Where's My Leopard?!?!?!
Fods, I just had a scare, speaking of scary. I nipped home for a bit to check on the Little Ghost and bring him more steak and he was Not There!!!!
There are a limited amount of hiding places in his room, and the grate was still on the duct work (Still NAILED in place, something we did after a Jungle Love pried it off, clawless, and went down into it) and the door was shut and locked from the outside. I checked all of the possible hiding places. And checked again.
No Leopard. No Ghost.
Only my reasoning that he HAD to be there kept me sane. I even picked up the red ottoman and looked under it, still draped in it's blanket for added security for anyone hiding under it (Dan or the Little Ghost)
No Ghost.
Windows, shut and locked. Check.
Just as I was about to declare myself crazy or him an Ghost for real that had turned into mist and gone thru the wall. I noticed the odd bump UNDER the blanket on the ottoman. No way.
Yup. There he was, I peeked at him and told him he had scared me and he growled at me.
Left a bit of steak for him, for some under the blanket dinning pleasure, and backed away slowly, thinking about what might have happened when I picked up the ottoman with a scared Leopard on it.....
I went back to take a picture, thinking the flash would not bother him, him being under the blanket, but he had already decided that it maybee wasn't the best possible place and retreated back UNDER the thing.
Adventures in Leopard Land. There you have it.
Love and Life with a Leopard,
Someone has been teaching him Ghost tricks alright. You sure Boss hasn't snuck in and read The Graveyard Book to him?
I so understand what you have just gone through. I couldn't find Tysie one day in our previous home. Checked absolutely everywhere - all cupboards, on top of things, under things, in the fridge and freezer (well, you never know) and was at the stage of bawling hysteria when she popped out from behind a cupboard...I wouldn't have thought even a mouse could have fitted behind there.
And I swear, she had the temerity to laugh at me in a most fiendish cat style.
geez Lorraine, he sounds so cool, tho really scary - just how big is he? in relation to a typical kitty. I mean, there are teeth....
and re previous post. yeah. blackheads. with ashy decoration, along with the smell of burnt apple wafting thru the house, which was what clued me in as i was upstairs changing linens. humph, that was dumb on my part, thought they would be safe there.
They DO laugh, don't they?
Well, The Little Ghost didn't, he growled at me, but under the circumstances, I can see why...
Wouldn't burnt heads be just as good...for scaring people, not for eating.
I think he is bigger than a grular kitty, but it is hard to tell, as I haven't seen him un-curled.
Yeah, teeth, and these kitties are STRONG, don't need claws of doom...
I am sorry, but I can't stop laughing at the thought of the poor shrunken burned heads feeling safe in the oven....
I am with Dragonsally, can we get a visual on these Burnt Heads?????
eh, how did my comment about burnt heads turn up on the wrong post?
Tysie laughs a lot. She loves jumping out at you and then laughing at your suprise/anger (anger if her claws were out and got you)
She is the mistress of hide and seek.
Hey - the comment wasn't at the wrong place.
Yeah Sue - you could do a CSI tableau for Halloween....burnt body parts all the way to the front door.
We moved the Burnt Shrunken Heads over here Dragonsally, the conversastion doesn't stop because we went onto a new post.
It's all the time, all about anything...
See? Told you...
YES! Sue, a CSI display!
I'm sure I can find some more maggots to send over to you!
Very funny.I bet you are the LIFE of the parties Down Under....Hee-hee.
Never saw this coming, but there may need to be a RULE about mentioning maggots...
I turned the page and found 12 comments!! Fods you people are chatty.
I have a ghost cat. At nighttime I check all her favourite places, but she must have one I can't find, so she gets to stay inside.
I wouldn't have a problem with that, except she won't use litter anymore and we end up with the smell of eau de Macy until I can find it and vanquish it.
Ah, yes, the litter problem. Misty finally had to leave because of that. She is, by the way, just fine out on her farm, and loving life as an outdoor kitty.
My friend from Thecatcoach.com is an expert on litter problems and cats in general, particuly Bengals. We retained her for The Little Ghost because he had problems with the box, but he hasn't so far. He has three and as far as I can tell, uses them all.
Now mostly she is holding my hand as I go thru this, and offering very good advice.
It seems like the fact that he did not go after you when you lifted the ottoman is a really good sign. You may not yet be a friend but you are not an enemy. That in itself is exciting!
Actually, she used to be good. It's probably the type of litter I was buying, I should try different types.
But, that's fantastic. A cat whisperer :)
Yup, a cat whisperer truly. She writes for Cat Fancy magazine. Nothing but the best for my Little Ghost.
I think it was a good sign too, that he didn't freak and kill us both. A very good sign....
Oh Fods! The Bengals just took down my tree with Kali helping! It was SO funny, I just brought the thing in for the winter, it being a ficas, and it goes all the way to the ceiling and then some, and up it they went, the whole thing came crahing down complete with three cats!!!!!!
I heard it, guessed what was happening and grabbed the camera, I'll share the pics, but not sure , you might have had to be there, they wee SO surprised!!!!!
Hey, a girl gets her entertainment somewhere....
Ha ha. That is soooo funny. I love it when they do things like that & scare themselves.
I'l look forward to the pictures.
Jess, that's got to be one of my favourites.
I'm not going to be able to get it out of my head now. (la la la lalala).
I'd like to see this scary rabbit too. I gather it's not real?
Is the rabbit like the one in Donnie Darko? :shivers:
oooh i think i will sort the trash and do a rescue. see what i can salvage of the poor little ashy things. great ideas i will see if i can get a pic or two. a csi tableau.....a garland o heads.....uh,,,,but ummmm, no maggots,,,pls no maggots :)
Yes to takedown of the ficus! how dare you invade my home ficus! take that! and that! and that! (kitty dialogue)
I don't know Sue. The kitty dialogue I heard was "whoaaa....sh*t"
hey, I disappeared for a while to go to the shops and I missed so much.
I remember a kitten bringing down our 6ft Christmas tree when I was young. Didn't frighten he enough, she kept climbing it. I guess of she'd been a hooman kitty she'd have been the one going on all the scary rides at the shows.
Oh Jess, you have the prize for today's earworm.
Donny Darko = one of my absolute top films. I loves the rabbit suit.
giggle, that works too. so, i just fished in the garbage and realized that i had dumped my too old homemade yoghurt which was black moldy white chunky this morning and it is over the ashy blackheads. ewwww. ewww. there they lie, in ashy moldy splendor, ready to be tied up in the wonder of Glad Large Garbage Bag goodness. rest in peace.
okay, I am going to try a link again.
Something to make you smile.
obviously the link wouldn't work again.
I am failing
*falls over laughing*
I got it...all you have to do is copy and paste it in the address bar.
That's wonderful
Sue, burn some more, we need to explore this, hee-hee....
They have taken down the tree TWICE more since I posted! I need to tie it to the wall...HANS!!!!!!
It was funny, as I was on the phone with my Cat Behavior Specialist, Marilyn Krieger, at the time, and at one point the darn tree LANDED on me.
I have a LOT to say about her, she is amazing, and think tomorrow she will figure into my post. I have never talked to anyone who knows quite as much about cats before, she writes for Cat Fancy, Cat Channel and does a lot of radio and TV, you lot so need to know her too.
She has just started a blog, more on that tomorrow...
We are going to work together, on my Little Ghost, and she is going to blog my guy, and write about him and the problems facing these poor F1's.
Very cool it was.
Ok, just snorted tea, very funny....Can't help it, it is....And you not even at this country!
now there's a halloween phrase if I've ever heard one "Eat your heart out". Reminds me of a story... *wink* but that was a Valentine's Day story; none the less; it's a terrific phrase & I would be well pleased to know it's origin. (getting my googlefu skilz ready)
We love "eat your heart out" such a comforting phrase..DO let us know what you find....
You know what makes it even funnier Fablo - Christmas here in the hot I mean - all the fake snow people put around the place.
I mean, really!
And thus, my favorite Australian Chriistmas carol which says exactly what its like here. If you take out the religious bits, it is our summer.
The North Wind is tossing the leaves,
The red dust is over the town,
The sparrows are under the eaves,
And the grass in the paddock is brown;
As we lift up our voices and sing
To the Christ-Child the Heavenly King.
The tree-ferns in green gullies sway;
The cool stream flows silently by;
The joy bells are greeting the day,
And the chimes are adrift in the sky,
As we lift up our voices and sing
To the Christ-Child the Heavenly King.
well; this is just not intersting; but biblical; which tells me the phrase doesn't go back far enough but there you have it... or rather here you have it:
Meaning: Intended to make one feel bitterness or pain as they long for something out of reach.
Origin: Heart is also defined as the central, core, or inner most part of an object (or person). To eat the heart out is to remove the core or most important part, a part that will surely be missed.
The phrase is probably a shortened way of saying "This will eat your heart out".
Adapted from the 16th century "eat one's own heart", meaning to suffer from silent grief or vexation. It also has roots in the Biblical phrase, "to eat one’s own flesh", used to describe an indolent person.
as the great cat godess spoke
"not even worth my climbing skills--sigh"
dragonsally; same song here in LA/OC, CA. frickin hot; yet all the adverts are of snow & fireplaces & hot cocoa. it's just stupid. the only way i know it's Christmas is when we have our LOTR marathon and stay in our jammies the entire time & if someone falls asleep; you hurl marshamallows at them. (not the toasted ones either)
Oh Stacy, you have given me the BEST idea for this Christmas, a LOTR marathon.
Hmmm, Viggo.
Mince Pies (because it doesn't matter if its stinking hot, mince pies are still yummy)
Many thanks for the eat your heart out origins, we need to know these things...
And yes, it is odd, the Xmas thing, I have been in LA around Xmas and the whole fireplace hot coco thing just doesn't work...
Never met a mince pie I ever liked... but perhaps I haven't met them all...
Forgot to post Marilyns website...tho more tomorrow on this..
Sally, that website is awesome.
Yay for good mince pies and cold beer.
I am glad that you were able to stay sane while looking for your Ghost! Even when you KNOW he's there that feeling of panic can sneak in. Glad he didn't freak out when you picked up the who-haw.
I can't wait to make apple heads! We are still trying to get moved as I am still having trouble getting help but we are getting close. Once everything is here we will be doing lots of fun stuff like shrunken apple heads.
If all goes well I hope to go to see you play this weekend, Q. Anyone else in the area want to come out and play?
Gayle I may come out next weekend. I also may be able to help you with moving?
Yea on both counts, the moving and the coming to the show! Ought to be a good one, Paul and I tend to be way ready after a weekend off like this one..
And oh, I hear rumours tha Dylan may be sitting in this weekend, which is always the best....
Oh I hope Laser Lady can come. She always wants to hear you guys with drum.
(I first thought you meant Bob Dylan btw. Hee)
Gayle, Aleta wants your contact and I can't find it on this computer, can you send?
I hope laser lady cancome, I will find out if Dylan is really coming and which night...
You are sweet Aleta! I only have a few more things to move and they are the heavy ones. I should have help next weekend. I just want to be done, ya know. Plus I want to have a party. :)
Ya, party in Stillwater! Let me know what night you are going. Sat is probably better for me but I will try to make either work.
Just wrote to find out which night or nights Dylan is coming for...
Sure, Q I will email it to you.
Then off to bed. I will be working at 7:30 AM starting tomorrow. Ugh!
Ugh! I am lucky tomorrow and can sleep late, for a change,,,Looking forward to it!
I am so sorry to hear about the early mornings Gayle. Drag. I have trouble getting out the door by 10am lately! My sleep has gotten very messed up -- I am working on getting back on track. Speaking of which I should get to bed!
This from Dylan..
Dylan here - Gretchen just let me know that I should figure out which day I am dropping in this weekend and commit :) . That's a great idea, actually - I keep planning on making it when I am not too busy, and I think we can see how that has been working out! I will definitely be there Friday evening, and then if the weekend permits, I will make it Saturday as well. At least one night of music and fun with 2 good friends - that is sooooo what I am needing.
I am just naturally a night person and mornings can be difficult but at least I have a job. :) I guess...
Well maybe I will try to get out Friday.
OK, really, bed now.
Oh, one last thing. I was thinking of you tonight, Val, because I finally have all of my candles here and every surface is glowing. You mentioned that every house should have fire. I agree, and my fire here surrounds me on many levels. And smells good. :)
Oh I remember that kind of scare. Primus was the KING of finding new places to hide..he used to emerge just when I was beginning to panic, blinking sleepily up at me for so rudely interrupting his nap. I love that you actually picked up the ottoman before you knew he was on it. LOL
I think the girls thought that you brought the ficus in for no other reason than to serve as a jungle gym..LOL
ivenotime the blackheads could be interesting, though I'm not sure I want my apartment to smell like burnt apples. I think they'd look nice and shrunken-head-y on a garland though.;)
gaypet - Fod that is early. I'm a night person and I can be "awake" by then, but nowhere near functional.;)
Typical cat!
And then growling at you because all the guy wanted was a little privacy! Only growling though, that is good.
Ficus disaster? Well ficus are trees and trees are for climbing, so it should have taken the lot of them like a tree. They are probably calling it name now. Like "wimp". Or worse: "weed".
"Eat your heart out" has got to be the creepiest English expression...
::pant, pant:: Finally caught up on comments. ::pant, pant::
What's amazing to me, Ms. Fabulous, is that you didn't notice the extra weight when you picked up the ottoman. It does seem to be a good sign that he didn't attack you right then and there.
One would think that eventually Venus, Mim, and Kali will get tired of climbing the ficus and falling over.
"Traditional" Christmas imagery of snow is, really, pretty silly when you look on a globe and see how far south Bethlehem is. To put it in perspective, Dallas, TX is on the same latitude as Jerusalem. IIRC, Bethlehem is south of Jerusalem. Dallas, TX doesn't get heavy snow, or much snow at all, in December. It might snow in January or February, but not very often in December. Usually the highs are in the 50s or 60s, with low temperatures in the 40s, maybe the 30s (all temps given in Fahrenheit).
I don't know, Nathalie. Whenever my mother did something silly, like misplace a pen right in front of her, she would say, "Well, sh*t. If I had a brain, I'd take it out and play with it." ;)
Oh well, I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached, so who am I to judge?
Mine goes missing a lot!
Vertical eye slits are an evolutionary adaption found exclusively in animals which drop on their prey from above.
I'm just saying.
Next time you can't find him, look up at the ceiling and, if you find a ceiling leopard, back... slowly... away...
Well, but it has snow because it isn't a Christian holiday.
Based on the shepherd's activities in the story, the miraculous birth wasn't anywhere near the end of December.
Instead, when Pope Gregory sent people off to civilize the pagan Britons (8th c? Too lazy to look up the date, but quite early), he had the brilliant idea to fold existing holidays into the church calendar as much as possible, so that the pagans could become Christian without too much alteration.
So the nativity festival got merged with the winter solstice festival (with some bits of Mithras thrown in!), and the whole thing got snow, and holly, and a tree, and the Yule log... and a new date.
[and I believe my geek panties are showing!]
Much sooner than the 8th century. Constantine's mother, St. Helen, is from Britain. Been Christians there for a real long time (the monks at Lindesfarne are resposnible for the saving of the language, for example, when the Vikings attacked). And I don't have nerd panties necessarily, but do have history of the English language + Greek Orthodox Christian ones. :-)
OMF it's early! I'm too old for this.
How early?
Gregory was 6th century, not 8th. Sorry.
The Irish Christians don't have a whole lot to do with this particular issue: Ireland was converted extremely early, much earlier than England.
At least according to anything I can find quickly online, Constantine's mother Helen is from somewhere in Asia Minor.
(Blogger is being difficult - this is Phiala, no matter what the author name claims.)
Oh, I'm well aware that the birth of Jesus didn't take place in December. :) I believe that the Romans were taking the census in September, which would still put shepherds out in the field with their flocks due to moving them, though 100 miles south of Dallas we're just now getting our high temperatures out of the 80s with lows overnight in the 50s.
I think I read somewhere that the reason for all the snow images at Christmas has more to do with Victorian England than anything else. I've also had too little sleep to be very coherent, which is also why I stopped kind of abruptly before. ;)
German and Nordic Christmas culture were imported into England with Prince Albert. And then took over the Victorian world... And the rest.
Could be, Dan. We had a cat who had at least one sister who left paw prints on the ceiling. What breed you ask? Domestic short hair. Granted, their parents were brother and sister, though not from the same litter. They had the same mother, but my friend didn't know if they had the same father or not.
Morning, Fiends!
Glad to see everyone is well, heads are being scorched as they're shrunk, and that the Little Ghost's natural camouflage disguises him as an ottoman and blanket. And that the only casualty seems to be the ficus.
Well, I have been having Adventures: in the studio, in which I got into an argument with one of the new students and might've slightly misplaced my temper; I went to a friend's birthday party, where there was roast pig on a spit, a firepit, and two kegs of beer were drunk (Not all by me, they were gone before I showed up. Bastards.); and I went back to the Getty to see the Bernini exhibit for a third time. Now I'm back at work, preparing for a meeting where I will have to Tell People No. Joy.
Venus and Mim and Kali are not tired of climbing the ficas. Not at all, going to have to tie it to the wall...
Why is firefox making all the type small now? Or is it just me in my tea deprived state?
Sure do wish I had tea here....No milk is a sad sad thing...
The little fury devils! They are having way too much fun with it and have taken it for a brand new slide toy that you just got them (how nice of you. They might keep you for a while yet).
Try pressing the apple signal and the +, it should increase the size of the font seen.
To increase the font size in a web browser on a Mac, use Command and the + key; Command and the minus key to make it smaller.
It worked!!!! You fiends are really smart!!
Not sure I can do tea with no milk tho, may have to go into work un-caffinated....
They are having fun, and there is dirt everywhere now, Mim roles in it.
The Little Ghost played with a toy mousie in the night and lfet it in his empty food dish! How very clever of him!
hello from a gloomy Monday morning in LA.
the fact that lil' Ghost is lulled into the security of a blanket is a positive thing.
WHen Batman first arrived at the treehouse, he disappeared for two days, I was so sad, thinking, well I MUST have somehow not caught an escape hatch. But after posters went up on the block and tears came down, i heard an teeny itchy cough from my closet---
he had shrunk his huge self into a spot no bigger than a platform boot (which he had dug under) His kennel cough gave him away. That Battersly Battington is now a brazen love hussy and king of the treehouse, but once, an extreme scaredy cat.
as for mission you mention, i will be there to be in the co-pilot seat, as you command the deck, just need to organize a moment and set a date. xoxo
My cats do seem to love dipping their foam balls fall into the water dish.
Yours must LOVE catnip tea, Jess. And why not?
Scampering through to wave hello and congratulate you on bringing LG (or Mr. B or whatever he ends up being called ultimately) home! I've been reading of his settling in and cheering the both of you on, though rather silently.
Scampering off again now but not before asking about that vertical-pupil-drop-on-prey adaptation. Does this mean crocs drop on prey? I have no idea how they hunt but am curious.
Fods I'm late!
He knows Halloween is on its way ....
Let me apologize for not being around lately; I do, on the other hand, have a good excuse, which is that I've been hospitalized for the past week and will probably be here for another week. Sigh. I'll be around when I can!
Hi Lexocat! Nice to hear from you again! I too, fear the ceiling cat, and don't think I didn't look, kid you not!!!!!!
Emily, so very sad to hear this! We are hoping you feel better soon!!!!!!!
He plays with his water, I am going to have to get him a pool.
Pool....steak....places to hide...
Sign me up!!
I could start taking in Foster Fiends!
And being read to! This is paradise.
Emily -- hospitalized? Oof. I hope you recover speedily and well. Good luck.
Quiche, I want to be a Foster Fiend! I will make you tea every day… and paint things… Did you ever get milk for your tea?
In other news, my Important Meeting that I spent weeks and countless evenings and weekend days preparing for was canceled, I discovered when I got there. GRR. *snarl*
Val! It seems your useless guys must have taken lessons in mismanagement from my useless engineers!
Get well soon, Emily.
Yay! I have no plans this weekend, so I can come hear lovely things too! And meet fiends! Wheeee! I can go any day. Still thinking Friday?
I'm a bit late to the party...but I have Halloween decorations...a little bit of a mix of cute things and slightly spooky things. I'm afraid I'm boring though and don't try to scare the kidlets. I like christmas decorations too.
I like to get a wreath and leave it up until the snow is all melted and its been dried and dead for a long time. Will you hate me if I say I've already bought Christmas items from the absurdly early aisles of stuff in the stores? But I never walked through them, that stuff just must have leapt across the store and fell into my cart when I wasn't looking.
There is no late to the party, Amy, it never stops and we are ALWAYS up for Halloween talk, 365 days a year!
How cool you can come to the show! What night are you all coming?
A fiend party at my gig. I wil make sure to turn up the rock.
Val: Rat Bastards!
OH! Tea!!!!!
Never did have any, no WONDER I am walking around in a fog, trying to make SHepards Pie for dinner, cooking awat, dealing with The things one does as an assistant.
All tea-less.
Sam Shepard (and family) in a pie! Isn't that a bit extreme?
Better make it with lamb's meat...
(smarty pants? moi? mais non)
Tea less would explain it though.
Tea must be had.
I made it with Bison, actually, all I had on hand.....
Got tea. Amazing how good life is.
A Little-Cottage-on-the-Prairie Pie!
It should be nice. Bison is very good and has nearly no cholesterol in it!
Life always looks better with tea.
Now I *really* want to come be a Foster Fiend and have bison to eat.
Oooo, bison! I'm so hungry right now.
And I'm really happy that LG is making such great progress (I think it's great).
I have to admit that I don't do much for Hallowe'en. It was never much of a holiday for me, even as a kid. Not really sure why. I am too easily startled, and so being scared isn't my favourite thing (although I do enjoy horror stories and books). Oh well. I enjoy reading about the fun y'all have, though.
Emily, hope you are better soon.
Sympathy to Panta -- I am feeling a tiny bit of your pain. A spec ed kid that I, and others, have been working with for hours was pulled out of school today. Just gone. No time to say good-bye, just moved by DCS to a whole new city. I'm ready to cry.
(And just a quickie follow-up to Phiala, the Lindasfarne monastery isn't in Ireland, so I didn't quite understand your comment...)
Aglaia - oversimplifying without coffee and with back pills. And obviously not doing a very good job of it.
I think of Lindesfarne and all the outlying island monasteries as being offshoots of "Celtic Christianity", and not connected with "mainland" England (I know, it's an island too).
The history and traditions of the island monasteries differ from mainstream Christianity of the time (and produced such amazing art!) I managed to boil all that down, incorrectly, to Ireland.
Looking at some dates, though, Lindesfarne really doesn't help either of our cases, since it wasn't founded until 635 or so, well after Gregory's missions to the Anglo-Saxons, and after his death.
Ireland itself was Christianized very early, with the first influences in the 5th century or thereabouts. (The name "Phiala" comes from a 5-th c. Irish saint who died badly, though most of them tended to. I'm not sure Phiala is recognized as a saint by modern Catholics, but she was in the middle ages.) That influence didn't extend to England, where the Anglo-Saxons remained pagans for quite some time, until Gregory sent people out there.
I'm not interested in ecclesiatical history per se, but I am interested in pre-1000 northern European art and archaeology. In some areas, much art was motivated by Christianity, while other parts of northern Europe didn't become Christian until fairly late.
Emily, I hope you are feeling better every day and get out of hospital sooner than expected.
Jess, thank you so much for that hint -I just hope I remember it, the text stays at the right place. So cool.
Dan, I am now going to be looking at anything with eyes as you described with horror
Oh, comment interruption...postie just brought my cope of THE BOOK. Oh Fod, the illustrations look every bit as good in my hand as on the net. Lorraine, you can tell the Boss at least one copy is down here already. Fod bless Amazon.
Now, where was I?
dang but I feel behind!
Kali- :Primus; eeeeexcellent name~
Phiala; I'm always amazed at the depth religion plays in our culture. I don't agree with it's purpose & the patriarchal misogynistic slants but I suppose it serves a purpose.
I read Thomas Cahill "How the Irish saved Civilization & it's brillant.
I think L.G. was leaving a dinner menu request. LOL
I luv Dan's humour; but in this case, verticle slits are too let more light into the eye for night (or underwater) hunters. Still; something is being hunted & we are reminded we aren't the top of the food chain.
Em--sorry to hear you are in hospital; get well soon & get the heck outta there! we miss ya!
Re snow, winter etc and Christmas, doesn't it all just boil down to the early Christians appropriating the local festivities?
What does Bison taste like? Is it more gamey than beef for instance?
Thanks, Phaila, for the wonderful explanation! Really appreciate it. Love history, just love it! And I think I spelled explanation wrong, but am too lazy to look it up. One of those days where I am too sad and angry to do anything other than be sad and angry... Glad y'all are here to let me think about something else.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Val, Fosters and ats don't get Bison. Bison is for Boss's. Cats and Fosters make due with steak. Just so's you know.
Bison is almost exacly like beef, not gamey at all and healthier. I know it is pricy in many places, but we have bison ranches all over the place, so it is cheap.
Just got home from assistanting, fun day, got to skype with Amanda Palmer for a moment, can't wait to see her show in December.
She's playing the same club where, when I was just a wee thing, Emma and I opened for Warren Zevon. Our 4th gig, the first three were coffee houses....
A little trial by fire never hurt anyone.
The Little Ghost is hiding under his blanket on top of the Ottoman. I peeked and he didn't freak. Baby steps.
I too am hoping to make it to Lorraine's and Paul's gig on saturday since I will be in the state, no promises as my sense of direction can be lacking and I might just find myself in canada:) If I am lucky enough to find the Inn, I will say hi.
Emily, I'm new to this blog but send good wishes and hope for a speedy recovery. Hospital = no rest + being prodded and poked all day + uncomfortable beds. So sorry.
At work I was with a lady who will be working with us for a few days. Things were slow so we talked and I started talking about Boss and his new book, she had not heard of him. I pulled up the mousecircus website and we listened to him read chapter 1(I already listened to the readings but thought she might find them interesting). She loved it and started listening to chapter 2. Btw, she thinks LG is one of the most beautiful cats she has ever seen and I have to agree.
I remember when one of my cats pulled a disappearing trick. She was a kitten and I was still trying to figure out what her name was when one day she couldn't be found. Our registers were not well secured and we thought she was on her way to the furnace. Just before we were ready to start taking apart the duct work, she reappeared with a look on her face that said, " boy that was a good nap, you look upset, what's up?" She was then named Trixie. Smart girl she was, she liked to play guitar, I'd fret, she'd pick.
I am so glad that everyone is liking the Graveyard book, and that it is starting to appear in Australia . It is my favorite book so far, and I hav eliked them all.
Vertical slits let more light into the eye for seeing in the dark, true, but they don't let any more light in than a horizontal or diagonal slit would. The slits are vertical in cats because they spring down on their prey from above.
I am convinced that he will in fact be hiding on the ceiling one of these days...
You guys sure get chatty. it took me forever to work through those comments!
We had a wonderful soup night last night... costume soup night given that it's October! I made butternut squash soup and topped it with parsley-marjoram pesto, Walnut butter, and Sage toasted in butter. Yum Yum!
I managed to finish my BoPeep costume about an hour before people were showing up. I wore it for most of the night, but then got sick of being a huge pink puff ball so I went back to my room and changed into my original costume: the other mother. Everyone actually liked that costume better, and it sure fit my personality better too!
Hubby looked great as the evil Emperor Zurg, and Ben looked so adorably cute in his Slinky Dog costume.
It's great to hear the progress of little ghost! sounds like you guys are going to be lifelong friends.
I am so NOT going to tell Tysie what you said Dan. She has always liked springing out at you from unexpected places. Its bad enough getting woken in the middle of the night by Shiraz whining because she's too scared to walk pass the cat with the claws. Fods, she'd be too scared to go everywhere if the cat was on the ceiling.
I am very sorry to hear that you are not well, Emily! Hope you are better soon!
I made it to work (sent the previous "too early" while sitting at a stop light on the way) by 7:30. We shall see how well that goes once it gets cold. I am useless when it's really cold. At least the coffee pot is here and functional.
I am looking forward to this weekend!
Got my new post up, with a new friend and pics of the Great Ficas Climbing adventure!!!!!!!
Emily-Yikes! Get better soon.
Dan are you saying Ceiling Cat is a leopard;)?? LOL
Foster Fiends..lol. Sounds like a good life to me. But I do have quite a fondness for bison.
I'm happy to see your "little Ghost" or "Magic Man" is moving around more. He is "exploring his options", one might say.
As I've told you, in a couple of my e-mails, they LIKE to be in the highest point in the room.
It is NOT rare, for me to find one of my Bengals LOUNGING on top of a curtain rod or the top of an open door. Though, I must admit, my F1 boy, Zenith is normally as close as he can come to being "eye level" or just a LITTLE higher, in order to be able to look down at me, yet still be "in my face".
Louie (who is quite a bit more like your F1 boy, in background and previous trauma) tends to find the highest horizontal spot in the room, and PERCH there, until I bring out the TOYS!
They DO like to play "hide" and "peek" games, however, and that is not necessarily from fear, but simply making YOU "hunt" for them. (smile)
I have one F3 girl who INSISTS that I hold the covers up, when I get in bed, so she can get under the covers, and sleep curled against to my legs. If I hold a hand down near her, she will "groom" my fingernails, as she would her own. I couldn't tell you how many times I've fallen asleep, having her make sure there is NOTHING underneath my fingernails.
They do like to investigate EVERYTHING, so if you have cabinets with doors, or even drawers, do not be surprised to come into his room and find a drawer partially open, and him napping INSIDE on top of whatever is in the drawer that might make a comfy "nest".
FIVE of the Bengals who live in my home can open any cabinet door or drawer that is not outfitted with a childproof latch. Not because there is anything inside they NEED, they just don't like to be "locked out" of ANYTHING.
I'm enjoying your updates, and look forward to coming home at night, to see what's "new" at your house :)
Many thanks, Fancidots! You are SO very right on all counts. Venus and Mim will go into anything, just because...
Read on, I am doing daily Leopard Repors on our little guy...
And so many thanks for your words and help!
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