Friday, November 21, 2008

Bengals! Bengals! Everywhere!

Do you recognize these Bengal Girls? How about up close? Lovely, aren't they?

Would you believe Jungle Loves 1 & 2???????

I go this note today.....

"I say to Spirit she is a pretty kitty and she rolls on her back and lets me rub her tummy. You can tell she is enjoying every minute of it. She is the one that will often jump up on the chair and sleep on the foot rest with me. Angel comes up to play.

I sometimes have to step over them to get past them. Before they would run when we moved our feet.

I never get over the beauty of these cats! Their personalities are so different and they let you know what they want. RIGHT NOW. What did we ever do with out them? They won my heart when I first saw their pictures. And my heart was right!

Thank you again for choosing me to have these beautiful girls. I really don't know what I did with out them. They have given me many hours of joy and laughter. And I have had them just a little over a month. Just think what I have
to look forward too.."

Makes me happy. Especially since the other note I go today contained this:

Meet Queen Mab and King Lear (AKA Queenie and Lear) my new Fosters. Lear is a big F2 boy, who apparently Does Not like men, and his bonded sweetheart, the petite Queenie.
They are currently living in Chicago, and as it works out, Miss Kitty and I are going to go down in a week and a half and pick them up. We will bring them home, and we will see what happens....

Love and Bengal Happiness,


At 4:05 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Wow! They look so much more calm and relaxed than they used to. So sweet!

Mab and Lear look adorable. :)

At 4:09 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

darn.I was sitting right here, and still only second..

(Must go read the post now)

At 4:12 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Excellent news about the Jungle Loves, and Mab and Lear lok georgeous too. Forgive my terrible geography - isn't Chaicago a long way away for them to be travelling? That's surely going to be an interseting journey.

Good night all.

At 4:17 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Chicago isn't a thousand miles, but it will be a full day driving. I think it's good with more than one in the car - How long is Miss Kitty staying, Q? I hope you have lots and lots of time together.

At 4:18 PM , Blogger Siri said...

I also foresee more head sitting....

At 4:25 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I agree with Val, they look so happy.

Mab and Lear look much more domesticated than the other traumatized cats you've received.
YAY for bengal love!

Yay for me being off work!
Yay for the weekend!
Yay for a short work week next week!
Yay for "me time" this weekend!

At 4:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, how sweet! They look happy. I want to know more about how you came to be a foster kitty-mom, but right at this moment I have to run out with roommate to get new sheets for her brand-new bed. It's so squishy, I'm totally jealous...

At 4:32 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Oh, El. You've said the magic words - Fabulous Lorraine will hook you right up!

At 4:36 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

okay... so that means 5 wild jungle cats in the house... and only one Quiche... wowsa.

At 4:36 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

Better hope they don't go Quiche hunting.

At 4:42 PM , Blogger Siri said...

shhhh - be vewwy vewwy qwwiet - we are hunting for quiche.....

At 4:51 PM , Blogger Adri said...

YAY happy kitties! Mab looks exactly like my Zanzibar!

Fiends, it is 15 minutes before my guests are meant to arrive and I am calmly faffing around on the internets and chatting with you lovelys. And my kitchen looks like this.

I'd say last night's hours of prep were well worth it!

At 5:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures, Ms. Fablo, and I'm so happy for Spirit and Angel, and for Mab and Lear! How very cool.

At 5:13 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I don't have a glass, so I raise my mug of tea to you, Mab, and Lear!


At 5:25 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Ah, pretty kitties!

I am lolling on the couch with a dog and cat, enjoying my Friday evening and trying to muster enough energy to at least put the dinner leftovers in the fridge. And feed the dog, though he seems too sound asleep to care right now - he would certainly notice before morning!

Nick is off with a friend at a knife show until Saturday evening, so I have the house to myself for a bit. If only I were feeling a bit more energetic...

At 6:21 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

oh, beautiful pussies all around. Your old fosters are looking so happy and the new fosters are just gorgeous.


At 6:49 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Such happy kitties! :)
It is truly nice to see Spirit and Angel so relaxed and comfortable.

And what's not to love about King Lear and Queen Mab! They look so well adjusted and confident. Makes me wish I could take them, but I really can't. I'm having trouble with Tangwyn eating even with feeding him canned and dry when he's only had dry before. I think it's due to the feral kittens, as that's the only thing I can think of that's different. They sure are beautiful though. :)

Adri, I hope your dinner party is going well, though you won't read this until it's over. :)

Ms. Fabulous, I hope the gig is going well and lots of fun!

At 8:27 PM , Blogger vampi said...

forgive me if you have answered this before, but how do your current bengals take to having the fosters? do you keep them totally in different rooms?

i'm so nervous, jon's mom and brother are coming to visit for a week. we haven't really unpacked proper after we moved. we went from renting a 2 bedroom house to a 1 bedroom apartment. oh, and we don't have a couch. i'm such a mess. ugh! it's as clean and put away as it's going to get.

At 9:07 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Nothing like visitors when you haven't unpacked since moving Vampi. Where will you all fit? Hope the visit goes well, and you're not feeling overcrowded by the end of the week.

At 9:08 PM , Blogger Na said...

Gorgeous cats and happy cats. I've wondered, too, how you house them all? Do Bengals get along any better than standard domestic kittehs?

Eska vou vou, Fiends, et ca va. Sounds like folks are having fun.

At 9:10 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

She has L-space in her house. It has to be the answer.

At 9:28 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

What a happy post! Such gorgeous kitties. Quuen Mab and her Lear don't look traumatized or anything so they should be easy to foster. Why were they abandoned? They are such beautiful creatures.

At 9:33 PM , Blogger Rubius said...


Darling Quiche uses a separate room for her foster bengals... so far... with Mim and Venus free to roam the rest of the house.

At 9:35 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

morning Nat

how's the weather in Roma? Van's got rain... rain... and wind.

the cats look lovely.

watching dr who on a friday night... drinking white wine. crooning along to Amanda Palmer. Love the new Leeds United vid.

anyone else around?

At 9:45 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

L space is found in Pratchett's Discworld...its well, indefinable space I guess.

At 9:49 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

What cute, beautiful kitties!

I survived the baby visit with no tears. I, however, did not hold the baby. I think the mom knew i'd ask if I felt i could. He's a doll, he is a mini-twin of his big brother, it's amazing. Ben didn't want to hold him but was fascinated by him, and especially him nursing. He's always found that whole boob thing pretty funny.

Thanks again for all your support Fiends!! I knew I joined you all for a reason.

We watched Wall-E again tonight, had pizza, popcorn and a lovely bottle of Bandol. Life's not so bad.

Hope the gig was rockin'!

At 9:50 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It's been raining in the night and early morning (around 04:00).
The temperatures are still fairly mild.
Today I'm going to Amsterdam for a couple of days to meet a crazy friend from New York and I shall get rained on and frozen too. Joy.

At 10:04 PM , Blogger Rubius said...

have fun and travel safe Nat.

thx Sally

Chantrelle, glad you braved it. Glad it was tearless.. but tears do have a reason. You'll hold that child one day and you'll hold your own one day too, Fod willing. and the tears will be of joy. and thanx for joining us. We are richer for it.

That goes for all you delurkers out there.

Back to the white. not done the bottle yet. Probly will mourn the lack of a second around this here abode. dr who was sobering tonight.

At 10:23 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

We have our beautiful, awesome, amazing, 4-yr-old son who is our one and dearest. We will focus on making his life the best we can. We decided a few months ago that we had our attempt at our baby girl and someone more powerful than us decided that wasn't our path and are sticking with one kid...there are too many people on this planet anyway right? Since we came to that decision I've realized that life recently got so much easier (with potty training done, reading starting to happen, private school being so expensive, etc!) I'm cherishing the good in that choice. And also nursing my tendinitis-ed wrists back to health would not happen with an infant...everything for a reason.

And hopefully most of you will get to meet hubby and rockin' Ben in June :) Neil had the brief honor but ben was really too shy to talk to him!

I should really be sleeping.

I didnt' mean to ramble on so!

At 10:30 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

You will have a house full! It is so great to see Spirit and Angle so happy. And Their Royal Highnesses look very... well... royal.

Hope the dinner party went well Adri (I am sure it did!)

Hope the gig went well! Hope to be there tomorrow.

Travel well Nat!

I am very glad to hear that the baby visit went well. One step at a time.

At 10:31 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

really am sleeping now....goodnight fiends!!

At 10:43 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Ah, filled with such bengal-y delight this post was!

We had impromptu dinner out with friends tonight that was a blast. Sometimes things come together just so, no planning required.

Though, after a look at your kitchen, Adri, I AM impressed and wondering if I would be well advised to do more prep and planning on occasion, too.

Chantrelle, glad to hear of the baby visit success. I did think of you today. And my 6-year-old son adores Wall-E. And pizza. And mushrooms. I think he'd want to come to your house for dinner and make friends with Ben. They could discuss the ins and outs of being an only.

Congrats, btw, on coming to such peace with the decision. You're further down that path than I and you set a fine, fine example. Thanks. :)

Oh, and that whole learning to read thing? It's the coolest ever.

Q, eager for the gig report whenever you are able!

At 10:43 PM , Blogger Na said...

More cyber-hugs to you Chantelle. I've been through a similar experience. You've moved through this day with such grace!

LOL at "that whole boob thing"

At 10:47 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Chantrelle, Fiends must always feel free to ramble, especially when they have things that need rambling on. Good on you. You have our love.

Rubious is right, Fosters have their own room, in this case tho that is occupied by a very scared Leopard , so the Forest Bedroom up staires will be theirs. (There are two bedrooms up and one down.)

Chicago IS about 7 hours from here, so we will drive down , spend the night, and then drive back the next day.

It may not ENTIRELY be a co-incedence that Amanda Palmer, who I am going to miss in Minneapolis, is playig there that night.

It is entirely luck these fosters live less than a mile from the club she is playing at.

Seem like Fod is in on this?

At 10:53 PM , Blogger Na said...

Fod works in Fiendish ways, mayhap?

At 10:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Maddy is lovely isn't she? Aren't two that's for sure. I asked her to type for me as I was late yet again, and then saw WHAT she had typed which was more than I had dictated, and had to laugh, will pass on the fact she needs to blog....

I want to know how this dinner party went too..What's upwith her? dri can't LEAVE it and let us know????

Going back over comments..We get Miss Kitty on Thanksgiving until the 5th of December....

These new guys are not xactly WELL, but hopefully bettr off than the others. I am going to need a really speacial home, one women only, who has nothing but a LOT of love to give.. EG cats are beyond worth it, but you need to know what you are getting into. I know the home is out there tho...

Oh and El, (she says innocently) how I became a foster...I only found out about the need after I bought my two Bengals, and it broke my heart there were so many looking for homes! I wouldn't trade Venus and Mim for the world, but I wanted to help and had a spare room, and wrote to Janet, aka Bengalgirl saying I wanted to help..

A non-show Bengal Kitten: $600-$900

Adopting a rescue Bengal: $150

Fostering: Beyond Priceless, go read post again. To make someone that happy...

At 10:59 PM , Blogger vampi said...

what dr who?

and i am terrified and feeling cramped already and they aren't here.

At 11:01 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fod does!!!!! Fod helps Fiends who help themselves.

Oh right, gig. Funny old gig it was, not a lot of people, but they were mighty. The Neville Brothers came, four college guys who are a core of a huge group, the full group is coming tomorrow, and I adore them!

Third set is always short, I get tired, and tonight it being down to the Nevilles and us, we did House of the Rising Sun, after which I bailed, as after HOTRS there is nothing you can do to top it, but Paul played on, I left him STILL on stage!!!!

Tomorrow is going to ROCK!! I know this. DOn't missit if you can come.

At 11:02 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Vampi, what did I miss??? I admit to being tierd but do tell...

Nathilie, you are going away????

At 11:06 PM , Blogger vampi said...

boyfriend's mother and brother are coming to stay with us for a week.

1. we haven't unpack since moving to la (we are slackers)
2. we have no couch and no tv bigger than 20 inches
3. we have 1 air mattress

boy did not plan or discuss with mother plans on vacation, so no idea what we are doing for a week.

oh an now i am grumpy form having cleaned all day and didn't stop for lunch. we are taking them to dinner, so no point in eating now ugh.

At 11:11 PM , Blogger vampi said...

oh i see now lots of comments inbetween, so mine made no sense at all. i am failing at the internet today.

At 11:16 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hag in there Vampi! Been ther edone that...

Last week Boss had a Soiree for Saturday nigtht for 40 or so, but Saturday morning was too sick to make his brunch with Famous Author in town and so we had Surprise brunch Sat morning with an hours notice, followed by party , followed by un-expected in addtion to expected houseguests, bed at 3, back by 8 for brunch for 15 on sunday....

Yeah, been there.

At 11:23 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Chantrelle, well done!

Quiche, glad your gig went well. Though, you left Paul on stage? That seems unwise. Is the joint still standing?!

I've spent my evening researching battlemechs and giant robots, for an assignment in the studio. I've come to the conclusion that I have no desire whatsoever to draw or paint giant robot suits of armor. But I better get some, fast; it's due at 6 pm. More coffee, I think.

At 11:23 PM , Blogger Na said...

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have dragonets to keep,
And virtues to shelve before I sleep,
And virtues to shelve before I sleep.

Thank you FabLo and Fiends for being so welcoming. Meandering off to sleep now.

Looking forward to reading about the dinner party and the gig and bengals and all.

At 11:30 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Na, anyone who paraphrases Frost is ok in my book! Be welcome!

Val- Hmm do not envy you that. What is this thng you and Malena have cooked up for thanksgiving, she does not DO thaksgiving, I fear this...

At 11:54 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Dinner party went well-- our guests just left and it's almost 2am. I'll share the menu, but first:

Chantrelle, I'm so glad the baby visit was ok for you!

Fostering/adopting bengals is the best! Our lovely bengals are great companion animals, but a bit like border collies; they have LOTS of energy! They can be too much cat for people who aren't expecting them.

Now, dinner, which was lovely. We started with potato/zucchini fritters, had tomato, zucchini, and rice gratin for salads (tomatoes and zucchinis are both still in season in Texas), herb butter roasted chicken with butternut squash and apples for main, puff-pastry wrapped brie for cheese, and local-made raspberry sorbet and dark chocolate for dessert. With a bottle of wine with each course and after-dinner tequilas and whiskeys, I'm in a VERY festive mood (my virtues are put away!).

I was so busy cooking and serving and eating, I forgot to take food pictures. Everything was beautiful, though!

Now I just have collard greens and tomatoes to use up before my week-long exile to rural Louisiana for Thanksgiving.

At 12:10 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I'm so glad I was eating my dinner as I read about your dinner party Adri, or my keyboard would have been drowned in drool. Oh YUM

At 12:25 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am going to Amsterdam to meet my virtual friend Kimberly from NYC. she is a film maker and presenting a documentary at the International Documentary Festival there.
She seems like a very crazy girl - just the person I need to meet right in this period - and I think we'll have a blast. Check out her first report on the festival on The Nervous Breakdown (adult theme, fiends, be warned). Read the comments and discover how crazy is her Mom as well.

At 12:31 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I had to look for what collard greens were. And discovered they were my old Dutch friends, the boerenkool (I am more used to the term Kale).
Dinner sound great, Adri. Shame about not taking pictures, but it does mean that the dinner was a success.

At 12:35 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

yikes L, crazy schedule that!!!

I can't freakin wait for Amanda Palmer to be here! I have my best friend all hooked on her music too now!! woohoo... and we are going to have a blast!! I sure hope you get to see her L. If you do, ask her if there is anything she wants when she gets to Vancouver... I'll bring her treats!

Na, Love it!!! I too love Frost. He is great.

Adri... fantastic sounding dinner. Drool inducing indeed.

Val if you are researching Battlemechs you NEED to see the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion or at least some videos of their fantastic mecha in action. Horrible and vivid and intense, yet very meaningful in the context of the series... it is one of my favourite animes. Since your project is due soon you could just find some AMVs of it on youtube.

and Maddy is Wonderfully Fabuloso!!!!

At 12:36 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

coolness... have fun Nat.

At 12:45 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

How clever of you girls picking up the royal pair JUST when Amanda Palmer is in town...

At 1:28 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Glad the gig went well. Sleep well

At 5:28 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

good morning all! Chantrelle, so glad the baby visit went well, Adri, I seriously wish I was invited to that dinner party - yum!- and that clean kitchen is enviable, glad that went well. Nat, have fun in Amsterdam, will ck your friend's link - my husband was there last month (he gets to go to europe, and i never do, sob). Lorrainn, the jungle loves look happy and content, and the new king and queen are lovely, and your last weekend schedule sounded pretty brutal, tho since i haven't had breakfast yet, and not much food in the house brunch sounds wonderful. i have a bad cold tho so probably won't grocery shop today. Ooh, I wish i could get to chicago on the 3rd - that's my bday, that would be fun but i have to work. bah. enough rambling..have a fun saturday everyone!

At 6:37 AM , Blogger louisa said...

Bird Chick's Blog + comments made me lol.

Hi lovely Fiends, been a little lurky recently as the whole SAD gig has kicked in big time. Our length-of-day is just over 8 hours at the moment with a month to go 'til Solstice. But I'm OK with it, after winters of struggling I somewhat gracefully accepted that in the natural rhythm of the seasons I just don't do so much for a few months and focus on the things that have their own Light, so definitely still here with you, Fiends of Light, if not so "visible".

Hope you're all enjoying your respective days, carpe diem!

At 7:34 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Ahh, waking up to Fiendchatter read from bed with my iPhone. ;)

Quiche, I have NO idea what is being cooked up, beyond that I'm going to go over to Malena's after I've fed my best friend. There was talk of cheese, dark beer, meeting Miles, inviting people over, and ritual, since it's a new moon. Oh, and of sketching fashion designs. I've filed it in my head as Witches' Slumber Party. I'm trying to decide what to wear, to bring, and what to cook.

That dinner sounded lovely, Adri!

Thanks for the anime suggestion, Rubius; I'll get on that. I have one hour to prep before I drive down to the studio. Well, more like 40 minutes. Then I will do battle with color theory exercises, then figure painting, my favorite. And then I will hand in my assignment and leave early, to go see my good friend play at a gig near my place. Even though he's a drummer who plays 3-5 gigs a week outside the day job with me at Saltmine U, I can never manage to schedule seeing him play more than a couple of times a year. This will be #4 in 2008. He always takes the paint of the walls, so I'm looking forward to it. ;) Besides, I love seeing friends do the thing that is their passion -- you can see the Divine in their faces when they do it, and it is glorious and sublime.

At 8:11 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Yay! So glad you will see AFP in Chicago.

At 9:17 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Very funny on he Birdchick blog! Those Birders....

Morning everyone! That food sounded so good, Adri. I am starving this morning.

I am glad I get to see Amanda too, I was pretty bummed. And hello? Road trip with Kitty????? How fun is that???

I am excited about thse fosters too, andI know there is a single women out there with heart enough to love them.

At 10:26 AM , Blogger Na said...

Mr. Frost simply knocks me down.

Adri - Yum! Sounds like a splendid evening.
I had a community garden plot in Austin, and was amazed to be able to garden all year round, to start tomatoes in March and have them again in November. And I grew some 10-pound zucchinis. Holy buckets.

Bird Chick comments are classic. Was reading 'em out loud to my guy, but apparently it's one of those things better read on one's own...

Hearts to Mab and Lear. Despite what they've been through, in that picture, they look like they're ready for fun. Or that they're Up to Something, anyway, which I imagine to be a good thing.

Huh. Frost... bengals and leopards... Could Frost do as a name for the Growly One?

At 11:17 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Awww! I hate it when that happens!!!!! I just bought a purple riding helmet, Jess, just a suggestion.....

Don't think Frost is hi name. Love Frost now, but was one of those things, Like Dickens, bad teachers forced upon me too young. Still can't do Dickens...

At 11:29 AM , Blogger Siri said...

I must say, Jess, I love these little forays into your head....Sorry about the falling down - snowing here, now, so I'll have that to look forward to tomorrow - not venturing out in it today. Feeling all hibernatey today, with books and drink and small snacks. Maybe even a fire later, if I get up the gumption.
Bleary wave to all.....

At 11:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fostering sounds fun, Miss Fab, and I really wish I could do it. Allergies keep me from having cats of my own-- though who knows? Maybe my allergy doesn't extend to bengals. Weirder things have happened.

It's surprising how common bad teachers ruining literature is. It makes me a little sad, that's probably the English Major/Reading Teacher in me, though...

At 11:34 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sounds early perfect Siri....

At 11:44 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

El, she sings softly, Bengals are KNOWN for being the cats that people with allergies can tolerate....

That's one of the reasons , and only one of them, that Kali is going to live with Kitty, she sent my allergies thru the roof...

At 11:44 AM , Blogger Na said...

Purple riding helmet! Brilliant.

I had one prof who was a Dickens scholar, who was so odd. I believe he had just the one cheap navy blue polyester suit, as it would be increasingly wrinkled with each class, then appear unwrinkled for a day or so before gradually re-wrinkling.

There is a snow leopard in the kids' movie showing daily in my home. The character's name is Tai Lung, but really worth mentioning for being voiced by the exquisite Ian McShane. :) No, surely the universe will whisper the leopard's name in time.

At 11:51 AM , Blogger Na said...

El - on the bright side, the right teacher can give a student the literary love of a life time. I had that with a Dante seminar. And even the odd Dickens scholar got me hooked on Brothers Karamozov.

At 11:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you are an evil thing, aren't you? Perhaps I'll have to visit your beauties and see what they do to my sinuses.

While I'm here and pestering, how about shedding? Better/worse/the same as other cats?

At 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's true! And something I hope I can do for my students, too. There were two librarians I knew growing up that absolutely changed my life with gentle suggestions for books.

At 12:19 PM , Blogger Na said...

Numberwang! Meine goettin, gibt's auch auf deutsch - I was LOL, and then watched "Das ist Nuemberwang", and even if you don't speak German it's quite entertaining after seeing the first one.

At 1:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

No shedding....She purrs....No shedding with the Bengalssss....

At 1:50 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

On the one hand, if you wait for the apple cake to cool before eating, you won't burn your tongue on an apple chunk.

On the other hand, if you've been smelling it baking for the last hour, there's no way you can wait longer than thirty seconds before cutting into it.

Unless you're some kind of superhuman freak.

At 3:22 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ouchies Jess and Phiala. *gentle back pats for ouchies*

Do Bengals get on with dogs?

At 3:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Some Bengals get one with some dogs. Depends on the Bengal, and the dog...

Been sewing with Mads all afternoon and we're now playing violen, very nice eindeed.

At 3:33 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Phiala - maybe icecream on the apple cake next time? No waiting, no burning..
Jess, glad you're not broken.

Off putting teachers - yes. I was put off Jane Austen and Dickens for ages, partly because the class had to take turns to read (V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y and with absolutely not expression) Mansfield Park is still my least favourite Austen, although P&P and Persuasion are both now regular re-reads for me. Dickens - I still haevn't managed to look Oliver Twist in the face again, but enjoyed Tale of Two Cities when I didn't have to study it,and am currently about half way through 'Little Dorrit' - (it's currently on the BBC, and I am only about 2 chapters ahead...)

did have one inspiring english teacher (who, co-incidently was also one of the few teachers who actually made me work) with her, we mostly focussed on TS Eliot's 'Four Quartets' - I'm thinking it may be time to dig that out and re-read...

At 3:46 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...


Looks like I will not make it out to hear Paul and Lorraine tonight. Life is just not coming together properly for that to happen. :-(

At 4:01 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh, it was so worth it (including the recipe). If I'd had ice cream, I would have used it!

At 4:11 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

This is Maddy typing because Quiche is late for her gig yet again! But, she's off to gig now so she'll post later :)

At 4:13 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Yah Maddy. If we can't get a post from you on Boss's blog, we'll gladly have one here :)

At 4:13 PM , Blogger Na said...

I was also put off by Austen when required to read P&P in high school, but soon rediscovered her afterwards. Have since been an Austen-o-phile. The woman had a wicked sense of humor.

At 6:18 PM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

I'm tempted to phone Quiche and see if I can listen in. Think she took the bagpipes with her tonight?

At 6:23 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

You need to get that live feed from Charlie's working Dan!

At 10:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ah, wondered when you would remember the bagpipes. I stumble along with them. The fact that I am making NO progress doesn't mean I am going to stop TRYING, but I am not exactly sucessful yet.

Dan, you can always call and listen in. Tonight was a good one. One one Fiends, Amy, but she brought her Mm, whom we liked.

And the Neville Bros. Came back in strenth, with a Neville Sister even.

Good stuff, second set's "Extended Audience Participation" (IE Take up some TIME!) Was the Unicorn song, which has actually gone much better since I lost the words and make them up for the second half of it.

Need to go see what else you have been chatting on while I was rocking.

SOmeone mentioned Jane Austen, another venture that didn't quite pan out for me.

Anyone still up? Or getting up?

At 11:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am living on reverse Fiend time. I know this.

I know if I go to bed, you will all pop out like the munchins from Wizard of Oz (Cue Music)

At 11:33 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Here I am. Watching Gene Simmons Family Jewals (Sometimes my favorite tv show ever) an commenting on my own comments.

At 11:35 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

*Waves across the oceans at Quiche*

I've just been watching Pirates of the Caribbean, At Worlds End. Didn't expect to find it as funny as I did.
Glad your gig went well.

At 11:36 PM , Blogger Adri said...

I'm sort of awake. I should try to use this weekend to get my sleep schedule back on Reasonable Time before I'm exiled to the wilds of the North Louisiana forest next week for the holiday.

Of course, I'm working on burning backup copies of Doctor Who dvds to take with me to fill the time, instead.

Glad the gig went well!

At 11:37 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Dragonsally! I knew a Fiend would come out sooner or later!!!!!

Is that the second one? The first fiddle tune I ever learned was the one they used in that big fight scene...

At 11:38 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Its the third. I've been waiting and waiting to see it - got it cheap out shopping today

At 11:38 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I'm still up, though I'm going to be soon. Glad your evening was much better than mine.

I'm only now tired enough to go to sleep.

At 11:39 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

And an Adri!!!!! Good thoughts, if I was ever Mad enough to visit my own family, I would make SURE there was Dr Who....

I am havig Thanksgiving here at the SPooky House, going to do a post about it tomorrow after riding...

Adri, a I mad taking on an F2, WITH a girlfriend and thinking I will find their home? (Well yes I am, just need some kind words)

At 11:41 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Fods Andriandalen! I can't begin to imagine!!!!!! Rocket tests????? One needs to prepare to leave ones home???

At 11:44 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

It's pretty rude that they didn't let everyone within range know of what they were doing. I can imagine the panic it would cause older people living by themselves, for instance.

At 11:46 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Beyond rude. Our tax $$ at work...

At 11:46 PM , Blogger Adri said...

My family is lovely as long as I live at least 500 miles away and support myself. It makes the family visits much more enjoyable. Though, we're having Tgiving dinner for 30 next week, so that will probably be a circus regardless. We will also be pittig my purple hair and new tattoo against my cousin's job as a stripper for most scandalous thing to Disapprove of. I plan to check the internets at least once a day.

As for the cats-- they looked very happy and relaxed in the photo, though obviously there's a problem with their home situation or they wouldn't need your help. Are you going to keep them in their own room, or have them out and about in the house?

Things should be easier with two of them, honest! They'll reassure each other. Though, rehoming will be more difficult (especially since they need an all-female home). Since they're already sociable, it should be relatively easy to integrate them with your current cat family, if that's something you want to do.

All of which is to say, of course you can do this and it will be wonderful. Just look at the happy pictures of the former Jungle Loves for proof!

At 11:46 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

am at friend's gig (my office manwife). Supporting and all that. Venue is dreadful. This cover band he's subbing for and helping out likewise. Please send good singing juju, a manwife's excellent drumming is being overwhelmed by the suckiness.

Drinking heavily to make it through.

At 11:47 PM , Blogger Adri said...

Val-- drinking heavily sounds like a plan. Better living through chemistry! (she says as she enjoys a tequila)

At 11:50 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

They will have their own room, not sure about integrateing, if it worked maybee, but a male F2 with girl F4's??

Adri, we will need stories of this trip...

VAL!!!!! Can't help the gig, sometimes they do suck, but I could use a few drinks, if you want to drink for me....Take that bullet!

At 11:50 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Yes, one does when one thinks the world is truly coming to an end. It's cloudy here, or the sky to the west might not have been orange. There is also railroad roughly 6-7 miles west. I didn't really think it was a nuke, but I knew it couldn't be something good.

Absolutely NOTHING had been said on the 10:00 PM news, which I had been watching when the rumbling/rattling began. Nothing was said on any of the radio stations in the car, or on the CB radio. There was obviously no power shortage, once we were on the road, and the emergency sirens weren't going off.

Still, NO FUN!

At 11:50 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

sending good singing juju for your friend Val.
adri, that cracked me up. Just what is needed at all family get-together's.
Much more fun trying to outdo each other with scandal than virtue :)

At 11:55 PM , Blogger Adri said...

When resources are plentiful, cats do live in social groups, and it certainly sounds like you have plenty of space/prime sleeping spots/food/etc.

I don't have a lot of experience with female cats, though. Marilyn or Janet or probably anyone on the rescue lists would probably be a better resource there!

ariandalen -- I would have been through the roof. **hugs** and best wishes for a relaxing day for you tomorrow!

At 11:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am so not a one who can do "family" out of obligation, but I have a strange family. My sister Tracy is very like me only WAY funnier, smarter too. Her, I can hang with, and the other sister sometimes.

I should warn you I do in fact have the Holiday Spirit (not Spirits, Val is handeling that) and I am doing up this holiday. You are all coming to my place.

Via here I mean. No matter what is going on, HERE will rock.

At 11:57 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh cool. My first Thanksgiving!

At 11:57 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Adri, yes, Janet and Marilyn will be advising me all the way!

Le Leopard has been doing a LOT of hissing and growling, I think it is a good sign, he no longer feels he must remain silent.

He doesn't do the toy in food dish thing anymore, but I have taken to putting food bits on his cat tree, on every leval, and he eats them.

At 11:58 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Yes, Sally, we will be doing all the proper things.....


At 12:01 AM , Blogger Adri said...

Thanksgiving week with my family is actually something I really look forward to, as an adult. Most of my relatives are smart, free-thinking, snarky individuals (who would have thunk it? :) )

My in-laws are much harder to deal with (family of origin, anyway. My husband's family of choice is great). We deal with them for December holidays and I can usually do about 4 hours of that before I'm climbing the walls.

At 12:01 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Eeeeexcellent (said in true Monty Burns style)

At 12:07 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Yay! I'm signing in while everyone is still up!

At 12:08 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Ticia! Yes, we are all up!

Kind of....

At 12:11 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

I just finished the first draft of a poem... you wanna see it?

At 12:11 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Surely we do!

At 12:12 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I've got to go to bed, now that I finally feel tired.


At 12:13 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

A vampiric kitty has come out to play.
Having tired of mice, it wants much larger prey.

It revels in stalking and toying, it’s true.
Which is why it’s out now and it’s looking for you.
It’s sharpened its fangs, and its claws, and its wit;
Praying for game that’s much smarter than it.

Its thoughts dwell no more on the light of the day.
It lives for the night, and the hunt, and the fray.
So watch out dear reader, when walking alone,
Check behind, and above you, and under each stone.

For who’s to know when this cat will appear,
It could be tonight, or it could be next year.
So let’s all remember to never delay,
For the kitty is out there
and it just wants to play.

At 12:15 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

i'm posting to let you all know how much of a dork i really am. my inbox had moths in it all day; i was feeling properly neglected; thinking everyone else was busy off doing things (except phiala & sal) then i finally realized i hadn't made a comment on this thread so i wasn't getting any of these comments. ironic that i just finished my commission and it's midnight; now i can sit & read everything that's been going on all day. it must be said again; i'm a dork.

val; shoot a couple for me too...

At 12:16 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Ticia!!!!!Loves that I do! And really! Got it in one. Well done . I love reading poems that make me think " I felt like that" Or "I so know that"

Write more. You do it well. We shll put this in the night garden. Jess? Note this one?

At 12:17 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Stacy, uh, we are all dorks here..And beyond...

At 12:18 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

ticia that's wonderful! love the style!

At 12:19 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Oh thank you Lorraine! It's hard here sometimes because everyone in my house is asleep. And I just get SO excited when I finish something!!! I am so happy you guys are here all the time! What a wonderfully supportive group you are!

At 12:20 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

And thank you too Stacy!

At 12:20 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Been there, done just that Stacy.

Ticia, have you been watching my Tysie?
Brilliant poem

At 12:24 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Sally - I haven't.... but maybe you should be! (cue spooky music!)

And I'm glad you liked it (as one dog person to another).

At 12:28 AM , Blogger Adri said...

Ticia, love the poem! Sometimes it's easy to forget our adorable cat companions are some of nature's most effective predators.

Also, I'm reminded happily of the vampire bunny kids books-- Bunnicula? Did anyone else read those?

At 12:33 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Not even 4 pints of Guinness is helping this gig, Quiche. They made the band move inside, disrupting the whole thing. Why? Office manwife was too loud. Hi, DRUMS. Not a quiet instrument.


He so owes me for this.

At 12:34 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That's what Fiends are for Ticia!

And oh, yes, Bunicula....

I may be for bed shortly....Way beyond time if I am going riding tomorrow mornign...

At 12:36 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, Val...No fun, no fun at ALL!

What's a Manwife??

At 12:41 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Thanks Adri! I never read Bunicula - deprived childhood I guess. I always think of Monty Python when I think of deranged psychotic bunnies, but maybe that's me!

Val, I'm sorry you're not having any fun!

At 12:45 AM , Blogger Adri said...

Ok, I have to be off to bed. Must break this habit of staying up 'til 3am.

Goodnight all!

At 12:59 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

I should go to bed too, but I'm too amped.

I'm organizing all of my papers in my office - transferring them to my computer.

I'll stop talking now, because I'm boring myself!

Sweet dreams sleeping fiends!

At 1:00 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Night all you lot. few hours left here before bed time

At 1:04 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

So what are you doing Sally? How is your story coming along?

At 1:10 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

night all!

At 1:12 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

So far as Nano is concerned I was a winner today. I'm taking a break from it for a while then going on, the characters are still telling me things and there is a lot to be tidied up, like my grammar. I have forgotten so much grammar, its amazing.

At 1:12 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

good night fellow dork!

At 1:18 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Yay Sally - Good for you. Don't let the grammar bog you down. This is a first draft, it's for imagination and form. Save the grammar for later. You're just feeling that 3/4 of the way slump. All writer feel it. You are writing a wonderful story. Let your characters talk to you in their own voices - not the voice of the grammar police. That's what editors are for, and right now, you're the WRITER!

At 1:20 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks Ticia.

I'm leaving fixing the grammar stuff up to Pete, he's going to play editor for me, he's very good at that.

At 1:23 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Oh you lucky girl!

At 1:32 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I am home from the gig. At least they comped me my 4 pints and I got played one of my favorite songs: '500 miles' by the Proclaimers. So not a total loss.

Quiche, 'manwife' is Jess' word for a husband, and I liked it so much I stole it. An 'office husband' is a man who you have a very close working, platonic, peer relationship with, so close you might as well be married while you're at work. Since I spend SO much time at Saltmine U., I see more of mine than I do any of my other friends. 50+ hours a week with someone for over 3 years is rather bonding. Mine has a really awesome wife, and is himself incredibly awesome; he's like the older brother I always wished for, but never had. His website: can you tell I adore him?

So much Fiendchatter to catch up on I might never do it. I'll try, after sleep.

At 1:34 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Sleep Val - you're a good work wife.

At 1:50 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Good morning Fiends.

Ticia, I love your poem (checks nervously behind herself to see where the cat is)
Val -sorry the gig was not good - hope the beer was sme consolation!

Is Thanksgiving next weekend? I ahve some 1/2 american cousins so have joined in the celebrations once or twice - in fact, I may have to make some pumpkin pie as a gesture of fiendish solidarity . . mmm (after trying your applecake recipie, of course,Phiala

At 2:04 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Thanks Marjorie! And Thanksgiving is next Thursday (it's always on a Thursday). I want Phiala's apple cake too - I don't cook much, but I may be trying that tomorrow!

At 2:14 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Alright - I have got to go to bed or I will be worthless tomorrow!

Good night!

At 2:25 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

sleep well. I have to go make breakfast

At 6:26 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Applecake makes an awesome breakfast, by the way, with coffee or tea as you prefer. And with some of the alterations I made, it's not even an unhealthy breakfast. :)

I have been up for a ridiculously long time for a Sunday morning. The dog developed an urgent need to go out and to have breakfast at 6am. HE then went back to sleep, leaving me the only awake mammal in a house full of sleeping boys. Several hours later that's still true. I thought I might write some NaNo, but have been faffing about online the entire time, alternating with reading a novel whose idea interests me much more than its story seems to. I've been picking it up and putting it down for several weeks now.

At 7:30 AM , Blogger Beez said...

Phiala said-

"The dog developed an urgent need to go out and to have breakfast at 6am. HE then went back to sleep, leaving me the only awake mammal in a house full of sleeping boys."

Here too- well, boy singular. Luckily for him he's up now, otherwise I would have sent the dog in to poke him with a cold nose and wake him up.

I'm sorry I missed the gig last night. Work interfered both nights.

I love the Bengal shots, and that the Jungle Loves are doing so beautifully.
The new pair look lovely and very thoroughly bonded. I trust the right woman is out there for them.

Still, my favorite is now the sitting-on-the-head picture. I swiped it. It may be my new wallpaper if that's okay.

At 7:34 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Well, the cat is awake. And what better illustration that my household is nonconventional that the cat, member of a species of notorious nappers, is the only one besides me who is awake? Dog, no. Human, no. Cat, yes.

I suppose I should get dressed and head to the grocery. I need flour so that I can bake for tomorrow's potluck at work. (The only way that we'll actually all talk to each other is if there is food involved.)

At 8:04 AM , Blogger Na said...

G'morning. Ticia - loving the poem. Makes me miss having the wee hunters around.

And yes, Bunnicula! Happily a coworker foisted that on me a couple years ago. I just bought a copy.

My parents are coming to visit for American Turkey Day. They'll be our first guests since we moved. Empirical evidence is we're good in the same house for four days. They'll be here for seven. *commence deep, steady breathing*

At 8:31 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Na....You have no wee hunters????? You have a new home???? Na......What good is a new home with no Bengalsessssss?????? Every home needs a wee hunter or two...Let me find you a Bengal or two,, you will thank mee..Be one with us.....

At 8:39 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

MOrning Fiends! No, no idea who went into my account and posted that subliminial message to Na, I would never do such a thing!!!!!!!!

Hey, Paul and I do that song, 500 miles. Kind of. Manwife got it. Work Manwife. Got it. Does that make Paul my Bandwife??? Can't go there....

Of course you can swipe the pics, Beez, any pics anytime. But only you, none of those other Fiends....

(may not have had enough tea yet....)

At 8:39 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

LOVE the poem Ticia! It really sucks me into its world. Thanks!

At 8:40 AM , Blogger vampi said...

day 2 of boy's mom and brother staying in our 1 bedroom apartment. i'm so tired. they want to cook thanksgiving dinner, but honestly, i don't have the kitchen equipment.

quiche, when you come to la, go to a store in los feliz called wacko soapplant, it is crazy. part book store part toy store part art exhibit. i bought bat glasses. i can't wait to drink out of them. pictures on flickr as soon as i get out of bed and get some orange juice

At 8:42 AM , Blogger Na said...

Ha ha. Stepped right into that one.

Unfortunately we are renting, with a lease what prohibits animal denizens. :( But that can't be forever, and I do want to have kittehs again some day.

And we have young'uns. Do bengals ever do well with dragonets?

At 8:47 AM , Blogger Na said...


Aleta - my dearest friend since childhood is named Aleta, but is the only Aleta I ever knew. I believe her mother named her after a Prince Valiant character.

At 8:49 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

"bat glasses" - I was so disappointed when you got to the part about "drink out of", because that was completely not the mental image I had!

At 8:50 AM , Blogger Na said...

Wow, Fiends type fast.

I was laughing at Lo's "subliminal message" note, but other messages appeared between times. (I wasn't snorting at vampi's sitch.)

At 8:53 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Well spoken Aleta! It was a good poem, made me happy. Might need a print of it, with some cool art sort of things around it. I can see it framed, wit art around it, spoolky kitties and shadows. I have not that skill tho.

Na, again, it depends on the Bengal and the Dragonets. If you have kids who Are good with animials they might well be. As with any cat tho, the kids need to respect it. My last fosters would not have been good with kids. I don't think EG Bengals and kids a good mix either.

The best way is too find your Bengal, and then talk with the person fostering it, they will be very honest with you, as they want the Kitty to have the right home. I turned down 5 or 6 on the girls.

SOme Bengals will and love to live in large groups with cats and dogs, some are solitary.

You do not want them to be outdoor cats tho. Lots of them will walk on leashes however. Hours of entertainment.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Thanks everyone so much for leaving my Mom her birthday wishes, she was so touched. Even Boss. (shhh but that was her 80th bday)

Nath-a-law! Amsterdam on a whim, you are an American fantasy come to life...Please reports and photos, i do love the Dutch. Although my real heart lies in the city of COpenhagen. It's something about the DAnish. Maybe that they are Vikings....!

Quiche, the trip gets more and more anticipated which each new cat. Now i see why you have to make "alternative living plans" for the Kali/Robin. Batman has taken to his bed with the vapors on the thought of a roommate, but they will be friends soon enough.

Vampi, how are your visitors? I find that if you worry less about the enviroment and focus totally on your guests, they do not notice (much) *wink.

and Chantrelle, sweet one, your energy is fantastic and I am so proud that you showed your best face.
it is difficult for me, still 4 years later, to not think what I lost. Miss Tori put it perfectly, in Playboy Mommy, her letter to her child who didn't join her on this side.

ok! Bengalorama! coming this week, and we will be posting lotso photos. At first I thought Q, that you got your camera fixed! but no, those were photos of JLoves 1 & 2....kawhoops!

MANWIFE, on tour we call that your tour husband.
Your person that is not your person but that you pair off with, like in grade school on a field trip.
because that is what the road is truly like!
Dread Val. I will need a photo of you for the Neverwear site, when I get back??
Because I got some great ones (thanks Marjorie!), a new Wearing Neverwear blog up soon.
I finally washed all the Madonna out of my hair.....

Red is in Vegas coordinating the COmedy show for TBS (a giant bunch of comics meeting up in the deserts of Caesar's Palace) and she got to escort Jamie Foxx out last night, she is still giddy.
Quiet in the treehouse right now....
thanks for being there, little family.
(can you tell I had my coffee)

At 8:56 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Vampi, I am with Mistress on the Bat Glasses, lol. Completely different image. I like drinking bat glasses too.

I will be coming to LA in the spring to get my tattoo, if all goes well. My reward for ths Winter thing.

Apeaking WInter, and Romance, I'd better get off the couch and get me to the stable and do ssome riding!!!!

At 9:05 AM , Blogger Na said...

I promise to keep bengals in mind. The dragonets are quite respectful of other critters, plus will be a couple years older by the time we can add to the family so.

I will plant the idea in my guy's head as well. Bwahahahaha.

At 9:06 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Kitty! I was just thinking about you! My post today has a lot of you in it, just drinking enough tea to write it.. Glad to have you with us this morning!

Nath-a-law! What a fine name for her....Going to steal that....

I just told Kali/Robin about the Treehouse again, and she PURRED!!! I am making you and her a gift to take with, with my limited sewing skills...

We will be taking LOTS of pics on this trip, and Kitty has an Iphone so you can all come along...

I have 12 hours of Paul and Lorraine live to listen to and sort thru, now that it has been tracked. Might drive Kitty to jump fromt the car...

At 9:13 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Hm. seems to think that I should be listening to The Flash Girls and David Bowie this morning. The bouncier fiddle songs are certainly excellent bread-kneading music. :)

At 9:42 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Last FM is very wise. Didn't know Bowie did bouncy fiddle tunes tho...

My Thanksgiving spirit Blog is up, and I am off for a ride with Winter Romance...

At 9:47 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Yeah, it's a little-known musical fact that Bowie began his career as a bouncy fiddle player, but quickly realized there was more success possible with, er, whatever he is. :)

At 1:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

It is nice to know that other fiends get dragged out of bed by dogs needing to go outside, then find themselves the only ones awake for several hours. *sigh*
I think we need Nathalie to do some beautiful arty thing with the poem. I want to print it out too.

At 9:07 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Na! Meant to comment on this yesterday! There are certainly not many of us Aleta's around. I think I have met one -- maybe two others. I was not named after Prince Val's wife but I did love discovering her! My mom told me there was a little girl that once lived across the road with this name and she liked it. :shrugs:


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