Later Than Last Night
Fods, I am even later and farther behind tonight than I was last night getting to my gig! So if brevity be the soul of wit, I have some soul going on this evening, as it were....
Or something.
I am dashing off for some more Adventures in Rock, and one hopes it will be fun. I am hoping that the Trip of Grandmothers comes back, but I am not sure they could top themselves after last night. First set will be a slow one, I am thinking, as I am tired, and the weather is doing it's cold and snow thing, can't imagine people dashing out, tho I am hoping the Twin Cities Fiends come down.
I think tonight we should help Spacelaw with her Namo story and kick around the theme of "Good girls going to Hell" We are not sure where she is going with this, as she apparently took herself odd to bed, with or without whiskey, but I am certain we can find out in a few hours when she gets up in, (for her) morning.
Love and Hell,
Good luck with the Thrips! May there be much rock!
Here, it is finally meal time, as Nick eventually woke up and decided to cook.
2nd!! moving up!!!!
Good luck with tonight's gig!
"Good girls going to Hell"? I think I missed something ....
Good girls going to hell literally? Metaphorically? Deliberately? Accidentally? Some other way?
Do I need to go back and finish up the comments from the last post? Will there be a better explanation?
Can I ever stop asking questions?
We were taught to never stop asking questions at school. Led to some very annoyed parents always being asked "Why?"
Ahh, so there you go, Good girls go to hell for asking "Why?" too often.
I like how you called it a "Trip of Grandmothers"... I bet a trio like that would be quite the trip.
I already imagined quite a list of hells in the last comment thread. and yes... I agree that you bring your hell with you and build it anew in any situation... that's why one of my first hells was the hell that is yourself.
I further the request for information... there are just too many hells.
(no offence meant, particularly to our Space Lawyer) but I thought the road to hell was paved with frozen lawyers and politicians???
Nope. According to St. John Chrysostom, the road to hell was paved with the skulls of bishops.
WARNING -- purely personal opinions ahead! Can be totally ignored and are worth nothing!!
I have to admit that most of the hells that Rubius listed are, to me, just irritations or obstacles. And I never have any kind of hellish feeling when I finish a good book, and am a little bit sad that others do. Finishing a good book just means I get to read it again, and this time pay better attention, which is a wonderful feeling.
But back to good girls in hell. I would have to figure out why... and I guess that would be my story. And I guess that would be where I define what good is and according to whom and why that's their definition and why going against it is worthy of hell. And then I would have to define hell, which might be difficult.
I like that nice Mister Author Man's "Other People" story: Hell is the harm we do to other people and then finding out about what we've done and not getting to hide from that knowledge. *Great* story.
I agree on that story. It was amazing and creepy and really, kind of sad.
Actually that story is one of the most powerful in the book, for me. Just went and re-read it. Love it.
Good girl in hell... well there's Persephone,
one of a series of underworld goddesses. Ereshkigal is one of my favourites.
or the Etruscan Vanth... (but she might not be considered a good girl... more of a demon... maybe I'm getting off topic here, I think she punished or killed the people in hell) when I was in Italy years ago we spent time and effort to go to the Tomba dei Demoni Azzurri (Tomb of the Blue Demons) adjacent to the Calvario area of the Monterozzi Necropolis in Tarquinia, where we saw a few-thousand year old painting of demons... but sadly, I don't think she was there.
Have you read Philip Pullman's third novel in the Dark Materials series?? that has a fascinating version of hell and a good girl in it.
Rubius; I thought His Dark Materials was just the Golden Compass series? Is that right or is there a different one?
I had bought the trilogy and read it so now I'm wonderfing. HA wonderfing! wondering. :)
it's true. it is the Golden Compass series (you never finished that did you Lorraine!!). I was talking about the third book... the Amber Spyglass.
I firmly believe, Lorraine, that by next June you need to learn to sing and play this song by Voltaire
oh yes; the amber spyglass. that was wonderful. i hated the stories to end.
ah yes but what did you think of the ending?? what did you think of the hell? what did you think of the companion that each child found when they went through ... their ordeal? (trying for no spoilers here)
i'd have to re~read. it's been so long ago now. sorry. i'll ck it out tonight; i've still got the book.
how about roads to hell.
Thanks for that link, Rubius! It struck me, while listening, that "When You're Evil" is a tango! At the very least, you could dance the tango to it. I makes a nice companion to "The Masochism Tango," don't you think? CX
Granted, I've never danced a tango but the rhythm sounds right to me. :)
Hell. My DH defines hell as being cut off from Deity, and knowing that you are. Granted, if you are an atheist, will you recognize the difference?
I hope that you are having a great gig, Q! I guess it is over by now. Wish I could have been there. I hope you sleep well!
bulfinch's aglaia finishing a good book is hellish to me because I really go into the much so that finishing the story can feel like I have lost a friend. Its a grief thing.
Well got that bit wrong, about the first set being slow! Ye Fods! It was full on and SRO from the start and it sure didn't stop. One of the really great nights it was, had a blast!
A couple funny Fiend moments, Amy came down again, only last night she had long waist leanth blonde hair, and tonight she cme up and I DID NOT KNOW HER!!!!
She had had it all cut off, and died bright red, she looked GREAT! I told her so and said "WOW, that looks great, you look like a dfferent person, so cool, so hip and beautiful...I mean last night you looked..."
And at that moment realised I had dug a hole I was not going to get out of...
And then third set a women came in and sat by herself, and seemed really to be haing fun with the show (And third set is NEVER my strong point, mostly it is the "Can I please go home now " set...
But I thought, not seen her before, but she clearly rocks, hope she comes back again, she looks like she is really cool and belongs here...
After the show I was listing the failings of Aleta, Gayle and Beez who had all SAID they wanted to come down, to Amy, and this new women listened in for a bit and then introduced herself as Beez!
I said, Hello! I was SO just dissing you!!!!!!!!
(making friends all over I was tonight...)
Gayle had sitter issues apparently...
Aleta tho.....(Ominous silence)
Right, home, good, tea, bed soon...When does Nathilie get up? Going to read some comments and see what I have missed...
Ahhh, a fun but foot in mouth night Lorraine.
Seems like red is our colour of favour at the moment, I went red again this afternoon too!
Voltaire is one of the best Kelzmer fiddlers I have ever heard, I would love to take some months and learn me some Kelzmer...
I am totally speacing on his name now, but whomever ELi, that's it, from the Shondes is another who has that Kelzmer thing going on..I know he teaches in NY, may be time to nip out there again soon...
My playing is going weirdly bluegrass lately which is strange, as it not a direction I ever wanted to go...
Oh, we are playing New Years. I said something subtle to the owner tonight like "hey are we having a party or do Paul and I have to book elsewhere" (literal quote) and so, there you have it.
Everyone is going red!
Well, except me, I just left red. I always joke, I have one fashion or style, and every ten years it turns around, for a bit I am ahead of the trend, then I am hip and then I am SO yesterday.....Not that any of us pay attention to such things..
so will you? Will you learn it and play it? ... or learn it and sing it while paul plays the guitar? (like in this live version)
Ah the joys of internet anonymity... shattered.
I have been natural in colour (like the avatar photo) for a while ... which is strange because it seems novel, after a decade of dying, to let it grow natural.
but I loved red... but I love your new hair on you better Lorraine. It is absolutely fantabulistic
Thanks Rubious! I am liking this new hair more all the time. Sticking with some version of it for the winter...
Might learn it. Right now my big project is re-writing Devil went down to Georgia for Paul and I...
And don't think Paul and I have stopped the humour on the whole "Feather Fortress and Max Randy" bit....Kitty will be doing the shoot...Which will most definately not be X rated!
Rubius I loved both of those links.:)
There's a lot of songs that Voltaire does that would make some fun covers (especially with Malena;).
Yay for ROCK!! Even if sometimes feet end up inadvertently in mouths.
Whenever I think of this "Good Girl Gone to Hell" thing, all I can think of is what my friend Richard says whenever he lets slip a catty remark: "I'm SO goin' to hell!" Can you tell he lives in Savannah, GA?;)
I am a big fan of Voltaire's Vampire Club...
I haven't explored that one yet. Thanks Q. (the nickname for the main character in the great book that I just finished was also Q., his name was Quentin... I highly recommend reading John Green's YA novel 'Paper Towns'... especially you librarians out there).
Hell's definition always depends on what culture you are from... in ancient mesopotamia hell was watery because bad floods were devastating to them (at least that was the theory I heard). In some stories from ancient Greece everyone went to the same place when they died, good or bad, guilt-laden or innocent, but immortal giants, titans, and proud mortals were ever punished. Dante's hell was fascinating... each level (of both hell and purgatory) filled with suffering... it certainly didn't seem to be measured in intensity of pain (side note: Dante is SOOOOOO worth reading.. but I had a class just about that with a wonderful teacher who brought it all to life... still, HIGHLY recommended).
Is the question: does a bright light shine brighter in the dark or does the darkness attach itself to the light to make it dimmer?
How do you define Good Girl, how do you define Hell, how can there be such a thing as 'good' if there exists such a thing as 'hell'?
Nathalie!!! you asked a question that sent me spinning. I hope you are dreaming wonderful dreams... can't wait to see your comment(s) when you wake up. Hell indeed.
Good mornevening.
To clarify the matter:
Hell is the litteral biblical one in that case. The point - as brought up by one of my characters - being that good girls (as in good girls that don't fool around with men - or women but in that case only men are mentioned) are wasting good Fod given talents. which is a suinful waste. And on top making the men they might have been fooling around miserable (and possibly themselves too in the process). So they deserve to go to hell.
Obviously that character is a frustrated man... He's actualy trying to pick up a woman with this type of argumentation. I am having way to much wicked fun with this...
And strangeley enough another character int he story is called Quentin! Weird, as I was having qualms about this one for picking up an unusual name...
It must have been brain waves from you, Kristina.
Oh, that would be fun to play with (oops, almost a pun)
Morning Nathalie!! Your question... whew!! too broad... to broad.
Have you been to Veii? Have you made it out to Tarquinia? or Cerveteri (Caere)? Some of the tombs are pretty impressive, particularly at Cerveteri and Tarquinia. I saw a LOT of Etruscan tombs when I was there... at Toscania, Volterra, Orvieto, Perugia and many more.
Morning or whatever to you Nathilie...
Not sure I can add any deep thoughts tonight..I am off to sleep...But am looking forward to waking up and reading...
the first three are only a day trip from Rome.
Hah.. character projection across continents. Must have been thinking about your wonderful smile. How's the weather in Rome?
Because Heaven is boring?
Just a thought......
Never made it to Veio but saw the famous Appolo statue at the Villa Giulia Museum (the Etruscan museum in Rome). There is also a new Etruscan exhibition that I plan to go and see later this year.
I have been to Tarquinia and Tuscania. The Etruscan have also left a lot of deeply routed paths inside the vulcanic rocks. The whole area between Arezzo, Orvieto and Viterbo is amazing.
Weather seems fine today (we have had some mighty storms in the past two weeks) but a wee bit chilly (it's just 12 - a week ago at this time it was 16 to 18).
Good night, Lorraine. Talk to you later.
Heaven seems utterly boring indeed. In fact, just yesterday night, Cesare was telling me that he'd lost his religious faith as a child when being told that when he would die he would go to Heaven and spend all eternity singing the praises of god. He felt horrified at the thought of spending eternity doing just that one thing and thought maybe he should become a bad boy to try and escape instead.
I like that, Nat. I approve of Cesare's young initiative.
The idea of heaven as a sort of 'stasis' isn't new either. The greeks contemplated whether the gods were 'perfect' because if they were perfect then they couldn't change or they would become 'unperfect'. If they couldn't change then they would, by nature, be immobile, static beings. As such they could hardly participate in human existence for to do so would be to change... therefore the gods don't matter to us, even if they do exist. At least that is a simplification of the aregument, as I learned it.
If hell is chaos, then the mirror of that, heaven, would naturally be order... right?
Yeah we saw the Villa Guilia first of all. It was amazing. I highly recommend Cerveteri... some of it's necropoli are more impressive than any of the others. True streets of the dead.
Sleep well Lorraine.
Order? Yucks...
Another question for the fiends (and a much less metaphysical one):
What type of vegetables would one find in June in the small supermarket of your average American town?
can't help on that one... not american, not in a small town.
Ciao, Nat. Buonanotte.
Bonne nuit!
Spacedlaw your question had me thinking all day. Differences between metaphysical hell or real hell and what could you possibly do to send you there.
You could murder a paedophile or an abusinve husband, you could kill someone in road rage, you could be a state appointed executioner in a state that has capital punishment or you could be the doctor or nurse who administers the last dose of morphine to a very sick patient.
However, you're talking fooling around with men, well there's not a lot of those that would be worth going to hell for.
Having said that, if a man worth going to hell for came by, I'm sure she'd eventually find a way to jump on that handbasket and fly all the way there, not sparing the horses.
"However, you're talking fooling around with men, well there's not a lot of those that would be worth going to hell for."
Not unless you are listening to traditional sermons, such going on being very frowned upon. In particular by catholic priests who are supposed to stay celibate (and preferable chaste too).
Sorry, I can be incredibly thick sometimes, is the man chasing the girl a priest? Or do you think she's afraid of what the priest thinks?
My bad Jacquib: It is all a matter of context really.
S'cool Spacedlaw, no bad nowhere.
I think it's a really interesting subject that has brought out some truly awesome ideas, especially from Rubius & Jess. I haven't thought about hell for years.
Think I could do with a bit of sinnin' ;)
Small-town supermarket in June: The way the US food production system works, you'd find much the same things that you'd see any time of year. "Small-town" is more important than "June" in this case. Most produce is shipped in from elsewhere.
You'd find what US shoppers consider "the basics": onions, garlic, potatoes (white and red, probably); lettuce, tomatoes (but quality does depend on time of year, and June is too early for good ones), carrots, celery, mushrooms (white only), green bell peppers, broccoli, maybe cauliflower, cabbage. For fruits, apples, bananas, oranges, grapes.
A few things are more seasonal, and June is too early for summer produce, but it is strawberry season, and those should be fresh and ripe. Maybe also some fresh rhubarb, depending on the geographic location.
In rural areas, people go to farms to get the freshest produce - there are often impromptu farm stands (a guy with a pickup truck), or handpainted signs along the road. "Strawberries", "Sweet corn", "Tomatoes" (but June is too early for the last two).
Is there something specific you want to know, or is that a good-enough general overview?
Jess: Radishes? Red cabbage? We don't have none of that fancy food around here!
I have one character shopping in the local supermarket. The town has less that 10.000 inhabitants ans the folks living there (somewhere in the middle centre of the states) aren't going for fancy stuff.
I just wanted to be sure that he did not pick up something too fancy for the place or too out of season.
Oh, 10,000 people is large enough you might get more variety, and there are sure to be several supermarkets. Anything Jess and I mentioned is going to be readily available.
I was thinking small-town by my standards. For reference, the rural US county I grew up in has under 12,000 people, (674 sq miles, or 1750 sq km). I was using one of its towns as a reference, all of which are well under a thousand.
Maybe I overshot the head count for the town actually.
After all, NaNo stories are prone to "Well it did make sense at the time" moments...
Doesn't matter too much, I expect. And my standards for rural are rather extreme.
Well thanks all the same (all). That was useful information.
Hi there. I'm really bummed that I wasn't at the gig! AND I missed Beez! ARGH.
M's Grandpa (on his Dad's side) is in the hospital in Rochester. He is 85 and things are not looking great. So we spent the day in the hospital, me running after M dowsing him in sanitizer every 5 min. Hospitals make you sick you know. I was just to tired when we got home to drive more. :(
I hope everyone is well!
Great. Morning Fiends.
Nat, you ask a huge and knotty metaphysical question just when am off to my gig and then when the talk gets interesting, I am back and too tired to do anything but go to bed, and THEN while I sleep, you ask about Veggies in a small town, something I could easily talk about , and I wake to find all the other fiends have already answered everything...
Hmmph. Right Tea.
Fods great rock has it's price, I could sleep all day....
Actually the first question wasn't all that metaphysical. At least not so much on my part. Then the fiends went wild (Have I mentioned that they rock?).
What do YOU find as vegetables in your local supermarket in June?
I can say that in Northfield (17,000 people) in June the produce is still pretty limited. Things pick up later in the summer. Romain lettuce and carrots and tomatoes, oh my. There is now a Latino population in town so the stores carry cilantro, peppers and avocado but most of the cashiers have to be told what they are. And they are not there in June. My "June" strawberries certainly don't happen until late June.
The Fiends do rock. Hands down.
We get pretty much everything, but as has been said, it gets good when the Farmers market starts up a bit later, and trucks by the side of the roas thing.
I am lucky as we have a huge garden and grow everything that can be grown, I have more tomatoes than you can shake a stick at, and Merry Housekeeper spends August and September canning them for me.
So we eat from the garden from about July on, and there are so many farms about for anything one might need, that we don't much DO supermarket in the summer for veggies.
Gayle is right tho, June is not a great month.
Crumbs. And there I am, having planted cherries on the trees already...
The naming of veggies to the cashiers reminded me of doing the same when I was in Holland. One of the local supermarket had more exotic food so I might find artichokes or avocadoes but the teenaged girls at the cashier would often ask me what they was. You'd think the shop would at least train them to know what type of wares they were selling...
That is so great that you get your tomatoes canned! I am afraid of canning as I worry I would do it wrong and end up killing someone. I freeze things though. I have to say that Northfield has a great co-op and they do a good job of getting interesting produce. I forgot to mention morels, ramps and fiddle head ferns. A good market here may have these in June. And they are all amazing!
Fiddle head ferns! Now THAT sounds exotic. Never had them. I know that some species are edible but they aren't found in our parts.
Oh and remembering how you were struggling with the matter of genders for nouns in French, Lorraine, I've just had my Quentin struggle over that as well. And called that chapter "The sexual life of French food" too.
Here are some images of fiddle heads, ramps and morels. Yum!
"He sure plays a mean pinball!"
oh my goodness ladies & gentlemen of the LorraineBlog of Fabulousness....
i heard Pete's voice talking in the hallway, it is
Quiche, you really must open for them one day.
heading back over again shortly, but firstly i must buy Tommy himself (Daltry) some vintage grape.
Today is my last day of the run, so ---i resurace soon.
Spacelaw, I am so so proud of you for doing the writing, I am behind a bit (A BIT haha) but you are my inspiration.
Hee-hee, I am having some trouble there, ( I mean WHY do they all need gender thingies???) this story sounds great. But, no Cherries in June, cherry blossoms, yes, May-early June, but the fruit much later.
Canning isn't scary once you start doing it. Maybe Merry will teach you next year Gayle....
We have fiddle heads, and morels in our woods, also Hen of the woods mushrooms, and sulfur shelf and puffballs that you can eat and wild raseberries and gooseberries. You can eat catttails too. All sorts of food just growing around.
But Kitty! How could you EVER find the time to write in all this madness?
I talked about the Who Friday night and we played Pinball Wizard. Somewhat anyway!
Sure, we will open for them, they have asked us to before, but you know how schedules can be....
Hang in there Miss Kitty!!!!!
Cat tails?
Yes, point, when one is working 18 hours days for rock Gods, it MIGHT be difficult. Come home soon and you can write all you want!!!!!
Yes, swamp growing things. Google them. One eats the bottom bit, they taste like cucumbers...It is the top thingie that , kind of, looks like a cat tail. Actually, it doesn't looking anything LIKE a cat tail, but that is what they care called...
I've gone back to using Phiala as my Blogger-name, as I was leaving oddly-named comments in places that didn't expect it.
You all may still address me as Mistress of Skulls. *grin*
There is an excellent video here: creepy AND literate. Wait a ridiculously long time, click on the name, then animation, then herzog and the monsters (no way to directly link, sorry). I suspect Boss would like it too.
Oh, sign me up for the canning class!
I have never eaten cat tails. Didn't know any part way eatable. Cool. One of my fav things to make in the spring/early summer is a frittata with ramps, morels and asparagus.
The Who. Wow! Good luck today Kitty!
Very cool indeed, Mistress of the Skulls! (for so we will always call you!)
I just found out about ramps this year, darn cool they are, want to grow them next year.
I bet you have ramps in the woods, Q. One needs to be careful not to harvest too many but you may find some.
All right, if Kitty can work all day and night and then write I suppose I have no more excuses for starting my paper. Why am I dreading it so much? You all are very inspiring! You give me strength. Lovely Sunday to all.
Library here I come...
They are beautiful, Phiala. This is a great find!
Skull Mistress, I LOVe that animation, thatnks so much for linking.
I had my sister staying for the weekend, so haven't been around, and missed all the discussion about nice girls going to hell; I liked your arguament, Nathalie, about wasting one's gifts..also seemed to me to link back to the dsicussions we were having before about Prop 8 - thinking of people who would consider themselves to be moral and good, but collaborate with events and ideas which are neither.
Q, curious you're in the process of re-writing DEvil went down to Georgia - I was listening to it earlier in the week and thinking it would be fun to hear what you ight do with it.. Gald you're gigs went well & you've been meeting more fiends in the flesh..
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Aw Gayle, the grandpa thing is hard, but we will meet soon. I promised the Empress I'd be more on time next go-round, and since the last set was so much fun I damn well better.
No go forth a write that paper!
The big farmer's markets here in Minneapolis and St. Paul are great (I actually think I like St. Paul's a bit better) but the really amazing one is the newer Mill City Farmer's Market.
Local suppliers only (150 miles out or less) and preferably organic/sustainable.
Now that I am an apartment dweller my veggies are in raised beds boxes that I had a local guy build, but I just made little hoop houses on them and planted spinach and chard. I will grow winter veggies!
Q, I bet you somewhere out in the garden you have a microclimate that could go into the winter- if you cared to do it. Also, with a sheltered South-facing spot Boss could probably grow that apple he likes and was talking about once upon a time. They grow in Washington State and parts of Michigan.
(Shut me up....I'm going to get my Master Gardener certification and I'm a little obsessive).
I looked up the cattail on wiki and I know these little guys. They seem to have tons of uses, some of them as food too. Funny enough, the corresponding French page is not talking about this...
Wish I had been there last night! Sounds like a great gig. I am trying to have a sort of "reset" weekend wherein I attempt to mend the frayed edges of my life. I am succeeding somewhat.
Next time.
Can't wait to see Amy's hair and meet Beez! And a good dose of music is always good for what ails me!
It also always takes me awhile to get used to the early darkness. My hibernation instinct kicks in big time.
I missed a lot here in Fiend Land. I could go back to the appropriate posts to comment but I am feeling to lazy for that.
Toy: I really loved Tinkertoys. I got Operation for Xmas on year and that was great fun. Barbie was born the same year I was and I never had a real Barbie doll. But I do remember that I got a Barbie-like doll that came in a case with cloths and stuff. We got it with Green Stamps. I had forgotten about Green Stamps until just now.
Porn Name: My wee town did not have street names -- except for Main Street. Here are a couple of names that come from pets I've had and streets of lived on but not necessarily "firsts".
Ginger Hewitt
Tweety Blaisdell
Kid Upton
Aww...Tweety Blaisdell. I know you! (or- I know the street. Close enough, yes?)
My porn name would have to be Sparky Mary Street.
"Sparky Mary" doesn't sound like anything, so we'll keep the Street.
I had Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs, which I think were my favorites. My brother and I also shared a double helping of Erector Sets...please, spare the jokes. :P
I never was much of a girl for dolls once I got past toddlerhood, and quite frankly Barbie creeped me out.
Then my dad brought me my first puppy when I was 5. Toys pretty much went by the wayside after that.
Hurray for Tinker toys!!! Loved those. When I went to visit my brothers (we were split in divorce) they had GIANT tinkertoys that were plastic but we made CARS you could SIT IN and RACE down the upstairs hall; much to the dismay of our stepmother. They were the coolest thing evaaaarrrrr! Thanks for reminding me!
Nat--not sure if you're done with this question, but:
Present residence--population under 10,000
Farmer's Market--June through October (seems pretty typical)
Town has a University (small, highly specialized, student pop under 2000)
In June, when the market first opens (and there are several other farmer's markets within 10-30 miles) tomatoes, first run carrots, lettuce, eggs....and big on being organic.
Squashes don't usually show up until later. Summer squash wasn't seen until late August.
That said, we have two supermarkets in town...both chains (though I'd only ever heard of one of them) and the smaller chain actually carries some organic produce in the store.
BOTH grocery stores get veggies in from all over the world, just like my Von's in California did.
I'd say, unless your story is set in a previous time period, that most fruits and veggies would be available one way or another.
I can get mangoes, for example! :)
But I'd draw the line at star fruit, because people wouldn't know what they were and/or how to serve/eat them.
For some reason figs are big here, but not dates (even though you can grow dates here.)
Hope this helps.
This helps a lot Lys, thanks (oh boy, am I ever going to have edits to make...)
Absolutely no help for Spacedlaw, but after discussion on produce available, right on point. My brother and his family live in Tropical Paradise in Far North Queensland. I was at the supermarket with my sister-in-law and absolutely stunned that the produce that grows up there (think bananas etc) were hellishingly expensive and the range was small. Why? Everything was exported to other areas of the country and overseas.
The locals had to wait until the farmers market on the weekend to get their local produce from the small growers. Of course, the mangos could be obtained from any of the zillion trees in the town.
Oh, Gaypet - I hope things are better than expected for M's grandpa.
I haven't read any comments yet, but we got back from Vegas safe and sound... and tired of course! I've had enough Vegas to hold me off for at least a few years.
It was great to see boss and he gave an excellent talk of course. Did I post about that already?
Since we were there kid-less (thanks to my mom and stepdad!) we stayed up too late and slept till 10:30 or so each day. I haven't gotten to do that in over four years! We had a phenomenal meal at Michael Mina last night. Review to come soon on FoodPorn!
I need to head out to pick up takeout for dinner and then fall asleep right after I get ben to bed! hopefully I'll get caught up with the comments here tonight or tomorrow.
Welcome back Chantrelle, glad to hear you had fun!
I am still pretty tired still myself. Not very much exciting to chat on. Someone else will have to be exciting....Did get a nap today, total gig head.
Jess; now you know that depends highly on the chicken.
Oh no! It wasn't our Storm Chicken was it??? That would be exciting.
Everybody would get a drumstick though, right? :D
Storm Chicken! That was our Spider! How is Storm Chicken? That might be exciting...
Not that yor roast chicken isn't exciting Jess, I mean, it is a pretty slow night, heck, I have the Gig Head so bad, I am don't even have energy to do a new post....
Want to go home and ly on the couch with Bengals!
Of course, depending on what they have been up to today, there may yet be excitement..
Hey! I was 100!
This is exciting as I am pretty sure I will never be FIRST...
Noooo, not Storm Chicken, who has yet to be spied. I hope she's moved on from the bin, because in 2 days the recycling bin goes out for collection, and I hate to think of her ending up in the truck with all the rubbish.
My copy of Prince of Stories just arrived, and of course I read your article and interview first Lorraine, then looked at all the pictures and put it down. How will I NaNo now?
Beez, very funny!
I want to know more about this winter gardening? How could that be possible here in the winter? I would love to, but I don't see HOW exactly...
And you are going to be a Master Gardener? DO you go to school at the U? The U vet, which I sadly know well, is over near the Gardening part of the U. I had a friend who was growing tomatoes at the green house there, studying something or other, so I got a tour once.
I liked my bits. It's funny reading them in a book. It's the first bit of writing I've ever done that is in a BOOK, I've been published and interviewed for online things, and magazines and papers, but not a bookl before.
I am SO meant to be writing something for, speaking of which...
Well I got a good start on my paper. Looked up words in the OED and got a start on what I actually want to say. Something about metaphor, synaesthesia and Hamlet. I know, really narrows it down. Getting there, slowly.
M's Grandpa was let out of the hospital today so we shall see what comes next. Thanks for the kind thoughts. This has been a hell of a week!
What are other Fiends up to tonight/day?
Anyone else know the band Heartless Bastards? I really like them and they will be here in Minneapolis Friday the 14th. Anyone else want to go? If you follow the link, I really like the song "Into the Open".
I love the landscape arb! M and I go there a lot in the spring. We try to see the magnolias in bloom at least once. Master gardener is very cool! We seriously must hang out. :)
The visual on the roasted spider is grossing me out a bit. :)
One of the great things about being an employee of the U. is free tuition. Now, if I only about 12 more hours in a day...
But yes, the core classes for Master Gardener are offered through the U. and although the '09 internships are pretty much full I am doing some of the core classes anyhoo...besides, what could be better than spending some of those winter hours in a green house?
You could start out winter gardening with spinach and chard- greens that are fairly cold hardy if you have a sheltered spot that gets the sun. My cold frames are against the south wall of the apartment building, and quite frankly I doubt it freezes solid there even in January.
I have heard of them, Gayle. I think if I go out tho, Lojo Russo is having her cd release party, not sure where....Lot going on this week tho.
Good to hear about M's Grandpa!
Up to? Grocery shopping, prepping for a weaving class I'm teaching this weekend, part of a weekend-long symposium that I'm organizing, packing up an order to ship tomorrow... Just turned off the web store, so no more orders until after Thanksgiving. I so desperately need to reorganize the inventory, and I'm hoping to sell a bunch of stuff this weekend.
I still have a stack of t-shirt transfers to weed (first you cut the design, then you weed off all the bits that you don't want to end up on the shirt), and I was hoping to NaNo some more. I'm behind. I did get a thousand words done this morning, but need more than that per day to get done.
So... stuff.
Hmmm...I think it freezes too cold out here, we have lots of WAY below zero. What is a cold frame? Must look this up....
Oh Fods, I was also supposed to be doing laundry. Otherwise I'll be going to work naked tomorrow, and it's too cold for that.
Laundry here too.
Q, Son+ just nabbed the CD's to load on his laptop. He heard me playing them and it was all over.
I learned a bit of a cheat with my coldframes. I save plastic milk jugs, paint them black and fill them with water and keep them in the frame. they absorb heat from the sun and release it back at night....but like I said, I have a perfect spot here- south facing with brick walls on 3 sides.
OH, I was completely wrong.
My only plan for the evening is to pet and snuggle and provide a comfortable perch for Morgan. He is draped across my lap purring like mad, and trying to insert his head between my hands and the keyboard.
It's a good thing I have a cat to explain proper time organization to me!
A CD release party sounds fun! I hope you get to go.
Hm, yes laundry. Should do some of that...
I only have a few house plants and I have not moved them yet. I think I will feel more settled when I do. I want to grow some herbs inside but I don't get much light in the apartment. I should get a light for them, yes?
One of my house plants is a bay tree. She is only 3 years old so she is still a stick with some leaves but I LOVE her. I will plant her outside when I move to a more reasonable part of the world. :)
Hey Gayle, I can try to go- it's the 400, so I'll hardly even be leaving work.
I -am- getting orientation/training in yet another job this week, but I think that may just be Tuesday night.
I think this means I officially have 5 jobs now. What madness is this?
Q, this is pretty much where I learned using cold frames. I see there's some new info on making them hot frames! Ooh! *plots*
Gayle- you will need a light. Growing stuff like herbs need 12-16 hours of light indoors, but you can get by with a couple of fluorescents if they are close enough to the plants. Cheap fix- clamp lamps with compact fluorescents.
Oh Fods, laundry. Ought to do some. I could go to work naked, with the Boss out of town, the dog would not care and it is far out in the country with no neighbours, but it would be cold!
Beez, ack! Stolen cd's!!!! Hope you get them back and I do hope you like them. I like bits of them quite a lot, tho one always goes back and thinks, I could do that better....
It's a record of where you were not where you are...
Thanks Beez! 12 to 16 hours of light is what I require too. It would be fun to see you Friday. The 400 Bar is fun. I am going with another friend and we could make it a party! ;)
Thanks, Beez, I'll check that out.
uh, 5 jobs?
I have a lot of plants, including citrus trees. Or rather citurs bushes. They live outside in the summer, and the lemon bush really makes lemons. They are so weirded out tho, it sort of blooms four times a year, and make fruit at weird times too. SOmetimes while blossoming.
Go figure.
The 400, eh? Emma and I did one of my Birthday shows there, very fun place....Fond memories of that dressing room...
Wow. I have not been to the 400 in years. I think the last time I was there it was for The Plastic People of the Universe. VERY fun night that was.
What a fabulous band name!
Hmmm...Lojo's show is apparently across the street from the 400 Bar, at the Acadia Cafe, no cover....
I don't know if you all know Lojo, I'll do a bit of a post on her tomorrow. She truly rocks.
Might be a night of it.....
Random but strangely interesting to me. We know that everyone has a smell; and odor that we associate with that person. The scent of our mothers breath comes to mind. You may not think about it for years; then you'll see her; and talk to her and it's there; and you feel like it's home.
I only bring this up because I think those smells are different for every person; my brothers for instance wouldn't have the same 'scent' in their head as I have in mine though we were all raised with her for a time.
Also I bring it up because I've been cutting up old clothes that belonged to the mother of the person I'm making this quilt for. My room is immersed in her scent. It's so odd; not the scent mind you; it's not like b.o. or anything and I'm sure these clothes were laundered before given to me (though I did request they NOT be) Because; as part of a memory quilt; the most important part IMHO is that distinct scent. When you are having a hard day and need to snuggle up in that quilt; and you see bits of her favorite clothes; the dress she wore to your wedding for instance; you NEED that scent to bring her right there next to you; so she's all around you.
I will miss my mom terribly when she goes no matter how horrible our relationship.
All us good withes know these things intrinsically.
If there is hell; I bet it's devoid of scents.
The Plastic People of the Universe are from Prague. I think it was either 2000 or 2001 when I saw them at the 400.
Stacy, I have a purse given to me when I was about 8 by my grandmother. Every time I open it I smell her and have been known to sit with my nose in the purse for comfort. God I miss that woman.
I also have a theory that families have some scent in common. I've come up with this, after observing the way that the pets of different family members when meeting(sniffing) another family member for the first time (and I include in this parents, siblings, nieces and nephews)seem to recognise them as part of the pack. I find it quite intriguing.
Stacy, you are dead on about scents. There is one scent I have been trying to figure out my entire life, first smelled it when I was 6 and it made me remember so many things tho I had no idea what..
I smell it from time to time and it STILL makes me remember somethng lost....
Fiends, sorry to do this, but I need to send some sadness out into the universe, in hopes the universe sends back comfort to my friend Carol and her children and grandchildren. Her husband Dave died this afternoon - he'd gone for his daily walk on a bike trail some miles from his home, and didn't come back. His eldest son went looking for him and found him in the car - don't know if he had walked or not. Dave and Carol were students of my father's many years ago, and had remained friends of my parents, and me. Pa and I are both devastated at the suddenness, but please send your comfort energy to Carol - she's the one with the greatest need.
I feel like railing against Death, but how futile is that? Sudden or lingering - neither is good for those who remain. It really isn't Death that I hate - it's the loneliness and void from missing that person.
I have no more words - only tears for now.
Siri - :( I'm sorry for you and your friends.
On scents: Some years ago I was attending a training session, and the waft of a woman's perfume took me straight back to childhood. It was a vanilla based perfume, and one of my dolls was made from some sort of plastic that smelt like vanilla. It was quite a bizarre experience because her perfume was so comforting, and the training we were doing was suicide prevention. If only we could snap our fingers and have scents that comforted people when they were in times of severe distress.
Oh god Siri, I am so sorry to hear this.
Thinking of your friend and her family, and you and your dad and all his other friends. *gentle hugs*
Oh Siri; that is dreadful news! I'm so very sorry for your loss. Will definately send comforting thoughts to you and the family.
Oh Siri, I am so very sorry. There aren't words when something like this happens. Sending you all the love and comfort there is, we are here for you.
That's what Fiends are for. We share the good, and the bad. And together we get thru it.
You have our love.
Thanks, Phiala and Sally - I think you are right about scents, Sally. There's a lingering smell of fresh baked bread in my house, and that reminds me of my mother, which makes me happy, and sad. Musty basements are a favorite, because that's what Grandmother's basement smelled like - I miss all those strong women. I'm glad I know you strong women.
And Lorraine and Stacy - I knew the universe would send what we need back...
I pondered before I wrote, wondering if that's what I needed to do. I am sitting here, with tears flowing, but knowing there is a connection is what I need. I do feel the hugs and love - bless you all.
Hugs to you and your friends Siri! SO sorry for your loss. We are far away but with you in spirit. Fiends haunting Siri with good energy. :(
When M and I get up tomorrow it will be 18 degrees. Ugh! Here we go...
So sorry for you loss, Siri, and that of your friends. Sending thoughts of comfort your way.
On the topic of scents -- pipe tobacco and smoke, wintergreen lifesavers and Listerine are my dad. The musty basement smell is also my grandmother, Siri. Oh and like Lorraine I also have smells that I can't identify but that clearly resonate with me deeply.
Good night Fiends! You all make me happy. Thank you. Sweet dreams. :)
It is hard Siri, but tears can be good. Sadness is hard, and missing someone who dies is very hard.
Haven't had too much expierence with death. Joe died this past summer, and I am still thinking it is weird I won't see him again. My Mom died some years ago. And there are still things I wish I would have told her, or done.
Home finally, and watching COPS, which says a lot about my current status of Gig Head...
Siri; I'm sitting here weeping with you. Loss is excruciating. When I got the phone call that my sweetie had just died that morning of a heart attack at 46; I was home alone; I hung up the phone in shock; went to the computer thinking I had to do something or tell someone. I was numb; Then as the realization set in; I just screamed and started bawling and realized I needed to talk to someone; I couldn't just sit there in the vaccum by myself. So; we're all here for ya girl. cry and type away.
Oh Siri. I'm sorry. Thank you for sharing your grief with us. If we can help at all, you know we are here for you. Sending you and Carol good thoughts and energy. Wishing you and your family and your friends safety and comfort.
I think that's the thing with the sudden death - you don't have that time period to adjust. I didn't see Dave often - heard about him more often from Pa, so not seeing him isn't a big deal - there are times though, when it will hit big - he was always part of our 4th of July parties. And, sadly, I had thought that I'd get together with Dave and Carol after Pa dies (knock on wood and all those things that that won't happen soon).
Unfortunately, I'm known at work as the one who goes to all the funerals. I've lived in this town all my life, and have gone to the same church since I was born - I know lots of old people, and what's worse, have seen too many of my generation die too soon.
Ugh. It just sucks. I'll be fine, because I know life goes on. As someone said in a song - I'm not always sure why.
It's only going down to 23 here, tonight - balmy...
His poor son finding him like that. How old was he?
I know what you mean about the poor son. I can't work out how old Dave was - I'm sure in his 70's, and the son in his 40s by now.
Dave had heart problems, and was a diabetic, but he walked almost every day, and did what he needed to do to take care of himself.
*hugs* for Carol and her family, and for you too Siri.
The suddenness is hard, because it hits you like an electric shock when you remember. When my dad died it was sudden, in his sleep. With mom we had time to say our goodbyes.
Nathalie, WHERE in the U.S.A. is your small town? In Waco, TX the farmers market is open from May through September, though it would probably be open through at least October if it weren't held at the HOT Coliseum parking lot. They have to close for the annual HOT Fair and Rodeo. Also, it is not a daily occurrence when it is running; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM (or they sell out), though for many years it was only open on Saturdays. McLennan County has a population over 200,000 with over half being in Waco. We have tomatoes in June as it gets too hot for them in July and August, though most grocery stores have them year round. We have green onions, early corn, PEACHES, strawberries, okra, bell peppers, cantaloupes, onions, potatoes (red, white, and sweet - shipped), bananas, lettuce, white mushrooms. Towards the end of June yellow and zucchini squashes show up and the price goes down, watermelons hit their stride end of June/first of July.
So, Nathalie, you can see that your question might be as simple as you first thought. ;)
That is good point, Adirandalen, where is it indeed? I think it is still too early to hear from Nathilie, but soon, I am sure..
Well dear Fiends, good night.
Good Fod Gayle- 18 degrees? No wonder I didn't want to check the weather today. I know it was nippy when Son+ and I went out book shopping this afternoon, but we go again. *sigh*
Q, Son+ wants me to pass on that he is loving the L&M CD right now, so consider it duly passed (But COPS? Really? That is one bad case of Gig Head)
Also- wish Boss a Happy Birthday from me, wherever he may be.
Siri, I am so sorry. :(
Sudden death is the worst, though even a slow descent in health, then death can be hard, too.
I know Death all too well, but that is probably a subject best left for my own blog. ::soft smile::
Oh yeah, happy Boss Birthday, for which I received Prince of Stories. There is a certain magic in the book arriving today, of all days.
Fods - who can remember birthdays - yes, Happy 4whatever to Himself.
I planned on staying up late tonight, because I'm not working tomorrow, but I think I'll take my heavy heart to bed, read more Prince Of Stories, and think about how lucky I am to know the people I know.
Night, all.
Goodnight Siri
Happy Birthday to Mr. Author where ever he is.
Fab; get some rest girl; you do more in a day than most do in a week!
Kisses & scritches to the Bengals LOL
And of course to M Leopard.
Bengals. LOL
Good night fiends.
Birthday blessing to boss of Q.
Winter has come to this corner of the Night Garden. Winter winds and winter scents and cycle of life all around us.
Argh. Can't sleep. I don't usually have this problem. I am going to lay down in the bed and pretend that I am going to sleep. May work. I hate nightmares. I have always had bad ones but not usually that keep me up. The nerve!
Happy almost birthday to Himself. :)
Its already Boss Of Q's birthday here ;)
Goodnight folks. May you have gentle weather, where ever you are.
Happy birthday to your wonderful boss-man. May he have many stories and magically elastic time.
Sorry to read about the sudden loss, Siri. There is never enough preparation for this: Our loved ones always leave too soon.
Happy birthday to Ms. Fabulous' Boss! Another year closer to that half century mark. ;)
Hey, he's only 13 months and 10 days older than me. I can say such things. ;)
Oh and about the whereabouts of my town, it is located in the Richland County (Wisconsin), for no better reason that Frank Lloyd Wright was born there (although this is a non issue).
Then listen to those who are in Ms. Fabulous area, or at least near latitude. Wisconsin buts up against Minnesota, and Michigan, too.
I still have a hard time seeing plums in a grocery store in June, though. They are still pretty seasonal here, and are ripe late August into September. When I was little and we lived in Centerville, we had plum trees and they weren't ripe until Fall. Granted, Fall is later now than 40 years ago.
Gayle, my bay tree is 15+/- years old. We had it in a half whiskey barrel for 6-7 years when we lived in Waco, and it got to be 6'-8' tall. When we moved into our current house, we planted it in the ground. We have a two story house. The tree reaches close to the top of the roof, and bay trees are not "supposed" to grow more than about 15' in Texas. At least, according to Neil Sperry it's not supposed to be the height mine is.
Siri I'm so sorry for your (and your friends) loss. Sending comforting thoughts your way.
Lorraine you were watching COPS?? That really is a bad case of Gig Head.;)
And Happy Birthday to Q's Boss:)
Hopefully Dan can perfect Stretchy Time in time for the perfect birthday gift.
So many comments!
Siri, so sorry to hear about your friend. It's always such a shock when someone goes so suddenly, without the time for goodbyes. It sounds as though Dave was a very active person, from what you say. I hope in time his family can take some comfort from the thought that he didn't have to endure a long illness and slow loss of independence . *warm hugs*
..Scents - someone (can't find the comment now) wrote about pets recognizing members of the family - I suspect this is right, I'm sure I have read that we humans naturally select partners based partly on scent, and are able to select a partner who has different genes to us (to produce nice strong healthy crossbred offspring) - apparently, this process is disrupted for women who take the contraceptive pill, who then tend to choose partners more genetically similar to themselves. This may also impact on why relationships may breakdown, as when the woman stops taking the pill this may impact on how attractive she finds her partner. More details
So. Monday morning again, eh? Who exactly thought this was a good idea?
Coffee & comments...
Siri (and you too Stacy), it is awful to lose someone in such a way. I think Marjorie just about summed it all up.
Hope you remember the things to smile about.
Worst idea ever, I agree. I could have done with an extra Sunday.
Yep, that's who'd get elected, the people who make a 4 day weekend and a 3 day week.
I'd settle for a 4 day week an 3 day weekend, if need be. It's been raining solidly ever since I got up and that was 5 hours ago...
Siri, so sorry for your loss. In Irish we'd say he's gone on the Way of Truth.
Very interesting scent article Marjorie, makes sense that our scents change when we alter our chemical make-up. I'm also interested in the notion that we're attracted to symmetrical beings and recently learned that parasites make us lopsided!!
I would agree wholeheartedly that Other People (the story) has been the most believable description of hell I've ever read. The misanthropist in me doesn't capitalize and says that, yes, hell is other people (present company exclude of course!)
Another Sunday would have been most welcome, I'm all for longer weekends, especially as mine consists of... Sunday. I'm with you, oh Mistress of Skulls, that owning your own business severely limits time off, and that it's so nice when you can work from home with kitties close by.
Cold and a little breezy here but sunny which makes it all OK
Louisa, you have a bookstore, right? (Hooray for bookstores!)
I actually work a day job, often 50-60 hours a week, and run an online weaving supply company on nights and weekends. My business is considerably less involved than yours, but when I'm busy, like this weekend, I don't get any days off. But I don't have to have set hours, at least.
I'm blathering - uncaffeinated - and must continue getting ready for work.
The dog urgently wanted something, whining and poking me with his snout, but I didn't respond fast enough so now he's asleep on the couch. Guess it wasn't that urgent.
Yes, I have a bookstore, which means I have a minimum of 53 hours a week in it but usually end up doing stuff at home in the evenings too. In some respects I think it's easier having mostly set hours though within those, on the days of the No Focus and Easily Distracted, I can end up doing things that might not technically be considered "work" like reading/writing comments!
Just wrote a story for inside the NaNo story (I always HAVE to have at least a story inside the main story).
Now lunch break is over and I shall have an attend the Doom Monday management meeting. Bleah!
Hooray giant mess! That's okay - the word count pressure encourages giant messes. I'm going with the idea that writing is better than not writing, and have been adding things that will certainly be deleted in the final version. But they're written, so now I know them, and they're part of the word count, and it's all good. :)
Save the organization for December.
Well I am not getting pep talks so I am fine. But are you sure you haven't signed up for AntiNaNo instead? Ending up with minus a novel of at least 50.000 words? Either that or we shall have to call you Penelope...
That's be NaNoEdMo: Edit 50.000 words away by the end of November.
If you wrote them yourself yes.
but I LIKE Wikipedia. It is so handy.... and linkable.
and I have to admit that I signed up for NaNoWriMo just for the pep-talks last year (I kinda liked Philip Pullman's pep talk) I am still signed up this year but I am not really doing it. I instead spend the month of November THINKING really hard about what I would want to write if I were writing a novel.'s uh... not very producctive but it gets my mind working at least. Perhaps I would like the pep-talks less if I were actually producing something. so far I have two words, the title.
And that title is???
Good Morning, Fiends - thanks again for the kind wishes while I slept - I like "He's gone on the Way of Truth".
I blasted 8000+ words the first day of Nano, and have done nothing since - that is the glory of Nano. The opportunity is there, and I can take it if I want, and ignore it, otherwise.
I'm feeling slightly decadent this morning, because I'm not at work, and y'all are. I'll try not to gloat.
okay... it was just because Neil was doing a pep-talk that I signed up last year (and I liked the pep talk).
Siri, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's hard enough when you have time to prepare but when it's so sudden, it's so hard to take. Our thoughts are with you, your friends and family.
Both hubby and son are still sleeping, although it's a school day so the smallest of the 2 has to get up w/in the next 5 minutes. Sure is nice and quiet at the moment though!
the title is 'I Zombie' and I think it will include hte necropolis below Orvieto... because I like it.
OK, taking a break from my paper. It is coming along but I need to step away so I can go back and read it fresh. When I go back and read it again I either think "hm, that's not bad. Who wrote that?" or "WHO wrote this crap?" Let's hope for the former.
IT'S F***ING COLD! At least it's not windy.
I love Wikipedia. It certainly can't be sited in anything academic and I don't trust it but it is a great place to start getting ideas. It helps me with key words to put in the article search in my school library data base.
I am so impressed with all of you NaNoites! You seriously rock. Good luck today.
How are you today, Siri?
I'm glad that you could stay home today, Siri. Take care!
OK back to the paper. Talk amongst yourselves. ;)
Warmer than you, Gayle!! It's a balmy 25 here. I'm waiting for the cable guy (insert movie reference of your choice here), but got up and drove to the gym to walk. Got sad in the car, thinking of how horrid it is for that family, does go on. I'm gladder than glad that I'm not at work today. I'd be miserable.
Off to be productive, somehow...
Save the book for next year, Kristina and come have a research trip in Orvieto. Yes, you NEED a refresher visit.
I LOVE Wikipedia - most recent favourite find:
Florentino V. Floro, Jr. (born November 5, 1953 in Manila) is a Filipino judge who achieved notoriety after being suspended from the Philippine judiciary in 2006 due to mental illness. Floro made several statements that he was psychic and claimed to frequently communicate with invisible dwarves.
Invisible dwarves!!
How would you keep from tripping over them? I mean, invisible full sized people you could bounce off of, but tripping is much more dangerous.
Louisa, does your bookstore have an on-line presence? I love browsing bookstores, but don't think I can get to yours today....
I'm procrastinating. I need to write my blog post for the day and keep putting it off. I also goofed with the laundry. I forgot to check the new sweatshirts for tags before I threw them in the washer. They've now been through twice, so hopefully the adhesive and paper is all gone and I can throw them in the dryer. ::sigh::
Not that people haven't travelled further for books, Siri, but it might be a push for you to get here before I close in a hour! My website's here with a birthday blurb for Mr G that I re-wrote and edited so many times it's now slightly disjointed. I'm usually able to fit an author's life into a paragraph but he's done too much. Also posted his poem, The Day The Saucers Came, which probably breaks loads of copyright rules but I love it muchly - Q, if you think I should take it down just let me know.
They've now been through twice, so hopefully the adhesive and paper is all gone and I can throw them in the dryer.
Fods, I shouldn't type when I'm tired. That should be:
They've now been through twice, so hopefully the adhesive and paper are all gone and I can throw them in the dryer.
And that's after two cups of chai. :P
You are right, Nathalie. It is time for a research trip. After all it was 1998 when I was last there... a whole decade has gone by... and we are in a new millennium. I clearly NEED to get to Italy.
I am hoping it might just be the type of title that writes the story for me (but I doubt the words will be willing to do the typing).
Morning Fiends!
Fods, lots of work today and you have been chatty while I was sleeping, and tending to morning things!!
Going to be rather busy today, I thinking, the feels busy.
Ok, the air feels COLD, but at least there is some sun.
Wow, another two page, comment frenzy!
I second the invisible dwarves WTF reaction!
I just got this from a friend of mine and am going to have ben put together a card, I think it's a great idea and wanted to share:
You can send a holiday card to a soldier recovering at Walter Reed. The address is below. Let's spread some holiday cheer and show our gratitude to our service women and men.
TO: A recovering American Soldier
C/O Walter Reed Army Medical Center
600 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20307-5001
we're heading up to Marin county for the night once we picked Ben up from school so I'll probably be behind on comments yet again!
At first I wondered how he knew they were dwarves if they were invisible but maybe it was through tripping over them as Siri suggested
Bumping into invisble things is bad enough without having to trip over tham as well. Someone could really got hurt that way. And in awkward places too (says someone who was prone to bumping into Amsterdamtjes when in a crowd. Ouch).
Invisible dwarves
have been living on wharves, damp
and most menacing
well... they could have been visible to HIM and invisible to everyone else.
Who are you going to trust... the person in front of you who has been arrested or the dwarf standing beside your chair whispering in your ear? Clearly the dwarf... hasn't he been right all along?
and What are Amsterdamtjes?
you mean the dwarfs on wharves wearing scarfs?
That would be's cold on those wharves :)
Unfortunately because I am short the top arrives at a very painful point of my body when impacted...
Not cookies!these!
I'd rather bump into a cookie (and Dutch cooies are good. Loaded with butter). It did teach me a few thing about charging through a crowd without advance visibility of what I might encounter in the way...
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