Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Last Photographs....

I am posting five pictures tonight as you wanted to see the Stardust dress, and also more to the point, they are the last five pictures my camera will ever take. Rest in
Peace. Thanks be I didn't get too distracted by Bengals and miss the dress altogether. It just goes to show you never know when you are down to your last five pictures. Make them count (Cue music)

You will recall it no longer has a viewing screen, after being dropped down the stairs in Brazil and one cannot see what one is taking a picture of? And how recently it started to come apart, and I had to duck tape it together? Well it seems that now, IT no longer wants to see what it is taking a picture of, and will no longer open its little "Eye" thing. Hmmph.

So, here you have them, the last five pictures. It gave up the Little Ghost on picture number six. I expect to hear from Miss Kitty plenty on this very soon. I do HAVE another camera, but when I got it , it would not charge, so it got sent back, then, almost immediately, I lost the charger, and it seems that a replacement is not available anywhere no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

Anyway, here is the Dress, it is lovely and falling apart, of course, after being overrun by ferrets, and wolves. I would show you a closeup, but alas....That cannot be. I like having a piece of that movie around, and perhaps someday, may actually wear it. Very gently.

Boss is home and very tired. I passed on all of your wishes and stories and they made him happy. Marjorie, he says he did eat the cupcakes, as did Paul and Storm and Jonathon, and they were much appreciated. So it looks like I will not be getting them home in a box.

I am going to cheer myself up tonight by taking my camera into photograph Leopard. Think about it, it works...I can't see what I am taking a picture of which is ok because I can't see Leopard either, and the camera can't see anything at any rate.

Got to laugh..

Love and Pictures,



At 5:45 PM , Blogger Beez said...

...and you will probably end up with the best Leopard picture ever.

Like magic.

At 5:53 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Ah, grouchy indeed. At least the last five pictures were of good and interesting things, so the camera died happy.

Val, I have skulls for you (13, natch), but don't know what to do with them. Email me.

At 5:58 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

My dinner died... Your camera died... Sigh. Sorry to hear your camera won't open its aperture. Hopefully you can get the other one working. By the time you're taping the camera together, it's time to start thinking about replacing it.

Glad Boss is home, though. And no bridges fell.

At 6:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Might well get a good shot at that. And it did die happy.

Yes, sad dinners...Nice use of the word Apeture tho.

At 6:35 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Jess, that's the pose I call ballerina legs... now I shall daub it future ballerina legs.
Lorraine, time for a new camera? At least it doesn't cost that much to buy a good digital one.
At least its final photos are good ones.
all this talk of pizza is making me feel like aving a pizza for lunch.

At 6:37 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mim respondes with "I shall now run so fast on my cat wheel that poop comes out of me"

We interpet this HOW?

Sigh. Not my night.

At 6:39 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Q, we interpret this EWWWWW!!!

At 7:05 PM , Blogger Stacey said...

You should put out the word on your blog (and any fiends' blogs who you can hit up,) because someone out there in blogland has a busted camera and an extra charger. :)

At 7:34 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Eeewww indeed. She says, finally done scrubbing.

Stacy, not such a bag idea atall....I forget what i is,it's at the other house, but I'll let you know tomorrow.

Mim was SO embarressed, like "How the HELL did that happen????"

At 7:45 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Poor Mim!

Poor Q.

Ewwwwwwwww indeed.

Watching Haunted Underground on PBS. Cute. Can't not think of Neverwhere.

I love the dress. And the movie Godchild has watched it about a million times I think. She takes it from the video lending box I keep outside my door. She will be very impressed to know that you have a dress from it. Heck, I am impressed!

At 7:45 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I've heard more than one person claim that the ordinary non-digital roll-of-film types of cameras are no longer sold. I think this is really too bad, since I like digital but prefer the surprises (even the not-so-pleasant ones) of sorting through a batch of pictures from the pharmacy.

Just realized I'm sounding horribly bleary, because I am and it is absolutely time to sleep. I have a wonderful (not) appointment with doctors to anticipate for tomorrow ...

Goodnight ...


At 8:04 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Two new avatrs, Aleta and Emily??? Verynice indeed! It's fun to switch round, tho I keep seeig mine and thinking who the heck is that????

A few of the bits went on sale pre-ebay and I snapped it up. Didn't get anything I bid on, way too much.

Slep well Emily, all will be well.

At 9:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

any chance it is an Olympus?

Cause somehow, when heading overseas the second time, I managed to acquire TWO chargers for those rectangular Olympus batteries.

If it is right, of course it is yours.

At 9:49 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That would work ou nicely, wouldn't it, Lys...I'll check tomorow..

Judging from the comments tonight I would have to say there is a whole lot of Namo going on!!!!!

You go Fiends! We'll be here when you are done.

Non-namo Fiends, take up the slack! Non Namo lurkers, here is your chance to get a word in edgewise, hee-hee....

At 10:33 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Love the dress and the kitty pics! Both are lovely!

Sorry about the unexpected "gift" on the kitty wheel! Ewwww is right!

Went to see a stage production of the Very Hungry Caterpillar w/ ben and mom-in-law today. It was really did however really make me want to see Wolves in teh Walls on stage--i love Eric Carle but of course I like this other writer even more ;-)

Night all!

At 10:38 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I'm not participating in NaNoWriMo, but I have signed on with NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). I figure it's a good start. I've committed to writing a blog post every day for a month. I'm posting on my LiveJournal blog, Sparkling Facets.

Last month was Vegan Month of Food, or MoFo. I'm not vegan, but one of the people on my friends list is, and she participated. They didn't have to post every day, just each week day. So if we write about food for the month of December would that make it FiFoPoMo (Fiends' Food Posting Month), or FiFoWriMo? Or maybe just FaFiFoMo? ::grin::

At 10:39 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Only 15 comments ! Wow... Reminds me of the good ole days...
Poor you and poor Mim (she must be SO embarrassed with her loose bowels)

Have some sleep, dear, things are bound to be better in the morning. AFter the first two cups of tea.

At 11:06 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Well damn, NaBloPoMo would have been easier for me, but then my LJ is friends only so I probably couldn't enter it?
Lets do FaFiFoMo!

My body is definately complaining about sitting at the computer typing so many words. Oh, a spa would be lovely.

At 11:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I had to pop up to the supermarket before to get some dental floss, and my warped sense of humour made me come home with something else too.

It was labelled finger puppet, and I thought - if someone had something up my arse and into my head, I'd have a look like that on my face too poor thing.
what a classic

At 12:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh, MY!! :)

hehehehe. Just took a last peek in here after typing my fingers off, getting ready to put the computer away.

And you greet me with that. *g* This place never fails......

At 1:00 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Morning all. Lovely to catch up with the various Samhain antics and see photographic proof of much spookiness. I did take pictures and they were, in a word, crap; a curse on fancy auto-focus that doesn't listen when you shout at it "the shruken heads are right in front of you, I can see them, why can't you?" In your quest for a new camera, Q, I hope you can find one that is not as afraid of the dark as mine.

The Stardust dress is quite the pretty, I hope if/when the day comes that you wear it there will be lots of pictures.

Love the finger puppet, hilarious expression!

Right. Work now.

At 1:13 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

The dress is lovely, and hope when/if you wear it there is someone around to take lots of photos!

The talk about cameras that can't see what they'er taking reminds me of a spooky short story I once read about a undeveloped picture in a second hand camera, and (I think) a murder - it's going to bug me now until I can work out where I read it and who wrote it. .

I think my camera is on its last legs, too - about half the time when I turn it on it won't stick it's lens out, and just shuts itself down. Although considering how many times I have dropped it it probably isn't doing so badly.

I'm glad Boss and JoCo liked the cupcakes, and that you won't be getting anything horrible in a box to unpack (or at least, if you do, it won't be my fault)

Hope your day improves, with more tea and no more little accidents. . .

At 2:30 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Oh oh oh just got in Prince of Stories!!!!!!! Darn it, now all I want to do is sit and read. Eight pages dedicated to our own lovely FabLo! And cutest pic of Boss as a kid on a swing in wellington boots.

At 2:34 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I think I've seen this picture on LitPark...

At 2:36 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Yep, that's the one - how happy is that grin??

At 2:41 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hey! A swing. How great is that?
I'd be grinning too (even without wellies)

At 2:50 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Louisa, I'm so envious! I thought it wasn't out until next month? Is this some secret booksellers cabal that let you get books early?

At 2:55 AM , Blogger louisa said...

I got it in from the States, Marjorie, too impatient to wait for the UK/Eire release!

At 4:30 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Good morning all! it is promising to be a splendid couple of days here in the midwest, hope the weather is fine where you are! it gives me no excuse to begin repainting trim and redoing the deck in between classes. why do houses not maintain themselves? and why don't these leaves blow away? i keep waiting.... :) Go writers go! what a great challenge, and arian i will ck your blog too. i consider myself lucky to squeak a comment here now and again. Lorraine, hope mim is ok, that is truly ewwwww. have a great day all!

At 5:49 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Good morning, fiends, fiendettes, and lurkyfiends.

I am starving.

What's for breakfast?

At 5:51 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

What I think you need, Quiche, is the Fisher Price "Kid Tough" Camera, built to survive spills, chills and thrills!

At 5:52 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Cucumber sandwiches.

At 6:12 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Oooo! I don't remember that dress in the movie-its been a while since I've seen it. I'll have to watch it tonight. =) Yay!

That'll be a good thing to do to avoid nano. So far, I've writen 3 words. Woohoo! My book will be done in no time! It takes skill to write so little and walk away.

At 7:31 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning all, I am with Dan, what's for Breakfast?

Oh you mak me laugh, must be careful with the tea, I must!

FInger puppets, heh.

A blogger Namo? Cool, and best of luck. I neeed a photo Namo, take one picture a day with a working camera, hee-hee..

It IS going to be lovely today. I hearb Boss muttering about moving a Bee Hive. If it happens I take pic....Rats. No I won't.


At 7:36 AM , Blogger Malena said...

Your hair looks fabulous Ms. fabulous. I loved the photos of your Halloween events.
I'm glad to be relaxing now and I hope you are too. I'm tempted to leave the grave stones up in the front yard all year long. he hee

At 7:38 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Breakfast was porridge. This time without shrunken heads, but with added exploding-inside-the-microwave-ness. Was running late so had to leave that to be cleared up when I get home from work. Cucumber sandwiches would have been tidier.

I'm concerend about moving bee hives, however - is a tired and jet-lagged Boss truly the best person to be moving bees?? I hear they can get grouchy is you spill them. . .

At 8:00 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Had a bagel, need more coffee. I have so much to do today in the apartment and all the windows are open. Love it!

The dress is great! What fun. I would be afraid to wear it. I spill coffee, diet coke or chocolate on everything I own.

Have a lovely day, fiends! Off to put laundry away and then study.

At 8:16 AM , Blogger Amy said...

I forgot to mention that I started watching Tin Man. I forget who brought it up originally...but a huge thanks to whoever did. Its brilliant and I'm really loving it. If the ending is as good as the first two parts, I'm going to have to buy it.

At 8:18 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Breakfast was a bowl of Cheerios (i see i have company there!) and a glass of OJ...tea is steeping--Earl Grey.

Jet lag + bee hive? eek! But if anyone can do something like that while jetlagged, it's probably boss!

At 8:22 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Move a bee hive if you must (tip: steal Neil's camera to take pictures) but not from 2:00 to 3:00 OKAY ?
Otherwise I shall have to have a stern talk with this boss of yours.

At 8:26 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Guten Morgen, Fiends!

Ms. Fabulous, there is a National Photo Posting Month site! I saw it listed on, which is the host for NaBloPoMo. I don't know which month they hold it in, so you would have to check. You know, in your copious amounts of free time. ;)

I posted a photo of my skull jack-o-lantern on my LJ. It is sideways, though. The picture, not the pumpkin, and it is sitting on its bottom. The stem end really is the top of the skull and it grew sitting on the ground the way you see it.

Hope Mim is doing better today.

I really like my Panasonic Lumix camera. I can't always see well enough to focus on my own, so I have to have a point and shoot camera. You can still take pictures of Boss moving bee hives, just using Boss' camera. ;)

At 8:28 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Oh, breakfast was a Kashi Trail Mix bar and two glasses of milk with Ice Java syrup.

At 8:31 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Good morning; a small post before I'm off to workies.
The dress is really pretty but I am still amazed looked on screen!

Boss' hair; the BeeGees hair before Maddy's birth made me spit coffee!

Jeez Mim; I've heard of running your butt off but that's so type A!

Glad all are fine; I want a wheel for my kitties. I'll look into that.

Have a great day everyone & thanks again for all the lovely comments about the dragon! (He was pleased)

At 8:33 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hm, what I'd like is a nap. I can usually justify ANYTHING. Can't seem to manage this one. I guess I will wash dishes.

Any ideas if Friday or Sat night would be best for going out?

At 8:42 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I forgot to comment on the dragon--that's incredibly gorgeous!! I forgot other things too, i'll remember eventually.

At 8:43 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Lovely new icon, Gayle!

At 8:54 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Malena! I love this hair, I think it's the best one ever, and we sure did have a fine Halloween! Loved your costume too, The geisha, very well done! Looks like you and Kitty had a blast as well!...Relaxing tho, not so much, hee-hee....

I am waiting on Tin Man, ordered it, want to see this mystery movie...

My camera troubles may be over, I explained them very sadly to Boss this morning and he hopped on and found everything, memory card and charger. I now owe him $16 he says.

It's day 2 and 3 of jet lag where it hits you bad, he seems good today and we do need to move this hive. I think it can be done.

Today we need to go out and steal a box of honey, and take it down to two brood boxes for winter. Fun.

It's funny about the dress, when we got it , we were thinking " The Fat Witch" but it can't be more than a 12. Hollyweird. Of couse next to Michele, I suppose 12 would look bigger, she is very tiny.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hurray for the discovery of charger for the camera!

At 8:59 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ben's off to school w/ neighbor. I will finish my tea and head off to my rolfing appt so I'll *try* to catch up here later....although that's remarkably easier to do since 11/1--wonder why? ;-)

Good luck with the honey project and yay for camera bits!

At 9:02 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Right. Dragon. Lovely!

Icon (have I been calling them Avatars? What a dork I am )lovely new ones!

Nathilie, I am hoping for French, fingers crossed.

No breakfast, very sad, only tea...

At 9:03 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, it is a veritable Graveyard here with everyone writing...

(A good thing, not whinning, I am proud of you FIends!)

At 9:06 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I thought the concept for Tin Man was much stronger than the implimentation. Alan Cumming was completely wasted, I thought, which was just criminal. Zooey Deschanel isn't given anything to work with and doesn't seem to bother to try to find any inspiration on her own. The title "Tin Man" is cool but seems inappropriate since the cop caste is not the main focus of the miniseries.

I felt very let down by it, in other words.

At 9:09 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I'm not writing! Ha!

No, today I'm home, as I get a new air conditioner/furnace installed. The workmen arrived a few moments ago and the clanging and thumping has begun. I tried to give them coffee, but they wouldn't take any. This seems foolish, as really, who undertakes this kind of project without caffeine?!

Good luck today with the honey thieving!

At 9:09 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

OHh, just looked at the skull pumpkin...nice and fiendish!!!

I need to look for Tin Man, i'm quite behind on fun viewing. I have all of season 1 of Dexter still waiting for me.

Completely unrelated...getting excited for Vegas Book Fest...just a couple of days! Wish you were going too Lorraine! I'd love to meet in person!

At 9:18 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I watched some of Tin Man when it was on Sci Fi and enjoyed what I saw but would agree with Dan. I should watch it again though.

Did I say I was going to do dishes? :P

Have fun with the bees today, Q!

At 9:18 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I don't know about Cheerio's... ;)
DD1 had Nocello and peanut butter graham cracker sandwiches for breakfast, and DD2 had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut out in the shapes of two long-necked dinosaurs. We have a sandwich cutter just for that purpose; it even takes off the crust.
It appears that DH had corn flakes for breakfast, since the box is still sitting on the table.

At 9:20 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Cheerios even. XP
I've only had about four hours sleep.

At 9:20 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I hope you have fun at the book fest Chantrelle!

At 9:59 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Lorraine, my condolences on the one camera and congratulations on the soon-to-be-restored-to-full-functionality other camera. Yay, Boss.

Jess! I'm another who eats Cheerios from an over-sized soup mug. It just seems to put the milk and the cereal in better contact with each other, or something. But I add strawberries rather than bananas. I've even added freeze-dried strawberries (thank you, Trader Joe's!) when I don't have fresh berries on hand.

Breakfast this morning, however, was an egg, potato and Portuguese sausage burrito. Not nearly so heart-healthy as oatmeal or Cheerios but I really enjoyed it!

I'm having zero luck getting anywhere on the NaNoWriMo site. I know they get a lot of traffic at the beginning of November but this is REALLY astounding. Since I've only got about 500 words, or so, I suppose it's just as well that I can't sign on and see how far behind I am.

Best of luck with hives and honey!

At 10:02 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

And if anyone had any doubts before (not likely), we now know that Boss has Google-fu.

At 11:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy, Dan et al;

I only started watching Tin Man (on the USAchannel) when it was on a few days ago because of my desperate need for the fantastical in my present location.
But the truth is, I just tripped over it by accident. If I'd read most of the reviews put out during it's first run on Sci Fi channel, might not have watched it.
Definitely would have enjoyed it less.

It is best discovered with a minimum of expectations and pre-conceptions. Just experienced!
Same reason I decided not to give a final review after the last episode.

I do think folks' reaction to it is highly individualized--will never claim it is great art or a great movie, but *I* was well enchanted by it over and over again. And able to easily brush off plot holes or other annoyances (which is *not* usually true.)

And have to disagree re Alan Cummings--and I find now, while typing, that I cannot explain my disagreement without going into analytical detail about the movie which is to be avoided for the folks who haven't seen it yet! Darn!
Finally--Zoe just reminded me SO MUCH of myself at "a certain age"....
Perhaps I just got out of the movie what I put into it--how banal....
But, like Buckaroo Banzai, it will definitely get its spot on the movies to watch when ill shelf.

Okay, back to NaNoing....

PS YAY to Trader Joe's TWICE!
My breakfast: Trader's Joe's Carrot Muffin. Yes, we drive 160 miles round trip twice a month to seriously shop at Trader Joe's. And we bring a BIG cooler. :)

At 12:23 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I understand where you're coming from on "Tin Man," Lys. I watched it last spring when it was on SciFi, and my father-in-law made DVDs of it then and sent them to us. I enjoyed it, too. I think you have to remember that not all of the scenes made it on air. I wonder what was left on "the cutting room floor." I think it had a decent script, and sometimes it's hard to tell whether some choices are the actor's or the director's. Let's remember that television and movies, more so than theatre, are art by committee. That's not an easy thing to pull off well, yet it does happen over and over again. :)

At 1:21 PM , Blogger Amy said...

Gayle-I'm planning on going to Charlie's Friday and Saturday night. So, either day would work for me for fiendy fun. (I'll be sporting some new hair on Saturday though...yay!)

Back to Tin Man. To me, it has felt a touch flat at moments...but on the whole...I'm absolutely in love with it. It looks so shiny to me...I really like the visuals it has. (I don't know if that's the way to say it, I'm not a big movie person, but that's the way I'd put it.) Its going to have to turn very south for me to not think its worthy of being on my movie shelf. I'm not sure how much of a recommendation that is though...I have several movies on there that lots of people have thought were complete crap.

At 1:37 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Boy oh boy.. go away for a while and you miss all the fun!!!...

testing out my new(first) avatar

testing testing

At 1:38 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Yeah!!! it worked.

Skelly Glove and bracelet (and striped witches tights) were the majority of my costume on Halloween.

At 1:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy, we are of like minds. I am usually SUCH a movie snob, growing up and spending so much time w/people who *make* the darn things. And as readers/writers, we tend to get touchy about continuity, plot integrity, et cetera.

But sometimes a movie is just a pleasure....maybe it *is* "distracted by shiny objects" but I think it is okay to just enjoy/love something whether or not it would, if critically analyzed, meet standards usually applied.

So it isn't total crap if it brings you pleasure. Okay, maybe cotton candy or those pink coconut frosted Snow Ball cakes from the store are exceptions to that statement....:)

At 1:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Cool skelly glove!

At 1:52 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

I luv my skelly gloves... they glow in the dark too. Apparently they work best when you are buttoning up or unbuttoning your pure black coat because I freaked my bosses wife out... she couldn't see the black of the gloves... she could just see bones working at the buttons.

Thanks Lys.

At 2:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

glow in the dark, too? Of course.

Now I am even more (glowing) green with envy. :)

Amacker Bullwinkle sent me glow in the dark hair paint and other glowing goodies the first time I was deployed to Iraq. My Hallowe'en party was VERY popular.

What's that you say? We shouldn't party in Iraq? You're right...
That said, if there are a few spare hours and half of an occasion, I think any Fiend would take the opportunity to escape for a little while.

Malena's costume ROCKED!! for some reason, my bookmark didn't it took me a while to find her blog. ANOTHER massive case of jealousy on my part--never got past the front mini-tour thingie at the Magic Castle, and that was with a magician. sigh.

But wow and WHOA! for blades and beauties. Between that and Lorraine's hair....
My eyes are happy.

At 2:23 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Great skelly gloves, Rubius.

Lys - I think you should totally party when you're in Iraq - I'm guessing you need the chance to let your hair down once in a while, more so than those of us with jobs that don't involve people pointing guns at us. But what do I know?

Tin Man - is this a series as well as a movie? I've seen it for sale, I think, but is there more than one of it? I'm confused now.

Q, if you and Boss do decide to move the bees, take care. We don't want our one and only Quiche getting stung.

At 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to get a Quiche to Swell.

Wait, I thought you only wanted it to rise.

Just don't get stung, girlfriend!

Tin Man;
three episode mini-series made for Sci Fi channel, recently shown on USA (same owners--NBC), available on DVD.

and now I will REALLY shut up about it :) Honest.

(oh, and thanks for the nice note about partying n all...some day I will get a Picasa album open or something, and post pictures of those days.)

At 2:28 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

The gloves came from Safeway... and they hang in my closet so that their glowing fingers creep down from the shelf... spooky fingers always creeping out of my closet.

Malena's costumes always rock... but Lorraine's hair is spectacular.

Beeee Careful Lorraine.

At 3:37 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Again, you are all a joy to come home too. It's a good thing I can't get on here at work, or I'd get nothing done.

Quiche - got your mailing package and sent an email.

Off to another committment in my life. In case I can't get back to everyone tonight, please, all the US Fiends, exercise your right to vote tomorrow. I don't care who for - just get out there and make a mark on the world.

Here ends the commentary.

At 3:51 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Dropping in late today, cos straight after breakfast (peanut butter and honey on toast for those who want to know) I did my Nano bit for the day.
Lys, you were in Iraq? Curious now. (actually I'm pretty much always curious).
Had a visit from a dragon today. The most beautiful dragonfly was perched on the security door when I came in from grabbing the paper. Photos don't do him credit, but I will upload and link soon.
Rubius, I am in glove lust!

At 4:19 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Wonder if honey-moving happened...hmmmm...

At 4:34 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

real live dragonfly.

At 4:38 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

ooohhh shiny!! I like the dragonfly..... thanks for sharing!

As I am in Canada I have no US voting rights but in truth I think a LOT of Canadians are watching this US election VERY closely since we do have a very real stake in whomever the US chooses as its next president.... so I agree... if you can, VOTE tomorrow!!! You can't bitch about whomever gets in if you didn't vote!

At 5:19 PM , Blogger Beez said...

*runs in*

Gayle and Amy, at this point either Friday or Saturday would work as this point.

Hi Fiends! Write write write!

aaaauuuggghhhhh I'M LATE!

*runs out*

At 5:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not writing. I am not cooking (miss that, sometimes). I am not taking pictures because I don't have a good camera (my beautifulest daughter took it with her to college). I am doing nothing creative, it seems. Oh, and I'm late with the comments!!

Ms. Fablo, if that is your definition of a grumpy post, then I must say that your version of grumpy is better than most people's version of happy!! :-) I know Grumpy, Ma'am, and you are not Grumpy. (Wishing that I *and* all my students would simultaneously be eaten by komodo dragons because we are all terrible terrible people who loathe one another, THAT is grumpy. Trust me. Not that we're really terrible or that we really loathe one another. But at times it sure seems like it...)

At 5:35 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

hiding from my class for a minute, sneaking in a bit - i too am not writing, not cooking, and doing accounting and estate stuff and audit stuff and my house is in need of repair stuff. sigh - so much fun to read what everyone else has been up to! rubius, love the gloves - lys - iraq? wow. have a nice evening all, and yes, vote tomorrow!

At 5:53 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hi all.

Odd few days for me. Having a hard time staying on task... tasks actually. Brain is not really working well. :sigh:

Looking forward to election day tomorrow. Did a wee bit of political calling today. That was fun.

Wondering about Q and the boss and the bees.

I may try to get to Charlie's this weekend. If I get some of the things on my list done I will use that as a reward!

At 5:58 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Not cooking here tonight either...doorbell dining delivery baby! Sometimes i just cant get to the store, especially when it's pissing rain. Fall has arrived.

Inlaws leave tomorrow, it's been a nice visit.

Cool dragonfly--how big was he, he looks huge!

At 6:38 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Back from my other committment. I checked Birdchick's blog, and see nothing about moving bees. We must bee patient, I guess..


At 7:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Home now. And you are all so lovely to come home to...And I am guessing you want the Bee Report, yes????

Well, I will go and write it now then, just for you.

Thanks for the wishes on not getting stung.


To whom were you adressing them?

Ok, writng good, glow in the dark rocks, if there was more party-ing in Iraq might there not be less fighting?

Post coming.

At 8:11 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

DANG! I wanted to be first on the next post but have to give up and get back to work. I've been sitting here since 7:30 hitting 'refresh' to no avail. :( Oh well. So I don't get to be first; I can live with that. I think.

At 8:22 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

i must admit that I have recently developed a terrible desire to write 'first!!!' whenever I get to the blog and see no comments... i have held myself back for a long time but now you are all make it so tempting!!!

At 8:26 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Go ahead, write FIRST!!!!!!

It's up....


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