Monday, November 17, 2008

My Winter Romance, Day Two...

Not sure how well these Horsie pictures turned out tonight, still learning about this camera, you are going to have to wait until Miss Kitty comes for some really GOOD ones, but these are fun.

I am not actually having a baby, tho it looks like it, I have managed to get my shirt caught up over the saddle horn, like a dork! Tonight was Western saddle again, I go onto English on Thursday, hurrah!

I learned something new from Horsetrainer Mel tonight, I was having a nice little canter, and she called out what to cue, to go from canter to trot, which I figured would send me careening in all directions, only the horse got it before I did and went to trot, and there I was posting along nicely! I was never so surprised! Rommy is so smooth, so perfect, I did it a couple times!

Here we are after the workout. Anyone who says the horse does all the work, is NOT a rider. We are spending a lot of time trotting and posting around the ring. I can go twice around, rest a bit and do another two, rest MORE, then turn around and go the other way, and do it again. I manage half an hour. I will get fit!!!! Don't need no stinking gym!!!!!!!

Scritches and rubs with the curry comb, which is I suspect , Rommy's favorite bit. Carrot time would have to be the first....

Horses are magic. That's all there is to it. It makes me so happy to be riding again, I never realize how badly I miss being around horses until I get back to it, and feel so lucky to have this chance to ride such a horse, (not to mention getting help from one of the best teachers going, MEL!) Not sure I can move now, and am really sure it will hurt tomorrow, but is so way beyond worth it.

I will leave you with a lovely shot of me using my Horsies mane for a new hair extension look. Always fashionable, that's me!

Love and Winter ROmance,


At 8:18 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Two beautiful girls. hey, that's the sort of thing I'd do too, get my top caught on the saddle horn right as a picture was being taken.

She really is a gorgeous horse Quiche I am quite jealous. Mane extensions look pretty cool.

Hope you can move more easily tomorrow *grin*

At 8:19 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

yah, I won the first comment competition. Go Sal.....

At 8:22 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Horses are magic! I'm happy just looking at the pictures :)

Is it wrong that I can imagine a picture where your extensions are creating a new, multi-color mane for Rommy?

At 8:22 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Go Sal indeed!

She is lovely, and I am lucky to have her...Move tomorrow? Highly unlikely...

At 8:23 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Lexo, did kind of think of that...We could match....Wait till you see the ridig clothes I m going aquire!

At 8:24 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

The more I look at your purple extensions, the more I lust after purple extensions on my head....

At 8:32 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

You look so completely happy and present in these photos, Q!


At 8:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You both look happy, my friend. I'm thinking it is definitely RIGHT.

Lucky you. But few would deserve it more. Yay!!

hugs and all that.

ps show went well. Broke both legs (KIDDING!! JUST A FIGURE OF SPEECH!)

I get to make many people laugh, what more can I ask?!!

At 8:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quiche, I'm soooooo jealous. She is such a lovely girl.

Try doing some stetches and you might not be too sore tomorrow, especially side lunges.

Also, perfectly posed pictures are boring. I think these show you both off really well.

Yay for you Lys, sounds like a great show.

Off to taxi 2nd daughter to gymnastics

At 9:09 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks, all! I am happy!

Sal, easy to get, purple hair and all..

Lys, WAY to go on the show! Making people laugh is the best...Only no more talk of leg breaking around the girl who is just getting back into riding!

She is such a lovely horse, very involved and interested in everything, she is teaching me so much.....

At 9:42 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

such a lovely couple! and matching locks no less. or no loch ness; or lock up the mess... no; nevermind. i'm wasted (tired) and going to bed.
hugs & blowing smooches for the horsie nose.

and the leopard nose.

and the bengal noses; both of them

At 9:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that blonde is not the horse's natural mane colour ;)

At 9:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sleep well, Stacy!

Speaking of Leopard, I did buy him some new cat treats tonight, and tho he did hiss when I tossed, he also sniffed, a goog sign......

I got Bengals sacked out in front of the fire right now, am going to dissapoint them soon and turn it off and go to bed myself...

Interesting to note, I tossed my shirt I wore riding, onto the floor, and they are both curled on it, guess they like horses.

At 9:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah-ha, Martyn! You are wrong there, the horse is a naturel blonde, but I am not a naturel purple!

At 10:00 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Oh Q; I beg to differ; you are the most natural purple I've seen these long days. Purple being the color of royalty after all.

Funny kitties! El's cat locococo loves to rub her face all over El's shoes when she takes them off. Trust me; those stinky feet are not my side of the family but her kitteh loves them smellie nellies!

At 10:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for another horsie day!:)
You both look lovely in the photos.
(I can ignore the shirt getting caught on the horn because it used to happen to me ALL the every time I rode up a hill.;)

Somehow I suspect you've found a place that has purple riding tights.;)lol

Bengals and a nice fireplace sounds good about now.

And Lys: Awesome!

At 10:53 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

The Bengals aren't alone in horsey love

cat on horse video.

At 10:59 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That is sweet! I love the first picture of you combing Rommy.

I think you are a natural purple too, you just only discovered it recently.

At 3:17 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Lexo, I thought that too - when I saw how long and paited Rommy's mane was in the original pic, my first thought was 'I wonder if she's like purple extensions to go with Q's'...

At 3:21 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Also, harking back to the comments on the last post about cats and thier odd eating habits - Tybalt likes pasta. So much that when he gets to sniff the left over bolognase he will carefully eat the spaghetti and ignore the minced beef.

Tigger (Late lamented family cat) had a passion for cucumber. He could get it out of the shopping bag, out ofthe suprenmarket shrink wrap and eat it in the time it takes to go back to the car to fetch the remianing bag of shopping.
He also ate uncooked rive (but only once) For any Kitties reading this, that is a really BAD idea.

Q, I love the pictures of you and Rommy, especially the first of the 2 where you're grooming her. You're both beautiful.

At 4:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love these pictures! You both are lovely together and you look so happy!!

At 4:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 5:00 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

My first cat, Pu Yi, LOVED cucumbers. And once stole salad rather than the spiced meat ball I had on the side!
And the other day, Microbetta and Microbo stole some of my pasta (there was not sauce on it, just butter).
Caos likes toast, all the better if spread with butter, and popcorn.
Actually: all four of them like popcorn.

At 5:16 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

I don't think Tybalt's ever had the opportunity to find out if he likes popcorn. Could be a good excuse to treat myself to some. .
I wonder what it is about cucumber?

Tybalt likes pesto, but I'd assumed that was becasue of the olive oil and parmesan in it

At 5:31 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Some cats don't like cheese. PuYi liked cucumber because I had given some to him when he was just a kitten.

At 6:37 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

That looks like some serious fun, Q! Good for you. I have never ridden in an English saddle but I bet it's exciting.

My Felix loves salad too. Francis doesn't really have any food oddities but he is odd in many other ways. :)

At 6:40 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

An English saddle is not exciting, it's SLIPPERY!

At 6:40 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Beautiful horse and rider pics! You two are a great fit! Yey Lys on a good show! congrats, making people laugh is a great gift. Our cat doesn't eat anything unusual - but she does love milk, but only poured directly on the counter (which my daughter started without my knowledge or consent:) She cries every night now until I pour it for her - i tried cups and saucers, nope, only the counter will do..

At 6:46 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Val, I am SO glad that things are looking up! I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. Now let's hope you can sleep soon.

At 7:23 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning Fiends! Seems like a good day, feel like jumping out of bed and DONG things, which is alwaways a good sign.

Mim will eat anything, Venus thinks all food sucks, and Kali seems vaugely puzzled by pretty much everything..

Leopard hissed at me AND growled when I tossed his cat treats in this morning, see how well we are interacting?

I need camera lessons, Kitty tod me my pictures were too large, so I took them down some, but those from last nght did not look crips and clear, what am I doing wrong?

At 7:30 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hmmph. You are the chattiest Fiends EVER all night long and then when I finally wake, refreshed, it's the magic dissapearing Fiend act!!!!!!!

I gots to go to work in 20 miutes, no good mornings for ME??????

At 7:34 AM , Blogger vampi said...

teeheehee DONG thing hehehe

horsey pics are lovely, i like the one with the brush and the mane extensions, you positively glow in them.
now i want to see about taking a ride around griffith park. i know thee are stables there, i wonder if they do rides for random public people.

for the pictures, you probably have several settings on your camera, the riding pictures should be taken in the setting that looks like a running guy and the close up still pictures use the setting with a face.

since you are taking them inside with the fluorescent lighting, there would be a setting called "auto white balance" and you would want to change that to fluorescent to clear up some of the yellowing. i know where the setting is on my cannon, but i don't know what type of camera you have.

At 7:36 AM , Blogger vampi said...

good morning, i just woke up :) i was on a conference call for work until 12am last night. i am so knackered.

At 7:40 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Been there on the midnight conf call, Vampi.

I'll try that , and fiddle around some with settings. It's a pretty simple camera, even -I- photo challenged as I am ought to be able to handle it.

At 7:44 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good morning,
You would have grain on the pictures because of low (artificial) lighting. If you can change the settings on your camera if should improve.

At 7:59 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sounds like a Plan. I am going to ask Boss for help, and Kitty for Camera lessons, too.

At 8:02 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Morning, Fiends!

Quiche, the photos are grainy because you weren't letting in enough light through the aperture. What kind of camera do you have? Canon's got an excellent overview of how to use a digital SLR camera that might be useful (I think it's fairly model-agnostic, but can't say for sure).

At work today. SO relieved that the fires are now contained. But there is a huge stack of work waiting here for me...

More coffee.

At 8:02 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Excellent idea. Reading the user manual would be SO yesterday (and who has time? Those things are almost bigger than the Ariane 5's safety manual!)

At 8:04 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I don't think Lorraine's is a SLR.

At 8:15 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Boing, boing, boing!

At 8:37 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Gorgeous horsie pictures! You are positively glowing on her!

We came down to Monterey and stayed in a hotel with hubby last night. He has another motorcycle track class day and Ben just loves staying in hotels so we did the 45 minute drive down so he could sleep on a pull-out and wake up and watch TV which he is doing now (and doesn't get to do much of at home)

Off to shower and head down to the free breakfast :D

At 9:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning, Q, good luck with the camera lessons. I have finally worked out how my camera works and now it's starting not to, so I shall have to think about buying a new one - does nayone have any recommendations for a lightweight, compact digital? Vurrent one is an Olypus Mju, which is great, although I would love something that did better in low light.

Jess, I shall do the new mattress dance as son as I get home. We have visitors in the office and I don't want to scare them away, they might decide we should fail our inspection after all...

Val, hope thigs stay calm...

At 9:14 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

oops. That was me just then

At 9:16 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

M and I made waffles so now it is time to get all the flour off the floor and get him in the tub.

Good luck with the piles of work Val.

I'm glad that your first comment this AM, Q, was not something like, "Can't move..". Good luck with the camera!

At 9:38 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Waffles, I want waffles! Yum!

At work, being very productive after yesterday's uselessness.

Val, hooray!

Q, good morning! Do you need to make more Boss soup, or is he feeling better?

At 10:03 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Lovely pix L. It is nice to see you so happy in them.

My cat Kona (more like a sister than a cat) used to eat cantaloupe and other random things. My current cat LaMie pretty much refuses human food but she will eat scraps of lunch-meat from my fingers and she sometimes likes vanilla yogurt. She won't even touch salmon, tuna, or other human prepped meat. She barely eats her canned food and cannot even finish one small can in three days (I re-heat it for her since she won't eat it cold)... what a wierdo. But I love her.

Glad you are able to be at work, Val, but sorry about the piles.

At 11:17 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

This mattress dancing worries me, I think I missed something...

I did make more soup this morning. The sick person is not at all better, but being cared for.

Kali is going to the vet today for a Kitten Checkup, and to see if she might be old enough for her Spay...

At 11:28 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Q - matress dancing becaue Jess's new mattress has arrived.
Glad Boss is being looked after. I see he is auctioning himself, too...

At 11:56 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

One of the nicest thing about finding Fiends? Realizing I'm not the only person in the world to do things like feed my cat canteloupe (and delight in the fact he ate it) or imagine horses with purple mane-extensions.

Marjorie, your Tigger story reminded me of our Thompson (also a late lamented family cat) who could swipe bread from the kitchen counter and chew through ANY wrapping material to get to the lovely carbohydrate center in less time than it took us to walk to the car and back.

Q, good luck with figuring out your camera. You can be the inspiration for me to follow suit! :)

At 12:02 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

oh yes, LaMie LOVES to destroy hapless bread monsters that get left in her vicinity. She shreds their plastic skins and rips a few bites from their carby bodies before leaving them to bleed crumbs on my carpet.

Much love to your soup-swooning boss, Quiche. Glad to know you are there to take care of him.

Glad you are here Lexocat.

Have fun with that camera.

At 1:29 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Rubius; Yes; I can always tell when we have our kitteh's on a diet; they then find the bread monster themselves & reinact the very scene you just described. Villanous breadators they are! I know which one is responsible; and if she weren't so dang cute I'd really be upset; as it is I just lock the loaves up in the cupboard. Yes; LOCK them up; the siamese can easily open doors that are latched.

the carb alliance is strong

At 1:41 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Morning Fiends
Am I too late to jump on new mattresses? Boing Boing. Every kid, of all ages, loves a bit of mattress jumping.

Now Tysie is diabetic she must be kept away from all things carb, which is hard in this country because the laws regarding labeling of pet food are pathetic. *Jumps off bandwagon*

Q, Boss should be locked in his room and told he can't come out to play until he has slept for a week and is all better.

On camera manuals, I can't understand half of mine its so complicated!

At 1:43 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I'm glad you've residcovered something really wonderful.


At 1:43 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I think I need some of that soup...

Feeling coldish today.

At 1:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, well we must celebrate the new mattress.

It's this DARK thing, I think. My brain starts to think the day is over when it starts to get dark, at FOUR-ish, and I am ready to couch, but there is still another four or five hours of things to do...

At 1:58 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

It is rapidly darkening here, and I want to go home and apply dog to cold toes.

I work in a 1936 building, brick with no insulation, and although I love my corner office (top floor, no less), I freeze all winter. The windows leak, the brick walls let out any heat, and the thermostat is in an interior room, so the furnace thinks I'm warm.

Today is the first actually cold day of the winter, and it's making me whiny.

At 2:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mistress, why did I think you lived in LA???

Sounds like a nice office tho, except for the freezing...

At 2:14 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Er, no idea. The packages you've mailed me arrived properly in Pennsylvania.

And yes, corner office with two windows. It is very small, but I fit along with a fair collection of books, and many plants. I also have a lovely wood desk, but there are no pictures on the walls because I'm too lazy to figure out how to put hangers into the bricks, or whatever kind of masonry the extremely solid interior side is.

At 2:14 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lorraine, just sent you an email about something happening at LJ regarding that poor sick man...

At 2:24 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Sorry to hear that Phiala, Mighty Mistress of Skulls. Might I recommend super-fuzzy slippers and long-johns stuffed into your work bag?

I work in a fairly cushy home-office with furnace and kitchen easy to access but I sit about 2 feet from a giant single-paned window that seems to leak heat and freeze me. I got used to bringing an extra pair of pants or an extra sweater everyday in the fall and winter (my long johns are balled up in my work bag as I write this). I used to grumble that my boss was a scrooge counting his coals (and I would rub my hands together and think about A Mickey Mouse Xmas Carol) but he recently pointed out that he is just fine with me turning up the heat. I also used to curl up next to the cat on the heated floor tiles when I was extra cold at lunchtime.

I wore my stuffed panda slippers down to the point where they had huge holes in the soles but my bf just gave me some lovely super cushy extra hyper-purple slippers. Ah, slippers can make or break your day sometimes.

I decorate my office with shelves and the drawings my boss's kids give me. The latest is a princess on a pony.

At 2:34 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hmm..There go the palm trees I imagined seeing from your window...

Thanks Sally, very sweet of them!

I never thought much about what my office was like. I like it, it's big, has cool Stuff in it, windows. A dog. I spend as much time out of it tho, as in it...

Some idiot left BARS after the soirée the other night. I don't LIKE bars, I don't EAT bars, I didn't WANT bars, but just ate three.

Am going to be ill.

Darn darkness.

At 2:35 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

If they would just let me bring my dog in, or maybe a cat or two, but the dog is larger and friendlier. I borrowed a space heater for a while last year, but really need to get my own.

At 2:36 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

my office has storage heaters, so is reliably too hot, on mild days, and too cold on chilly ones.
On the other hand, my 'Graveyard Book T-shirt arrived from Neverwear today (happy bounce)
and I realise my families cats are no stranger than anyone else's. .
Warm, soupy thoughts to Aleta and Boss.
It's bedtime here now. see y'all in the morning.

At 3:28 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

All offices should have a resident cat or dog. Boost in productivity because it would make workers happy, and fitter if a dog needed walking. Save on heating bills. Save on sick leave.

Seriously, we should start this as a world wide campaign. Imagine how many animals would be given a chance of life.

At 3:32 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

yes, but think of the poor animals that get left behind on 4 day weekends!!!

At 3:34 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

oh, good point. Um, then bonuses would be paid to the staff members who take the animal home for the long weekends and other holidays.
Gotta make this work

At 3:45 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

I have my doubts about the feasibility of this... you would need to have your pets on the company health plan too... otherwise who would pay for it when fluffy had a toothache?

and who does the dirty sandbox duties? I can imagine that would not be a popular chore... in work clothes no less.

and what if the power goes off at night? poor kitties and pups left in the dark through all the lightening storms and cold weather.

and anyway last time I heard about office-pets from someone who had them the cat ATE peoples paycheques.

At 3:47 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

the worst part of that is that the 'paycheques' weren't paper... the employees were paid in... um... green coloured illegal substances... and I understand that the cat was NEVER the same again.

At 3:49 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Ah, much better. Home, couch, buried in dogs and cats, or at least dog and cat, toes slowly thawing out.

I'm puttering on the laptop, though I ought to be doing some more work.

At 3:52 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, dear... that cat...

At 3:53 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Sorry, shouldn't laugh at what the cat ate. I know someone whose entire crop of green substance was eaten by their goats. Happy goats, pissed off owners.

Damn Rubius, you're making me see my dream isn't really that practical.

At 3:56 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Actually Sally, I think it has great potential... but it needs infrastructure... planning... and caring conscientious individuals.

Yeah... I remember being really angry that someone would be that irresponsible with a poor cat... but it sure is funny.

At 4:01 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

what a great deal of comments you all seem to make!
QuicheyLo, your camera appears to have been whacked or beaten or maybe thrown down a flight of stairs. Is this the same camera you had or a replacement? I just sent you some from mine that you can easily use, and it was a minor expense.
we will dissect your picture-taker and see what settings you have. I do like the happy look in your eye though, can see that loud and clear, sister.

Val, glad you are free to go to and fro.
what a scare. So many lost so much. I am counting my lucky stars. My little Batman has had a kennel cough since I adopted him from the "kitty thrift shop" and he has been quite affected by the ash in the air.
He is sharpening his claws for Kali's arrival.
I tell him daily (at least 7 x daily) "you are getting your very own kitten". He looks away, or horks up a hairball. That cat doesn't eat anything but dry food (Innova, which is what they call "human grade" but i still won't eat it!) and he will eat cut up baked chicken. No tuna, no canned of any kind. I know that canned isn't the best for a cat, but i have never known a cat to shun it completely. Is Kali a crack addict for the can? i think yes, she is!
I have tried baby food, people food, holistic remedy, gone to all possible websites, but he is pretty set in his ways...

Thanks for all of you asking about Chi's condition.
He is still in the coma, but showing signs of improvement. They are very hopeful, he is responding to things in the best possible way.
He has many more shows to play...come back Chi!

Coming to Quiche's on Thanksgiving, we will have a grateful time, hope Boss is feeling better, but this sick lately has been a bit of a bastard and hangs on for dear's hoping for improvement....

At 4:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morning all,

Rubius, that is such a funny story - a cat that lets itself hang loose. I'd love to see that!

One of the funniest stories of illegal substances I know involved Jehovah's witnesses (or something like that) and 2 young guys.

The Jehovahs came to the door and asked could they come in to pray, where the nice young inhabitants offered them home baked cookies.
They got totally stoned and sued the nice young inhabitants of the house.

So much for hospitality!

At 4:29 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hate to be a smartarse Jaq, but they were young Mormon missionaries, far from home.....which always made the story even funnier to me.

At 4:33 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

That is pretty funny Jac and Sally.

The way they found out about the cat was when one employee complained that he hadn't been paid... his bag wasn't in the usual spot in his drawer... This caused an argument since clearly they HAD been paid... and then they found bits of the bag.. and bits of the, uh, paycheque... scattered around and the cat. Crazy Cat. Apparently the cat opened the drawer to get at the bag. I bet it just wanted catnip.

At 4:43 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Which makes me wonder - did the bag contain catnip, and not what it was meant to contain?

At 4:50 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Slept much of today. Now I am sipping Peppermint tea with honey and feeling much better. Sleep is such an amazing medicine. This cold or whatever it is seems to have been with me for weeks but is only bad for a day here and there. Weird.

At one of my jobs the boss would bring in his dog -- well actually his then girlfriend's dog -- into the office now and then. It was fun.

I think it could be a business, sort of like the companion dogs brought into nursing homes from time to time. The business owner could rent out the pets to businesses on a day rate sort of basis and take care of all the "dirty work". There are flaws in that plan too, of course.

At 4:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew it was one of those, I always get them confused. And you're right Sal, it is even funnier, I should have let you tell it :)

KittyCat at least it's not bad news about your friend. I hope he's Ok.

At 4:53 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Just got home from spending, literally, all day at the aquarium. We were there for five hours. Ben fell asleep in the car, woke up when we got home, but while I was bringing in the trash cans from the street he climbed out of his car seat, into the front seat of the car and fell back asleep there... still there now! luckily our driveway goes behind our house so he's safe ;)

we've been having unseasonably warm weather here but today finally felt like fall. We don't get real winter like most of you guys, but we do get more overcast skies, fog, and hopefully rain!

I have a ton of pictures to get off my camera from the day.

At 6:28 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

DUDE! I just checked out the Moth auctions. Too fun! Not that I can bid; BUT I must admit; I'd be hard pressed between the race car driving or tea... Speedie fiends!

At 6:37 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Kitty,

I am sure Batman is excited on the iinside. I hope. I hope he likes Kali, I know she will love being with you. I think she eats anything, but I don't give them canned, only dry, and then cooked steak or chicken for treats.

This is a new camera, well, I bought it a while ago, then lost the charger. I think I am the problem with it...You will help me.

Sending love to your friend!

Aleta, glad you feel better!

I believe there are places now, in the big cities, where you can "rent a dog" for a few hours, they are rescues, and you can take it for walks, see it, walk during lunch, or after work. They get love, and you get dog time.

Of course, one can do the same for free at a shelter.

I saw tea with Boss was getting upthere! I don't think I will be bidding, but feel free to do so...

Home now. Bengal love and scritches, but not from Le Leopard. More hisses and growls, this is new, I tell him "OK, talk about it, tell me how you really feel" and he growls some more.

At 6:41 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...


Dr. Fablo! I love it! When can I schedule some sessions???

See; I have this problem... I'm not a natural purple and it truly makes me growly.

At 7:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The Doctor is in....Purple needs help. Growl for a while, seems to work for Le Leopard...

At 7:44 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

maybe it's like the first rule of art.

Find a place you trust; and then try trusting it for awhile.

my favorite is rule #6: nothing is a mistake. there is no win and no fail. there is only make.

i love me some leopard and eagerly await more photos of the super elusive huguenot.

At 7:44 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

btw; Hugo is an awesome name.

At 8:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

FInd a safe place and growl at the world...That's him. Ah, in time.

Hugo is a fine name, but I still think he will tell me in time....

Still trying to figure out the mystery that is Facebook. Slowly getting there. I have a lot of friends now tho!

At 8:40 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Happy pictures! :)

Good news from Val! For lots of other people, too.

Lift a glass for the firefighters out there! (_)]

I think it's time for me to go to bed.

At 8:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Night Adriandalen!

I made a photo album on Facebook! But still can't figure out how to reply to people, some have a "add a comment" thing, but some dont', do I just comment on THEIR walls????

At 9:04 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

or click wall to wall and then write.

Night Fiends. Thanks for the good thoughts.

At 9:12 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Some comments HAVE no wall to wall...

Get well, Aleta!

At 10:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hmmm..Am starting to think I have hit some sort of "If I am around everyone is gone" sort of vortex...I know my hours are weird these days, early morning and late night, and I do get to read comments, but I am missing me some Fiends!!!!!!!!

At 10:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fiends are the BEST!! So supportive.. thank you.


My Angus kitty just attacked and ate crispy green bean cooked in olive oil with red chile flakes and grilled garlic cloves.

He also eats watermelon and cantelope. Habits he CERTAINLY didn't get from me.

Feline Domesticus is a mystery, that is fer shure.

And you know, horses have always had a history of kept pets. Cats, goats and rabbits are evidently the most popular with them.

Another head scratchin' "Go figure!" moment.

Angus has ambled off bitching about the hot red chiles. This is when I use his other name..

Don't ask.
Oh, why do I keep mentioning him? Because he has "intestinal sensitivities" according to the Vet. If he eats regular cat food (among MANY other things) he has convulsions and diarrhea / vomiting concomittantly.
Yes, that *is* as gross as it sounds.
So mostly he gets limited ingredient diet stuff.
Venison and Green Pea, for example.
And three pills each and every day to keep his system in order.

But he has SERIOUS issues with human food. For example, he likes mozzarella and diet cream cheese...but not most other cheeses.
He turns up his nose at rabbit or duck (which are hypo allergenic and terribly expensive) but will attack until there is blood if I am keeping him from a Pilsbury Crescent Roll. Which is, of course, bad for him and starts his symptoms up.

I don't need a human child.
I have my own problem youngster. hehehe
And I love him dearly. And consider myself lucky that he's alive.
hugs all around...

At 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm here, Rainie!!


At 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I mention that Angus occasionally tries to drink my wine?

But only the reds. He has no patience with my Pinot Grigios or blushes.


At 10:14 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I'm here!
What? What? (I still have 43 comments to read - aaargh)

At 10:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chantrelle--you live near Monterey? that makes me SO homesick. Monterey/Ft Ord is my second hometown (after SB)

Jess... as usual, you've made me hungry.


no really

thanks..... :P)

At 10:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Not sure myself , Nathilie, and I have been here all along..

I did however, see Angus born, only time...I think we called him Brandy , as he was slow to start and that is what we gave him..

At 10:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these kitties with food fetishes.

The chilli may have gone in before he realised, but I bet he'll feel it on the way out!

On the whole cats may be better than children, but can they ride a skateboard?

We got my youngest a Ripstik, which is kind of a skateboard, for her birthday 2 days ago, and she's finally got the hang of it. A ripstik differs from a normal skateboard in that it has 2 castors instead of 4 wheels, so getting your balance initially is quite tricky. I should know, I've ended up on my backside twice.

It was a good moment.
(The daughter getting the hang of the ripstik that is, not me falling on my bum)

At 10:24 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm in Santa Cruz. Drove right by Fort Ord today (which is now CSU Monterey Bay). Come Visit! :)

My kitty, Lestat, who vanished last year into vampire land, hated fish and only ate kibble. My hubby's kitty, Johann, loves our sushi scraps more than anything and sits by the door every night at dinner time hoping we're having fish. They used to pretend they didn't get along but they'd get busted sitting with each other. I had a friend in college whose cat loved bananas. There are no cat rules, only cat exceptions.

Off to bed now fiends, have a lovely night!

At 10:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lorraine--well, that could explain SO much. :)

I don't usually have brandy in the house, only wine and gin. Perhaps the next time he comes after my wine, I will offer him Brandy and see what happens!

Seriously, I think he is the only one left of that litter of whatever he is doing must be working...

At 10:34 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Microbetta licked some white wine off Cesare's finger the other day. We were surprised. But I guess she goes by t"if they put it in their mouth, then it is food"and then any food is good enough for her as long as it comes in huge quantities.

At 10:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to admit, I've fed my cat on mostly tinned food, she'll eat kibble occasionally, but mostly the one flavour of one particular brand of cat food. I have given her chicken, ham and raw meat.

I can safely say I've never let her get close to my wine, scotch or bubbles. Your husband's very kind to share his wine :)

She'll be 17 around March next year.

At 11:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin Bacon is 50 years old!!

What a shocker!! And heaven knows he doesn't look it...

(I'm watching Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show right now...)

At 11:16 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Shiraz loves bananas, she'd rip them out of my hand if I let her. Gee, I feel boring with a cat with no food fetishes. she always wants the fish when we have fish and chips though, but doesn't like the calamari Pete offers her. Smart cat, I've tasted it and its rather rubbery, not like calamari should be.

At 11:23 PM , Blogger vampi said...

ya'll have really awesome names for kitties.

At 3:59 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

"if they put it in their mouth, then it is food"

Morgan ate grapefruit on that principle once. It was the worst thing he's ever eaten, he told me, and made horrible faces the entire time, but he licked at it several times because I was eating it, so he should too.

Horrible face.
Horrible face.

The dog likes beer, and will drink from the bottle.

At 4:04 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Bad idea that. An animal liver is even less adequate than ours when it comes to processing alcohol.
Same thing goes for chocolate. I once knew a dog who died of eating too much of it (she was a right addict, the poor thing) as her liver could not do away with the excess fat.

At 4:10 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Let me clarify: the dog will diligently try to get the last few drops from a nearly-empty bottle. I don't give him beer in quantity, though he'd be happy to drink it I'm sure.

It isn't the fat in chocolate, but the theobromine. Dogs and cats can't metabolize it properly, and it builds up in the bloodstream. Grapes and raisins are also bad, as are onions.

Dogs, and especially cats, are not really all that omnivorous.

At 4:22 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I was wondering if it wasn't the yeast in the beer that made it attractive to animals. Our cats love beer yeast tablets and although they have never tried to sample any beer from our glass, they do sniff at it.

I did not know about grapes. Would that be the high sugar content which is bad? What about the onions?

At 4:29 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Grapes/raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, even in fairly small amounts. It isn't the sugar, as they can eat other things that are just as sweet. This ill effect despite the fact that even some dog trainers use raisins as rewards.

Onions can cause hemolytic anemia in dogs and cats, as can garlic.

The moral of the story: no matter what kinds of weird things the critters want to eat, don't let them have very much of anything that's not part of their proper diet! Meat, fish, a bit of dairy, but not fruit and veggies and people snacks.

At 4:39 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Snacks particularly. These are already bad for us humans, imagine what it might do to a poor wee beastie. Now, trying to explain that type of things to my silly voracious creatures is another kettle of fish. "NO" is not a word they recognize as being part of their vocabulary. In fact, they probably think it is a ridiculous notion altogether.

At 4:41 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

The dog understands no.

The cat understands that if I tell him no, he should try to stuff his face in my mouth so he can get ahold of whatever I'm eating that he wants.


I really must finish getting ready for work, and also clean the spilt oatmeal out of the microwave.

At 5:05 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Cats understand "No", they just choose to ignore it. . .

Tybalt usually responds to No by giving me a withering stare and continuing with what he was doing.

On the other hand, he both understands and responds to "Get Down".

Snacks v. bad for pets. My Boss's dog had to have her stomach pumped a couple of years ago after stealing and eating an extra large br of chocolate at Christmas. Fortunately she was OK, as they caught her finishing it off and knew it was poisonous.

I didn't know about the raisins or onions, tho.

At 5:50 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

On top of that one might choke on the kitty hair slurped in with the brandy cream... Not good at all.

At 6:09 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Jess, thanks. :)

It helps that I have such entertaining material to use.

Nick and I have decided that fur must be an essential part of a balanced daily diet.

At 6:24 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Not to mention the thing to have on one's coat or clothes in general. Preferably in contrasting colours.

At 6:28 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

It's always contrasting. For years I had two solid black cats. And yet, there was always light-colored fur on my dark clothing. They are such talented creatures.

At 6:36 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It's an art. Only superior creatures like cat can master it. That we fail to appreciate this is a sign of the human race being a low born.

At 7:29 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fods, you make me laugh!

Had a lot to say and went and did an entire new post rather than comment! And I am only on my second cup of tea!!!!!!

How's that for motivation????

At 2:17 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I have to hang up a lot of my clothes now - if I fold jeans, for instance and put them in the cupboard when i pull them out to wear them I'll discover an inch of cat hair on them.
Having two mostly white dogs is no a good idea - I don't think anything in this house is free of white dog hair, and it itches when caught in a seam in clothing. *sigh* wouldn't live without them of course

At 5:20 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I'm seeing an album cover in your future, Quiche... You, on a horse, with bagpipes and a broadsword...

At 5:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Love the ide Dan, but I have to point out the sheer impossibility of playing Irish bagpipes, whith a sword while riding a horse....

AN Octepus could manage it, which would be a very different kind of album cover...


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