Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Part 2: A Photo Gallery!

Home from my Halloween and a wonderful time was had by all. Except fpr Aleta, who apparently drove around and around the de-constrution zone, trying desparately to get to the Club, even seeing us at one point.....Before giving up...I owe you one, ALeta!

Took LOTS of pics but you know my camera lmitations, and so, here are a few, at any rate...I call this one my "I will never eat chocolate again" face....

This is going to be a mostly picture post, as it IS rather late, and I have a LOT of pics from you Fiends to add....Here's Johnny, Karrin and I....

Only ONE Vampire in the world can get away with THIS sort of thing!

And here we are rocking. I love playing with Bedlam. Very much a full on powerful Rock-n-roll Gig with those boys....I had a great time and am SO glad to have been there!

Here are some of the Fiends photos. I started out trying to write down who was who, but then it occured to me, it would be much more fun tomorrow to try and figure out who is who and what is what. (good as an excuse as any, I say! I am tired!!!!!!)

The Most Wonderful Night Of The Year!!!!!

Happy Halloween!


At 12:41 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I love that last one!
I think Malena could probably get away with biting you too.

At 12:43 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I agree! The last one is great! and I think it's the same person who is in the blue overdress with white undress, white face with mask, and gossamer wings with silver.

Now I'm off to bed as my eyes are crossing. :)

At 12:45 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lorraine you look simply smashing. No wonder Maddy approves - the hair looks so cool.

I see everyone had a fun day/night except for poor Aleta.

At 12:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That first picture of you is SOOO good Lorraine.

Great pictures all.:)

I gotta head for bed though, yawning more than I'm typing;)

At 12:45 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Only MALE Vampire at any rate...Girls are much safer. Or dangerous, I forget which.

At 12:48 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks! I felt like I looked great, which makes all the difference in the world.

I THINK that is Chantrelle, but I am not certain...

I love it that we had TWO Other Mothers!

I am pretty darn ready for bed, shortly , myself.

At 4:21 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh! The Fiends are... Fiendly! What fun! I was so terribly boring last night. This is a big college town, but that means there isn't much to do if you are past the age where youthing frat parties are fun. Not that I ever did But I wish there were someplace to go dancing!

At 4:28 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Fantastic pics - especially Pirate Cabal! (I had a devil dog come ToT-ing last night - big red wings and horns, but I was too busy handing out black-on-black cupcakes to take a picture!

Having just woken up to another cold, cold morning I’m wondering – will shrunken heads go nicely in porridge??

(Wanders off to experiment..)

At 4:37 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

They certainly would go nicely with rice pudding...

At 6:15 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

awesome photos! looks like everyone had a splendid time - except poor Aleta, that is such a shame. hey - we get an extra hour today, what is everyone going to do with it? i am going to spoil a college freshman who is coming home with a sore throat and homesickness - its mommy time! Have a great Saturday all, now we get to be deluged with Christmas decs everywhere, agh.

At 8:31 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

morning all; can't stay but love the photos. will ck back later.

At 8:52 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning everyone! I'm up. Kind of.OK, so I am going bak to bed with tea. Not REALLY up.

Hi Laurel! Havn't seen or heard from you in YONKS!!!!!! Thans for being our ONE de-lurker. Ah well, if we are only getting one , yu are a GREAT choice.

I got this from my sister, who is the funniest person on the plantet sometimes, and more like eme than anyone has a right to be, this morning, could be mytea-deprived state, but it made me laugh....

"Last night, on the night between years, I dreamt of Thunderbirds. Not just OF them, but of becoming one. It was one of those Dreams so vivid, so full of Signs and Symbols, that you know it means something. At least Whatever-it-is-that's-been-coming is finally getting close.

Of course, it could have been all the Chocolate.....:) Love, T."

At 10:12 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Yes, the last shot is lovely, coming out of the mist...
and i LOVE the shot of Q with Johnny and his ladyfriend, that is the kind of work i like to see, cool blurry background lights, great improvement, my friend...
Aleta, that is why we have valet here in LA (and really it is everywhere here) so one can ditch the car and have more fun time. It is NO fun circling. booooo! sorry buddy.

your wise sister's commentary brings me back to my dream. I was in a beach town in winter, almost no one there. i was watching a tv by the ocean on the sand, wondering if the waves would take it out to sea.
i looked down at my iPhone, three spiderweb cracks appeared on his screen. i was sad.
This is probably some sort of anxiety dream. I wish i dreamed of a phoenix or something more uplifting...
meanwhile time to download the photos that i snuck on my tiny robot last night (not as good as with my camera, but better than none)

At 10:22 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Looking forward to the pictures. Kitty!

At 10:27 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Tell us as soon as pics are up, yes???? Strange dream, my friend...I wish I could say I had prophetic dreams but if I did, I don't remember a one, just little wistfully wisps...

Ok, so it is officially NOT Aletas weekend. Just got into work with what I call my NORMAL e-mail , and found yes, she had dressed up wonderfully last night AND sent me pictures!

Did I post them???? No!

I am sorry Aleta! I use a version of Gmail for my mail on the laptop and it stacks things, instead of sensibly putting them in order, and I missed your pics.

Hers, and anyone elses that come in today, will go up tonight! No point in stopping Halloween WEEKEND early.

At 10:33 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Then you can use mine as well.
Poor Aleta.

At 10:35 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

The last picture is gorgeous! The only pic of me is the one of me with my black-beetle snack :)

We had a great time last night seeing our friends reunite for the first show in 7 years--probably 10 since we've seen them (they'd moved to seattle). It was beautiful and magical and intense. I love their music so much!

Love all the pictures, can't wait to see more! Glad it was a fun gig!

At 10:37 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh yours. Right. Sigh. Forgot you too didn't I?

Well, it WAS 2:00 in the morning after a gig and I had had a LOT of candy, like 400 times more than a regular day....

It was funny downloading them all last night, and thinking all of the time, "I am so going to miss someone...."

I am sorry!

Just checked the gmail account and yup, MORE!!!!!

Tonight...Gallery, Part 2!!!!

At 10:40 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Right. Chantrelle was the Other Mother. WHO is that fairy? I almost know, and I have her real name here, but can't remember BOTH names all the time.

(Hey, I feel lucky with ONE name, hee-hee)

You will love tonights, keep them coming, please!!!!!

HEY!! We get an extra hour!!! A free hour!!!!!!!!!!! What joy and bliss!!!!!!

At 11:06 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Thanks for all the kind thoughts. Really it was not so bad. I got to see lots of fun/crazy folk out for the night. The Mario Brothers were cute. I liked the Tetris block too. There were lots of pirates. I was stopped in traffic at many spots along Hennepin Ave. several times. It is a fun and interesting street any night but was especially happening last night. Reminded me of my younger days.

Valet parking would have been just the ticket.

I slept until 11 am. Who knew that spending the evening driving around downtown Minneapolis could be so exhausting. (Or maybe it was that late night coffee that kept me up until... 3 or 3:30 or some such.)

NaNo web site is frustrating!

At 11:13 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It is always overloaded on the first few days. I tried to validate my word count so far but the server is just not being responsive...
No hurry. Keep on writing.

At 11:20 AM , Blogger Beez said...

Home from work.....must nap.

It's homecoming for the maroon and gold today, so we were soooo busy.

But first- what great pictures everybody. Lorraine and Johnny the Vamp and Karrin- and then all the Fabulous Fiends! It looks like great Halloween nights all around.

Even for the people-watching Aleta. I know the "you can't get there from here-ness" of downtown Mpls right now.

A large part of the student body was still wandering around campus in costume and happy party haze when I went to work this a.m. It must have been a doozy of a Halloween there too.

At 11:27 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That's right! It's the first day, isn't it??? Good luck everyone!!!

Downtown was some fun last night, but I agree with Beez, that is one seriously torn up city.

There is only one place to park near Kierrans and it is on a street tha LOOKS close, 2 blocks away, you have to drive down a street that looks like a train track and turn onto a road that looks closed and says things like ROAD CLOSED NO THRU TRAFFIC, and take it on faith you will see a tiny sign halfway down that says "Parking open"

Glad you had fun anyway Aleta. And I just bet the U was crazed , Beez

At 11:41 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

What a really wonderful mixture we all are. I know I say it all the time, but SOMEDAY I am coming out there to Minnesota and having a good old time with the Fiends.


At 1:26 PM , Blogger Siri said...

May I also say Nano sucks? I have been trying to update my word count so I can look like I accomplished something, and it won't let me. Grrr.

Happy All Saint's Day, all. Lovely costumes - looking forward to round 3. I have no pictures, because I have no camera. I have no camera phone. I am writing this using a chisel and stone tablet.

Speaking of which, and dreams, I dreamt I had a stone table carved to hang at the end of my bathtub upstairs, with a 17-word saying, and looked at the bill after it was done, and the bill was for $21,747.00. I was appalled, and pissed that each word was $1,000. (the other $4,747 was for labor and taxes.) The worst part is I can't remember what the 17 words were.

All you dream interpreters - what does that mean? (And does it have anything to do with the fact that I read the 1st 5 chapters of The Graveyard Book before going to bed last night?

At 1:30 PM , Blogger Siri said...

The good news is I'm over 1,000 words in the last 30 minutes. I'll catch up with Sally yet!

At 1:35 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

A NaNo obsession creeping into your dreams and telling you that you will pay dearly for each and every one of them?

Strange dream all the same.

At 1:48 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Good Call, Nathalie - that very well could be it. My mind - a wonderful scary place...


At 2:09 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hammer and chisel...Snicker.....

I keep getting these I wanna Nano I wanna nano feelings, and I keep sternly telling my self:

Allez! Etudiez votre francais!

(which given the corrections I am going to get on that sentence is a very good idea...)

Do you have to check word count thru Nano? Don't word pro programs have it? Or is it just funner thru nano?

At 2:23 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I use a word count function in Word, but then you post your count on your Author Page to rub the nose of all your friends who are also Nanoing in your dust. Notice I said 'Friends', not 'Fiends'. I am not competing with anyone here - just those I used to write with around here.

Jess - what about 'Tracks in the wilderness of dreaming : exploring interior landscape through practical dreamwork' by Bosnak? It's what our library has.

At 3:21 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Siri, you're quite likely to catch up and overtake me...I have sore ribs. Means typing might not be such a long affair today.

I feel like I'm really missing out on Halloween with all your wonderful stories.

Hey Jac - how about next year we get together and dress up and give your girls some fun?

At 4:08 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

AH, I see now....Must go and just check out this sitte.

Hurrah for Fiends hooking up in Australia!

I am making Indian for dinner tonight, and the whole house smells really great, oh yes!!!! That's the only thing I am not into about the country, no Indian closer than Minneapolis....

Good thing I can cook!

At 4:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Siri--snicker at hammer and chisel. Did it occur to you that the daily word count required to reach our goal could be rounded up to:
17 hundred?

Just sayin'

Phiala; tried to answer you in our NaNo Fiend Forum, but crash and burn time over and over. Personally, I don't think it is a problem or bug w/the site...I think it is on purpose. They think (and rightly so) that we should be WRITING ON OUR NOVELS instead of posting to a frivolous forum . hehehehe

Anyway, in answer to your question:
I am NM now (as of July), local SCA is College of St G something, doesn't seem to have a lot of functions locally other than fighter practice when there is a war coming up.
Historically, I was SCA in Isles (CAID) being then but 13 and in my once and future hometown of Santa Barbara, California. Good times, good times. Then the Rennies got aholt of me, it can be difficult to participate heavily in both. Easier now, I suspect.
As a note, I've found SCAers *and* Hashers (separate thread someday *g*) everywhere I've gone on this planet, including Korea, Germany and Iraq. hehehehe...

And again--much kudos to your Laurelhood. :)

At 4:53 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Siri, as a young dream interpreter, I have to admit I have no idea what that dream could mean. Maybe if I thought about it for a while ... but please do applaud yourself on being so skilled in mathematics.

(Oh! Could this dream possibly be telling you not to let numbers interfere with your writing? Not to assume anything, but if you can work out multifaceted equations in your DREAMS ...)


At 4:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Mughali Raeser actually, I think is what it is called. Chicken, onion. Starts with a great paste made from ginger, garlic and onions...

Well done on word counts my Fiends!

At 5:16 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Yummm. Do you deliver, Lorraine?

At 5:20 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Eh, I'm only at 1153, but not done for the evening, I hope.

I had leftover Indian food that Nick made, with sauce from a jar. Completely eliminates the need to know how to do anything, and tastes pretty good.

Lys - St Golias, I know where you are. :) Pretty much the only thing I miss about NM is the food - I developed a substantial green chile addiction, and you can't get good ones in PA. (Ask me in February, when I haven't seen the sun in 6 weeks, and I may say something different!)

But wait, why am I wasting valuable words here where it doesn't count??? NaNoooooo! :)

At 5:47 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Perhaps I should start a delivery service, to all you Namo writers,,,

At 6:04 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Nano service would be wonderful Lorraine, but we will need Dan to build a transport device, yes?
Nano site is being a pain. I am now up to 6229 words. Phew. Find it hard to realise I have written so much.

At 6:05 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Okay, 1765 is a bit better. Not as good as all you overachiever Fiends, but at least I'm no longer behind my daily quota.

At 6:07 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

6229? My goodness, Sally, you are SO on a roll!!

At 6:13 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm a bit scared that I might conk out though...tyring to remember to develop other characters so my story doesn't stop dead.
Oh, there wa a very nice little review of The Graveyard Book in The Age newspaper here today. It was in one of the magazine sections though, so not sure if it will be on the net.

At 6:19 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lorraine, I will type out the review and email it to you, because it is kind of nice and I've checked The Age website, its not coming up at all.

At 7:01 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Jess - samosa. damn, I wish I had one now.

Nano site - totally timed out. Guess everyone is trying to get on there.

At 7:43 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Sally, would love to see it.

Just watched Starduat with a friend, I forget how good that movie is...

At 9:18 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

'Evening Fiends...I am feeling a whole lot of writing going on, hee-hee...

Good on you for working!

More Fiendish Pics up on Halloween Part 3!!!!!!!

May it never stop!!!!!

At 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Made my mother go see Stardust with me, L, and I almost NEVER do that. Especially not w/fantastical movies, as she will say "oh, you know I'm not much into those..."

But she liked it. A lot. And when I wasn't around, she took my niece to see it with her.


As for ALL of you other NaNo achievers....

tries not to hate. Tries to love....turn that frown up side down. :)

Must go use some of this energy to write nearly 1400 words in less than two hours.

Maybe I can just write five pages about how much I LOVE Indian food, and how amazing it would be if Lorraine showed up at my house right now with a big pot of it.

After all, soon it won't be as
late as it was!! (um, Daylight Savings Time, y'all....)

At 9:27 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Stardust is a truly wonderful film, magic on so many levals, a great story, well done. I loved seeing my dress again on screen, covered in ferrets, hee-hee...I love movies that work for so many people, all ages.

Yea Lys, I will have my own chapter! When in doubt, write about me! Bringing Indian food to the world!

Fods, I am overtired, the brain is going.....

At 5:53 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

What "True Blood" needs is a vampire like Johnny.

At 6:04 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hee-hee, yup. Yr right.


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