Monday, November 03, 2008

Moving A Hive In The Dark One Evening....

Did I mention the one thing about moving a Beehive, is that it must be done at night? This is because during the day, the little darlings are all out doing Bee Things, and you don't want them to come home and go "Hey! What the heck? Who moved the hive?"

The cast for this evenings adventure in Bees included myself, Boss and the Ever Up For Anything, Woodsman Hans. ("Say, Hans, might you not stay a little late tonight, until it gets dark and take your truck out into the woods with us, and move a beehive, of really nasty bees?" "Sounds like fun" says Hans. Ladies, you want to party with this guy!) The Birdchick, sadly, had prior commitments.

Light, of course, is needed, and light that you do not have to hold is the best. So I had an orange hat with a light clipped to it on the brim. In my Bee Suit. This hive is a very angry defensive hive that as had a lot of issues in the past, and now is a combination of Kitty/Olga hives. Makes a LOT of honey tho.

One thing I did not know about Bees in the dark is that, well, the one thing they can see is, say, LIGHT, and being somewhat irritated (this hive is somewhat irritated on it's best of days, and was rather some than Somewhat irritated to be woken in the night and moved) began to Go Towards the Light, IE my head. Bonking, buzzing, crawling...At me, on me....In the dark...

I am pretty nervous about Bees, due to a childhood trauma, and do not like working this hive in the daytime. I tried to keep it together, as Boss had a hole in his glove and a bee got in, as did Hans a moment later. Let me tell you, a Bee IN your suit is NOT what you want in the dark. But Boss and Hans were calm, direct, dealt with it, and did not get stung.

I freaked, too many Bees in the dark, too angry, too scary, Got stung in the stomach, and ran.. Turned into a Demon.

Well, no. Just looks like it. Boss got me away from the hives, and calmed me down (Owe him for that) . He said "We will now make you invisible to Bees", and turned my Head Lights red, which bees cannot see.

There are many methods of moving a hive, since we were not going far, we decided to simply put a bottom and a top on each of the three brood boxes and duct tape them up, put them in the truck and have Hans drive them to their new home, some half mile away.

I walked.

We left an empty box there for any stragglers to go to and tomorrow will fetch them to their new home.

The problem with the Head Light is that it would not STAY on my head, especially when freaking. I tried it on the top, as you can see, tho that did not work so well either.

We set the hive up in its new place inside the electric fence, doing a partial reversal. (Fancy Bee Term meaning switch two boxes around, so the bottom box is on the top, and the top is on the bottom, as the bottom box was not as full as the other two)

We did the quickly. When moving a hive, speed is your friend. And we put a branch in front of the hive to let the Bees know Something was Different, and so they could re-orient to it.

Cabal had a fine time, even turning into a Ghost Dog at one point to go with my Demon.

I think it was an Adventure. The silliest part was as I was getting stung and yelling OW OW OW, I was also yelling "I am stung! I am Stung! I am not a Bee Virgin!!!"

Before you get too sympathetic tho, I must tell you, I was stung not only thru the Bee Suit, but also a shirt, so there was not a lot of Ommph left by the time it got to my, er, somewhat less than flat stomach...

All in a days work. I love it.

Love and Bees,


At 8:29 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

So tempting that since I am suddenly faced with a blank comment stream... I must say...


Sorry about the sting Lorraine. glad you had steady heads around you to beat back the demon possessing you. It all sounds pretty scary

I thought that article that you (or was it Sharon) linked to said you needed to move them either very short distances (a few dozen feet at a time) or very long distances (10 miles)... I guess that is why you used the branch. Is there a high chance you could lose the hive or that they could lose their orientation because it was not one of those distances?

At 8:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Quiche and everyone,

That was the scariest story I've heard for awhile. I don't think I'd cope very well with a lot of angry bees buzzing about.

Thank you everyone for putting up your Halloween pics, I haven't seen them all yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

Seriously though, anyone who had teenage girly daydreams of horses and hasn't ridden for years, you really should. It's such a great feeling and it's as easy as falling of a log, which I didn't. Or the horse.

At 8:40 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Stung through the suit?! No good at all. *shudder* Glad you're okay.

At 8:41 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Holy Crap! Beez buzzing at night, in the dark, pissed off, all of you guys in WHITE suits. Nerves of steel you must have had. Fab; I'm feeling bad for you about your sting on the tummy; not the least tender of spots but certianly not like an arm or something. Jeez! Gutsy folks all of you.

*oh, and to Rubius; ok; so yer first; big deal* (she says all disgruntled and selfish and not intending any real malfeasance whatsoever) :)

At 8:44 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

oh and ... Congratulations on losing your Bee-virginity!! hehehe

sigh... I work at a horse and carriage company and I miss riding so much!!! Actually I don't work with the horses at all... barely know them, sadly. I work miles away in the office... but perhaps it is for the best since I am very allergic to hay. But I sure do miss riding. I used to ride years ago... it isn't very easy (or cost efficient) to ride when you live in the city.

At 8:49 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

It seems odd to congratulate for losing bee-virginity...but, um, congrats?

I would be sooo totally freaked. I got stung in the boob by a bee when we accidentally disturbed a hive while mushroom hunting in the cold-rainy fall. Not expected. Hurt much. Just a few weeks pregnant with ben--All i have to say is yay for benadryl being pregnancy-safe!

Glad you had level heads around you, my hubby's allergic, we just made him run away.

You are an amazing assistant.

At 8:49 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

stacy, lol, ;-)

I had been watching everyone on youtube yell 'FIRST' at every opportunity... it is such a joke. A pointless comment just to say you were there... it is like writing 'I was here' on a wall... but it is undeniably tempting... especially when a place gets so populated that it becomes rare to find it empty. In Pompeii and other ancient Roman cities they found equivalent writing on the walls. Apparently it is a western human characteristic, I wonder if that holds true in other ancient buried civilizations?

Ah, the price of popularity... popular grafitti!!

At 8:55 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

That is certainly an Adventure. I love the photos! This could be a great Halloween costume I think. With the orange light. Scary! :shivers:

Sorry about the sting! I am glad it was not a super bad one.

I find it so interesting that the hives have such distinct personalities. Fascinating.

At 8:56 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

is it an old wive's tale that a bee can only sting once then die?

At 9:03 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Strange thing about that first bee sting...I had MY first bee sting just over a week ago. I deliberately didn't say anything about it here because I didn't want to jinx anything for you.

Sorry about the sting but glad it didn't have much oomph behind it by the time it got to you (or at least the part of you that actually registers such things).

At 9:39 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Sorry you got stung, Ms. Fabulous. :(
At least you had two layers between you and the bee, and it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Cool photo of you in the suit with the light, though!

At 9:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Stacy, I will give you a heads up tomorrow, whe I post. Do I have your e-mail? So you can be first. Actually just wrote a draft on a , I hope funy take on the election and why I should be President, hee-hee...

The hive should be ok, as it is so cool they aren't really foraging much , they want to stay in.

Bees can only sting once, then they die. Only when they sting , they let off a phermone that says to other bees "help help we are in danger" and all the other bees come flying....

As an assistant beekeeper dragged kicking and screaming into this, I can tell you hive DO have personalities...

At 9:46 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They were cool photos weren't they, hee-hee. I loved them . Boss gets the credit for them.

Being stung thru 2 layers is nowhere near as bad as being stung IN your suit or in your hair, as my fellow beekeepers have been...

But I do have to say, just to you privately, tonight scared me. A lot. Boss and Hans did it. Not me. I was not the one who got it done.

At 9:56 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

*A million shudders*

I always read your bee stories with delicious fear, being allergic to them and all, but this truly was a bee horror story right down to the scary bee suits with light emanating from where a head should be. Oh wait - there is a head in there, its not a case of the headless bee zombies stealing the hives.

How's your tummy feeling Lorraine? Being a bee-virgin, you wouldn't have know whether you'd get any sort of reaction from the sting, so I hope you are okay.

Those bees better give you lots and lots of nice honey now.

At 10:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I'm fine, truly. Yeah, it's scary , but you know, a little trial by fire never hurt anyone.

And working with bees is magic, earth magic, on a very basic leval.

Like Leopard. They don't adapt to you. You adapt to them.

At 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arrrggghhh....that is a SERIOUSLY scary tale. I'm shivering just thinking of it.
Yes, It's true--I was in Iraq. Twice. And I would rather go back than move a bee hive!! eeeeeee.....

You are okay, now, though??? Right?

and yes, Quiche, I agree. More parties--less explosions. Works for me (and much thanks for the great stuff from yourself and himself.)

Your description of the night made me think of one other thing--how Neil can just go along, ethereally, almost not seeming in totally in the world, needing help to remember his hat and goat...
until SOMETHING HAPPENS and then he is that absolute voice of reason and competence. Charming...

At 10:07 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And oh, I didn't say this in the post, this is special for those of you who read the comments, there is a saying..

" Trust in Allah, but tie your camel"

I would like to amend that to..

"Trust in Fod, but don't go comando in your bee suit.."

(I was wearing the wrong clothes, too bulky, talk about panty lines!)

At 10:10 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Lys, it was out pleasure, knowing what we sent made you and the people you were with happy. And I am fine, really. Scary yes, but how fu is boring.

And yes, Writers,my Boss included can be the epitomy of the absent minded proffs, but when it comes down to Needing To be There. He was. In Spades.

At 10:11 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

This keyboard is seriously starting to frustrate me...Darn typos....

At 10:16 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I was so thrilled by you r adventure that I actually came here directly instead of reading the comments on the previous posts!

That was something! It must have been really spooky. I suppose the duct taping of all orifice wasn't too thorough (and bees are so tiny).
So you're not a virgin anymore, eh?

Great icon, Kristina.

At 10:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stung *through* the suit? That was one P.O'ed bee..

I don't blame you at all for running..if I had bees coming at my head like that I would've lost it completely and hyperventilated. *shudder*

Glad you're ok, and that Boss took good care of you.

"Trust in Fod, but don't go comando in your bee suit.."
Wise words indeed.:)

At 10:20 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning, Nathilie! I was hoping you would be up before I went to bed.

The duct taping HELPED but not completely, Hans was a hero, driving buzzing with bees, and these bees were so angry they STAYED with us,we were all covered in bees.

Despite moving away from the area. I am still Feeling these bees...

At 10:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came home from rehearsal not long ago. Am enjoying a nice glass of Pinot Grigio, and catching up on all this.

What a waste of nice Pinot G....snorting it through the nose at
"don't go commando in a bee suit."


Then again, my deviated septum is clearer than it has been in AGES!!

At 10:21 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, Kali, THRU the bee suit. Can happen when they are pissed....

Hee-hee, I think it words to live by....

At 10:22 PM , Blogger vampi said...

the bee posts are not good bedtime reading material. eeek bees crawling on me would turn me into a screaming crying mess.

oh and i'm allergic to benedryl so i'd need some other sting relief measure.

commando in bee suit is probably best for days when you are the photographer, and not the bee magnet with the hat light.

At 10:22 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I made Lys snort Vino!


Lys, you so have to come here and just Bee.....

At 10:24 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well, Vampi, I do confess that Sharon and I in the summer when it is 90 plus often went comando...

(she says, starting a whole lot of new fantasies...)

At 10:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, sweetie...I'll be happy to go there..with my best

hehehehe. You know I'm afraid of VERY few things. Those hives are sources of honey,beauty, wonder...and fear.

Birdchick's videos have made me actually appreciate the personality, the character... everything good about the bees.

From a distance.


At 10:28 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Lys, I would have said I would be the LAST person to ever get involved in this, but here I am. You never know until you try....

At 10:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got me there.

At 10:33 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And uh, hello? You went to Iraq and were smart enough to know a Halloween party was what was needed. I am so hiring you when I become President.

(see tomorrows essay)

You have nothing to fear from bees. Well may this hive. This is not the take off your glove and eat from your hands hive.

At 10:33 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Go to bed now, Lorraine, you need to be up in good shape tomorrow to go and vote.

At 10:34 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Thanks Nat,

Lorraine, excellent!!! Absolutely Perfect. I think we need to pad you out in foam-core scale mail under that bee suit.

for an election post I must point to Malena' s post. I thought it was quite inpiring.

At 10:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rainie for Prez!!

Works SO for me. Too bad New Mexico didn't allow write in votes.

At 10:36 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I SO want to see these hive alive and kicking, not huddled in their plastic shrouds, dreaming their little bee dreams and snoring in their sleep.
And I'd go at it with the macro lens I got last time I was there...

At 10:37 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I should go tosleep, yes voting tomorrow. Cabal and I are both going to vote, not that they let HIM have a say, and not that he cares, they do not adress the issues important to him, walking in the woods, steak for dinner, and going anywhere in the car.....

Of course he already HAS these rights....

But the voting place is not a mile from out house, so we will have a fine walk.

At 10:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am going to unveil my platform tomorrow, and oh yes, I , quote Steve Brust.

I know, a little late in the game, but I couldn't help think how things would be different...

Nathilie, they but sleep perchance to dream, they will wake....Their little lives folded in a sleep...

At 10:41 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

hey... if you are ever trolling for bee-volunteers... I'd love to help with a hive or two - fod knows with my allergies (not to bees, I am happy to report) - beware bad pun ahead - I have LOTS of experience with hives.

But seriously I think it is Exceptionally cool. I admit I have wanted to bee-keep since I was a kid and I saw Bruce Wayne on the OLD batman tv show beekeeping.

Sleep well Lorraine!!

At 10:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome....thank you for linking that over.

We should be sending that EVERYWHERE.

Have to mention, women in Iraq have the right to vote. They didn't always. They often DON'T KNOW THAT THEY DO NOW!!

One of our biggest missions was communicating this (sensitively)
And communicating that it was THEIR right, and that they would go in and do it, and that their tribal leader or husband might not even be there to tell them how to vote.


When I was there, every time we had an election (like the last mid-terms) the Iraqis were always so amazed at what came over the satellite tv the oppositions...that a bunch of people were voted out of office.

They thought that was AMAZING!
And you know what.

It is.
Boy, are we lucky.

At 10:45 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Rbious, very funny, hives....

Lys, I think the perspective you must have is amazing, we can't imagine here, how different such simple things we take for granted can be...

At 10:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if you're gonna quote Steve, it's gonna be worth waiting for.:)

At 11:03 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

"Trust in Fod, but don't go comando in your bee suit.."

Brilliant title for a book L.

At 11:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

One hopes. It is the sort of essay that goes between funny and what I really think..I am shooting for humour.

Of course it is really an attempt to avoid what I am MEANT to be writing, which is an article for and an e-mail interview for a school in Australia...

At 11:05 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Right Salley, hee-hee, I am avoiding enough writing as it is...

Off to sleep, my Fiends, will read you in the night, make my dreams sweet...

At 11:19 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Off to bed all...have to get a good night's sleep so i can vote correctly tomorrow ;-)

At 12:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This could be Cabal when Boss is away.

At 12:29 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

You beat me to it Kali!

At 12:35 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

He is entirely devoted to his pack leader, that dog.

At 1:14 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Sorry to hear about the bee-sting, Q - Don't go commando in your bee suit could aslo be a song, don't you think?

Lys, Ilove the thought of Boss needing someone to keep track of his hat & goat. No well dressed write should EVAR tour without his goat....

Good to see spookey demon bee sit pictures, and also to see a pic of Woodsman Hans - nice to have a face to put to the name, although I had always imagined him older and greyer, more like someone out of a Grimm brothers tale . .

And for all of you who are having an election, remember, vote early and often!

At 1:22 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Yes, don't forget all of you in the USA, we other-landers are relying on you. No pressure.

At 1:24 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

No pressure at all.
Just saying.

At 1:27 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

aaargh. forgot to tick the box for e-mail updates. (ticks box in a marked manner)

At 1:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marjorie--never heard "May I take your hat and goat?"

Actually, I've been saying that for so long, I'd forgotten the source.
Was going to credit Monty Python, but decided to double check.
And a good thing that was!!

Turns out it is Firesign Theater! formative years. No wonder those things stick with you, long after the original reference is misted up.

Proving once again that the universal intratubezie thingie is omniscient, this little gem popped up during my search. Don't ask me how A dress a day!

At 2:36 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

says something about me - I find it much easier to write 2,000 words a day than I would to make a dress a day. That would lead to lots of stress.

At 2:40 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

No, never heard 'my hat & goat'. Clearly my education has been sadly neglected(!)

At 2:47 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I can manage a simple skirt a day - or a kimono type jacket - but a dress is WAY too complex to be done in just one day, especially how I like them (i.e. well tailored and fitted).
I'll stick to one skull a day...

At 2:50 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Definately nothing with a zip. Zips don't like me, they always misbehave when I'm trying to put them in a garment.

At 2:56 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Putting them on a new garment is not TOO difficult (depending on the where and how, of course) but replacing them! Yickes.

At 2:57 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I just seem to be pretty hopeless at making them neatly's the flappy bits that defeat me almost everytime.

At 3:09 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It is the tricky maddening bit indeed.

At 3:21 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

G'morning all! Lorraine, what an exciting evening! Boss continues to impress, and you continue to come up with the perfect funny quote afterwards: "Don't go commando..." :)

I hope it won't make you more uncomfortable next time you work with the bees. Confidence is the way to go.

Here, the sky is just lightening, not even dawn yet, and I am eating multigrain porridge (like fancy oatmeal with not just oats) and blueberries and walnuts.

And then, off to vote. Though I suppose I should shower and dress first. Cleanliness is not a requirement for suffrage in this country, but I prefer it nonetheless.

At 3:25 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Vote well, after enjoying your porridge.

I'm about to hit the sack, after an evening of television that was primarily all about your election.

At 4:11 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Nyargh. This time change is killing me. Up at 3:45 am, and I don't feel like working out at all this morning. Besides, it's a special occasion, as it is raining! I'm stoked about the rain; like a true native Angeleño, I went and stood outside in it for a minute to marvel at it. Rain is rare and magical to me, even now that i've grown up.

You know, with professors as parents, I find I inherited their absent-mindedness. I've got a slew of embarrassing stories about how normal, easy, everyday things completely elude me. But in a genuine crisis, I'm your woman. I grew up thinking that of course, everyone forgot
things like where their coffee went, and was amazed to
discover most people actually kept track of all that stuff. I
need a Minder. One of my coworkers minds me in the
office, making sure I eat, get to meetings, locates my
coffee, and generally keeps up the façade of me as a
professional. (ha!)

It's all about focus, really. Where I normally am preoccupied thinking about a lot of different things at once (and thus doing spectacularly absentminded things), in a crisis, all my attention gets focused on the problem at hand, and the solution becomes very obvious, and before I know it, I'm the one talking someone down/stopping the fight/breaking someone's nose/MacGuyvering something together.

And lest I seem like I'm bragging, let me point out that in the course of writing this comment, I've been trying to make coffee and failing utterly. Coffee pots need water, apparently. Sheesh! But then, I am a writer AND an artist, so the absentmindedness is doubled.

At 4:28 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

"Cleanliness is not a requirement for suffrage in this country, but I prefer it nonetheless"
Tea was snorted. Just so you know. I've heard they appreiciate the whole clothed-ness, too!

With coffee pots, one thing I have learned is that as well as needing water (and coffee, ideally, and yes, I do speak from experience, having carefully made myself a large jug water last weekend) is that they need to be turned off once you have finished the coffee and left for 2 days in MAnchester to see your favourite author. Otherwise you come back to a suspicious hot smell and you have to buy a new jug.

I have a minder at work, who not only keeps track of where everything is and what Ishould be doing, but also very sweetly pretends (mostly to clients) that it is her fault and not mine when we fail do do stuff on time. If only I had one at home, too. Does anyone know any eligable young(ish) men looking for someone to love, honour and organize?

At 4:29 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

And having posted that, and (given that it's lunch time here now) gone to get my lunch out of my bag, I realise that it is still sitting in the fridge (or possibly on the counter) at home.


At 4:39 AM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

WOW. What an amazing post to wake up to!! As always, you amaze me, Fablo. "Mad bees in the night, exchanging stingers, haters at first site, with beekeeping ringers . . ." Okay, that's as good as it gets this early. :-) Sorry, folks, and have a lovely day...

At 4:54 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Marjorie, I'd send you my Minder, but he is married to a lovely, sweet woman already. I'm not sure how well Minding and Dating go together: love requires blissful ignorance of one's flaws, and Minding requires intimate knowledge of the same. 'Bemused fondness' is probably the best I could hope for from a Minder, I think. Absentmindedness only sounds endearing and cute until you're on the wrong end of it. Unless, of course, you grew up with it like I did, and then it just seems normal.

Okay, I am really going to make coffee now. Tv coffee pot will be my bitch. *glares at the recalcitrant pot*

At 5:05 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

trust in fod but dont go commando....snicker,how true, and how funny Lorraine - but a sting is a sting, and i don't care how many layers one has on - i would've been scared too. Are we all voting? i am leaving as soon as i get the dogs fed and hope the lines aren't too long. good luck with the coffee pot val, make it do your bidding :) My absentmindedness extends to cordless phones, two of which are hiding somewhere on the property, i keep their chargers in the vain hope they will show up some day. also a pair of glasses, numerous coffee cups...

At 5:20 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Sunday morning I had to go shopping for food and - not absent minded at all - I checked my bag to see if I had everything I needed. List, keys, papers, telephone... No wallet!
I checked various places pockets, other bags. Nothing. I had last used the wallet on Friday when I went out to buy some bread and sausages. And I was quite sure I had come back with it because I had placed it in the bag with the sausages. And the sausages had made it home. And into the fridge.
This is how I finally discovered my wallet being all nice and cool on the top shelf of the fridge...
Absent minded, moi?
If I do get senile dementia, it might take a while for anyone to find out.

At 5:26 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Is it too early yet to select evil presents for Giftmas?

At 6:09 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Voted, clean and fully clothed, or rather excessively clothed: my polling place is in a retirement home, and they keep the temperature far higher than I find comfortable (but at 90 will probably quite enjoy). 50 minutes in line - read a paper that was supposed to be reviewed a week ago, and knitted. They had cookies. :) Now if the world ends it isn't my fault, because I voted the best I could.

Val, you describe exactly the absent-minded-professor syndrome. I most definitely suffer from that, but counter by making lots of lists, as I do not have a Minder. (I want one!) And I agree, minding does not go well with dating, as they require entirely different perceptions.

Oh, evil presents! I have a mooing cow keychain flashlight (LED nostrils, no really), that is flourished in moments of stress at work.

Oddly, the source of the mooing cow keychain flashlight with LED nostrils is the woman in the next office, WELL within earshot. That seems the kind of gift you'd receive from someone on the next floor.

At 6:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also forgot to add before, I love the Stardust frock. I'm usually a pants girl, but I would "frock up" for a dress like that.

Definitely, when you wear it, there must be photo's.

At 6:32 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Driveblogging from the 91 freeway. Have managed coffee, but missed vanpool to Saltmine u. Grr. At least I can leave work early to vote.

See what happens when you taunt me Jess? I sic Titivillus on you and he throws typos at you!

At 6:49 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Uh, Jess, Val is on the freeway in LA at 7:00am. She IS stationary....

At 6:49 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

don't worry; I'm typing from dead stops. Of which there are many.

At 6:51 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hey! You are awake early too!

At 6:53 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Fods preserve us from mandatory government training.

The listed time is an hour and a half, and it's Flash so I can't make it go much faster.

"You can access the new system using a web browser like internet explorer."

"To change your password, you click the change password button" (but in five screens, including little visuals of your mouse cursor and the button)

And so on.

More coffee is required to continue. MUCH more coffee.

At 6:56 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Morning Everyone,

I had to laugh Jess, at you asking how the bees are this morning, as if I am awake yet, or had tea let along nipped int work!

I can tell you one thing not to do, never ever run screaming across a field in the dark, followed by hiking up and down some seious hills while wearing heavy wellington boots!

I woke up with the worset leg cramp EVER, the kind where you sort of give up and think, well I wil b dead of this soon, and then hobble around...

I am so walking to vote tho!!!!!

Your absentmindedness made me laugh, Firneds! SO funny! (Says the girl who just took 15 minuts trying to figure out what to WEAR in a clean orginised closet consisting of almost entirely black pants and shirts..)

I am a minder, so I know how it goes. Not that I don't NEED one, but I am one too.

Going to click on SPacelaws's link.

At 7:01 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Drink plenty of fluids against the cramp, Lorraine.

At 7:01 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Emergency Yodel button??? Where do you FIND these things?

(If that site doesn't exisit it ought to)

Yes, I am up early. I am excited today. It's in the air. And lots of other nice thiings today, Boss is home, I get my French SKype and class, Dog School tongiht, Jon Stewert and COlbert are doing an hour long bit of comedy.

If my essay ends up funny I will be anouncing my canidency. If it doesn't I will be conceeding the election...

At 7:06 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That site used to have sushi shaped lollies....
(sadly, it doesn't anymore - a Sigmund Freud shaped one is far less appealing.)

At 7:07 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Wow. I had NO IDEA you could be "nervous about bees" and still be a beekeeper.


At 7:13 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sushi lollies would have been nice.

Emily, you can be nervous about anything and still do it. I'm nervous about gettig on stage sometimes, about writing, lots of things You just do them anyway.

At 7:15 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

[Screenshot of application page, with arrow pointing to Logout]

The correct method to use when logging out of ABCD is to use the Logout link. Clicking the Logout link will properly close your connection to ABCD.

Click the Logout link located in the upper right corner of the screen.
(which you then must do)


This is an exact quote of my current torture. Just wanted to share the pain.

At 7:23 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fods, Phiala! Out tax $$ at work, hee-hee, government gets pretty silly. Have you managed to DO anything or just still trying to get tothe place you are meant to do something, whatever that is?

You knw anything with Peanuts has to have a warning label (Forget any other life threateneing allergies, hello, people just read the bit afer Ingrediants:, if Peanuts are listed dont' eat it)

I bought some peanut butter the other day, and I swear, the label read like this:

Ingrediants: Peanuts

And RIGHT uder it...

WARNING! Contains Peanuts!

Just in case some poor peanut allergic person might have MISSED that about PEANUT butter...


Jess, I just snorted tea, with that vision, considering what I wore for my "Nightie" last night....

Comando. Heh.

At 7:24 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I feel for you, Phiala.

At 7:25 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Meanwhile, in sunny Rome, the weather has decided to end the world NOW.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
More tea seems in order.

At 7:27 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Wow what a night you had, Q! Thanks for the pix.

Coffee, coffee and more coffee. I have an automatic machine that hold water and beans in separate parts and all you have to do is push a button to get a cup. Love it. Off to walk dogs and then vote. Lots of stores are giving away free this-and-that today. Including Ben and Jerry's. :) There will be ice cream today!

At 7:34 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

"Select Employee - This menu option is used to select an employee."

No, really?

Grumble grumble.

At 7:36 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh Phiala, I am feeling your frustration. Good luck with all that mess1

At 7:41 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

The weather is ending the world in Rome????

If I could get Bengals to bring me tea in bed, I might not ever leave it...

We need toget Marjorie and automatic shut off coffee pot thingie....My iron has one. Not that I use it, but it is good to know it is there.

At 7:49 AM , Blogger Amy said...

You all could make your teapots (if you have an electric fancy one) and coffeepots automatic. Its not too hard. Just pick up one of those outlet timer thingies. (I found mine at a hardware store.) Then you'll just need to remember to keep it full of water and stuff. (Which is a whole nother issue.)

At 7:56 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Amy's right, I need to get a timer switch to turn it off. Oddly, it'sonly ever the coffee maker I do this too. I@m completely bsessive about turning off all other sockets.

Happily, it seems fairly robust and I haven't once burned the house down (yet)

At 8:04 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It seems the weather gods have decided that we could do with an hour less of daylight and that THEY would supply the lighting and the attractions.
My tea pot has just ended so I suppose I should make my way home - mad engineers being otherwise engaged in doing their mad engineering things and not responding to either phone or email - and write some silly nice words instead of silly work words.

At 8:13 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

You know, there are such things as single cup coffee makers with premeasured coffee, tea, hot chocolate units. Tassimo makes a wonderful said machine. They even have chai T-thingies (pods). I've had cappuccino (faux) from one, and it's pretty good. I friend of mine was demonstrating the machine at stores in the area a couple of years ago. You could put one right next to your bed, Ms. Fabulous. You would have to remember to put water in it the night before, though.
I don't know of any coffee makers that automatically fill up with water. I do know some that have a timer so that your coffee is ready when you get up in the morning. Not that I use such things; I don't drink coffee on a regular basis, plus I don't make coffee anymore. I haven't since I moved out of my parents house around 1983-84.

As soon as DD2 finishes her breakfast, I will go cast my protest. Hopefully, there won't be a long line.

At 8:13 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Finally in my office. Whew.

Phiala, I feel your pain. Who actually *needs* those tutorials? I'll tell you: employees over 55, for whom teh Internets is a newfangled thing to be accessed via Webamagraph. They make me stabby.

I covet an automatic espresso machine in the worst way.

I also covet a Minder at home. And a cabaña boy/girl. Either's fine. Willingness to fetch me drinks is the main thing, really.

At 8:20 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

That is a really, really scary story.

I need more candy. I didn't take enough candy to work today. Someone bring me candy, please.

At 8:21 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And massages.
Massages are a must.

At 8:25 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

MEANO Kitty Hive! Stingin' our Quey'Q.

those photos are greatly spooky, very Blair Witch.

And on the day your camera died, Drew's laptop (Snowy 2) died as well and my iPhoney glommed onto wrong network...communication breakdown.

Am writing from Madonna work camp. it really is amazing to watch these 140 people working together to build a stage up and prep the place for a two hour event, five days in advance. Hey! We are a giant beehive!?

I just wanted to pop in and say hello,
and as for the camera deal, i am feeling large pangs of Irish guilt for not getting that sorted for you.
Really, bra-shopping was our priority though, wasn't it...?

now, am going to go and vote, and got my fingers crossed for some historical outcome! Go Obama!
xoxo will post photos soon, i am Way behind the Times.

ps Rubius, what a lovely new avatar of you...
pps Quiche "don't wear no nightie"...HAHA
ppps Hi LEOPARDS! and how is my beloved Kali-kitten?

At 8:47 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Dan, it took me a bit to figure out what story you were talking about, hee-hee...Right.

Morning Kitty from Boot Camp! Enjoy your hive! Yes, mean bees indeed! Not like YOU in the slightest. DOn't worry on the camera, our Boss has saved me (yet again)

No news on Leopard, but Kali is more of a delight than ever, she misses you tho....(Kitty BONDED with that Kitty)

Back to work. Voting with the dog soon.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

ps for those of you giving up on TURE BOOD as Quiche called it, let me just say, Sunday's episode might just hook you. I am yelling out to Red, "He's..a..." won't spoil surprise for you, but i guessed it!

At 9:10 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Morning all!

Yes, heading to vote soon! After Ben bathes (he's days overdue) and plays his promised games a bit, we'll walk down and hopefully make history nationally plus stop the discrimination and dangerous propositions here in CA.

Hope everyone is out of traffic and coffeed/tead tea should be ready for me, must go drink.

At 9:11 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

OOH, haven't watched sunday's true blood yet since inlaws were here. Will watch tonight, can't wait!
Bill is sexy even though he's a bit cheesball--i'm a sucker for a vampire (ugh, that was bad)

At 9:12 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

I obviosuly need more coffee. I just read your comment as "Boss has shaved me...again"

At 10:02 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

ha!!! Shaved again!!!

Love the puns, people... I love the puns.

Talk about absent minded... I showed up to work an hour late last Monday (not yesterday) because my computer clock told me the time had changed that weekend... then I got up extra early this Monday and was all ready to go to work when I realized that the time actually HAD changed and I still had an hour of snoozing time to go. Sigh. You'd think I would have figured this out by now.

As for the warnings... I was chagrined to notice on my new bag of Pistachios the warning 'May contain Pistachio nuts'.. my first thought was 'It darned well better!!! I just paid $10 for pistachio nuts.... it better have some inside! If it is only shells they will have some explaining to do!!'

Thx Kitty. Good luck out there in the wild world of Madonna.

At 10:33 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Have voted. Now the waiting. :paces nervously:

Kitty! Hope all goes well with Madonna! I got my t-shirt yesterday and gave it to Godchild last night. Everyone is very happy!

Q -- I think that this post of yours is actually a sort of Night Garden story. Bees in the Night Garden: A New Home for Kitty.

At 10:33 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

oh... so I forgot to follow up on my comment just before VCON... Poppet Surprise #1 was Poppet Gingerbread cookies (cut out by hand as I had no cookie cutter and frosted in all the colours of the rainbow)... Poppet Surprise #s 2 and 3 were the window display... I cut out dozens of printed Poppets (photographed up close and the photoshopped to get rid of background) and we taped them up in the hotel display window as surprise #2. 'The big one' was surpirse #3... a life-sized wearable poppet figure made of burlap and paper-mache... and coffee filters... it went home with Lisa and you can see it on her blog.

The most fun was painting the burlap on my deck beside my garden... my best friend and I set up a tarp and put the poppet on a dress form... then we started singing 'We're Painting the Poppet Red, Painting the Poppet Red!!' as we painted ... all to the tune of Disney's Alice in Wonderland song 'we're painting the roses red'. It was pretty fun. Then she cleaned and put silver sparkles on my branches so I could use them for my dragon/dragonfly display in the artshow (I did better at this show than I have ever done before).

At 10:35 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

oops... I was gonna link to the pictures at Lisa's blog

At 10:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in love with my coffee pot. Let's just say, when driving mother and two cats across country during the space meaning only high priority items go in the car and everything else with Bekins...
The Amazing Coffee Maker was DEFINITELY in the car.

We were fortunate in Iraq to be able to order things online and have them shipped--when the civilian internet was working.

Someone in Baghdad had this, and from the first moment I saw it true love bloomed.

Makes a perfect cup in less than 30 seconds, fresh every time. Fair Trade Organic coffees supporting Heifer Int'l, PBS and the National Wildlife Fund among others. Water reservoir--fill and forget. Timer to turn it on. Turns itself off if you leave alone too long.
To make coffee--lift handle, pop in K-cup, lower handle, press button.
For the absent-minded among us (uh, ME before coffee)the only difficulty is remembering to put a cup under it.
Because when I MOST need a cup of coffee, especially overseas, is when I am least capable of making the stuff

Okay, unpaid advert done for today.

Thanks for the Archie McPhee link!! Sure to bring harmony to the most dystopic day :)

At 11:07 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Meh. We have a K-Cup machine at work, and I think it makes mediocre coffee and really awful tea. The water is too hot and the transit time too short. But lots of people here seem to like it, so obviously I'm a different kind of coffee snob.

I usually use a French press, but do want to try one of these.

Rubius, fantastic poppets, and congrats on doing well at the art show.

At 11:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rubius--hee hee! Well done! I really like the picture of the Big Poppet with the "little humans in weird clothes".

Marjorie--I am slipping! As your Evil Triplet, I DEFINITELY need to expose you to FireSign Theater.
....more on that later.....

At 11:10 AM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Love the poppet pix!!!

I'm off to vote and then to the library w/ munchkin.

Finalizing vegas plans as well---ooh, have to rent car. I don't want to be stuck *in* vegas, i want to see pretty red rocks and not deal w/ that horrible town unless i'm eating, watching a show or seeing Boss.

At 11:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phiala--I used to be much more of a coffee snob. Overseas, when I could get to the little shop of the lady from Basra who made perfect Turkish (which takes min 10-15 minutes and CANNOT be rushed), that would be my first choice.
I took a French Press with me (unbreakable carafe) the first tour, but found it difficult to operate on a daily basis (just getting hot water was sometimes a challenge.)

But the "need coffee to survive" gene has had me drinking DFAC (err, Dining FACility) mud and two-day old coffee when necessary (uh, we had run out of bottled water and "tap water" was NOT an option)

The K-machine has been wonderful for me. They have different models, mine allows me to choose how much water goes through and at what temperature. I've also learned which of the K-Cups work better. Tend to stick to the stronger, bolder ones...but it also does well for me with hot chocolate. It took a little experimentation in the beginning.
And I must admit (on the negative) that I wish the cups were recyclable. There is an insert which allows one to use one's own coffee or tea, and I've learned to take advantage of that once sufficiently caffeinated.

At 11:38 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

The Tassimo is similar to the Keurig, and Braun makes a similar machine, too. Unfortunately, last I checked the Tassimo does not have the ability to use your own coffee/tea/hot chocolate blends.

I found the place that makes the skull glasses. Dr. Peepers/Elope makes them, but they are wholesale. They do have a way of finding who sells their products retail, both online and on the street, but you'll have to search for the specific glasses.

Cool, Rubius! Poppet costume and art show! :)

At 11:45 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh yes Rubius! Love the poppet! Well done.

At 11:52 AM , Blogger Amy said...

That giant poppet is the best! And now I have "we're painting the poppet red" stuck in my head.

At 12:28 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Back in those coal chute days, burglars would have kids with them to access such facilities (or chimneys)... They still do.

At 12:28 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Lys - too true! I'd rather drink the K-cup coffee than the stuff in the regular work pot... eeeew! *shudders*

Those are great skull glasses! I have a retail license - we could get some, but the minimum order is $200 to establish a wholesale account, so we'd need a LOT of skulls.

Jess, I think it depends on the particular coal chute, but you are probably safe from sooty thieves.

At 12:41 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

How wide are her hips?
Actually those things could be quite big, so she can probably make it.

At 12:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Germany, many years ago...I was playing along the wooden wall (think three sides to form a square against the brick house) of a coal chute. I fell (little kid, much crying, some blood). I remember thinking, once at the bottom lying on the coal, that it would have been easy to go into the house....but I'd have had to crawl over piles of coal. This place was set up so that you went to the basement, walked back to the coal access point, opened a small door to a weird little room, and stuck your scoop or bucket into the pile to get some coal.

Basically, it was dumped from the truck outside....and just poured it's way into the basement room. So I think most chutes aren't all that small (or they would get clogged during coal delivery) but tend to be blocked w/coal. And if the coal wasn't there, it would be a bit of a hard landing.

Then again, this was decades ago.

Hope it helps.

"painting poppets in my mind...."

K-Cup: Sesame street version of espresso maker? :)

At 12:53 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Ah, a writerly research question. Being insatiably curious, very persistent, but easily bored, one of my dream jobs is to be a writer's research assistant. I'm very good at finding things out.

In Pennsylvania, they were often small, because of the character of the local coal, but you could probably justify a larger one that a skinny person could enter.

At 1:00 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Jess -- we had a coal burning stove when I was very young. The coal bin was basically a whole small room. The door outside where the coal was delivered opened right into the coal bin. If there was any chute it would have been small -- a foot or two at the most.

I am not at all sure about this but I do seem to have a memory of one of my brothers coming in the coal chute after the coal. He would have been a rather skinny teen-aged boy at the time.

At 1:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sometimes they don't really have much of a chute, per se. Gravity takes the coal through whatever opening in the wall the building has, and it spills into a room or a bin depending on the size. Then again (memory dimly returning) I've only lived in larger places w/coal least four families.

Go, Phi!

At 1:10 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I grew up in a house that was built in 1923. It had a coal-burning furnace, and a place where the coal chute had been. It was in the basement, which had a 10' ceiling. You could still see where the chute opening had been, though it was closed off, but I think an average sized person could get into a house via that coal chute. That was in Waco, Texas.

At 1:17 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Also, my mother had an icebox in Fort Worth, Texas, and got ice when the iceman came by. That was in the early, to possibly mid, 1950s.

At 1:29 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi all, just waving from work....

Coal chutes. Got to love it. What a great idea tho, when any Namo folks get stuck or need info, here we all are ready to help!!!!!

Off to French soon, but will try and announce my canidentcy for President before I go....Time is running out, most people have probably already voted...

I have spell that word so badly spell check has no clue, no matter how I spell it...

Ack. Poor brain. Right. Back to work.

At 1:34 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Q: Candidacy.

I promise to vote for you if you'll eliminate all stupid government training!

Even if I did already vote.

At 1:43 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Hey, we do it all again in four years. The campaigning started almost two years ago, so why not four?


At 2:04 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Voted. I took M with me. It feels great that he will be able to say that he was there at such an historic election.

Then had to take my 13 year old hound, Freddie, to the vet. I came home alone. YUCK! Sorry to bring the room down. This will be a night for Chimay and sadness. He was a good dog and will be missed.

At 2:07 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Aw Gayle :(


It's always hard, even when it's the right thing.

At 2:10 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Oh Gayle, i'm so sorry :(

At 2:11 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Sorry to hear that, Gayle. ;/

At 2:14 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Gayle, I'm so sorry to hear that.

At 2:18 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Gayle that's horrible! You are definitely among fiends who have been there.

Trappist beer is always appropriate, but especially now.

At 2:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Gayle, very sorry to hear that indeed, no fun.

My Platform for my Candidacy is up now, I hope it make you laugh, and feel better.

Must go for now, this is a very quick campaign and I have to lot to do quickly. And yes, Skull Mistress, the training will stop.

Tomorrow after I have won.

At 2:22 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Thanks all! I really appreciate it. It was the right thing to do.

At 2:27 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Sorry to hear about that Gayle. Hold on to your memories. Hold on to hte good times.

At 3:16 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Oh Gayle. :hugs:

At 3:20 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Oh Gayle, so sorry to hear about Freddie. *Hugs*

At 3:23 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Gayle, so very very sorry about your dog.

I've never had so many links open from one post before - definite theme of coffee addiction here.
I have a cup of tea waiting in the kitchen for me, but cat has been sitting on my lap demanding attetion while I plowed through 75 comments. tea will need to be remade.

At 4:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Gayle I'm so sorry about your puppy. **hug**

At 6:12 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Aw Gayle; that sucks big time. You have my warm fuzzy thoughts. Just remember; they're not gone; just gone on ahead.

peace girlfiend

At 6:27 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I'm so sorry, Gayle.

At 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



I cannot send enough warm thoughts your way. You have obvious made a difficult decision; it just sucks when the right thing is so painful.

Rest well....we are thinking of you.

At 10:26 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Gayle, I'm so sorry for your loss. The right thing, yes, but still heartbreaking.

At 10:32 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

So sorry to read about your loss, Gayle. Hold on to your memories of him and to the idea that this was the right thing to do. And then Chimay.

At 3:35 PM , Blogger sumo said...

At first I thought the picture was of someone in costume with a Jack O Lantern head, a la Mervyn Pumpkinhead.

At 3:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hello Sumo! And Welcome...

Me too, sure did have that look. Or a Demon with horns, gotta laugh.

Not some thing I hope to have to do again....

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