Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Further Adventures of Mr Mandroot-Carrdrake-Cthulot

Well, wasn't this one of my better Faux-pas? Managing to completely not realize not one, but three things people posted, linked to or sent me were Night Garden Project things? Phiala, Spacelaw and Adriandalen, I am truly sorry, and need to keep better tabs on things. Jess is going to help me from now on, and once we get the new site up, things will be much better. And I got a fourth today too, from Stacy! Wonderful all they are!

I'm going to hold off and post them all on Friday, as I have gigs Friday night, Saturday Day, Saturday Night , and Sunday Day, and am then going to nip in and see The Shondes on Sunday night, with Paul and Woodsman Hans. And since blogging will be difficult, you'll have lots of lovely things to read.

One thing I wanted to talk about was that, I know how hard it is to send stories, art, poetry, sculpture, music what ever it is you do, out into the world. I kept my stories close for a long time. I loved them, but I didn't know if they would work for the world at large. Kitty and Kimbo had been urging me to go for it, and find a publisher, and of course Malena loved them, I had been writing them mostly to amuse her. But it was all of you who encouraged me to go for it. And gave me the heart to say, "Look, here is my heart"

Music is like that too, and performing. It's hard to put your heart out there, and scary. I think what I am trying to say is yes, it's scary, but what is important is not if you made something good, but that you put your heart into it, and put it out there, in whatever form your heart takes. One rule Adam Stemple taught me about performing was "Never Apologize on Stage". Or in art. If you get up there and say, "well, I wrote this, I hope you like this poor pitiful thing.." you have created just that.

People may like what you do. And sometimes they won't. What's important is to go for it, and stand up for it. And learn. And then go and do something else.

There, enough with the deep thoughts, back to the Carrot who wanted to be a Mandrake root.

Our Fiend, as you can see, has been hanging out on it's Goat Cheese Couch in the fridge, waiting to find out it's fate. A lot of people seemed to be in favor of the moonlight burial, complete with an effigy of a hanged man, but more seemed in favor of sending it to Cinnamon to Disapprove of. The Birdchick was agreeable, and so.........

Here is our Fiend reclining in it's First class Priority Cabin, getting ready to travel. The Birdchick has promised both photos and Video, first Video for this blog!

And here, at the post office. Try explaining to those dear folk exactly why you are a) mailing a carrot and b) why you need photos of it. One post Lady said "Are you doing a Photo Doc on Bob?????

No, I said. On a Carrot.

Love and Madness,


At 9:19 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...


Good mornevening.

Did you know that you can set your posts to appear on a later date? For instance I have taken a (yet another) cute picture of Microbetta yesterday evening and have scheduled it to post on next Caturday.
There is a "posting option" button underneath the text box where you can select date and time of publication. Then you press the publish button and your post will appear at the specified date and time.

Nifty, isn't it?
And handy when you have loads of things to post but you know that you'll be either away or unavailable.

At 9:23 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning you! It's always so strange when I talk with you late at night, having spent time with you Skyping during the day and chatting, and know it is now tomorrow for you and still today for me...

Ok. So it'a late for me..

What's ROFL?

Caturday, I love it! I did know about that feature, may be using it this weekend.....Tho I'll probably go with my Wing and a Prayer plan..

At 9:28 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Roughly the same thing as LOL. Except they don't make ROFLcats.

At 9:35 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Great, hee-hee now you are confusing me in English!

AFter French Suduko (one of the most evil things ever invented, I now GET 1-10 in Francis but Suduko??Ye Fods. Paul does them for fun in moments, but I have not that brain) And Doggie Boot Camp I am beat.

Cabal ate today tho and was happy, I've been getting worried about him, he misses Boss.

At 10:11 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

So you did find something he would accept to eat in the end?

At 10:21 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

It means Rolling On Floor Laughing. It is more of the L33T Speak... but as Nat pointed out it is not a common LoLCat term, probably because cats don't often roll on the floor laughing... they tend to chuckle and snicker... when they roll on the floor the meaning is different (and I think that might be cat-specific)

It is a L33T word that was rejected in the formation of LoLCat.

I love the formation of new languages.

Sounds like a busy weekend. Have fun.

Lorraine your post made me laugh and laugh...I loved the end. ROFL is really appropriate here because it is stronger than LOL!!! and that was a hilarious post.

At 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No, I said. On a Carrot."

I worry for our Candrake, Cinnamon has rather big teeth..

At 11:20 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Has Cabal not been eating much? :( Poor pup, please give him belly rubs from me.

Yes, it's hard to put art out into the world. That's how I make my living: through my art, and writing, and design -- and it's still difficult when it's something close to my heart. I have a very easy time when it's a project for someone else; sure, I want to do a good job and be professional and have a happy client, but I'm not attached to the work I do for other people. Some of it's won national awards; some's ended up in the trash: either way, I know I did a good job and have to let that be enough. I try to beat it into my minions' heads that if you identify yourself with your work, you'll end up spending way too much time in the Pit of Despair.

Still... we're not taught to show a healthy amount of pride in our work, especially women. Being proud is way too close to showing off, and how dare we do that, right? Dare. Put it out there, and people will either like it, or they won't. You'll get some useful feedback either way, and you can use it for the next thing you make.

That said, I still can't eat for days before an art show (remember the agonies of the Going Wodwo painting? Oy.); I throw up before I read my writing in public. I get bent out of shape when jealous people make snarky remarks about my work. But here's the trick: I get out of my own way, and keep on working in spite of myself. And if it goes badly, I swear and drink a lot. And if it goes well, I also drink a lot. Less swearing, though.

At 1:23 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I can imagine the conversation around Bob's dinner table tonight.
"Mad woman came into the office again today, posting a carrot, to a rabbit"
scratches head, "must be some carrot, or some rabbit"
"Hang on, maybe it was Candid Camera?"

At 5:41 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Asking you to do French Suduko is just cruel. I mean, Suduko is hard enough; learning French is hard enough. Combining them?!?

I fear that Cinammon will be transformed into a malevolent eldrich creature should she eat the Cthulot....

At 5:45 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

On the other hand, sudoku is REALLY easy to translate.
Although I don't have a head for numbers, I quite like sodoku and was quite glad to find a game involving numbers that I could enjoy.

At 5:56 AM , Blogger Amy said...

I rather enjoy Sudoku and story problems. I'm not particularily great at Sudoku though, but it is fun to write Bad Words next to the puzzle when I screw it up. (Then I move on to the next puzzle.) It makes me laugh.

Sharing art...I can't imagine doing that. I usually can't even share things I've created with myself. Mostly, I like to light them on fire. "Take that you misshapen ear!" Then later I'll be a little sorry I burnt my drawing...but not sorry enough to prevent me from burning the next one. Maybe I just like fire too much. Yay fire! (Though the occasional piece does get to live in a closet, and a few are on my wall-so not all of them burn.)

At 6:21 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Lorraine, I have notted the "No" weekend. I will keep a calendar.

Sharing art is difficult. I had a class once in which every Wed. someone in the class was chosen to read the paper they had written. I never went to class on Wed. Improv on stage I loved. Reading my writing. Nope.

I am going to try to post something to the garden though. I just need to work up the nerve to even start it. :) Well and find the time (and a sitter).

I hope all sickly Fiends are feeling better!

I love the "goat cheese couch".

At 6:25 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Poor Bob the Postman! :)

And, in an entirely different way, poor Cabal. Grendel doesn't eat when we go away either.

I love the carrot in the fridge photo. He looks like he should have a brandy and expensive cigar.

At 6:28 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hey Dan, are you working on this?

The ability to craft simple coded messages to aliens

At 6:30 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

No, I've been doing my best to hide us from the aliens. If they ever find us it's going to ruin the global economy.

At 6:30 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Or this perhaps?

At 6:32 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I see. You might want to do something about that guy then. He seems pretty determined to find them.

At 6:33 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

OMF, I may need some of that R2 on my phone! :)

At 6:40 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

gaypet :: He will be dealt with. As soon as Cinnamon has consumed the Cthulot and the prophecy is fulfilled, his time of reckoning will be at hand. Then: ice cream.

At 6:41 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Ooo. Ice cream. Yum.

At 7:54 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Eldrich ice hopes.

At 8:55 AM , Blogger scored4life said...

First a note on Sudoku. It's really not about the math as there is no math involved. It's simply a spacial puzzle so if you are good at spacial relations, you should be able to handle Sudoku. If you don't believe me, replace the numbers 1-9 with the letters A-I. Same puzzle.

I suppose you could look at each letter as a variable representing a specific equation where its location on the board of 81 squares could be inversely related to the sum of reverse derivative of the combined pair.

Then it would be math...

At 9:02 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

"I suppose you could look at each letter as a variable representing a specific equation where its location on the board of 81 squares could be inversely related to the sum of reverse derivative of the combined pair."

Oh, I like you! :)

At 9:27 AM , Blogger scored4life said...

I like you too! :)

Oooh! An army of rabbit-eared Deep Ones! There is something about the image of facial tentacles and floppy ears that is even more disturbing.

The R2 thing is great!

I'll also add my voice to the chorus of putting art out there. Though I think the point Val made about the difference between personal and professional art is an interesting one.

Mmmm... Ice cream...

At 9:36 AM , Blogger Amy said...

I wonder what it is that I've been playing then...its not Sudoko. You have to add up numbers to equal whatever it tells you that group is worth. Sort of like math crossword. Though I probably shouldn't admit that I'll count on my fingers a lot when I try to do one. i r smart. =)

At 9:40 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Yay! My search-fu didn't fail me today, the game that makes me swear is called Kakuro. Good thing I like to swear.

At 9:40 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Paul, you've just inspired me to put Night of the Lepus on my netflix queue :) I've never seen it.

At 9:40 AM , Blogger The Life of Mel said...

In the fridge, that totally looks like the carrot is saying, "Hey, What's up?" in it's best Michael Keaton/Beetlejuice voice.
It would make it so much easier for me to lose weight if I saw that waving at me every day. :)

At 9:42 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cabal isn't eating like he should. He misses Boss, and has never been really interested in food..

Rofl. Got it!

Well put Val! It's true, I worry more over my writing, which is something for ME from my heart, than I do about music, which is also in my heart, but performing in a pub, is in a lot of ways, like a job I do, and I'm not so personally attached to it.

Yes, please Jess, keep back up! Things are kind of crazed here right now...

ROLFL!!!!!!!! (there, I used it!) Ice cream indeed! Dan....

I don't know what they are talking about, I want Paul and Phiala to keep talking....

Yes, the carrot is on it's way to The Birdchick. I only hope that we have not personified it so much that there is deep trauma over it's eventual fate....

And hey, if it helps Danguy...

Sorry so short and away this morning, lots of Right Now's today...

At 9:47 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

still want to do your French bit in a short while? or later?

At 9:49 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Amy, did I tell you I really like your picture?

I am simply no good with Spacial Relations or numbers, they drive me nuts. Sure as heck can count to nine tho in French!

Welcome, The Life of Me! Hee-hee, yeah it does, doesn't it. I am still too afraid to go into the garden and see if they are ALL like that....

What is this Night of the Lepes, and how did I miss it?

Off to read links catch up!

At 9:56 AM , Blogger scored4life said...

Night of the Lepus! Wow, that's been a while. There aren't too many movies that I can remember with DeForest Kelley in it. I'm sure there is some "Dammit Jim" reference there somewhere...

I always found it fascinating that "Watership Down" was published the same year. 1972 wasn't even the year of the rabbit. Go figure.

At 10:02 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I do want to do French, Nathilie! And record bagpipes while you are there on Skype, so think of something fun to say, yes?

I so need some time to research all these references out, I am missing a lot of them, she mutters...

At 10:03 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Wow! "Watership Down" is one of my all-time favorites. You're right, that can't be coincidence, I bet there was all sorts of rabbit stuff going on. Too bad the rabbit attacking Jimmy Carter was a few years later, that would fit right in!

At 10:05 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Sorry to be obscure. "Night of the Lepus" is your basic Giant, Mutant ________ terrorizes ________ movie. It happens to involve giant mutant rabbits and Southwest...what's not to love :)

At 10:47 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Maybe the advantage to not being incredibly artistic is I don't have to worry about putting art out there! but there are plenty of other things that make me nervous and many, many things that make me puke... if I could just turn that into a superpower, it'd be quite useful--- sorry, that's gross!

I was a literature major, but not in a creative writing sort of way. I did mostly analyses papers, and critical thinking work.

Lorraine, I'm sure you became the story of the day at the post office!

I am so putting R2-D2 on my phone! I got the MP3, he saying, "your phone is ringing, answer!"
My husband just finished reading the storybooks of Star Wars to our son-- well of the "real" three episodes of Star Wars. he hasn't seen the movies yet but he's already completely obsessed with the characters.

uh-oh, "I spy" is over... I'm going to have a four-year-old pulling me away from the computer at any second now.

At 10:47 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I wish that a Cthulot waving at me from the fridge each day could make me loose weight. I would just say, "excuse me" and take his little goat cheese sofa. :)

So, it is time to retire the summer hair color for now and go a bit darker. I went to the store to find a color. I never look at the names on the box. The picture and the number on the box usually give pretty good clues and the names are often silly.

When I got my new color home and opened the box, however, I did happen to see the name of the color now sitting on my head...

Hot Tamale

At 10:52 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Yep, that's me. HA!

At 10:53 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I think I may have gone fire engine red. Not sure yet. Hm.

At 10:57 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

well, at least you'll have a theme song!

At 10:58 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hee hee

At 11:31 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Now I have the blasted song on my mind again.
Lorraine! We need some pipes here! Play Frère Jacques again for me please!

At 11:42 AM , Blogger scored4life said...

Here is a song to erase all else from your mind, and it's even on topic for this week.

C to the E to the R to the N! CERN Rap

Smart women are sexy!

At 11:49 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Sorry! My bad.

At 11:51 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That's a great video, Paul!

At 12:00 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well if the tamales were boiled in blood this would be a good name for the color of my hair.

It's darker anyway. :)

At 12:12 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Hm... musical, drinks scotch, speaks math, thinks smart women are sexy...
Can we keep him???


Paul, you may have created a monster all unwitting - I'm trying to figure out how to actually implement your idea in a solvable way. I don't suppose you had any details in mind?? :)

I tend to think more in terms of spatially-referenced response surfaces than in calculus. Which could also work, but you started it, so your idea goes first.

At 12:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Chantrelle, food is art.....

Can you find food one would eat in a Night Garden?

I am kind of the story of the day LOTS of days at the Post Office, small town and all....They are THRILLED with the boxes of bees...

Jess, you are an Angel!

Hot Tamale!!!!!!! And Gayle, I am a BIG fan of RED lately, can't wait to see it!

It's in my head too, I am so going to Paul's link. I played piped for Nathilie this morning, and hopefully, if Danguy got the sound file, posting them tonight...I did managed a few notes of Frere Jaques, but I am warning you, it is PAINFUL to hear.

And the sigh at the end is Cabal, not the pipes, he was like, oh thank Fod!

See Paul? All the girls love you!

Blood Tamales....I like that.

At 12:54 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Paul is GREAT.

At 1:20 PM , Blogger scored4life said...

Details!? My calculous is a bit rusty and I know that these relationships could apply based on shifting the mathematical "dimension" containing the plane of numbers (variables representing equations denoting spatial location).

But implementing it? I'd rather do something simple like inserting a gene to a targeted location of a specific chromosome using nucleases targeted to said specific genomic location. (ex vivo of course) Still, take your idea and run with it!

Gayle, I love the idea of your hair that color! This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the fact that "True Blood" just started, would it?

Nathilie, I just couldn't help but see Tony the Tiger when you said that. Does that mean I'm part of this nutritional breakfast? Sweet!

I always wanted to make a commercial of "The Breakfast Brick." It would just be this brick sitting with toast, juice, milk, and some fruit and I could legally say, "Breakfast Brick, it's part of this nutritional breakfast."

At 1:41 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Breakfast Brick is GRRRRRREEEAAT!!!

Yeah... I got the Tony the Tiger thing too. I love the idea Paul.

Blood Tamales, blood blood tamales!!
oh no.. it's stuck in my head again. You evil evil people.

Best hair colour name EVER

At 2:09 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sounds fun Paul, I was messing around with some Bengal Genetic material this morning

I just wondered what we would get injecting Bengal DNA into say, The Carrot, or a Blood Tamale....

Breakfast Brick. We shoud do that photo for the cover of the cd we recorded and are not getting around to actually bringing out....

Something about listening to us for 12 hours and picking the best bits is not exciting me....

At 2:37 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

"But implementing it? I'd rather do something simple like inserting a gene to a targeted location of a specific chromosome using nucleases targeted to said specific genomic location. (ex vivo of course)"

Aw, you're no fun. :)

Really, I just wanted to know if you had a concrete idea. I couldn't see any way to get the pattern/structure of a sudoko grid.

Are the only two choices calculus and genetic manipulation??? I'm not sure which one I'd choose. Probably calculus, I'm afraid. Especially if the genetic manipulation might lead to a Bengal Cthulot. Just the idea gives me the shivers!

At 2:42 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Was there ever any doubt that Paul rocked?

At 2:43 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Well... you know... you do have an audience who would be happy to listen to you for 12 hours and pick out hte good bits. Most of us are right here too.

I don't actually expect you to do that though.. I am still relatively attached to reality.

At 2:44 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

no, Pan, no there was not.

At 3:24 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

holy Bat carrots, Robin.
there are so many comments here!
i am re-emerging from my cocoon.
gearing up for a trip to Spooky House and Family Mansion, see bees! see Cabal! see Miss Quiche...!
i like Bob and you.
xo Kitty who-finally-did-a Jonas-Brothers-blog...

At 3:38 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I know this is random, but does anyone want a code to get a free 1 yr subscription to SPIN magazine? I just got it for buying some concert tix.
Email me if you want it :)

At 4:15 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Bob is truly a fixture in this town. People wait for him....Miss Kitty! We will go and see him while you are here! And Bees and Cabal! And what is left of Boss!

I may have been going that direction kind of, with the cd's I wish they were separated by tracks. Then it would be much easier. Then Paul and I could pick our fav 20 or so, and you could all listen...Right now one has to listen to the entire set, and you can't go from song to song.

I will ask Engineer Dude,but if any of you have this skill, write to me.

It is the skill of chopping a live set into one song each chucks.

Chatrelle, many thanks, but I have no time to read. Ever. Anything. I even do this all in my mind...

At 3:35 PM , Blogger mistress mousey said...

This comments thread makes me wish I had a link to Freezepop's "Science Genius Girl" song handy. :)

At 5:20 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I'd never heard of "Science Genius Girl", or Freezepop, but with a title like that I had to rush out and listen. only has a preview, but it's on YouTube.

They also have a song for Lorraine and her French studies (I'm sure it will bring good luck on the test):
Parlez vous Freezepop.


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