Thursday, December 04, 2008

Chicago Might Be A Long Drive....

Home, with the Kittycat, Miss Kitty, as well as King Lear the HUGE and Queen Mab, the Dainty.

It was quite an adventure, and the last hour took two due to snowstorms, and I hadn't exactly slept, but we made it in time to the show JUST. Missed Boss's Amanda Introduction, Rats. As a show, I can tell you it was well worth everything we went to to get to it. I had never seen her and her Danger Ensemble live before, and tape just doesn't convey how amazing cool this show IS. The women has energy, and energy to spare. She is a party all of her own, and I for one, was glad to be invited. It made me happy, all of them together.

I get to go again tomorrow, due to a strange switching of gigs . (NOTE: Paul and Lorraine will not be at Charile's Friday this weekend, we will there on Saturday night , AND the following Friday the 12th)

Getting King Lear and Queen Mad this morning was a sleepy adventure, but I woke up a bit when the Gentleman said he was glad I brought the large cage, as Lear was now weighing in at 30 pounds. The pictures do not really show how HUGE a dude he IS...

I went into the bathroom, where they were, and Queen Mab was high on a shelf. Not high Bengal wise, just cat wise. Lear was hiding in a cave of clothes, when I threw him some shrimp, which he likes. I felt so badly for him, for some reason, being there, and him not knowing what was going on, but knowing something was up, just eating his Shrimp and looking at me, saying "Make it right".. He's been unhappy for a long time, and not in the right place, despite people trying. I want him to be happy.

Here's Mab peeking. I had been with her too you see...

Lear took some chicken from me, on the way home, and did some mewing, and some hissing. He let me scritch his ears, and leaned into the scritch, and blinked at me. He also freaked, lashed out with his claws, tore my coat, and scratched me, but it was all pretty new. They are happy in their room, I hope, I really want him, and Mab to be.

This is as much as The Zombie of No Sleep, Princess of Dead Tired, can write to her Fiends this evening. Your chatter was much appreciated on the drive down and back, and the long hours of the night. Many thanks to Maure in Chicago for putting up Kitty and I for the night! And for not leaving us at the show! (Tho Maure and I did get locked outside the club, despite passes and all my dead brain could do was laugh and freeze)

All in all, very fun! I will leave you will a shot of Kali, aka Selina Kyle, who is traveling to LA tomorrow! We will miss her, but I am sure we have not heard the last of her!

Love and Travel,


At 7:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah!! Back in the saddle!!!!!!!

At 8:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really fun trip. I don't mind being really tired when I'm having a good time. It wouldn't have been fun driving in a snowstorm though.

Kali/Selena Kyle is looks like she's grown overnight as well.

At 8:06 PM , Blogger Beez said...


Welcome back. The new kids are beautiful.

Maure -is- pretty damn ace, isn't she?

At 8:07 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

So happy to hear you are all home safely, and that you had fun at the concert and get to go again. How cool is THAT. I love the photo of Mab peeking at you, it is such a perfect cat shot...and laser eyed gigantic Lear.

I hope you have a wonderful long and deep sleep

At 8:12 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You know Maure too? She does rock. I am trying to get her to de-lurk. She only thinks she has nothing to say,,,


At 8:12 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sleep is food...

At 8:44 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Glad to hear that you are home and safe.

Safe travels, Kitty.

And sleep well!

At 9:17 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Love all the pictures!

Sleep. With good dreams.

Tomorrow has more adventures, after all.

At 9:25 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Sleep tight! I'm glad you're feeling better. And, I'm glad you arrived home safely!

Arwenn - I like the definition you coined for '"gorleygious" (sp?)... It entertained me all day.

At 9:27 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

AND that was Miss Kitty who took all the photos, says Dork Brain here...

Tomorrow WILL be some adventures!

At 9:27 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Missed that....

At 9:30 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Yes! Sleep is food. Though it might be better said that sleep is nourishment. ;)

Here's to a safe and uneventful trip for Ms. Kitty and Selina Kyle.

Sweet dreams, dear Queen Empress and fellow Fiends.

At 10:24 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

can't wait to hear all about the adventures & see more Bengal pics. welcome home & rest up; the fiends have been restless in your absence.

At 10:33 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Welcome back home Lorraine and sweet dreams.

At 10:34 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And since I am too sleepy, I forgot to click the email button. I am SO glad for the long weekend.

At 11:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow that is a HUGE cat. One of my friends has a cat that weighs in at 23 pounds and I thought that was big..

So glad you got to see Amanda, and you get to see her AGAIN even.:)
Too bad she couldn't swing through Naptown..I just couldn't do the three hour drive to Chicago in crap weather this time.

And Ms Kyle is adorable as ever..she's in good hands with Kitty.:)

At 4:01 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Yay fun! :)

Continuing from prev page, I don't have a Kindle, I have one of these. It's only $100, which makes it more friendly for a try-out. It has an LCD screen instead of the e-Ink, which means that it only has 18 hour battery life but you can read in bed with the lights off.

It doesn't use kindle books, but you can buy books from them, read Gutenberg books, Baen books, etc. There's a lot of free fiction available in other places too.

I like it. I travel a lot sometimes, and it is very handy. Even does sudoku with a touchscreen and stylus. :)

At 4:19 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

A 30lb bengal?! So you've decided to combine your bengal rescue and horse riding loves into one. "Back in the saddle" indeed. Keep feeding Lear chicken and you'll be able to strap the saddle onto him and ride him around the neighborhood soon.

At 6:06 AM , Blogger Fluffy said...

I'm trying to think of what else a 30 lb. cat could be used for. As if! Watchcat, definitely.

I'm trying to steel myself to walk in the cold - it's freezing ou there with a nasty wind chill - I know, oh Hardy Northern Fiends, but it's cold for here. Speaking of here, I'm on the map!

"30 pound cat" is my new mantra.

At 7:23 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Rides? Watch Cat? Most likely.

I slept with King Lear and Queen Mab last night, which in itself is a pretty strange sentence, and I had put out some bits of chicken before I went to bed, by the bed, and on the floor of the closet, and this morning they were gone, tho I never heard them in the night.

The closet is a big walk in one, with plenty of hiding places, and caves, all carpeted.

We will go slowly, it's important for them to come to me, they will get settled.

We had a Dawn Assault on the door from Venus and Mim and Kali, but it help, will be getting some locks tho..

At 7:28 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And how is the lonely Solace doing?

At 7:37 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I am so glad you got to go after all. Are you feeling better than you were before you left?


At 8:10 AM , Blogger vampi said...

dawn assault...haha. pray they don't teach that to lear, he'll just break the door down.

lad you enjoyed the show! i really want to see palmer when she plays the fonda here, but i'm scared. my knees and ankles have been getting worse. i was so miserable at ben folds. standing for hours is just not something i can do anymore.

At 8:58 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

I think a 30-lb Bengal is a rather unfair addition to the Bengal-Bee Alliance!!!

At 9:34 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

So, at a many pounds of Bengal now reside at the Spooky House?

Inquiring fiends (well, probably just the one) want to know!

At 9:53 AM , Blogger Adri said...

Glad you're home safe! I REALLY want to see Amanda Palmer, but I don't thinks he has any Austin tour dates. Austin being, of course, the only city in Texas indie musicians stop through ever.

I signed paperwork to re-lease my apartment for another year instead of moving to California, and while I know it was the right decision, I'm feeling a little down about it. Have been trying/wanting to move for a couple of years, but owned a house. Then when we finally sold it, and I know you Fiends will understand this, it was too hot to move the cats across country, so we stayed.

Now the economy is tough and I have to make sure we can pay all of our employees before I do anything crazy like triple my rent.

Oh well. At least the weather is great here. And it's comfortable! But hearing about great Fiendish trips to concerts (and Chicago, my favorite city ever) makes me wistful, for sure. Will just have to do more San Francisco trips, and not just for work, this year.

At 10:01 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

70 lbs of Bengal also equals 1 female golden retriever

At 11:54 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Oh, come on! Cabal weighs around 70 lbs, maybe even a little more. My daughters' half Great Pyrenees, Lavender, is in the 100-120 lb range. She can pull a wagon, or have DD2 ride her...maybe.

Yes, 30 lbs is big for a cat, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. Judging by the photo, and recognizing it could simply be the angle it was taken from, King Lear looks to be a bit pudgy, like he hasn't gotten enough exercise. He's still a really big Bengal, even if/when not overweight.

At 12:59 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

What beautiful babies you brought home! A HUGE baby but gorgeous nonetheless.

Val, I have to say, damn you and bless you for that birk-boots link. Merry christmas to me, Hubby got them for me :) The La Rochelle black ones. I was just saying i need some flat boots for winter, the ones i wore last year have a heel and my back and hips can't do heels every woohoo for new boots! And damn, they weren't cheap!

Hope Kitty is having/or had a safe trip home with Kali!

Adri - come visit Ticia and I! We can be ladies of leisure in SF together....just need enough time to get a sitter :D

I went to see Over the Rhine play last night, what an awesome show. The last time i saw them was near 10 years ago and Karin (the lead singer) had some serious stage fright. Beautiful voice but she just sang at teh mic...i don't know what happened but she's amazing on stage now! Chatty and animated and rockin! Oh, and totally hot! Great show.

At 1:22 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Jess, you find the most amazingly fun sites...

I rather like the idea of Bengal rides for the kiddies.

I can imagine Venus Mim and Kali on the outside of the door, planning their dawn attack on all new comers and an unfaithful mom. They really are wonderful girls to share you so much.

At 2:29 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

WOOT WOOT! Party in the SF Bay area! I am totally down with that! And, just to put Lear back in perspective
1 bengal = 3 Olivias (puppy in picture)

There is something seriously wrong in the world when cats outweigh dogs! ;-D

At 2:33 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

One of our neighbour has a Yorkshire terrier and Microbo terrifies him (he is not such a big cat - they are roughly the same size - but he is a real street bully).
Off to bed with me.
Enjoy the show (those of you who are going).

At 2:47 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The show is going to be fun tonight, I am sure of it, long a day as it has been...

We are off to get Kali son and then head for the airport! I think she will be happy.

I bought ALL the Bengals Floor Boot Mats, with Sides, so they can play in their water dishes all they like!

Am installing little pools with fish for them soon..

At 2:52 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Yet another obscure reference:

You could get them robotic goldfish like Lister had on Red Dwarf!

At 3:21 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Yes, i weighed tank and rocket today - and the king sits right in the middle - 34 lbs and 26 lbs respectively. One Big Boy! Phiala, thanks for the link - the ebook looks alot better financially - and does the same - cool! thanks for the bday congrats jess - and yes, you do come up with the best websites. was out and about today and at 17 degree f, froze- the wind off the lake is brutal, and no end in sight, ugh. Glad you got back safe and sound Lorraine, and safe travels to Kitty.
Whoot! birky boot splendor - congrats chantrelle, you'll be stylin'

At 3:24 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Adri, you're so right about Austin. I live near Fort Worth and very few of the more interesting musicians or writers head our way. Can't blame 'em, really.

I just took off last month to SF to meet up with some fellow Pratchett fans from Napa, New Zealand and Kansas. It was great fun! We were there when Himself was in the Bay Area doing the Tour but couldn't swing a visit to Palo Alto. Boo.

Hope Lorraine has even more fun tonight. (sigh)

At 3:57 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Fluffy-- Are you going to North American DiscworldCon next summer? I think I'm even going to dress up! SO EXCITED.

To SF Fiends! I do travel out there on business fairly frequently, and will start apartment hunting (hopefully) around next fall. :) (I was >< close to signing a lease back in April. Glad I didn't, as my gd house didn't sell)

Now off to put up the Solstice Shrub.

At 7:42 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Arwenn- Not obscure to me !


Good one!

At 9:35 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

This phone rocks so does this show. That was Q's message but my phone would not let her log in.

At 9:38 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lucky girls at the show.

At 10:40 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I was just checking in before sleep.

Hopefully ben sleeps in tomorrow, we don't have any plans! Woohoo!

Birthday party and dinner w/ friends on sunday but tomorrow is sleep in and try to christmas-ready the house (aka, put shit away!)

I've decided that we're going to sponsor a child through world vision that has the same birthday as the day we lost our baby girl last year. I got the idea from over the rhine who sponsor a child with the same birthday as the day that the pianist/songwriter in the group's dad died. It puts a positive spin on an otherwise depressing day. I just have to pick the girl and that's harder than i thought! Unfortunately there are too many to choose from :(

Anyway,i'm going to do that tomorrow, time for sleep!

At 10:55 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Chantrelle, that is a beautiful idea.
I'm here Jess (well, d'oh for the obvious). Been trying to find a manual for our fridge online with no success. Grrrr.

At 11:06 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

yup Jess, I'd say its a good sign. Have a lovely sleep

At 12:04 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...


Sleep now must.

Great show.

'night fiends.

At 12:36 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Chantrelle, very well thought of!

Sally, move here, no need for fridge...

Aleta rocks for getting the best table in the house tonight and letting Betsy and I move in!

Just home and catching my breath, new post soon-ish. Bengals need some me first.....

At 12:45 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Great idea, Chantrelle.

At 2:06 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not that I believe anyone is up at this hour, but I , in my awake too late state, have managed to post a post and talk of such things that dreams are made on...


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