Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bits Of Things On A Tired Night...

It is nearly ten here and I am just getting home from my long hard day at work, and so, I am telling you up front you can hardly expect me to be witty and brilliant, as I usually am...Every word a pearl, wisdom in every sentence.....Nope, none of that tonight.

I am Fodding tired.

I had planed earlier today to do a rant on my garbage people, the ones who come every week and engage in recycling Olympics (we have a really solid team here, nothing glass gets into their trucks without breaking), when I remember to take out the rubbish for them the night before. This morning the came at 4:45am. With lights, and beeps, and crashes, but when I ranted to Woodsman Hans about this and WHY did they feel the need to work those kind of hours, he explained to me, somewhat patiently, that they needed to be off the streets before the traffic got heavy.

(An explanation that might serve better in a town that HAD traffic, but I can see the point)

I did really want to say tho, since yesterdays post on the subject was somewhat whimsical, that I am really proud, and have a LOT of admiration for all of you who are doing NaMoWriMo. Really. That's 2000 words a day for a month. (better not cut into your online time here, hee-hee!) It is am amazing thing, and make it or not, everyone who tries is going to be further along than they were, as a writer, and that is what is important. Hat's off and kudos to you, do keep us informed!

Nothing new on Bela Mac Murphy of the Mangos. The toys were in the water dish when I got home, tonight tho, I stayed longer. I scattered the toys a bit further, and brought in two new mousies, and I went to the farthest corner of the room and talked and read. The next goal is for him to come out and eat while I am in the room.

Now, for the serious question of the evening. I have to get my darn hair done tomorrow, a wee trip to the beauty parlour that takes all day and will take longer this time, as I have been putting it off and it is a proper Mare's Nest back there of knots. I could go rasta with very little trouble.

I have to decide things like, hey, what colour? Or Colours? What length? A Style or just hanging layers of hair? The extensions (Yup, most of this lovely stuff is not at all mine) are RED and have to stay that way. I can't do the rainbow again as these extensions are real hair, and not faux hair.

I am kind of leaning towards purple, with the red extensions. Or perhaps DARK with the red for Halloween. I can do anything as if I hate it, well, it needs to be re-done again in six weeks anyway.

What should I do?

I will now lay here on the couch and ponder this, the Bengals seem to be of no help, and are more interested in tonight's allotment of new mousies, but amongst you Fiends, I have hopes for a Plan.

Love and Tired and Hair,


At 8:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parking tickets, Garbo's at unFodly hours of the morning, Your town takes it's lack of traffic problems very seriously! They should spend a week somewhere the traffic is chaotic, that would fix 'em.

Hair is a very serious concern.

For a few years now, I have been having my hair coloured the way Fod intended, had he asked me. I'm not really fond of the few natural highlights that have been peeking through the last couple of years.

I was getting red, copper and very dark brown, but I think the hairdresser thinks I'm a bit old for that now, because she hasn't been doing the really red for about a year now. But, I liked it.

Purple and red would be great as well.

At 8:47 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I'm always a fan of black/red combo. I've been too lazy to color my hair since ben was born. And now that i'm doing the wedding-officiant thing, i kinda need to pretend to be normal sometimes so brown it stays.

At 8:58 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Red and black with purple highlights???? Who can say...I do feel like something fun tho, with the long hard winter about to set in.

My Leopard isn't going to care. He has refused to speak on it since I wouldn't consider spotted. Snobs they are!

At 9:19 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

colouring hair - a favorite pastime/necessity of mine.
Years ago at work I was told by someone that every time she saw me my hair was a different hue.

As you're going into winter L, you can go for all those lovely bright reds, bronzes and coppers. Be wild!

Go wild! I just saw a young (well, 20's, late teens, who knows)with the best hair - she was bright pink he was bright blue.

At 9:21 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Someone around here is indulging in sensory torture - tey have the best smelling BBQ going, and its only just after 3pm.

At 9:25 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Well...you could always try red, black and silver. Though purple is good, too. ;)

I'm probably not the best person to ask as I haven't had my hair so much as trimmed in over 10 years. Plus, I've never colored it, except for streaks of gold with hair mascara once. The world needs more hair mascara. Then you could have rainbow hair whenever you wanted, then wash it out.

I can't wear my witch hat while driving. The brim is too wide and touches the head rest. :(
I'll try to get a photo of the van.

At 9:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I would love to have black and white hair, like Pepe La Pue..

I never much DO anything with this hair of mine, but it is fun to have anyway. I like changing it around.

Obviously no one at work cares what I do, or rather has a problem, and the folks at the gigs are more interested in the music and my wit than what I look like, tho they have fun with the changes.

It's like Halloween year round, or something. It's just for me, really.

If I am so tired, why aren't I asleep??? Wish we had BBQ...

At 9:43 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Years ago I had hair that looked spotted. I allowed myself to be used as someone's head in a hair show and told him he could do whatever he wanted, short of shaving it bald.

I ended up with alternating patches of red and gold that were daubed on with a sponge. At first it looked a bit like I had several raccoon tails but as it grew out it looked like leopard-y spots.

The things you can do when you're a grad student...

Red and black sounds very cool for Halloween.

At 9:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

FabulousLorraine, you'll be gorgeous even if you shave it all off.

Barbecue sounds nice, need to think about dinner after swimming.
Maybe not. I nearly burnt my hair off lighting the barbecue a few months ago.

At 9:46 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

oh fods! haircolor is such a horrid pain the butt! So Fab; you have bright red extensions? it appears that you can wear black (you're so lucky!); then have the bright red extensions lightened a bit maybe. I envy those who can wear black hair; my skin tone absolutely prohibits me from it. Stupid skin. I'm currently happy with my white temples growing in under my natural red locks. The longer my hair gets the more curly it is. Problem is; I prefer short; spiky punk. Sadly; can't have that both ways anytime you want.

Oh Vanity! thy name is WOMAN!!!

At 9:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I may HAVE to shave it all off, it is well knoted this time, ugh!!! Pain indeed.

I don't know if I CAN wear black, but I know I would LIKE to. Fortunately Hairdresser Amy of the Nightmare Before Xmas sleeve tattoos (Talk about cool taste!) wouldn't let me doing anything TOO bad....

At 9:53 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And oh, your hair sounds GREAT, both the spotted, and the spiky, Lexo and Stacy.

(Maybe not the burned off thing tho Jaquib, hee-hee....)

Might be more fantasy than vainity, thinks you so? Like dressing up?

At 9:53 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hmm, for hair... I think a rich dark brown, with the red extensions, in a cut that frames your face, would look really stunning and go well with your coloring.

At 9:54 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

She's so cool! I remember the pic of her apron. I made a vinyl apron (BDSM style) for my hairdresser & when I told her about Amy's she wants one now. Remember it said 'Your hair sucks, I can fix that'. Priceless!

And Mr. Skellington is of course, timeless.

Yes! You do look like you can wear black!

At 9:58 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Maddy, my fashionista expert said almost the same thing about the cut, Val, she thinks it should be shorter...

Stacy! You remember that! Yes, she does have that saying..I do admit to being fearful about what she is going to say about this knotted mess, it has never been this bad.

All my clothes are mostly black, tho Kitty branched me out a little last time she was here....

At 10:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to hair color, I like the purple idea. (But y'know I'm biased 'cause I've always wanted purple hair but I can't have it thanks to my Evil Corporate Masters.)

Ariandalen I'm SO bummed you can't wear the hat in the van. The idea was just so perfect.

At 10:01 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

I'm sure Val & Maddy are on the same page; shorter would probably be better. It's hard to say just from the pictures online. I'm sure whatever you choose (that Amy lets you choose) will be FAB after all--a girl has her rep. to maintain!

i'm off to finish beading a dragon head. they get so grumpy when you've only done one side of their head!

At 10:06 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Purple would be pretty cool. So sad about the Evil COrporate Masters!

Adriandalen, a smaller witches hat? We need to see this!!!!!!

My friend Bestsy, Adam's wife, when she was very young worked at Kmart, briefly.

She had a particualy horrid customer in one day who bitched and complanied about everything.

As she was leaving,Betsy ran the broom she was buying thru the scanner, and asked "DO you want a bag for this, or would you like to ride it out of here?"

Here's to all good withes!!!!!

(Besty, the best witch of all, was fired)

Dragons are like that Stacy, aren'they? Can't leave 'em half beaded....

At 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... I had spotted calico-ish hair once....
Let a crazy boy punker named (I kid you not) Rob Noxious spend hours on my hair, hopped up on Pad Thai and Singha beer. He wrapped pieces in foil, dyed...did another layer...dyed....painted some on w/a stencil brush
There were multiple blacks, wine, woody browns, even an odd sort of leafy blue. And the natural colour (dark shades of blonde) left to appear in circular stripey places. Guess that's what you get when you're sleeping with your hairdresser :)
LOVED it...sigh...but couldn't properly maintain the pattern.
I really liked the Cherry Coke-ish purple it was for a while when working at Marriott, and how they always hid me from view whenever the actual Marriotts (Mr.Bill!) came to visit!! :)
ps...Betsy is definitely one of the things about Minnesota I miss the most....besides YOU of course!!

At 11:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and Stacy--
Please let us see the dragon once beaded...your work is LOVELY!!

Hm...watching something called "Tin Man" right now, which is very different from what it seems.

Sorcery and science on the other side of a dimensional barrier from "our" reality....America's heartland...heroine who dreams of being in another land (presumably on the other side of the barrier)

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Trying to figure out if it is cleverly referential (a tornado ..in Kansas!!...was brewed up to deliver the bad guys to the farm house where our Heroine is..)
and actually good entertainment...or written so badly it is funny. Usually one can tell w/in the first 20 minutes, but this one is proving hard to judge.
If someone is familiar with it, please tell me if it is worth staying up past my bedtime!!

At 11:36 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Purple. Absolutely purple.

I love Betsy. She should have got an "employee of the month" trophy for that.

At 11:51 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Lysandwr, Ive had hair like that - not quite so many colours, but foils galore.

Loved it, but difficult to duplicate the next time your hair needs colouring. Not to mention the expense.

At 11:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lysandwr & DragonSally, that hair sounds awesome. I tried to have something similar done once. I was in the hairdresser for hours and all I came out with were a few blonde tips. Their feeble excuse was that my hair was too dark.

I'm with you Spacedlaw. I'd love to see more employees do that.

At 12:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Exactly! on both counts...although that original work cost me, um, one pad thai (which HE cooked...Fods, what a perfect boyfriend he would have been, if he weren't more worried about his nail polish than me), several large bottles of beer and...well...you get the idea.

Betsy, yah, she's one of a kind.
Ask Lorraine about "Endless Love"

This Tin Man show is actually turning out to be kind of interesting. Very modern fantasy style retelling , with funny raggedy guy (played by Alan Cummings) whose brain is missing (but he has a zipper across his skull, so can replace it when he gets it back) and of course they rescue a cowardly lion.

Puns and clever dialogue, but kind of snuck in there...good cast. Think it must have been done by someone who was into watching Mirror Mask and the like (our heroine flashes back to memories of drawings and stories which match what they are tripping over)....unfortunately lots of cliches by definition.

Can y'all tell I'm practicing for NaNoWriMo? Typing as I watch tv...*g*

Taking advantage of the good internet connection while I have it!

Job interview on Friday. Think good thoughts for me (it's an auspicious day for it, anyway!! :) )

At 12:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and a note for L:

I always liked reds in your hair, any shade at all. What about woodsy sprite streaks to go with it?

At 12:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea
Hair Hats

At 12:38 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Wow! There are WILD, Jacqui! Love the walrus, And the elephant. (And the lion, of course)

At 1:41 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

i love that kilt joke, i am going to tell my kilt-wearing Scottish boyfriend and he will laugh and laugh.

Q i vote for the purple!
and if you cut your hair short, i will be very sad.
sad kitties are the worst, as you know.

so don't. do not. not cutting short. sorry Mads, but no.

me going to sleep now, was waiting up for La Red to come home, and we yakked for too long, BEDTIME.

At 1:44 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Hair hats are awesome - I wonder if they do a leopard?

FAiling that, Q, I think black with red / copper would be fantastic.
I can't do really Exciting Hair myself - I don't have evil corporate masters like Kali, but it wouldn't go down well in court.

Seeing the comment about you not having that problem did make me smile tho', trying to think what you could possibly wear / do to your hair that *would* raise quastions at work . . (very conservative officewear, maybe?)

I will let y'all have a report on Boss's reading when I get home - Is Cabal eating OK this time?

At 1:44 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Nightie night Kitty!

At 1:48 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Lorraine has probably gone to bed by now, Marjorie, but apparently yes, Cabal is eating well right now and looks great (wearing a super hero orange cape too to ensure he doesn't get mistaken for a deer while he is out, since it is the hunting season).
We need Lorraine to take pictures of him in that outfit. He almost look like a race dog (and I am mighty glad that he isn't as those dogs have the most miserable life).

At 1:58 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2:02 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Thanks Nathalie,

I remeber Boss posted pictures of SuperCabal last year


(I still can't persaude blogger to let me do links, despite everyone's instructions. I think it just doesn't like me. . .

At 2:11 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Have you tried Lorraine's trick (i.e. prepare your link in a draft post on your blog using the embedded facility and copy/paste)?

At 2:36 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Really Marjorie, would work/court kick up a fuss if you multi-coloured your hair? I was in court every day when my hair had all the different colours.
I guess they weren't too wild though, copper, red/burgandy and my natural colours.
Mind you, I do remember one judge telling off a barrister for wearing patterned stockings. Laugh was on him though, he was told off later for being sexist. I mean look at the bow-ties some of the guys wear!

At 2:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you liked the Scotsman's joke kitty cat.....just keep your hands where we can see 'em!!!

At 2:47 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

oh dear.

At 2:52 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...


At 3:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pity, it looks like they only have one flavour.

At 3:01 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...


At 3:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOW! with more Thunfisch!!

You *definitely* has a flavour....hehehe

At 3:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


You've sent me on a very interesting trip...the artist of those hats is unfortunately no longer with us, but was quite prolific in designing with different galleries.

Go here to see true Panda monium..
Click on the drawings.
Trust me on this one.

At 3:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't take credit for really knowing his stuff, but what I've seen is amazing.

They're all so cute and I've been trying to work out a favourite, but I can't.

It would be nice to cuddle one :)

At 3:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

....And now I go to the website and find he was a she and how she died.

It was sad.

At 4:33 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Apparently it is catching... this morning's forecast calls for bands of heavy snow.

I like snow, but not yet! We don't even have the heat on, or the leaves raked.

At 4:51 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

My hair styling routine is very much like yours, Jess. I cut it more often because it is fairly short but that's about it.
And what I LOVE about my hairdresser is that he thinks my hair looks good with its white bits. It is certainly more original than getting it dyed (and I like the attitude of my white hair: They have very much a drag queen stance and WON'T be ignored).

At 5:13 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I've been thinking I might dye the tips of my sideburns white and go all Reed Richards.

I've always wanted white hair, like Jim Jarmusch, but I'm afraid to nuke it lest it all fall out.

At 6:02 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Here is Reed Richards, for comparison. I figure I could start small and test it out that way. Maybe even transition into it slowly, starting at the tips of the sideburns and working my way up.

At 6:24 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Kali, the info came back just now and there has been a knitting race along side NaNo: NaKniSweMo

At 7:20 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I'm with Kitty on the length -- leave it mostly long, but just have the front bits cut so they soften up your face. But I'm pleased to see Maddy agrees with me about the color and the cut in general. ;)

Dan, go with the Reed Richards look!

Fods, Erin from Hair Police needs to get her butt back out here so I can have new dreadlocks! Mine, uh, still are the same ones from April. They might not be removable anymore. I wish I could have nothing BUT dreadlocks, but that would be the final straw at work. I already get away with tattoos, piercings, and a few colored dreads. Best to not push it.

At 7:46 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Lys, how did the movie turn out???

Hair Hats????

Right, long it will be staying, Inever meant SHORT short anyway, Kitty!I'd get thrown out of the club!

Not that there is anything wrog with short hair, just don't think it is ME...

Very sleepy yet, woke up and couldn't really sleep until an hour before alarm of course. It was nic eevery time I woke to read your comments. Like I spent the night with all of you.

Ok, that was clearly a pre-tea remark.

I can send Val little e-mails today, on the progress, since she just e-mailed me last night, I can reply to her and she can comment from me.

No idea what will happen, but that is really the fun of going out, now isn't it?

At 7:47 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Now ON for some TEA.
Speaking of which...

At 7:51 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Tea. Good. Yes. Fod loves us and the proof of which is tea.

At 7:52 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Yes, O Queen of Dork, but you have to actually email me this time! *coughrememberdrivebloggingcough* ;)

At 8:02 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I can only REPLY to e-mails, oh Princess of Dork! And I can't go back and search them out as I get too many every day, so they have to be , like recent, see?

Maybe Kitty will show me how whn next she comes. Only SHE has an I phone now and may be too cool for me and my blackberry.

(Of course, her I hone isn't going to WORK, in my town, hee-hee, we'll see who is cool!)

At 8:09 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

That is why I thought ahead and sent your phone a text message. ;)

At 8:14 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Saw that. Right . I am going.

To either wonderfulnes or my doom. Fine line.

At 8:20 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

My hair always gets darker as the days get shorter. I have been trying to decide what to do for Halloween as well. I hope you have fun with whatever you choose. Changing hair color is one of my little joys in life. :)

At 8:34 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

You cannot be anything less than Fabulous. Go forth and conquer.

At 8:39 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

OK those hair hats are amazing, in a good and creepy way. I think I could do that with the hair on my head. I have lots. :) One of my fav little hair adventures was when I lived with a hair stylist and he colored my hair bright red and then added Bride-of-Frankenstein platinum streaks at the temples. Fun. Too old for that now I think. Or maybe just to poor and lazy. But maybe I will try something fun on Friday.

My Mom's hair was completely white by the time she was 20. Looked a lot like the Jarmusch photo. I think that once my hair is mostly gray I will go that way too. I like the sideburns idea, Dan.

At 8:47 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I'd love to have my hair all white if it wasn't for the fear of looking like Andy Warhol.

At 8:50 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Well and I think the idea of all white hair was more appealing before I was actually old. :) Now I want color. I get tired of whatever color it is and change it anyway. I only have long hair because I am too lazy to cut it. My roots are showing now though so I better do something or I am gonna look a little (more) trashy.

At 9:02 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Jess, it's been snowing all morning in State College. Blah.

My office is freezing. I have a tiny corner office with two windows in an uninsulated brick building built in 1936. I love my windows, but freeze all winter.

And I'm doing something incredibly boring that requires me to sit at the computer all day. Well, and listen to Anansi Boys. Boring, with not too much attention required.

At 9:56 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

The failblog could be a real time-suck! looks like this car parked on the wrong side of the street ;)

dan -- sideburns, yes!

They're talking about us getting rain on Friday now... no! Slinky dog is not a waterproof costume!

can't wait to see what happened with the Hair Project -- an elephant perhaps... with red and purple streaks?

my in-laws show up today from Chicago. They'll be here a week. Which means we might actually go out to catch a couple of movies or something-- free babysitting!

At 10:42 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hair Decision 2008 update!

A mass of mats has been discovered. It's been very painful so far, but Quiche is not the worst Amy's seen... (well, Amy has not met me). Amy has a Plan, but all I know is that it involves a comb.

Stay tuned, sports fans!

At 11:48 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I look forward to being surprised by whatever new hair look you end up with, Q.

So many great and interesting links!

It sounds like the eastern US folks are getting real snow. We had tiny flurries the other day. Today is sunny and a balmy 50 degrees. Lovely!

At 11:51 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hair Decision 2008:

There are many colors. 'Different' has been used.

Stay tuned!

At 12:07 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

oh my iPhone WORKS IN YOUR TOWN.
it's the goofy ass T-mobile thing that Boss was looking at that doesn't....
iPhone will take OVER your town....
sinister laugh here........

i hear the FabLo hair is stunning, awaiting the photos...

and i just got my Madonna week schedule, i am running the VIP room, can you say, me-ouch.
and then go directly to THE WHO!!!
extra happy about that.

DANTH, i absolutely have always had school girl crush on Reed Richards, BECAUSE OF HIS HAIR.
I am not alone in this....
be ready for onslaught of women attention, warn your wife and lock your doors.

At 12:15 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hair Decision 2008:

Oh boy. A LOT of colors. Including the Color That Shall Not Be Named.

At 12:25 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hair Decision 2008:

The Color Which I Can Spell Perfectly Well But Choose Not to Name is in the mix. ;) And I have decided that when I visit, I must have Amy cut my hair.

Amy says, 'Durr! Course I rock!'

At 12:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope it's a big-toothed comb and detangler. Otherwise,yeeouch!
And colors plural! Yay!

Dan Reed Richard is always a classic look..I think it'd look good on you.

I've always thought the Jarmusch look was awesome, but probably wouldn't work for me since I'm already so pale as to be near translucent.

Spacelaw the sad thing is, I don't knit:( But it does look pretty cool.

Must go try brain science now..

At 12:29 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hair Decision 2008:

Pictures tonight! PMS 246 is one of the colors... let's see who is a designer and gets it. ;)

At 12:29 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hair Decision 2008:

Pictures tonight! PMS 246 is one of the colors... let's see who is a designer and gets it. ;)

At 12:34 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I don't trust myself with hair advice, since mine is such a pain that I always just keep it braided behind me and out of the way. I am not one to offer good hair advice. I do, on the other hand, love the way you look with red hair.


At 12:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heeheehee..not a designer but google is certainly a help. I Like It:)

And the brain science was fun, even if I can only see her going clockwise..my brain won't flip it for some reason.

At 12:39 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

246? I'd SO get fired!

Maybe I need a new job...

(Okay, actually I wouldn't get fired, but it would make certain parts of my job... challenging.)

Can't wait to see pics!

At 12:40 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...


Oh yeah and the white sides are completely hot, Dan.

At 12:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Panta... you are TEASING us with these hair updates!! :)

Dan--oh, yes....do warn your wife if you go all Reed Richards on us. There will be beating off of Fiends *and* other folk with sticks. Hmm. Perhaps that was a poor choice of words.

re the Dancer....last time I saw that, she was swapping off directions every few seconds (am I schizo?)--this time, it was strictly clockwise (right brain) all the way for several minutes. Couldn't even make her change direction. Until I looked at the shadow below her feet, and then it was back and forth again.
Now when I look at it, it is definitely back and forth.

Is it possible to program one's use of right/left brain?


At 1:04 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

it always cracked me up that the colors were "PMS" colors. I really don't think 246 is a color worthy of the label PMS ;-) I can't wait to see it in Q's hair though!

people can actually see the dancer spinning some direction other than clockwise? I don't even see an inkling of her changing directions!

At 1:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Science Kittehs!

At 1:16 PM , Blogger Amy said...

I saw the dancer going both ways...but not switching while I looked it at. If I shut my eyes and looked at it again, sometimes it would go the other direction...sometimes not.

Ooooh! That's a lovely color! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!

At 1:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Pretty!!

PMS 246 ...Just in case the photos don't do it justice :)

Requested update for Q on the tv movie:
Turns out Tin Man was a SciFi channel mini-series which ran late last year (okay, you know *my* excuse as I was out of the country at the time). It was largely panned by people who expected, due to the advertising, a retelling of the Wizard of Oz in some modern fantasy style.
I had no expectations, and got to pick up the imagery and references as they came along, finally figuring out that it was something of a steampunk/Mirrormask/Princess Bride gone dark SEQUEL to the Wiz, w/many elements reworked and a new quest. Much reference/homage/cliches made re the genre(s).
Great cast--example: Richard Dreyfuss plays a hookah-smoking Caterpillar-esque version of the Wizard that oddly works.

SO....I rather think I like it; this was part one...but watching the next two parts will entail midnight to two am viewing. Perhaps it is available SOMEWHERE on dvd.

At 1:18 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Dammit woman spin the other way for me! Not that I have a problem with the right brain thing, but I want to see her switch!

At 1:37 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I see the dancer going both ways. ;) But then, one could easily joke that's only to be expected.

And no, *I* am not the tease. Quiche is the tease! I'm just reporting what she tells me…

At 1:43 PM , Blogger Amy said...

Tin man is available on Dvd. And Netflix! Yay! I just added it to my list.

At 1:46 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

If I look with the corner of my eyes she changes direction. Too weird!

At 1:49 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

how does the matting thing happen? i'm curious; never had hair really long that i didn't have to wash & condition & 'do' every day. sounds way too painful, i think i'll keep the tresses shorn.

At 1:55 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I know how it happens; mine dreads up in the back. If you have really finely textured hair, and it gets rubbed against things too much, it'll mat and dread up. Or make knots. Or generally misbehave. I sympathize with Boss' Crazy Hair.

At 2:10 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

ohhh; how awful! Ok; I'm now officially thankful for my (what I used to hate) hair. Matting sounds horrible!

This may sound like grousing to some but having outrageously thick, naturally curly hair is truly a pain in the pattokie. I always wanted thinner, perfectly straight hair so I could wear it super short & spiked out. I don't feel so bad now. The poor thing should have much wine to soothe what must be a painful experience. Add to that the crazy itching you get after the coloring!

At 2:44 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Hair Decision 2008:

I have seen the Hair. And it is good.

Better than good actually, it's totally kickass! Trying to convince Quiche to go outside in the sun and shoot it so you all can see the colors. ;)

At 2:48 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Make that PMS 226, not 246. The word Val won't say is Fuchsia. And pink. And light purple. And Dark purple. And Black.

I so love this hair, it is the best EVER!!!! Amy so rocks, I was born to have purple and black hair!!!!!!

Yes, there very much will be pictures after I get home tonight!

At 2:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I know, I know, hardly a fair peak, I took a quick one on photobooth tho and it will have to do for the moment...

Kitty will take some REAL pictures when next she is here!

At 2:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, hey Val. Well, the sun, sadly is pretty well down for the day, it is 5:00pm here and nearing winter, and it IS the North...

At 3:11 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Aww. I keep forgetting you live in the land of No Sun.

At 3:49 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Cripes - go to work - miss a hair adventure. BUT - I came home to a treat on my front porch - PRINCE OF STORIES!!!!! Pages 506 - 513!!!! The Fabulous Lorraine!!! Woo Woo!!! The next time I'm in the North Country, I'm looking for an autograph, Missy, Mauve Hair or no.

Of course, I have 42 other books in the queue to read before I get to this one, but....Woo Woo.

And, sorry, Lys - I could have told you about Tin Man, but didn't get here in time. I think it's worth taping, or Net Flixing, but not really worth staying up till 2.

I finally gave in to the white hair, and people tell me it looks lovely - it is thick, and I'm greatful, but I always wanted Chrystal Gayle hair.

Now, does that date me or what? Let me wind up the Victrola and do the Lindy.

Food - I need food...


At 4:13 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yeah, no sun...SO sad.

It's not mauve, Siri! It's purple and fuschia! And black and pink!

Which probebly makes mauve.

I thought your hair ws lovely, and we all want Crystal Gayle hair at some point in our lives We used to call it "Maiden Hair"

At 4:20 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

what little I can see that teen tiny picture looks awesome Q!! how long did it take?

I too picked up my copy of prince of stories today, I got as far as seeing "the fabulous Lorraine" in the index which made me giddy ;-) can't wait to read it!!

At 4:37 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, WOW! :)

At 4:40 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Wow! What I can see of it looks really fabulous!

At 4:41 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Ooh, i finally opened the dancer page and she was spinning clockwise...finally! Now i'm satisfied--my dancer goes both ways ;-)

At 4:45 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I have to confess that is all I have read so far, my bits....The book should be lovely tho.

I need to go find this dancer too, what does it tell me again?

Ok, pics are up, so you can see the wonder of this new hair. I warn you tho, I look like the one eyed girl from Futurama in the firdt pic.

WHih I kind of like.

At 4:56 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Maiden Hair? Crap - missed out on that one, too. Thanks for the lovely hair comment - I'm quite happy with it, as you are with yours.


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