me. Throwing goats? Little guy drowning?? I am a little short of sleep here...

Not a stupid question at all Emily..

Cabal, rhymes with "Rabble"

At 11:00 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Throwing the horns or the goat is what you are doing in that last photo with your fingers.

At 11:03 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Thank you, Lorraine!


At 11:04 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Rabble rouser, you mean.
and yes, you are throwing the horns, lassie.

the photo of you with the pipes brings up the Heart Little Queen album shots for me, some personal Renn fest photos. Love it.

now! back to work for me and for you!
xoxo Kit

At 11:05 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

OK; i guess i couldn't figure out how to punctuate correctly so that my meaning was clear. Dear Jess;

Your poem is the BOMB! I didn't mean to make it sound like it wasn't the 'best thing ever'... it truly is but PLEASE don't retire! As I tried to say/write before; you are awesome and the well of
your literary canon has yet to be plumbed.

Hope this fixes things.

At 11:23 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah. I thought I was saying "I love you all" in sign language....

Ah Heart....If Little Queen wasn't one of the best five albums of all time, I don't know what was...

I think she was retiring to rest on her laurels, Stacy, not in shame...

Work indeed!!!

At 11:39 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Actually you are doing more of an ASL I Love You. If your thumb was under the two lowered middle fingers then it would clearly be the horns. The horns are what people often do when saying the words "rock on".

Or something like that.

At 11:46 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Thanks for asking Emily -- I was saying it wrong all this time.

Jess I love the Cabal thoughts poem. It sorta breaks my heart -- but in a good way.

Okay. Must focus on work now.

At 12:44 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Dagnabbit, blogger ate my post!

What did I say?

It was lovely to return from a beautiful weekend in Lake Tahoe to a post full of beautiful stories. I don't have any profound commentary but they were mesmerizing and made me teary.

I have to dash off to lunch and I'm particularly hungry as a timely posted my review of Nobu Vegas on so now I want sushi but we'll have to settle for something else. My voice recognition software typed Nobu as "new boob"... perfect for Vegas!

I don't remember if I said anything else in my eaten post so that will have to do!

At 12:52 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Blogger is being weird. Ate one of mine this morning too. Rats.

At 12:53 PM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Thanks guys.

Jess, that is a great poem. It's like you were in Cabal's head. :-)

At 12:58 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Blogger is hungry too. It saw all these luscious words and could not resist.

At 1:38 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Blogger may well eat the world, with all these words..

Didn't Jess, but I will go look....

Off soon to French class, then Bela...

Video tonight...Oh yes...

At 1:57 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Well, Ms. Fabulous, it looks to me like you are saying, "I love you," in ASL in that last photo. I'm with Aletamay on this one.

Nope. Being that close to the road doesn't feel like driving to me. I like being up where I can see all of the other vehicles. Doesn't always work, but my knees also don't complain when I get out of the vehicle. It also helps getting kids in, buckled and out on a regular basis. I don't even want to contemplate getting my four year old buckled into her booster seat several times a week in the back seat of a Mini, or any two door car. Even a Taurus is difficult to get out of.

Off to meet DD1.

At 4:12 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Wow. I'm too old for this! :) I had SO much fun at the show last night. Today was a long, strange trip however. M and I were driving to school and what did I see running across the freeway? Two dogs. The short version of the story is that I did not get and Shakespeare read but there are two more dogs with me.

I need to eat and put M to bed but I will be on again later to tell more and read more.

I am really glad everyone likes the pix! M had a blast (as did I) that day.

At 6:25 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh and I agree that loneliness probably tastes like Hagen Das but I would say Dolce de Leche. :) Love the poem!

At 6:27 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hey I just remembered that I have a new "True Blood" on the DVR. Guess homework will have to wait.


At 6:32 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

OOH, the True blood is good too!

At 10:17 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Lots and lots to tell you about..Downloading photos....

How do you decide between Bela Fleck, The Shondes and a Carrot video tho?

At 10:26 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Carrot video has precedence.

At 10:30 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'll have to wait for tomorrow for the carrot to bed now. Hubby hadn't seen True blood last night so i watched it again with him...good the 2nd time too! It got me thinking of an old college (vampire obsessed as well) friend of mine and i found her on facebook today. The internet is so darn groovy.

Nighty night all!

At 10:31 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I vote for the candrake/marrot!

At 10:43 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not SURE you would all be saying that if you had heard the music the last few days....

I can do all three tho, something for everyone....

At 10:53 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

But you should go to bed...

At 10:55 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Is it a carrot and disapproving rabbit video? That could be rather sad in a way...

At 11:15 PM , Blogger Malena said...

Here you are blogging with ren faire photos and I just commented on my blog that I was going to a pirate ren faire in two weeks. Same lives Dev, same lives.
Hugs to you everyone. I have 100 pieces of Alter Ego Couture to model. I've been busy. Looks like the blog is rocking. I loved the poetry! There is a reason people call Lorraine, The Fabulous Lorraine Garland. She's such a brilliant writer and entertainer.
Love you all

At 11:33 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I know I should be in bed, and sleeping, but I got a bit of a re-prive as Boss's plane lands Thursday at 5:00am not Wednesday, so I can sleep in a little tomorrow..

I don't think you will find the vid disturbing...Just posted, go and see....

Malena, you should hear the pipes..The pipes , the pipes are calling....NOT!!!!!!! As of yet they are fleeing in droves!

At 11:37 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Sleep! That IS good news.

At 11:49 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Something doth murder sleep...I am still wide awake, what is UP, (as it wee) with that??

Drat great music...


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