Strange World. Long Day.
I am not sure now who it was exactly, but one of you on the ball Fiends posted a link to the ACLU website, where they talk about filing a writ petition with the CA Supreme Court, asking them to invalidate Proposition 8.
It seems they feel, among other things, that it is not right for the majority to be able to vote to take away rights from a minority, based on gender. Like, you can't take a vote to decide that now, say, only men can vote.
I am still somewhat puzzled that anyone thought you could simply take a vote to deprive people of rights. As if, well most people don't want Gay People to marry, so they can't. I mean, um, isn't that one of the things the 'Ol Constitution is meant to protect? The rights of the minority?
There. Those were my wise and deep thoughts for the evening, all that I had. Long day, long week, this girl is tired out. Running for President and all. Gigs this weekend too. I must rest up on the couch and prepare myself for some Rock.
A couple things tho I want to know tho....Yesterday's post went down the Cool Toys Of Childhood Path, I want to know: Best Childhood Toy ever. What was the COOLEST thing (or things) ever?
And what is every one's Porn Star Name?
(First name: Your first childhood pet. Last name: First street you ever lived on.)
Feather Fortress
Reading the story about Proposition 8 in the NY Times this morning totally enraged me. The proposition cost SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. Can you imagine where this money could go? Africa, Alzheimer's research? AdoptUsKids, Greenpeace? We're using it, though, to deprive human beings of their rights as human beings.
Can't really think of favorite childhood toy at the moment; I seem to have gotten myself in a bit of a state.
I think I answered your toy question in the comments for the last post while you were posting this!! HA! Prescience at last!! I think I would have to say 'Art Equipment' hands down.
I am so happy to read the ACLU thing. I think it was Ariandalen who mentioned it. Myself and my best friend were EXTREMELY unhappy to hear about Prop 8 going through so the ACLU plan is VERY welcome.
as for my porn doesn't really work for me.. I guess I would be Kona 152nd... or Spike 152nd or if we are going with an pet I got to name... Shadow
Feather Fortress is GREAT though.
3!!! I'm number 3! Go ME! LOLOL
Emily... that is something worth getting yourself into a state. Human rights = Gay Rights. I'm glad you are here on the blog with us. I had not heard about the cost. Yikes.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pickles Maria.
I went with the first street I remember, and the first pet I named (anybody else read Pickles the Fire Cat??), as Mama Thomas just isn't an appealing pornstar name.
guess I should actually read the posting then... HAAAAAHAAAA
porn name don't be workin for me. too many pets to remember; we moved on avg. 6 times a year so that's a no go too.
Your's Fablo is naturally; awesome.
No Leopard report?
I have a slobbery purry mess headbutting me right now on my face while I'm typing. Where IS her prozak???
I suppose I could be Shadow Highway or Shadow Grafton... but that's kinda wierd... and boring.
Oh, Shadow is good. Highway, not so much. :)
Shadow Grafton is way cool@!
I haven't said anything about your prop 8, because I didn't know what it was (now I do) and I really don't think they'll be able to get it to fly for all the reasons everyone has stated.
There could be a positive from this.
When your courts hold it up, in all it's ugly glory in the cold harsh light of day and swat it like the evil bug it is, logic and reason will show people how unreasonable it is (given that they are lucid and not frothing at the mouth).
I'd like to wish everyone who's fighting it the very best of luck, but I don't think they'll need it.
Best toy: Play tiles. They were small tiles in squares,rectangles and triangles that you could stick into a board and make pictures with. I worked out how to do it from the pictures that came with it.
Porn Star Name: Kitty Napier! (It's funny, I was just thinking about this the other day - you must be psychic)
I vote Shadow Grafton - very mysterious :)
You are right Jaquib. Once they hold this up, perhaps the laws banning gat marridge will topple. I liked what the MA gov had to say "Well, it's been legal here for some time and the world hasn't ended"
I just dont'' GET how anyone could have a problem with it, ir how it could POSSIBLY affect anyone.
Breyer Horses. Hands down.
Jess, you make me laugh, your barbies leadign very involved and dangerous live!
Stay, very well done on being third. You will be first one day....You will.....
(and if not, let me know when your B'day is and I will tip you off)
Shadow Grafton! Great names, Fiends. I admit, mine is pretty cool tho.....Might not be as cool tho as Pickles Maria!
Not sure about Bond, I am so not a movie goer for some reason...
Right. Le rapport de léopard....
He hasn't done anything since the other night when he was out when I came in the room, but that was a good step.
We still are doing the toy thing, and communicate that way. He is getting used to me coming in and doing things, and seems interested and not as scared.
This could take years, really.
But it will be worth it.
oh jess; we are counting the days to Quantum Solace. First, cos that's the coolest title for a film since Matrix and second; because Daniel Craig a great actor and third; I love Dame Judi. The new Bond is rockin the house with it's realism and grittiness. Oh ya; and he's friggin HOT! The entire beginning sequence of credits on Casino was so brilliantly done I put the movie in just to watch them; then turn it off. (well; sometimes I turn it off)
I loooooove movies. Just wish it weren't so expensive.
I'm going to make up a name from two things; one pet I do remember (and since Shadow is taken - I had a black kitten once) I'll have to go with Podunk: Podunk Perris. There ya go.
Poduck Parris?????
That rules.
I like movies too, don't get me wrong, it is just going out to them I don't like, at home, oh yes....
Fods, I just got hooked recently on LA Ink. Is that the coolest show or what?????? I so want tattoos. What would be the question tho. I can never make up my mind...
Ms. Fab; it's PoduNk Perris. not duck. no quackers allowed! heehee
If I imagine Podunk Perris in and American accent it sounds cool. It gets a bit lost in translation with an Aussie accent.
I love going to the movies by myself, sitting up the front having the big screen in front of me. I don't get to see movies until they're almost finished, so sometimes I get the whole theatre to myself.
OK. Weird.
I do also like going to the movies with my daughters.
I would love to reveal my porn star name here. Yet seeing as I've lived on the same street all my life I would be incredibly easy to find were I to name it. Oh well, I've never had a pet anyway.
(I've heard you can use your middle name, though.)
Hello Madam President,
The ACLU rocks! It mystifies me that such a measure was even allowed on the ballot, and it sickens me that it seems like it will win. Grrr.
With love,
Sugar Magnolia
P.S. The CDs are awesome! You're the best.
Sure you can Emily, that will do nicely...
Ok, PoDunk......
Why do cats HAVE to drink out of your water glass????? I even sometimes get TWO glasses, and they have a cat fountain, three water dishes, and I turn on the fawcett every time I go near it.
I HATE it when they stick their paws in it....Tounges, ok, paws? No way. Words to live by.
Glad you liked them , Sugar, thank you for donating to the Bengal!!
Mim is managing to both destry my French Book and try and un-plus my computer at the same time.
She is so good!
Chantrelle is off at Boss's event right now, she sent me a note from her phone...
our siamese drinks outta the toilet. but the best thing they like is when i put ice cubes in their water dish.
oooh wait... best toy.. definitely lego... lego pirate ships!!! I love lego VERY much... still. The year after I gave the paint-spinning thingy to my friend she gave me the best xmas present EVER... a Lego Harry Potter Pirate Ship!! Best present EVER!... um except for when she entirely organized, cleaned, fixed and redid my apartment with new storage facilities while I was at your place, Lorraine, for your birthday last year. ... but still... Harry Potter + Lego + Pirate Ship!!!! best combo toy EVER
and thanx folks, Shadow Grafton it is!
hehehe I love all the names.
Ice Cubes in the water dish????? And I have a Skull ice cube tray (from Spacelaw!)
When my new battery comes and I have a camera again...
We never had any legos grpwing up for some reason. The Mall of Americia has Legoland, Rubious, I think we wwill lose you there next June!
"Dog San Rafael"
Somehow I don't think that works for me, it conjures up a kinky vid submissive and that's just NOT me!
(The dog we adopted when he leapt into my dad's car one day at the rifle range in Germany only understood one word in English....guess what that was!?!! hehe)
Best childhood toy? huh. Aside from much fun with lite brite and Easy Bake Oven....and my mom tells me I was crazy about this giant rag doll (bigger than me) that had elastic bands so that it attached to me, and I would dance around with it....
Would have to be my books. Started reading at three, and was seriously addicted from then on. We were rude in my family---everyone read books at the dinner table!
Oooo.....Camp Snoopy!! Lego Land!! Roller Coasters!!
I even miss the Mall of America. How messed up is that?
reading at the dinner table! I think that's cool. Way cooler than say; families and TV trays staring at the horrid black box!
Fods, we could spend all night on favorite books of childhood!!
I got some pretty strange musicial influances pretty young too...
I agree with you about the name, Lys, what was your second pet. (Funny stpry tho!)
Oh, hey!! I remember best was just a few years ago. The Tiger Electronics light saber that made its lightsabery noises AND played a one on one fight game based entirely on your movements while holding the light saber.
So you could have a nice blade workout all by yourself!!
Okay, silly....but fun!
btw..Yay ACLU, Shadow, PoDunk and....
Sugar Magnolia?
oh, that's my favourite. I have a sweet tooth. :)
You will so have to come to the Party Lys! Maul is SO on the agenda...
(Trust me Fiends, this will be fun)
books... good one. I liked my books too but I wasn't allowed to read when I ate unless no one else was eating with me.
As for Mall of America...nah, I should be fine. I had the joy of dragging my parents to Legoland in Denmark when I was 13 and they made the mistake of asking me where I wanted to go. It was a musical or Legoland. I picked Legoland and figured the musical would come to Vancouver (it did). It was... under-thrilling... cause, you know, you couldn't really PLAY with the lego and the rides were tame and the massive stuff made me realize that I could never do that with the measley pile I had at home... and it had all been done before... and better... but I did get a neat Pirate Ship!!! That I wasn't allowed to open for over a month... but it meant that I had opposing armies so that was good (and I had always liked the pirates better than the bucchaneers). I don't actually BUY lego... it's too expensive, but I sure appreciated the Harry Potter Pirate Ship. It was a fantastic gift (I have it on display in my room).
I also saw a King Tut Lego demonstration in Paris that same trip and a similar Egyption themed one a few years ago in Vancouver. It's not as much fun unless you can PLAY with it.... at length.
Shari Highway?
Not much of a porn name, really.
Best toy? I don't think I could pick, really. No, I long as a pool counts as a toy.
just look at my brother's bathers.
mwa ahahahahhahhahahahaahahahaaa
Oh Sally, I hope your brother doesn't frequent this site!!!
oh that HAT! Sal that's too adorable. We should all share our baby pictures.
Huh, second pet....
June Bug (a GIANT black cat. Never did find out what he was bred from, but he was polydactyl and enormous. Nearly 40 years ago in Fort Ord, CA (Monterey), Junie escaped from our car along with his almost as big and also jet black momcat, Ginger--we couldn't stay and look for them, because we were leaving to drive across the country.
So when I got back to Monterey in 2000, I was curious about JUST how many feral black cats live there. And how many of them are polydactyl. Remember, there wasn't such a drive to spay/neuter pets back then!
Reading at dinner means nobody has to speak to anyone else, though!
Oh, and I really don't think much of "June Bug San Rafael", either.
Obviously, I don't get a Porn Star name...sigh....
As for Legoland, I seem to remember lots of things you could play with..and lots of ways you could play/interact with the Lego creations themselves.
We used to spend hours there.....:)
ACK....I just read the front post properly..
heheheh... That conjures up an image....
SalLy!!!!!!!!! That is REALLY funny!
Not a bad porn name either...
Rubious, I bet there are lots on ebay? I like the idea od a King Tut llego.
Sure does, don't it Lys?
King Tut Lego - that would be cool.
We didn't have Lego, but my brother had a Meccano set and I loved playing with that..and his robot. Always wanted my own robot.
maybe I didn't find the things to play with.
June Bug, I love it
Pick another street. I did... I skipped 152nd and Hwy.
try middle names.
well it was a display.. so you gotta imagine whole sphynxs in Lego... pyramids... full size sarcophagi.
In legoland I remember a Pirate's of the Caribean type ride best. Wierd that is was in Lego.
no bb pics to go with our hooker names? *pouts*
gotta run wash this color off me white hair!
Sally, Love both sets of bathers. I remember Tarzan was big when we were kids, is that what inspired his bathers?
I think I had a pair like yours, but I didn't do hats - even back then.
Lys your porn star names sound like really great rock bands!
I think you're probably spot on about the bather inspiration Jac. Mum made them, I know that!
um... baby pics/porn names/favourite toys. where ARE we going here???
Heehee, That's a great summary Rubius. Wish I had have thought of it :)
I've gone back to writing for nano, I decided the story wasn't as bad as I thought it was.
Can anyone tell me what is the strangest ringtone on a mobile phone you have ever heard?
Darn headache made me miss a bunch of great posts. I especially loved the Dia De Los Muertos links 'cause I'm such a skull freak.
Prop 8 is just plain wrong. Love doesn't hurt anybody.
Porn name..uh..Gypsy StrawHat?
Pretty dorky huh? lol
There were a bunch of toys I wanted (and never got) when I was little..spirograph, ez bake oven, lite bright. But hands down my favorite toys were my Breyer horses. (I even kept my 2 favorites and they're on one of my bookshelves!)
jacquib, the weirdest (but also the coolest) ringtone I've ever heard?
I was sitting in a local restaurant, finishing my breakfast. The place was mostly empty, and this well-dressed lady got seated at the next table. I was reading my book, and I kept hearing this..birdcall! It sounded so real I was looking around for a bird trapped in the restaurant (or maybe one of those birdcall clocks). The lady next to me noticed me looking around and grinned, apologizing for her cellphone. I told her there was no need..I'd much rather hear the call of a cardinal than some obnoxious ringtone!
There you go:)
White hair STacy? How cool!
Kali, yes on the Breyer horses, me too, hands down.
WHo can say where we are going? (and can anyone tell me why we are in a handbasket??)
Dr Paul told me today about a ringtone, I can't remember the host of the shw, but it is about are you or are you not the father?
And you can now get a ringtone of him saying "Hello, you are not the father"
That's all I got, tho when Kitty calls me my phone plays "Turkish SOng of the Dammed" by the Pouges..
When Paul calls I get Dread Zepplins Imigrant Song, which is just plain wrong...Boss says "He had better not be calling you often"
Kali! You met the Birdchick! WHo has a different birdcall for every friend...
Sadly, it wasn't the Birdchick, but I wish it would've been because a different birdcall for each friend is Just So Cool!:) (bet she has the bird clock as well;)
Dread Zepplin..LOL
Thanks Kali_licious, I'll put that one down. I bet she gets a lot of strange looks though. :)
Q - I like the not the father one and I'll have to google the others, being from the land of Far Far Away from everywhere I have no idea what they are (or maybe I just don't get out often enough).
Arriving at the destination (hell)in a handbasket is always my preferred method of travel. ;)
question: coolest toy - i was 10 and for Christmas I received a prism, it refracted light. My father had died the previous June, and during those dark and awful days, I could make rainbows. I still have the prism, it sits on my windowsill, one of my most prized possessions.
porn name, snort, snicker, get ready:
beauregard pine point.
oh yeah. hot.
ok, tried to catch up on comments and i am way too tired to do so, too much day today, not enough night. sleep tight fiends, with a bright morning following...
Jac, worst ringtone ever - my best friend's son recorded her message tone, which is him screaming at the top of his voice "Message" over and over again. And yes he knows it drives me mad, but his mum likes it, because she can hear it!
i wish fablo. It's only at the temples & slowly working it's way up. So I decided to color over it with something fun. It's a disaster. I'm now going to have to call my hairdresser & beg her to fix it. I wouldn't say it's fuschia; that would be cool. I just rather look like a cheap; well... i can't go into it. I should have left it the color it was in my halloween pics. Natural; white hair be damned. I fear I've ruined it now. *sigh* at least it should fade pretty fast & won't be too damaged if I have to have it colored again. Why do these things never work for me? Other girls dye their hair all the time & it looks grand! Going to bed now wondering what I'm going to tell my boss tomorrow when she asks what part of Harbor Blvd. I'll be walking. (If I want to be snotty I could tell her the only place I can seeing as she's cut my income twice this year & I'm forced to do my hair myself!)
sorry. i'm venting; and sound pathetic while i'm at it.
ivenotime; i'm making a memory quilt right now for a gal who's mom just died. She passed out prisms at the memorial service because it was something her mom cherished and in her last painful days of MS she would watch the prisms refract rainbows & loved it. I'm adding two prisms to the quilt; as eyes for the dragonfly. *she loved dragonflys so out of some silver lame that was the dress she wore to her daughters wedding; i've made a two foot dragonfly out of silver lame and now he'll have prism eyes.
Actually I did know The Turkish song of the Damned, I just didn't recognise the name - cool song.
I gather the Dread Zeppelin bit of song was the AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,
Aaahhh, bit. That is truly awful :)
Stacy that quilt sounds fantastic.
If you need to get color out of your hair, you might try some Prell shampoo, just make sure to condition well afterwards 'cause it's pretty drying.
Stacy, be snotty. I find sometimes it brings people around to your perspective or if not someone else may be more appreciative of your stunning talent.
How do people get away with cutting your salary?
Bubule de Fécamp?
Loving these porn names!!!!!!
Stacy, rule number one, never ever die your own hair!!!!!!
Yup, that the Immigrent song..Horrible!
I am off for bed, Sweet Fiends..Write me some fun to wake up to...
Oh and favourite chilhood toy? Lego.
Spacedlaw, your name has to rock the most. What does it mean?
I'm not normally into pajamas, but one of my friends recently got me the best nightshirt ever.
trust me Fab; I havent' had my hair or nails done well over 6 months; simply can't afford it & have cut back. Thought it would be a good idea; See; I should have asked you first; I could have avoided looking like this.
nite fiends; thank you all for your unflagging support & nice things!!!
Kali; my nightshirt say's "I'm too pretty to do math". My old flame got them for me couple years ago. I adore them.
here's the color;
looks good someone her age & white skin. :(
Stacy, I bet it's not as bad as you think it is. Have a good look at it in the light in the morning, it might even look fabulous!
Love tha PJ's too :)
i;ll take a pix tomorrow & share. maybe by then i'll have stopped whinning and crying.
I'd love to see the pics. It's a great colour and I don't see why it wouldn't suit you.
I bet it's just that it looks different to the picture in your head, of how it should have looked.
As for whining, c'mon, you can do better than that, I can't even hear it yet! Remember, bigger IS better.
Besides, if you still really hate it in the morning, it can be still be fixed. :)
Stacy, "I'm too pretty to do math" -thar's great! lol
Ohhh now I see why you're not liking the color..on top of grey that's gonna be awfully bright.
Hopefully it'll look better in the morning.
I'm sure it what be as bad as you think Stacy.
as a long time dyer (my brothers and I were all pretty well totally, or well on the way to totally, grey by our mid 40's.
Now I get my best friend to dye my hair for me - that way she can easily do those back bits that are hard to reach.
BTW, I think the colour is lovely.
Oh Ivenotime, prism are very special. I have filled my windows with prisms over the last several years and I love to watch the rainbows dance on my ceiling and around the room... and your name was extremely funny.
Spacedlaw... I have to second the question, what does that name mean?
I asked my friend and hers was... Tila Beaver (I think that is pretty bad).
Stacy, good luck on the hair. It'll be okay.
Kali... love the jammies.
rubius, every time I see your pic my lust for those gloves grows *sigh*
Meh. Hope the ACLU goes ahead, and is sucessful. Woudln't it be grat if there was some way to make the people who were trying to deprive people of these rights meet that $75M bill?
Coolest childhood toy - depends wht period of my childhood. It's be books, tho' I think.
My hornby train set was pretty goods, as well. And when we visited my grandparents we got to play with some stuff called Bako, which I think was made in the 40s. You had little metal bases with lots of holes in, into which you put teeny tiny little metal scaffolding poles then there were brinkes made out of plastic (Bakelite) which slid along the ploes to build houses. That was fun.
Also Weebles.
Feather Fortress is great!.
I reamain,
yours truly,
Coco Coniston x
(Or ,for the fists pet I named, Moji Coniston)
Books aren't toys, really. They're friends.
Coolest childhood toy.... do tress count? I loved climbing trees.
Very unsexy porn name: Chookie Monkstown.
Publishers Weekly has a bit on writers responding to Prop 8.
And for all you Luddites out there, this made me laugh out loud.
How true. But by far the coolest childhood (and adulthood) thing . .
I used to colour in the pictures in some of my books, (Narnia springs to mind) Does that count?
Oh, and Louisa,mt book arrived yesterday - thank you! I have a frined who is expecting her 2nd child, I think she might appreciate it (No 1 has just learned to climb things, so she's a bit stresssed and in need of a good cheering up...)
Excellent Marjorie! Thanks for letting me know. I've many others of his should you require them, the Epiplectic Bicycle is my favourite (and no, no typo, it is Epiplectic, great word!)
Morning, Fiends!
I missed you all last night and afternoon, as I was having Adventures at the Prop 8 protest in Westwood. It started at the Mormon temple in Santa Monica, then went to the Federal building a couple of blocks west of my office, then everyone camped right outside my office! So naturally, all of the office's 18 floors went outside to cheer them on, except for the few who stayed because they were either doing Important Things... or bigoted asshats. There were a lot of rather ugly altercations, as it became clear who had and had not supported the proposition. Today at the office is going to be quite interesting.
Outside, the police were actually being quite polite, except to the people who were insisting on sitting down in the middle of the street (for those of you not from LA, this was a move tantamount to suicide until the police could get traffic blocked off; about 2 pedestrians a month get struck by cars outside my office), which I thought was reasonable of the cops.
The chanting reverberated off the glass and concrete of the corridor of high-rises; helicopters swarmed overhead, and it was deafening. It was awesome.
Until I had to leave to go home. That was not so awesome. The other vanpool driver was so scared of the protest that he refused to drive up on campus and pick up the other riders. This guy is... Well, we're really different people, and that's about as polite as I can be. So after making my disgust plain, I drive us up, collect the other riders, and set about working my way through West LA's surface streets to get to the freeway, and then back home. Had to tell two riders that if they were going to be whiny bigots, they could walk home. If they agreed with the protest, they'd have been taking it in stride.
The traffic gods were angry, so I didn't get back home until very late last night. Didn't check comments or for a new post, just went straight to bed.
Let's see... My favorite childhood toy was probably my Star Wars action figures. Or whatever stick I had handy.;) my fake porn star name... Foxy Centenary. I have a picture somewhere of myself with rabbit ears as a kid, which my mother titled 'the playboy bunny' because of my pose. (little did she know...) I'll see if I can dredge it up.
Val, wow.
That's all, just wow.
I mailed you skulls. :)
Morning Val,
Sounds like you had a very full day - the demo sounds awesome! Hope the traffic gods are kinder tonight.
Reading at the dinner table - that as generally frowned upon in our hosue (we didn't have TV on at meals either. We were reduced to having to talk to each other) but all read. We have joke that in our case,being sociable consistes of everyone sitting aroud in silcene, each buried in a different book. . .
Shadow Grafton, Podunk Perris & Sugar Magnolia. Those three have to be the suppotying cast in the blockbuster starring Feath Fortress :-)
I can't say I really had one favorite toy. They all got mixed together in a wonderful way.
My brother and I would play together with everything we had. Barbie would be riding on flying My little Ponies and dropping Lincoln Logs on the GI Joes that were holed up in the lego houses. She wanted to cook them for dinner. Yay for Canabalistic Barbie!
We were also very fond of building Lincoln Log forts, filling them with plastic coyboys and indians and shooting rubber bands at the "enemy", whoever had the last guys standing won.
I didn't have an EZ Bake oven either, I wanted one very badly so Mom let me play with the real oven instead. (I still wanted the EZ Bake oven, though.)
-Comet 7
Stacy, that quilt sounds just lovely, what a wonderful memorial, and what a neat idea to pass prisms out. maybe i will stash some in my safe for my daughters to find when its my turn. which i hope is not for many many years! I died my own hair once too, turned it orange, went immediately to the hairdresser. Good luck, i hope you like it much better. love the porn star names too, tho i just remember my parakeet, which we got about the same time as beauregard the dog - so it could also be perky pine point. snort. Val, what an evening...have a great day all!
My name would be Tipsy Lakes :)
Favorite toys were definitely the Breyer's horses.....the best were Misty of Chincoteague and Black Beauty to go with my obsession with horse books.
Yay, thanks, Phiala! :)
Yeah, it was a full day. I'm in the office now, and rather missing the noise and energy of the protest. I expect some people are going to be very sheepish when they come in today. Annoyingly, the only photo that came out of the protest was one taken during a lull. Very boring, unlike these at the LA Times website.
Over the last couple of days, I've gone from disappointed to incensed over Prop. 8. I'm trying hard to be calm.
And Stacy, the quilt does sound quite lovely; you'll have to post photos of it.
Wow! So much great content for discussion. I wish I had time to write some more but I have a serious experiment to attend to. I just wanted to check in and say legos ROCK! And I too had ALL the Star Wars figures that died tragically multiple times in various volcanic explosions in the sandbox.
I'll see if I can't get back later today.
Oh, the show host is Maury Povich.
Yours truly, Max Randy.
Has to be Barbie, played hours and hours with sister and neighbors. We were lucky our moms and my grandmother made clothes for the dolls, we even had real mink furs, thank to grandma's mink collared coat.
Bambi 45th pretty bad porn name. Bambi isn't bad but...
I would rather see a law passed that allows partners to have rights, such as medical, power of attorney, legal rights. Marriage is only a ceremony that people can decide to enter into but I think it is horrible that life partners do not have the same rights as married patners.
Paul, "Max Randy"?? Really!!?? You've got us ALL beat. :)
Paul, you'll be happy to know, I'm sure, that I have now watched a long training video on safety in the molecular biology lab, including microcentrifuges and phenol. It was very well done (made at Cold Spring Harbor), but... I don't do that kind of lab work, nor does anyone else in my building. We did at least learn some general safety tips, like don't microwave things with the lid on tight.
Yours truly, Max Randy
Now THAT is a porn name.
Well, Val, at least you can't say yesterday was uninteresting.
Porn name: Allousion Highway
At least, that's the first place I remember living, though I know we lived in at least two other houses before then. I was a little young to remember such things. Though Illusion Highway makes for an interesting porn name. Not great, just interesting.
Favorite childhood toy...probably a big box of crayons, though I had a pot holder loom that was metal and size adjustable. I still use some of the pot holders that Mom and me made 40 years ago. Really.
I also still have, somewhere, I think, a little stuffed toy Scottish Terrier than my parents brought back from a trip to England that my dad had won during a sales contest for Ford Motor Company. He had a Ford dealership. Mom also brought back a doll from France, but it was in one of the cars at the car lot when the dealership burned. I think that was in 1966.
Someone gave us a Creepy Crawler oven where you pore goop into molds, then place the mold into an oven, then after it cools you have a pliable bug. They are back on the market, as I've seen them at WalMart. I wanted an Easy Bake Oven, but Mom couldn't see buying that when we had a full size oven.
I have to say that the Mega Bloks of the past few years rocks. They have a whole line, and story line, of Dragons. They even had small dragon figures as kids meal toys at Jack in the Box a couple of years ago. Good dragons and evil dragons, metal dragons and plasma dragons, and dragon eggs to hatch a dragon out of, and armor for dragons, and forts, and a few human figures.
Beats Lego hands down.
Even better: Max Randy plays with Feather Fortress.
In a rock/folk band.
Val! How cool you were in the middle of all this! I liked what you said about going from "Disappointed to incensed" I think this is something that is going to make a lot of people who were indifferent to the issue sit up.
Not that you were indifferent, I mean people who didn't care at all before are going to sit up and say Hello? You can't give rights to some people and deny them to others.
Max Randy???????????????
Paul Wins.
More tea...
Yes.. Max Randy is the ultimate in Porn Names.
I had one of those pot-holder making thingies too.. I think my mom still has one or two as well.
I kind of wanted the easy bake oven but never got it. I got my fix though when I grew up and started babysitting. My neighbour's kid had one and we made little cakes once... by that time it was extra under-thrilling.
Val, you go girl. Thanks for the update.
and NOTHING beats Lego... let's say they are equally cool as megablocks (and I have Lego dragons from years ago... and Lego has a storyline, several in fact) ... I heart Lego... but I don't buy it for myself now. I would rather buy art supplies.
Val-I don't think I could have driven through all that like you did yesterday. Large groups of people scare me. Ones that are having altercations make me want to hide under the my desk. You're much braver than I am. =)
Anyone else planning on going to hear Max Randy & the Fabulous Fiddling Feather Fortress tonight?
I love legos! Did you know you can make a tower of legos heads? They snap together quite nicely.
"Toni Annanwood" here.
As a long standing ACLU member, I know this will not stand, but will be even more of an expenditure by the people. In California, there was major confusion over the wording. People not informed, didn't know what they were voting for. A sad state of the American public. Live and let live, my motto.
am beat from Madonna. JT & Britney were great actually, lots of fun, i have toured with both. Lots of backstage glamor, Heidi Klum, JLo, FergieFerg, Drew Barrymore.etc. even Donald Sutherland.
everyone had fun, and the show was a great success, i got lots of photos. blog soon.
Thanks for all your wishes for Chi, he is in a coma, i will watch for his recovery. Love that man.
now off to prep The Who!!!! so excited.
but so tired.
Quiche, you will have to carry me from the plane.
As for tattoos, you know how i feel about that!
of all the childhood books l loved, "The Outsiders" really changed my outlook on writing and reading.
Kitty, I will arrange for Cabana Boys to carry you from the plane while fanning you with Palm Fronds, you've earned it!
Keep us posted on Chi, this is sad news indeed....
I agree, a mess, and no, it won't stand, but WHAT is all the fuss? People WAKE UP! Sorry, got out of control for a bit.
75 Million dollars spent to do nothing but try and hurt people....
Max Randy and Feather Fortress? Oh Fods, with a name like that we will be playing stadiums in no time and Kitty can tour manage us...
Hope to see Minneapolis Fiends tonight, even if it IS snowing, and raining and ugh. We will be warm, and they sell beer. And whiskey. Might even rock!
might rock... MIGHT rock..
like there is any doubt.
and Nat and I know what we are talking about so no arguing.
We had a few days of sunny 70-degree weather here now it's 48 which will be today's high.... that almost makes it worse somehow, the fact that I was wearing sandals yesterday :(
My joy of the day was seeing my kids eyes get HUGE when they looked out the window this morning to see the snow covered trees.
I have to agree that Max Randy is one of the best names I have seen from that name-creating combo. My first dog was a black lab named Max who I got when I was 4 and was still with my parents for a few years after I left for college. I spent most of my elementary years living on Randy Ave.
There is a great deal of ignorance and lack of self education during the voting process, as we are again revealing in our local senatorial race. I can't believe they set up the prop-8 vote as a double negative to begin with.
Unions should be recognized by the government and marriages by your religion. It's not that complicated.
Phila, I feel your pain on those training videos. Still, I spent the morning with a lot of different engineered vectors based on the lenti virus and needles, and it's times like that were I appreciate the strict policies on training.
I'm looking forward to tonight Q!
OK. Comments finally read! Well, in truth, sort of a skim-read combo. I'm just hoping I didn't skim when I should have read and missed something of tremendous importance.
Porn name: Kitty Holt. Eh. Not bad enough to be funny and not cool enough to be, well, cool.
Childhood toy: my chemistry set! I got one at a fairly young age from my father (mostly, I think, because he didn't want to get me an easy bake oven). I loved that thing. It was soon followed by my very own microscope. Really, I was meant to be a mad scientist.
Stacy, how's the hair color now? If you need serious help I can send you to the SoCal Goddess of Hair Color (she's also my best friend). Email me if you want more info: Lexocat at gmail dot com.
Val, kudos to you on the driving! I know the streets you're talking about.
Oh, and speaking of email, Ms. Feather Fortress, I send you an email last week but I don't know if you got it.
Arrggh! Forgot to check the comment follow up box. Fixing that now.
Been thinking about childhood toys all day and much as I loved Lego, and I did, per hour of joy I'd have to go with my Space Hopper. I believe it's still at my mother's.
Meant to say earlier - Quantam of Solace good, the lovely Mr Craig hot indeed, never thought the day would come when I'd be watching a Bond film and thinking, "Impressive cinematography", liked the Bourne direction of using what's to hand rather than fancy gadgets (jam trousers!), Dame Judi is who I want to be when I grow up - she is AMAZING in it!!
Liked Jon Stewart's comment on Californian voting preferences, and agree that marriage is a heterocentric notion and that we should be open to the possibility that there's a better option out there for us all, whatever our orientation and need for commitment labels. Marriage works for some and that's wonderful, and shouldn't be denied to anyone, but I don't believe there can only be one option for lifelong commitments.
Huge healing thoughts to Chi, saw the Deftones play their first gig in Ireland **insane**
oh and should add for those going to see Q of S, definitely recommend a refresher watch of Casino Royale first, you'll get much more out of it
Well, rock or no, I am ready to play.
Here here, Paul! Well spoke!
Lexo, I did get it, I am just massively behind on everything....Catching up on cd's for people this weekend, promise!!!
(you would get them quicker if so many of you didn't keep donating, hee-hee, KIDDING, I love you all for this!)
In the hopes that I am not the only ignorant Fiend today, who is Chi and what happened to him?
Kitty's blog will explain all.
Have fun playing tonight, Q
Thank you, Louisa.
Hope he's better soon.
Paul, I'm all in favor of training, especially for anyone working with hazards.
Relevant, decently designed and executed training.
I've spent umpteen hours this week doing badly designed, idiotic, or irrelevant training, and consider that a waste of my time. :-P
Y'all rock tonight, okay!
And Kitty, best of wishes for your friend's recovery.
And for a picture of our dog, Lavender, and one of the feral kittens, Dragon, go here.
hey fab; i emailed a pic of the hair cos i couldn't get the link to work. i emailed you from my office so it's not from 'corvus'.
Louisa, after one small flurry of Googling I realize what you call Space Hopper was, in my childhood, a Hippety Hop! To Husband and his brother, though, it was just called The Weapon.
In true boy fashion, instead of riding around on it as one was meant to, and was SO MUCH fun, each would grab a handle and bop the other over the head with the "ball" part. The winner was the last one standing.
My MIL has endured much.
But, hey! I found out I can still get them, in adult sizes even!
I would *love* an adult size one!! They're so much fun, I imagine especially for battering brothers with. And great for a work out, those things take energy! The retro fad brought Space Hoppers back in last Christmas but they weren't quite the same (I'm guessing different health & safety standards in this cotton-wool world), sort of a Space Hopper Lite™ affair.
Love the picture, ariandalen, very Peaceable Kingdom.
Ooops! I forgot to address you as your new title, mistress of skulls.
I hear you clearly on the training issues. We get that all the time too. Most of the time I try not to think too hard about why it's necessary for me to learn about it when it clearly has no bearing on what I am doing.
Ever since you mentioned phenol, I can't get that "memory smell" out of my head. hrmph. Best go combat that aggressively with some Jameson!
Sending lots of healing energy to Chi tonight while I'm playing.
I'll forgive you this time, but don't make a habit of it. *grin*
You know, I've _never_ worked with phenol; I audited mol bio to learn the textbook material for the GREs, and didn't do the lab. But now I've watched the video...
Oh, and enjoy the Jameson! I've become partial to Tullamore Dew for the Irishes, though we have more Scotch in the house than Irish.
I hope the gig is awesome; I wish I could go! Sounds so much more fun than my nonexistent plans for the evening.
I've been listening happily to Folk Underground all day (thank you Q! You were remarkably generous) so now I have some idea what y'all sound like. I can participate electronically at least, tho it's not nearly the same.
Isn't "Going Wodwo" the awesomest song?! I love it.
Stacy, do you want me to post this hair?? Your call my dear...Or if you don't answer in the next 20 minutes, the Fiends call...
you can post it. i noticed today in the sun that i have a 'spot' on the top of my head. oh well. it's the eyebrows that are scary.
I LOVE Going Wodwo... it is one of my calming and re-ordering of who I am songs... it makes me remember who I am, I mean.
Actually that's the one I most want to share with people this xmas.
Post, Post, Post....
I've just had some ittybittykitty therapy at the vets which has lifted me out of a fugue, and told them all about Fablo's re-homing and rehabilitation of Bengals.(And Bengals overall). Jo, the receptionist is looking after the teeniest kitten which is being bottle fed still (abandoned by mother, who only had one kitten anyway), and there were 2 other kitties there for adoption.
I was feeling very very low and guilty when I got there. Have had lots of indications for the last few weeks that Tysie's diabetes had come out of remisssion and because of One Thing Or Another I hadn't managed to check her blood glucose levels until last night. Big guilt trip.
She wasn't happy with me this morning after having her ear pricked for the blood test, then an insulin jab. Kept running away from me, but eventually I had a purring lap-cat.
Loved the links this morning Fiends, and Paul you really do have a grand porn star name.
Kitty, I hope your friend comes out of his coma soon and recovers.
Glad everyone is having fun with the cd's! Better than them sitting in my basement, and they are helping kitties. Thanks for talking Bengals up Sallie!
I am beyond late and need to scamper...
New post is up, with the amazingly wonderful Stacy shot!!!!!!
See you late tonight!
So, I had to go through a lot of effort to find out my porn name. In the end it was" Sabrina South Berendo".. Nowhere near as exciting as the story behind my efforts. I called my father to ask where we lived when I was small. I remembered the city, but drew a blank on the street. He emailed me back with the full addresses from my childhood. Not because he was a savant with addresses, but because he had to keep this information for SECURITY CLEARANCE - how 007 is that??? Much more exciting than my wanna-be wimpy porn name.
... And I'd tell you what he did for the government, but then I'd have to kill you. :-D porn name would be Fuzzy Woodstock.
Sorry Lorraine. I think I'd better keep my day job. I'm not getting far as a porn star with a name like "Ellsworth Puritan."
My porn name would be "Doggie Howser". BEST. PORN. NAME. EVER.
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