Lesson in Shrimp....
It was a busy day, not a harrowing one tho. I worked. I went all the way thru my e-mail, answered nearly every question anyone had. This is always a Good Thing. Except, they all wrote me back. I now have five pages of notes on things that need doing tomorrow.
(if you were waiting on me, and didn't get an answer, you might want to lob another my way, it's that sort of hectic right now.)
It was also Pod's day for her IV fluids. This is a thing that is going better than I ever would have expected, despite my glib assurances on the subject. She comes right out and sits on HER pillow, and I pop it in, and give scritches until it is done. She couldn't be happier. Cats will surprise you sometimes like that. It doesn't bother me at all. Sometimes we surprise ourselves like that.
Tonights Adventures involve tending Leopards and watching a movie, hard to make exciting, but I will give it a go, proving again, it isn't what you do but how you write about it.
Since King Lear the Huge, Still in Hiding likes Shrimp, I thought I might get some. NOT an easy task here in Small Town. I know this will shock and amuse many of you, but here we cannot nip down to the market and simply buy fresh seafood. Don't have it. I found a pack of Frozen Salad Shrimp and brought it home.
And so begins the Great Shrimp Hunt.
Mim found the Pack of Salad Shrimp in the bag, and went on the Hunt. I explained carefully that they were Frozen, and needed to, uh, soak a bit. (I was winging it, I have no idea how to prepare Salad Shrimp. The package said they were cooked and all)
Venus joined her on this hunt, tho she is pretty sure All Food Sucks and is some sort of Plot.
I did a little Steak Lobbing for the Hiders, and Venus and Mim, while the Salad Shrimp de-frosted. Le Leopard growled, but sniffed. The King and Queen hid. Venus ran, and Mim put hers under the carpet, and proceeded to try and dig it out, howling mournfully the entire time.
Mim did not appreciate Venus joining HER hunt. If this look isn't evil, not sure what is...
When the Salad Shrimp was finally de-frosted, and the bag opened, we all, uh, re-coiled from the SMELL! Great Fods, this stuff is worse than Sardines! Wont' be happening again soon! Neither Venus or Mim would touch it. Sure don't blame 'em!
But when I took the bowl up, and went into the Forest Bedroom, Queen Mab came running up, until she remembered she did not know me, and sniffed the Horrid Shrimp, and retreated slightly, but Watched! I lobbed some Horrid Shrimp and called for King Lear the Huge, but he never came.
We will see. Small steps, but it was a night I needed a bit of encouragement, and Queen Mab came and saw me.
About all anyone could want.
Love, and Horrid Shrimp,
From one landlocked state to another, I share your pain over the nasty shrimp smell. Ewwww. Glad Queen Mab came out to say hi, kind of!
Ha! I am #1. My stalking has produced
AAARRRRGGGHHHH! Interloper! I KNEW someone was hiding out there!
I'm guessing that was bay shrimp...blech. I don't blame the cats for recoiling!
I'm so spoiled here on the ocean! I wish i could comment some good seafood your way!
What about freeze dried shrimp? Anyone? I don't eat fish so I don't know if that would work for King Lear...
"Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it."
Forrest Gump.... It's going through my head, now it's going through yours too!
Oh-oh, the Fiends are turning on each other! Very Leopard like behavior, she says wisely...
Yes, I need some GOOD shrimp. Maybe next time I nip to Minneapolis. What kind do I get, and how does one make it for cats?
I want them to be happy, and am happy to buy any sort of meat and cook it for them...
Never saw the movie, but that is a LOT of ways to make shrimp. Don't eat it myself.
The only place I have ever liked seafood was Hawaii. In a shack by the ocean. Some sort of white fish they shack people were pulling out of the ocean and serving on a bun, with fries and slaw, never forget it.
When we were very young, my mother made shrimp "Creople" one night with what I suspect was Salad Shrimp. None of us would touch it but I had to go to bed for not eating it, as I was the oldest and should have known better.
Childhood shrimp trauma????
We were talking about childhood traumas on Facebook today too!
Here's mine (we were talking about how to get relief from head congestion):
"I almost bought a neti pot last week. I have a real problem with putting things up my nose though. A traumatic childhood experience with candy corn and a trip to the hospital. The candy melted before we got to the emergency room, but it scarred me for life... Of course, I still eat candy corn"
To be honest, Ms. Fabulous, it's not really the season for fresh shrimp. Well, at least not in the Northern Hemisphere. Granted, I'm used to Gulf shrimp, but I wouldn't say I'm close enough to the coast to get truly fresh seafood. How long did you let it thaw in the sink? Not that it should take a long time for salad shrimp to thaw, just a possible reason. ::shrug:: Sometimes frozen shrimp, even cooked frozen shrimp, just stinks.
I thawed it for maybe, um, 15-20 minutes?
Tomorrow we are cooking chicken!
Ah, childhood trauma....
Not an interloper. Just a little tiny bit psychic. :-) (Did I even spell that right??!!) I was making cookies for some students and I decided to check the blog and there it was. No hiding required...
It was your night Grace! Ticia, pull you little fangs!
I would get the medium shrimp, frozen pre-cooked which generally means boiled. It also means the head and legs have been removed as well as most of the shell. This means there is less mess to find. You may be able to find it at the seafood counter on ice, but you still want it without the head or feet. The feet are easy to remove once cooked, as is all of the shell. You put the shrimp in boiling water; when they turn pink, they're done. It doesn't take long.
And for the record, yes you'll have to buy the shrimp in Minneapolis.
Well, I was only kidding anyway! I'm never here (home)during the day, so I've been going a bit wild!
Isn't it fun when you just pop on and there's a new blog? It's like a little surprise in the mailbox! :-D
....My fangs are retracted oh Queen of the Night!
.... My apologies Bullfinch!
Hurray for a Queen Mab encounter! And I was completely laughing loudly at Mim hiding her steak from herself. Ah, kittehs.
It's brilliant that you can give Pod her fluids. I get the feeling you know how fortunate you both are!
My Best Beloved kitty developed renal failure, and we so tried but doing fluids at home proved dismal for all involved. Fortunately, she was a kitty that liked to ride in the car, and was more curious than frightened at the vet's. So instead we dedicated ourselves to taking her to the vet several times a week until her Time came.
I am quite sure you could buy the shrimp in St. Paul as well. ;-)
Sorry. I've been sorta defensive since the RNC when all the national news keep saying they were in Mpls. Anyway... I suggest one of these shops Q.
Oh and here is what they say about shrimp!
No apologies required. I think both the Fabulous Ms. Q and I were teasing. Not to speak for Q! :-) I am a tiny bit foresighted at times, mostly in relation to my family because our brains are on the same wavelength, but tonight was my night for blog wonderfulness!! *And* my daughter just sent me the funniest questionnaire thing -- you know, those silly things that make the internet rounds -- and I am laughing out LOUD at her answers, and so feel doubly blessed between being here and reading her stuff, and I needed the smiles after a long long day.
Shrimps have heads and legs???????????????????
No Fodden way!!!!!!!
And my Alabama-born mother always pronounces it as "srimp' -- no "sh" sound. My mom is educated, intelligent, well-read, doesn't say anything else weird. But she never had and still doesn't have a "sh" in "shrimp." It has become a household code word, as you can imagine. :-)
We were teasing, Ticia. As were you, I know.
Tell me you are kidding about this head and leg thing tho..
No Srimps here!!!!!!!!!
it's worse than just heads and legs, wit dem srimp... but you probably don't want to know!
Hmmm. I was feeling a little immature with my blogger picture, let's see if this works...
Yep, head and legs...insects of hte sea really!
I get bags of frozen shrimp at costco for last minute pasta dishes, etc. Good in a pinch.
Nice picture Ticia!
I am NOT clicking on any links to heads and legs!!!!!
It's kind of like fish and spines!
I hate spines!
Of course shrimp can be found in St. Paul! I just thought, and I may be wrong, that St. Paul is the other side of Minneapolis from Ms. Fabulous' hometown.
I mean, if I lived in Greenville, TX and I could find shrimp in Dallas, I would drive all the way to Fort Worth for shrimp. Well, not unless it was free in Fort Worth. Just sayin'.
(And I do know that St. Paul is closer to Minneapolis than Fort Worth is to Dallas.)
Lorraine and Grace, I knew you pranksters were kidding! And, you were right Q, so was I.
Na - I love your new picture! Shiny!
Lorraine, talking of pictures, you really captured the spirits of the girls at the sink... You can practically taste the tension!
Queen Mab deigning to approach you made me so happy!
Bleck! All this talk of shrimp has just proven to me, once again, that I HATE seafood. "Insects of the sea"? Bleck! ;-D
Ah, Blogger! Of course you ate my comment!
*gives blogger a good solid thrashing*
I remember the day I discovered that I was allergic to shellfish. That was fun: the trying to breathe, the throat closing, the itchiness and hives. I recommend it highly for anyone who is feeling a bit down, because, dude, it sure gets your priorities in order right quick.
Tonight, I will be going to bed quite early, probably not even making dinner; but I wanted to check in and see how the Bengals, the Fiends, and the Quiche were. ;)
Yes, they have heads with feelers, and lots of legs. I know one woman who won't eat them because they are "the cockroaches of the sea." They are bottom feeders, after all.
You can buy them uncooked without heads. Really, once cooked you just pop the heads off. I've never known anybody to suck shrimp heads like they do crawfish heads, so you just throw them away. Same with the legs and shell, though I have seen at least one person simply eat it. ::shrug:: Not something I do.
I love shrimp. They've always been dead by the time I've seen them put in boiling water, unlike lobster. One of my dad's best friends owned 1-3 shrimp boats at a time over the years before he retired. I've even been on one of his shrimp boats, though it was 35 years ago. :)
It's okay, really, ariandalen! I said that about St. Paul with a smile on my face!
Lorraine -- the first link I posted is safe and the second one is not bad but does have drawings of whole shrimp. It does give some cooking advice.
I think most people would agree that Coastal Seafoods has be best and freshest seafood in the area. They have one shop in Mpls and one in St. Paul.
I know I brought it up but I am not sure I like this seafood conversation, can we go back to ghoulish games or something?
Dread Val, poor girl, I missed your very bad day? What has been going ON???
I have heard of Coastal Seafood, but King Lear the Huge may have to learn to love steak and seafood..
I am too traumatized by fish...
Must needs do some work - need to write about the universe, which could be fun.
Ciao for niao, FabLo and Fiends.
So not only do you have to convince King Lear the Huge that you are his friend, you have to convince him to become a surf-and-turf boy? You are a braver woman than I, not that it needs saying.
Val, Sleep is good. Hope your day was at least a little better!
Here is something other than seafood! Gloves!
I have a friend getting married soon. She wants some fun cool gloves. At least elbow length. Maybe the sort that are not really gloves but just have a loop to hook on one finger with a point on the hand. Do you know what I mean?? Anyway if fiends have any ideas about where one might find something like this I'd love to hear about it!
Okay. :)
What about redoing the Game of Life as the Game of the Night Garden? We wouldn't get married or have kids, but we could transform and collect cats. Or maybe be collected by cats?
::sigh:: I don't know the game so well. Need more research.
Hi Bridget! Surf and turf! Oh the poor kitty...
Aleta, Ebay, it's ALL there...
No bad idea, Adriandalen, but I am not sure we could top the Spooky House Clue today, that was rather wonderful...
Fods I am tired, need to go and see if Great Lear has eaten his Horrid SHrimp..
shrimp;lobsters;craw dads; any of those roaches of the water are really not my thang. In Louisiana and states all along the great Mississippi; they 'suck the heads'. They claim that is where all the 'flavor' is. It proves that all along the Mississippi there is voodoo & strange goings on in the night gardens if they can get folks to suck the heads of water roaches.
Aleta, search for "gauntlets," or "knitted gauntlets." Try knitty.com, or if you're a member, Ravelry.com.
I was looking for them at The AntiCraft, and found this!
Yum, yum, yum!
Strange goings on indeed, and not in my night garden!
Lear did NOT eat the Horrid Shrimp. Gave him and his little friend some more steak...
I'll check ebay. If anyone knows other specialty sites I'd love to hear about them.
I am off to bed. Vampire Doctor appointment tomorrow. To celebrate my eye decided to get shockingly bloody. (no worries -- happens now and then -- all is well) Anyway sleep seems to be in order.
Night Fiends.
'Night Aleta! See you Friday?
I should know for sure about Friday by tomorrow. I certainly hope to be there! Bells on!
Excellent, I do know this show is going to rock. We have confirmed Dylan will be playing with us, hurrah!
Night, Aleta!
I'm off to bed soon myself. I mentioned to DH that we might need the electric blanket tonight, as it's supposed to be 23 F in the morning. It's at most 34 F, with clear skies right now.
I know, that's nothing for those of you in northern climbs, but it's cold for here. I didn't sleep much last night due to my toes staying cold until about 5 AM. My alarm was set for 6 AM. :P
Just sent those of you i'm friends with on facebook a rather humorous group invite :)
I want some warm tonight too! Wonder if nearly 30 pound Lear will oblige me???
Venus and Mim are doing Fire curled up right now, tempting to sleep here. I want a BED in the sunroom, really do, not couch, but comfortable sleeping spot...May ditch the couches, and get one, would love it.
And it is like totally my house, so I can do it...
Ack, now I must check facebook, we are friends aren't we?
*sigh* I'm even late on the new post.
Shrimp..yuk. Seafood...yuk.
Make sure you find any uneaten bits Lorraine, or Spooky House might turn into smelly house.
Isn't that a funny question...like we had a fight or a falling out..."we are friends?" Yup, we are.
Have gathered up all the Horrid Shrimp and gotten rid of it. Not to worry...
Hee-hee, Chantrelle, yes, very funny. I ean't confirmed type facebook ones. I am still not so good on that, and am sure I will no doubt post a personal message to someone to the world at large at any moment..
What the heck are salad shrimp? Guess we're spoiled here by the ocean. Sort of. A local urban legend has it that if you shrimp in a certain creek near an old industrial part of my town, the shrimp you bring up ignite on contact with oxygen. Doubt it's true, but if it were true...ewwww! Yuck! :(
Coastal Seafood rocks! I REALLY wish Albuquerque had something nearly as great. Amazing, considering ABQ is SLIGHTY closer to an actual ocean.
But isn't there a Trader Joe's in the twin cities area? They have far superior prawns (and that is absolutely what one should get, not shrimp and ESPECIALLY not salad shrimp.)
They have a tiger prawn bag, precooked, tails and heads removed. If you defrosted and then gave those a quick sear (maybe w/olive oil, some cats like that) they are delicious.
That said, I've known MANY cats who weren't that crazy about shrimp.
TUNA, now....AHI...(also surely available via Coastal Seafoods) that is a guaranteed winner with every cat I've ever met. Yellow tail, fresh OR in a can....kitty crack.
I did manage to get a lovely Ahi steak at the local Coop up in ABQ today. Sashimi in my future!!
Dread V--how are you doing? Did you not get my email? Or am I on your "don't bother me" list now?
*Just wondering?* :)
Okay, back to work now.....
but I've Missed you guys!!
Lys, what email? If you sent one, it might've gotten caught in my overzealous spam filter. In fact, that is *always* infinitely likely for anyone who has emailed me and wondering why I've not responded. I get roughly 250 emails a day between the personal, work, and freelance work accounts, and so I do miss stuff, too, especially if I don't recognize the address. So no, not angry at all, please resend it. :)
you know not to have a drink now, don't you?
Sally! Oh fods I needed that laugh! Nice, right before bed time for me. *still chuckling*
Ack..non-fresh seafood does well..reek. And being far away from a coast increases the likelihood that that will happen. *shudder*
My trip to Myrtle Beach spoiled me terribly. I love shrimp and crab, not so big on fish.
Great news that the IV is going well with Pod. And Mim burying her food and then yowling is hilarious.
Ariandalen I wondered if you were in that freezing zone..stay warm! Layers are good. (As well as nice pets that lay over your feet.;)
Smelly shrimp, huh?
Not exactly one of the finer things in life. Not even if you're a cat.
Tired, and possibly spicy, brain can do no more than observe the obvious.
'night Fiends.
The sink pictures are too cute! I love em! Cats are the most expressive creatures. Their thoughts are right there on their faces and in their body movements for anyone to see.
I'm so glad the IV is going well. I have heard that cats take it very well.
Isn't it funny how cats come a runnin' when their is a stinky fish smell around? Tuna smell turns my cat into a crazy hairy feline creature.
Sounds like a great first step, getting Queen Mab to come out from hiding even for a sec. That's great. Does she or Lear interact much with your other cats?
*mmm shrimp*
I'm with the King on this one - yum! Except for nasty-smelling salad shrimp, that is.
My main concern buying shrimp is where they've come from - the destruction and long-term stupidity involved in shrimp farming in places like Thailand is not pretty.
Sally, so glad to hear about your critters! Losing a cat to corporate greed was not pleasant; it's bad enough to lose them to happy old age.
Hi Librarylion! Been wondering where you have been, good to see you again. I am going to ignite these salad shrimp in a special fire in the back yard.....I don't know what they are, and don't care. Don't buy them.
Lys, you've been out for a bit too, any adventures to tell us?
Good Morning! The Little Queen Mab was REALLY social this morning and ate in front of me!!!!! I lobbed some steak and she was lik r"COOL!" and ate that and came right up to me, I didn't try and touch her, just watched her eat and talked! What a great way to wake.
No King Lear the Huge yet.
Hi Erin, no they don't GET to be with the other cats. They live in the Forest Bedroom, which is large, with many windows and a huge walk in closet.
First they need to be cool with me, before we toss them in with Venus and Mim.
I can believe that Mistress....Shudder. I think I will ask Boss if he will cook some trout for me. Those are really fresh, and we know what they eat.
I had another thought...Oh, RUbious didn't hop on to tell us about last night, what's up with that???
Yup. Here we are. Fiends are making like Leopards. "ACK! SHE'S UP!!!! Hide Hide!!!"
Morning, Fiends!
Trout sounds good. I enjoy fishing; I spent a lot of time on a deep-sea fishing boat when I was a kid. My stepmother was the cook, and let me tell you, cooking in a galley is an Experience. We would eat yellowtail, and mackerel, and bonito tunas, and sometimes shark, when the shark fishermen a couple of berths down had too much. The best thing was to take the extra fish we couldn't keep to the sushi place in the harbor -- we'd donate the fish to the chef, and as payment, he'd make us sushi. All the sushi we could stuff ourselves with (and as a teenager growing six inches a year, let me tell you, I ATE). There is nothing like sushi from a fish caught an hour ago. Mmmm. Glorious.
I am not a Leopard, I am part of Cabal's Cabal! I was out Guarding, not Hiding.
Hi Q! I was not hiding; instead I was writing my own whiny blog post about how my motivation has gone to Australia for the winter (Sally says she saw it on the beach), with lovely pictures of the fantastic weather we're currently experiencing.
Bah humbug.
Sigh. I so wish I had had good fish as a kid!
Guarding. Ok, I believe that. Did you save us from anything?
Mine is going there too, mistress, they can hang on the beach together...
What's that Kirsty McCall song? Where her friend needs to get away, and she thinks he means a holiday in France, but he moved to Sydney Bay?? Love that song. On The Beach. I think that's what it is called.
Q, beach party sounds like great fun. Too bad my motivation didn't take me with it.
oooohers i just got a package. i nice ending to an icky day. i'm so wearing my graveyard book shirt to work tomorrow. (now today as i forgot to post this last night)
oh Q I wore the Lorraine a Malena shirt last weekend and boy was like "you have girls on your chest!" boys are so silly.
salad dooesn't grow in the sea, so salad shrimp sounds gross. good shrimp doesn't smell too bad. it seems like maybe that was a bad batch.
Our motivations are on the beach, like a little pile of skulls.
Vampi, cool, I hear boys like girls on chests...
actuslly the exact quoe might have been "you have girls on the girls"
it was just his shock and amazement in seeing the shirt that was so funny.
Yes, I saved you all from the horrors of Bad Coffee, by taking one for the team and drinking it all myself. Also guarded against things that come from the sunless woods, but frankly, the Bad Coffee is more dangerous.
My motivation
is a hemisphere away
hope it's having fun.
Glad the shirt works so well!
Bad coffee scares me. Good coffee scares me, except in NY where I NEED it from Deli's...Go figure.
Right, Working now. Chatter me some love for the lines today!
isn't there also some sort of sea lettuce?
Oh, good morning! :)
Can't stay, must go play chutes and ladders now.
Nothing to do with salads, but a favorite quote:
"Sponges grow in the ocean. That just kills me. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be if that didn't happen."
Steven Wright
I love steven wright! We saw a show of his in SF years ago and my face hurt by the end of the show from laughing for 2 hrs straight.
I second the suggestion for Trader Joe's shrimp/prawns. Much much better than icky salad shrimp.
Thanks Phiala, I'm so glad too, and I'm sorry you lost your cat last year, it must have been just awful.
Val, that sounds like a wonderful way to get fresh fish ;) Our farm had a river running through it, so we used to catch fish and cook them staright away too. Possibly why I can eat freshwater fish but not fish from the sea?
Clearly, I can't turn my back on you all for an entire day and expect to CATCH up!?
my favorite things: shrimp, cats and gemstones,
all in one blog...Quiche, maybe you are going to have to order shrimp for that big guy, have you seen him yet at all? I love that Mabby is coming out to see you. SHe is obviously the ambassadoress for that team.
Ticia! Erik, that hulking gorgeousness, i do want more...meow.
and I really AM getting it together to post some photos of the Dynamic Duo, Batty and Kylie (which is what we are calling her, as a medium between Kali and Selina Kyle) They both slept on the bed together...this is epic! SHe hasn't even been here one week. She has softened that crusty ol' meanie Batman into a big mushy pudding. He just pads around behind her, four times her size, practically bursting with cartoon love hearts. I couldn't be happier.
going to announce the new print on Neverwear soon, one of my favorite of Boss' poems. Saucers!
Kitty, that is so good about Batman and Kylie. Lucky you, to have them get on so well from the start.
Ohhh, shiny new t'shirts...
I can't believe I missed the talk of shrimps! I am from Louisiana and feel the need to stick up for Shrimp Creole, which is delicious (basically shrimp in tomato gravy over rice). I'll type up a shrimp creole recipe later for everyone's perusal.
Most important seafood tip, though: if it smells, THROW IT OUT. Ugh. (see if your supermarket carries flash-frozen gulf shrimp, as these should be best for His Majesty.)
Kitty-- yay for cats in love!
Q-you shouldn't have to make a special stop in a big city for shrimps. I think you just were unlucky to have gotten some bad ones. I use the pre-cooked frozen ones when I want shrimp, and I can only think of a couple of times where I had stinky gross ones (I don't eat them very often though). You might want to try again, only grab a different brand or size just in case they got a whole pile of bad ones.
Mmmmm....fishies! I likes them. Oh yessss! =) But I'm lucky-my parents give me a steady supply of all the fresh water fishies I could eat.
i never heard of salad shrimp either, stinky ewww, i just get bags of frozen precooked shrimp - not like fresh but they're pretty good and don't stink horribly. i do wonder if you did get a bad batch. and your community should have these bagged frozen shrimp - if we do out here, then you're bound to. happy shrimp hunting! photos are fun!
"Salad" shrimp are simply shrimp that are too small to be considered for shrimp cocktail. There is not much to them. I'd say you got a bad bag.
Anyway, I'm off to get DD1 from school, then spend 2.5 hours waiting while the girls are in dance class.
And what's wrong with that Poem Jess?
Wow, that is without question the best poem I've ever read written from the perspective of a cat on the subject of shrimp.
surprise them then!
Have you guys seen this?
Thanks, ariandalen! Now I know that salad shrimp are just especially shrimpy shrimp.
It is very good to be back, Ms Fab. :) Been too busy working on the 'puter to have much fun on it. Sounds like burning is almost too good for those nasty, itty bitty shrimp.
As always, Sally, thanks for sharing! Those portraits are delightfully macabre.
Hi Fiends! Thanks for the chatter today! Am going to read thru the last bits I missed cooking ...
Cooking The Strangest dish ever concocted......She says mysteriously...
Kitty I love Batman walking around with cartoon hearts popping out! I am SO happy he and Kylie love eachother, I think the universe did things right for both Beasties!
Jess, great poem! And sometimes what they think they are coming to hear is not what they need to hear, or will fall in love with...
I will try again with the shrimps next week. Boss had a few things to say on the subject this morning, starting with WHY didn't she call me????
Tonights food was really good.
Odd. But good. I brought home chicken for the Bengals. Venus and Mim were happy, everyone else hid but fireworks were going off too closely.
(Not a euphemism town had fire works tonight)
HEY! I can be my own 100!
No Jess, mine are fireworks. Your town is under attack.
No, I think they are besieging Budapest tonight. I mentioned I wanted it for Xmas, and there you go...
Working on my Weird Dinner blog...
I've had the hiccups for the past three hours. Kill me now.
Is that from besieging Budapest????
I can kill you if you like. Slowly....
New post is up, complete with pics of dinner, my Fiends in Hiding...
Sorry to laugh at your hiccups Dan, but I laughed picturing your hiccups causing firework like noises.
Dan, sorry to hear about the hiccups. I have always found the answer in stilling myself (like in yoga or tai chi) and concentrating on holding my stomach muscles while carefully and intentionally breathing slowly in and out. It's all about stomach muscle control for me.
As for the comments today: The zombies were so Macabre and Truly wierd.... I don't like shrimp and my cat doesn't like seafood... go figure.... glad to hear Kali/Kylie is settling in well.. and glad to hear about Queen Mab coming out and that the Pod shots are going well. I am sure it is an understatement to say that can't be fun, but the cat is lucky to have you.... Dread Val, yikes... that doesn't sound like fun... No Seafood for You.
Sorry I wasn't on here earlier for my concert report. The concert went really late for me (especially for a workday) and my friend, who had stayed over and helped me clean up the enormous crafting mess, only just left a little while ago.
On Wednesday I got home from work and my friend and I worked like mad to finish the game for Amanda. It came together and although we didn't get a chance to do a test run we think there aren't any real glitches (there may be a few rough spots that a good imagination can easily smooth over)... but it was a bit of a race to finish it on time. We were running behind schedule but we taxied downtown for the show, without properly getting ready... only to discover that we had a good wait before the openers even went on stage. Zoe Keating on the cello was AMAZING but my friend and I weren't really into the other opener, the Builders and Butchers.
Amanda came onstage after 10:30 or 11ish and did a Fantastic show. She is so vibrant and alive... (despite her death, you know)... the Danger Ensemble were incredibly emotive and did a great job, and they really enhanced the show. The venue had very limited seating but lots of standing and so we spent most of our time on the balcony craning over other people's shoulders to see the stage but the sound was great and I certainly enjoyed hte show. A really nice lady gave a stool to my friend and I who switched off sitting and standing on alternate songs during most of Amanda's set (it saved our feet). Amanda signed stuff after the show but there were a lot of people so we waited until it had cleared out a bit and then gave her the game. When we finally found a taxi it was after 1:40am and we got home around 2 in the morning.
Halfway through the show I realized that I had totally failed to photograph the board game (*bashful Kristina says oops, sorry*).
Now the funny part was that I hadn't checked in here before the concert so I didn't know that you, Lorraine, had mentioned it to her. We got in line (just before all the folks who were coming back for their 2nd or 3rd times through the line) and we both were pretty shy to approach her. When we got up there we said something like 'we, um, made a WKAP game for you' and she said 'oh, I heard about that from Lorraine!!' and totally surprised us. It was pretty funny actually. Here we were expecting to surprise her with this wierd thing we had spent all this time on (we expected it might be an odd gift and that we would look like wierd crazy fans) and she was expecting us and had already heard of it!! It really threw us off balance for a minute and then we were laughing about it and kind of babbly. I sure hope she likes it.
Sorry again about the lack of photos.
oh and the bit where Neil reads the cover story for WKAP at the beginning was fantastic. Please give him my sincere compliments. He elicited a LOT of cheering from the crowd whenever his name was mentioned. The reading REALLY set the tone for the concert well and it sent little shivers down my spine. Loved it.
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