Monday, November 03, 2008

Decided I ought to Run For President. Please Vote For Me.

I don't care who you voted for today, or even if you live in this country. I know it is kind of late in the game to be coming forward with this, and this is SO an A-political blog but I would like to tell you all of the reasons, that I, Fabulous Lorraine, would in fact, be a better President. I have some ideas, that might well change the world, if you would do me the kindness of listening....

1. Let's start with the big one (or one of them anyway) War. In the Middle East, Iraq, anywhere. My Cabinet is going to be composed of some really tough, kick ass artistic Moms. I will send them over, or go myself if needed and give both sides a Big Fat Time Out. You! Sit over there. You, in your room. I am SO setting the timer, and then we will talk about why hitting, biting, kicking and screaming are NOT ALOUD. We will settle this, and you are going to get along.

Now apologise, give me a hug, and let's move on.

2. THINK people. It is not that hard. Steve Brust said it best in a song from Rose for Iconoclasts.."War is bad; peace is good; never use plastic when you can use wood; be kind to strangers; give good jobs to vets; recycle glass bottles; spay/neuter your pets." It ain't rocket science.

Go Green. We only have this one planet. At the moment. We may find another, but hey, let's hedge our bets and save this one. Just in case.

3. Abortion. Ok, guys, leave the room. Once you can grow a baby in your tummy, come back and we will talk. In fact, if men could get pregnant would this even BE an issue? Can you imagine the men of this world letting anyone tell them what they can and cannot do with their bodies????

Ladies, grab some coffee, and let's figure out how to prevent un-wanted pregnancy.

4. Gay marriage? Hello? No brainer. Why is this an issue that ought to be decided by the majority? as I recall my history, at one point in this country the majority of peope did not think women had the right to vote. Let's go further, at one point in this country the majority of people in this country thought black people were second class citizens,and did not have the same rights as white people. Hmm, at one point in history, the majority of people in this country thought owning slaves was ok.

Nuff said. Marriage is a civil union between two people. Any "moral" issues are your own personal thing. Find a church that believes as you do and get your blessing there.

5. The election. How about a third option? None of the above, if that wins, start again, This is not a job that should be given to anyone who wants it. And WHAT is UP with the billions spent on campaigns? Let's try this. You get a website. Blog. About what YOU believe in, not your opponent. The millions are going to Humane Society's and Rescue Groups. And maybe send some kids to college, and feed some families, fund some art.

6. Drunk Driving. In Sweden the penalty is loss of licence forever and a year in jail. In some other countries, death by firing squad. Both countries do not get many repeat offenders. And have a far, far lower rate of first timers.

7. Health care. Well I watch a lot of TV shows. It seems the current system where millions of people simply show up at the last minute in the ER is working just fine. And 40% of the people in this country being obese? Well, not so bad, another 40% are simply over weight. The remain 20% is split between people who are at a good weight and those anorexic people who live in LA and want to be in movies.

8. Drugs. Well, I remember the days when pot was illegal and not even available for medical use. SO funny. As for the rest, it is good that the focus has shifted to getting people help and not overcrowding jails with drug users.

9. Religion. Not our governments business. Don't all religions pretty much say the same thing? And remember the texts you are quoting were not sent down by whomever as a PDF. They were told as stories for many, many years before they were ever written down, and translated...POSSIBLY might things have been altered from "Hey, be good,love each other?"

10. Do Something Good. Make your part of the world better. What if everyone did? Think about it. It should not be THEM who is running this country, It is US. Each of us.

Anyway, that's my platform. Not sure if I will win tonight, but I know I could, with you Fiends, change some things around.

Love and politics,


At 2:24 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I vote for Lorraine for World Leader!

Why think small?

Hm... is Mistress of Skulls a Cabinet-level position?

At 2:28 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Yes, I think the nation is in serious need of Minding, and you are just the woman to do it!

I better get my liver ready, though -- the amount I'll need to drink as your proxy is going to go up by orders of magnitude. Will I be in your Cabinet?

At 2:28 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Empress of Everything


I should think Mistress of Skulls is at least Cabinet-level!

At 2:31 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

So funny! I was also thinking as I read that you should just be Empress. Frack elections. ;)

At 2:39 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

Wow, I think the 'none of the above' choice is brilliant!!! After about the 6th election do-over in a row, I'm sure some politicians would get the point.

Bengals as UN peace keepers, I know plenty of grown men who run like 6 year old girls with spiders in their hair when a little kitty cat enters a room .... the posibilities are endless.

Sorry Lorraine, I already voted or else you coulda had a write in vote.

At 2:46 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh yes an army of Bengal peace keepers! "Sit in your corner and think about why you should not invade other countries of we will bring in the Bengals!" :D

At 2:53 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

And if they keep on misbehaving after the Bengals, send in Cabal's Cabal. We're not as devious, but we're a LOT more fearsome. And bigger.

At 2:55 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

can you imagine Bengal Secret Service???

it boggles the mind!


At 3:00 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Empress Fablo of the Everywhere And Everyone indeed.

Yup, a position held only by women, different women cycled through the position every few years?

Your platform is purrfect

At 3:08 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Yes! Lorraine for Empresss of Ererywhere. You got my vote. Can I run an embassy? Seeing as I live in foreign already, so would save on the travel.

I am sure Mistress of Skulls is cabinet level at least. I see you as Lorraine's Leo, actually.

Val, you would probably be able to have some assistant designated drinkers, or interns of some kind to help you in your duties. .

At 3:11 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

PS - I just looked on CNN. No one else has won yet, so I think you're in with a chance.

At 3:11 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

My mother and I have made exactly the same suggestion about abortion: if men could get pregnant, there would hardly be a question. You rock!


At 3:19 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well, if men could get pregnant Starbucks would have abortion clinics in the back. I do love the focus on PREVENTION! Very few people are "pro" abortion. Let's be helpful instead of hateful... And all that. ;)

At 3:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm supposed to be writing for the nano thing, which is making me really grumpy and I've only just started.

I couldn't resist though. Great idea. Empress FabulousLorraine with Vice-Empress Dread Val and Deputy-Empress Mistress of Skulls.

I think that just about covers everything really

At 3:42 PM , Blogger Yoga Gal said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 3:53 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Wow Mrs. president-empress-world-leader-m'lady! You've got my write-in vote...too bad I already went to the polls, we'll have to settle for the history-making candidate I already cast my vote for (hopefully!!!!). You nailed all the issues perfectly!

Can i have a position in the cabinet too? Somethign food-related and i don't want to have to move to washington....thanks!

At 3:57 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I can help cook and walk dog and clean kitty and leopard boxes. Not exactly a cabinet post but still would like to help. If there is a Secretary of Mac and Cheese then M should have that job.

At 4:00 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Can foreigners have positions???

Can I have a position???

Or a title???

At 4:01 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

(p.s. Lorraine, did you see the mega poppet link on the other blog? I wanted you to see it, hehe)

At 4:02 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

In this regime there will be no "foreigners" I would think. Q being Empress of Everything and all.

At 4:03 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh and LOVED the poppets! Want many!

At 4:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to put my hand up for Official food and beverage taster and I could also be a minion in Dread Val's portfolio. I could help with the drinking. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

At 4:11 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

I have one *heck* of a collection at this point... when the latest batch (of 2) arrives in the mail I should have 22 lovely poppets... I have my rainbow poppet, enough poppets to MAKE a rainbow, chromatic poppets, twin moons, jailbreak poppet, lil pink, and a skely and kitty poppet on the way... as well as a few other Lisa pieces!!!..hehe.. I am becoming a poppet maniac (oops... um, I mean YEAHHH!!!) but I still need a white/very light one to complete the chromatic rainbow (as it were).

At 4:14 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

(the economy may crumble around me but I will STILL have poppets - hehe)

At 4:17 PM , Blogger Beez said...

I have 7 little poppets. I want more....many many more..

I want other Lisa pieces too. Too bad about the whole "rent and food" bit- it puts such a crimp in it.

I am willing to go live somewhere tropical and be the Official Mango Supplier. How about that?

At 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it!
Especially the part about remember the texts you are quoting were not sent down by whomever as a PDF 'cause I work for Kinkos. LOL

Speaking of which, I'll gladly serve the Council by making copies and shipping.:) Official Copy Monkey, that's me.;)
(nice Steve quote too, btw)

At 4:24 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Whoever first linked to, you have sucked many hours out of my life! and I just came across a news story from my town...My town fail

I have to say, I've never seen those stickers!

At 4:25 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Oh, the fail isn't even the story but the ad next to the story! funny, I was distracted by the city and how stupid of an idea that was. D'oh!

At 4:26 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Sorry, that would have been me Chantrelle.
I get a RSS feeds of most of the LOL's each day...they are too good not to pass on *grin*

At 4:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love travelling poppets. They get to meet so many interesting people.

Living somewhere tropical with mangoes is still my real life's ambition. Maybe Quiche can set up a new world capital headquarters in FNQ (Far North Queensland) and build "The Treehouse" which incorporates a seriously wicked Beer Garden for visiting dignitaries (aka Fiends).

I'd like that.

At 4:35 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Wouldn't it be fun to turn all of D.C. into the Night Garden?

At 4:35 PM , Blogger Beez said...

You could be in Queensland and I can go to Belize and be the Mango Ambassador to the Caribbean.

At 4:39 PM , Blogger Beez said...

I need to go back!



Okay. No way for an Ambassador to act...

At 4:41 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hey Beez, I tried sending you an email. Did you get it? I am using my phone and laptop and both are a bit dodgy sometimes. So I'm just curious if I manged to actually send you something.

At 4:42 PM , Blogger Beez said...

I got it and there's a reply waiting for you.

Nice memory job Gayle!

At 4:43 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Sounds good to me!

At 4:55 PM , Blogger vampi said...

huzzah! 1 quiche to rule the world!

At 4:55 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

OOHHHHH Gayle... I like that idea... plants everywhere... takeover of the Garden!!! and trees on Main Street... vines everywhere!!! I want me some of that action! I would volunteer to be official wild-gardener!!! that is when the plants take over the cities!!

At 5:00 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Mix up your Ps and Qs and we can have World Quiche!!!


At 5:01 PM , Blogger Beez said...

So Vampi- this is where my brain immediately went:

One Quiche to rule them all, one Quiche to find them, one Quiche to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

At 5:01 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Empress of Everything and Queen of the Moon. Very important to include the moon under the Fabulous jurisdiction.

I will be a Humble Subject. I'm happy enough with that.

Hey, thanks to everyone who weighed in about coal chutes! Your comments were enormously helpful to me; I am copying them down for further reference as we speak.

There's a house museum not far from me which does have a big coal room like that which Lys and...someone else (But who? Eek!) described, rather than a bin. I should go look at it again.

I'm so sorry about your doggy, Gayle! :( Poor feller. Still thirteen years is a good long life for a dog, and now he has his own personal patch of sunshine to roll around in, in that big Daisy Field in the sky.

At 5:03 PM , Blogger Jess said...

And Vampi - I just read that in Ian McKellen's voice. Oh dear. :D

At 5:06 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh Beez that is EXACTLY where my brain went! Geeks in the house!

At 5:07 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

A gift for the queen of the moon...then you can really control it!

At 5:19 PM , Blogger vampi said...

beez and jess, that's exactly where i was going, but i wasn't creative enough to continue it on.

One quiche to rule them all, One quiche to find them,
One quiche to bring them all and in the oven bind them

but i feared i was going too geek. aparently not. :D

At 5:20 PM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

You have my vote! Whoo Hooo!

At 5:33 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

oooohhhh shiny!!! I love the moon!!! I want that!!!... BADLY.

and lol to the LoTR reference (I like the oven line)... no, you can't actually be 'too geeky' here. this is a place of proud geekdom and nerd panties... YEAH for nerd panties!!!

At 5:45 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

How hard could it be to create a laser capable of etching my signature on the moon?

At 6:04 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Dear Dan-

Chairface Chippendale already did that (although he only got as far as the CHA).

Can you fit your name in there too?

At 6:04 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

heh heh hehehehehhehehheehee... oh danth, peels of delirious giggling!!!

how hard could it be to supplant a subliminal message on the moon that would eventually make humanity kind and gentle to all other humans and animals and plants??

At 6:06 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

you could always monogram it!

At 6:08 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Night Garden painting - I really like this one.

I am obsessively reloading election returns sites instead of writing my NaNo. Surely I'm not the only one so afflicted?

At 6:13 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Reloading and I have the TV on.

At 6:13 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Phiala, I am afflicted as well! TV on, computer searching, radio on...

At 6:18 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh Fods, I forgot to announce my running mate, ok, I ill do so and then catch up on th ecomments I missed while at Dog School (See? I love dogs...How can you not vote for me?)

Many I have the honor of intruducing my running mate...

Madame Vice President, Mistress of Skulls!!!!!!!!!

(Dread Val can't be my running mate, she and her staff will be drinking too much...Yes, Dread, you get a staff and this is a cabnit posistion...)

At 6:22 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I demand a recount!

Oh, wait...

At 6:23 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I'm pleased and honored to accept your nomination, and I pledge to do my utmost to uphold Fiendish principles. And to use words like "utmost" at every opportunity. And Cabana boys for all!

At 6:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, when elected, I promise that the ONLY standing army will be the Bengals and their servants.

Marjorie, which EMbassy, take your pick. I'd go with Liechtenstein, the only country whose Nationial Orchestra is bigger than their army....

Sure, Chantrelle,you can, rather than be in the Cabnit, you can be in the Cupboard. The Secretary of Good Food, replacing the Food and Drug administration.

Gayle will be overseeing the Seratary of Mac and CHeese, and Rubious, one of my first acts as President will be to free Canada, and made it the 51st state, lots of work, ake your pick. (will go look at poppet, it's been a busy day, running for president and all.)

At 6:27 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Still reading....

WHAT are we going to DO with all these poppets?????

Oh yes, ONE world. No more COuntries.

And no DC. We are moving the government to Minneapolis. I still have this Assistant Gig.

Jacquib, co-ordinate with Dread Val and Chantrelle on the food and drink thing.

At 6:27 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I am also on the watching tv reloading the computer plan.

Considering adding some drinking to that mix cuz I need some calming down.

That may qualify me to be on dread val's staff come the fiend-o-lution.

At 6:29 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Beez, end that with "So the darkness does not blind them and you have it.

Nigt Gardens everywhere.

We are going to do something about these Working Hours too, she mutters.

At 6:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dan Guy gets the Moon. Safest place for him.

Jess, I don't think so....We'll think of something for you.

Rubious, clearly, now that I have been thinking about it, YOU are in charge of Poppets. Best tell Lisa....

At 6:33 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Awesome, I accept your nomination and would hereby rid the world of what ben refers to as the "M" place--the place with those large golden arches. But we can keep the fries...and the bathrooms. That's all the place is good for in our family!

Ah, to fill the planet with only *good* food...i love that goal.

I too have the TV on and am refreshing like mad. The TV is never just *ON* in our house, ben is confused but i have him chanting "Obama! Obama!" randomly :)

At 6:33 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Perhaps I could be a representative for a Voice of American Youth kind of thing: pre-voters of the United States support Lorraine Garland! We could call ourselves Youth United for Quiche. Or YUQ.

I guess that doesn't sound quite right. But neither would Youth United for Garland (YUG).

I'll have to think on this one.


At 6:33 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Don't you lot go dissapearring now that I am home and can chat???

Is this any way to treat your Emparess?

I am watching CNN seems I am coming from an almost an unknown , to a serious contender. Election Upset!!!!!

At 6:35 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I kind of like YUG Emily.

Darn. Obama just got Ohio. Thought for sure I had that.

Chantrelle, smart kid, that Ben. Get him going on the drums too with that chant.

At 6:36 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Fiend-o-lution... I like it!!

um... I don't think anyone could ever be in charge of poppets... I think they just ARE!!! and...I have plans for this great white north!!! including vast environmental reform... can I be in charge of universal environmental reform??? I would need a nerdfighter-ful staff though.

In my defense some of those poppets were gifts! and I love them all.

Wow... what an incredible painting!! it took forever to load but I love it. It is breathtaking.

At 6:40 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Still here. Watching stuff...

Quiche, I was out this evening too. How weird to be out on November 4 in a short-sleeved t-shirt and no jacket.

(I hope Michelle Bachman gets the boot. Come on 6th District)

At 6:41 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Rubius, yes, the campaign needs an environmental reformer. I'll help with that one, when not busy placating bengals and arranging for more cabana boys for everyone.

Plus I'm positive we need Paul as Science Advisor. And Dan as Mad Science Advisor,

At 6:45 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Uh, Mistress of SKulls, you have to accept your VP nomination...Hello? Speech!

You got it Rubious, the envioment is yours.

(WHERE did my spell check go dammit!)

Ok, Dr Paul for Science Advisor, Dan for Mad Scientest advisor, but Istill say he ought to be n the moon.

At 6:46 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Right then, I'm rounding up all my under-twenty-five friends for YUG!


At 6:46 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I think hubby and i may be in serious trouble with our super smart kid (not to brag of course). He just said "i don't think john mccain can win mommy" He's 4!!! Jeebus.

ANd wow, LOVE the Garden of Death painting!

At 6:47 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

OK, now i'll have to get Ben chanting "YUG! YUG! YUG!"

At 6:49 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

But Madame Empress, I did, and in my acceptance speech I promised cabana boys (or girls, I'm not particular), big words, and Fiendishness.

Might I humbly suggest that in your new dual role as SuperAssistant and Empress, you hire an assistant to help with the blog comment management?

At 6:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oops. Darn missed that. You could be right. How about Arwen? She is taking care of the Lexion anyway? Or Jess, SHE doesn't have a job yet...

Emily of YUG. Ilike that.

I am going linking now,and to try and find this acceptence speech I seem to have missed...

At 6:53 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Umm - excuse me, but long ago I ammounced that I am running for election to be Queen of the World.

At 6:53 PM , Blogger Siri said...

And immediately after that, I'm abolishing all elections.....

At 6:56 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Chantrelle, your son sounds a lot like my seven-year-old brother, who will walk by the television, do a double-take, and ask who won whichever state primaries were taking place that day. His favorite presidents, he says, are (in no particular order) Franklin Roosevelt, James Madison, George Washington, and Zachary Taylor. He's got big plans for adulthood: "I'm gonna be a rock star ... and then a candidate ... and then a police officer."


At 6:59 PM , Blogger vampi said...

are you sure you want to give dan the moon? think of all the shenanigans he could get into with the reduced gravity...

At 6:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, Moon in my room, oh yes, and I so am getting a copy of that PAINTING!!!!

Weird with the baby's and bags, and I want to go back too. Searching for poppets...

At 7:04 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

SIri, Well, I am sure something can be worked out....What is i you want most....

Kids are the best....

Vampi, point. Flads, I didn't this was going to be so complicated....

Hey! My spellcheck is back! WHo did that?????

Paul says he want to be director of science AND after hours parties, Val, does this step on your toes? I didn't think so, you are concerned primarily with MY drinking aren't you?

At 7:05 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

the link is to LIsa's is in today's comments for yesterday's blog... and the comment had a description of the poppet surprises at the con

At 7:07 PM , Blogger Siri said...

What I want most (besides world quiche) is to abolish all elections!

Being from Iowa, we have to suffer through the intermitable run up to the caucus, and then unending politics until the election. I like those countries that only have elections when called, and no running until then.

But just try to deny me my right to vote and see what happens, buster!

Is it over yet? Is it safe to turn on the TV?

At 7:08 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Well, of COURSE there should be a director of after-hours parties!

And Nick found that painting, and thought the Fiends would appreciate it.

At 7:15 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The Fiends like Night Garden Death Painting.

My computer is weird, can you re-link poppets

Ok, Siri, no more elections,but you still get to vote. I think.It is safe on the TV on Animial Planet, History CHannel and Jon Stewart, tho they are getting a slow start....Still it is live which is hard..

At 7:15 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Siri, it's over for Iowa (very blue), but not for the country. I wouldn't turn the TV on for days, if I were you. (Says the woman with half a dozen news and politics websites open.)

At 7:18 PM , Blogger Siri said...

You know the problem with that, don't you Madam VP - I can't say "It's not my fault", which I could say all those years we were a red state....

At 7:20 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Siri, I suppose, but I fail to see an actual problem with Iowa being blue.

At 7:23 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Can I be the Minister for Procurement of LOL Dogs, Cats and Fails?

At 7:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I think we need to concentrate on the PURPLE states, ie MINE?????

Venus is named for the planet she looks like she came from. She says Venus is looking VERY purple....

At 7:25 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Absolutely no problem being blue, even if we CAN'T elect a woman governor (danged hidebound farmers).

At 7:26 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Right, purple states. I was momentarily distracted by all the commotion.

Purple, much better.

At 7:26 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sure, Sally. Do we have an update on, Fods, what was the name of our spider? Something Chicken?

At 7:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I know, Mistress, I have a lot of tabs open too...

(I bet I am the first President to refer to her VP as "Mistress")

Siri, I think I need you to go to Iraq for me and end this war. TIME OUT!

Hey, where is Lys tonight? She ought to be here. WHo esle is missing, I know Nathilie thinks she NEEDS 5 hours of sleep a night, so fine...Kitty is dancing down with Madonna.

Arwen? Lexocat? Fiend of fur? Our new Library Lioness? Bengal Girl?

At 7:32 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Sadly, Storm Chicken appears to have done a runner.
Can't say I blame her. I wouldn't like have the recyclables thrown around me from a great distance.
we are still lifting the lid very gingerly and checking in before we turf bottles in though.

At 7:33 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

It was just a link to Lisa's blog and a comment about the 3 poppet surprises... poppet cookies, poppet cut-outs, poppet costume on display. And Lisa took it and the cut-outs home (perhaps for tradeshows, she said)... but not the cookies. I think they all got eaten. My friend and her partner helped a lot.

And yes... vote purple... no more red/blue. Let us not go there.

At 7:36 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I think the addition of purple is a good idea. We have Green, Red and Blue here, and probably some other colours that I don't think of in party terms.

At 7:37 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I don't think abolishing elections is the way to go. We need to set a time limit on campaigning, like maybe 3 months, then everybody has a primary/caucus on the same day, then another month before the party conventions - to be held simultaneously, then 2 months before the actual election. Then, it's all over in 6 months.

I DO like your campaign platform, Ms. Fabulous. :)

I'm also not glued to election returns. They will come out the way they come out and I don't need to worry before every vote is counted.

At 7:38 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Royal purple for the Empress of Everything of course.

Alas, I think I need more than 5 hours of sleep- I managed to pick up 3 extra shiftlets outside of the main job, so I need to go to retire from this Fiendish fun.

Goodnight Empress, Mistress, Cabinet Members....and Dan too :D

At 7:40 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Lorraine the comment was the following... and then I posted the above link:

oh... so I forgot to follow up on my comment just before VCON... Poppet Surprise #1 was Poppet Gingerbread cookies (cut out by hand as I had no cookie cutter and frosted in all the colours of the rainbow)... Poppet Surprise #s 2 and 3 were the window display... I cut out dozens of printed Poppets (photographed up close and the photoshopped to get rid of background) and we taped them up in the hotel display window as surprise #2. 'The big one' was surpirse #3... a life-sized wearable poppet figure made of burlap and paper-mache... and coffee filters... it went home with Lisa and you can see it on her blog.

The most fun was painting the burlap on my deck beside my garden... my best friend and I set up a tarp and put the poppet on a dress form... then we started singing 'We're Painting the Poppet Red, Painting the Poppet Red!!' as we painted ... all to the tune of Disney's Alice in Wonderland song 'we're painting the roses red'. It was pretty fun. Then she cleaned and put silver sparkles on my branches so I could use them for my dragon/dragonfly display in the artshow (I did better at this show than I have ever done before).

At 7:40 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fods, I miss Lisa, why isn't she here?

And what about Black for a color? I mean, it goes with everything.....

I still think my idea about internet ONLY. You get a website. Then we would not have to FF over all those annoying ads. But yes, Adriendalen, a time limit. Good idea. You can be the Secretary of time.

Speaking of which, can you tell me why my phone, i pod station, cable and computer all think it is a different time?

I goodgled the world clock and it is a sad thing that the Cable seems to the only one correct...

At 7:44 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I move that the Secretary of Time get together with Dan and get the kinks worked out of the stretchy time thing.

Is "glow-in-the-dark" a color???

At 7:45 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

i had to look into that.. I messed up my daylight savings badly these last two weekends so I checked and daylight savings changed for many countries in hte world on Oct 26... for us it changed Nov 2... I bet the discrepancy is just due to the mechanism's ability or inability to figure out where it is and when it is supposed to change. Poor little things.. made half a world away and expected to live up to our timezones.

At 7:45 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

'Night Beez!

Rubious, what wonderful fun! She is the best, isn't she? What do you think she would like to do in our new government?

At 7:46 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

I need sunday evening stretchy time!!!! and cabana boys!!

At 7:47 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dan, Secretary of Time, we are REALLY going to need a stretchy time thing working and soon!! I was kind of busy before I decided to run.

YES! Glow in the dark is OUR color Fiends!

At 7:47 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7:47 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Rubius, just as soon as the purple-black-glowinthedark party is elected/stages a coup, we will have all of those things, and more besides. It will be Fabulous!

At 7:48 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

In charge of opening up people's minds!!


and no, I didn't mean zombies or hannibal lector stuff.

At 7:48 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Beats me, Ms. Fabulous. Our big satellite dish currently says 9:49 PM CST. I'd have to get up to see what time my cell phone has.

At 7:50 PM , Blogger bengalgirl said...

I'm a bit late but you also have my vote. I agree with your platform but would like to suggest death by dismemberment (all members) of anyone convicted child molesting.

At 7:50 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

drank too much wine too early in the evening, fell asleep on the couch, woops.

Purple is my fav color, I wanna live in a purple state. I have the upmost confidence in our perspective candidates. Must stay awake!

At 7:52 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I second that bengalgirl and would add same punishment for cruelty to animal and the aged.

At 7:53 PM , Blogger merryhousekeeper said...

Change is good Fablo! Rock on!! Love ya!

At 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry, I was out stumping for publicity for STUFF. Pre-election eve is the best time to catch publishers and editors in the newspaper building....the paper is done but for that BIG HOLE on the front page. :)

I'd like to apply for
Secretary of Defense. Now, before you answer, consider my mission statement:
As Secretary, I'd take notes. I'd LISTEN. I'd PAY ATTENTION.
Then, I'd be terribly protective.....of EVERYONE who needs defending.
Don't think Corporate Over Lords need much defending.
And everyone knows offices are actually run by the I will get the Office Administrator Mafia of the Pentagon working with me. 'nuff said.

At 7:57 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I know! We'll build a world TiVo for events, not just television. Then we can deal with sh...stuff whenever we're ready!

Dan! Can we build it?


At 7:58 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Bengal Girl, I am with you too, Death to child abusers and animal abusers.

Fiend of Fur, this administration is all for the drinking of wine, and anything else, even if she doesn't herself anymore. Drinking and couching are fine. Driving, not so much.

Hi Merry! Glad you joined the party!

I have always wanted to Stage a Coup.....

Have I?

At 7:58 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I only say this because I'm catching up on "Supernatural" as I type.

At 7:58 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I concur: Lys for Sec'y of Defense!

I have gotten tired and gone to bed, but have not yet managed the part where I put laptop away.

At 7:59 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Lys, Hired. Be a fool to do otherwise.

Arialdalen, Brilliant!!!!!!!! Tivo for the world!!!!!!!

At 7:59 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ariandalen...BINGO I'm catching up on the last Supernatural ep too.

At 8:00 PM , Blogger Siri said...

How come I gotta go to Iraq? I don't like heat. I don't like desert. I like dessert. Just 'cause I called queen of the world first, Empress of Everything is banishing me to heat and sand....gee.....

Imagine a huge pouty face here.....

At 8:00 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...


At 8:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

What is Supernatural ?

Mistress, hee-hee, I know how that goes....In my new world, you can stay in bed with laptop as long as is needed!

At 8:01 PM , Blogger Siri said...

And oh yes, I'd make them sit down and be quiet and behave.....

At 8:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, no SIri!!!!! No pouty face! I just put Lys in change of that. Would you like to be Queen of the Tropical Islands????

At 8:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Virginia..

"Meet Virginia...

She never compromises, loves babies and surprises...."

hey, and the Stewart Indecision 08

297 electoral votes PROJECTED at this time...

sniffle. In a good way.

At 8:04 PM , Blogger Siri said...

An' I don't have a laptop, either, nor a camera phone, nor even a camera. I'm going to go sit in my chair and pout a bunch....

(But tomorrow, I get to go back to work and listen to Folk Underground!!!)

OK - Tropical Islands I can do - did I mention I was on Maui less than two months ago? I was just wishing for an ocean today.....

At 8:06 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Dan on the moon is a go...

I think that as many people as possible working on the party thing is great! Paul and Val can run that bit but I will be in charge of Cosmos? :)I will over see the Mac and Cheese post (M's job really) as well.

I really must go to bed soon. M keeps getting up anyway.

Viva la Q!

BBC America has called it!

At 8:09 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Okay, good. We have a solid cabinet lined up, but there's still room for more good members. I think I can go to sleep now.

Well, and because now I know who my new boss will be. I work for the US Dept of Agriculture, and am thus technically a member of the executive branch (don't hold it against me, really none of it is my fault).

At 8:10 PM , Blogger Yoopergurl said...

well, nite all. Sleepy time.

Empress, I agree about drinking and driving, at work I have to draw legal alcohols for the police, it's not pretty.

At 8:10 PM , Blogger Jess said...

Well I just got the computer back from Mr. Jess, who has gone all results-happy. He's listening to the coverage on NPR now. He's in bed listening to the RADIO. Who does that any more?! IN this day and age. Radio. Well I never. Fuh!

Okay, so make me Fiend-Poet Laureate then. I've been slackin' off with the poetry anyway. Need to stay sharp.

She's Empress of All,
the Big Cheese of the Moon.
Hail the mighty Quiche,
in her beekeeping suit
and crown of spooky light.

At 8:12 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

"Supernatural" is a television series on the CW. Look here. Let me see if I can get a better website.

At 8:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mum's cat is a Turkish Angora crazy semi-feral (the one we drugged to travel across the country.) She is two colour.

She watches tv quite often, and will get upset if my mother leaves the bedroom for hours and turns off the tv (especially if it is in the middle of one of her favourite shows OR a black and white movie--no surprise there.)

Tonight, I caught her INTENTLY watching the election coverage. Didn't matter what station--even Fox.

She was so THERE. We're calling her our Politi-Cat.

And she smiles and purrs everytime they give a state to Obama.

We figured it out. Obama is black
and white.


At 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phiala--I hear you! He would be my new Commander in Chief as well.

At 8:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just in.

Senator McCain has called Senator Barack Obama.

He has conceded.

So now you have only one darn Senator to knock out on your way to Empress, L!!

At 8:16 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...


This is bad.

How could this happen?

I am watching CNN.

I seem to have, er, not won this election.

Where did I go wrong? I had a dream. Well, since 4 this afternoon anyway. It has been a long haul, and a tough race.

I am going to have to face reality and concede soon. Must call Mr Obama.

At 8:18 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Aw Quiche - in our world, your reigh supreme....

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are a stitch - much better than CNN. They have a cockatoo....

night all - dream of what could have been had our Fabulous declared a day earlier. Or at least before I voted.

At 8:19 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Reign. The word was supposed to be Reign.

Bed. New fingers in the morning.

At 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT!!! what are you talking about??

We've gotten rid of one mainstream there is only one in your way! See, we have improved the odds!

At 8:20 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

TiVo the world? Yes please! I think that Dan should be able to make that happen from the Moon.

Beez could have many different jobs but one may be Secretary of Coffee and Tea. Maybe you won't want that job dear but you can delegate. I would think that several cabana boys would be, um, under you and you could direct them to do the actual work.

At 8:21 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Here is the official "Supernatural" website, plus you can watch full episodes there. I've watched it since the first episode, though I'm WAY behind on this years eps. I just watched the third episode of this season, "In the Beginning." The main characters are demon hunters, but there are lots of twists along the road. A fair amount of humor, too. :)

At 8:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're funny.

Can I have a few cabana boys as well?


At 8:28 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Next time Q!

Has anyone heard anything about prop 8?

At 8:28 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Called Mr Obama. He has conceded that whatever the people may think that he is aware, that the Fiends will actually be the ones ruling the world, running things, and he is 100% behind us and will offer any and all support.

Wise of him.


At 8:28 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Do you realize people are still voting in Hawaii?

Not that I'm unhappy with the projected outcome, mind you.

At 8:30 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Now, if we can just get Governor Good Hair out of office in Texas.

At 8:30 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cabana boys for all!

Yes, this is an important issue, Prop 8. Really wish I could have voted on that. Suspect we will all have the chance, little as I believe it is something that should be decided by a vte.

Who has the right to say two people cannot get married??

WHAT basis to they impose this?

At 8:31 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh yes, Lys, there will be many prestigious schools turning out the very best cabana boys and girls to all who require them. There will, of course, be a union and it will be one of the best, most sought after jobs in the new regime. You can have as many as you like. :)

At 8:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, I do wish there was a way to get all the pols on the same time zone, doesn't seem fair really.

Gov Good Hair? DO tell....

At 8:32 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

The last I heard was that prop 8 was still close. That was a while ago though.

At 8:34 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

You know, it occurs to me that if we limit the amount candidates spend on ads, we might have fewer negative ads and less mudslinging.

Well, I can dream can't I?

At 8:35 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

In a way voting no on 8 is saying that it is not right to vote on this issue, you know?

There is no good argument for anything like prop 8. The only argument is a religious one. I completely agree with what you said above on this topic.

At 8:37 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I have been trying to find out how it's (prop 8) doing but I run across news stories that make me angry so I am going to wait a bit. CA Fiends? Any news?

At 8:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Good thoughts, Adriandalen, very true, I found myself REALLY burned out with the negative ads, and for he life of me, most of the time could not figure out who they were for or against....

Yes, Aleta, I mean, huh? I thought you could not discriminate against people in this country, giving rights to some and denying them to others....

Where is the "Hello!? Why is The Emperor wearing no clothes", kid?

At 8:41 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, known as "Gov. Good Hair" because his hair is rarely mussed. He pretty much follows the party line, Republican. He succeeded W as governor when W became President. :P

At 8:44 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

CA Fiends cking in:

Prop 8

55% yes
45% no

I can't even begin to comment on this.

At 8:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Adriandalen,nuff said.


At 8:53 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well if prop 8 passes this misanthrope is going to be even more disappointed in human kind! I have had a few glasses of Chimay and need to go to bed. I was (and still will for the moment) hoping that people would rise to the occasion and not be schmucks about this. It's 2008! Come on!

At 8:59 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

yes gayle; we are sisters of misanthropy. I have been so sad watching my neighborhood turn into huge poster children w/those stupid flags in their front yard showing 'families' and email blitz it's so truly scary how much clout the religious right has.

At 9:11 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I'm with you Stacy. My feelings on this issue are overwhelming to me right now. How is it possible that people can be so ... UGH!

Anyway, there is other good new to celebrate. And I must go to bed.

Good night, good Fiends. You all rock and give me some hope. The audacity! ;)

At 9:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I leave Cali alone for a FEW months, and they break the state. sigh.

I REALLY hope those numbers on Prop 8 are from mostly Republican precincts...and that it will swing the other way when they finish tallying SF and LA.

New Mexico, my new home, is doing me proud. Democratic sweep of all partisan higher offices. They can't even find a record of the last time there were two Democratic Senators and three Democratic Representatives from here.

But it makes me very sad I couldn't vote in California....

At 9:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

We just elected a Black Man President. Because it was right. And he was the better man.

There was a time, and not long ago, that would not have not only not been possible, but unthinkable that the possibility could exist.

There will be a time when any two people who love each other can marry.

And it will be unthinkable that they would not have the right to.

At 9:21 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hear, Hear.

At 9:22 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I have to say, even this Aussie is getting goose-bumps watching it all on the teev.

At 9:25 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Well said Lorraine. And it is still early in the CA vote count.

One step after another we can move forward.

At 9:26 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

I feel like a slug; the only thing I got done this evening was make dinner (spagetti)and get hooked into the live feed for the election. Obama's speech was good. Reserved, strong; not flippant. Nice.

There's always hope for tomorrow.


At 9:29 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I'm to bed.
Sweet dreams, Fiends.
Sweet plot twists, NaNoWriMo Fiends.

At 9:29 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

It was a great speech. I loved that there was not that classic lifting the arm of the victor thing. Understated strength. Getting ready for hard work.

At 9:30 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Sadly I am also in the midst of a city election... first we had the Canadian election, then this, then my city election (which is important to my boss). I am kinda sick of all the politicking.

Prop 8 scares me.

At 9:30 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, and we will move forward. Do not doubt. And I do still have hope.

I didn't mention it earlier but we do have a Leopard Report tonight...

When I went in this evening he was OUT in the room. Clearly very nervous at me being there, and trying to hide behind the cat tree, but he did look at me, and he was tense, but did not flee.

I gave him his food and water. And backed to the far corner of the room, and talked softly.

Very tense, but there, I hope I re-assured him.

Here's to hope for my Bengal.

And America,

At 9:33 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

...but yes. Mr Obama's speech was good. And I am happy he is in. So happy.

At 9:34 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, I liked Mr Obamas speech too. Very much this is what we have to do, let's do it together.

Oddly enough, for the first time, I felt a lot of respect for Mr McCain, in his speech conceding the election. Very well done, and gracious and showed a forward thinking about getting the country together, despite his supporters booing thru it.

At 9:34 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

yay for him to be brave! way to go! he gets extra kisses. from waaaaaaaaay over here.

At 9:35 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

glad to hear about mr leopard

At 9:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

That is brilliant Leopard report. Quite a big step, IMHO.

At 9:37 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Maybe his name is Peirot.. you could purr that name at him (silent t)

At 9:39 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am happy, very happy about Mr Obama winning this election.

But it makes me more happy, and full of hope what we did here this evening.

I did my run for President, in hopes that we could all be together tonight, and talk about what we wanted for the world and the future, without ending up arguing politics.

That no matter who anyone supported, we could be together in common ground and see what the world could be.

That we could talk about what the world needed, and not which candidate might do it.

And you did not, my Fiends, disappoint.

I think we did win.

At 9:41 PM , Blogger vampi said...

what the world needs now, is love sweet love...

At 9:42 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

and leopards... and love...

At 9:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I sure wish I knew his name....It might help. I am giving him all the love that I can, in hopes he will learn to love me too and be happy, poor thing, he doesn't have that, and every being should.

I think this was a good thing, He learned he could be out and nothing bad happened.

Fingers crossed....

At 9:43 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Vampi and Stacy, goy ou two and form a band, clearly you are one...

At 9:46 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

In some strange Make it All Worthwhile Thing, I so want to make it to 200 comments before I go to bed....

Where is Nathilie? Is she sleeping 6 hours tonight?

I mean, I did run for President, she says softly...

At 9:46 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

a band of 10 thousand leopards!

beats rubberbands

or waistbands

or wristbands

lol; i'm too giddy now.

At 9:47 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

You have created such a great community here Lorraine.


At 9:48 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...


Loved the Leopard report. I think he is a quiet wise one.

At 9:50 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hope and Love
Because we are citizens of a global community now
and we all love Bengals

At 9:50 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Some day we will have a world where people can love people rather than simply body parts. Yup.

I am about to go to bed but I want to do my part for the 200 comment effort!

At 9:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not one but several MOST well spoken posts.

Thank you for putting it all in perspective once again.

And for the feline POV....
He is doing amazing. And it is just delightful that he steps out to see a wee bit more of his world on tonight of all nights.

There's a compassionate feline!

hugs, Lorraine, for every thing you do.
I'm glad I found my way back here, and you. My world is better again.

At 9:56 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hey! From CNN just now:

In California exit polls reported thus far tonight, Proposition 8 appears to be going down to a narrow 52 percent to 48 percent defeat.

At 9:56 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thank You! All of you. I did sort of set out to create a place where people who were like ME could hang. Who thought like I did, smart, fun creative, people, where we could imagine everything beautiful we all ever did dream of.

I am alone a lot, which I don't mind, but I can't get out, or travel as much as I would like. I can't tell you how cool it is to have all of my Fiends hanging here when I get home.

We are us and it is good.

At 9:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh Fods this is good news on Prop 8!!!!!!

At 9:59 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

here here Aleta! Myself; I love one simple body part; the thumping one. The largest collection I've found so far resides right here on this wee blog. :) And it lights up the universe. Power like that you cannot buy. It's all freely given.

At 9:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I totally agree re McCain's speech--this was the man of integrity and honour that we thought we knew, back when he was an Independent.

The Republican party thought he was lift them out of the mire; instead, his weaknesses were magnified and they drug him down.

But this is just my opinion...I didn't want him to be president, but I didn't want to lose the positives he brought to the table (Straight Talk Express was MUCH better than Mavericks and "drill, baby, drill.")

At 10:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

This just in from my sister, who I hope will start posting here soon , as I am but a pale version of her...You think -I- am funny? SHE rocks.

She has bee very plugged into this election, and in fact made an Obama cake today, half black half white...

But she just got a letter. Hmmph. Only AL Gore writes to me.

"Tracy --

I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.

We just made history.

And I don't want you to forget how we did it.

You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.

I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.

We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.

But I want to be very clear about one thing...

All of this happened because of you.

Thank you,

Barack "

At 10:03 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Dude! Al Gore writes to you! Be proud!

At 10:03 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

At least there is reason for some hope on Prop 8. I would guess we will not know for sure until tomorrow.

I am so impressed with the creative people I have met here and in places I have found on the road in and out of hear. Stumbling into your little world here, Lorraine, has made my life so much richer. And it was already pretty rich so that is saying something! So yay you!

At 10:05 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hee. I got that email too! They did such a great job with the email and text message part of the campaign. It really made everyone feel plugged in to what was going on.

At 10:06 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I think I am over-participating now.

I should go to bed!

At 10:09 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

it is!! it is good news if that is true on prop 8... can't get my hopes up... *crossing fingers*...

Lorraine you have done a great job to make an open and accepting community here. It certainly has been like that throughout the 3 years (wow, has it REALLY been that long? Oct 2005, yep) since I found this little internet nest. I really appreciate all the folks on here and I love that so many new people are showing up what seems like every day. I do miss Malena's presence here a bit and some of the folk who don't seem to come around much anymore... but this is still listed as my favourite place online, hands down (I recently told a friend that very thing). On top of it all this very place has led me to a grand amount of joy in my offline life including meeting Malena and yourself and all the LaMies in Baltimore, meeting Peter Beagle, and Lisa and being able to invite both of them to Vancouver... and all of this subsequent poppetiness, it's all your fault you know! You and Malena and all the folks here made it a nice and inviting place and look where it led.



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