Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Boss!

First of all, of course, Many Happy Returns of the Day to my Boss! Happy Birthday Boss! I am sure Boss will be very glad to see this, as if he can see it, it means he is now home, and not going anywhere for a while. A Good Thing.

Mads showed me the COOLEST thing tonight, it is a thing called Table Music or more correctly, a Retrograde Inversion Canon. This one was a piece by Mozart for two players, only, it is one page of music, the first person plays it right side up and the second reads it upside down and it is a perfect duet! Some more explaining HERE

We played it together. I am in awe. I know Bela Fleck as written musical palindromes, jazz banjo pieces that can be played forwards or backwards and are the same either way. But a duet???? That one reads and plays upside down? Mozart had it going ON!!!!!

Lojo is having her cd release part on Friday night at the Acadia Cafe. I think it is very close to the 400 Bar a bunch of you were talking about going to, to see someone whose name I have forgotten, as in on the same block. I think I am going to nip down and sit in for a song or two with Lojo, and then perhaps nip over to see this band whose name I have forgotten, but recall I thought sounded like a good idea at the time. Lojo's show is no cover, and I am hoping she will let me play on the one song I love.

(yeah, forgot that name too, what is this , the Senior Moment blog tonight???)

Finally, just noticed Malena has posted a vid on her site that literally made me snort serious tea. The women can be truly funny. It's kind of "Sarah Silverman does Rabid Pit Bull" funny....


At 8:49 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

hahahahahahahahahah!!! I DID IT< IT DID IT!!!!! Scared the crap outta kid with my cackling. She said I'm weird. Is there a requisite for actually having read the actual post first???? LOLOLOL GO ME!!!!!! Finally!

At 8:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Stacy! You did it!!!!!!!!!

No, you can go back now and ready the post....Hee-hee, someone is commenting before reading! AM I good or what????

At 8:56 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

You're good, but your link didn't work for me *pouty McPout pants*

At 8:59 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

If you just get rid of the stuff that looks wrong at the end of that URL you will end up in the right place -- everything after "down".

That is so cool. I am going to show that to my very musical godchild for sure!

At 9:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

WHICH link? There are FOUR, thank you very much!

Lojo link was broke but I seem to have fixed it...

At 9:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

All the rest worked for me, have I done something odd?

At 9:01 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh, the one I thought Sal was talking about what the Retrograde Inversion Canon one.

At 9:03 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Opps, I said the wrong fix. After clicking on the link that says "here" just get rid of the stuff between upside- and down and it will go to the right place.

At 9:04 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Stacy you made it! Good on you. ;)

The Heartless Bastards will be playing the 400. Maybe we can all run back and forth as the evening goes on. Good times.

At 9:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Heartless Bastards! That was it!

I still say that link works. AT least for me. Or heck, do what I did, google Table Music....

At 9:14 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK, so according to Google we will be 302 feet from each other on Friday night. If you are going to sit in and play I am politely requesting that you txt me so I can fun down and see you. :)

At 9:15 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

well I typed "fun" but I meant "run" although both work. :)

At 9:17 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I kind of like Fun down and see you, works for me!

I'll let you know the Plan. It will be earlier rather than later tho.

At 9:24 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

The two places are just kitty-corner across the street from each other. Acadia is where the New Riverside Cafe used to be... not that that means anything to anyone new to the Twin Cities or younger than old folks like me. (Or the vast majority of Fiends Far From Here!) Although those who read War for the Oaks may be familiar with it.

At 9:26 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

What a fun night Friday may turn out to be. I may turn inside-out. Could get messy.

OK, now I am really off to bed. No really, I am. Any second now. Bed. Yup.

At 9:28 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks for the heads up on the link Aleta - I've just sent it on to my muso brother so he and my niece can have fun with it.

Malena's video slayed me!

At 9:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah yes! I used to play there when it was the New Riverside. They couldn't be MUCH closer now could they?

I am not off to bed yet, waiting on a Boss to get home, poor tired man...

It was pretty funny, wasn't it, that vid?

At 9:37 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

No, we don't really do the standing still thing -- at least not that I know of. I sort of like the idea though.

At 9:39 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Congrats, Stacy :)

I sort of gave up on getting through the comments on the last post (over 300!!) before coming here to start fresh. Now I realize I'm too tired to stay up much longer to read (or write) anything.

Good night, all. Here's hoping tomorrow is grand!

At 9:39 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

That video is soooo priceless on sooooo many levels. I will be snickering for days. LOVE IT!!!

and you thought I wasn't paying attention... only wanting to be first; HA! I all ready said HappyBday to the Bossman yesterday; not that he would see it anyway. Poor tired dude; he must need some serious zzzzz's when he gets back. And all this time we thought just writing the books would be hard... (at least I did:)

At 9:40 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Opps! That last comment was meant for the other post. Sorry!

Malena's vid is great! Kinda makes me want to box!

At 9:40 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Oh, and no bad dreams gayle.

At 9:51 PM , Blogger Dr. Wicked said...

You know you've achieved true blog stardom when people relish getting First Post. Slashdot + Flash Girls = Flashdot?
Anyway, Happy Birthday indeed to the good Sir Neil from a humble Doctor living ever in his well-defined shadow.

-Dr Wicked
Dr Wicked's Writing Lab : Write or Die

At 9:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMF..Malena had me howling with that first one. So good.

Boxing looks like fun, but I think I'll stick with yoga. Crappy wrists (not to mention a low pain tolerance) do not a good boxer make.

At 10:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dr Wicked! Nice to hear from you again!

Must check out this write or die lab.....Sounds like my kind of place...

At 10:11 PM , Blogger Malena said... have to remind me of these holidays! You know I'm an idiot with remembering birthdays. Yours and my sister's are the only ones I remember. True.
Glad you liked the videos. I don't realize how dorky I am.

At 10:23 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I wished I could come to LoJo's CD party (I almost wrote "coming out party" but somehow it did not quite sound adequate. For a CD).

Yeah Wolfie had pretty amazing stuff.
Just the type of mad man I love.

At 10:23 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

You ARE a Dork, too true, but we like Dorks. Dorks rule.

At 10:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wolfie, gotta love it.

I am pretty sure Lojo came out long ago, hee-hee.....

At 10:31 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Malena, you are so NOT dorky.

Funny, yes not dorky

At 10:32 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hmmm, do we have different definitions of dorky going on here?

At 10:40 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Actually, I've changed my mind. Only a true Dork would put on her boxing gloves before taking off her hoodie.

I'm a true dork, and covered in bruises to prove it.

Video still rules.

At 10:48 PM , Blogger Malena said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yup she's a dork, but we LIKE that in a person. Someone who not only puts on her gloves before taking off her hoodie AND manages to capture it on film AND posts it for the world, is truly a dork to be admired and aspired to!

At 10:54 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Well said Empress, so very true.

At 10:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riverside Cafe is gone???




Give himself a Blessed Natal Day buss from me, L.....tell him it is better than a kick from the little Welsh Pit Pony.

When I was talking to Bela Fleck in Santa Barbara, and he said "look, when I talk to Neil and say I met one of his, how should I describe who I met?" That is the tagline I told him to use.

Don't think it worked, but hey...

I am SO JEALOUS of those who can be over on the Uni side of town ..

But please wish me a broken leg or something. Our show opens Friday night.


At 11:01 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Lys; I wish you TWO broken legs & any other appendage you might like broken to ensure you are a hit. Which mostly likely won't require broken appendages at all!

At 11:07 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

You know, after all this commenting all I have to say is,

"We are the Chatty Fiends - we!
Too chatty to love or to hate.
Leave us alone and you'll see
How we can stay up so late!"

With apologies to Rudyard Kipling.

At 11:09 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

And now, I am off to bed. ;)

Sweet dreams...

At 11:09 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Started paying bills and that led to anxiety trumping sleepiness. Big mistake.

But, at any rate, it gave me the chance to realize I didn't include certain important items in last comment like, please pass along my good wishes for Boss' birthday and enjoy the coolness of however many shows you can manage on Fri and I'd never heard of Table Music/Retrograde Inversion Canons but how amazing and I'd better stop now because it feels a bit like I'm running down hill and picking up speed. That sort of thing rarely ends well for me.

G'night (again).

Oh, and break a leg, Lys.

At 11:16 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

a truth known by all cat owners.

have fun Lys...

At 11:21 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Have a great show Lys. Break whatever is needed to guarantee success.

At 11:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you, Fiends!!

You are the best...

HOW did I miss out on a conversation that went up to 300 comments? Oh, right..I had rehearsal.

SO.... Rubius, I'm voting for Vonnegut (if it is still open for voting) JUST because you said you'd NOT read much of him.

That alone is a situation worth correcting! Please let us know what we can do to help....

hm....OH...and (just let me whisper this...)

At 11:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. kids are delivered and retrieved from gymnastics, pots 'n' pans have been rattled, it's juat the siren song of the swishing of dishes still to be heard.

Yay Stacy. You rock.

First and second.

You haven't given us an update on the eyebrows or how yo feel about the hair. (we've seen the hair and liked it, but we haven't seen the eyebrows.

And Lys, great luck with the show (if that isn't bad luck). 'Scuse the ignorance, but what is it?

At 11:40 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Very funny Sally!

Break a leg Lys!

Boss is home now, and I am back at my home now, very sleepy Empress I am, someone else must run the world while I sleep and dream...


At 11:41 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Okay Empress, Jac and I will take charge for a few hours until its bedtime down here.

At 11:46 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Bonne nuit!

At 11:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I've just found out I'm to be dragged off to church and they won't let me wriggle out of it :(
I'm here for awhile, but I'll be back in about 1 1/2 hours.

Quiche, many happy returns to your boss. I hope someone baked him a nice gluten-free birthday cake minus the candles because it would probably set the house on fire ;)

At 11:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm.... I believe I can say that because I've been almost setting the house on fire for a few years now.

At 12:08 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh dear. I just tried to print out a little photo to take to my hairdresser on Thursday (nearly wrote Turdsday then) and I've ended up with this huge A4 sized photo of myself. Photo blooper in the extreme.

At 12:56 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

okay Lys, what I need to read Kurt Vonnegut is a good starting place.

and what I need to make that happen once I have a good starting place is for Lorraine's new website to have a 'suggested reading' section where fiends can suggest books from their favourite authors and help people out who know they want to read an author but don't know where to start. (because I will inevitably forget to write it down and have to ask again)

and I need someone to tell me what that book by Spider was again.

and I need to learn to read music because Retrograde Inversion Canons sound so DAMN cool. I love it. I love the idea. It will make music in my head even though I can't read music.

and Retrograde Inversion Canons REALLY sound like something we should not mention in front of Dan, I bet he could go scary places with any kind of cannon, not to mention retrograde inversion ones.

At 12:58 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Rubius, Pete and I both conferred and agreed you should start with Slaughterhouse Five, and then you too will find yourself saying "And so it goes"

At 1:04 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

well that was quick

At 1:05 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...


At 1:07 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I agree that we probably do not ant Dan getting into this Retrograde Inversion Canons business. It does sound like a doomsday weapon of massive annihilation.

At 1:10 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

and if it isn't now, we know he could make it into one.

Morning Nat

At 1:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Managed to avoid bolts of lightening and daughters are now in bed.

I have to confess to pig ignorance and ask "how is a retrograde canon inversion different to a canon inversion different to a canon?" If it's just the same thing backwards, does it really make a difference?

Ok.I'm at that age where the young people get it (and everyone else it seems) but I don't. I'm almost at the stage where my almost 10 yo knows more about what's cool than I.
If this is the thing awesome 14 yo's know, I think I'm headed for trouble!!

At 2:00 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Morning Fiends. I'm still in shock at what happened to the comments yesterday. How did I miss that? I'm gping to keep an eye out for invisible dwarfs, tho'.

At 2:01 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Oh, and Lousia, I think you have a typo on your sight - the newsflash about Boss's China Book - you have "Chine" not "China"...

At 2:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morning Marjorie,
That feels really weird, cause it's almost racktime here.

I really am going to have to catch up on the invisible dwarves.

At 2:22 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Jacqui, When in doubt there is always wiki (but don't tell Jess).
Although actually Lorraine describes it fairly well.

At 2:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I love wiki and Lorraine did explain it really well. Unfortunately, people who really know stuff make it sound easy!!

So, would the difficulty be in writing the line from opposite directions AND having it sound harmonius?

Sorry, I've been off reading your most excellent story.

At 2:51 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Indeed! My mind boggles just to think about the tour de force. Just writing one line of music in one direction would be an impossible task for me. But Mozart could do ANYTHING with notes. It takes a particular mind to do this type of tricks. A little like Leonardo da Vinci mirror writing.

At 3:07 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Morning all.

Totally agree with you Q, Mozart did indeed have it going on! Even coming up with an idea like that is amazing but then to be able to compose one too?!

Beez, the Judge & his Tiny, Invisible Minions obviously have a blogging power far beyond the realms of us mere mortals.

DS, I've trained my kitties that the ten minute snooze button is time for cuddles *before* breakfast, works well for all concerned.

Thanks for the typo heads-up Marjorie - I saw it and corrected it when I first posted but it evidently snuck back in when I wasn't looking. Or maybe the site is secretly Fracophile.

Messy morning, keep getting interrupted. Need to get Kurt posted (I'll do Fodor next year, Rubius, and yes, Slaughterhouse Five)

At 3:35 AM , Blogger Beez said...

65 comments? All I did was sleep! Not even that much!

need tea...

Sue and Siri! Look at these youngsters talking about Boss's cake n' candles burning down the house!

Lys- break a leg and stop conjuring dwarves. You don't want 'em around on opening night. And don't feel too sad about The Riv, the place had been closed for a while and then nothing was successful in that spot until Acadia moved in. Nice to see the Biomagnetic Center of The Universe is alive again.

Hope your day is easy Lo, and I hope I will see people Friday night- although I may have to be in to work @ 5:30 Saturday a.m., so early is the only possibility.

At 3:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Beez, I'm a whippersnapper again :)

I keep forgetting to say Great photo DragonSal, but I still think you're more gorgeous in the ohter one :)

At 3:53 AM , Blogger Beez said...

Yup. Young pups you are.

Oh crud, off to work. It's fun but not as fun as you-all are.

At 5:33 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Great Fods, Fiends!!! A bazillion comments to catch up with.

I didn't take notes, so I'm not going to answer any of them. Haven't had coffee yet, and just can't do it.

However, I have the day off! Hooray! And it is Veteran's Day, for which I am profoundly grateful, and my grandfather's 90th birthday (and he gets doubly-grateful, as he is also a veteran).

At 6:03 AM , Blogger louisa said...

[grumpy with a day of *endless* interruptions]

Kurt Vonnegut is an interesting individual to read about for those with the time, or procrastination tendencies. For all you writers out there - you know who you are - I very much liked his eight rules for writing a short story - it's about half way down his wiki page

At 7:06 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

GOOD ON YOU (ooops caplock on the war path) - that was about the risotto.

At 7:17 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am thinking more and more like this with age and a decaying sight...

At 7:39 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

This is really dumb....but I always read caps lock as if it were SHOUTING :)

It is easier though...

At 7:40 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7:42 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Well, with age, we might find ourselves having to shout as well to be heard...

At 7:45 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Excellent point!!

At 7:46 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Be vewwy vewwy quiet.....

At 7:59 AM , Blogger Siri said...

WHO'S CALLING ME OLD? (she said, shouting, and looking sternly at Beez.....)

My best friend (MBF) is 20 days older than me. Currently, we are both 52. (pause for gasps of dismay from the youngsters in the audience) About a year ago, my neice had some drama in her life, and I talked about her moving in with me, bringing her 1.5 year old with her. MBF pondered this, and said to herself "Siri can't do that - she's 55." This from a woman who is older than me, and who isn't anywhere near 55 yet. So, that's going to be my pretend age forever - I'm 55. Look out smoke alarm on my BirthDay.

At 8:04 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Sounds like a good age. Nice round number.

At 8:13 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Marjorie wrote "you have "Chine" not "China"...

and to that I have to say the difference was explained thus:

Fabric de chine is that 'French part of China'. I know this because every now and then when I get boxes delivered it's printed right on the side.

Jac: Eyebrows. Ya; bad; but they've mellowed & I've been dabbing dark brown mascara on them for the time being so they are darker than I like but not flaming orange/red.

morning all feinds. must have my coffee now & get ready for work. oh joy. How did my daughter manage to get this day off. You'd think because we are fighting a war right now we'd be gettin' Veterans' Day off as well.

At 8:36 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It isn't the same thing backwards, like pallndrome would be. (Darn spell check has left the building again)

Like, a B would be the same note if you r ead it either was, but say an A, if you flip it over is now an C. And they have to go together in a duet.

Hmmph, you guys didn't wake me with your shouting, someone else had that honor....

Enough with the old lady talk, please! What's important is to Be Here Now. And hello? 50's are the new 40's which are the new 30's.

At 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this talk of dwarves has put me on a Sondheim kick..time to get out "Into the Woods" 'cause the princes are singing in my head: "'s no sicker than your thing with dwarves. Dwarfs! Dwarfs are very upsetting!" lol

Oh, and break a leg Lys.:)

At 9:35 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

30 is 40 is 50 - ask any teenager: you tell them that you are middle aged and they think medieval (anything over 20 is)

At 9:57 AM , Blogger Siri said...

And, I've got to say, I wouldn't be 20 again for all the tea....I'm quite content with my age and wisdom and experience and lack of passion for things I can't change - I was quite passionate as a youth - now, I save that for things that do matter, rather than all those things that don't.

At 10:02 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Jess -- I think downloading the lastfm thingy to your computer is good for two reasons. First of all you are not using up browser space or dependent on your browser in order to listen. Secondly, it will sync up with iTunes (if you want it to) which means that what you listen to there gets included in your lastfm info. This increases the the information that creates your radio and recommendations.

I am really looking forward to my 50s. Frankly my 40s have been kinda tough and I am hoping for some of those benefits that are supposed to come with age! That said it truly freaks me out to actually realize I am almost there. Time, life -- wow it just goes so fast!

At 10:53 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Well.. I have to say, at 28, you are making me feel young. Which I don't usually do. Where is our average age? can we do an average age calculator... or a mean or a median?

is there a calculator that we can all anonymously enter our ages into that will figure that all out?

if 50 is 40 is 30... does that mean I need to be back elementary school? I don wanna!!! You can't make me!!! Wahhhh... looks like it's time for a time out in the corner for me.

you know it's funny because I have been using youtube like you guys use lastfm. I create my playlists over there and it sends me suggestions and tracks what I click on. Not quite as sophisticated as LastFM but it works for me... and I get video and can watch AMVs for all the vids if I don't want to see the actual vids (warning, nerdiness seeping out).

Happy Poppy Morning All.

At 11:00 AM , Blogger Siri said...

I, again, missed 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, but I did put my flag out, sprinkles be damned. I used to have a poppy in my car, purchased from a veteran, but I never see them any more. I think standing still at 11/11, 11:11 is a British thing, more than an American thing, Aleta, but I still try to honor it. But mostly, I forget.

Rubius, one of my best work friends is 28, and it's been a joy for both of us - she tries to make me hip, and I try to help her understand the ways of government. It's a fun time for all.

Now, someone tell me about LastFM - does it cost? Can I access it from a work computer with lots and lots of restrictions on "networking" sites? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

At 11:07 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I can't access it at work so maybe you might get restrictions. A free account doesn't cost...

At 11:13 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

we do the 11:11 thing in Canada,... but we gain most of our traditions from the brits. Canadian... a hybrid between British and American.

At 12:55 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

All the parades are over, here, though we didn't go as it was raining this morning. Not that DD2 needs more candy, which gets thrown from the cars and floats. Veterans Day is one of the few federal holidays in the U.S.A. not relegated to the nearest Monday. I have seen poppies handed out, though those are more for Memorial Day, here, than Veterans Day. I see the two days more as Memorial Day honors those who served and are now dead, while Veterans day honors those who served and are still living.

I don't know how many times I've worn my S.C.A. t-shirt "Gulf Wars III" on either Memorial or Veterans Day without realizing it. At least, not until I start getting strange looks from veterans in uniform. I have yet to have anyone actually ask me about it, though.

And that was a really weird sentence.

At 1:03 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

i love that pile of molecules that had his birthday yesterday, good man.
and Quiche, i texted you, I met Hannah Atchison from LA Ink last night @ the Beck show, so you are one step closer to getting on TV, girlfriend. SHe is lovely!

ok, when me coming out there??!

At 1:58 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I think maybe Remembrance Day is more of British Empire thing...would explain why those of us in the Commonwealth have the same sort of customs for it. We don't get a holiday for it either, unlike Anzac Day.
*contemplates war*

Arwenn, why do people read caps as shouting? I've never really understood that. I'd think maybe bolded, and underlined caps would be shouting.

Oh, and Rubius,at a quick guess I reckon somewhere in the 40's would be the average chronicle age of the Fiends, but not our real age.

Off to drink tea and eat breakfast now

At 2:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, you used the other photo Sally!

I do like it better.

And Rubius, 26, 27 & 28 are my favourite ages so far.

At 2:26 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Dragonsally - That's a really good question...From some brief web research it looks like the "shouting" dates back to the early days of computer chatting where the user didn't have many options as far as emphasizing text, like underlining or italics. I must have picked it up back in college days...a time before mice and when one had to queue for an hour to get onto isca.bbs

At 2:36 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Oh, and that whole age thing - I did a test recently (online, natch) that said my "real" age was 48. I'm OK with that.

(Although, I'm OK with my chronologic age, too. I'm odd that way - it's never bothered me whatever it was.)

At 2:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's something to remember and it was only about 20 years ago for me.
I remember our psych dept lecturer very proudly telling us we could access abstracts & articles via the internet. It was such a bunfight to get these computers and they were so slow that it was easier to access the hardcopies in the library, even if some of the other more competitive students had ripped out the important bits!

C'mon Siri, you can't do something like that and not link it :)

At 3:01 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Well, 1st, I couldn't make a link to save my soul, and 2nd, I don't have the faintest idea where it was....I don't remember if I was at home or at work, and wait - I know --- it was on Facebook. Let me see if I can find it again....Back in a bit.

OK, I just realized I'm famished, so I'll be back after I cook and eat dinner. Give you all something for which to wait...


At 3:21 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

And... we have reached the part of the day where it becomes apparent that, no, in fact a holiday is not miraculously longer than a regular day, and there is no possible way to finish the long list of things that must be done today.

Time to have a snack and regroup. The dog thinks that apples and peanut butter would be a very happy snack, if it weren't for those nasty apples. It is not even 6:30pm here, so there are a few more hours, and I might be able to get most of it done.

I've been thinking of Q and Boss as I work on one of today's projects (and not just because I'm listening to Folk Underground): I'm making cute little thingies out of beeswax for handsewers to use to wax their thread. It smells lovely in my house right now, though the mixture of beeswax and bean soup is maybe a bit odd.

At 3:25 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Siri, I'm pretty sure that was one of those many quizzie things on Facebook, and Arwenn, Looking at the articles I have on Netiquette, that is definitely where the caps=shouting comes from.
Maybe its time to update Netiquette?

At 3:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't think beeswax had a smell. Does it smell like honey?

At 3:38 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Don't hit me Jac...but it smells of beeswax. Its a yummy yummy smell.

hey, how you going with sudden sweltering days?

At 3:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sal, you must be getting different weather way over there!! For me it's just pleasant, not quite balmy, but almost.

However, you would think the eldest daughter was the witch from The Wizard of OZ, with plaintiff "I'm meltiiiiiing, I'm meltiiiing"

Ok beeswax smells like beeswax. Yeah, I get it (hmmph) ;)

At 3:49 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I guess you also get more of a sea breeze than we do. I couldn't understand why I felt so hot yesterday, because I thought it was mid 20's not over 30.

At 3:56 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Er, yeah, what she said. Beeswax smells like... beeswax. It has a very pleasant sweet smell, with a bit of honey aroma. If you lived on the same continent I'd mail you a bit, but I'm not sure it's worth it. Unless you REALLY want to know what beeswax smells like. :)

At 4:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do get a slight breeze, I didn't realize yesterday was over 30.

I worked at Altona library yesterday and I drove back along the esplanade. There were quite a few people on the beach working on their tans.

Thanks Phiala. The postage usually costs twice as much as you pay for anything! I'll have to go out in search for some.

Actually, I just remembered we went to this really lame tourist attraction in Queensland a few years ago. The best thing about it was all the different honey and I'm sure they must have had honeycomb. I'm getting a memory of the smell.

At 4:06 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Jacquib said: I worked at Altona library yesterday and I drove back along the esplanade. There were quite a few people on the beach working on their tans.

I wrote on my lj just a moment ago: The first day you have to drive in a "wintery mix" always sucks. It was not really all that bad today, although I think when the temp drops tonight it will be very icy on the roads. It was a reminder of what is to come though. I dug the scraper/sweeper out of the trunk -- a sure sign of winter.

Love the big wide world with all it's variety!

At 4:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is amazing. And Aletamay, you're giving me goosebumps :)

We're lucky here, we don't have to cope with ice, which is just as well, because no-one knows how to drive around here except me!

Sending warm, balmy (barmy?) thoughts to everyone who's cold.

At 4:16 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I dreaded performing duets with my music teacher when I was growing up. I don't know how to describe her personality -- but it was stiff and contained (kind of the opposite of you, Lorraine). I have serious doubts about the possibility of her ever trying this Mozart method, but it probably would have improved my attitude about those duets!


At 4:18 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Yup, I'm sending some of my warm barmy to all the cold Fiends as well. You can have a couple of degrees of my warm, not too much mind you - but it should help melt your snow a bit.

At 4:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm off to "do" lunch with my ex-boss and another work colleague, so I hope everyone has a great afternoon/evening/morning.

At 4:24 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Thanks for the balmy wishes. We don't really have any snow on the ground right now -- although there could be some overnight. What we have today is snow/rain/freezing rain/rain that becomes slush or ice when it hits the paved road or sidewalk -- that is "a wintery mix".

At 4:34 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

I would happily move to somewhere that had 'real' weather. I love the wind; rain; cold snap. All we get here is hot; dry; hotter & WTF??? Santa ana's blowing valley fever that you may want to know is a fungus you get in your body from the ground and it will kill you in as little as 3 weeks. There is no cure.

I'd gladly take snow over that.

At 4:55 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I think every climate has its pluses and minuses. I do really appreciate that we have less poisonous things in the frozen north than there are in the warmer climes.

For the most part I like living where I do. I just hate driving on ice. Hate it more each year. You'd think it would get easier. Actually I have a phobia of falling when walking on ice that seems to grow each year too. Facing fears is good though, so I guess I'll stay here for now!

At 5:15 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Bon Soir, mes Amis!

Home now, long busy day, as one might well imagine.

Been looking in on comments when I can, Kitty, fun news about Hannah! I love that show and want a Tat, preferrably with TV , from them, that would be so fun!

Bengal of course!

It is raining and snowig and iceing here, and will be fo rthe next few days. Hmmph, not so fun, my car will be ICE tomorrow, but did make it up my hill. Barely.

At 5:27 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hello Fiends!

Blogger and I continue to Have Words about it not sending me your comments. The days have been so empty without Fiendchatter. :( I didn't realize how comforting it was to get the stream sent to my phone nonstop until it stopped happening. Why won't it behave?!

Saltmine U. is living up to its name this week. Working my butt off. Forgot to wish Boss happy birthday, even. But one bright note -- I got a packet of skulls from Phiala today! :)

Much love, and back to my normal commenting as soon as I can. CX

At 5:30 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Whew! I somehow got most of the list accomplished. ("Somehow" means that I worked a 12-hour day on my day off, but hey, the list is under control!)

Not a single word of NaNo has yet left my fingers, despite my firm resolve to write every day. So, instead of wasting words talking to y'all, I must write at least a bit of novel. (The resolution, fortunately, is to write every day, not to write copiously, or well.)

At 5:32 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Hooray skulls! :)

I'm going to a show tomorrow night (Blue Oyster Cult is apparently still alive, and still touring), and will be wearing my Mistress of Skulls shirt.

At 5:36 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

How horrid of Blogger! I love th ecomments coming to phone too, so even if I can't post, I can read what's going on, and it help on stressful busy days.

Mistress of SKulls, glad you had a Day Off. I myself know what Day Off means, it means you have time to finally get some things DONE, yes?

Blue Oyster Cult? I would so be there!

Some years ago, I got to ride on Alice Coopers bus, with Alice, from hotel to venue, complete with hoards of beer drinking screaming fans cheering our arrival....

My teenage self thought this was the BEST thing ever, tho I was 33 at the time....

At 5:37 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Am getting ready to do a new post....Not giving anyone warning in the quest to be FIRST! but there will be one, such as it is, tonight....

At 5:49 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Alice Coopers Album "Welcome to My Nightmare" is one of my faves. So old@!!! That must have been a rush Q to have all that cheering! Whoot.

At 5:53 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

It's dinnertime here. For all you cooking fiends; I'm currently having one of my favorite salads. Wilted lettuce. (along with left over shake & bake pork chops from last night). Anyone else like this salad? I think it was invented to get rid of that old lettuce consider you poor hot grease (I use olive oil) over it and eat it warm. YUM!
Bon Appetite!

At 6:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cane toads on Animial Planet!!!!

What IS it with me and animials down under?????

Nearly done with post....

At 6:03 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Sally is right - it was a quizzie thing on Facebook, and Rubius sent me wonderful directions on how to link (thanks K,) but now stoopid Facebook isn't working well, and I give up.

Waiting with baited fingers for the new post.....


At 6:05 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

Stacy, my Grandma used to make us a version of wilted lettuce salad... fry up bacon and onions, pour off as much grease as possible, add vinigar and water to taste, warm till it gets hot again and pour over lettuce. Yours sounds much healthier. For both versions you are right, new lettuce or old lettuce, all looks the same.

At 6:07 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

I can tell you that it's great the old fashioned way too with bacon grease. I think that's a version of spinach salad too. Another good one. Bacon; natures most perfect food!!! Why? Because PORK FAT RULES!!! lolol

At 6:09 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

I'm spamming till we get a Leopard report...

leopard report
leopard report
leopard report

At 6:13 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

SHOOT forgot the Leopard Report....Something happened!

Well, new post is up, I will tell you in the comments, go for it Stacy!

Or whomever..

At 6:22 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hey, I make that sald too, with spinach, it rocks and I HATE pigs. A lot.

At 6:26 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Why do you hate pigs? I'm totally intrigued now.

At 7:29 PM , Blogger Beez said...

50 is the new 40 which is the new 30?

[accusingly] That sounds like math! No math!

I'm like you Siri, I like being in my 50's. Much better than my 40's, I feel like I'm having another growth spurt of an inner kind.

But! I'm keeping my immature attitude towards life! It keeps things least in my head.

At 6:49 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I have a Retrograde Inversion Cannon too! Only I fire mine at heavenly bodies to turn them inside-out.

At 1:16 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Having played this same piece of music (thanks for linking to my blog!) I find it amazing that anyone could even write a piece of music like this (that the notes could be written upside down, yet read by another player, AND that those notes would be perfectly in harmony(and yet different)with those played by the first player from the opposite end! Mozart must have been as smart as Galileo or Plato, or some mathematical genious, or even more so!

Madame Monet
Writing, Painting, Music, and Wine


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