Friday, October 24, 2008

Long Hard Night, but Fun None The Less...

Home now from the gig. It was the sort of gig that had ALL the elements in place to be a really fun night, with some really fun people. Dylan was sitting in, Big Johnny came down , with Karrin and a friend. Aleta, Gayle and Amy came down, Amy for the first time to a show...(Amy, so very glad to meet you!!! Please come back!) Paul and I were ready....Here's a photo from Gayles phone..

It's good to dream.

I told my table of Fiends at one point I was going to go home and do a post calling it "My Weird-ass Crowd."

The first set went long, really long, like two hours. Never caught fire, tho it had moments. I love it when Dylan is there, he adds so much. And I love it when friends are there too. Not sure why it didn't work, wasn't the kind of crowd where we do best. Drunken wedding people didn't help.

I tried to keep the good things together, played some great things, and had some fun, but started playing a game I like to call "Cough Up A Lung" about halfway thru that first set, no idea where that came from, but have a bad feeling I am about to become very ill.

We did play some great things, the U2 always melts me, Johnny sat in for a few songs, always wonderful, Bob Seger's Turn the Page rocked my world (No, I have no idea why we sometimes do that) but I am just left with a feeling of, well, I wanted it to be MORE.

Thanks to the Fiends for being there! And to Johnny and Karrin and Friend, you came in and the world went beautiful, sorry I had to take off.

Here's me at the end of the long hard night....

And now for the Leopard Report..

Nothing much has changed, but today I bought him a Mousie I could fill with catnip and a Mousie on the end of a string, with stick. When I got him tonight , both of them, with the string pom pom were ALL in the empty food dish. Is this a good sing? He is gathering his toys I give him?

Love and tierd,


At 11:43 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

You look great! I hope you are not getting sick though. Get some rest today (well, after you have had you night) and drink some ginger tea. Maybe do inhalations too, for the lungs.
Thanks for the pictures Aleta!

At 11:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I so have ginger tea, and am off to sleep soon. I am REALLY hoping I am not sick...

I did kind of fell like I looked hot tonight, despite everything, always good feeling, Would feel better if the show had rocked, but that's how it goes...

At 11:52 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Its nice to see Fiends in photos.

I hope you're not coming down with a/the lurgie Lorraine, rest up and take care of yourself.

Its really cute the way Leopard is gathering his toys together for you.
A tidy cat.

At 11:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It is cool, the thing with the toys, I am thinking, have to talk to the experts (Hi Marilyn and Fancidots) but I think this is a Good Sign.....

At 11:57 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Bonne nuit!

At 12:00 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Merci, Au reviour...

At 4:03 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

I hope you aren't getting sick!

I think gathering the toys together in the bowl is a good sign.

Unless he wants to burn them in protest, and so is piling them up, then just can't find any matches.

At 5:07 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

I hope you're wrong about the lurgy. Maybe pre-emptive soup, ginger/lemon tea and fiendish virtual hugs will hold it off.

Good to see photos of fiends - and hope you enjoyed yourself, even if it didn't turn into the best ever gig this time.

I am going the read the Leopard posts to Tybalt, in case it inspires him to start tiying up after himself. Mostly right now he just hiding spiky things under the rugs for me to stand on when I get out of bed with bare feet. I wonuld't worry, except he doesn't sleep with me, so he is either developing telekinesis or has turned into a Schrodingers cat . . .

At 5:24 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

PS = Q - I've mailed you about CDs..

At 6:41 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Thanks for the pics Aleta, looks like fun was had. Lorraine, hope you are not getting sick - echoing spacedlaw on tea and rest. I think it is endearing that big boy is gathering his toys, its like a present to you.

At 6:50 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I had a great time last night. Some of the crowd was a little, meh, but the music was great and the company was great! I hope you get some rest, Q, and are able to fight off the sick. For me the whole night rocked.

Aleta, thank you SO much for driving! I will drive next time. I loved our little, "Um, where ARE we?" moment. Felt like bonding. :)

Amy it was great to meet you! I hope we see you around a lot more. I hope to make gig attendance a regular thing now that I live closer.

At 7:32 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I really love that picture of you!

Ginger tea will help you. Hot gentle ginger tea ....

I do hope the next show turns out to be much more fun.


At 7:53 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Marjorie, THANK YOU!!!!! The Bengals thank you. My Rescue Coordinator think the Fiends are a Magic Gift sent from Heaven , your help is very timely.

This morning gain, ALL the toys, the one old and the two new were in the bowl again!, he was under the blanket, so I picked it up, said hi, put down a mousie, and left...No growls...

Fingers crossed.

Very tired, had to be up too early. My lungs are full of gook, but it still feels more like BAD allergies (which I don't GET) than sick. What's going ON????

At 8:22 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

M and I are having second breakfast and then I think we will go for a long walk. It's nice here today.

I really hope your lungs clear soon, Lorraine! Coughing is so tiring. Speaking of which, how are you feeling Val?

And, Emily, how are you?

Amy, you looked really familiar to me. I wonder if we have met before somehow. Or maybe Fiends just know each other by sight. :)

At 8:31 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Speaking of which:
It must be you girls on that second picture, but if you would be so kind to put names where they belong...

At 8:42 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, right, teach me to post post gig..

Left to right are Fiends Amy, Aleta and Gayle!

At 8:52 AM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

Lovely pictures! You ARE hot, Fablo. But, we hope, not with fever!! I really really hope you aren't getting sick. And allergies can appear as one, ahem, ages -- gracefully aging in your case of course, but nonetheless... :-) I used to sleep with cats in my bed, next to my head, right in my face. Now, I can barely breathe around them and if I touch one, I have to then quickly wash my hands. And if I forget and touch my face, man oh man. Eeeep.

And the gathering of the toys in the bowl is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. I believe he is communicating with you. You give them to him, he gives them back. And he didn't growl!! Preciousness and ferocity = perfection!

At 8:53 AM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

And now I'm not sure if ferocity is a word. Hmmmm . . . off to look it up. ;-)

At 9:06 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Ferocity is a word and even if not, it would be here. :)

I am now having hot chocolate (Green and Black's "Maya Gold" is SO good). I just keep eating and drinking thinking I will feel awake soon. I better go for a walk instead or I will eat through everything in my house!

At 9:37 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Coffee is BAD for stomach.
I have a stomach ache as well but that's just from spending a week over -eating. A week of diet should soon clear that.

At 10:03 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Fiends have fiendish eyes! Yay!

Great to meet you Amy! Look forward to chatting about our shared vices again soon!

Gayle -- that "where are we" moment was pretty priceless!

ivenotime -- I only provided one of the photo's posted -- but you are welcome!

No Growl! That is very exciting!

At 10:55 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

The pictures are fun! I agree that it's wonderful to see the faces of fiends, complete with fiendish eyes ;) And Lorraine, that photo of you is flat out gorgeous.

Many thanks again to all re doggie condolences. I decided I really needed to get out of the house last night but not being close enough to see The Gig (sigh) I did the next best thing and went to the Jonathan Carroll reading/signing near home.

He was, of course, wonderful but I utterly forgot that dogs are often major characters in his work. So he read about dogs. And was asked about dogs. And gave his opinion about dogs (he thinks they are minor angels which I found beautiful). So I had little choice but to shake my head and laugh at all of it. He even gave me advice on getting a new dog when it was my turn to have my book signed.

Sometimes you just aren't allowed to escape and sometimes it turns out OK.

And FWIW, I think leopard-y toys gathered in the food dish is such a sweet image that it has to be a good thing. Not at all sure what it means, though.

At 11:13 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Marilyn will tell us what it means, this food dish thing witht he toys...

Great stories, all! I don't think I am sick, just this darn cough and I am SO tired, went back to bed and slept a couple more hours, and feel like I want to do it again.

So I will.

Must get energy for tonight.

I think it is the winter coming that makes us want to eat so much..Like Hey! Time to hibernate!!

At 11:16 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Did anyone notice the man behind Gaypet's head? An appropriate reaction to a gathering of fiends, sez me.

Hope all are having a restful Saturday - I've been to a breakfast meeting, cleaned the leaves and spidar webs off the deck, moved the hose inside before the freeze that will come, shopping and lunch with Pa, and now laundry. Hurray for imbibing Diet Coke since 6:30AM. No nap for me. Nope nope. No time for sleep busy busy busy.....

At 11:21 AM , Blogger Siri said...

By the bye - anyone out there do quilting? Part of the shopping expedition was to find a label to put on a quilt a lady made for Pa. She didn't do it, and he wants people to know who made it. We went to a quilt store, and they didn't have anything. When my grandmother quilted, she had a little 2"X3" label with her name and date.

Oh, and spider is spelled spider, not spidar, because it doesn’t rhyme with cedar.

Is it any wonder that a Christmas present one year was "The Misspeller's Dictionary"?


At 11:35 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That guy's face is indeed incredible!

This little spider
Fell into a bowl of cider
She got off drunk
And merrier
than if she'd been a spidar
And fallen into a bowl of
melted cheddar.

At 11:59 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Very funny! HAdn't noticed that expression!

What a lovely poem, Nathilie. I am going to keep it forever, translate it into French and embroider it onto a pillow for my Leopard to shred...

At 12:12 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

A perfecly suitable fate for it too.
Don't forget to stuff the pillow with catnip.

At 12:17 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Gaypet, I'm fine. It's my second day at home so I'm still catching up on sleep and all the dreams I missed while I was kept awake all night in the hospital -- which means a lot of nightmares to be had! But oh well. It's great to be home. Thanks so much for asking!

Now, what's all this talk of stomachaches? I do hope there's nothing stomach-ish going around. I am as emetophobic as they come ....


At 12:25 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Are you guys also changing for winter time tonight? We get to sleep one extra hour! I might actually do it too!

At 12:44 PM , Blogger Siri said...

We don't change until 11/2 - next Sunday. I'd prefer we never change - pick one or the other - it's dark in the winter and light in the summer - get over it!

'Course, it really doesn't matter - time is all relative, anyway, and we all have relatives with whom we don't want to spend any time!

Who is raking leaves today?

At 12:59 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Siri, YES!!!!

I say that frequently, especially as the time change starts getting closer: just pick one and deal with it. Enough with the back and forth!

It's all the more frustrating that the non-standard "savings" time keeps being extended longer and longer so that there's more months of the year spent in savings than standard time. How "standard" can something be under those circumstances?

OK, rant over.

Instead of raking leaves I'm off to google "cat toys in food dish" because I'm still wondering about that :)

At 1:09 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

The cooler weather and shorter day light certainly makes me want to eat! I always gain a lot of weight over the winter here. Less and less comes off each summer now it seems. I am hoping to keep it a little more under control this year. HA!

Siri, I'm sure you will hear from them but we do have the most amazing quilters here. Was it Stacy that did the Green Man (quilt I mean) or is that me mixing things up?

I need to go back and read many missed comments. Then I am going to not eat cheesecake. Nope, not gonna...

At 1:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morning/evening/afternoon all.

Great photos of the gig and you all look gorgeous. Like everyone else I wish I could have been there too.

I've always liked that Bob Seger song, I love great sax!!

FabulousLorraine I hope you're not getting sick, make sure you get plenty of rest. I didn't when I got sick and I really paid for it.

As for allergies, I've had a few this year, but I refuse to accept it's because I'm-getting-on-a-bit. There's just something in the water, or something.

I had a really busy day yesterday and I've got the school fete today. And I haven't baked.

If I had have been more organised I should have introduced a new cultural phenomenon of shrunken heads in cider (non-alcoholic of course!)

Oh, and I'm really glad we don't have those cheesecakes.

Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend.

At 1:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also forgot thanks Phiala for the amazon details. I haven't had a chance to try yet, but I'll give it a go later today.

At 2:55 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hehehe - just saw the face of the guy behind our Fiends, what a classic.
Lorraine, I emailed you too about cd's and stuff. should have said because I guess you get a trillion emails daily.

And also, in a book I have been reading mention was made of the fact that on silverware, the marker for silver from London is a leopard, which made me wonder whether London was another name to throw into the ring (or the feeding bowl)

At 4:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It is weird the time changing about. I think it was to give people more light? Who knows about this?

We have electricity here now, and so can have light whenever we want it...

Right. Off to the gig. Here's soem finger crossing that it turns out less odd than last nights...

London is a fine name, but I think I know his name, came to me yesterday, I have to hang with it a couple of days and see if he likes it.

At 4:45 PM , Blogger Beez said...

*looks mournfully at the Too-Much-Chinese-Ordered remains*

Gayle, what was that you were saying about eating too much when the light goes?

AH well, I did indeed rake (some of) the leaves, and made little baby greenhouses over my raised beds. I have a Mission! I will see how far into the winter I can grow veggies.

It seems as if the microclimate on the south side wall should carry us pretty deeply into the cold months.

I wish I had made the gig last night, but there was a retirement party for a dear friend that I could not miss. I will catch up with the local pack o' Fiends one of these times though.

At 5:10 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Have a great gig, Q! I hope your lungs stay in their proper place.

Yes, Beez it would be great if we could all make a gig together soon. How does Nov 7 or 8 look for you? Aleta, Amy? Anyone else?

It looks like the HIGH temp tomorrow is supposed to be 42. Ugh. Here we go. It's OK tho cause there is always a party with warm cider and floating heads here.

At 5:15 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

ahh, lazy lazy me, that's what happens when it is dark, rainy and windy. no cabinets/drawers/closets even opened today, let alone cleaned. maybe tomorrow. maybe not. tomorrow is supposed to be even windier and darker so maybe a fire, blanket, book, and tea, occasional excursions to walk dogs. oh. and grading midterms. dang. why didn't i do that friday :( hope you have a great gig, hope everyone else has a great evening - beez, i would love some chinese leftovers.....yum....

At 5:17 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hey Beez, do you have a favorite Chinese food place? I need to find the good take out in St Paul. Anyone else in the area have a go-to take out place around here to recommend? We are Veg but can usually find something anywhere and I love all kinds of food.

At 6:10 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Wow Gayle- I'm a South Minneapolis res, but I grew up in St. Paul...let me ask.

For old-school take out I would try Kim's Chow Mein on Marshall...*looks* aha- 2048 Marshall

The one I remember we always grabbed when I lived in the area
House Of Wong
1163 Larpenteur Ave W
(real old-school again)

For a wee bit more modern take, you could try Duc's of Maplewood. Century Avenue (hwy 120) and Minnehaha. My St. Paul source says it's in the strip mall behind McDonalds.

I'm up for Nov. 7 or 8 if one of my on-call jobs doesn't nab me. I'd LOVE to go to Charlies with a whole kit and kaboodle of us.

At 6:19 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Thanks Beez! I will check those out (when there is $ again). I don't do that much take out but when one needs it, well it's handy to already know where to go. I found some OK Mexican as well as a Mediterranean place in Eagan near M's school. So now if I can settle on Chinese and Indian I am pretty set.

I hope the first set is Super-fantastic-bubble-plastic, Quiche!

At 6:36 PM , Blogger Beez said...


Gayle, for Mexican I'm going to have to steer you to St. Paul's West Side.
Authentic and inexpensive.

I know the "no $$" thing. Thank Fod for Aldi.

Hi Sue- sorry I didn't hello sooner.

Son & heir and I are okay, although now that I have (yikes) 4 jobs- it gets harried.

I'm just so grateful and happy that I have the kid I do.

Blanket and book and fire sounds heavenly....and silly husband not liking Amsterdam.

At 6:54 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I do love good authentic Mexican food but if it's too authentic it often has lard in everything. So, authentic but not too authentic is what I am looking for.

I will do some field research on food in this area. :)

At 7:51 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

"Authentic but not too authentic" ... makes me think of Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys", how Fat Charlie's mother went off to China and told him she wanted to get back to London so that she could eat "PROPER Chinese food."


At 7:52 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

beez- four jobs? wow, hon, that keeps you hopping, tho yes, the son and heir is more than worth it. take care of yourself!!! that's important too! as well as good chinese and mexican restaurants! ahhh, i miss good ethnic restaurants - not a whole lot of them out here. I need a restaurant road trip!

Husband - was lucky to get a PAID layover in London. and groused about it. complained about getting to go to pubs in Picadilly Square. Noticed he did not complain about going to the red light district in amsterdam. Humph with stern eyebrows. Husband across the pond = 2, wife = 0
HUMPH again, eyebrows slanted down.

At 9:32 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Lexocat, let me add my condolences to others. I'm glad the reading, Q&A, and signing helped. ::soft smile::

Emily, glad you're feeling better and getting more sleep.

Ms. Fabulous, some years certain allergens are just at really high levels so that what usually only causes a mild, annoying runny nose will give you bronchitis before you can snap your fingers. That's kind of what happened to DD1 Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. She had complained of "gunk" in her throat before going to bed Tuesday night. By midnight, she was having trouble breathing, LOUDLY wheezing, to the point it sounded like her throat was closing up. She didn't have a stopped up nose, it was dropping straight to her throat. I gave her a Benedryl and a cough drop, and the next time it happened, at 1:30 AM, I managed to get a pillow under the top of her mattress. This wasn't easy as she's on the top bunk of a bunk bed. By 6:00 AM she was running a fever of 103.4, that she wasn't running at midnight. The doctor recommended a Zyrtec in the morning, a Benedryl before bed and Mucinex DM or Robitussin DM for her cough, along with an antibiotic as she has a sinus infection. She was back at school Friday, though she didn't really run any fever Thursday, and we caught it early enough that it didn't get to bronchitis. The moral of this story is take care of yourself.

You know, if we weren't weird-assed, you wouldn't love us nearly as much. ;)

Now, to take a closer look at that photo.

At 9:48 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Yup. The man's face behind Amy, Aleta and Gayle is priceless. I have to admit that I really wonder what his table mate is biting, because it really doesn't look like wedding cake; or anything else edible.

And in talking with my husband, it was DD1 who came up with "zombie farts." DD2 took it one step further: caramelized zombie farts.

Please. Somebody help me.

At 10:14 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

No help from here Ariandalen. Sounds just like the sort of conversation we have...

At 10:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh Fiends you do make me laugh! I love reading your comments whe I go on break...

I am going to do a quick new post and go off to bed....

At 10:58 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Your kids want you to MAKE edible zombie farts?
Or have I just got mixed up?
(If I haven't been, then choux pastry made with a slight grey colorouring in it and covered in caramel might do the trick)

At 11:09 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Blogger just ate my very long and thoughtful comment. ARG!

So instead: Quiche, get better; Emily, glad you're home; wish I could've been at the gig/Fiend gathering. Old animals lost, new beasties coming in.

I have been at the studio or underneath a pile of work for the last couple of days. Now I plan to go crawl intoned for a couple of hours. More later.

At 11:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ariandalen, is DD2 your 7 year old? Or am I thinking about my own kids? My daughters, 7 & 9, would be most interested in gourmet zombie farts!

Spacedlaw, I'm sure you are the only one who could make zombie-fart cakes and make them taste delicious.

Sally, you must have a fun guy!

At 11:35 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Well, we share certain bowel disorders which leads to what we think are rather hilarious conversations at times, and other people would find downright, well, disgusting I guess.

That a both having wierd sense of humour.

At 11:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Back when I was a nurse, we used to joke about some pretty vile bodily functions. Never anything pertaining to individual patients, but just stuff in general.

Anybody overhearing would have thought it pretty weird though.

At 11:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Blogger does some pretty weird things generaly when one has written something really good, ack!!!!!!

Just did my post for tonight and put it up, so catch up on the evening there, my Fiends...

I am not long for awake, tho may jump in if enough of you are awake in the next half hour..

At 5:05 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I love playing Cough Up A Lung! You never know what's going to show up next, and once it does you often have no idea what it is. Is that lung tissue? Part of the lining of your throat? What's left of a major organ? Hours of entertainment.


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