Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Night Garden Page 2.....

Fods, long day. I am truly very tired. I was wondering on the way home from Dog School, what I could possibly write about that would be as fun as, Mr Marrot, Mandcake, Cuthulu Dude, and wasn't coming up with anything. (He's currently sitting in the fridge chilling out, since half the vote seems to be going for burying him so the Garden Gnomes can wonder, and half of the vote for sending him to Cinnamon to Disapprove of.)

Then, like a gift, for a worn out Assistanting-French-learning-dog-agility-girl, I find Page Two of the Night Garden Project! A poem by Jess.

It deserves it's own entry. I am accompanying it with a picture of Venus, because I like it, it's spooky, it's my blog and I can do what I like, but mostly because it is getting WAY late and at least this way I can point out to her when I do get home, that I was not ignoring her...

Love and Night Gardens,

Tinkerbell and the Butterfly Bush
(for Audrey)

It isn't true that Tinkerbell
came into our back yard at night,

to buzz around in sunny moon-
light and wait till my teeth fell out,

so she could carve a new tea set.
(Enamel's stronger than ox-bone,

and Tinkerbells pay well.) But I
sat in the hall window seat, fists

over my ears (to keep out bats),
my lost teeth tucked into my palm.

Our Black Knight bush stood tall enough
to brush the sill, and butterflies

clung high to its blue-velvet blooms,
so near to the pane you could see

their needle-noses poke into
each tiny trumpet. I thought Tink

might land there and wait, hanging on
by her little bare feet and hands,

just like a butterfly-- and I
swear the branch moved, though no breeze blew

as I pressed my nose to the glass.
It dipped beneath the sill and up:

a hundred eyes, each a tiny
orange flame, winked at me through the pane.

I didn't know that the Black Knight
kept all her eyes open at night.

It seemed we shared a great secret.
I'm loathe to break her trust. But you

ought to know, and feel unafraid,
when Tinkerbell fails to appear--

or when something stirs in the night
where a butterfly should have been.

2008 by Jess Mersky


At 7:48 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

G'night all and sweet fiendish dreams be yours til the morning. Fods be with you...

At 8:06 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And with you also! 'Night, my Fiend!

At 8:39 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Pantagruel, here is the link to the first of the Fod t-shirt ideas. It was only two months ago. ;)

::waving:: Hi, Ms. Kitty! Glad to know you are safely at home.

Ms. Marvelous must be too busy to comment, what with all the new clothes to model. :)

At 8:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am so happy The Kitty Cat is back! And I can't wait until she is here, only a couple weeks now...

I think Ms Marvelous is pretty busy these days, we shall see her when we do.

I had something in my head to tell you all, and now it is clean gone. Oh, we should continue the Party idea. Paul needs a party, and it would be so fun to get all together.

If we planned it enough in advance, how many people could come?

I had the idea that we could have it in Minneapolis.

(I am sorry, for obvious reasons, no matter how much I love you. I can't have you all to the Spooky House, I would have you tho, consider yourselves virtually welcome here any time)

Paul and I play frequently on Saturdays at a Marriott hotel in Minneapolis. I know weird but true, they have an Irish pub.

We could do a Friday to Sunday thing, there is a shuttle from the airport so no one would have to rent a car, if they didn't want to, and Marriotts are not pricey.

Stillwater is nicer, but a lot more $$.

What do you think?

I could rent a suite for parties, (and another room for me to sleep in!!!!!) It might be some fun.....

At 9:08 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

The party would be awesome (even though i just crashed this party recently, i'd love to meet everyone). I don't know if i could pull it off or not. Depends on when it is, etc and if my folks could watch my son--or if it worked out w/ the weekend, hubby would cover that part. I'm already jetting to vegas for the book fest, it would have to be a while before i could jet to MN--of course, i'm a wimp for snow so wouldn't want to do it in the winter :P

I'm off to the tub. I have a little scratchy in my throat and am going to Tahoe this weekend w/ family for my sister's bday and have to get rid of whatever this is before i leave.

At 9:12 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Chantrelle, have some fun!!! And winter would not be so bad, it's not like it is going to be outside or anything. And you may be new, but you are in now, ee-hee! Once you de-lurk, if your heart is good, you are a one of us.

At 9:31 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Phiala's poem is here, about the sixth comment, or so.

::sigh:: I honestly don't know whether I could come to the party, or not. I would love to be there; however, my mother-in-law had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago, so I don't know if we will try to go before next summer. She's doing well, but she's in Snohomish (north of Seattle) and not getting any younger. One of the pitfalls of starting a family when you're over 35. ::shrug:: I simply can't say with any certainty. :(

At 9:41 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Wow! The poem is wonderful! Good on ya! Love Miss V too! wooooooo.

At 4:29 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I think I'll just move over here... the carrot has 138 comments, and I haven't had enough coffee to keep up. Hm. Plus I just spilled yogurt all over the couch. Today is obviously going to be a day.

Thanks for fishing out the poem link, ariandalen.

There were also some "Fiends" t-shirt slogans recently. Ah, here and here (on the doggie sleepover comments, if I mess the link up).

At 5:01 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I just finished reading all of last night's comments and now I think my eyes are bleeding -- and not in the good, spooky way.

That'll teach me to go offline for an evening!

At 6:06 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And it's great.
I love the picture too...

At 6:30 AM , Blogger Amy said...

What great imagery! Now I want a tea set made out of teeth. I really love this Night Garden project.

Oh boy! A party? I could creepily stalk you in person? Wheee!

I live near, so I've been meaning to come to one of your gigs. But so far my evil couch has not allowed me to. One day I'll foil its plans and manage to leave before it hypnotizes me into a stupor of comfy dozing, though I am afraid of what it will do in my absence.

At 6:43 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

TP your house perhaps? Spurned sofas are prone to that sort of behaviours... How about getting a cat - or two - (I know somebody who is looking for a shelter for a couple of Bengals) and let THEM get lulled into stupor by the sofa instead?

At 7:06 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh, weekend long party? Yes please. Chantrelle, how old is your son? I could hire my niece (she is almost 17 and the only sitter M ever has) for the weekend and the boys could come to the hotel. She could watch them while we are having fun and then we could do kid stuff during the day. Just a thought.

Glad I remembered to put down the Diet Coke before reading Dan's comment. Bleeding eyes, not the good kind. Hee hee.

At 8:02 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee Dan! I hate it when that happens!

I am going to stop with page numbers. Jane Yolen gets page 1, and wins the who got it in first things (Took her about 7 hours after I had posted the idea, and I am sure she was sleeping for at least 6 of them!)

I am sorry to Phiala and Spacelaw for not realizing the really cool things they sent were Night Garden Projects.

My Bad. I just thought they were really cool things on the sort of things I like best....

Next person who sends, put in the subject line YO DORK!!!!!!!!!!!

I like our party idea, and a sitter for kids is a great plan. It needs to be far enough off tho, so that people can plan. I mean we can't say HEY! Come Friday!

AMY!!!!! You live near and havn't come to a show? What's up with that? I mean, if I do say so, I kind of ROCK!!!! Friday and Saturday at CHarlies this weekend and Saturday day with Bedlan at Fest and Sunday day 2-5 the Brookside...

At 8:14 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Nicely done, Jess!

If Stephen Hawking isn't afraid of the LHC, neither am I. ;)

Party: yes, definitely; though I may try to get out there earlier… we shall see, she said cryptically.

At 8:49 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Want me to send you that email again?

At 8:50 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

I'm in Milwaukee, so with enough advance notice I'd definitely try to come to a party!

At 9:05 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, please Nathilie, I can't seem to find it....

Ok, if Stephen Hawking is good with this, I'll stop worrying and start trying to understand what they are trying to do.

At 9:15 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

So...if the new web site will be "The Fabulous Lorraine and Fiends," does that make us Fabulous' Fiends? Or should that be Fabulous's Fiends?

That would make a lovely button. ;)

At 9:21 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Sounds like a 50s vampire rock band: "Fabulous and the Fiends"!

Q, you aren't a dork, you just have a lot of balls to keep in the air at once!

At 9:23 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks, Phiala, and you're right on about a lot of balls in the air these days...

I think it should be "Fabulous Fiends" as you are all truly Fabulous in your own right....

At 9:24 AM , Blogger Amy said...

I know! I'm such a bad stalker! =) I would dearly love to hear you play, and very soon. And Charlie's sounds like such a wonderful place.

Unfortunately things like birthday parties, and vacations have taken over my next two and a half weekends (so no stalking for the next two weeks). I think the couch has been calling people and making them invite me to Things. It did steal my cell phone a few weeks ago. I'll try replacing the covers on the cushions, if I use thick enough fabric it should take some time for the evilness to soak through.

At 9:40 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Here's two strips about CERN from Ph.D. comics that might help -- I know I always dig having pictures.

part 1
part 2

At 9:55 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It is a well know fact that sofas are kleptomaniacs. One even ate Aharon's wedding ring!

At 10:00 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Beware of roaming gnomes.

Beware of roving sofas.

Jess - great poem. I love the spooky imagery. Well done. I particularly love the way the last line just works, works, works.

Teath Cups - A whole new industry for the tooth-fairy no doubt.

At 10:06 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I prefer this Ph.D comic.

At 11:14 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Those are really funny, especially "Want to shot pidgins ? Hey I just gave a helicopter cancer"

I am beginning to understand this. Kind of.

Amy, we have to do something about this couch of yours, before it takes over. I know! You need Bengals! The couch won't stand a CHANCE!

And I just happen to have two.....

At 11:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oof, I say OOF.
I'm huffing and puffing trying to catch up after the Candrake post.
Phew we are a chatty, chatty bunch.;)

I really liked the poem Jess. I much prefer the idea of Tink making china out of teeth to the Disney Tink. "The proton beams go round and round" LOL

And Kitty! You made it home:).

I like the party idea, but unfortunately my travel money is pretty tied up at this time of year. I SO need to crack that apparating spell.

Dan, I think I like that Cern cartoon better as well.:)

Unfortunately, now it's time to take myself to a doctor because I twisted something in my knee the other day and it's just NOT getting better. I hate being gimpy. I'll catch up again when I get home.

At 11:40 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jess, I can believe that...

Kali, Hope you are ok! No fun that!

And this party is not going to happen SOON. I am thinking like next June, when people are out of school and such.

And I am most definitely going to have an Assistant for this, I cannot organize it all myself.

We could get sneaky and say the next de-lurker gets the job, hee-hee....

(way to keep 'em in the closet, Lorraine! I'm kidding people. Sort of)

At 11:44 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Take care, Kali!

At 11:54 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Lorraine... a party for you? I would step forward to help... but I am in another country... and several hundred miles away... but I would LOVE to see a Fablo Party happen. You don't need to scare the lurkers.. You let me know what I can do to help... and I'll help. (That way I could make sure I am able to come to that one.) hehehe

At 12:45 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

oh... and Lorraine.. you never answered a question I left on the last post.... is there a limit to the number of Night Garden entries are are allowed? (this is holding me up because i am split into about 5 different Night Garden directions)

At 12:52 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I would be happy to take on a job or two for the party. June sounds good. It's usually nice here then too.

Shakespeare class tonight. Hurray! And I got my paper written. Well mostly. Now to get some laundry and dishes done. "Everybody ought to have a maid!"

At 1:08 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ok, two new appointments..

Jess has offered to help keep track of Night Garden Things, until I get my website up and running, at least


Gayle has offered to be my Assistant for the Party For Fiends!

(Rubious did too, but as she pointed out, she IS in another country.)

Ah, it is good to have help!

No time limit on the Night Garden, no limit on the number you can do (But, I mean, don't be insane or anything, if you do 50, I might well ask you to pick your five fav's.) and no limit to the amount of people who can be part of this.

It will have it's home soon. Promise....

Chuluot, Mandott, Cardrake Dude is on it's way to the Birdchick.

Complete story, with pics, after Dog School tonight.

At 1:48 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I'm one of those who hasn't been around this blog for that long, so allow me to say that I think it looks like this is a massively talented bunch of people. Congratulations to Jess on such a chilling poem. I got shivers just as I do with Lorraine's work.


At 2:26 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I've only had time to glance over this post and comments but summer in MN sounds lovely (i know you folks in snow-land think it's no big deal but really, i'd die, even indoors) ;-)

My son is 4 (turned 4 in august). I like the babysitter idea although if it's at a time my hubby can fly out too, we have good friends back there. We were just in MN last august for their wedding--in New Ulm to be exact.

I've not even thought about the Night Garden stuff--you guys are amazing writers!

I think i need to break up a fight over a balloon between two 4yr olds...ugh.

At 3:40 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Ms. Fablo; I emailed you my pitiful offering. It may have been dumped into your spam folder. Let me know. :)

At 3:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

STACI!!!! No spam for you! I loved it, and if things weren't crazed here, you would have had a letter back from me.

(I am SO having a talk with you guys about being proud of your work!! Hee-hee...Everything I have seen is REALLY lovely. Stand up and know how cool you are!!! All of you!)

I have lots to say, but am running out the door to dog school.

Three words tho...

Suduko. In French.

Val is SO drinking for me tonight.

Back soon....

At 4:00 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

How fortunate, then, that tonight I am raiding my mom's wine cellar. ;)

At 4:12 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I just watched the first episode of "True Blood". I LOVE it. I'm also a little compulsive, so I ended up Tivoing "Making of True Blood" and "True Blood-Lines". Just what I needed - another series to suck (no pun intended) my non-existent spare time. "Pushing Daisies" is coming back soon too.... YAY! (Does anyone else love that show?)

And the Venus picture was magical.

I feel safe sending this comment because I've already de-lurked.

At 4:45 PM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

A party?? For real and true?!? How have I totally missed this? Seriously, y'all, I am far and long away but if I knew when it was and it was over a weekend and I could try to plan . . . well, life could be beautiful. So, have dates been posted? Just the thought makes me happy and will continue to do so even if I can't come. (And of course you couldn't let all of us sleep on the floor in your house, because the Bengal kitties would find a way to mind-meld us all into their willing slaves and that would kind of play havoc with our regular jobs and things, right?)

At 5:12 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Wine; I need wine too; cabernet preferably (no matter what James Joyce thinks.) I woke up with a raging ear infection at 4am. eeewwww! See; this is what happens when you go to bed with wet hair; leave your window open right above your head (so. cal. is still like 70 at night) and taunt the haunted garden inhabitants with your feeble half baked poem. Musta pissed 'em off. I'm sure they slinked in through my screen; past my ninja warrior praying mantis'; who were I'm positive; off guarding the honeysuckle bushes; and lo; I now have cotton stuffed in one ear and long for wine; it should go well with codine laced tylenol anyway.


At 5:32 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Luckily, "Pushing Daisies" is on ABC, and it's starting up again on October 1.

At 5:34 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

oh stacy, I KNOW that pain. It sucks!!! massively. I hate ear-aches with a passion. I hope you don't have to fly any time soon. I had a childhood laced with ear-aches and I had to fly to my Grandma's funeral a couple summers ago with an ear ache and it was royally horrid.... but the worst part was worrying about my ear drum bursting when we took off or landed (that's right, the worrying was the worst part of it). I hope you feel better soon.

I've only caught 1 episode of Pushing Daisies and it was GREAT!! I tried for months afterward to find out when and where I could see it but somehow I must have hit a random showing because it was never on at that day and time again.

At 6:45 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, you are safe Tricia, Gayle has offered to help with the party...

I can't wait to see how True Blood gets along...

We are talking about a weekend gathering, Agalaia, but it won't be until June next year, to give people time to plan and save for it if they want to come. We thought June, as people are done with school, and may have holiday time.

Stacy, you crack me up! (Tho your poem was not feeble) What did James Joyce say about wine? I never managed to successfully read him...

Oh, I'll use you Jess.....(Which also sounds dirty, but hey, she opened the door, and Paul and Val will like it)

I haven't seen Pushing Daisies. Must Tivo....

At 7:03 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I volunteer to be the Jr. Assistant to Gayle's Sr. Assistantship for the bash. June would be nice. That would be right after my birthday -- which will also be a big bash as it is one of those landmarky kind of years.

I love Pushing Daisies and I am so glad it will be back. I was sure it would be canceled.

My Night Garden thingy is only one "thing" but is does have/will have several parts... I hope.

Food Fod it is hard to catch up if you leave this blog for 12 hours or so!

At 7:26 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Jr Assistant to The Party Ariandalen!

Speaking for her, Gayle will take all the help she can get, ee-hee!Paul has also offered to put up some of you, if need be. I remarked that was generous, and he said "Heck, they're all really intelligent, creative and mostly women!!!! What's not to love?

I am going to post an update on the Mandrake root who is trapped in a women's body shortly. It is having an adventure....

At 7:41 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

uh...Ms. Fabulous? I feel compelled to let you know that it was Aleta that volunteered to be Jr. Assistant. Not me. I'm in Texas, remember? ;)

Though I do see a slim possibility of my being there. Just means I need to work on the probability lines. :)

At 7:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, both your names DO start with "A" an easy mistake, might have happened to anyone...

Might it?

Food Fod, Arwen remember that!

At 7:57 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. All us females with "A" names look alike. ;)

At 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

June sounds good, I can work with that.:)

The doctor says I might have put a little tear in one of the tendons at the side of my knee. He gave me huge naprosens and sent me home. Hopefully not too serious. I'm supposed to get the update on the xrays in a day or two. The worst part was explaining to him how I managed to mess up my knee..someone startled me at work and I jumped nearly out of my skin (as is usual for me) and twisted my leg in the process. Total clumsiness. lol

At 8:17 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Be well Kali! I once tripped on a stool in my bedroom and broke my arm...

At 8:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And in my defense, you A-list girls names DO look alike to a very tired L girl...Hee-hee!

Can't wait to Aleta see that! Indignation!

At 8:26 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

ouch kali, hope you get positive news! knees are tricky they are! WHoop! party! umm not june 18 -21 as i have a work convention that weekend? if that is negotiable? i just scanned comments and see june, but no hard and fast dates so....and i would so love to be able to come. if help is needed (umm, gayle, and aleta?, if you need a third hand for anything, let me know, happy to help) i;m off to bed, gave a lecture where i am starting to feel like all i do is repeat myself, my fod, dementia sounds like a blessing, cuz it feels like alzheimers. sigh. and sigh again.

At 8:27 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...


At 8:53 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

It sounds like we are going to have one heck of a party! I'm sure there will be plenty for all to do.

Stacy, I am sorry about your ear pain! I don't want to sound all "Mom" on you but don't mix Tylenol and liquor. Can be very bad for already stress (because you are sick) organs! Really. Take care! :)

Kali, I hope you feel better soon too. It is odd how just the wrong move can mess us up.

At 8:58 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Glad you are taking this so well Aleta!

Gayle, note that weekend down as Not Good, we need Sue at this!

At 9:21 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

You guys have been quiet: I woke up to only 28 messages on that post...

Sudoku in French? Good practise for your "counting on fingers" numbers and far easier than crosswords.

At 9:23 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

When I first saw that I thought maybe it was some literary reference that I was not getting. Hee. Then I realized you had just used the wrong name. It's okay. I am sure you know who I am so I am not worried about it! All A women look alike. Hee. I doubt it!

It is funny because I am so cranky tonight for no good reason. Checking in here just make me smile even when my name is being mixed up with that of some other daughter of Fod!

At 9:30 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I was cranky tonight too, Aleta, got a huge thing for tomorrow dumped on me that could have been mentioned MONTHS ago that now has to be done in the morning....

But cam here and laughed...

YES! SUduko in French! The teacher kept asking me "Neuf? Huite? And I finally said YES I CAN SAY THE NUMBER!! But what the heck IS this game and how are you figuring it out???

By the end of class, we had abandoned French and were just trying to solve the darn thing..

But I sure as heck can count to nine in French...

At 10:09 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

yeah.. that would be a good learning puzzle

At 11:00 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Kali and Stacy, there is no dying allowed on this blog! Take care of yourselves.

Quiche, I drank for you tonight. Hurrah for wine cellars that are not mine!

I'll let Paul comment on mandrake roots trapped in women. I took the last one for the reprobate team.

At 11:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww thanks everybody for their kind thoughts:). The naprosen has been a very Good Thing because now I can almost walk normally again. Wheeee!

Oh Fod..sudoku en francais? I can't make sense of that game in english because it is made up of Numbers, and Numbers are too close to Math, and Math is Evil. lol

At 7:41 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...


k; lysol douch? somethings are just so creepy they need an entire space all by their little wierd selves.

Gaypet; don't worry; i didn't drink & do drugs (well, that was yeeears ago). going back to bed now.


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