Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Winter Comes TODAY??????

Morning Fiends! Than you do much for all your Fiendish good wishes this week, no details, way to much information, but I am feeling a lot beter now, if really tired.

Fods, I had the WORST nightmares last night, and never slept for more than an hour at a time, cats turning huge and attacking Cabal and Venus outdoors, bears coming at me when I was in a convertible, trying to find Chicago, and ending up sleeping on the floor wrapped in a blanket of the humane society....

Some days you just have to know when to get up already...

Trying to decide about Chicago, according to it will be a whole lot of no fun just about when we would get there....Have to have a think....

Either way, we'll keep you posted!

Love and Snow,


At 5:27 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am glad that you are feeling better, even if you are having nightmares. Take care. You might still be too weak to go on a road trip (and your bug is contagious) and in bad weather? Bad idea.

At 5:58 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Hm. I agree with Nat-law. Probably best to stay home and travel to Chicago without such a confluence of bad factors.

At 6:43 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

The weather reports don't look too positive our way, and we tend to get our weather from your direction - we are under watch from this afternoon thru tomorrow. If you are feeling under the weather still, it could be a pretty rough trip - tho i do hope you're feeling better. nightmares don't help tho.

Thank you Fiends for the kind birthday/firday/brostday (not sure i got that one right) wishes! its a fine day, i was owed substitute teaching and happily farmed my classes out. i am going to do whatever i pls, which is actually kinda hard to do, in the face of the stacks of chores present at every corner. however, i will do my best to ignore them!

At 7:31 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Hooray for feeling like yourself again! We missed you!


At 7:31 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Great to see you back amongst the living, Lorraine! Sorry about the nightmares. Makes for no real rest. Yuck! I hope you feel better as the day goes along. Take care!

At 7:36 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

We're here to help recover from the nightmares; the flavor of nightmares can linger, but the Fiend-dom is always safe.


At 7:46 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

That is lovely, Emily!

At 8:00 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Glad you're feeling better! I prescribe the domination of some Tea.

At 8:21 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

{{{Ms. Fabulous}}} Glad you're feeling better!

If the weather between you and Chicago will be bad, do you really want to risk getting stuck in it with their Majesties in the car as well as getting over the crud?
Count me in with Nathalie and Phiala for staying home.

Emily, I agree with Gayle; nicely phrased!

I am being SO distracted by Adrien Brody on "The Martha Stewart Show."

At 8:25 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We are going to Chicago! The weather doesn't look that bad and I am tired, but ok, so we will be heading out in a few hours!

At 8:27 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Hm. Well, at least you have company for the trip.

I hope all goes well, and the Fiends will try not to say "I told you so" if it doesn't. :)

Have fun!

At 8:30 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I'm glad you didn't have to cancel the trip! Have a great time.

At 8:43 AM , Blogger Na said...

Emily, that is simply beautiful.

Yay! Hooray - glad you're up and about, Fabulous L, and road tripping, too. May your journey be safe and enjoyable.

Happy Firday to Sue! Some free time sounds like the best gift of all.

At 8:52 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Fodspeed on the journey!!!

It has started snowing with a vengeance here in Milwaukee but hopefully that won't trouble you guys.

Have fun - can't wait to hear all about it!!

At 9:06 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

have fun and dress warm as the temps are really going to drop tonight! the new bengals may not take kindly to the role of stoles, and you're necks might not like it either! hope amanda palmer concert is great, i am so missing chicago right now. thanks na! i am now Off to Do More Nothing !

At 9:17 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Much ease of travel and Fodspeed, Queen Empress and Ms. Kitty! Have lots of fun at AFP concert!

Jess, I'm with you; I fail to see how having a real skull is more distracting than a replica of said skull. I must be missing something.

Enjoy yourself, Sue!

At 9:20 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hurray for an up and about Lorraine! Sorry about the nightmares though. Yuck.

Happy Birthday Sue! Good luck with the doing nothing and doing as you please. Best wishes for the personal New Year ahead.

Road Trip. wOOt! Drive safely (don't forget the winter driving survival kit) and HAVE FUN!

At 9:27 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Jess -
Thanks for the update but I'll admit to being a bit mystified... how the hairy heck could anyone possibly TELL whether the thing is a replica? I think that revealing the true skull (which is incredibly cool) was a bit of Tennant distracted as I'd be by him I can imagine sitting there thinking "well I know they said they were going back to a replica, but hmmm...." but perhaps that's just me :)

At 9:34 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I too fail to see what's the thing about a real - or not - skull: If nobody said anything, the public would not even notice the difference. And then the actor could make his own choice. But no. People have to blabber about it, putting empahsis where it is not needed. Could it be a case of veiled publicity?

At 9:44 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

It makes me wonder if theater companies worldwide have been using real skulls for years and just not telling anyone :)

At 9:46 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Glad you're feeling better, Q.

"Audiences in Stratford were unaware the skull belonged to the Oxford pianist [...] The RSC told Channel 4 News that now the secret was out, it would be "too distracting for the audience" if the skull was used"(BBC news)

On no we weren't (unaware). And speaking for myself, it was not the skull which distracted me! You put David Tennant on stage and you think that the SKULL is what people will be distrcted by? In any case, there was more than one skull, and we had assumed that they were all real, even if the other two didn't have names...

(No star trek uniforms the night we went, but maybe we got lucky!)

At 9:49 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

To act with a skull
would hardly be dull, even
without scrutiny.

Marjorie - color me JEALOUS!!! Was it wonderful?

At 9:57 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Arwenn - YES ;-)

At 10:08 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hurrah Arwen!

I thought it a good story and like as not something good to generate publicity for the movie. I kind of liked the thought of a real skull...

Off soon on this Adventure! And don't all such adventures start with fear and wonder????

At 10:25 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Nope. Some start out of bored necessity. The fear and wonder come later.

At 10:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better, my dear. I hope you have a grand time in Chicago.

I think only real skulls should be used in Hamlet. Just adds another fun factor to a mad ghost story. But I've been accused of being overly morbid, before.

At 11:16 AM , Blogger Ticia said...


I've never been to Istanbul, but my BF trolled "Lonely Planet" and this is what she was told:

Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia (sp?), Fish Market, and go to a show of twirling dervishes while puffing hookah and sipping apple tea (so cool!!)

Watch out for the drinking water, I seem to remember having a bit of an upset stomach there, but nothing major…

At 11:26 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Best wishes for the trip! I hope everything turns out well and am glad you feel well enough to go!


At 11:30 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Here's a little more:

I spent time there 15 years ago. You can take a ferry to these islands (Princes Islands?) in the bosphorus straights that are pretty cool - no cars allowed, some beaches, etc. Nice to get out on the water for this. It's Also cool is getting the fresh fish sandwiches down by the water in the city on the European side - the main side where all the big attractions are like the Blue Mosque and the palace. Those are cool. That grand market is too, if you dig markets; but if you don't like markets, you might not be into the Istanbul one as it's just huge and chaotic. Cheers JC

At 11:40 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Last night I had a sweet dream in which Birdchick and NBB came to visit and brought the bengals, who proceeded to hand upside down from the ceiling like bats.

At 12:18 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I would like to third the "David Tennant as distraction" line in the comments. A skull? He could be holding a fully fleshed severed head and I'm not sure I would notice it. I'm quite sure I would be looking at my Dr.

I hope you are having lots of good road trip fun, Q!

At 12:23 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

For the Twin Cities Fiends I wanted to let you know about this exhibit in St Paul. Admission is free and there is some very nice local comic book art.

At 12:30 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh happy day. I get to the computer and discover that Quiche is up and about -hooorah- followed by discussions of the delectable David.

Yeah, as IF you'd be looking at the skull with him there. If it was anyone else other than DT playing Hamlet, I'd think it was a stunt to get people to see the play, but he sells himself, in a manner of speaking ;)

Lorraine and Kitty, have a wonderful trip to Chicago. Hope your tummy copes with the car L.

At 12:41 PM , Blogger Adri said...

O glorious broadband internet and fiends! I'll never leave you again!

I'm not sure if I'll be able to catch up on everyone's holiday stories in comments, but I'm going to try. It's like I have a lot of work to do or something.

But I wanted to say, Q, I loved the Mim video, and so did my bengals. ^^ Also your pic of cranberry sauce in a can shape was masterful pop art.

Be careful with your drive (if you make it) and your health!

At 2:46 PM , Blogger vampi said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2:47 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Mmm.... BPAL.

But not all at once!

At 2:48 PM , Blogger vampi said...

bah i think the real skull was cool. what an interesting dying request. and it's only be distracting if it was blue and made the whoosh woosh sound when DT raised it up. i'd love to hear an orchestral interpretation of the dr who song, or maybe a banjo ukelele version just to be odd.

and just so ya'll can get a giggle. i ordered some oil form that black phoenix alchemy lab thing. ony of hte boss inspired scents and another. well they also sent some small vials of 4 other scents. in all of my infinite lack of wisdom, i opened them all up. now my office smells like a brothel.

Have a splendid Chicago trip. i <3 chicago, such a great city, but not with snow.

and bah on nightmares. sweet dreams to all fiends :)

i am epic fail at posting today. i blame the brothel.

At 2:50 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Speaking of BPAL, I need to find someone who the War scent smells good on. It smells utterly wretched on me.

At 2:52 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Val-- ME TOO. I gave mine to a friend of mine, and on her it smells AMAZING.

Normally when their oils don't smell good on me, they smell like baby powder. War was like... I don't even know. Weird and bad. (I'm particularly fond of Magus, though)

At 2:57 PM , Blogger vampi said...

I have on london today, but i'm afraid that yvaine might not work for me. london is very rosey, but yvain smells too powdery for my taste.

i have a small vial of nephlim i don't like. it's too much patcholi, an even though my friend's daughter calls me hippie, i'm so not into patcholi.

jury is still out on the other scents. anyone know how to do the oil in the lamp thing where the heat form the light bulb warms the oil a bit and smells nice? i think i might like some of these as room scents and not on me scents.

At 3:02 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I only have a few BPAL - need to get more - and haven't been wearing them anyway because I am completely addicted to Fire from Heaven from "I hate perfume".

Nick just called me to find out when he should make dinner. Ya suppose that means I should go home?

At 3:27 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Glad you're feeling better if not exactly well-rested, Ms Fabulous. Hope the road trip does you a world of good!

Happy Birthday, Sue (ignore the chores! ignore the chores!)

Marjorie, don't know if I'm more envious about the trip or the play. Either way, you're living well!

Amy, snowing in Milwaukee, huh? We're headed there for Christmas with the in-laws. Boy can only focus on the possibility of playing in snow. Genuine! Actual! Snow!

Kid enthusiasm. :)

Oh, and I need a bit of Fiendish Collective Wisdom, especially from Fiends more experienced in Real Weather than our SoCal family. We're planning to be in WI for 5 days so I don't want to buy (and transport) an entire stockpile of cold weather gear. I also don't want to rely on the in-laws to outfit us, for various reasons, but mostly having to do with avoiding conflict. (Sometimes the SiL doesn't need a reason, kwim?) We're trying to be reasonably self-sufficient.

So, here's my question: what are the most essential things for a boy, age 6, to have for maximum enjoyment of winter, both to protect him from cold and to allow him freedom of movement? Parka or lots of layers? Will jeans work or just get soggy and freezing? Are boots essential? I'm guessing gloves/mittens are. Hat? Ear protection? Both?


As for me, I just want lots of fleecy things and warm beverages, but I also don't have my favorite cousins enticing me outside to play!

At 3:34 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Oooh, I hate to buy scents without having smelled them first, so I'll ask you Fiendly Ones if any of the BPAL oils smells a little sandalwoody/musky/spicy without being too overwhelmingly musky. I love Caswell-Massey Sandalwood soap, but their perfume is too sweet. I've been mixing my own, which I like better than any I've found, but it's not "there" yet.

And thanks for the kind comments on the school/holidays thing. I'm used to blank looks and confusion from the folks here.

At 3:46 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Oooh, you posted while I was typing.

Winter wear for kids - I'd recommend as water-resistant (and as warm) as possible for all the outer layers - gloves, boots, pants and jacket, with as many layers as needed underneath. All the playing in the snow tends to melt it and the freezing water against the skin always made me coldest.

You might look for kids' resale shops in the ritzier areas and call to see if they have snow wear in stock. For seldom used items like that or party dresses I like to go resale.

At 3:47 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

A third Oooh, just to round it out.

At 3:57 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Fluffy, I love the resale idea (and the rounded out Ooohs). Thank you!

I'm mostly concerned about finding something to cover and/or replace the jeans Boy lives in. The search is on.

At 3:58 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I love wearing perfumed body lotion -- it's always seemed to me that you can sniff it in the shops and know whether it will work well, like it's just a matter of taste. Maybe that's just my imagination, or my good luck, since that's always how it's been for me. I love Pear Glace lotion and this deliciously scented coconut lime verbena stuff ...


At 4:34 PM , Blogger vampi said...

I love the smell of lemon verbena form b&bw, but it makes me ill to wear on ym body. I've pretty sensitive to smells. i actually figured out that the vanilla smell makes me ill and triggers migraines. also the "clean" scents drive me nuts. i have to be very careful with the kinds of detergents i use to cleqan my clothes. i've actually had to have a coworker drive to target and buy me a shirt once when i got so overwhelmed by my bf's drysheet smell on my shirt.

that said, i was quite happy with the bpal scents, they were pretty descriptive about the scent notes, i made sure i stayed away form anythign vanilla. i have to research the sample vials they sent. i'd be willing to gift the sample vials to fiends once i figure out which ones smell like which. my office is still bordello.

i love perfumed oils, i feel like stay so much better. my favorite one is a solid rose perfume i got in some hippie shop. i love hippie shops. can such a thing as a goth hippie exist? if so that's me.

At 4:40 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Oh yes there is, Vampi, because I am definitely a goth hippie. I wear black Birkenstock boots; dreads and leather corsets; tattoos and piercings; and I think patchouli's de rigeur for both subgroups. ;)

At 4:56 PM , Blogger vampi said...

can i have a standing exception for the patchouli? i blame my bf in college, his room smelled of it and some green leafy herb, and now the smell of patcholi brings on my migraines.

so, what is a black birkenstock boot? this sounds like footwear i have got to find.

my piercing worked it's way out, and i've been scared to get it again because it scared a bit. i had a brow piercing. i guess it's all about who you go to.

sadly, work has "normalized" my wardrobe, but trust me i bleed tyedie.

i am so not working and reading blogsa instead. i am a bad boss....

At 4:58 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Baumhouse carries all the Birkenstock lines of shoes, and ships internationally for very reasonable prices. They're not cheap, but they last. And last. And last.

Here's the page with the boots.

At 5:07 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Dammit Val, now I want some lace up Birkenstock boots.

*lusting badly*

At 5:17 PM , Blogger vampi said...

ok, in addition to lusting after expensive boots, i totally want these animal birks!
this website totally rocks. i see a major dent on my credit card soon.

At 5:54 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

you could play with people's minds, swapping animal halves! And did you see the skull ones? Too cool

At 6:50 PM , Blogger Na said...

Lexocat - you may even be able to find a snowsuit or ski pants and a good jacket, second hand. My kids seem like little furnaces, so if you had snow pants/suit and some long underwear for Boy, that might be all he needs for hours of falling around in the snow, clothing wise. Insulated boots, ski-type gloves, and a warm cap. I've been finding stuff for kids at second hand shops, and the dollar store type places, or Good Will and Savers will sometimes sell new items that are really inexpensive.

Oooh - pretty boots. I love boots. Right now I want a pair that would make Granny Weatherwax proud. That and something with fuzzy insides that I can slip on sans socks to go out in the snow.

Mmm. Patchouli. I've always loved that scent. My favorite new find is shampoo and such that's patchouli and orange.

At 6:57 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Patchouli is ok, but sandalwood is my favorite scent note. And cloves and myrrh. Mmmm. No florals for me!

As long as we're lusting after expensive shoes... I LOVE Fluevogs.

At 7:47 PM , Blogger Na said...

Adri - how was your trip? You are wicked to show those shoes - I am completely instantly in love with a moss green pair that just showed up there, but OMF the prices. *urgh*

Everyone's sense of scent is fascinating - like vampi and vanilla, sandalwood gives me an instant headache.

At 8:14 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Na- I think the Fluevogs are fair trade for Fiends reminding me of BPAL. Delicious expensive smelly stuff.

My trip was good. I am reading Neal Stephenson's Anathem and it needs a LOT of time/concentration for as he's pulled a bit of a Tolkein. Lots of time on world building and language development exposition. I also watched some films with my dad and sister, started playing Chrono Trigger on my Nintendo DS, and read a bit of The Daily Coyote. Oh, and ate and drank a ton!

It's always nice to take time off, and the weather was grey and sort of drizzly, adding to the drowsy feeling. I meant to take pictures, because North Louisiana is truly beautiful, and that's shocking to people. The economy is awful, education is poor, it smells like papermill a lot of the time, but it's beautiful. The trees were a gorgeous mix of yellow and orange oaks and dark green pine, the water was still and reflective, it was JUST warm enough still that shrubs were still green. Lovely.

Still, by the end of the week, I was glad to be coming home and getting back to work!

At 8:43 PM , Blogger Na said...

Adri - that all sounds so pleasant, lazy and lovely.

I'll have to settle for downloading an image of my new dream boots. Or maybe I'll look at sometime...

Well, the dragonette woke and appears to be illin'. Off I go for the evening.

At 8:45 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

i am lusting after fluevogs too adri, i love boots, and wish i could afford them....someday someday! Alas I am allergic to just about every perfume around - I don't wear much as i get a red weepy rash, so no bpal for me either, so i have much fiendish envy this evening. sounds like you had a nice trip - warm, green and gold tones sound like heaven here in the snow blanketed midwest :). thanks lexocat, and have fun in the snow - you got great advice for your little one's outerwear, i'm sure you will have a great time. my mom used to make us put plastic bags around our socks and wear old fashioned wooly longjohns, fod, i remember the itching and scratching.s Ah, I do love Milwaukee, such a fun city, second in my heart to my hometown of chicago.

At 10:04 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

na, yep, Boy's a furnace, too. I guess we'll focus on the water-resistant outerwear, stopping just short of extra thick Hefty bags and large rubber bands.

Sue, your plastic bags and woolen long johns memories made me smile. And as for fun in Milwaukee, by all means, share your favorite things! I'm insisting on seeing the inside of the art museum this visit, particularly the "Act/React" exhibit, instead of the usual drive past the outside of the building.

In the meantime, I want one of every pair of shoes/boots displayed and discussed here. Several pairs of the Fluevogs, in particular, will haunt me. Thanks a lot, Adri. ;)

Oh, and I'm another who has sensitivity to an array of scents but I haven't found much consistency yet as to which scents spell trouble. Sadly, BPAL's Snow, Glass, Apples has proven to be my most recent vial of Instant Headache and will need a new home. Sigh.

At 10:15 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I can't be around most perfumy things (i think perfume counters in malls and airports should be outlawed!) but i'm ok with a lot of oils. I love bergamot...i'm ok w/ herby things, not flowers--flowers kill me. I cannot walk into a Lush store which bums me out because i'm sure there's something in there i'd like but my nose can't decipher.

I ordered a Potter's Field and a Spider vial...when i get them i'll let you know if i can breathe around them.

I have a major boot weakness...luckily so does i can usually get away with spending a significant amount on boots. :D Not at xmas time though! Money must go elsewhere.

At 10:15 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Didn't mean to post that...i wasn't done.

Just wanted to say hope the chicago trip is safe and well and fun too!

At 10:16 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Madame Q of the natural Royal purple locks; so glad to hear you are feeling better and on the way to your fun adventure! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Scents: I don't do the malls but every now and again I visit the 'Bath & Body Works' for the Chinese Cherry Blossom body lotion. It's not sweet nor as 'clean' as my lemon one I love. Of course; right after I put it on; I can no longer smell it but others say I smell nice and comment on it so I at least have the satisfaction of knowing it didn't disappear along with all my moolah.

The whole powder pants & gloves thing is reminding me of the winter I spent in Lake Tahoe at 18. I had never been in snow before; I loved how it wasn't there when I went to bed and then silently it came at night; and in the morning it was a pristine white winter wonderland. Gorgeous! Loved going for walks in it. Did discover one really creepy thing though; I was living alone at the time in a cabin. Pot bellied stove for heat. One morning; went to the kitchen; looked out the back door to see human prints up to the cabin's back door. There were none leading away...

At 10:21 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Jumping in on Lexocat's question (It might have been answered already in the 20-odd comments after it): BOOTS.
If your feet are cold you guys will be miserable (and cold).
Sweaters that you can pile up are good. When I visited Lorraine last February I had thin sweaters I just layered. Gloves. Hats to protect those sinuses.

At 10:44 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I love scents but need to try them on my skin before I can buy anything. And then season affects what type of smell I want on me.
There is a perfume bar in Rome, where they take you through a "discovery trip" centered around your favourite scents, to help you find the perfect one for you. They only work with artisan perfumes and from that I have developed a disgust (although that is a little strong as a term) for openly available perfumes, no matter how nice. I am a snob, so I am a snob.
The BPAL scents sound amazing (and so the I Hate Perfume ones) but buying something so personal and intimate from the Internet is just too much of a challenge for me.
Regarding the way how to turn a perfume into interior scent, you would need to have a terracotta ring which might fit on top of your light bulb. You put a few drops on the ring and the heat of the lamp will vaporize it. OR. place it (with a little water) in a small dish above a tea light. Or above a good old fashion radiator.
My Mom is allergic to some of her favourite perfumes and she works around the problem by spraying the scent on her clothes instead. If you are afraid of stains, you can make a sachet (or pomander) and carry that in your pockets instead.
If the smell you like doesn't give you headaches, there is no reason to do without...
(oh and I HATE the airports and departmental stores for the reek of their perfume shops. That conflagration of scents gives me headaches too)

At 10:49 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Add to that those little shops that give manicures and pedicures. I nearly pass it with the chemical fumes emanating from them when I walk past.
I honestly don't know how people work in them all day.

At 11:36 PM , Blogger Adri said...

spacedlaw-- re: buying BPAL before trying

Generally you only have to make one order (a $20 set of 6 'tester' imps, for instance) to get enough 'reject' imps to start trading with other enthusiasts. There's a big aftermarket trade community and that's how most people try new scents and determine which to buy.

BPAL Marketplace on LJ

At 11:38 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Alternately, come out to LA, where, once a month, BPAL is open to the public.

It's not been enough on my radar for me to clear my schedule so I can go, but maybe I should give it a shot.

Wonder how Quiche and Kitty are doing on their Amanda Palmer expedition?

At 11:42 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Let's hope that the weather is not too dismal and that they have a safe drive. I am eager to see more pictures of the royal couple.

At 12:52 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Nice boots!

Scents - I find my skin reacts to an awful lot of perfumes (and not just chaep ones) so I tend to spray a little on to clothes or hair. Nat-law - the perfume bar in Rome sounds amazing!

Do you have the address? My best freind is visiting Rome at New Year and it sounds as if it would be somewhere she'd love.

Lexo, the paly was back in october (Booked last November when we were all feeling much richer!) The trip comes in fairly chaep as for most of the time I shall be staying with my sister and her partner who are currently living in Fethiye, so the only cost to me is the flights and the hotel for 3 nights in Istanbul - I shall definately have to be frugal for a bit when I get home, tho!

I shall try to take lots of pics and do a "What I did on my Holidays" post when I get back.

I hope everyones travelling goes well - without to much in the way of snow or ice, and I'll see y'all in about 10 days (unless it turns out Kat has the internet, in which case I may pop in sooner)

At 1:32 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Nathalie, thanks for the boots info. I'm thinking that might be what I'm willing to spend the most money on, too. Biggest dilemma is whether to buy here before we go and accept the limited offerings or buy there just after we arrive and fight the Christmas shopping masses. I'm leaning toward the second choice.

At 3:10 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Olfattorio, via di ripetta

At 6:50 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Quickly, as I'm busy and just got on email to check something else:

I'm reading Anathem too (whoever said that, sorry!), and completely and totally hooked. The Baroque Cycle books were intellectually interesting but slow; this one has completely sucked me in.

BPAL trading is good; you can also go the grab bag route and buy 6 samples for $10. I don't feel so bad about buying things I might not like when it isn't so expensive. Plus the fun of a surprise package!

On boots, I have a great lust for a pair of Frye boots, but I'll be nice and not provide a link.

At 6:57 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am looking forward to Anathem (I was supposed to get it for my birthday but it seems to have got lost in the mail).

At 6:59 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hey Lex. I realize that this has been covered but I wanted to voice my vote for used clothing stores for winter gear. I don't know how cold it gets in Mil. but here you really need snow pants and waterproof MITTENS (not gloves) if the little one is going to play outside. I used to go to the snow in the CA mountains and just wear jeans. It's different out here! And boots are an absolute must but you shouldn't need to pack them. Is there someone where you are going who can start scouting for gear? You can have them buy what you need and then sell it back when you leave. Do we not have another Fiend in Milwaukee? I am blanking on who that is at the moment.

And to add to the boots chat, these are my favs. I am a sucker for boots! Well shoes in general I guess.

At 7:03 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I will add Anthem to my list of books to read when I am done with school. No time to read for fun at the moment. The reading for school is fun but I don't get to choose the titles.

Hey, it's gray and cold here. UGH!

At 7:08 AM , Blogger vampi said...

gah! i like the fry boots as well. ever since i broke my ankle 4 years ago, i have had trouble with shoes. 1 i have an uneven gait, so a wear down the soles with in months. and 2 i love boots and heels, but i can't stand the way they pull on my ankle. it might feel fine when i try them on, but just a little bit of walking reveals that the way the upper boot holds the leg irritates my ankle.

so i have to try footwear on and that prevents online footwear purchase. these sites are making me drool though.

as for snow, it really depens on the weather outside and if the snow was a "wet" one. i used to play outside with out a snow suit all the time because i ws "too cool" for it espite my mom fretting. also, we couldn't afford to replace it every year as i kept growing taller. good waterproof footwear is a must. they my mom used to layer my pants, a baggy pair of weats over ym jeans while not waterproof, definetly took a while to soak through. in a pinch, that will work, but going to walmart and getting a cheap set of real snow clothes is probably the best.
and i don't recall anyone mentioning gloves. it's difficult to find a pair that allows good finger movement with good warmth, so i recommend 2 pairs, so when one gets wet and cold, you can swap. nothing more frustrating to a kid trying to make a snowball if he can't bend his fingers.

At 7:12 AM , Blogger vampi said...

ha! mittens. my mom stopped getting me mittens because i kept complaining an taking them off outside. they freak me out. i need independent movement of my fingers.

i'm weird, but i post here, so i think that goes with out saying.

At 7:19 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I hate mittens too but gloves will not keep little hands warm for playing outside. It gets cold enough here that if you get wet you can actually do damage to your skin in a short period of time. The windchill can drop the temp from 20 to -10 very quickly. SO I guess it all just depends on how cold it's going to get. I often find that it takes longer to get M all bundled up than he ends up wanting to spend outside. :)

At 7:19 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

One more year, one more year...

At 7:26 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

A Milwaukee fiend here and I don't have any snow-play advice because I don't actually know any kids as weird as that sounds. There are definitely used clothing places around, but I don't have a car otherwise I'd offer to scout. The advice given so far sounds excellent and here is a geeky weather link that provides information on the average temperatures/snowfall, etc.

It might be a good idea to remind the little guy that we don't always have snow on the ground at Christmas. Hope that helps, feel free to email me (email is on my profile) with anything specific.

At 7:28 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

I would try to get boots at least before you go - boots sell out so rapidly, popular sizes can be hard to find - and they dont restock as much anymore - right after xmas is over, stores are getting ready for summer. well, not that bad, but it seems like it. If you can't find used, internet order is good - lands' end has decent prices and good promotions. you might try target online too, they have had some good promotions and are not too pricy. yes, i do agree waterproof outerwear, pants/jacket/boots/gloves/mittens.

I have not been to milwaukee since i moved to chicago - what was once a jaunt is now a lengthy drive. the art museum sounds amazing tho, hope you get to see the addition fold and unfold! we would go in the summer and ride our bikes all thru the city, stopping at bars for usinger sausages, and definitely the back alley bar devoted to all things espionage - i don't recall the name but it was great fun.

At 7:29 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

duh, i didnt move TO chicago, i moved FROM chicago. i wish the alzheimers would leave me alone.....

At 7:30 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Arwenn is from Milwaukee.

At 7:54 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

But wait! There is a Fiend Map! It's not for nothing that I am Mistress of Skulls.

I've been meaning to repost it so all the new Fiends can be Skulled if they so wish, and what better time?

At 7:55 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well Blogger ate my comment. Poop.

Lex, if you want me to look around here for used gear I can ship a little of this and that to where you are going, if you want. What size is your little one? We may know someone who has his size.

Thanks Nathalie!

I want to take M to Chicago this spring. Maybe we can head to your neck of the woods, Amy. :)

At 7:58 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Thanks for re-posting the map, Phiala! All hail the Mistress.

At 8:01 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK, I have to draw for class tonight. You Fiends are my strength but also my distraction. ;)

Safe travels, warm thoughts, and ease through deadlines and bureaucracy to all!

At 8:06 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...


Black circles under my eyes are just the price for world domination, apparently. Thank all the Fods for coffee. Depth-charge-sized coffee.

Oh, hey, speaking of the Fiend Map, Phiala... can you change me to Dread Val on it, so the new Fiends know who I am? : )

At 8:07 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Gayle - that would be great, OR, I really like Chicago and it's very easy to take the train down. If you would like another adult to troop through museums/aquariums with, I'm your fiend :) I love that stuff. Milwaukee is great, but Chicago is, well, Chicago!

At 8:08 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Jess, I've been there. Good luck, it is No Fun.

At 8:14 AM , Blogger vampi said...

ooh can you remove my address? i thought it was one of those where it obscures.

everybody skull!! haha i love it, it sounds like some dance move. a fiendish dance move.

At 8:15 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

That sounds like some serious yuck, Jess. Good luck!

Sounds like a plan, Amy. If I have the $ and time this spring I will let you know and we will paint the town red. Or, well, cover it in skulls or something.

OK, drawing now. Really. I swear.

At 8:20 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Jess - That is no fun....and then I hate that post-confrontation I can't whinge to the person I talked to beforehand (and who therefore knows all of the details) because they're sick of hearing about it :( I hope it goes as well as it can.

At least we have skullmaps, boots, and swanky scents...

At 8:20 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Jess; I hate those times. Hopefully all your preparing will keep you cool and level headed. I really hate it when you have to spend so much time & massive energy prior to the actual confrontation; but maybe the delay is for the best in this case? Good luck master fiend!

At 8:35 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

levels? oh my; that means there would be 'classes' of fiends. probably not a good idea. I think we are ALL master fiends! And why does 'Master' fiend sound better to my ear than 'Mistress' fiend anyway?

Too early for such difficult brain things in my head. Fods! I'm running late now... sigh

At 8:44 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Could we make David Tennant an honorary Fiend? A mascot perhaps?

And I agree completely that all Fiends are Master Fiends.

At 9:04 AM , Blogger Na said...

Jess - Yes, been there too. Take supportive fiendish thoughts with you somehow, maybe put 'em in your pocket like pebbles. Good luck! Maybe the delay is good.

Fiendville has a distinctly nonhierarchical vibe. Masters all or masters none! say I.

At 9:16 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Done: Dread Val is now Dread Val, and vampiress has no address.

And yes, all Fiends are Fiends. There are jobs, though: skullwrangling, keeper of arcane vocabulary, night-gardener, and some of those have sprouted titles (see above, arcane vocabulary).

Jess, I'm in the same place re Stephenson; still haven't finished Baroque Cycle, partly because I grew attached to Daniel. So far Anathem is much faster, though I can see that won't be true for everyone.

At 9:28 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Do you guys recommend "Quicksilver" for someone (me) who has never read any Stephenson? I've always meant to start reading his work.

At 9:34 AM , Blogger Adri said...

Arwenn, I'd recommend something shorter to start. Snowcrash or Diamond Age. (I love Diamond Age, personally, though Snowcrash is considered one of the founding tomes of my industry)

I wish I'd carved out more time to just read Anathem. Instead I was distracted by all of the other delicious media I had to consume! At least I'm reading it on my Kindle, which makes toting it around a bit easier. :)

At 9:49 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Thanks for the advice! I've just requested both "Diamond Age" and "Quicksilver" from the library. They look completely different, and wonderful. I'll be on break from school and off work over the holidays so lots of time to read :)

At 9:49 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Well, you all convinced me to add piles of smelly stuff from BPAL to my wishlist. It all sounds so delicious and good. =) And those little imp sized ones would be great-I wouldn't feel bad if they don't work for me. Yay!

I've been reading my way through the Junie B Jones books by Barbara Park. (I bought a set of them for my niece and am giving her one or two of them when I see her.) If you have a kidlet in your life, I highly recommend them. Heck, even if you don't! They're hilarious and written as if a kindergartener was telling the story. Using the same sort of words kids that age use-improper grammer and everything. I was laughing out loud when I was reading them, fantastic little books.

At 9:50 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Goreygeously should be a word referring to "beautiful in the manner of Edward Gorey" :)

At 9:57 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Just a note to let you fiends know that Lorraine and Kitty are on they way back with the beasts. Seems like they enjoyed Amanda palmer.
More when they are home (and rested, I should think).

At 10:00 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Hooray for music and beasties!!

Okay, so they must have flown down...are they driving back? This makes a difference in the types of safety vibes one sends :)

At 10:06 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

My favourite character in The Baroque Cycle is Isaac Newton.
I loved the Cryptonomicon and Diamond Age too.

At 10:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooooo spacedlaw I love that perfume bar. I'm reluctant to buy scent over the interwebs because some scents (mostly anything floral or sweet, but sometimes others) tend to turn ugly on my skin. BPAL is tempting though..and so are those Fluevogs!

Jess, eeg, the phone call thing, it's awful. I think the anticipation is what makes it worse..nauseous dread is a good description!

At 10:59 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Somehow, I don't think they are flying with Bengals.

"Flying with Bengals"
Now there's the title for an album!

::sigh:: Not only do scents change on me, I have to check with my husband as he's sensitive to smells. While I love musk, he doesn't and for good reason. Musk is a male pheromone, so why should he like it? Some scents just make him angry, like, "I want to beat you to a pulp," and it can be someone wearing it who is on the opposite side of a warehouse store to have that effect on him. He's also sensitive to ultra-high pitched security alarm systems in the entrances to department stores/malls, like Needless Markup.

I can't wear patchouli. It smells like dirt on me, and not in a good way. I would love to find some more Black Sudanese Rose oil. I bought some at Scarborough Faire twenty-five or more years ago, and that vendor hasn't been there in twenty years. I'm not sure she's still in business.

At 11:03 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

I don't know if this would be it, but perhaps it would be worth contacting the site:

At 12:08 PM , Blogger Na said...

ariandalen - it most likely is not the same folks, but I love devonshire - they sell at the TX Ren Faire, and last I heard had opened a shop in Bastrop.

At 12:09 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I don't think it's the same people, but you never know. The name is definitely different. I have to admit, I'm not sure I would buy Chalice Well Water bottled in 1998. They might want to update their website. ;)

At 12:14 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

No, it wasn't Devonshire. They've been at Scarborough since year 1. The vendor was Unicorn Oils, or something similar. She couldn't carry everything she wanted because it was too much of an overlap with Devonshire. Like I said, she hasn't been at Scarborough for at least 20 years, and I've been going to Scarborough since year 2 (1982).

At 1:16 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I've always meant to read some Stephensen too and haven't...I will buy something on the Kindle when i finish "Are you there Vodka, it's me Chelsea" which is a funny, silly, quick read!

I'm purging the house of toys and crap in preparation for xmas...go me go!

At 1:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

..Needless Markup..
Good one!..LOL

At 2:02 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Jess, I saw what you did with Tennant-Doctor-Fiend-Master. Hehe, I like it.

Who is going to send him the invitation?

all these shoes you keep showing me fiends, and all these scents. *sigh*
"If I were a rich Fiend, de dum..."

Mistress, thank you for linking to map, Ive been thinking about where it is recently and too lazy to go looking. Now it is bookmarked.

Lorraine and Kitty - safe trip home, and looking forward to reports.

At 2:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear you're better Quiche and travelling. Good to not miss out on some fun.

Good luck with your phone call Jess, it never seems as bad once is over and done with.

Again, great skull map Phiala. It's a bit like an aquarium, you can just sit and watch it flick over.

I'm off to buy a Christmas tree.

At 2:29 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

ooh kindle envy - how do you like yours, adri and chantrelle? i have been wanting one since they came out but it's not in the cards for this year unfortunately. they seem amazing, and when i travel, i can think of nothing better to bring as i usually am lugging 2 or 3 volumes with me wherever i go.

At 2:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Home now safe with King Lear and Queen Mab. No one mentioned Lear weighs 30 pounds!!!!!!!!

More soon, lots of guests here.

Good news! I think my gig is switched for tomorrow , and I get to go see Amanda and the Danger people, hurrah!!!

At 3:14 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

CONGRATS!!!Very glad to hear you guys are safe and sound and be-bengaled :)

At 3:18 PM , Blogger Na said...

Hurray you all made it back, and hurray for going to the show tomorrow! But a 30-pound Lear? Holy moley. Guess Queenie is not an itty bitty kitty, then?

At 3:39 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I absolutely love my Kindle! I have had a few problems with them, I'm on my third. but they've been really good at replacing them, they overnighted them to me and I had them the next day. I chalk it up to the early adopter problems.

It doesn't replace paper books, there are still tons of book not available for the kindle, but there's enough to make traveling waayyyyy lighter.

At 3:40 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

So, i just posted what i wrote, like, an hour ago...woops.

Now...Wow! That's a huuuuge cat!! I had no idea they could be so big!

Glad you had a great trip and that you get to see Miss Palmer again! woo!

Can't wait until the 15th when Ticia and I get to meet up for the SF show!

At 4:11 PM , Blogger vampi said...

jess, i hope all went well. i know how you feel. i'm newly made a manager, and now i have to have all sorts of unplesant conversations in person. ugh.

30pounds, is that a dog or a cat, or maybe a hippo?

sadly, i loved my bpal scent named after my fav city, london, but do not like the scent inspired by Stardust, yvaine. it's not a bad smell, just smells like dryer sheet on my though. i like bpal,a nd i might try to go to the lunar open house onthe 12th. maybe i can get some trial imps of other scents. i know i like rose, so i need to stick to those. still need to go and see what samples they gave me to see if i want to order biger vials of them.

At 4:19 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Lorraine, glad to hear you made it home! His Majesty is HUGE! That's some kind of freak occurrence! My Rocky is a big bengal at 16lbs.

ivenotime, I love my Kindle. Love love love. There are lots of books available (and the ones that aren't have a 'click here to request kindle book' button on their amazon pages), it's light, easy to read, and for the most part comfortable. I still have shelves and shelves and boxes of physical books, but I've mostly been buying ebooks since I got it. I feel like now I can focus my dead-tree book buying on beautiful and/or unique books.

You also don't have to buy books on Amazon-- any books in .doc or .txt format can be sent to your Kindle via email. So, all Project Gutenberg books, the free ebooks Tor puts out, and I think the Baen SciFi library, as well.

I think my family is going to pitch in together to get one for my grandmother this giftmas.

At 4:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

wow, 13.6 kilos. He is a big pussy cat. I had to convert to get an idea because Tysie was weighed on Wednesday, so I could get the size in my head.

At 4:38 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Gayle, thanks for the California snow comparison. That's exactly the sort of reference I needed. And you are so amazing for offering to shop for Boy. Thank you. I think my other Milwaukee SiL, the one without the concealed trip wire, would be just the person for the job so long as I can be fairly specific. Otherwise she'll get very, erm, thorough in her shopping.

I don't think Milwaukee is *quite* as bad as the sort of sudden death wind chill scariness you describe, but egad (efad? efod?), no wonder you're counting down the days. Brrrr. And ick.

Sue, duly noted and I'm off to order boots and take advantage of the "free shipping" offer LE just sent to my home with their latest catalog. Thank you!

Vampi, I'm totally using that sweat pants-jeans combo routine on Boy as our fallback. Thank you. You rock!

The Chicago discussion reminds me that for years we (Husband and I) would reward ourselves for being good and dutiful and visiting family by taking a couple days in Chicago to decompress. Well, more like overstimulate. And eat. Such a great city!

THIRTY pounds? King Lear is the size of a raccoon. A big raccoon. Wow.

Welcome back, Q. Hope you have lots of time and good health to enjoy shows and bengals and all of it!

At 4:41 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Oh, and Arwenn, yes, Boy does know that snow is not guaranteed. This does nothing to diminish his excitement. He's all about possibility. Heh.

At 5:18 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh man! Lorraine! Hurray for getting to come to AFP! wOOt!

Big old Lear huh!

I have been sorta tempted by the Kindle, but I feel like I have my limit of gadgets for the moment.

Busy times this week for me. Writing boring stuff so that I can write exciting stuff later.

Very much looking forward to AFP tomorrow night. I think we are going to an art gallery before the show. The art show sounds very cool. Check it out.

At 5:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

13 1/2 kilos. My daughters were 3 years old before they weighed that much!!! He did look like a big boy in the photos though.

Glad you had a good trip and gigs are re-arranging themselves so you can do everything you want to :)

And Sue, I keep forgetting to wish you a Happy Birthday. Hope everyone made it special.

At 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

AletaMay, what an inspired project and what awesome paintings.

What a great night to look forward to. Colour me green ;)

At 6:11 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

jacquib The paintings really do look great. My friend Daniel, who I will be going to the gallery with, attended a lecture/talk thing given by the artists. Wish I had known about that. Sounds like a great adventure.

At 6:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would have been great to listen to their adventures. It's a bummer when you hear about these things too late.

At least you'll get to see the paintings.

At 7:30 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Hurrah for Adventure Quichie getting her sea-legs back under her. Good thing with a 30# Bengal in her house.
And it's grand that you get to go to AP and Danger people. Sounds like a good weekend all around.

Sue- Happy Birthday! Happy happy tooo yooooo.

Gayle- I am going to see that exhibit hopefully soon, and Aleta- that one too.

At 7:37 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Thanks Jac! and Aleta, the paintings are amazing, and what a cool concept - sounds like a fun show to go see. I am a gadget junkie, all electronic gizmos are fascinating to me. someday i will get a kindle, i just have to convince my main giftgiver that i will not survive without one. hmmm, this is the same manwife who messed up my dogs feedings thanksgiving weekend,,hmmmmm......

30 pound kittie! just a tad lighter than tank, and he is a beefy little boy. glad trip went well!

At 7:40 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

hey beez! thanks! hope you had a great thanksgiving! i am now the same age as my dad was when he passed - and i feel so young, tho when he died i thought he seemed sooooo old. strange shift in perspective!

At 7:42 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Yay! You made it back with their Majesties!

I had wondered how big Bengals got. Tangwyn has weighed 15.5-16 pounds all of his adult life. Bobcats weigh about 30 pounds, and I haven't double checked, but I would think that ocelots weigh 20-30 pounds. All this to say, I'm not surprised. King Lear is an F2, and you've never said anything about Solace's weight.

Kali, you've never heard Neiman-Marcus referred to as Needless Markup? What about Jacques Penne, or Tarjay?

At 7:50 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Okay Sue, now that's just a little weird. MY dad died on the morning of his 53rd birthday....and -I- feel pretty darn young too.

I attribute it to my immature attitude toward life. :D

At 7:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

THERE! I have done a new post! Such as it is!! Poor brain dead thing that I am!!!!!

Going home now!

At 7:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I have to weigh this guy, he can't be 30, tho I am pretty sure he is over 20,

Solace won't come out and be looked at me, but he is big too...

At 8:15 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Am I crazy, or are there two Amys here -- both in Wisconsin??

At 9:51 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

beez, that is seriously fiendishly odd, what're the chances of that? i always attribute my viewpoint to immaturity too :) and bring it on and keep it coming, i will roar into my 100's fod willing. you with me ?

At 11:18 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Bengal standard is between 8 and 12 pounds. Asian Leopard Cats (the cats bengals are descended from) have basically the same weight range. They're not big cats... though I don't think ocelots are, either.

...Uncle Wikipedia says... 20-30lbs! Shows what I know about ocelots! :)

Either way, His Majesty is a HUGE cat even if he's 20lbs instead of 30!


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