Monday, October 20, 2008

Meet our New Friend!

I have made a wonderful new friend in the past week, and she is such an amazing women that I thought perhaps she deserved her own post. I also wanted to share the Great Ficas Climbing Adventure, so we will do both. (As I type I can hear another Ficas Adventure about to begin, I have GOT to get these guys a tree of their own!)

I have been working with Marilyn Kreiger, from , she is one of the countries leading cat behaveiour experts, and I have been reading her articles in Cat Fancy, and Cat for years without knowing it was her. She is also involved in Bengal Rescue and an expert on early generation cats. She has been helping my with The Little Ghost his past week, giving advice and just listening to me talk about him. She is, by the way, a font of information, I have Stories for you!

Marilyn has her own F1, Asia, and sent me some pictures last night as we talked.

There is something about the early generation cats that is very powerful. Marilyn says once you have one in your life, you can never go back. I realize we have gone a little cat crazy on this blog since I got Little Ghost, and I can't see it stoping anytime soon, (tho there will be some music talk this weekend, that I can promise you! I am feeling the need for some ROCK!!) (She says, slipping into Rock Fod Mode)

Not only is this blog gone Bengal Mad, but Marilyn has just, as in a few days ago, started her own Blog. She only has two posts up, and as she said "I have one comment so far, and that was from my friend!" (I told her it does take time.) She is going to be talking about my Little Ghost, and what we are doing with him, and his progress in making it back to a loving cat, among other Cat Topics. So now there will be TWO sources for Little Ghost progress reports. She has been following things here, so please join me in welcoming her as a Fellow Fiend!

I love having Bengals in my Spooky House. I love everything about them. I love doing rescue work, and I loved saving the Jungle Loves, and look forward to my next fosters. But there is something about this poor scared Leopard that has grabbed my heart like nothing else ever has. In many ways, I think saving him might well be the most important thing I have ever done.

And that is Something.

And I will save him, you know. With the help of Marilyn, and my other new F1 friends (who may well get their own post in due time, there are some amazing people out there, and everyone has been SO good to me!) helping me work thru this. Not to mention a Host of Fiends who are never far away!

Love and Magic,


At 6:18 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I am a big fan of new friends. You seem to have a knack for attracting good ones!

At 6:34 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

ALL the best people come here and find eachother...

(Tho Dan, you really do have me worried about the ceiling thing...)

At 6:46 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Ceiling Cat ATTACK!! Death from above.

At 6:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

ACK! There ARE ceiling cats! I knew it!!!!!!!

I love that ceiling too Jess, one of the things that sold me on this house. (One of the few things the previous owners had the sense to let alone, shudder)

I think shepards pie can be made of anything, wasn't that the point?

At 7:24 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Welcome to Marilyn! And the ficus pics are priceless! Tank and Rocket do not do plants, they love my mail - lovingly shredded for my reading pleasure, and gooey to boot!

At 7:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Shredded gooey mail? How lovely!

I am worried about this Little Ghost name, wit the SSSSS sound in it, Boss commented today it might not be good and I mentioned it to Marilyn and she kind of agreed, and also brought up the fact that very often pets take on charecteristics of their names...

Not that Imind Ghosts, for the most part.

It reminds me of the Don Marquis quote, from Archy and Mehitabel "Of course I do not believe in ghosts, and if you had known as many as I do you would not believe them either, liers all..."

At 7:45 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

But Dan, that sort of Ceiling Cat is the sort other cats worship, like Basement Cat, yes? I've had in mind a ceiling cat like that demon on Buffy that crawled on the ceiling and hitched a ride under the car from the hospital. (Yes, I am showing my nerfie Buffy pants) Pure creepiness.
Love the cats in the tree. Something tells me they have claimed it as their own, no matter what you think Lorraine.
*waves to Marilyn* Had a quick look at your site and blog yesterday.

At 7:48 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I have to do another post...I forgot to press the follow up comments thingie.

At 8:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Post away, Dragonsally, we like what ever you say!

Buffy Rocks. We love Buffy, and more importantly, our friend Martin sometimes comes out of the woodwork when we get a good Buffy talk going...

At 8:13 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Wow. Lots happening. Things to say from other post too. Yicks.

Emily! I am so sorry to hear you are in the hospital. Be well soon.

Fablo -- you Skyped with AFP! Yay! Hope her foot is healing. I am also very excited for her show and I am so glad you warmed up the stage for her back in the day!

Cats in trees.
Cats on ceilings.
Cats with slitted eyes.

What happens when
the cats jump down
and kill us by surprise.

Music! We are aiming for Friday night! Feinds and Friends will be lovin' the rock!

It is so very cool that there is this network of support for this Grand Bengal Adventure.

Oh I am sure there is more. Much more. Everyone has had such interesting words over the past 24 hours! I can't comment on everything but you all make me laugh and think and imagine.

At 8:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, history -1001. I'm envious of Phiala's geek knickers as well as everyone else's. I don't remember anything I learnt being so interesting!!

I had a friend who had a high hedge and lived next door to a 7/11 (all night grocer's). She had a black cat who used to love hiding in the hedge and then leap on unsuspecting passers by.

Many other friends used to also frequent this house in search of good conversation, among other things.

It used to be a party favourite to watch newcomers stagger from the house to the 7/11 in a mind altered state in search of Tim Tams and other gourmet delicacies to munch on.

True to his nature, the cat leapt out and attached himself either as a hat or a fur stole on the unsuspecting victim like some must-have fashion accessory. We thought it was pretty funny.

I was also very happy to take delivery of The Graveyard Book. They must have done a bulk lot, so there's at least 2 copies here now.

I don't really like the paper they've printed it on so I might check it out again when it's finally released here.

Are Amazon books usually like that?

At 8:23 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Aleta! WHat a lovly poem! Than you! I am glad you are all coming down Friday, Dylan is sitting in and it is going to be some fun!

You all make me laugh too,and learn, I need more of this talk on where holidays came from, I didn't know half of that, wise Fiends, keep it going!

So funny about the leaping cat!!!!!! And Tim Tams, I had forgotten about them....

The paper was odd, for reasons I do not know. Boss had to find a pen that would work on it for signing.

At 9:06 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Brief repite taken from posting while I finished Rachel Caine's latest book in the Morganville Vampires Series. *sigh* now I have to wait until next year for the next instalment.
Lorraine, how could you forget TimTams?
Jac, funny our books arriving on the same day.
I have a huge dilemna now. Books due back at the library in a few days.
Due I take them back and request them again just to dip into TGB?
decisions, decisions.

At 9:16 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I hadn't heard ofthis Vampire series? Is it a good one?

Where is everyone tonight, we are very quiet this evening....

At 9:23 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I haven't heard of that vampire series *or* TimTams?? Do elaborate!

The ficus pics are too darn adorable.

Ben had neighbor-boy over tonight and neighbor was being a whiny mess--not his usual fun personality--so i'm going to have much wine now to relive myself from the whine!

At 9:27 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hurrah for relaxing Chantrelle!

Tim Tams are kind of like cookies, somone sent me some once from Austraila..

I do want to know about this series too, it seems to me that there is a glut of Vampire books out right now, most of them bad...

At 9:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know that vampire series either. I do like Laurel K Hamilton's Anita Blake series.

I know the dilemma with TGB I'm halfway through Garth Nix Superior Saturday and a few people have it on reserve after me, so I have to finish it.

A Tim Tam is a rectangular chocolate cookie with chocolate in the middle and coated in chocolate. Now you can get them with double chocolate. I try and keep them out of the house (get thee behind me Satan!)

Chantrelle, there's nothing worse than having to deal with other people's whiney kids. I usually have to have a scotch, myself.

At 9:51 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

oh buggar, I just navigated away without posting.
For Tim Tams see here
My uncle taught me to bite off both ends, and use as a straw to suck up port. Absolute heaven.
The Morganville series is aimed at teenagers/young adults, and like with her The Weather Warden series I have found them unputdownable. (If that isn't a word, it should be) Strong female central characters, really well paced.
I said something else in the post that went into the ether - who knows what?

At 9:58 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I hate it when blogger does that!

Where is our Val with all this drinking going on??

Just checked my Leopard. Still hiding. Stay tuned for another exciting update...

At 10:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm amazed I didn't know about the Tim Tams and the port. Or maybe I did and I just don't remember.

I also forgot to say to Emily I hope you get better soon.

I used to be a nurse and I was always partial to patients who had "Pascals Chocolate Eclairs". It didn't matter how busy I was, I always had time for those patients. So long as they shared, of course.

At 10:34 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I am being stalked by my cat.

Oh Fods, I hope she doesn't try the ceiling thing. Its un-nerving enough feeling those eyes on you all the time.

At 10:47 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I must say the wee beasties have mastered the art of bringing a ficus down!

Today Microbetta is not getting any food and can't go out because she has the famous vet appointment and she is furious. Forget about the tree, she might well bring down the whole house! Separating her from food is VERY drastic.

At 10:47 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I love Mim's eyes in the first picture. And Kali in the last going, "I wanna play!"

Emily, I hope you get to go home sooner than a week. No fun.

I haven't read any of the Anita Blake books. Unfortunately, I'm a couple of books behind on the Merry Gentry series. And I love Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan books. The Outlaw Demon Wails should be out in paperback soon! ::rubbing hands together::

I took some photos of a bowl of some soup I made Friday. Actually, the pictures aren't really for the soup; they're for the crackers in them. I used my mini-cookie cutters in skull, ghost, bat, cat and moon shapes on packaged pie crust. I'll have to remember to send them to you, Ms Fabulous. CX
The pictures, that is. X)

At 10:52 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I remembered what else I was going to say.

Ms. Fabulous, if LG's room is on anything other than the first floor, you might want to check with your insurance company before putting in a pool. Some insurance companies won't cover you if you have a water bed on a second (third, etc) floor. I would imagine even a plastic kiddie pool would be treated the same way.

That is, if you can find one this time of year.

At 11:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Kim Harrison too.

Spacedlaw, what is the famous vet appointment for? Does Microbetta sit there glaring at you and wagging her tail, turn her back on you and wag her tail or does she try and trip you up then lead you to th door?

At 11:59 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks for the heads up on Kim Harrison Jac, I've ordered all the books my library has. Unfortunately, one of the series appears to have gone walkabout. I hate it when people filch books from the library.
I'm about to start Kate Morgan's The Forgettable Garden. Its an aussie book, you probably haven't heard of it if you're not hear.

Holy shite - remember the other day I was teliing you all how hot it was? They've just said snow down to 800 metres in the east of Vic, which is where my folks are. Spring in Victoria is so unpredictable.

At 1:42 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

tree cats remind me of a kitten that used to come to visit us when I was a student (our next door neighbours had 4 cats, I think kitten came for a bit of peace, and stayed for the company.) He used to climb a large pot plant we had, but would never get any higher,m as his weight would cause the plant to bend, until he was clinging to the very top, upside down, 2 onches above the floor...

He also learnt to retrieve, as, being students, we were all to lazy to go and get the balls of paper for him to chase, so he would bring them back so we could throw them for him. . .

(Tybalt doesn't try to climb my plants, but he does insist on sitting in the tub under the ficus, looking uncomfortable and martyred!)

DragonSally, I'm not sure I like the idea of CeilingCat being like the demoy thing from Buffy. Too spooky (although not quite as spooky as the zombie cat, in the episode with the mask...)

At 1:48 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I don't like the idea either Marjorie - if I have nightmares about it tonight I am blaming the dan

At 2:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


How about Leopold? Because it doesn't contain any of the negative sounds, it is a noble name for a most noble fellow....and for some reason it conjures up a Bold Leo pard to me.
It supposedly comes from Old High German, and means EITHER "bold among the people", which may not be terribly pertinent, or "bold" (i.e. brave) as a "lion"....
The first president of Senegal was evidently named Leopold, and the name is found with some frequency across areas of what used to be known as the Congo (Leopoldville, for example).

Leo for short, if that isn't too much of a cliche.

At 4:14 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Heh. Marjorie, a "large pot plant" means something a bit different from "a large plant in a pot" in the US! I've never seen cats too interested in that sort of plant, but many dogs seem to be quite interested in the smell of cannabis ("pot" == slang for cannabis).

Q, your cats are simply gorgeous, though I can't see that poor tree surviving the winter. Love the glowing eyes.

Aglaia, I hope I didn't seem too argumentative. I was just rambling rather than planning a coherent explanation, and didn't do a very good job with it. I'm glad a few fiends found it interesting - school history was always so dull, but there are all kinds of fun/interesting/disturbing things out there if you go looking!

Emily, I hope you are entirely recovered soon!

At 5:07 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Phiala - large pot plant could mean either, here, but I was a very law abiding student and it wasn't *that* kind of pot plant . . I do remember some friends of mine who did have their own cannabis day, the police knoocked on their door toask whetehr they could use their house as part of an operation, to keep observation on some activity in the street. They agreed, and only later remembered the cannabis plant in the bathroom. Apparently all of the 6-8 police officeres who caem through the house over the next 3 days (all, of course, using the bathroom from time to tome) ignored it. After the police had packed up andleft my friends decided to get rid of the plant to be on the safe side. When the lifted it up they found a little note underneath suggesting thet it needed moer water and plant food if they wanted it to thrive, signed GM Police :-)).

I'm afraid Tybalt has never had the opportunity to find out ehther or not he'd be interesed in pot - he isn't interested at all in cat nip, but does like basil (esp. in pesto sauce)

At 5:08 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Aargh. just read the last comment - I have even more typos than usual, and it's not even early in the morning here, to excuse it . .

At 5:48 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Good Morning! Emily, hope you are feeling much much better! hmm, yeah, ghost does have alot of hissy ess sounds in it - back to the drawing board? TimTams - oooh, I had them once, major yummy, but used to drink port thru? I am envious, that sounds like heaven (even at 9 am) wish they were available in the states.

At 6:17 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I make Shepard's pie with Seitan. Praise Seitan! :)

I love the pictures of cats vs ficus.

The scientific name for the leopard cat is Prionailurus bengalensis. Prio could be a name? Or Primo? As in first? The clouded leopard is Neofelis nebulosa. Neo is a good name but of course people will assume it comes from some where else. :)

I guess Phi Ta Khon means ghost with human eyes in Thai. Khon could work.

Anyway, I am having fun looking up other words for ghost.

More coffee...

At 6:20 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 6:45 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

"I know! Call him Dan!"

Jess, you just made me giggle out loud!

And it's the next to last picture with Kali that I was referring to, not the last as she is in the tree there. That's what I get for staying up so late and posting. X)

AND, Hi, Marilyn! Welcome from the sleep deprived and undercaffeinated. ;)

At 7:18 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

You know, there is this book written by Andre Norton titled The Jargoon Pard. It is a Witch World book taking place in High Hallack. It is about a young man who, through being given a leopard carved out of jargoon, eventually finds out that he belongs to a group of Weres but was raised by regular humans. By the end of the book, he finds his family.

Jargoon is another name for a yellow or smoky zircon, which is a semi-precious stone. When heated, it may loose its color, and in the past has been used as a substitute for diamond. The blue zircon was used as the birthstone for December in the 1970s. Perhaps LG would like to be called Jargoon? One of the places in the world for quality zircon is Sri Lanka.

::ahrug:: He'll let you know eventually. :)

At 7:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Lorraine and everyone... I have to live up to all of the wonderful things Lorraine said about me.

I feel really blessed, having been introduced to Lorraine. Not only am I meeting a wonderful cat, but I have a new friend.

And... I really appreciate people checking out my blog and leaving comments. It's all very exciting... I'm a virgin blogger.


At 7:57 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

'Morning Fiends...

MUST remember to buy milk. I mean, how hard can it be??? If I had milk, I would have had tea by now, and I could talk with you.

Go to work. Drink Tea.

Talk to Fiends.

Do some assistanting.

See? A plan.....

At 8:00 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Little Ghost/Bagheera/Cuddles needs to find his True Name, agreed. The ficus looks more than a little abused… maybe a thicker tree indoors for the beasties to climb on?

Welcome, Marilyn!

Where was I last night when you were all talking about drinking? Drinking, of course! ;) Now I'm working on drinking coffee, which seems inordinately hard this morning. Why it can't behave and stay in the cup eludes me. Also, no honey, and this is Dire. Right up there with Quiche having no milk for her tea yesterday.

Am vaguely thinking about having an official housewarming sometime very soon, so you LA fiends stay posted! (Well, uh, Stacy. And Malena and Kitty. And Ethan and Red, if they lurk here…) Though I might just wait until my annual Yule party and combine them. This year, I'll have a proper fireplace for a proper Yule log, and not have to go outside and keep a fire burning for nine hours in the rain (oh, yes, I've done it).

At 8:08 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

NO milk again today?! You must have tea, this can't go on. ;)

At 8:53 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh thank Fod for tea!! And I did get some milk to have at home when I stopped for dog food (a lovely roast and a chicken) at the market on the way to work.

Things are looking up.

Names. Yes, he needs a NAME. Lys, his name WAS Leo, but I don't really think a cat named Leo would fit in, and that is what we are truing for here...

Aleta, can't be Bhuta, not if it means Pig. I hate pigs.

Gayle, keep looking up. "Dan" is a great name, but do I really want my Leopard to be an Evil Genius???

Hi Marilyn! SO glad you are here with us! Working with you is the best. The Leopard as yet Un-named, growled at me this morning as I read to him. Perhaps he does not like the Jungle Book?

I had to laugh when I read your post about your Pot Plant, Marjorie, I thought "well, sure are open about things in the UK!" Loved your story about the police, very funny!

Kali and the Bengals are BFF's now, more or less. Kali go so thrown out last night for Face Licking Sleeping (or trying to ) person.

Val, I so OWE you some honey, just recalled that and feel bad...

At 9:40 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Evil Genius Ceiling Leopard. I like the sound of that. At last I will have an acceptable liaison to the Bee-Bengal Alliance.

At 9:40 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh. Right. Ghost. Not pig.

I should not be trying to think so early.

I have never really named a boy, except for Capitan Morgan, and Buddy.

When Small Girl WAS a small girl, she got a cat from the humane society, and named him Lucy Clarabell. We explained he was a boy and she said Lucy Clarabell was his name and that was that!

At 9:42 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Evil Genius Ceiling Leopard.

Ok. It's a working thought, and you do need a liaison to further your Evil Plans...

At 10:02 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

i am still stuck at .."where I opened for Warren Zevon"....Quiche! you star.

At 10:44 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, Emma and I were just starting out and we made a four song demo on an ancient 4-track and send cassettes everywhere we could think of, including First Ave, and got a call a week later from the guy who books saying he loved it and could we open for Warren.

A little trial by fire never hurt anyone, I say....

At 11:07 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Actually I think that was Gayle with the Bhuta.

At 11:10 AM , Blogger Marilyn said...

I'm leaning towards "Magic". He really is a magical boy...
Cats are nature's masterpieces... An F1 Bengal is pure magic.

At 11:42 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Asia is stunning.
Batman has an official non-gay crush on him.

At 11:46 AM , Blogger scored4life said...

"A little trial by fire never hurt anyone, I say...."

I remember you telling me that when we got our gig at First Ave and I remember saying, "Oh really? Let's go get Joan of Arc's opinion."

Looking forward to playing this weekend!

At 11:52 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Altea, you are all smart, witty, intelligent chatty and beautiful...I can't keep track of who is who!

I like Magic too, he is, and I always wanted a horse named Magic, (which isn't going to happen. I'll ride Melissas horses!)

Kitty!!! Snorting tea.....

I remember that Paul! That was Folk Undergrounds FIRST gig, opening for the Tim Malloys, at First Ave, we had been together about 4 weeks at the time. Heck, Paul had been PLAYING for about four weeks at a time. We rocked.

This weekend is going to be great fun, I can already FEEL it coming....

At 12:00 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Marjorie! That anecdote with the police leaving tips about growing pot had me snort out loud and scare the cats!
Microbetta was being neutered today and she is not up to her usual shenanigans. She even refused dinner but accepted being spoon fed some rice pudding while lounging on our bed. How do you spell "spoiled"?

Merlin? Can we call our new friend Merlin? It has a sound that a cat might produce. And is magical too. (I still like Sir L'Ocelot, but then I am stubborn). Middle name: Dan.
Merlin Dan L'Ocelot. Dandy.

At 12:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Magic Merlin Dan L'Ocelot?

At 12:08 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Love it!! Could definitely imagine saying "Magic Merlin"...

Plus a merlin is also a little it's got that going for it too :)

At 12:12 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

What does he say about it?

At 12:14 PM , Blogger Marilyn said...

Merlin is a good name also... though I personally prefer "Magic".

At 12:25 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Cabal was King Arthur's dog, so that might work...

I don't know what he says about it as he is at home, and I am at work. WAY to early for take your Leopard to work day....

Magic Marilyn is certainly TRUE, but I think he should have a Guy Name, just for his little Leopard self esteem....

This morning he growled at me, did I mention that. I shall go home tonight where he will no doubt reject me once again, I mean what's up? It has been 5 days....Hee-hee, Baby steps with Magic Merlin L'Danguy

At 12:35 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...


You might be on to something... perhaps that's what he's trying to say when he's growling :)

Good luck with finding the books...yikes!!

At 12:40 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Oh dear. As soon as you feel like your eyes are shrivelled blueberries, you're done for, Jess.
Make sure you keep them hydrated!

At 12:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

See Jess, you didn't fail at the naming! Graah is a fine Leopard name!

Ren is too much like Renn Fest, something that is nicely fading into the back of my memory for me..And Sheut has the SSSHHH sound.

At 12:43 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I miss the shriveled blueberry eyes....

At 1:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That is JUST what my French sounds like! Like coughing up a hairball!

You are very Zen, Jess.

At 1:09 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

No it DID NOT.
You were doing very well.

At 1:10 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Here is a site with some very interesting ideas for cat names taken from various mythologies around the world. There are several I found interesting. Check it out.

At 1:15 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Nathilie, I have NOT given up, tho perhaps the class is not going to work for me. I do so want to speak it, and in my dreams I keep struggling with it, oddly enough...

An entire site devoted to Magic Cat Names. Of course. Fiends know everything.

At 1:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of great names on that site.

I still like "Graah" though;)

I have bad muffin-headed-ness today.
Brain hurts, can't brain today.

At 1:48 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I know you'll get me the honey when you can, Quiche. ;) Besides, I owe you mangoes and chocolate, still, I think.

Jess, try sacrificing to Quirinus, Roman god of bureaucracy. Maybe then the books will turn up... or at least, ask for the photocopiers to not fail. ;)

At 2:38 PM , Blogger scored4life said...

I'll throw a few names in the hat too. My apologies if any of these have been mentioned before.

Balor – the hero-king of the Formorians, (half human, half monster)

Zababa – Sumerian and Babylonian god of combat.

Eudemon – a good or benevolent spirit.

Greeks divided these into Kalodaemons and Kakodaemons, or good and evil respectively.

Merihim – the dark prince of pestilence

Barbiel – the angel of October (who knew?)

These names at least make your tongue have some fun while saying them!

Sounds like quite the experience Q and I look forward to meeting him one day... during the day... in a room without furniture or holes in ceiling... after he's been fed... a LOT. ;)

At 2:56 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...


Baleful Balor!

At 4:11 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Wow, I've had a whole educational experience just catching up on comments this morning.
I really like Magic Merlin L'Danguy, although I might change that to Mage. dunno why.
Marjorie, great cop story. sort of thing I think they'd do here too.
Off to check up cat name sight. at least I know there are no other Tysie's around, because Tysie and I made the name up together.

At 6:04 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My Fods Paul! You surprise me constantly! The things you know!!!!!

Not sure I should name my Leopard after the God Of Pestilence tho....

At 6:08 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm always amazed at the wealth of knowledge in this comments neighborhood. Fancy fiends you all are!

15 years ago when I got my kitty that just disappeared last year, I was in the height of my vampire gothiness and we named him Lestat. He was sleeping and we were discussing his name and how maybe it wouldn't fit his personality necessarily and right at that moment he woke up and bit my housemate...we kept the name.

I'm being yelled at to check on the bathtub shenanigans. I'll be back!

At 6:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

See? They do tell you names!!!!

When they talk to you...

At 6:30 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Bao Mao I believe is Leopard Cat in Mandarin/pinyin

I will ask my student worker tomorrow what Little Ghost is in Mandarin. For some reason when I look at your boy I think his name (somewhere out there in the æther ) is chinese.

At 6:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

A new post up now!!! And it goes on for some paragraphs before even mentioning our Leopard. Ok, it doesn't, it starts witht hat, and ends with it, but in between there are other things.....

At 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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аудио запись секса
порно видео бесплатно зрелое
жёстко порно
видео ролики секс машины


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