Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Among Other Things.."Grab The Skin And Make A Tent"

I warn you in advance, tonight's post is a seriously Cat Oriented Post, so if you are in any way not fond of the Wee Beasties, or bored by such, you must go elsewhere for your entertainment this night. Or morning. Depending on where you are. And when.

I have a lot of news on all fronts, Cat-wise, but the Gentleman who currently has Queen Mab and King Lear, sent me some photos today, so we are going to feature them, in the photo area. I should mention too, that this is not like the Jungle Loves, who came from a pretty bad home. This Gentleman has done everything possible for these kitties and tried to make it work, after adopting them from Bengal Rescue. When it became clear it was not working, he called back to the Rescue Group to find a solution. And he has done everything possible to help me in the transition.

Sometimes EG (Early generation) Bengal males get some odd ideas when they hit adolescence. Lear, it seems has been asserting his dominance, and after a visit from the Gentleman's father, peed all over the couch where the father sat, and then, when the Gentleman fell asleep on the couch, peed on his head. I would be tempted at this point to seek other solutions myself. Lear had no problems with his female foster Mom, and other than that used the litter faithfully.

Moving on to more cats....Selina Kyle (formally known as Kali, Kitty said she thought she might like a cat named for a crime fighting Superhero , to go with Batman, better than one named for the Goddess of Destruction) has come thru her Spay just fine.

Now for the hard bit. You have heard Boss speak of the Downstairs Library Barking Mad Cats, Pod and Hermione? They are 16 now, old ladies. When I went down yesterday, the library smelled pretty bad, which generally means one of them has some sort of bladder infection. A trip to the vet with overnight stay, proved the point, Pod is very sick and in kidney failure. Good news, this can be treated, and she is not ready for the Big Nap.

Talking with the vet, it came out that Pod will need weekly or bi-weekly intravenous fluids. I called Boss and told him to come to the vet and learn how to do this as OBVIOUSLY I could not.

(I fear many things, but I do not lie awake worrying I will ever be an intravenous drug user. I HATE needles or anything to do with medicine, despite being the daughter of a Doctor and a Nurse)

The conversation went like this:

Boss: No. Take her to the vet weekly.

ME: But that will be too traumatic for her, I hate that.

Boss: That cat is completely Mad and loves no one but you. She hates me. That is a three man job, and even then it will be horrible.

(It should be noted the cats had a pretty rough start in a NYC Animal Shelter, and simply could not adjust to a large home with other cats and a new baby, Pod lived in my room for several years..)

ME: You have a point.

A point I realized I would have to do this. Fods. Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you could not do something, but had to, as there was simply no other solution? I went. The vet told me what to do. And showed me. I chanted in my head "DO not pass out and I mean it. Do not throw up. DO not pass out."

"Grab the skin and make a tent, stick the needle into the tent horizontaly, check the flow, re-adjust the needle..."

I did it. Had to.

After I got home with the Kitties, I said to Boss I had 20 minutes before class and needed a cup of tea, Badly. He said "I am proud of you. Would you like beautiful tea in a beautiful cup?" And made me flowering tea in a glass pot. We talked about fear and what one could and could not do and drank the best tea I have ever had.

It got funny in French class when the last ten minutes Le Proff asked me did I want to do a little more work on reflexive verbs combined with adverbs, and I said "Normally that would thrill me but I have already learned how to IV a cat today and I think that's enough learning"

Le Proff replied" Well in that case you will all be glad to be dismissed early.."

Love and Stronger,


At 7:22 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

am i first? me? now to read///

At 7:24 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Ohh what a hard thing to do! Very proud of you, Quiche! And a big hug, dude.

At 7:29 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Wow Q, that's an amazing thing to overcome for that kitty! I'm very proud of you ... you definitely deserved that beautiful cup of tea!

Still fighting cold...still drinking tea...still trying to pack...still trying to be an alert, participatory mom.

Packing for our mushroom hunting trips is such an ordeal. Regular clothes, layers of warm-water-resistant foraging clothes, rain gear, cozy lounging post-hunting clothes. For all 3 of us.

But all of that is far easier than dealing with needles.

At 7:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My thanks, it was in many ways, one of the hardest things I have ever done. But there is a definate Something in overcoming fear, and doing something you know you cannot do.

At 7:32 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I know what you mean Lorraine, Learning how to do the pinprick in Tysie's ear to get blood for her blood glucose levels and then inject her with insulin was one of the most challenging things I've had to do.

Oh dear, I hope Lear doesn't do the peeing thing at your place. Yuk.

Boss is a good man.

At 7:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wait, you hunt mushrooms, Chantrelle? I do that myself....What are you after???

At 7:34 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am hopig Lear does'nt as well, these will be challenging fosters to be sure, not sure where thier home will be, it will have to be pretty special.

I am worn out now, truly. Lovely tea here at the Spooky House and Bengals sleeping around me, and a Leopard who sniffed the chicken I tossed him.

At 7:38 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

oh lorraine, how hard that must have been - good for you, it brought tears to my eyes. poor scared baby, you did the kindest thing possible - tho i never remember reading about those particular kitties before from your bosses' blog. How lovely to have tea made for you, a kind and generous gesture.

King Lear, however, peeing on a gentleman's head made me laugh out loud, I'm surprised he didn't swing the cat by the tail in retaliation. Sounds like the owner is a kind and caring soul, and his father is too. snicker. pee on a head, my fod....

just finished a pot of chili, starting on potatoes and salad dressing for the holiday. well, chili for the kids tomorrow when they come home from univ.
easy and quick meal as i took a good look at their bedrooms, and my heavens they are either a bit sloppy or pixies have been in there since they were home last. I know what they will be doing :)

At 7:40 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Chantrelle, hope you feel better soon - hard to be packing when you're not feeling well, and hope you have fun mushroom hunting! My husband loves morels, but that is about all i know about mushrooms and looking for them.

At 7:44 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Good for you, Ms. Fabulous!

It does get easier, I know from personal experience. I had to learn to give myself insulin injections when I was pregnant with DD1. At the time, I had a learned fear of needles, to the point where I broke out in a cold sweat if a simple blood sample had to be drawn. I had to inject insulin in my thigh twice a day for a month or so. Not fun, but I did it.

Granted, it was a lot easier than trying to do the same to a cat.

At 7:46 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Golly Goodness, Quiche...isn't it the most empowering feeling when you do something you know you absolutely cannot do, and then it's done and you did it. No one but you.

You are so beyond cool. May Beautiful Tea and wall plates be your reward!

At 7:49 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

I'm so proud of you! Overcoming a fear like that had to be difficult; and still will be until it simply becomes routine. You have no other choice; and it's the right choice and you love that kitty and she trusts no one but you; that feeling should carry you through the worst bits. Sail on brave darling!

Thank you for the tips. I see she has left the litter box in the front foyer. I'll bet she locks us up till her return. The absolute nerve! *hurumph* Now I have to simply look outside in the wild backyard and don't even get to smell anything! This is all the fault of the fat ones. Hummm; maybe they could be encouraged to lose some weight while she's gone. At least I'll get some excersise.

Thanks again,
Ms. Stella O'Houligan

At 7:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You Fiends do my heart good you do....You know that...The after of going thru a thing like this leves one pretty drained...Clear, and whole but drained...

At 7:56 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I have just now walked in the door. Dog is whining outside, because the evil sky water is beginning to fall; the cat is telling me loudly about her day; and I am thanking Everything that is holy that I am both home... And that there's a toilet just inside my garage door.

Wine now.

At 7:57 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

a virtual flowering tea for you m'dear, served in a virtual beautiful teacup, with virtual light conversation...

At 8:00 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Tired girl here - I read Val's penultimate sentence as "And that there's a toilet just outside my garage door.

Off for a slight snack and bed.


Night, Fiends.

At 8:05 PM , Blogger bengalgirl said...

Good news about Leopard sniffing the chicken. And great pictures of the Royalty. And I am so proud of you for overcoming your fear of the needles for the poor girl. I also don't like needles and had to learn to do sub Q fluids on my abyssinian before she died. I hated it, cried while I was doing it but I did it. It is amazing what we can do when we have to.

At 8:12 PM , Blogger Bridget said...

When I hear "Grab the skin and make a tent", I think of the insulin shot that we give Ford, our big grey fuzzy feline boy, every day. (Yes, his full name is Ford Prefect.)

What you did after making the tent was harder. But you did it, and you will always be stronger for it.

When we learned Ford was diabetic, one of my big fears was that I would be the one who would always, every day, for the rest of his (hopefully long, two and a half years on and stable! Insulin has decreased, even!) life. I would have to travel with him, never leave him.

But my husband - not so fond of needles, he - surprised me. He came into the exam room with us and learned to do it. Because he had to. Because diabetes is treatable, Ford has a whole lot of good years, and there was simply no other option. He is our little one, he trusts us, both of us, to take care of him.

Husband is now the one who usually gives the shot, because it's done early in the morning when I am not very awake. And if it were more serious, and involved IV fluids, I now know we would be able to do that, too. Both of us, no matter how hard, no matter how scary. Because there is simply no other option. And because he is a good man.

Fear and bravery, in the face of much fuzzy love. We haz it. All of us.

Also: Peed on his head? Oh... my. Poor Gentleman, and poor Lear!

I am going to make good tea now, and face another fear - this work that I have successfully avoided for months and must finish for tomorrow afternoon. But tomorrow night, I will be stronger for it.

At 8:14 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

this is the best sentances evar!

"Fear and bravery, in the face of much fuzzy love. We haz it. All of us."

Thank you for that; it's wonderful!

At 8:17 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

This time of year we hunt porcini and chanterelles. In Jan/Feb we go for Black Trumpets.
The crop isn't looking promising this year so send spore-filled thoughts toward northern california ;-)

Boss has told me about the morels he gets...I have a Tori tour program signed by him "Love and Morels" :)

At 8:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am for bed, early as it is, this girl has done enough for today,

But, Bridget, thankyou and welcome! Thank you for posting good advice! Don't de-lurk we likes you!

At 8:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Ms. Fablo, again you are amazing. I hope you get some much deserved rest tonight and have a peaceful day tomorrow. You are an inspiration. :-) I am not a lover of needles, and especially for my loved ones. (Several trips with my kids to ERs for stitches and such. I had to remember to breathe!!) It is good to know we can do for others what *needs* to be done.

Speaking of needs, I have to do homework. Have to. I'm not normally a procrastinator, but geez I've been bad these last few days. Yes, part of it is feeling like hell on a cracker what with the stupid bronchial tubes and stupid sinuses, but still. I have stuff to do, and it needs to be done, sigh. By me, no less.

And y'all are addictive!! :-)

At 8:32 PM , Blogger Na said...

Virtual tea and hugs, FabLo. What strength, to have done the impossible.

At 8:36 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Really lovely photos. So the theory is that Lear shows this behavior around men, right? Wild.

Good job walking through the fear!! It is amazing what we can do when we have to. Amazing.

Do you actually have to find a vein! That sounds hard just on the face of it without all the emotional stuff that goes with it.

Very, very impressive.

Chantrelle -- hope you are feeling better soon.

Fodspeed to all those traveling for thankfulness.

ariandalen -- great poem (meant to say that on the last thread. Hope the dental work goes well. Hate that stuff!

Val -- Do people ever fall asleep sitting in traffic like that. I know that after a full day of work I would find it really hard to stay awake sitting in traffic. They should put little bathrooms -- mini rest areas -- along the freeway for you LA types.

At 8:48 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Hi, Bridget!
I smell your spicy brains.


Good night and sweet dreams fellow Fiends!

Believe it or not, I'm off to bed before 11:00 PM CST.

At 8:54 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hi Bridget - good to meet another person managing their cat's diabetes...
Tysie sends a big prrrr to Ford.

At 9:33 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Wow- Ya get busy for a couple of days and look what happens.

I am left with some impressions- FabLo is being her fabulous self and persevering in the face of fear (and yes, all for fuzzy love, which is like fuzzy logic only much much better), Val is a piece of Autumn Glory in her Faire garb, and the animals have been peeing on pumpkins and pumpkin head....

Also...food. I distinctly remember reading that there has and will be wonderful food.

Oh, and Thanksgiving Party at my house apparently.

Do I have to clean? I'm with Boss on this one.

At 10:06 PM , Blogger Adri said...

I am totally in awe of every wonderful thing you do for cats. All I can say is <3 thank you

Also, being peed on by upset or sick cats is unfun, but definitely not the worst thing ever.

At 10:25 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Poor little barking mad cat and poor you. You will be doing fine I am sure. With needles and new fosters alike.

At 10:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beez, NO cleaning required, and I'll be there at 4:00. In the morning. (totally joshing, of course, but kinda wish I wasn't...)

My meds apparently do not like me to sleep. Odd, that. I guess it's the decongestion stuff keeping me up? But still unhomeworked. Grrring at myself about that.

Pie making tomorrow, yes. Pies and the jello thing and pineapple cheese (so good, I promise, but so not good for you!) and other nomnom goodies. And turkey. At least I will eat some real food this week. My lunch at work tends to be peanut butter crackers and I end up eating fries on the way home waaaayyy to often.

Sweet dreams, y'all. Or have a lovely Wednesday, you other side of the worlders, you. :-)

At 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done, lady! Well done.....

Plus a well-earned reward. :) You are definitely a better woman than I, the whole IV thing being a serious weak spot for moi. and to be able to do it on your furry friend? So much the more impressive!

Quiche, remember the guy (actor) who played the Pouka in the War for the Oaks trailer? I'm PRETTY sure I saw him in a trailer today on tv for the remake of "Day the Earth Stood Still". John Eric Bentley, he was/is...
verrry talented.

Unfortunately, can't find him in a cast list to verify. So if you see the trailer, watch closely for him--okay? kthanxbai :)

At 1:17 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Well done Q - I think we are all capable of more than we think we are, but that doesn't make it any easier having to do it, especially the first time.

I can relate to your dislike of needles - (Although have to admit I'm worse if I'm the one they have to go into, than being with someone who is being spiked) Giving blood on a regular basis and having to have lots of injections for root canal work have taught me that I can bear it if I have too, but I shall be so thankful when real life catches up with Star Trek and we can all have hyposprays instead!

So glad that Boss was there with tea and sympathy.

Lear and Mab look gorgeous - I do hope they settle in well when they arrive - the Gentleman who has them sounds nice, too - (And yes, I, too, would look for other solutions if my head was being peed on.)

At 2:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Quiche

I love your SpookyHaus and the Forest room. I bet even I would get a whole nights sleep in there.

My goodness, King Lear is a big puddy-tat.

I was just thinking, a major ingredient of urine is a chemical called urea. It can also be excreted in sweat.

I know older gentlemen can have quite a concentration of this chemical in their hairline or their head, especially if they have lost their hair.

I also know, sometimes puddy-tats can take this as a pee-for-all. So hopefully, if you don't have elderly, hirsuitically challenged men in your house, you may be OK!

Also, DragonSally, I saw that picture this morning in the paper and that's exactly what I thought :)

At 3:51 AM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

Wow, that's excellent, facing fears is hard. Rock on for beautiful tea in a beautiful cup, Boss is a thoughtful guy. I hope you slept well!

And Val, I'm also grateful for toilets just inside the garage door. One trip we took out west made me wish we'd towed a port-a-potty, because there is NOTHING on I-70 in eastern Utah/western Colorado!!!

At 5:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I reread your post this morning, Ms. Fablo, and am amazed all over again. Taking in more kitties in need of a home, being willing to deal with regular shots for an old kitty who needs you . . . big time stuff, and good for me to think about. You totally rock.

Tiny warning for y'all fiends -- I'm home today, as school is out, so if I post, like, a thousand times and all of them are related to food or my nose, well, just remember: I'm on whack meds for that nose. :-) Have a great day, everyone!!

(I think it is too early for me to be up, but here I be.)

At 5:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 5:35 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Poor Pod! The IV drip is no fun at all. I had to do that for my dog twice a day for a year. It's heartbreaking at first, but it really really gets easier and it makes them feel so much better.

This is coming from a girl who is also needle-phobic.

You are making Pod's life so much better. Yeah You!

At 7:13 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

MOrning Fiends!Fods I fell asleep early, too much yesterday. I could yet go back to sleep now.

Agalia, feel free to post away, Wach Meds or not, it will be fun for those of us working!

Tea. Tea will be good.

At 7:20 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Whack meds is awesome...now to figure out how to work it into conversation today....

Lorraine, it is a brave and wonderful thing that you are doing! I'm not comfortable around needles either (and am also a product of a nurse/doctor union...coincidence?) but the fact that the treatment can be done at home and be done by you will improve the beastie's quality of life exponentially. Bravo!!

At 7:21 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Morning, Fiends!

Hey, it RAINED in LA overnight! It was raining and I missed it! This makes me slightly sad.

Bridget, good on you for tackling that fear of work-put-off. And for delurking! Aglaia, you and Bridget team up on the Death to Procrastinating. ;)

Aleta, yes, people often do fall asleep in traffic, especially if they're not being careful about carbon monoxide in all the exhaust fumes... you can nod off very easily.

Datagoddess and curious others -- oh yes, one of the best things about my new place is the half-bathroom (e.g. space for a toilet and sink) that's just inside, an inch from the garage door.

Chantrelle, have fun on the mushroom hunt! Sounds very cool. I love mushrooms... ooh, maybe I'll make a wild mushroom tart soon.

Beez -- thank you.

Jess... carry on.

Ill Fiends, get well! Uncaffeinated Fiends, caffeinate! There, now you all have your marching orders. I expect the world to be dominated by lunchtime.

At 7:28 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, it will be better for Pod not to have to go into the vet with strangers, it is SO stressful for her, more than a regular cat who likes people.

I think I missed something on the bathroom bit...

At 7:36 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Oh, in last night's comment once I got home, I was extolling the virtues of having a bathroom right inside the garage door: e.g., the very first room to get to in the house, useful after a 3-hour commute.

At 7:49 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah, got it , teach me to fall asleep early.

Right, off to work...Have a great day Finds, traveling , working, sniffling, whatever it calls for.

At 7:57 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Squinting....hoping my glasses are at home!

At 8:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dread Val and Fablo, I am fully tead/caffed up and ready to go grocery shopping. Will report back later on how much of the world I have dominated by, say, 3:00 p.m EST. So far, I have dominated exactly 5 pages of reading chapter 26 of my assessments textbook. Uhm, it's a start, right??

At 8:28 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fods! The things you Fiends FIND!!!!! I'd use the skull...

At 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I ran and folded a couple loads of laundry, vacuumed the downstairs, cleaned the cat litter, wiped down the kitchen cabinets and the stove front and top, set the turkey in the warm salted water to defrost, and just threw the shower curtain in the washing machine with some bleach (we have hard water here, which leaves the nastiest looking stains!!), and semi-cleaned the bathroom (no scrubbing of the tub today). Yup, I'm in full homework avoidance mode.

At 8:37 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Good work, Jess! I think we all have a new standard of Skulling to aspire to after Mr. Tennant.

Aglaia, I'm confident the grocery store shall be properly subjugated, now that you have done battle with the forces of entropy.

I look out from my 12th floor Fortress... er, office… over West LA, and survey my domain, and consider it good. Who knows what I shall accomplish once I've had enough coffee?

At 8:37 AM , Blogger Siri said...

OK Fiends - who's good at finding things? I came home last night, driving my car, put it in the garage and carried on. Got ready to go to the gym this AM, and CANNOT FIND MY CAR KEY!!!!! Where did I put it?

I've looked in the fridge and freezer, the garbage (which goes out today), the recycling (same schedule), pants pockets, coat pockets, purse, drawers near the purse/key/cellphone counter.

Where is it? Someone work your magic. (I do have another key, so am able to drive.)

Home all day, waiting for the cable guy, and later going to hospital to bring home old family friend.


At 8:40 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Morning, Ms. Fabulous and fellow Fiends!

Whack drugs. I would be bankrupt if I were a drug addict because it would take such a high dose for them to be whack drugs. I can take a dose of Vicodin and still drive, and do it safely. Seriously. It does work as a painkiller, though. I could go on and on, but this is a comment. ;)

My daughters are playing. They are still having The Great Talk before they have the Battle. Though right now they are both transfixed by television commercials. ::shaking head:: I don't remember playing like this.

At 8:45 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Siri, have you looked in the car? Like in the ignition?

At 8:46 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Yup. Even cleaned it when I got home from the gym, looking.

Did Dan do something with that dimentional stuff that it has slipped elsewhere?

At 8:53 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Have you looked on the floor next to your car?

It might also be worth emptying your purse again. I've had to do that, and found whatever I was looking for after completely emptying my purse.

Good luck!

At 8:55 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Hmmm - garage floor - hope I didn't drive over it going in and out. I'll check that out....

Emptied purse twice, even the zippered compartments that are never opened.

At 8:55 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Siri - Is there any chance that another member of the household walked off with it? Either that or could you have set it on something tall (like the top of the fridge) as you were juggling something else?

At 8:58 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Love to blame someone else, but there isn't anyone else, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't robbed, because it would be a pretty stupid theif to take the car key, but not the car....

As far as I remember, I came in and put all my stuff down, and grabbed my mail box key, and the neighbor lady's mail box key, and went and got our mail. I'm going to check both mail boxes to see if I put it down in either one.

At 9:07 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better I woke up yesterday morning to someone pounding on my door at 6:00 AM. It was the lady in the next apartment telling me that I'd left my keys in the door!

At 9:08 AM , Blogger Siri said...

You'd think she could have just used them to let herself in and put them on the table - leave you to sleep in peace!

At 9:11 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Did you check the door? I like to leave my keys stuck in the lock. Especially if I'm carrying things.

At 9:11 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Hee hee...that's funny. Fiends think alike. =)

At 9:12 AM , Blogger Malena said...

If I were there, I'd lovingly give her a tranquilizer and take her to the vet for you. There are many ways to put someone to sleep...
I am going to Kitty's today and sending her some things for you.
Brainpower lotion (helps with organization, memory and stamina)
Essential Oil
(for all kinds of things you need)
Love ya!

At 9:12 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Well, I don't know her and I live alone so her knocking on the door was scary enough :)

At 9:15 AM , Blogger Malena said...

I am very proud of you Dev. Shots are terrible to give and to get. You conquered the bee fear and now needles. What's next...swimming with me and the sharks?
We'll skip that one! Stick to cats! Their bite is more cuddly!

At 9:15 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Pod and Hermoine are my special sisters,
i visit quietly with them whenever i can,
and i helped Merry HK to de-matte them one fine year. a struggle to match no other.

i will help administer the meds, happily.

and DV, how did you miss the rain? it was thundering & lightninininggg like a Viking party all evening here in H'wood.
see you tomorrow Quiche, Selina Kyle and Boss and assorted leopards, beasties and spider sisters.

At 9:20 AM , Blogger Siri said...

FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Ariadalen for the garage floor suggestion. When I got home last night, I heard a noise as I walked past the sleds that lean on the south wall of the garage. I thought I bumped them, but what I heard was the car key falling down behind them. I KNEW the Fiends would find the key - that's just how you all are!

What a weight off - now I can get to work cleaning closets. Woo Woo.

At 9:23 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Maybe you gave your keys with the mail to your neighbour, Siri?
(but she would have returned them surely?)
The mystery must be with whatever you did after you left your car. try retracing your movements. Last time I left my wallet in the butcher's plastic bag. All nice and cold it was when it finally downed on me that I had not retrieved it from the bag...

At 9:24 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Kitty, I missed the rain because was busy drawing -- I kinda forget where I am or what's going on around me. I forget to eat when I'm busy making stuff, too.

Siri, have you looked on the garage floor?

At 9:24 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Oh, apparently you have. ;) Never mind, then!

At 9:31 AM , Blogger Siri said...

That is the one place it never occured to me to look - in the car, yes. Floor of the house, yes. But it took fiendish minds, working in unison to point me there. We can/do rule the world!

I still tend to blame Dan and dimentional shifts, though.

At 9:35 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Dan and/or invisible dwarves (wearing scarves) :)

Glad you found them!!!

At 9:38 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Oh and on a COMPLETELY unrealted subject, if you have not done already so go and read this great blog entry by Amanda Palmer on the fact that her record company did not like the Ledds United video (the fools) because they thought she looked fat in it (the UTTER fools) and the wonderful reactions of her readers. I think we fiends should go and show your own belly there.

At 9:40 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And never mind the typos...

At 10:45 AM , Blogger Siri said...

All the fiends are working or sleeping, 'cept me....Still waitin' for the cable guy (he's got 16 minutes to show before I call him in....) Waitin' to hear from the friend in hospital that I'm supposed to bring home today....waitin' waitin' waitin'

Bored bored bored bored bored....I'm going to go read a book.

At 10:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am home, conquered the grocery store (the parking lot of which has one of the most beautiful views in the world -- full on Lookout Mountain, only about 150 yards away!) and did the lunch thing, yum. My youngest, he's 12, helped out and we had fun singing "Patrick Swayze Christmas" from MST3K together. It's really nice to spend relaxed time with him, as usually I am way time crunched.

Right. Back to the textbook. Am reading the assigned chapter, yes. Which has sentences like these: "Internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha was calculated for referred and nonreferred children combined. The alphas for the seven syndrome and composite scales ranged from .66 (for Anxiety Problems) to .95 (for the Total Problems sacale). As with other reliabilities, these are not disaggregated by different age levels."

*NOW* does my homework avoidance make more sense??!! :-)

At 11:04 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hi Fiends! I am in the office but I do not think there is ANYONE else around. Funny and kinda nice.

I have been following the Amanda Palmer Belly thing and it is very cool and interesting how quickly her fans have mobilized on this. here is a Facebook community they started which also contains a good explanation of what is going on. I doubt I'll be posting a photo of my belly but seeing the variety of belly photos and hearing peoples stories about how they feel about their bellies is really uplifting.

One fan posted a link to this video she made over a year ago about her own belly and Amanda Palmer. Check it out!

At 11:30 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:55 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:55 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

good evening fiends! (Or happy mid morning, depending on your time zone or personal preference)

Just got home after a very frustrating day at work and settled down to read all the comments, as a result of which I am now downgrading my personal mood from "Mildly homicidal" to "slightly miffed". Thank you all.

Siri, I'm glad you found you keys.
Val, sorry to report I failed to dominate any of the world today. In fact, so little did I dominate anything that I now have to go to court on 23rd December . .

In my defence, I didn't read the marching orders until after I fialed in this way :-)

Data Goddess and Bridget - I don't think i said hello, so Hi, and happy de-lurking.

Chantrelle, hope your cold is getting better and you have a sucessful mushroom hunt.

Did I missanything?

At 11:56 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I think it's true for most people that, when something has to be done, you do it no matter how little nerve you believe you have.

Good for you for getting through this.

Hoping Pod feels better soon,


At 12:00 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I've just dominated a nice bottle of Chianti and I must say it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

At 12:00 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:05 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

H Fiends, just popping in from work to say hi!

Glad the keys got found!

Glad to hear there re Fiends dominating wine, go Nat-law! Marjorie , you should join her!

Kitty, I am off to get Selina Kyle soon! She will be waiting for you tomorrow!

Malena, thanks for the offer, but I dont' think drugging her is the answer, I can do this. Today I started getting her ready, I went and sat on the floor, and put her fav pillow beside her, and petted her and cuddled, I'll do this every day, so next week, she will be calm and used t there..

At 12:10 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Q, what a wonderful idea. Know I come to think of it, I belive I have a bottle of white burgundy which I feel I could dominate...

At 12:10 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And thus she gets some cuddles too.
Cuddles are important.
I'd like some pictures of Kali-Minou, please.

At 12:50 PM , Blogger Siri said...

And the cable guy finally came (at 2, when he was to be here between 10 and 1) and that's fixed, and the friend in hospital got sick last night, so now I'm waiting to see if she gets out tomorrow, instead, and I found the stuff to take the wall paper off (not a project that's happening soon, but I lost the stuff I bought to do it) and the chest of drawers is nearly cleaned off (filling a bag for recycling) and it's too early for wine here, but there's a nice bottle of pop calling my name (no caffeine - I'm looking for sleep early tonight.)

At 12:54 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Jess, what makes it a 'gratin'? Is it the breadcrumbs and cheese? I've never known, and think you do.

Oh, and YUM!

At 1:10 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Right, then.

Good progress with the dominating, everyone, except Marjorie -- do try to avoid court dates whenever possible, unless of course, you're sitting in judgment on the universe. ;)

(In all seriousness, that sucks, dude.)

At 1:32 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

To be fair, if I avoided court dates at all costs I would probably be out of a job! this one is mostly the Judge trying to bang heads together - basically he's saying "You ought to be able to agree this, and maybe it will concentrate your minds on doing that if I make it clear you have to come back just before Christmas, for me to decide it, if you don't"
Since I act for the children, adn the fight is mostly (on this point) between parents and social services I am probably not going to be able to do much in the way of making that agreement happen.

On a happier note, I have now sucessfully dominated a large glass of wine, and am busy planning the best way to smuggle bacon through customs. Any suggestions...

At 1:52 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

So many comments to catch up on. Just popping in to wave hello *waves madly*

About to drop car off at mechanics for major service. I could be home in half an hour, if said mechanic gives me a lift, or several hours if I have to public transport it.

Oh for a "beam me up, Scottie" machine.

At 1:53 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

I'm pretty sure that bacon has medicinal value...

At 3:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The great pie adventure has begun. I will be popping in and out as I start the cooking (and, of course, nibbling -- as St. Paul said, do not muzzle the threshing ox!). Turkey will be the last thing tonight and it will take a few hours, so I will have plenty of time for homework! (Or movie watching on the laptop...)

And Ms. Fablo, I wish I had remembered to suggest a homemade turkey potpie for you and Miss Kitty tomorrow! You could make it ahead of time and it would be all ready for when you get back from the airport. But I'm sure you have something fantastic planned. Which you must tell us about tomorrow night, okay??

*waves* back later, I'm sure...

At 3:49 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Wow, Quiche! Good for you for being brave. You have overcome bees and needles. Now what? :)

I am making food for tomorrow and looking through as yet unpacked boxes for my cook books. I love cooking! I will read posts after the stuffing is done.

I would love to go mushroom hunting some day. Maybe this spring.

At 4:36 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jess, MY riding crop is sparkly green and has a Shamrock on the end. Heh.

I am HOME! What a day, not at all a bad day, a lovly day, but it never did stop.

And then, I pull in the drive, happy, I am home, bringing Selina Kyle, AKA Kali, I will finish a little laundry, get Kitty's room fresh sheets, all will be serene here a the SPooky House.


Venus had a major freak out when I walked in with Kali how DARE I bring a strange cat in!!!!!! PISSED! (Venus does not apparently have a long memory, or else she connviently forgets) And Mim was so excited by the fact tha chicken was coming she ran on her POOP-wheel and POOPED everywhere. (I hate this cat wheel!!!!!!!!!!) Meanwhile Kali, in a complete disregard for her instructions from the vet is running up and down the staires....


Mom has had enough today.

At 4:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! Poor Q-Cat-Mom!! How awful. The poop on the wheel would probably send me right over the edge . . . You brave, brave soul!

At 4:44 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Serenity… at the Spookyhaüs.


Good luck getting everything cleaned up and wrangled for Kitty's visit. If I were there, I'd help.

I'm about to leave work for the evening commute. I find a sense of humor helps with Thanksgiving's rush hour. Besides, I'm busy dominating stuff today -- might as well go dominate the 405!

At 4:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Domminate away Val, you have inspired us all today!

And oh, I forgot to tell you, I get to the vet to get Selina Kyle AKA Kali and the bill is $300! Hello I said, that's pretty steep for a Fee-luke test (Yeah, found out she had never had one, about worried myself sick I had brought a positive cat into the house!!!!! She's negative tho) a blood analiysis and a Spay.....

SO sad, says the vet people, oh I trust you says I. I pay and get the print out and there it is:


AACCCKKK!!!!!! You bloody took my cats CLAWS????????

I get Kali out, they panic, go running for the vet........

But all's well that ends well. Billing error, not a de-clawing error.

But it made for a wee heart attack.

At 4:56 PM , Blogger Siri said...

You did get your money back, right???

Stoopid computers.

At 5:11 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ack indeed. De-clawing is awful.

Finally home from dropping car off at mechanic. Detoured a little through shopping centre (mall) and got some great bargains, then just missed a bus home. Whoever think one bus an hour is sufficent? Q - I sent you an email...
Siri, those keys of yours are fiendish - what a brilliant hiding place. Surprised you didn't hear the little blighters snickering at you.

and Jess, thanks for making me hungry.
Bullfinch -you go girl, that homework sounds deadly. I can understand why even housework was more tempting.

At 5:16 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Go dominate the 405 Val! hope the commute is shorter. sounds like everyone is busy, busy, busy - i just finished with the last of the cooking i can do until tomorrow morning, then pack up the car and the girls and i head to chi-town. grace, sounds as if you have a bit of energy -that;s good, dominate the infection!

sigh. poowheel, i cannot imagine the mess that must make. hope you get kittie's room ready and have a bit of a rest.

Here's wishing for all good fiends to have a fun and happy day tomorrow, whether in this country or across the world. Here's to safe travel, good food, good friends, good times, perhaps a bit of spirits and pie. and cranberry jello in a can to honor ancestors with :) fod bless us every one.

At 5:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh yes, of course, got a refund. We are very friendly, me and the vets office. They re-modeled last year, whi I pointed out they could not have done with out our business.

I am going to have dinner, then do a lovely new stress free post. Mim is on her wheel, but I figure the poop HAS to be all out of her......Venus is having an affair with my slipper sock, AND my purse.

At 5:28 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ahhh, another cat who loves what comes off her owners feet;)

At 5:56 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Unlurking to say hurrah for you, Lorraine! It's so hard to get started, but you'll get used to it, I just know it. I almost fainted the first time I had to change the bandage after my Good Sister had surgery but it got to be routine. Then there was my brief career as an ear-piercer...

I have it easy on the cat front with two sisters, Binky and Peaches. They're almost 2, and are the new generation after three elderly ones who required intensive care for a few years. They're our first indoor ones, which is a relief, 'cos of the coyotes.

Saw James Marsters mentioned - he also narrates the Harry Dresden audiobooks, and has the character nailed. Amazingly good.

Good luck with the fitness. I'm working on it and have lost 30 lbs since turning 50, which pissed me off really bad and made me just a teensy bit nuts.

At 6:10 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

More fresh brains for the fiends....welcome Fluffy!

At 6:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Fluffy! And welcome! Way to GO on the fitness! I am glad you de-lurked, you sound very Fiendish to me....

Going to type something new for you now, or fall asleep on the couch, hard to say...

At 6:43 PM , Blogger Siri said...

From the deafening silence, I'd say our Fabulo fell asleep on the couch.....I recognize the silence, because it's what it sounds like when I fall asleep in the big comfy chair...

At 6:45 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ahhh, so I'm not the only one hitting refresh and waiting for the new post.
Perhaps its just very big Siri?

At 6:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

HA! Fooled you! Didn't fall asleep!

New post is UP!

At 7:06 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Jess, that's pretty funny, about Adriandalen, especially if you read my new post....

I like a fiend called Fluffy too. It works. We needed a Fluffy.

At 10:46 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hi, delurkers! Welcome into the crazy house.

Re: Gratin. That is what we French call most dishes which are expected to turn a nice brown crust in the oven. With or without cheese (although cheese helps) or breadcrumbs. Of course using that definition, you could also apply that to most pies (sweet and savoury) or even roast dinners, excepts that being French and contrary we don't. If only to confuse foreigners...
So to sum it up: Gratin is just a name we are randomly using to fox people who are trying to learn the lingo.

At 10:35 AM , Blogger vampi said...

we need to start a fiend cook book compiling all the yummy delicious recipes found in the comments.

if a certain someone's monther offers to clean my apartment one more time...i'm going to be on some whack meds in a whack padded room, with a stylish whack white coat that lets me hug myself.

At 10:46 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Vampi, clearly you ARE on Whack Meds, if someone offers to clean your apartment, say YES.....Especially with Mothers in Law, give them something to do, like kids...

Nathilie, I know ALL about you French and your foxing people trying to lear the lingo...

At 10:54 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Well WE had to suffer to learn it.
SO why should everyone else get off easily?
We think that the difficulty makes it (and us therefore) special. (Like in some countries they have "special" institutes where people walk about in nice tight jackets that allow them to hug themselves, as vampi so nicely put it).

At 12:47 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Nathilie - Thank you! Of course you'd know that... I'm going to try to remember to ask you all my french cuisine questions.

Not to worry - I don't have many of them, but now I understand (?) gratin.

At 6:33 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Those really are some beautiful felines.


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