Halloween Part 3
Today felt a lot like Sunday, for me anyway. Very tired after the fun of last night and the staying up way too late. Got a lot done tho, always good, and made great Indian Food and watched Stardust with a friend. Perfect.
Not sure just how long I can stay awake tonight, and I have to be up early, so I will take my own advice, and toddle off to bed soon.
I wish I had an adventure to tell you of, but alas, some nights you just get adventured out. Ah wait, this made me laugh. Boss did a Thing at one point where a lot of Writers wrote the end to the sentence "Death is..." I don't remember exactly what it was for but he wrote "....when you don't have to write anymore."
Apparently not, according to this review Sally sent me from The Age...
"by Francis Atkinson....
"When Neil Gaiman dies - and I hope that's a long way off - I wouldn't be surprised if he just keeps on writing. So prolific is his output, I can't imagine anything, including death, stopping him from sharing his remarkable talent. This latest novel for readers 10 and up (its also been re-jacketed for adults) tells the haunting tale of Nobody Owens (Bod for short), a little boy whose parents were murdered by Jack the Man. On that terrible night, Bod, who was just a toddler, managed to find his way to the local graveyard. Now seven years old, Bod has been educated by a group of local spirits who care for him and keep the madman that murdered his folks at bay. Gaiman is a gifted story teller who infuses his work with wit, tenderness and just the right amount of chills. Outstanding.
And, stretching out The Most Wonderful Night Of The Year one more evening...More Fiendish Pictures!
Love an Sleepies, Magic, and Fiends,
First! for once!
Was that childish, or what? :)
Back to NaNo (No More NaNo Avoidance behavior!!)
I really felt like knocking on wood as I typed that review up for you - don't put the moz on us Francis.
I am getting more and more jealous of your Halloween outfits Fiends.
I have decided that chocolate is a NaNo requisite, so I've taken a break from the computer and gone to the supermarket where I had an adventure and met out local councillor. Ah, Sundays are exciting, aren't they.
NaNoNaNo, Mork, Mork,Mork (yes, its sending me crazy, ehm, more crazy)
I sooo loved Stardust. I bought the DVD! It just gave me a happy yummy feeling inside :)
Q - What do you mean "your dress"?
Love the fiend pics!
Hee-hee, be childish, Lys, I just offered to put myself in your (and everyone else's) story over on the last post, bringing Indian food to writers everywhere!!!!
Childish AND egotistical!
CHocolate is good.
How's that for not having a brain? Well, it was a complete sentence....
After the film wrapped, they sold off the costumes. The Mormo Witch Dress was within my budget at the time and I snapped it up. I'll take a picture if you like, I have it in my Romance Room, on a dressmakes thingie.
It makes me happy.
And oh! I just remembered! Do you have ANY idea what it means to Assistant whose Boss is coming home tomorrow, to get an extra free hour????
Some gifts rival gold....
:tap.tap.tap.tap:: I'm rather impatiently waiting for my leopard report... ah hem.... My telepathy is way off from the Bengals so I have no idea what's become of our beloved boy. I need to make sure he's keeping his toys in his dish & not flinging bits of steak at your new hair behind your back.
also: so does this mean we aren't guessing who's who anymore & I can come clean (well; mostly did that last night in the shower getting all that white face paint & cornstarch off me face, not to mention the tons of glitter & hairspray)?
all you writing lot! I missed the link apparently but it sounds like since everyone's busy typing away on stories my fingers can go back to beading that dragon (who insists on telling me his right ear flange isn't quite right & I should cease immedately from watching Iron Man's hottie and get back to fixing it)
so Mr. Bossie Pants!
Stacy! That's right YOU were the fairy! And I think we should keep guessing who is who and what and such!
OK, Leopard Report...
Still leaving toys in his dish, eating well, no litter problems.
I have gotten REALLY good with the litter boxes since he came. EVery morning while the water boils for tea, I do all of them. Which I thought was clever, as I am way too tired at night.
I also ordered him an electic drinking thing, so he has a fountain to play in.
Tonight, I thought he looked curious at me, and not scared, which is good. I stay in there and talk and sing and read, but no coming out yet.
Also, I don't think his name is Bela, sadly.....I have been calling Leopard in French, which I believe is Leopard, but with a really cool accent, but he ought to have a bette rname than that...
Hey Stacy, you're right. What has become of the leopard reports?
Oh, I hope Boss leaves you enough time to keep up with us all Lorraine. Actually, I guess its Other People who need to give you some Fiend time - boss is sure to be absolutely blighted when he walks in his front door.
I think Leopard suits him, I like it.
I have time enough for Fiends and for Boss not to worry.
Multi-tasking is my middle name. Several of my middle names in fact.
And here is the Kali report, she has gone into berserk overdrive Love me cuddle me mosde....
How many things are better than kitten cuddles?
Stacy, dragons have a way of doing that. What did you expect? ;)
I guess I did okay with my picture, considering I took it myself and it was 1:30/2:00 AM. And the bowl of soup with skull, moon, bat and ghost (upside down) crackers is mine that I took a couple of weeks ago. I made the same soup again last Tuesday and used corn tortillas with the skull, moon and bat cookie cutters. Unfortunately, I didn't leave the cut tortillas in the oven quite long enough to crisp up as much as I would have liked. ::shrug:: At least I didn't burn them like I did some of the crackers in the picture.
Multi-tasking is my middle name. Several of my middle names in fact.
:snort: You are funny and clever.
Wee. More photos! :-D
Night Fiends!
Adriandalen, I SO meant to say that about dragons and got sidetracked by a Leopard!
Well, I sencond that emotion.
Aleta does not say it, but the first and third pics tonight are of her...She also apparently sent me one where she is wearing a bird. Must find and send to Birdchick.
Hey Fiends, you know the pretty spider I took photos of the other day? He was just on the inside of the lid of the bin when Pete opened it, so I went over to have a closer look...he started moving.
Cue for Sally to run away screaming like a banshee.
I still think he has pretty markings, but only if he stays TOTALLY STILL.
Sally, you do realize that female spiders are usually significantly larger than male spiders of the same species?
We had a golden orb weaver spider build a web in the upper non-hinge corner of our front door. Last night I walked through it. This afternoon my DH moved the spider, more so the trick-or-treaters wouldn't tak it down than anything else. He did wonder if the spider had taken the web down until I told him I walked through it. :(
My skull pumpkin is carved. I think it looks really cool, but I'll have to wait until daylight to take a picture as I'm not going back out tonight. I'm about done in.
Dress Dress Dress.
I SO want a picture of that dress!!
Back to writing. Although, I am ever so prolifically RE writing some previous material (I think it actually counts,as it wasn't part of a novel then...more like notes...and it has suddenly fit right smack into what I began late last night, early this am.)
So...something over three thousand words. That might sustain me somewhat when I am stuck at 300 words again.
Evidently the thought of Lorraine magically (or is that "personal assistant extra-ordinarily"?) delivering fresh seriously tasty Indian food to EVERY NaNo ing Fiend is
a definite inspiration
and writer's block remover.
Sally; I love the shot of the spyder w/glowing eyes. It's so cool when their eyes do that; and I agree; he is quite pretty...on the lid... safely away from any body parts. Is he trapped in there? Me & El always 'rescue' spyders in our home with a glass & a piece of paper (with the notable exceptions of Black Widows) I'd be afraid I wouldn't have a glass big enough for him though. You aussies have all the friggin most deadly; biggest things on the planet. Appropriate that it's the land 'down under'. Basement creatures the lot of them! (not the humans though)
Lys; I hope your orb spyder isn't the one big enough to take down birds! That would be a trick or treat.
I think you should name the Spider and we should adopt her.
Glad to hear the Me Bringing Indian Food is removing th ewriters block...Every time you get stuck "Look! Here comes Curry!"
Ariandalen, I think it might be a male because really, as Huntsman spiders go its not that big.
Stacy, he can easily get out. Its been threatening to Thunderstorm here over the last few days and I think he's been a smart spider hiding in a safe spot.
Truly, they aren't dangerous spiders- they just move quick and wiggle and stuff, you know, like spiders do.
Oh, and I'm with Lys - dress photos please!
Name the spider eh Lorraine.
Thinking hard.
Um, Spidey?
Curry? Tim Curry? As in Rocky Horror? LOL
I wanna see the dress too. I loved Michelle Pfeiffers too; the overdyed yoyo's all sewn together. It was beautiful.
The fantastic things they make for movies amazes me. No wonder movies are so expensive to make!
no - I have something better. As he/she is hiding from thunderstorms, how about we call her Storm?
or... chicken?
How can I incorporate Storm the spider into my Nano? You know I have to do it now, somehow. Thus are stories born.
Ms. Fabulous, I'm really appreciative, but we live in different states, separated by something like 1,000 miles. Wouldn't it be hard for you to take me anywhere? ;)
Pssst. Look back at emails from me for my last name and you'll understand.
Next time I am stuck on a paper can I have curry too? :)
Love all the pix. Have a lovely night/morning all.
Spidey. If it is a guy. Storm Chicken for a girl.
Ok, Dress photos tomorrow for you. Easy. I loved Michele's dresses too, but they went for a LITTLE more than I could afford.
Its funnny, in the movie, Mormo is made up to look short and plump, but this dress CAN'T be more than a 12, if not 10, and is not for a short person....Ah, the magic of film.
If anyone has toon much tie on their hands, I did a blog yonks ago wit pics....
Curry for all writers whenever they get stuck!!!!!
Not sure, Adraindalen, much can be said of that tree, but what can be proved?
I think. My brainis fuzzy, might be someone else I am thinking of..
Storm Chicken - I just sputtered my tea.
Pete just said he's not game to go any closer and find out whether it is male or female so we might have to guess.
storm chicken! ***falls off chair laughing***
spyder cries "the sky is falling the sky is falling..."
"No" answers a voice, "It's just the lid ya ditz"...
Stacy, you are full of brilliance ♥
Storm Chicken it is!
That IS really funny...
She is a female, so Storm Chicken
She is a she for sure
"Male: Similar to female.
Female: Brown to grey with several pairs of darker spots on upperside of abdomen, sometimes with dark bands on legs." - from the Melbourne Museum site.
Ms. Fabulous, much could probably be said of that tree, but I think you are thinking of someone else.
Fods, but that sentence goes around and around at this time of the morning/night.
My last name is...Curry.
Sal; so we have a young chicken. (if she's smaller than you'd expect) Are they larger or smaller than tarantulas?
Curry????? Hmmm...Did get this wrong...Looking at e-mails from Rowan.
Very funny tho, Curry...
We will be needing updates on Storm Chicken, and if anyone is stuckon their Namo, perhaps a poem...
They are smaller than tarantulas generally although I have seen some enormous ones.
According to the museum site the bodies are generally 25 mm for the blokes, 40 mm for the chicks. Of course its the bloody legs that can make them look huge and the museum site doesn't say anything about that.
the museum page.
Storm Chicken scurried in a hurry....
Well, yes, I had forgotten about that. Rowane is the other name I use online. Actually, that's what I used for many years before I started using Ariandalen; however, I was talking about my legal name, which I have signed a few emails with. I also commented on it when Jess did a guest post with Night Garden pieces a couple of months back. :)
storm chicken scurried in a hurry
towards fablo & all her curry
The Amazing Remarkable Monsieur Leopard (NOT quite a graphic novel by Eddie Campbell) made it in chapter two of my NaNo yesterday. I am pretty sure I can work some Indian food thing in there too.
But first, I have to go shopping and get some food for wee and not so wee beasties.
Lysandwr, If you type Mormo witch into the search blog window you will find a picture of the dress. Not that we don't still need more picture,Lorraine, so keep that task in mind.
Nice pictures, everyone.
Great review.
course now I have a song from Oaklahoma! going thru my head.
...the shiny little surry with the fringe on the tooooooop...
Didn't make it far enough through the comments to post this before the final naming of the spider (was trying to post word count before midnight, instead)
But after skimming through what went before, I was going to suggest
Tim Curry
and then there would be no need to worry whether girl or boy. hehehe
oh well
Maybe next time.
One thing I have learned here in New Mexico:
There are ALWAYS more spiders.
SpacedLaw--I've SEEN what the dress looks like, and of course could always google up an image.
But I want a picture of what it looks like, owned by our FabLo.
That's all.
demanding little get, she is....and not so little, either!
Found the old dress picture...ah, beeeeautiful!
Nighty night all! I hope to wake up to hundreds of comments to read w/ my sunday morning tea!
"Pigs and ducks and chicks better scurry
When I take my girl out in my surrey.
When I take her out in my
Surrey with the fringe on top!"
::sigh:: I used to know all the words to that song. I had to learn it in sixth grade, I think. I think it was the same time we were learning square dance in school.
I don't know anymore. I'm to bed.
kShoot! I had intended to post a link to that post. Thank you, Nathalie!
Oops. Sorry, Chantrelle. :(
See. I really do need to be in bed.
Good night. Off to dream of curry and spiders. Not curried spiders though. Yuck.
Fods! A girl take 15 minutes to write to the Humane Society....
You make me LAUGH!!!!!
Monsieur Leopard. I like that. Maddy told me today I get the words wrong sometimes but I have a awesome (her word) French Accent. She knows more French, but speaks it with this delightfully Mid-western accent.
(thank you skype and Nathilie!)
Adriandalen, well, now I know I am to crazy. Good to know. Bothe names are good. I have LOTS of names myself..
Tomorrow, a post with Dress. And Bengals. On the dres, if I canmanage it. Your wishes are my command, Fiends...
Where is Val? We have't heard from her, and she was drinking for me last night. I told her she would be hungover....
further proof the cats have been reading the blog
Lorraine's girls had a friend write to LOLcats.
Oh Fods! Someone did!
Ok, so my phone just went back an hour, but my computer and Tivo seem un-convinced...They do have about a 20 minute discreptency, tho, so which electronic has the right time???
Phone, computer, tvio , I pod, car????
Fab wrote 'if i canmanage it'
stacy read;
'if i can carnage it'
...when i drive those high steppin' strutters, nosey folks will peek through the shutters and their eyes will POP!, for that shiny little surry with the fringe on the top...
sally, we read that lolcat today & i nearly peed me panties! 'Dear Cheesburger JERKS!" LOLOLOL
Ok, Tivo seems to be on board with the time change..
Compuer un-convinced..
I need a life...
P.S. I was wonderin about Dread Val as well. But then; we can't ALL be on at the same time...
wish I could figure out the hyroglypics for 'italic' writing.
A life and a working keyboard..
I'm back!
Been very busy with my Designated Drinker duties, the Samhain ritual last night, and then painting today all day in the studio. Just now got home. Oof! And let me tell you how well drinking and ritual prep go together. (not at all)
Loved the shots of everyone. :)
It is wildly early for a Sunday, what with the time change. I am checking my email in bed with my new ultra-tiny laptop.
Typing would be better if I could be bothered to sit up and use both hands, but I am warm aand comfy, with a dog draped cross my feet and ankles. Tho in the process he rearranged the blankets, and other bits are rather chilly.
Now I just need a cabana boy to bring me coffee.
Stacy the hieroglyphs are:
<i>some italic text</i>
Aaargh. Don't mention food... I just ate too much (lunch).
I am totally with you, Jess, on husband and cats getting in the way (I suppose it would only get worse with kids) even at odd hours. And to top it all, Cesare wants to go out for a walk! Thank goodness, I had a rather productive morning (learned something really nice about one of my characters too - I like that type of surprises) so I can indulge him in that.
Now is indeed too early for curry, Now is for pancakes and tea.
*cheers on the NaNo writers*
You -all- rock. I don't think I could persist in that. I sometimes think I have the attention span of a ferret...ooh! shiny!.
Now cooking I can focus on for hours. Good thing since it's been my Job-In-The-Real-World.
Gayle- my email is beezerbub@gmail. Are we going to Charlies this weekend Huh? Are we?
The very idea of going out with the big kids! Whee!
This video is a little silly but the song is really touching if you think of Q and listen to the lyrics. :) It's my new favorite.
Thanks for the email Beez. I will drop you a note when I find out which night I may have free this weekend.
I finally figured out why I enjoy reading Lorraine's blog so much - other than the fact it is Lorraine's and she mentions bengals. It is because I feel like a voyeur into talented/artsy people. Talent and artistic talent skipped my generation even though we have some artsy people in my family. But in my heart I have always wanted to be an artist, dancer, singer, writer, well I think you get the idea. So I can live vicariously through your post. Seeing the beautiful quilts, and beading, NaNo (which I'd never heard of before), it very interesting but I have to admit very alien to me.
So onto my expertise - bengals. I again want to thank all of you for your generous donations and especially Lorraine for providing the incentive to entice them. I'm not sure you know just how much this means to us. When the person who formerly ran the rescue quit, she took all funds and supplies associated with the rescue. Since we weren't "official" at that time there was nothing I could do about it. So I took over, only because if I wouldn't have there would have been no rescue. But we ran in the red for quite a while. We have slowly built up a small amount of cushion but it takes just one big rescue to use it all. Sorry this is so long. What I wanted to say is because we are now 501c3 your donation is tax deductible. Thank you again.
Gayle, that song is great, thank you!
Janet, I can completely relate to what you say about all the talented people on hree, and having been hanging around here for a lttle while myself, have been getting the courage to try myself with a little writing - which gives me pleasure even if I'm not remotely in the same league of some of the folks around here.
One needs a kettle and small fridge by the bed....Then one gets tea in bed.
And if one also has computer....Lots could happen.
Nice surprise Nathilie! I love that when it happens.
Janet, I hadn't heard that , or had forgotten, anout the provious coordinator running off with everyhing. No good karma there. You stepped up tho, and because of that, many, many Bengals have found homes.
Cats are art too.
Very silly Gayle. Some nights do that.
Work now. More tea.
Time change sucks, but now that i'm up, i'm glad i have an extra hour of the day.
Frittata is in the oven, hubby made me a lovely mocha, Ben's doing dot-to-dots (his new favorite thing, that and mazes). And mother-in-law is gabbing away (she likes to do that!).
Not a bad sunday morning.
bengalgirl - i am continually amazed at the talent here! I don't do creative writing, I don't paint or draw or sing but my mom pointed out to me yesterday that food is my art and creativity and i'm fine with that!
Is there a NaNoFoodMo? ;-)
Oh I wish! I would sign up immediately! Mind you we could organize it. With compulsory posting of pictures and recipes for a month. But preferably NOT in November (not that NaNo is keeping me from cooking - au contraire).
Phiala Mistress of Skulls Thanks!
Gayle, loved the song and the vid!
Janet; You are claiming no creative talent my love but you have one of the best talents of all; the ability of H E R O. And that's one of the rarest there is. Be joyful! You Rock!
Food is art too. I think what is important is to be doing Somthing. Creativity takes many forms.
I feel like I am not cooking enough and missing it Like, I don't even know what French cooking IS??? I need to make some big batches and freeze it, o when I come home starving and tired, I can eat right and either be grumpy and hungry or naughty and pizza.
The only food in this town
You mean to tell me you do not know how to make Quiche Lorraine!
Quick! Go there immediately.
I could teach you a few recipes. In French. Skype you way into French cuisine in 10 messy lessons...
NaNoFoodMo? Count me in! December would be fine- if I can obtain a camera I could do pictures.
December- holiday cooking. I'll be going Gonzo in the kitchen anyway.
I guess cooking really is my art form.
I have some wonderful French bistro-type foods I make (sort of glorified country cooking) and of course in catering it's anything from feeding a thousand students to little ditsy aaaarrrggghhh foods .
I am specifically thinking of stuffing 300 pea-pods with goat cheese here :P
I lean....heavily lean...toward Italian. Today it's braised short ribs and greens with polenta.
I think a Fiend group-cook/photo/reading night would be the best thing ever. Now how do we rearrange the space-time continuum to get there?
Italian is perfect too (in fact I eat it almost every day - almost: a girl has to resist sometimes).
Today it got into the form of Paccheri al Ragù di Maiale...
We rent a suite for the Fiend party in June that has a kitchen....Be handy anyway, and we are all better cooks than any hotel restaurant.
Wait, let me qualify that, any hotel kitchen in the sort of hotel we will be able to , as a group afford to rent a suite in.
Nathilie, that would be fun! I could bring the computer into the kitchen and you could Skype me some French Cooking, in French!
*mops up the drool*
Yes, it certainly did- with pictures.
not to just be contrary; but I really hate cooking. I do cook because I have to but it's my lease favorite thing to do. It seems such a waste to go buy all this special stuff; stand there for hours & cook & then eat for 15 minutes and then clean for another hour. And all of that so you can hear things like "Oh, I don't like broccoli; or I don't like tomatoes or... (you get the idea) I'd rather have a granola bar & call it done.
sad; but true.
Now I want to cook, too... Preferably something that will not need fussing with, so I can paint. Might have to go to the Italian import deli and see what they have for me.
I know what you mean, Quiche; I do all my week's cooking on Sundays, so I then have healthy food ready when I get home. Otherwise, I get mired in indecision about what to eat, and grumpy.
Need to shoot and post my recent batch of paintings, too. Hurrah for extra hours in the day today!
Stacy, you are funny! You need not cook. The Fiends will need someone to cook FOR. You may sit on the couch and embroider dragons eyes.
I like cooking for other people, but not so much for myself alone. I cook for the Bengals, but not much room for innovation. They want steak, and they want it RAW!!!!!
Nathilie! What an extremely Fabulous Quiche!!!!
Right. I am cooking again...
When Mads was little she had the kid Horror of anything new. We took the road of, hey try it, if you don't like it , don't eat it. Like it was no big deal, and more often than not, she liked it, and if she didn't, it was because she didn't.
No power struggles, no forcing her to eat, and I always made sure there was something on the table I knew she liked. Seemed to work.
I lean heavily, almost exclusively, toward Italian as well. The big problem is I don't like cheese! I wish I did, it's so inconvenient and not foodie-like at all...sigh.
But last night i made up some quick minestrone w/ stuff i had left in the fridge and this morning I made a frittata for the inlaws.
QOTD...it's my one standard FoodPorn interview question I ask everyone: "If you were restricted to eating food from only one country (or region if the country is large), what would you choose?"
Neil, of course, chose Japan without skipping a beat.
I'd probably go with Italy but i'd miss sushi tremendously so that's a tough one.
I'm more of a baker than a cook. Different skills, really. My sourdough starter is sitting in a warm oven right now.
I, er, completely forgot about its existence for, um, a really long time, then couldn't find it in the fridge for a while (don't ask). So now I'm nursing it back to health! The little yeasties are starting to get happy again - some bubbles, and it smells good. Maybe bread tomorrow, maybe Tuesday.
For now, I need to go spend the afternoon outside at SCA things. Taking the spinning wheel, Val, and also my laptop. Hoping for NaNo AND yarn, tho that may be a teensy bit ambitious.
Chantrelle, is it cheating to say NYC (or other big metropolitan area)? Not much cuisine of its own, but LOTS of options from everywhere.
That's totally cheating, what's NYC Food? You could say Little Italy or Chinatown but really thats just choosing Italian or chinese...try again! ;-)
I would probably go with Italy too, but please don't make me choose. I'd lose too many of my favorite things.
When Son+ was little he got taken to so many restaurants and other food things that he's always been pretty adventurous with his eating- steamed mussels and calamari (heavy on the tentacles- he is -my- kid after all) at the age of 8, plus pretty much anything he's had a hand in cooking.
And yet....and yet....WHY do they always want the Kraft macaroni and cheese? Not the good homemade stuff?
Ben's 4 and he LOVES anchovies and sardines...it makes me proud. He doesn't like Kraft mac n cheese though, he does really love Annies though--and least hers is derived from real cheese. He hates american cheese and it makes me proud :)
Oh, and i won't cast any spells to hold anyone to their choices ;-)
beez; i can answer; because Kraft mac-n-cheese is the ultimate. The skinny noodles.
I was going to answer the food/porn question with "French". But I seriously don't like melted cheese. The French seem so healthy though. I think I'm a bit too Irish (not enough Tuscany Italian in my blood apparently) and only use food for it's utalitarian purposes. But the French do have crepes.
chantrelle; NYC is brilliant! Laughed in my coffe.!
El adores clams & muscles & such like. I am thankful that we made her try everything too. Her pallette is more gourmet than gourmand.
I'd have to commit suicide over the choice. It is just NOT feasible. I love too many things.
I need to open up and confess to you all that I LOVE Americian Pasteurized Process Cheese Food AND Mac and Cheese. Annie's tho, not Kraft.
There you have it.
I do however love real food as well. I would choose India, hands down, no questions there.
I don't bake very well, and my breads always make people laugh. They tend to look a little sci fi. I don't much like baked goods and sweet things. I know. Weird.
When I was five, my parents dreaded taking me to the restaurant with them. The waiters always sort of assumed that I would go for cooked ham and mashed potatoes (just like any kid back then) but I wanted escargots - with garlic butter - and sole meunière instead, which was quite pricey (and the reason why my poor parents groaned). I also loved my Granny's ham. It was actually smoked salmon but I did not know that then, of course...
Quiche, that's what my parents did with me insofar as food, and it worked pretty well. I'll eat anything that's not going to send me to the hospital. The only exceptions are (odd because I share this with both parents and all my siblings): I HATE the taste of sugar, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cruciferous vegetables. Honey and fruit are the only sweet things I like. No idea why the entire family has this quirk-- do any of you Fiends know? Chantrelle?
If I had to limit myself to only one kind of food... Hmm. Tough call between Japanese, Italian, and Southwest. U am spoiled, living in LA, though.
Phiala, spinning! Sweet!
Stacy I am with you. I retired from cooking. I can see no reason to spend so much time creating "food" when it takes no time to consume it and then clean up. I have learned to LOVE frozen dinners and while hubby isn't thrilled - he can always start cooking. Food/porn would be Mexican but vegetarian is favored over meat in it. I love Italian, Asian, but cannot do sushi. Love crepes but dessert ones are best, lol. I can't do meat that taste like meat or has stuff in or around it, like fat, gristle, or things you can't chew. Sorry, know that is gross.
Cruciferous veggies have a high sulfur content if I remember correctly: you guys might have a case of mild allergy which would create the distaste.
Not sure about sugar. Honey is way wealthier to eat anyway.
I like that "Honey is way wealthier way to eat" !!!! In that case , I am RICH!!!!!
Cooking can be as simple or as complex as one likes. I like it after a long day , as it is kind of a break, and a chance to light a candle, listen to music and make something good.
When I am in that mood. And I don't much when it is just me.
Just as happy to order BAD pizza.
Janet, you make me laugh!
For shots of the really cool dragon & El's pictures of it which are the coolest go here .
ooohhh go me; i made a linky!
YES for NaNoFoodMo! I like to cook but often don't feel it's worth the effort just for me. I used to bake a lot as displacement activity when I was a student and supposed to be revising...
Difficult to pick a country if I had to stick with just one . . although maybe Italian - I went to Florence a couple of years ago and the food - well, it didn't QUITE beat seeing Michelangelo’s David as the high point of the trip but it was a close run thing. Especially the Osso Bucco and the roasted vegetables. .
Stacy, you and Janet will have to eat (and critique) the cooking that the rest of us do - both on taste and artistic merit !
This seems an appropriate point to mention that yes, shrunken heads DO go (rather well) with porridge
Stacy - both the dragon and you & your daughter's hallowe'en costumes are fantastic!
I can only pick the food of one country? How is that even possible? And, Quiche, there is no such thing as a bad pizza - only bad pizza makers.
Oh - and another hint for you Nanoites out there - remember to put Chapter "Number" at the beginning of each, well, chapter. Two more words each time you have a break in your narrative. It also makes you feel like you are writing a lot more, when you type Chapter Fifty two. (no, I'm not there yet.)
If you make me choose, I'd have to say Italian, because of the pizza, and all the other wonderful things they do. Cheese is my friend, but not American cheese, and I've never liked Kraft Mac & Cheese, but I don't like most restaurant’s spaghetti, having been raised on Kraft's version.
Yea for Linky's!!!!
I will read them later, I am off on an airport run, to pick up a very tired and jet lagged Boss.
Tell him the fiends say welcome home, too.
yes, welcome home to Boss, and do tell him that his getting Paul&Storm & Jonathan Coulton to play in Manchester was a stroke of genius!
My one cuisine would be Thai. In fact I think I will need to get some Thai carry out tonight because now I am thinking about it.
Wow that's a lot of comments :) a late Happy Halloween to you all! I've just removed my halloween nailpolish (remember yours lorraine ;)?) I had black with a little orange pumpkin on each one (on toes too..) and went as a vampire to the party ;)
Yum to Thai indeed!
Siri, mmy chapters have TITLES. Even better that numbers.
Pictures, Hera?
Wow! I can hardly keep up with you guys!!! How wonderful, a continued Halloween - brilliant. Great photos.
I've recuperated from the Halloween potion/adventrues and today have donated to bengal rescue and have read a couple chapters to my boys from The Graveyard Book. Plus, I'm trying to keep up with you all! I'm so impressed by your nanowrimo skills and your cooking/baking, & spider avoidance techniques :)
I have to share a personal Tim Curry story from this weekend. My daughter is in college and attended her first Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday night. My first thought when she told me was OMF! I DID raise her right after all! I thought you all might appreciate that sentiment, can't share it at my workplace tmw!
Happy extra hour to all the daylight savings readers - the extra hour of sun in the a.m. means A LOT this time of year - in my neck of the northern woods. LOL!
(shivers) I always thought Neil was a little creepy ....
No, not really.
Well, actually, maybe a bit. But you can't tell when you're just talking to him (not me, anyway).
Yes, welcome home to Boss- I hope he gets some well-deserved rest.
Of course this means you will be in full-run mode, doesn't it Lorraine? Not that that's anything new.
Stacy, that dragon is jaw droppingly beautiful. Amazing, gorgeous...I'm going to run out of words for how beautiful it is. It looks like some kind of wonderful as a Halloween with you and your daughter too.
Hera, I second the picture request.
I also want some Thai green curry now. Darn Fiends making me hungry!
Choose just one country? Okay, the US--but that is worse than saying NYC.
Seriously, it isn't possible. Really. Just couldn't. I tried, and narrowed it down to Japanese, Korean, or Cambodian (maybe Asian peninsulas and Islands?) then realized I just couldn't spend the rest of my life without the AMAZING lambs, curries, grape leaves et cetera of India, South West Asia and the Mediterranean.
Not to mention, doing without pickled herring in onion and sour cream.
I LOVE food. From everywhere. Won't eat okra, eggplant or zucchini unless disguised or deslimed; other than that, I've never said no to anything in any country except boiling silkworm larva thingies in Korea. (it was the SMELL!)
Val--I am sorry that you can't eat/enjoy daikon, the cresses and kale. Those are necessary in some of my favourite cooking.
Stacy and Cat Hero Lady--neither of you should ever have to cook. You have other amazing contributions!
I've lost who posted the Smashed Pony link, but I spit out my beverage -- TWICE!! So thank you!! :)
heheheh.... Lovely Sunday
Welcome home to boss! I'll see him in Vegas next week! :) Boss, Nobu, Michael Mina--wooo!
Okay, I admit it. I like Kraft M&C. It's comfort food of the worst kind.
Val, alas, no spinning - I broke the drive band twice while finishing up the previous project to free up a couple of bobbins for your yarn. After that, there wasn't enough left to tie together, and the spare is at home.
I know the answer to your question though! There is a genetic taste receptor for a particular class of bitter compound found in cruciferous veggies - broccoli and family, and if you have it, you're likely to find them too bitter to eat. So, makes perfect sense that your whole family feels that way.
I on the other hand adore cruciferous veggies, and eat lots of them. (Um, broccoli and Kraft M&C is good, really!)
I do eat real food, honest! Just once in a while...
Okay, back to NaNo. Making progress, but slowly. I now understand why the rules say start a new piece of fiction. I'm starting in the middle, where I bogged down last time, and finding it slow going. Still, some words is waaay better than none!
Hi Hera! Yes, I well remember my nails, those were the BEST nails EVER. If you send me a picture of Hera The Vampire (Sounds like a Superhero to me) I will post it.
No hurry to wrap up Halloween here! Are you in Iceland or New Zealand now, and where are your Freaky Pets?
Emily, Boss is not at ALL even a little bit creepy, he is one of the nicest, kindest, most caring people that I have ever known.
Well, yes, Beez things do tend to get a but more hectic, but in a good way. Keeps things interesting...
Why did I know our scientific Mistress of Skulls would know that?
Er, because I know all kinds of weird sciency things, and am willing to ramble and/or rant about them at the least provocation??? :)
We know Boss is wonderful - he adopts stray dogs.
Morning Fiends from the Monday part of the world. Took some time to plough through comments this morning.
We had some serious rain here last night - see, that is why Storm Chicken has taken refuge in the bin.
Talk of all this cooking has made me hungry, and I've just finished my toast.
I think a Fiend cook-out sounds like a grand idea.
Oh, who had porridge and shrunken heads? (Too pooped to find the comment) did it look like the porridge was the brains spilled out of the heads? Twas my immediate thought
I just did the brave thing...lifted the lid on the recycling bin very very carefully, no Storm Chicken on the lid. No Storm Chicken visible at all. Either she didn't like her name, or she has found somewhere safer, and with a better food source.
I know Boss isn't really creepy, Lorraine. I was kidding (and hope I didn't offend)!
Storm Chicken is gone????
That was fast.
Alas, poor Storm Chicken. I knew her, Horatio......
No, not at all Emily, just wasn't sure you were kidding, thought so, but just checking...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I just had to pop over to campus, and on the way back there were highway patrol officers closing lanes and MDOT trucks and guys in hard hats and vests on their hands and knees looking at the bridge I was on
You know- the one that just reopened.
After falling.
That'll wake you up.
Gee Beez, that's not the way to start the day...have you heard what was wrong, and why do I know feel like singing "London Bridge is falling down..."
I'm checking the local news online, and nothing yet. I know the new bridge has a butt load of sensors all over it, and they're going to be very careful after the collapse of the old one.
It's still kind of an *oof* in the gut.
and I guess I shouldn't say that now I'm thinking "Mothman".
I think I am suffering Nano exhaustion....my head is drooping but the damn characters kept telling my fingers to type.
I don't take that bridge. The people who built it got a bonus of $200,000 PER DAY for every day it was finished ahead of schedule.
It was done three months early. Hmmmm....
And the state is obligated to go with the lowest bid on a project....
Thanks :P
I have a beautiful view of it from my coffee shop. I hope it stays up.
I went over the old one two hours before it fell. It was my first time on campus in ten weeks that afternoon.
Very scary indeed! Bridges should not just fall in the river.
Ah. Apparently the lowest bidder didn't get the project.
Article here
link attempt...
I'm really curious about this bridge now. Got a link about it?
We followed the "bridge falling" tales with much interest where we were, Beez. I used to use that bridge all of the time, too! Lived on that side, near the U, the last six months I lived in Mpls...and worked at the downtown Marriott.
I have to admit...were I you...because I *AM* paranoid...I would SO try to reroute my driving habits! You are a braver Fiend than I, fer shur.
(DO miss the U, however. Didn't have to be a student to appreciate so much about it.)
35W is a main route into and out of Minneapolis.
The bridge right out of downtown fell on August 1 of 2007- all of it.
here's a site with lots of links and info
Well, who knew?????
I don't have any links to it but I imagine if you google 35W bridge collapse it will tell you lots....
Life without Thai would be bad. I forgot to eat before I came home alas, and so it is pizza for me,but I ordered thin crust with all veggies, just to be healthy. Sort of.
I am a little grumpy. I'll tell you about it in the next post, working on it now.
Holy shit, it really was like the bridge collapse in The Mothman Prophecies. There are few things I can think of that would be as scary/horrifying as being on a collapsing bridge.
Clearly I am proud of my new link-making skills.
I love being a part of the University community. If I care to, I could be doing something there every day or night and on the cheap or for free. Lectures, concerts, exhibits. I like my faculty/staff customers and I love my students, both my employees and the ones who come to hang out.
I went across the new bridge the first morning it opened. Either I have -no- survival instinct or too much of a "Fates be damned" attitude.
I prefer to think it's attitude.
I have burned my dinner. :( I think I'll be ordering pizza, too.
Beez -- I found this link with some info about the bridge being closed today. Sounds like a scheduled thing. I have only driven on the new bridge once but I must say -- it is a nice bridge!
Q -- sorry you are feeling a bit cranky. It happens to the best of us. ;-)
Whew. thanks Aleta. I feel better now.
We talked too much about great cooking today Val, came back to Haunt us it did....
Beez, Paul works there too, at Univercity. He claims to be a genetisit. (Rats my intermitent spell check is gone. You will now know my sad secret, why is it only there part time?)
Anyway, I think he runs the place, or something.
Grumpy post now up for your listen to me whine pleasure....
142 comments?!?! 143!!! Another one in the time it took the click.
I'm afraid. Very, very afraid.
So Paul's our Secret Overlord.
So much makes sense now.
You should be afraid, Danguy, particulary if Paul is a secret Overlord...
Oh! It is Paul's fault then. That is very good information to have.
ALL Paul's fault. Whatever it is.
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