Three New Friends, Two Bands and a Carrot
I promise you, we will get to the Carrot. No scrolling down! The music the last few days was too beyond cool to gloss over it. And I made three new friends and got to meet them all in person for the first time.
I had no idea who exactly Bela was playing with tonight, but I love whatever he is doing, and so never looked it up. Turned out to be Abigail Washburn and the Sparrow Quartet. I have no idea what kind of music that was, but Great Fods, it is my new favorite.....
Maybe Chinese-Bluegrass-Irish-Gospel with something else thrown in? Never heard anything like it. Two banjos, a fiddle and a cello and some amazing vocals.
Told you it was cool. Amazing players all. The second funnest surprise of the night (the first would be that "Aisle 1 row A" is every bit as cool as it sounded when I picked up the tickets) was that we were sitting next to Dave Stenshoel and his wife. Dave is, among other things, the fiddler from Boiled in Lead, and more to the point, the man who taught me to play Irish music, long, long ago. Very fun to see them again.
Meeting Bela in person was perfect, one of those, oh, yeah, I Know you and we have a lot to talk about sort of meetings. An exchange of swag, and way to little time to talk. Looking forward to next time, to be sure...
(This is my "Oh Fod They Are Taking My Picture Face", as Boss calls it. Mainly we were trying to smile and talk at the same time.)
As I said in the comments, The Shondes Sunday night were well worth staying up WAY too late for. Kind of Post-punk-meets Klezmer and gives birth to something new. I am really looking forward to seeing what they do, they are onto something new, and very cool.
Here's me with new friends Temin and Eli after the show...
I had a letter this morning,and I want to share it with you all....It's personal to me, but I feel you, my Fiends, need to share...
(Bare with me here, Carrots are online more than you can know...)
Here it is:
Dear Quiche (if I may be so bold as to call you so..)
I want to thank you for your efforts on my behalf. It is because of you, and your Fiends, that all of my hopes, and dreams and wishes have all come true! I have been misunderstood, laughed at and reviled. I am a Mandrake Root Trapped in a Carrots body and had despaired of ever finding and living my destiny...I was meant for greater things, I was meant to live on, in the hopes and dreams of others like me, and gain lasting renown....
I have achieved all that I could ever dream of. And my people, others like me, now have hope that it IS possible...
I will live forever, in joy and triumph!!!!!!
And I thank you.
And so, life is good. Love, Music and Living Your Dreams,
That post made me chuckle in my morning tea...
I can't see the videos, sadly, but shall watch them tonight.
I am glad to have made you morning tea a happy one! It seems like yesterday that we talked, and in fact, it was for you...Hmm...
I hope you can see them, I am sad for everyone who did not see this show tonight. It is not one I will forget.
It is yesterday for you as well now...
*claps hands in glee* The video of Cinnamon and the carrot was delightful. Destiny fulfilled indeed.
Off now to open up all those tabs again and listen to wonderful music.
Too right, too right, as ever...But Fods, it was some fun tonight!
Hi Dragon Sally, you snuck in, glad you liked it, can't wait to hear what people think when they wake up...
You work hard, so it is good that you get some fun every now and then.
A well deserved break.
You know, it was. I do work a lot, and haven't had so much fun for two nights running in a long time. It is good to remember to go out...
The music is stellar! Way cool of you to share it.
Of course; Miss Cinn is the show stealer for me; with that big round black eye and all that downy softness & one sort of quirky ear flop. The beloved Mr. Marrot has gone on to his destiny and we are grateful that the wonderous Madame Disapproval seemed pleased.
All is well with the universe... I've a feeling we'll see more Mr. Marrot's with all these tiny black holes that should be appearing (or is that disappearing) any day now. So looking forward to the mystery of what lay to the back of beyond.
Stacy, what excellent for-shadowing...For who knows what else lies in the garden...The carrot did mention it's people.....
And oh,yes, the music was great.
Excellent. I just KNEW you would like them (Sparrow Quartet).... now my raving seems less like, well, raving and more like intelligent discourse. I hope :) And what an great way to appreciate them, front and center! hehehe. Happy for you and incredibly jealous I am.
Oh, and don't forget Abby's Uncle Earl adventures. The kung-fu movie clog-off to Streak of Fat, Streak of Lean is, well, either severely out there or not to be missed. I think both.
The video clip is at this URL:
and the background info is here:
(see, finally I post on your incredibly cool blog. Had to catch up on the Mandrake what sits like a carrot.)
Ah-ha! Lys, I knew you would de-lurk once we started with Bela...Everyone, welcome Lys, she is a way way one of us....She was in fact the one who coined the phrase Fabulous Lorraine, during a Flash Girls tour...Long ago...Glad you are able to be here!
Aww I do believe that Cinnamon approves.:) She is a most adorable bunny.
I really liked the Sparrow Quartet. It is kind of an odd arrangement of instruments and genres but it really works.
Good to hear you had some well earned nights out.:)
Oh and Jess..I love that poem for goes so perfectly with that picture.:)
Welcome! Take a seat, some tea, relax and enjoy the show. It is a little mad, but we like it that way...
Hey, beautiful! I should be doing online homework...but yes, you are of course right. Bela brings me out of the lurker woods! :) Funny you mentioned the past--I was trying to remember that a few days ago, and suddenly flashed on that message on the answering machine (my place in Berkeley, right?) that everyone got to hear when they were calling looking for you.
I will happily accept the credit for the (additional) naming of you, but you are the one who "wears it well" and has for so long. Can't imagine you otherwise!
Okay, back to homework. But thank you again for the kind words (nice to meet you, spacedlaw!), and when the internet is up again in this two-horse town (New Mexico!) will try to do more than lurk again. You have such unique and fascinating posters in your web.
hugs to all...
Hi Lys!! Nice to meet you. You did a good thing with that phone message. Lorraine told me that story and kudos to you.... and Fablo, you do wear it well.
I really like the music too... adding that to my youtube favourites.. I thought it had a little African influence too (maybe that's what you hear as Gospel, but you do know much more about music than I do). Glad to see the Mandrothulu go to a good end... and still live on in memory.
I know what you mean about getting out there and having fun instead of working at things all the time. It's a good thing. I felt like that tonight. I went to a one-night-only theatre showing of the Death Note movie tonight (Death Note was a manga (Japanese comic) that was turned into an anime (Japanese cartoon) both of which became very popular very quickly in Japan and N. America, then it was turned into this movie (with live Japanese actors acting out the animated characters) which was then dubbed into English using the animated characters' English voice actors...sorry, it's complicated) and the best part was that my college friend who worked on the English dialogue of the anime was there with the cast and crew for the showing and I got to hang with her while she introduced me around (a tiny bit). It was all pretty fun. I think I will chatter about it more on my blog. It wasn't really a literary experience but I did read (most of) the manga. Have I ever mentioned that I *LOVE* that I can get comics from the library? Don't you all?
I haven't listened to the music yet (but will) but had to watch the Cthulot. That was... disturbing, evoking images of vegetable sacrifice and ancient rabbit gods.
And much giggling. Thanks!
the video was quite cool - cinnamon is an adorable bunny, what more could the marrot want? glad you have been having some fun, front row and center and all! very very cool! i have no sound on this laptop, so will have to listen later. Welcome Lys, yes, all of us fiends here are a fun bunch!
Oh, man! I loved the music. That was great.
.... and the video.... Hehehe! Cinnamon is anything but camera shy. How about that close up at the end? ;-)
The vid clip of the sacrificial carrot was touching. He gave his life for a good cause, providing sustenance and nutrition for Cinnamon while simultaneously providing entertainment for viewers worldwide. The carrot's sacrifice will not be forgotten. It will go down in the annals of Cinnamondom for future generations to enjoy.
Viva la Carrothulu!
You're right about the music, not that I doubted you. :)
It was so nice to see the Candrake go on its way to be reincarnated as its true self...maybe. ;)
At least it was enjoyed by an approving rabbit.
Welcome, Lysandwr! Please, enlighten those of us about this telephone message. :)
BelĂ Fleck is on, Jess (and I remember using it on one of my posts recently).
I'm glad that you had such an awesome few days full of music!
I am waiting for Cinnamon to sprount a few tentacles.
Great video, great music.
Carrots for dinner!
Sounds like an awesome day of music. :)
The video made me chuckle during my morning news/blog-reading.
Lys, welcome!
Is it bad to refer to a project at the Twice-Annual Report of Ultimate Suffering in an email to a coworker? I am on proof 19, and month 20 of this thing. Send beer.
Oh, I so can empathize on Reports of Ultimate Suffering! I work for the US Government, you see....
I realized that I have heard of Abigail Washburn somewhere - NPR? - and enjoyed the interview, but didn't follow up by going out and listening to more. I will have to do so.
Y'all are an interesting influence. Collectively, that is. This morning before work I submitted a story to an SF contest, my first ever fiction submission. It's kind of a gimmick, as it has to be exactly 150 words, but it was wildly fun to write. In some ways writing fiction that short that tells a story is more like poetry than anything else, as the exact word choice is so important. I've published nonfiction and technical articles before, and blog regularly, but I've never sent story out into the world alone.
If anyone else is interested in writing a tiny story, the deadline is Oct 1 and I can send you the information.
Exact numbering is a very god exercise. And the smaller the number the more challenging. Good luck!
If you haven't run into the Wired six-word stories, they are remarkable.
Plenty of that as well at SMITH...
Smith Magazine published my six word memoir in their book! I saw it sitting in Mr. G's office and showed Lorraine.
I thought I remembered that (but wasn't sure...). Good on you!
Jess, any brewery with the Green Man in their logo, I want their beer. Or ravens. I shall endeavor to get my local specialty alcohol Mecca to order me some. :)
Hey Quiche, one of my dear friends is coming out to the Minnesota Ren. Faire on 9/26, and wants to see you play! What stage are you at, and will you be there that day? She is One of Us, and originally from Minnesota; going back to her home faire for a visit.
No sign of Lorraine so far...
She must be busy (or still asleep - she hasn't commented yet).
I am going to take points off her for missing her French class.
And, my alcohol Mecca does, in fact, carry Hopback beer. (Fellow ex-MFA students working there, for the win!) Once I get paid, I'm so there.
Ye Fods! It is 2:00 and I am only NOW getting to post? Some days move FAST, and this is one of them for sure, havn't stopped since I woke up this morning, and I woke early...
Ah well, here I am now, with everything under control...Mostly. Tho I did miss my French today...
The telephone message was once when I was only tour out there, staying with Lys, I was getting so many calls to her phone, she put on her Machine "If you are looking for the Fabulous Lorraine, she is at Dark Carnival all day (a cool bookstore)" and it stuck!
Glad you all liked the music, thought you would. Makes me happy.
I like this definitive word count thing...Best of luck Phiala, do we get to read it?
Ok, what gives? I'm finally calmed down enough to chat and you've all left me??
Man, leave 'em for one morning....
I'm not gone... I am here.. I just am not SUPPOSED to be here because I am at work.
I am still all caught up in the movie from last night though.
Nat has some powerful 6 sentence stories.
I'm here, tho only briefly - I keep all timewasting internetishness turned off at work (on a timer so no cheating), except for scheduled short breaks.
I hope you got your bout of busyness resolved and things will be calm for the rest of the day.
Story? Um, I guess. But apparently putting it here is more intimidating than sending it off to some editor...
The Future of Cosmetic Surgery
The old pulps portrayed women ravished by tentacled green monsters, or virile spacemen putting the moves on mammalian alien babes. They got it wrong. Much of my training was on interacting with
sentient beings of all sizes and shapes, colors and odors, and from unimaginably diverse cultures.
Unlike most, Bzant could be pulp cover models: attractive, humanoid, purple skinned. They rule our galactic region, we learned when we first left the Solar System. I got top marks in Earth's first ambassadorial class, so my posting is to negotiate a treaty with the Bzant. I do a good job, or we stay home.
Instead of a handshake, important agreements among the Bzant are marked with more intimate celebrations, demonstrating mutual trust. Nobody knew until I got here that Bzant are sexually dimorphic. Males are beautiful; females are bug eyed monsters. Without sex appeal, the negotiations collapse.
I had the surgery yesterday.
See? now you are encouraging bad behavior in me. Naughty naughty... problem with this job is there is LOTS of work to be done but I have been here for 4 years now and I am bored bored bored with all of it. It doesn't engage me anymore. Sigh. How do I determine what to do next (job-wise). I feel so helpless at this... but I know I am not. I suppose I am just still dragging my feet.
Phiala!!! excellent. I really enjoyed that. Well done. Creepy... and well done. I had strange visions of Kirk and boobalicious alien babes though while reading it. Ha.
Fortunately for me my years here have made me quick and accurate at my job... so I can (naughty naughty me) get away with a bit of posting here while at work.
Silly me, I didn't realize I posted as VCON above. It seems we all have multiple personality issues with Blogger.
You did post as VCON, I have been trying to figure out who you were!
Phiala, love it!!!!!!! Very cool.
HA! I knew who VCON was. Who else, really? When IS that convention, by the way?
Clever plot, Phiala.
Going to bed (4 typos in "going to bed"? That's a sure sign).
Talk to you guys in the morning.
I was at lunch, and handing off proof #20 of the Twice-Annual Report of Ultimate Suffering. It looks like it'll go to 21 proofs. *cry*
But this afternoon, I will work on my night garden poem.
'Night Nathilie, thanks for being understanding about my lazyness in regards to French today...
Hey Val, that's a Friday. Is that the Festival Friday? I know they have one every year. Tell her not to go that day, it's lame, half the acts don't show, (I never did) and a good amount of the shops are open. It's really dull out there. Mostly buses of kids....
I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday.
I don't think the Faire's open on Fridays, either. I'll check, and email you. ;)
Report of Ultimate Suffering. Snicker. I like that.
Drink Beer!!!!
You should try Odouls or Kaliber, you lose a little in the drunk department, but you can drink them all day and feel like a rebel, and drive home to the real stuff at night...
October 3-5, 2008
It is gonna be FUN!!! and we have Lisa Snellings as our Art GoH. I'm so stoked to see her again... I have surprises in store for her.
And next year we have Miles Teves coming to the convention (I think it is Oct 2-4 next year... but don't quote me on that, I didn't check my sources before posting).... and I am crossing my fingers that Malena will be able to make it out with him.
Rubious, you may want to change that to MAY have him coming, if you aren't confirmed, artists hate finding out they have committed before they have.
Jess, I agree on the payoff. Bet they accept it just for that...(Yes, Phiala, I am going to discuss your story like you are not here)
No worries. We are confirmed!!! I wouldn't DARE to say that if I didn't have a confirmed e-mail (or 2) in my inbox. (That is a HARD and FAST rule in my book... NEVER announce something like that without confirmation, preferably written.)
I am delighted about the whole thing.
Of course, since he is a big-wig (as is his uber busy and wonderful wife), we understand that schedules sometimes can get screwed up... but all is well so far... and all is confirmed (as much as it can be a year ahead of time).
I agree, it's finite, and exact. Almost more like poetry than a story. A set limit, parameters, there's the word. I love the way she crafted it, every line laying it down, like building a brick wall...
(We can keep talking about her like she has no part in this, hee-hee)
Oh, good Rubious, you seemed unsure there. Glad to hear it, you guys will have a blast!
I was just unsure about the date off the top of my head. Malena says she wants to come but I know that both her and Miles' schedules are busy with a capital B... hence the crossed fingers and the prayers and supplications to the gods and goddesses of scheduling. Hmmm... speaking of which, you seem to be one of those goddesses... any hints on making effective prayers to thy fellow divinities? Hehe.
It is like poetry. Even I was tempted to try the 150 word things.. and the six sentences. Now to fit that into my schedule... (there's that scheduling thing again, yikes). Hmmm... looks like I might have time somewhere in 2009.
I am a one artist assistant, sadly, you are on your own, unless you need my artist, and I already gave you the sad answer there...
No no... all I meant was... you are a Goddess of Scheduling... so you might have a line on those mythical beings in the sky who make schedules work out (but I have a feeling you do it the long a painful earthly way)... so if you do... and you know the right chanting, the right type of sacrifice smoke.. that knowledge I would love to have.
Hehe. All is well.
I'm just being silly. Disregard the crazy in the VCON shirt (actually I am currently sporting a red 2010 Olympics shirt that I won for making a song request on a now-defunct radio station... not that I support the Olympics, it was just one of the few remaining clean shirts in my laundry today). So... how do YOU feel about the Olympics?
Hey, I wasn't here, so it was perfectly reasonable. But now it's after 5pm, so I'm allowed back. :)
I'm thrilled you like it! Actually, I like it too, which is a rather unusual feeling for me to have toward one of my own works. I aspire for it to make the short list; I think winning is too random (like most contests). I'm glad it does build up properly - I knew the ending before I started the beginning, so it's hard to judge that accurately.
If anyone else is interested, the deadline is Oct 1, and the contest is sponsored by Concept Sci-fi, the prize is an Amazon gift certificate, and Walter Jon Williams will be the celebrity judge.
Now THAT's a good idea for an opening ceremony.
Very good.
I think that I may take the rabbit approach and disapprove of the whole Olympics thing. I know I know, as a classical studies person I should feel more fondly towards the idea... but I don't. I think it is a waste of time and of money in so many respects. And I like sports.
Very silly!
I liked finding out about all the really strange sports, like why is synchronized swimming a sport? Why isn't dance then?
Or Ping Pong??? What about crochet?
Mountain biking? Two man kayak ? Baseball????
Al very strange.
Jess, SO RIGHT, still giggling..
Phiala, I'd write one and enter, but I would lose, as I am pretty sure I can't top yours...
(Are we talking TO her now, Jess?)
love the word limit story!
my husband now thinks I'm even more insane and weird than before after watching me watch a video of a bunny eating a weird shaped carrot. LOL!
I think he's upped my "stalker" quotient as well since I'm now chatting with neil's assistant regularly... I tried to assure him we talk about many other things, I don't think he believes me.
I have a problem with the Olympic sports that our subjective. Outcomes should not be disputable: you either were faster, scored more points, or you lost!
I love the opening ceremony idea!
I forget that Assistant bit quite a lot. Tell him I'm just me....
I have always wanted to do Curling, which as far as a sport goes, is pretty weird. Shows how desperate us northern types get in the winter...
Talking to me, talking near me while I read over your shoulder... whatever. :)
Lorraine, you should write one! I think they're planning to publish lots, at least on the website, and I'm sure you could beat mine anyway.
Olympic crochet? Sounds like fun, but not so much for the spectators to appreciate.
I think curling must have come from a really drunk northern male finally sweeping the floor days after he was asked to do it and trying to avoid the rocks his wife was throwing at him. Or something. :)
Phiala, love-love-love it! Good show! I must add my own "had visions of Star Trek" comment.
Lysandwr it is lovely to meet you. I hope you are around more so that all of us newbies can get to know you. I am from the Bay Area and have lived in Berkeley. I plan to move back there next summer. Great town!
I am SO busy at the moment, in school full time and trying to figure out how to move a queen sized mattress all by myself. It is so wonderful to come home and read the blog and feel connected to all of you Fiends!
Pan, I don't know if you can find it but my fav brew is from Bell's Brewery . If you can find it they make many very nice beers.
I want to have a house warming in a few weeks. I wish you all could be here. June, June ... we will party!
Jess, you so made that up! Tell me you did, about the steeple chase? That's never a sport!
Speed walking was another strange one...
I want to stalk Nathilie too. (She is alseep now and Phiala is here, so we can switch and talk about stalking Nathilie instead..)
I think spell check got the wrong idea on crochet. Hee-hee.. The sport I am looking for is the one with wickets, and balls and mallets....
That explanation is as good as any for curling, Gayle.
Oh, CROQUET! *grin* I like the other version better. Though if they had to use flamingos and hedgehogs, I would so watch it!!!!
Fods that would be fun. I have so wanted to do that since I was a little girl....
Olympic croquet? LOL
You just know they'd get one of those uber-serious announcers over from the golf shows for it.
Phialia that is one sharp little story. I like the "gotcha" last line.:)
Jess..steeplechase? For humans? I'd never heard of that one. lol
I really like that idea for the opening ceremony..though in picturing it in my imagination, somehow the little old lady sounds like she's from Devon.
Right, it's not my fault you guys are so cool to chat with! Are we now Stalking Fiends??
I saw the steeplechase. My stepdad ran track in college and was trying to explain it to me (the technical aspect of how to land on the water so your feet don't get too wet, etc.) I still thought it was nuts! I couldn't believe that BMX biking is now an Olympic sport!
just to add to the weird musical video mix, I think my son is aspiring to play with and John Zorn. Too bad were all the way out in California, he could be the backup music to your pipes Lorraine!
Ok, so we start the Fiend Olympics. Crochet AND Croquet. Human Stampede.
What else?
And definatly the little old lady from Devon as the opening ceromonies....
Off to look at Nathilies hat, is it the one I gave her?
Well, if we are really stalking the talented Nathalie we should be checking out her gorgeous blogs. There is a beautiful young thing on her 'A TITLE' blog here
In bed? I don't want to know if she wears it to bed....
Chantrelle, your son has talent. That was fun. What a great idea for an instrument.
And I strongly feel that there SHOULD be Olympic Crochet. We need a sport for grannies (and the rest of us who don't feel like hurdling ourselves over steeples)!!!
and there ain't nothing wrong with being silly. Perhaps we should have 'Olympic Silliness'. That is a sport I might just be able to win a medal in.
Oh, no that isn't the hat I gave her, Jess, I gave her a WAY cooler hat, with feathers...
Running and screaming will get extra points in ANY of the sports...
Can I choose who is in the front of the stampede? >:)
Chantrelle, your son rocks!
When I hear, "hey mom watch this" I never know what i'm going to see... this time it was cool!
I don't know if I like this stampede idea... sounds kind of dangerous. silliness I like. I can't crochet but I'm not against adding that one. Battle of the bands? Cooking? Six words stories? We could cover all our talents!
There can be no stampede without a fire element. You will earn points on creative use of fire in the following categories:
1. throwing flaming javelines
2. jumping over flaming hurtles
3. hi jump over flaming er... high jump bar
bonus points will be awarded if any spectator is involved whether their participation be voluntary or not.
You all think and type much faster than this ole gal so please be patient.
Oh Fod yes, an Alice version of all Olympic sports would be worthwhile watching.Phiala I loved the story. I was more in mind of an Anne McCaffrey alternate universe (there is a particular story, but of course I can't remember it right now)
I am so jealous of all your talk of Cons and Faires. Could you bring them all down here to Oz for me?
And Phiala, you're story totally rocked! Good on ya!
Stacy, I really , really like the way you think....That is the path we should be thinking on.
Gayle, I'd want to know a little more about what you have in mind before I place you in charge of it. Jess might have a say too, I think this is her event...
Nothing involving brains! It has to be a SPORT, ok?
Did I miss something fun from Chantrelle????
Dragonsally, where is Oz? I am sure there is SOMETHING down there...
alright, all braun, no brains.
I have to duck out of the braunstorming for a bit to make some dinner though...smoked trout cakes and caesar salad tonight :)
oh, i posted a link of my son rocking the his own unique way. (didn't want you to miss out!) :)
Well Seattle is the Emerald City... so if that is the Oz you are thinking of (and I doubt it... I'm betting you mean somewhere down under) then you CAN come to VCON. And we would welcome you. Heartily. At least I know I sure would.
Now now, sports do require brains... planning and scheming and practicing and strategising... and I think that we should have a Brain Olympics (we would get zombies FOR SURE with that title). Writing, reading, genetics, painting... it could be a special Fablo Olympics.
Crochet persons of all skill levels are welcome. However; the materials we will be using will be slighly different that traditional yarn. Tendons; for example, are highly tensile of course; but also very plyable and should do well for beginners who find working with normal entrails to daunting.
Intermediate persons will find using human intestines gives a lovely sheen to the finished garment as well as unexpected 'nobbies' that will create a very lovely nap.
Advanced stitchers may wish to sharpen their hooks (they are called crochet hooks) for use on the much more difficult smaller entrails of recent road kill victims. However, they will find added lustre and a range of colors as the raw materials may change daily.
Brain Olympics, hence the term 'exercising your brain'.
Stacy, I've said this before... and I am echoing Lorraine above, but, GEEEZZ I love the way your brain works.
Thank you both! I really can't take so much credit because if it weren't for being able to hang with you guys and read all this cool stuff my imagination would be stagnating somewhere between 'What are we having for dinner?" and "Is it time for bed again all ready???"
So, Slainte! *raises diet coke can* and love to you all!
Stacy if there has to be a fire element I call dibs on Pyrotechnics. 'Cause I want to hit that button.;)
And the crochet levels had me howling and wiping my eyes. (It was the "nobbies" that really did it.)
Yay! Made someone laugh! My job here is done :)
I never knew there was 'a button' for pyrotechnics. Will you all keep that to yourselves & not mention a word to my daughter is the main pyro in my house? Thank you.
Truly, a public service announcement.
Chantrelle, way too cute! Rock on autoharp!
'Night Jess
Stacy, keep going,,yesssss...we need people who think like this....
Made us ALL laugh!
And there is a button, Kitty got to pres it on the Jonas Tour. Fire everywhere!
Table Tennis/Ping Pong
Beginngers in this sport will be given the standard paddles to used by all entrants. However, they will find using Cow eye balls much easier to 'paddle' across the nets.
*all nets are being graciously provided by the crochet teams*
Intermediate players will find more greater challenge by using sheep eye balls.
For both beginner and intermediate players; only spectators from countries who dine on such delicacies will be allowed to sit 'ringside' to prevent any stray 'balls' from going to waste if struck out of bounds.
Advanced players will be able to test their skill as well as provide excitement and drama for the audience by using fish eye balls. These come in an array of fine colors and due to their consisitency; provide hours of play.
All spectators for the advanced teams will be given complimentary crackers & cheese...
All team members and spectators will notice small animal carriers on the sidelines; these are off limits and must not be touched or you will either be disqualified (if a player) or ejected (if spectator) from the field of play and the building.
We take our Bengal Ball Retrieval systems very seriously.
My Mad(eleine) has been trying to type something. I think she is concerned about who I would put at the front of the stampede.
I am loving the brain eating and intestine crocheting. Macrame may work better with those materials however.
And yes too fire. Always!
I am so not wanting to do laundry.
Stacy, you are hereby put in charge of rules and regulations of any and all sports proposed in our Fiendish Olympic competition...
Is laundry a sport?
Anyone who asks that has not been to a busy laundromat with 5 bushels of clothing.
I love the Bengal Ball Retrieval system VERY much.
Laundry is definitely a sport.
and Oi, whether Oz is down under or up high depends totally on your perspective.
Can we have the Fiend olympics here in Aus/Oz? We have plenty of rusty barbed wire for the crochet competition and making of ping ping nets.
Just to prove this point see this interview with a friend I grew up with and what she does with old wire
Imagine my joy on seeing this interview - I hadn't seen her for about 20 years.
should be we do laundry enough! sad sad sad, so much fun and i miss everything now. :( Phiala, excellent story! Rubius! i knew you were vcon, good luck - i know it will be great and i wish i could go! would be great to see lisa again. umm, stacy - may i rent your brain tomorrow? i could use a new one - Chantrelle, do want to see your son on the autoharp - will try to tomorrow when i get on a more friendly computer. jess - i love the opening ceremonies for london. that would just be funny as heck.
Not having the funds to take out my bath tub and install a washer dryer in there BY the bedrooms, I have managed a system where I KEEP the laundry in the basment, by the washer dryer and simply nip down there and dress every day.
Very clever I thought.
and didnt katharine hepburn not hang anything up but had everything laying out in the laundry room? i remember something like that thinking it was pretty clever. yeah, the bulk of my wardrobe is in the laundry room - its work to get it upstairs :)
Interactive sports for the Zombie teams in our fiend Olympics. This one should really go without saying...
Severed Head Volleyball
1. all (ball) heads must be relieved of their brains prior to competition. (this will prevent hoarding of the ball from the field of play by any one team or team member and allows the ball to be lighter and achieve more lift over the net.
2. Participants may not sever or 'borrow' any other team members body parts for use to spike the ball or otherwise bat the ball across the net.
3. Team members will refrain from taking an opponents head and serving it thereby creating confusion causing scoring errors.
3. The term 'kill shot' will not be used for it's obvious redundantcy.
4. Any team member caught 'noshing' on any other team member will be diqualified (and then dismembered and fed to the Bengal Ball Retrivers)
These rules and regulations are hereby set forth by the IFOC. (International Fiend Olympic Committee)
We must have standards after all, otherwise we wouldn't be taken seriously.
Yr preachong to the choir here. Sue! Why haul it all up? I just tpss the dirty ones down every day...
I feel like Heloise here with my Household Hints....
Ways to avoid work!
Stacy!! You have been hiding your light under a bushel basket! You so have a future!
Not sure where mind you...
If you aren't writing humour for a living you ought to be!
Not sure what I could add to the genre after Tim Burton... :) I suppose I really should try to figure out where I belong.
And thank you for your gracious space in which to run rampant and let slip the...
oh... nevermind; that's been used.
Dude, you are cracking me up! Is registered yet? :P
I guess the joys of a 1-story house is no laundry-stairs ordeals!
LOVE your story, Phiala!
Stacy, you know, flaying will give you nice long strips of flesh to crochet, knit, or weave with, and you should end up with more yardage than from entrails. Then we could have long pig for the feast, with entertainment played on skull drums and bone flutes. Maybe even a xylophone out of ribs or backbones. Of course, there will need to be a contest for the best fairy tea set from the teeth.
Now, I'm off to check the Wired six-word stories. I wrote one on LiveJournal a few weeks ago.
One of the things I so love about us is discovering just how talented, tho I don't like that word, we all are.
Talent is a spark, it's working to develop it, that makes it good.
I really do want laundry up by the bedrooms tho....
You need a Bengal Laundry Retrieval Device!!!!
Dude, make the bengal wheel a pulley to cart your laundry upstairs!
Oh, you guys think you know everything, you think you are SO smart...
(ok, so the idea does have merit. I'm, just grumpy I didn't think of it first, seems obvious)
funny; yer all sayin' 'Dude' and I'm guessing tonight we're all the hen party LOL
Yeah, where are the guys anyway??Leaving us all alone to run the Fiends Olympics, and make great art...
Where are you anyway, Dudes?
OMF! Impossible to keep up!
1. Wonderful photos. So glad you were able to go out and play! It was my own realization that I needed to do that that got me out to hear L and P at Charlie's!
2. Very cool to hear the story of how Fabulous Lorraine came to be.
3. I love writing 100 word drabbles or other specific word count stories. Love it. It is like writing haiku. Being required to think about each word is so great. Sometimes when I am hanging out with my 11 year old god child we find random prompts and write drabbles. We can do that for hours. Seriously.
4. I always think the horse stuff in the Olympics is most odd. I mean... it seems to me that it should be the horse more than the rider that gets the credit. Also synchronized swimming is maybe comparable to ice dancing which is a sport. They are certainly very athletic. Also the gymnastic like thing with the... the... furly cloth things.
Fod there is more to say I am sure. You all are so great and I hate missing any of your words!
ok; if it's almost 10pm here on PST; Fablo??? What're you still doin' up at this hour??? Aren't you 3 hours ahead of us?
*asks the sheepishly geograhpically challenged muse who has no idea there are states outside the ones on the edges*
sorry for the mulit-post here but:
aletamay wrote:
...I always think the horse stuff in the Olympics is most odd. I mean... it seems to me that it should be the horse more than the rider that gets the credit...
this is why I hate the 'Circus' but LOVE Cirque Du Soliel.
Anyone else fans?
They're in the No Girlz AlloWed treehouse, I imagine. ;)
Am almost done with my night garden poem. Wishing I had not picked 'mouth' as an end word in this sestina. Also, I want my dinner to be done cooking; it's very very late.
One last thing -- I give you Gothbot.
I agree with the horse bit, odd sprt, tho as a rider I can say it does take a lot to get a horse to do what you want it to..
Cirque de Soliel of yes, never seen a live show but am so there..
It's only 2 hours from Pacific time, and I am going off to sleep soon. Most times it is the only time of the day I have for relaxing and being just me, in the late evenings..
Cirque du Soleil always grabs my attention when it's on TV, usually Bravo. I watch it, even if I've seen it before.
Ms. Fabulous, and I, are on CST, so we're two hours ahead of you. That means it's 11:44 PM our time.
And I really need to go to bed. ::sigh::
Val, I am so laughing, just what I needed to go to sleep on thanks for the bedtime story!
Sestina? You so rock!
Luv Cirque Du Soleil... and they always play here and I am always astounded by the ticket prices... so I haven't seen them yet.
ooohhhh sestina!!!!
and Gothbot was pretty funny. Thanks Pan.
Holy mother of Fods bodkins are you kidding me???
(wiki say's:)
A sestina (also, sextina, sestine, or sextain) is a highly structured poem consisting of six six-line stanzas followed by a tercet (called its envoy or tornada), for a total of thirty-nine lines. The same set of six words ends the lines of each of the six-line stanzas, but in a different order each time; if we number the first stanza's lines 123456, then the words ending the second stanza's lines appear in the order 615243, then 364125, then 532614, then 451362, and finally 246531.
this is M A T H
this is why I don't do poems. I'm sure there are 'poet police' writing me up as we speak.
jeez; all this time i thought it was just fun to put the words together and convey a deep feeling or emotion.
Pantagruel; you are a superhero. Can't wait to read it!
Pantagruel, Gothbot LOL.
And you're brave taking on a sestina.
Ooh Cirque du Soleil. I got to see "Delirium" when it came through Indy a while back and it was really mind-blowing.
Loved GothBot...Sestinas on the other hand are way beyond my brain ability at this point...i'm off to sleep dudes! (well, dudettes)
I think hubby would be up for the june gathering by the way. He wants to visit friends out your way too...woo!
Can a girl turn the computer on in the morning to discover her fiendish pals have added 79 comments while she was out counting sheep (even THEY weren't that many!)
Re: the Olympics (How did you guys come to that? The subject just popped up out of nowhere. Should we blame a black hole?).
I love curling, even if I think it should be about people curling each other's hair more than this pushing a broom about (am allergic to domestic tasks apart from cooking).
I think we should have hopscotch and leap frog on the list of olympic sports. Although I do LOVE the zombie and weird things Stacy came up with. And the British opening ceremony sounds just perfect.
Not talking about stalking. Actually I was stalking Jess FIRST. (I was too - she had to leave LJ in the end, but I still followed her.) So there! (Can you hear that I am sticking my tongue out?)
I can't get a decent picture with your hat, Lorraine. I'd need at least somebody to handle the camera (and possibly a gifted make-up artist - some things I could get away with 20 to 25 years ago aren't fathomable anymore) to make the picture palatable.
Laundry falls under domestic tasks and therefore I am allergic to it. Except when I was living in the puritan village in Holland where doing laundry (or any work) on Sunday was considered a SIN and that did spike my interest for it a little. But not much. Try as I might, I could never be a naughty girl. Yeah, I know: That's sad.
Trout cakes? Have I read trout cakes? Where is the recipe?
It would be the ideal thing to bake with a a submersible electric frying pan... (that's a jab at Jess who pestered me about this on my other blog - take that for stalking).
I love Cirque du Soleil and they are the only circus I've ever been to. Magic they are. And so are Zingaro, the horse magicians. What they manage to do with their animals is gob smacking.
Morning, Natalie!
Don't worry, I have sin covered. Like right now for example, I am committing crimes against Calliope.
Good Morning Nathalie!! I was wondering when you would be up. I am heading bedward now (bedward...I like it, I'm going to use that).
Actually I think the Olympics slipped randomly out of my clean laundry drawer this morning while I grumpily readied myself for wandering workward.
It must have sensed your discomfort and provided unexpected comic relief...
Good Zzzzzzzzzzzzzies!
Good thing, I had just finished my cup of tea...
(and they ask ME what I am on!)
Good thing I had a spare word-of-the-day (found in a farmers' almanac, of all places!), I think it might appropriate for fans...
I was referring to Clodhopper...
What hat? (which one, should I say)
Haaa... The leather me.
No, the words of the days are fresh, fresh, fresh, which means I can't prepare them in advance but have to take what my on-line sources give me on the day.
I just saw clodhopper this afternoon and since I had already posted my morning effort, clodhopper got banned to "Tittle".
Morning all!
Clodhopper is a great word. Always loved that word.
Oh, we need Beach Vollyball. I love that sport. I think it is really funny that it turned into an Olympic sport, but I am all for it.
That's as intellectual as I can get so far today.
I am glad the words of the day are fresh. Good to know. I must bookmark this word of the day page. I want to play too...
Just in case anyone was wondering, I am keeping track of all of our Fiendish Olympic sports and rules. Seems like they belong in the Lorraine Lexicon, or somewhere :)
That they do, Arwen, glad to hear you are on the job.
At some point I will get my brain back, won't I?
It's been a weird, crazy week so far...I'm hoping that this cup of tea I'm steeping will jolt me back into reality.
That's weird.....I've been wanting to ask the same thing!
I've got Taylor's of Harrogate Irish Breakfast with milk and sugar :)
Q, I don't know if you get your brain back, but you get your Boss back very shortly, don't you? And I'd expect him to be rather brainless for a bit, so you'd better find yours! Just helping... :)
I have coffee right now, but as I'm a bit of a coffee snob it is French press coffee brewed from recently-ground beans acquired from the local roaster. :) Yum! (Especially compared to the hideous office coffee - I'm not as much of a snob as it sounds, but I definitely can't drink the motor oil sludge in that pot, and if I'm going to make my own it might as well be good.
After lunch I will switch to decaf tea (or herbal) to prevent bouncing off the wall at all hours.
I"m waiting for the water to boil for my first cup of tea today. I woke up too late to get it made before I had to take my son to preschool. I'm having Bi Luo Chun green tea from a great little tea shop here in Santa Cruz.
My husband rules the coffee in the house. He's got a Pavoni espresso maker and roasts his own coffee beans. Once a week he'll make me a mocha, but I can't pull an espresso shot from that fancy machine to save my life, when I do it it tastes terrible.
Hope you find your brain Lorraine! hey, that rhymes... oh God, I do have a four-year-old, don't I?!
I think my tea is called Fresh Brew (we refer to it as "Proper English" tea) you can order it from British Express. One takes it with Milk and honey or soy and stevia.
No milk in Chia? That's just crazy....
Boss does come home. AT 5:00AM this morning. No rest for assistant girl, but I will be so happy to see him...
I'm a tea purist. No milk, no sugar, no honey, no weird flavorings. But Chai is the exception, that must have milk!
I'm drinking peppermint tea with honey this morning. (It is too morning for people that work second shift;) Getting ready to do the laundry too.
Jess you crack me up! No milk on the Chia! LOLOL Poor thing will be running for his little crockery life!
And I too loooooooves the pumpkin spice. After a year of no Starbucks I did indulge last Friday. I needed it really bad; had no idea it was back & was sooooo pleasantly surprised.
I get Trader Joe's Irish Breakfast; add rat poison & milk.
(though truly you should have whole milk not the fat free kind we drink at our house) I was getting Irish Breakfast from Ireland but sadly; economee is no guds and neither is me chex book.
At work; it's coffee babie; and especially at 'coffee-thirty' in the afternoon.
Yes Lo; boss is back and you'll be off! Probably seen the last of 100+ posts for a while. We'll miss ya! *sniff*
I love my "perles de feu" for tea. Sounds a bit... French and arrogant, let's say, but it is reall a lovely Yunnan tea (braided into a pearl shape, hence the name) and has a lovely full flvour with muscat reminiscence.
No milk or sugar for me.
I only use sugar in mint tea and condensed (sweet) milk when making chai (I do add it after boiling the tea and spices in water several times, despite the various recipes I have seen that say that you must brew the tea and spice IN the milk). That usually gives me sugar highs...
Milk! I so have to go to the farm and get some. In WI you can buy un-pastureized milk if you own the farm or cow, so ones buys into a farm for a small fee, and then you can get REAL raw organic butter, eggs and milk.
Need to do that today...
Yes, the over 100 posts will have to be up to you! I'm going to need comments and support, so no slacking, hee-hee!!!!!!!
I think you should write a poem expressing why you don't want to clean out the closet and then show it to the carpet guy.
I'm with Arwen.
I am going to make the rat dish now, the garden is so overflowing.
French lesson minus 10 minutes...
Commencing count down.
I could send you Ms. Stella O'Houligan if you've a rat problem. She'd be more than happy to help.
Jess - no. I know the one you mean, but don't know it's name. I never go there because its hours don't work well for me. :( I'd rather go to the local place than the chain, but the local place has to be open.
According to Google, Fresh Harvest is on Beaver much farther north, the other side of Garner. Never been there either, but now I'm hungry!
We have no rat problems but hello to Ms Stella. And Stacy, I think Beach Volleyball is just about perfect, not sure we need to change much....
And a lovely French lesson it was! Test tomorrow. I feel doomed, spelling and math will get me.
You'll do just fine.
If spelling is giving you trouble then you'll just have to write the words over and over until they stick somewhere at the back of your brain (the part where the nonstick coating has been rubbed off).
(5 typos - that I saw - in there. I so need to sleep)
I will do this when, Nathilie??? Have a nice sleep, see you in the morning.
Spelling French. Yicks. English is hard enough! Spanish on the other hand.
Drag about the early morning airport run but yay for Boss being home!
I like coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon. I believe my afternoon tea today will be Lady Grey.
I think I am giving up any pretense of being productive any more today. I am going to work on the night garden instead. :-)
If I had a brain, I'd take it out and play with it.
Maybe a new Fiendish Olympic sport? You can only play with someone else's brain if it's still in his/her/its head. If you take it out, it has to be yours if you play with it.
And just to show you how twisted I am, I love curling. Seriously. I wish they would show more of it and at reasonable times. I find it fascinating. This from someone born 30 miles west of Corpus Christi, TX.
Though I doubt anyone here truly believes I'm not twisted. ;)
Poetry is what you make it. You can use a form that requires rhyming, or not. Sometimes, using a strict form actually becomes a challenge and you find ways to push the limits of the form. It really just depends what you are in the mood for. Even poetry that tells a story is emotionally evocative. I've heard it said that the worst thing you can do to a poem is translate it (into a different language). I agree. Something is always lost in translation, especially in poetry.
Hurrah for night gardens!!!!!
speaking of night garden, my son and I went to the library yesterday and I checked out a book for him called "the night garden" which is collection of poetry. I haven't read it yet, but had to grab it... it's a kids book, so illustrated, etc. It looks really interesting.
speaking of tea, I wonder if the Boss brought any interesting teas back from China? my neighbor brought me some from there last year, but it's in this little brick form and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get a chunk off so I can brew with it. It smells good too!
I just got back from the fabric store (after my acupuncture appointment) because I had to buy big black buttons. I'm trying to figure out how to turn us into "other" versions of ourselves for Halloween :)
Bowling with Brains? I think if you take someone elses brain, you do get to play with it, but you don't get it EAT it, you have to put it back when you are done. Seems fair.
I always wondered how poetry translated, it is the words themselves,a nd the sound and rhythm that makes it flow, hard to translate...
Cool Halloween idea Chantrelle...Boss will be bring back any number of things from CHina, in fact, boxes have been arriving the last couple of weeks, and I am sure there will be tea. Lots of it. Was last time.
It's far more fun to play with someone else's brains while the brains are still connected. You can't make someone else twitch if you take their brains out.
I've heard poems that were translated into English. Award winning ones at that, and translated by the poet. Sadly, you couldn't tell they were award winning. You lose a lot of nuance in translation.
Someday I will travel the world more. I'm so afraid of places where I don't speak the language. I get easily intimidated because I have such a hard time memorizing phrases, etc. Our neighbors speak Chinese although she's from San Diego and he's from Holland, they met while working in Beijing. They've got a son the exact same age as ben, so maybe sometime when the boys are a bit older we can all go to China together and they can be our translators :)
What fun to get lots of Chinese goody boxes!
But Ariandalen, what sort of sport are we talking about here? I mean, yes it is fun to play with peoples brains when they are IN, the twitching and all, but how exactly does this WORK? And do they get a say in it, or is that part of the fun?
We will have to ask Nathilie when she wakes up about reading things in translation...Unless someone else is bi-lingual enough to offer wisdom?
CHantrelle, I'd say g for it, ready or not!
Yay! and good day...the internet is letting this part of New Mexico on again.
Thanks for the kind welcome, Fiends.
L--hard to believe that was so long ago, eh? I was just thinking it has been 15 years just since I moved to Minneapolis.
Stacy--you are BRILLIANT, *and* highly entertaining. I was wondering about spinning the entrails before crocheting; obviously one couldn't card them, but seems like a drop spindle might do wondrous well especially from, say, a second floor window (slippery stuff can get going pretty darn fast on drop spindles.)
Since I'm not terribly good myself at crocheting, here's a vote for incorporating Extreme Croquet into the Fiend Olympics somewhere. Seems logical to apply the same rules as Bowling--w/Braincases.
If Beach Volley Ball is in, can the men wear the teensy costumes, and the women the board shorts?
someone asked about my trout cakes--forget who and didn't want to scroll ;)
They're the same as these crab cakes i do, but i omit the breadcrumbs, the trout isn't as wet as crab. I vary the onion/shallot/etc based on what i've got in the fridge/drawers.
Off to make Ahi Tartare tonight :)
Well, some people definitely ask for their brains to be played with; nay, even beg for it. I think it's far more fiendish to not give them a say. Although, I could see part of the skill being in getting the other person to agree without them realizing what s/he is agreeing to.
Ariandalen, now that is a deep game. I like the way you think:)
And a much belated welcome to lysandwr:) Hee hee drop spindles are a good idea with things slippery. I've always wanted to play with one.
I am back and not even remotely close to being caught up on comments. I was at a memorial service today, and am very glad the day's done. I came home to 134 emails... and none of them were ones from friends. Feh.
Sestina is not finished yet; probably tomorrow -- today was rather sort of a wash.
Glad you all liked Gothbot. ;)
Thanks for the trout cakes recipe Chantrelle (Am the other cooking maniac here - wonder how many of us are?)
Hey me too on the cooking thing, she says catching up....
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