Spooky Haus Tour Part 1...
Promised tour of the newly in order Spooky Haus! Part One anyway. Another tomorrow, and perhaps another yet Monday, as there are a LOT of great pictures, and if I may be permitted to say, a Spooky Haus this cool can't be done right on one post. (by Tuesday, Fod knows how, it will most likely be a MESS again)
First, The Gorey Kitchen. Does anyone wonder why I don't cook here very often????
I just got curtains for the glass door and the windows as it is always kind of cold in there, and uh, I am always forgetting I live in town now, if you see what I mean...I like my pot rack, in kind of a Medieval Torture rack sort of way.
The curtains of the left in this next picture, cover a glass door the goes out to the deck. The black ones on the right, go to a sort of Butlers Pantry, and on into the dinning room.
And into the dinning room. This is from the other side of the Butlers Pantry, looking out, and on thru and into the sunroom. Yes, of course that is a cat bed on the dinning room table. They like it there. Notice the two glass cabinets, they are filled with skeletons, before I had my Spooky Haus, I used to keep them in the closet. But really, what is the point?
Notice next that there are only two houses in Halloween town in the top shelf now....MIM!!!!!
Here next is looking back at the pantry and the Halloween Bathroom...
Speaking of which, it looks huge in these next photos, but it is the smallest bath EVER!
I live the hanging bone thing here, but what the heck IS it? (oddly enough, that is not at all an odd thought for me in this house, I often wonder at some of the things that show up here...Don't MIND, just wonder)
The Romance Room is one of the nicest rooms in the house. And stays the neatest, as I am not there too often. The door on the right here goes into Le Solace Leopard's room, which I think we will skip for now. I want to make it nicer, more of a real room, but am not sure how, or if it would disturb him any.
Here's another angle, that door goes to the front porch, as does the one in the dinning room. Those wacky Victorians. This house has door everywhere. And I hang keys in all the windows. Old keys. Just in case.I didn't take another towards the Stardust dress, as you have seen that many times, and this is getting a LITTLE long here.
And back to the Sunroom, which Bengals, and a fire and my strange little Xmas tree. Which is where I am now, writing to you.
Love and Spooky Houses,
OOh! The upside of working on Saturday evening is that I can be first on Lorraine's new post. :)
Lovely, and very nicely neatened, except of course for cats scattered everywhere.
Love it! I particularly like the way you have painted the doors. I don't know what it looked like before but it looks lovely now. :) Good for you. Feels good to have an ordered space! I should get on that.
I TRY with those darn cats, but they seem to be everywhere...
This house was in HORRIBLE shape when I got it! That room was bare floor boards, painted blue, , deep blue wall, a rec room ceiling painted salmon and spattered salmon on the floor. Every room had to be re-done, except the upstairs bathroom and only because I could stand it and was tired of re-modeling.
Mary Housekeeper did all the painting, her idea, not mine!
Leave my post for just one minute! That'll teach me! :-D
Your house is as original as you Lorraine. It is stamped with your wonderful personality. What a cozy nest to come home to!
"spattered salmon on the floor" is a gory visual for someone with a brain like mine.
Mary Housekeeper did a nice job. And of course all of the spookyness is excellent!
I had never had my own home before, and I loved making a house that was all about me. I wanted each room to be very different so that whatever sort of mood I was in, there would be a room for it.
I wanted all the spooky things I love, out there and all over the place.
I'll try and find the pics, Gayle of what it looked like when I bought it, shudder.
Oooh, I love the Romance Room! Exactly my style.
I'm also madly jealous that you have a butler's pantry.
really neato :)
i do have one question, what's with the floor in the bathroom and why is it coming up at such an odd angle?
i'm starting to leave up my bats. i found some lace bats this year i have hanging up. no couch, no tv, but i have bats! i'm such a mess.
i <3 the kitchen. potracks are awesome.
Before-and-after images would be fun! It is so nice to have a place of one's own. And you are using it to save lives. What's better than that.
bengals motel < queue EEK EEK EEK EEK music>
Hurrah the Spooky House! Bones and bats and cats and Merv-in-the-bathroom. The Unknown Bone Thing is cool, also it looks like there's a very lovely piece by Zulli.
It's a lovely house Q, totally you. Merry Housekeeper was right about the paint.
I think I would be in the kitchen all the time. I love kitchens and I love Gorey.
But you even have -arranged- refrigerator magnets! What is up with THAT woman?
Th Butlers Pantry IS really cool, even has a flour bin. I use it for bags...
I know about that floor! It does go up at a really weird angle, there is barely room to wash hands! The stairs to the basement are under it.
It is a wonderful ting, my nest. I am very lucky to have it. I am helping with it too. My refuge their refuge.
Doesn't everyone arrange their fridge magnets? Kitty made most of them, and I change them about, but they should be arranged.
Maybe I have some weird sort of ORDER disorder as it were. I like things in place.
Good eye on the Zulli, it's three Zulli's in one frame, goes perfectly in the room.
When I first got the house, the kitchen was BLOOD red with a broder of a chef and butler riding a bicycle, shudder. There was a HUGE fridge where the door is now, but we needed a door to the deck (there's another thru the dinning room, of course, by where the stairs go up)
The fridge was beige, the dishwasher black and the stove white, and electric. There was no hot water running to the kitchen either, bizarrly enough.
I didn't NEED a huge fridge, Boss pointed out, a small one would do nicely, with a freezer in the basement is perfect.
The fridge isn't TOO neat...at least they're not lined up in grids *grin*
you have a truly unique and beautiful place Q, and so tidy.
I think we could take lessons from you.
An electric stove? *shudder*
Around here it's traditional that the refrigerator magnets are artfully disarranged.
*looks around*
Okay, more like the whole place is "artfully" disarranged. Always. :P
I need a wife or a Merry Housekeeper.
However, I do not have lovely Kitty magnets, mine are the flotsam, jetsam and the found, including some from my mom's house (Irish Fair 1998 anyone?).
Ahhh, that's it Beez, artfully disarranged. describes this house perfectly.
I don't arrange my magnets, but I am a little compulsive about what magnet holds up what thing.
For instance: I have a Homer Simpson magnet that says "Mmmm, delicious." on it.
It holds up my takeout menus. :D
Hee-hee, Beez! I have to work really hard to keep it arranged. I think it is because my life is a little wild and I never know what is going to happen, and there is a bit of pressure to be very good at what I do, that I need my nest to be VERY in order, or I feel kind of, not panicked, but un-settled, like things are getting away form me.
I need one place where there is order and calm.
Says the women with FIVE Bengals...
What a lovely Spooky Haus!
I love your skulls and skeletons and wonder when and how this became your thing.
You and Merry Housekeeper did a great job creating the right sort of home for you. Great to have people that know about these things and have the ability to do them!
I need one place where there is order and calm.
Says the women with FIVE Bengals..."
I was going to say.....
I didn't know magnets cold hold things..Hm..Mine just look cool.
And oh, Beez, you should get some kitty magnets! They are the best. You can even send her comics panels that make you happy and she will make them into magnets, or you can ask her to choose the perfect one for you.
She is very good.
And she guarantees them for life, like , if you stomp on it, accidentally then drive your car over it, she replaces it. Not kidding
That would be good- I have some ideas I could send to her for some (in her spare time no doubt).
The guarantee is important, as I -am- prone to driving the Volvo through my kitchen.
I don't know Aleta, since I was very young, I have always loved spooky, and dark nights and magic things, and a world where they all live.
I can remember my best friend and I playing with these glow in the dark ghost finger puppets when ever she slept over, and we were only like 7.
We FIRMLY believed in ghosts, and they didn't scare us, we wanted to talk with them.
I knew the moon had stories to tell, and the stars did dance in the sky, and Halloween was the most wonderful night of the year. And not for the candy.
I would be lost a 1000 times without Merry Housekeeper, kid you NOT. She painted every rooms here, give me advice, teaches me HOW to do things, like cleaning.
I don't mean to sound a snob, but I have never much had to, I don't know what to use on wood floors, or what bathroom thing works best, or how to do so many things, what do you use on good wood?
She rocks our world.
Geez Beez, your kitchen must be cavernous :)
Beez, she is not on the road right now, drop her a note, she would be happy to.
It was truly one enchantment after another, painting rooms to fit fablo, she just flows through the house as you can see, and spooky house is very happy!
I will do that. Of course, then I will expose my somewhat sappy love for all things Calvin and Hobbes.
Sally- I just looked at the kitchen. I'm fairly sure a car going through it is the only explanation.
(Can we clone Merry Housekeeper? It could be a project for Science Officer Score).
Merry Housekeeper clones!!!! Everyone should have her in their homes!!!!
And here is one area where I am downright selfish, Fiends, you can't have her!!!!!!!
We are planning the Dreaded Deep Clean for January, where EVERYTHING is cleaned, an all day , four or five person process, has to be done a couple times a year....
If you are dust, you must fear Merry Housekeeper...
Well, since we all eventually become dust...
Nah, I still want a Merry Housekeeper of my own.
I have to do Deep Cleans at work.
At home? Wellllll........
It's on the "should" list.
I have Kitty Magnets, I have Kitty Magnets!! Not bragging or anything, I was just lucky to be where she was selling them one time and I bought a few and love them. They are the best.
Fablo, your house fits you: fabulous and multi-layered and very very interesting and beautiful. I can hardly wait to see more pictures!! It *is* spooky, but in a fun way -- it looks cozy and spooky but not scary. Which to me is good. :-)
Thank you ALL for the good advice on my too-furry T.I.Kitty. Overall, his health is good. Just kind of quit grooming several weeks ago and got really mad when I tried to brush him. I think the nubby gloves may work, once I get some of the mats out (he has loonnggg hair). I will get my youngest to help on that, I think, as T.I. loves him lots.
My sinuses are hating on me at the moment, so I might lie down. But I will be checking in periodically. Y'all are too much fun to miss just cuz of stupid old sinuses!!
Beez, I do know how hard it is to do for ones self, Boss life I run fine, mine? Ack. I am an idiot about money and never know how much I have or what bills need paying when , and it just isn't that hard...
Grace, thank you! It is not scary at all, safest place in going, trust me.
I say again tho, if your kitty just simply stopped grooming a couple weeks ago, it really sounds medical.
Any litter issues, or funny smells?
I'd get a profile as so often that is a first sign of trouble and catching it early can really make a difference.
Cloning? I've always wished there were more of me.. hmmmm
I'm glad to know it's not just me.
I often wonder why something that seems so natural in the work place for me (I am madly organized, I clean -everything-, it all just seems to click) doesn't translate to the home front. It's the same skill set, isn't it?
Ms. Housekeeper- Talk to Dr. Score!
Somewhere the U. must be working on cloning.
If science can transplant a face, I refuse to believe that human cloning is far behind.
It is interesting how the work skill set and the home skill set can be so very different. :-) I always have more energy at work than I do at home...
If we are indeed cloning (calling Dr. Score and DanGuy, right??), I have a list that mostly includes y'all. For real, dudes. I need to see some fiends on a regular basis, and it sounds as if cloning might be the way to go...
Thank you for the good advice, Q, I will get T.I. checked again. He was fine a few months ago, when we had him checked before we moved and at first I thought it was his protest that we *had* moved house. But now he seems to like where we live, still purrs non-stop, loves us and seems to completely remember my big kids when they come visit, has no litter issues, no funny smells, walking fine though not jumping as high as he used to (for the first time in years, I left the Thanksgiving turkey on top of the stove!), eating fine, still keeping the three dogs in line and in mortal fear of him, just not grooming. And now that I'm counting, I think he's actually closer to 17.5 years old (born in late July in 1991 -- that makes 17.5, I think).
Took some tylenol for sinus. It had better start working soon, dang it.
Feel better Grace!
It is odd, I think it is harder to do for ones self than other, perhaps. Or may be we are so tired when we get home.
I've had a lot of talk with friends who try and do everything about the importance of getting help with the house. We work, full time and more than full time. In the olden days women stayed home and cared for the house and men worked, and came home and were tended.
It is insane now to think one can work all day, then come home and housekeep and do it all.
Tho we try to.
Oh, I don't know, I think it is possible to work and keep house. It's all about streamlining as much as you can, and knowing when to let some things go.
Balance between doing things for others and doing things for ourselves is the hardest thing to master in life, I think.
That being said, I'll be in line if they hand out cloned Housekeepers.
Absolutely right there. I work what amounts to two full-time jobs and it's all on my feet.
I need a housekeeper...or a house husband
....cabana boy.....
Off to bed with me. Sleep tight dear fiends and Lady Empress. If you live near the tundra, stay inside. I was just out- the temp has plummeted into the below zeros again and the wind is howling.
I will need to dig the car out in the morning before work.
I agree in part El, one can, but there are so many other things that could get done...And don't seem to have a talent for it. But the house is in order now and it feels good. I have two beds with fresh sheets, does anything feel better?
(I sleep half the night with Lear and Mab and Half in the Cuddly Bedroom with Venus and Mim, weird I know, but it works)
It is going to be freaky nasty cold tomorrow, windchills -30 to -40. Lots of wind blowing snow. I am going to have to dig out the car too, ugh. Won't be early, that's for sure.
Mostly I need someone to shovel the steps of doom and the sidewalk....House I can do , with Spooky Daughters help every other week or so.
'Night Beez, stay warm!
okay, something totally Fiendish for you all -shared by a friend in NZ. They have a pizza company there called Hell Pizzas, and they give you little coffin shaped boxes for left over pizza. lookie
I love that. Coffins for pizza.
You're right, of course, Lorraine. And there is a big difference between keeping up a house and keeping a smallish apartment like I do! Sometimes I forget. More rooms, more work...
Maybe we could get some yard gnomes to shovel for you?
Sally- those boxes are great! I would keep them every time I got one.
Cool that you have kept this love of the spooky and that you have a space to let it shine.
Work/home stuff is odd. I think I sometimes have trouble thinking of housekeeping as something I do for me. I lose sight of the idea that keeping my house in order is actually something that will make me happy. I mean I know that... but it always feels more like punishment.
Lovely pictures of the fabulous Spooky Haus! Thank you for showing us your home, Ms. Fabulous. :)
ariandalen I hope your birthday was great! I think I missed commenting on that earlier!
May the coming year bring you all the spicy brains you desire!
Yard Gnomes to shovel!!!!! I love it. Make it so, El!
Mot welcome Adriandalen, did you have a good Firbay? Might be spelling that wrong..
I just don't FEEL right if it is out of order, not sure why, but when it is in order , it makes me happy, it doesn't get BAD or anything, but sometimes, if I am busy, it falls behind. A few hours today put it right and I have all day tomorrow for smaller projects!
And sleeping late!
i had the apartment reasonably together or thanksgiving when boy's mom and brother visited. it's all gone to heck now. we had to remove everything from the kitchen and bathroom because they came an did the yearly bug spray. i haven't had time to put it all back together.
i also have half a car in my livingroom. it's boy's problem to deal with.
Wait, it was Ariandalen's birthday? Or possibly firbay? Well, whichever, I hope it was good!
Bad news, Lorraine. I talked to the gnomes and they're not working tomorrow. Something about a weather clause and their union, I don't know. We'll have to try another way!
I had a lovely firbday. I slept late, went to see Baz Luhrman's "Australia," and DH cooked leg of lamb, asparagus, carrots and mushrooms for dinner. He also cooked creme brulee for dessert. First time I've ever had creme brulee, and first time he's cooked it. DD1 made a card with a dinosaur hatchling with the head cut out so that I could place my face on the baby dinosaur, and DD2 made a card with flowers on it.
Thank you, everyone, for all the good wishes! :)
Vampi. half a car?? That would make tidying difficult.
Damm those Gnomes, I will fix them!
Creme Brulee is one of the best reasons for being on earth. 'Nuff said. Creme Brulee tops mangoes.
Damn the gnomes, indeed.
I used to drive by a house almost daily where a real-life gnome man lived. He would only come out when it rained, in a baggy gray woven shirt, and wander in circles around his very gnomey lawn and pick up sticks.
Haven't seen him since I moved! I miss him.
Good on Merryhousekeeper for keeping the Spooky house is some sort of shape. Otherwise the Bengals would soon take over and run it. In a mad circle.
Housekeepers are saints. I 've always hated doing any cleaning ever since I was a kid: Our house was - still is - rather messy with books making nests everywhere (and dust clouds happily chasing each other down the corridor) and my working Mom always thought - rightly - that there were far better things in life than cleaning. So I did that, as best I could, but I could see her point and wasn't really motivated. In fact the very firts thing I did when I started to work (and live of my own) was to get myself a housekeeper. And never looked back. I am ever so grateful for the fact that I can afford such luxury...
I am not the most orderly of persons but I keep my magnets in order too. Could this be because I have a Kitty one as well? Or is it just the absence of kids?
I like the disapproving look on Venus's face in that first picture. she looks like "What do you mean this chicken isn't COOKED? What are you doing? Are we expected to do this ourselves now?"
And we do not see the wonderful ceiling in your dining room.
I challenge all fiends to share photos of their fridge magnets/art.
Mine show I am partly organised *grin*
structured chaos?
HA!You caught me just as I was taking pictures of the hedgehog fudge for a post so...
My magnets
Your fridge is far neater than mine Nathalie!
SpacedLaw: Hedgehog Fudge? WTF??
I want a housekeeper. Merry or otherwise.
Vampi-half a car? Steve Brust used to keep a motorcycle (sometimes in running condition) in his dining room, until it got in the way of the poker game. Looked lovely with Christmas lights, I must say....'
Beez: could not agree more re electric stoves. It is limiting the houses mum and I can considering buying, here in the desert. Forced air ceiling heating and electric stoves are excessively common, tho NOT acceptable to us.
BA--interesting that you can connect it to the move. Angus lost at least a pound during the four days of the big move, and now doesn't eat nearly the same. Nor will he take his meds or groom himself the same. Yet otherwise he seems fine, we dare not leave Turkey on the stove and he jumps the wall to the back yard (about a meter) on a daily basis.) Sometimes I use this waterless cat shampoo w/Neem, it simply requires lots of toweling.
Sally--Pizza Coffins for Pizza Bones! how perfect... :)
Ariendalen=happy most belated Natal Day wishes!!
Marjorie--tonight is the Dr's Daughter!!!! I cannot sleep, with such episodes to be watched.....I expect more crying, to be honest.
And to all others.....how delightful that even when the internet closes me off from Hotmail, AKO, and everything else...I can occasionally reach this page! YAY!!!
Um, but if you were expecting an email from me. Well, you will be waiting quite a while, I fear. Can't explain.....cause it doesn't make sense. I can't even access the help page to my internet provider! But I can reach Lorraine's blog once in a while!!!!!
Oh, my Gorsh!! She has two hearts!!! Just like the Doctor!!
sniffle.....why is he so resistant? Downright mean, for a Time Lord. sigh.
Hedgehod fudge
Its a great episode Lys.
Thank you. I feel MUCH better now. Except for the drooling problem I seem to have suddenly developed.
I'm sure it is. But somehow I have a bad feeling about how it is going to end. sigh.
War is never good (says the chica who has been there..sigh again...)
I LOVE BBC America. It is running a Dr. Who Invasion right after The Absolutely Fabulous Christmas Special.
It doesn't get any better than this.
I just KNEW it would end like this...
more tears....
but is it just me, or does Jenny look rather like Baby Spice?
Oh, for all of you who look at this after sunrise...
Solstice Blessings to you all!!!
much love.....
Oh yes -Happy solstice everybody.
You're right, Jenny does look like Baby Spice.
We don't really need podcast technology...just our watches.
Cause it is like having someone to watch tv with even at this late hour, when I can comment on what I'm watching and get Fiend reaction/feedback. Gotta love it!!
And now, night all. Er, exceptin' those in the other side of the world (like Sally! Enjoy another sunny warm summer day! and Summer Solstice blessings to you, my dear.)
But I am off to bed...no matter how tempting Mr. Graham Norton is.
Happy Happy Happy Solstice!!!
A beautiful sunrise, a couple of didn't-quite-capture-it pics. Next time I will remember where my freshly charged batteries are and will capture the sun actually rising.
Have a wonderful Solstice Sunday Fiends!
Oh, Ivenotime, if you're reading these comments at some point:
I am a HUGE fan of warm glass work. The link I posted a few days ago was to the work of a friend I've made since moving here. I am learning about that sort of kiln glass work from her.....and am fascinated!! It seems to require not only patience and skill, but the ability to use colour well and be able to see what something will look like at each stage and then once done.
You glass artists got TALENT, that's all I've to say...
this time for sure...bed now...Celtic Christmas in Albuquerque tomorrow. No snarky comments desired (tho can't blame you for being tempted :) )
Stunning photos Louisa.
Thanks DS. It was gorgeous. Oddly warm and very windy.
Ah, for a Merry Housekeeper to help keep up with El Rancho Handbasket! I can only dream. People wonder how I can stay overworked by remodeling and trying to keep up with the finished bits of the house, to which I say "try it sometime".
I like Beez idea of a cabana boy. I have neither pool nor cabana, but don't really suppose either is required?
I do love the Romance Room - both the look and the name. Every house needs a Romance Room. What amazes me most about the Spooky Haus is that with all those drapes (and all those cats) that they are still on their rods and atop the windows, and not on a velvety puddle on the floor.
Gads - 4am. I am insomnia's plaything.
Welcome into Europe, Jess! That abbey looks grand.
Wow, that was a dramatic sunrise, Louisa. We had nothing that wild. Our first day of winter has decided to be chilly but sunny.
The Spooky Haus loks great - I especially like the Romance Room, the picture over the bookcase and the artlessly placed squid... Every home should have one!
Off to take pictures of my (disorganised) fridge magnets and then to read all the other comments.
My fridge picture here
not so tidy. But with a certain trend appearing...
Yep. You would not happen to be a fan of that Neil Gaiman guy, by any chance?
Gorgeous, gorgeous! The pics/your home, I mean, but all you awesome FabLo and Fiends, as well. I can't stop to read much - we're on the road. Just stopped by to say Happy Solstice! and I hope the holidays bring joy and good things to you all.
Time to pack the car and hit the road again.
Oh cool Lys, could you post that link again? i try to hit the links but sometimes have only just enough time to scan the posts. i am always interested in what others are doing in glass, it is a remarkably versatile material, and i love the technical aspects of creating it - frustrating at times, but fun. Happy solstice, tho no sun here - just blizzard raging, stay safe midwest fiends! Lorraine, your house is lovely, i too love the romance room, and spooky bones. there is nothing quite like having your own space. i need to have my home in order too, after the craziness of the day, it's like a refuge, and i am uncomfortable if it gets too messy. I too have a wonderful Kitty magnet, the perfect one leapt into my hand, and it's on my clay extruder where i can i read it every day. she does beautiful work. and coffin shaped pizza boxes rock.
Hooray! The sun came out - days will get longer now.
I'm never sure...
We got the car chopped out, and all is well.
We bought a very odd house, and are slowly doing things to it. No skulls, I'm afraid. It came with hideous orange-yellow-lime green floral wallpaper in the kitchen, the first thing you saw when you came in the front door.
I'm firmly convinced the seller would have gotten $10k more for the house if she'd painted the kitchen first. *shrug* Worked out in my favor.
The wallpaper came off the day we closed, revealing the hole-ridden lime green wallboard underneath. Oops!
The house has a lovely yard, and an enclosed courtyard!
Oh Fods!!!!!! I mean good morning!
I didn't realize, all curled up with Bengals in the Cuddly Bedroom, how Foding cold it was until I came down for tea.
-6 with a -28 below zero windchill.
I had plans to go riding, and it is indoors, but ack. i do have to dig my car out, or get a ticket tonight.
Tickets are all that much and they don't tow or anything. Looking good to me.
I am taking my tea up to bed again, and will read the comments on my phone!!!!!!!!!
Yickes. That is COLD. Back to bed with tea and warm Bengals is definitely the safer option.
Tea and Warm Bengals!! Better than scones, I'd say. Lower calorie, too. :)
Here is the link again to my friend Denise, although I've just noticed none of her bowls and plates are shown on the site. And they are Glorious! Well, to me anyway. We are going to work out barter right after Christmas I think--photos for glass. Lucky me!
Quiche, are you tipping the city again by parking in front of your house!!? thought we decided not to do any more "valeting for Caesar!" which is what Red calls it.
Your house has been a refuge for me, i love the fireplace so much.
D-Sal, the pizza coffin is so cute, is the pizza good? i mean, that's the real kicker...
Bullfinch-Ag, did you change your kitty food lately--or any new cleaning products in the house? You all may have coered all possibilites in blog comments that I missed (poster shipment s all-consuming, we are SAnta's elves here for sure) but when the little furry guys react to change, sometimes they protest. Grooming is a point of pride for most cats, as we all know.
Kali/Selina is thriving, she now eats out of Batman's bowl and he just shares. No murderous Mim growling! i am so happy for them both, and ever grateful for QUiche's rescue service. She is begging to go outside, but i am the Duchess of No.
The magnets! I love making them, I just got one back in the mail from a Fiddler's Green participant, her magnet broke and she recalled "guaranteed for life!" i have a Kitty hospital for magnets.
WHen I had a flood in my beach house, it soaked all my comics, but left some pages, and I couldn't throw them away. So i made art. Now i get comics from everywhere, damaged, ready for the bin, and I save them.
At Fiddler's, Boss wasn't Boss, and I asked him if he wanted one of my magnets, he picked out 35. They adorn the bathrooms, and I enrolled him in magnet-of-the-month club. (i think I owe him a few)
on the new Neverwear website (coming Jan!) I will have a section of them, looking forward to that--
Thanks all for the much needed break from postering. I spent 2 hours yesterday at the post office and I think tomorrow will see the rest out. We are almost out of all of them! amazing.
back to it---
Valeting for Ceaser! I love it! I did go and dig the car out, was warm enough in the Narnia Wardrobe coat, but my poor hand froze!
Home again and trying to get warm! My bones are cold! Believe me when I tell you I have the fire on!
Kitty, that is so wonderful about Selina Kyle and Batman! How wonderfully the Universe works, Kylie fond her home, against all odds, and Batman is finally happy and in love! And you have two loving friends in the tree house!
Good luck on the posters, I start mine as soon as the tubes get here, tomorrow or the next day I am thinking.....
I love my Kitty magnets! I sent her a bunch of panels I had cut out, thinking she would make magnets for her shop, but she made them all and brought them back to me!
(loving the Fiends Fridge pics!)
I bought her MAMA MIA for a Holiday giftie, in memory of our Chicago trip, where we listened to ABBA the whole way down pretty much!
I am having a day off! Sunday is generally an all day at the stable sort of day, but at -30 windchill and a temp that won't see zero, I am thinking may be not. Fire and cats, books and a movie sounds perfect.
Sally - loved the coffin (even if I hate pizza... don't tell!).
Kitty - It's wonderful that your cats are getting along so well. It was truly fate.
Rain and coldness here for the foreseeable future, so I'm trying to have a pajama day.
I don't remember how I stumbled across this blog, but for all fiends stuck at home today, enjoy:
Jess! Wonderful! Are you in the UK? How did I miss that?
Q - I saw the stage production years ago and loved it. I mean, what's not to like... a musical made to showcase Abba....
We watched the movie version last night....could have done without seeing Pierce Brosnan sing.... oh the humanity! He is still a beautiful piece of eye candy though!
Great link, Ticia.
There are loads of stuff with Rice Burroughs (I never realized he had been that prolific) and Frazetta, whose illustrations I love dearly.
I saw it on stage too, with Maddy. Loved it. ABBA will always have a very special place in my heart.
Must read that link to the comics thing...
Yeah Nathalie - I think I stumbled there because of Edmund Dulac. But the illustrations he manages to find are incredible.
I found myself scrolling through the Burroughs stuff today and thought of you fiends. He's also shown Kay Nielsen and just some amazing artwork...It could take you days....
I so need to read Tarzan in English.
I also loved the article on Dugald Stewart-Walker, who was doing some very fine Beardsley-like illustrations for children's stories.
Jess - love your pictures! I was especially drawn (no pun intended) to the gargoyles and the statue over the building!
And Nat, you've just scratched the surface....
I'll keep on scratching...
Happy Solstice and first night of The Festival of Lights. It is really cold! I am going to make Latkes in a bit and eat them ALL! :)
Don't have time to catch up on posts at the moment. Maybe after M is in bed.
Hope you all are well!!
It's such a cool house!
It's cold and wet here, with no snow yet. I'm still hoping for a white Christmas.
I read the Tarzan books when I was about 12, and loved them. Tho that is all I have read of him. Wait, did he do the Mars books?
Happy Solstice Lights to you too Gayle, and all! Latkas sound good! The Bengls and I are having chicken again,, I think. At least that's what they want.
Dan, I could fed ex you some snow, if you like. We gots lots...
Just offered to! Fed ex will deliver ANYTHING...
Dan, I am throwing a virtual "dehydrated snowball" at you!... I stole the idea from comic Stephen Wright, who asks "What do you add to dehydrated water?"
That's as close as this California girl is getting to a White Christmas this year. :-D
Hi chatty fiends! Entertaining me while I do stupid boring computer stuff, thank you! :)
And, yes Q, Mars series is Burroughs... Loved those when I was a kid!
"Barsoom" series by ERB.
Jess - Welcome to England! How long are you here for? Are you going to be in Cambridgeshire the whole time? If you happen to have any spare time, I can heartily recommend Peakirk Books who are not far from Peterborough - nice people, nice shop (I've only been once in person, having shopped online - I e-mailed to ask if they would be open the day I was passing, and Heather mailed back to say no, but if I came and knocked on the door they would let me in anyway, which they did. ;-) If you want to vist the Bath area, or Devon, or of you have any spare time on your hands, drop me a mail - marjorie_taylor at hotmail dot com. I have house space!
Quiche - I can't even imagine how cold that is. I don't think I've ever been anywhere that cold. Be warm.
kitty Cat, I love the sound of your magents (you may have noticed the Boss-themed magnets you sent me in my fridge pictures) - I amy have to indilge soon. .
I am glad we are entertaining you Mistress, but I don't feel terribly exciting today. I did manage to bath ad put on comfy clothes, which was lovely and warm...
Say, I just put my memory card into my camera again, and now all that comes on the screen is The Card Is Locked. What do I do????
Um, I'm pretty sure panic isn't the right answer... does it have a little slidey tab on it? (The card, I mean.)
And yes, Fiends are entertaining even on lazy slow days!
Yup. Owe you one, Mistress. See how productive you are??? My thanks!
Whew!!! :)
Although if panic came with a slidey tag you could take off to stop the panic, that would be cool, No?
That would be rather useful, Marjorie. Ask Dan to work on it. :)
I think I'm done enough here at the office, and should go see whether Nick is finished with his own on-campus activity so I can go home.
Maybe we should let him finish the stretchy time, and cloning Merry Housekeeper, first. (Merry Housekeeper, if you get cloned, do you think one of you would come to England?)
I like the slidy panic ting, but it is true Dan is pretty busy...
I should do Haus Part 2 post, shouldn't I? We haven't been upstairs yet...
Yes please!
Your comments about the house reminded me of the decor here when I moved in. . .dark purple (in the hall & stairs, which have no natural light) Beige and Brown in the bagthroom (which has no natural ight) and everything paineted - lightswitches, electric sockets, everthing. It was hideous
Working on the Part 2 post. It's getting long, I only hope I am not boring anyone with all this Home Life stuff...
The Romance Room is beautiful indeed. The small black thing beneath the sink looks a bit like a Gorilla-Spider.
~The Masked Fiend
No- love the Empress Home Tours.
More more more!
I am home from Work II- it was -12 with a minus 35 windchill when i dug the car out this a.m.
Then the plow came through. You thought the air was blue before?
I may go live at Sally's house- at least in my head.
Happy Solstice and Lights to you too.
It's a black cat, hissing with an acrched back, actually, Emily, in a spider web. All the best bathrooms have them.
Still working, Blogger is being slow about uploading, almost done tho...
It is WAY to darn cold.
We have almost two feet of snow here and I'm glad it's finally stopped. I love the snow but don't particularly want to be jammed inside with THREE BROTHERS for the next week.
magnets finally finished noting all my magets to post them. i have way more at work and some still packed away somewhere.
i am so jealous of the kitty ones. i can't wait for them to be posted. stupidly i sent my poster to work, but i am taking the week off.
Lovely Magnets, Vampi! And yes, you need some Kitty up there, in addition to Neverwear!
Three Brothers, eh? Send them out to shovel. Or send them here. Works for me. I need shoveling help.
Still working, very close....
New post is up, which looks like it is not news to Vampi, on the ball there!
haha it wa sluck. i was clicking around to see it since you had said a few posts ago you had posted it i missed the bit about blogger being slow to actually display it.
and i read the whole post first. :D
Vampi very slick...
I have been to Bath, loved it. Very old is the UK, very cool....
Hope you are having a fine time Jess. And I will send a Bengal or two to gaurd it for you!
Oops, forgot to sign out of my other Blogger account again -- THIS is why I always signed my name! I feel less awkward not doing it, though ....
Maybe their heads have been found and they were reunited?
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