Saturday, November 29, 2008

Maddy is the BESTTT yo.

Oh hello there fiends of Quiche! This is the AMAZINGGG Maddy Gaiman and I have agreed to do a fabulous blog post on the blog of theeeee Fabulous Lorraine.

So at the current moment Quiche and my father aka "Boss" are having a conversation about Edward Gorey. I think they are going to buy something of his or something crazy like that. I'm not really paying attention to them though, since my full attention is devoted to this of course!!

Welllll, I have got to say I am having a simply marvelous Thanksgiving Break. I'm pumped that Kitty is here with Quiche because they are pretty much the bOmB dIgGiTy yo! fo sho! I'm not really sure if you guys are hip and cool and stufff but that means 'for sure'. OMG learn something new everyday right right!

Oh snap oh snap wellll umm I would just like to put it out there that I had a donut this morning. It was really good. I warmed it up in the microwave for approximately 22 seconds..ahhhh just like heaven! Quiche and Kitty picked a donut up for me and themselves because as I stated in the previous paragraph they are the bOmB dIgGiTy.

So that right there is my life story. Have a nice day. FO SHO :o) <<< cutest smiley ever to walk the earth not that it walks

Love and MaddyIsSoCool,


At 3:33 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...


Its great that you had a wonderful thanksgiving break, and that you get to 'play' with Lorraine AND Kitty - *does little dance of joy for fun company*
You've done it now though girl, I am going to have to find a donut.

At 3:33 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Maddy rules, Sally rules for comment #1.

At 3:50 PM , Blogger Siri said...

You do rule, Sal - what's the news on the Mum front?

At 3:50 PM , Blogger Bulfinch's Aglaia said...

Hey, Maddy, what it do!! I think you might be the b0mb digGity 2, or something like that. Right? Thanks for brightening a rainy evening, and have a great rest of the weekend. And now I too want a doughnut...

At 3:52 PM , Blogger vampi said...


At 3:59 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

the donut was divine.
'nuff said.

At 4:21 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Special Guest Blogger! wOOt!

Srsly great post. Ummmm doooonuts.

At 4:42 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

WOOT! Guest Blooger! No work for me! Only comments!!!!!!

Vampi, next time leave the Halloween up. It's time they know....

At 4:56 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

lol maddy, of course you rule....we all know who the REAL boss is, don't we?? glad you are having a fun break!

going back to the previous post, thanks all for the kind words about my dogs awful thanksgiving - they are fine, and thank god, but that doesn't exonerate ill treatment, especially since their water had been frozen since thursday night. i am almost glad i haven't been able to get in touch with anyone as i am so livid i wouldn't control my temper at all. But thanks fiends, your tea and sympathy made my day. Sally, you are indeed number 1, and how is your mom? Jess, have fun at Amanda Palmer! cool! And Lorraine and Kitty, have fun on wed - especially since you have a place to stay - i agree, hotels in that area of the city vary from ok to uhoh, and its hard to tell. i have been taking grace's aka The Bulfinch, advice and couch, fat corgi, and petite corgi, tea and a movie will be in order for this evening.

At 6:01 PM , Blogger Beez said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 6:03 PM , Blogger Beez said...

*hugs Sue, and the Corgis too*

I'd give him sich a kicking!

Hey- it's Miss Maddy. Thanks for the vocab lesson. I don't get enough of it from Son + Heir.:P

But hurrah for divine doughnuts and Kittys and FabLos who are the bOmB dIgGiTy.

At 6:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang it, people, I really really want a doughnut. But am too lazy to actually *do* anything about getting one: I just want one to magically appear. Well, maybe three to magically appear.

Sue, glad you are taking a break and loving on the dogs. Enjoy your movie!

And way to delegate your work, Q. :-)

At 6:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

(wondering why sometimes when I post, a picture shows and my name is capped, but other times not . . . technology savvy = not my brain)

At 7:00 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

K, folks, now I must find donuts. I have to mail the last four newsletters tonight and guess what's on that side o' town??? MMMKrispy Kreme.

It's all Maddy's fault! Besttt, yo.

At 8:19 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

yay maddy! glad to see the guest and glad the donut was so lovely. Jealous of you and hanging with the gals!

we're still near mendocino...came to find porcinis--only found 3--but the weather has been amazing and we've had fabulous food anyway.

Heading home tomorrow. Hope the rest of the weekend is great.

At 8:26 PM , Blogger vampi said...

meh never liked krispy kreme. i mean if you get the donut straight out of the grease, yea it is good, but give me dunkin donuts. i miss dunkin donuts. there are none in la. i'm so missing dunkin. i'm half tempted to get someone to overnight me some.

At 8:53 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hey Fiends
just arrived home from Christmas shopping with my best friend. My Fod am I so tired, and my feet - yowie. We had 2 shopping trolleys full, it was mad!
And I can't believe it, I forgot to get a donut. How did I forget to eat a donut?
About to ring the hospital and talk to mum, so there will be an update soon

At 9:46 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Thanks for the post Maddy. Hurray for donuts. :)

At 9:50 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

can Fiends across the world hear my frustration and anger?
Three calls to the b#$%^&& hospital for them to find mum, because of a stupid person answering the phone (all expensive long distance calls) and then instead of transferring the phone to a portable phone and taking it to her they bring my poor mum who is getting more giddy than you can imagine when she moves to the phone!
Grrrrrrr *slaps incompetent people hard* Okay, I wouldn't really, but gee it feels good to give them a virtual slap.
No real updates, she is still as she was and waiting for the MRI.

At 9:58 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

More of a report please Miss Jess.

Glad you had fun.

At 11:12 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

YEA! Miss Maddy guestblogged!
Thank you, Miss Maddy! You be the b0mb dIgGeTy 2!

Go forth, ye Fiends, and see if "Igor" is showing at your local discount movie theater! Igor and Eva rock! Otherwise you have to wait until January 20 for the USA release of the DVD.

Sue. Damn. The "friend" that is, not you. GRRRrrrr
Glad the dogs and you are doing better.

Nathalie, sorry about your father-in-law. :( {{{hug}}}

Sally {{{hug}}} again.

I think HEB has better donuts than Krispy Kreme. Apparently, so do the people of Waco as the Krispy Kreme there closed over a year ago after only being open a couple of years.

At 11:14 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

definitely make sure your mouth isn't full of something when you clickyclick.

At 11:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done, Maddy. You've certainly earned a doughnut.

Sally-- You're far more gentle than I am. I don't think I'd restrain myself to virtual slaps. I am really sending you all sorts of good vibes, because you deserve them.

On another good vibes note, I got all my money back from the jerks who tried to take it in the first place! It feels good to know that my bank acted so quickly on this.

And now that I am caught up, I fall into bed. Goodnight, all!

At 11:18 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks El, and thank fod you got your money back.

At 11:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh Guest Blogging Action;) Always good to hear from you, Ms Maddy, srsly.:)

Sue - your poor puppies! I'm so glad they're better now, though I'd like to give that neglectful "caretaker" a good boot to the head.

Sue, you and your Mom are in my thoughts. Grr to those horrible nincompoops making you call 3 times.

Jess, a full report, seconded.;)

Nathalie, I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law.

El-*whew* Glad to hear you got your money back.

At 12:04 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Doughnut, doughnut, doughnut...
Meh. Sorry it just doesn't work for me. I think because they are ried and just the idea make my toes curl in not a pleasant way. Now if someone had said waffles or pancakes...

Not that does anything to Maddy's über cool status. Madeleine. Actually I could do with some of those too and have a Proustian day.

Today I woke up to some end of the world weather. It was so bad that the electricity even popped out. There was a "nice" layer of hailstones covering the whole garden and I could hear (and smell) my verbena bush complaining from the lash. My next set of tea is going to have holes in it.
Hail ghosts tea. With madeleines. Very Proust. Goth Proust.

At 12:05 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Good thing you warned about the picture, Sally!

At 12:35 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Sal, Thanks for the warning about your link - had you not warned us, I would be cleaning peppermint tea off the keyboard, and the cat, right about now. As it is, I'm only cleaning the cat off the keyboard. I think he wants to guest-blog, too...

Maddy, you have awesome powers. Fiends across the globe are now craving doughnuts (And thanks to Nathalie, I am craving both doughnuts AND pancakes) I could get a doughnut from the shop at the end of the road, but I'm not dressed yet.... Life can be so hard ;-)) Glad you and Kitty and La Quiche are enjoying the holiday.

Sue, have you had any explantion from your "friend" about the neglect of the dogs yet?

Yay for Amanda Palmer and friends with rooms.

Is anyone else also craving a Gorey kitchen? I can't believe I'd never heard of him until Louisa's shrunken heads.

Today, I plan to be organised (That doesn't usually work out for rme, but there's always a first time) - need to write christmas cards, wrap parcels for posting and wash & tron clothes for packing - Did I mention I'm going to Turkey on Friday?

Waht's everyone else doing with what's left of the weekend?

At 12:43 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Which reminds me: Any fiend who wants a card from me for holiday season AND I don't have that address, please send me an email with the details.

Marjorie, because I have just strayed over a food blogging friend's, now I am craving CRAB as well. It would go nice with my Oolong.

At 4:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:31 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Quiche = Ms Fabulous, AKA The Fabulous Lorriane, Queen of No and Empress of Everything. Etymologically speaking, derives from Quiche Lorraine. :-))

At 6:26 AM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Maddy rules fo sho.

I'm hip. I am VERY hip.


At 6:44 AM , Blogger Dan Guy said...

Maddy Rules. I think she's laughing at herself and us, and that rules.

At 7:03 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Nathalie, M and I will be making waffles this AM. Sorry you can't join us! Hail covered garden = no fun!

Coffee, coffee, coffee ...

At 7:34 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Good morning fiends! Sally, how frustrating that the hospital employees are so inconsiderate- ugh, I would be upset too. speaking of upset, i found out what happened with the dogs not getting fed on Friday. seems my husband told his friend thursday only, despite the fact that the manwife knew full well we would be gone both days. or at least that is the story manwife is telling me, so that I am not furious with friend. so fury now directed at husband, it's a good thing he is in virginia. what infuriates me more is that i repeatedly asked for the friend's cell number, which manwife assured me that he would take care of this for me, not to worry. MEN. #@#!@#@$%#$@. and again @##$$%^#@. boy he owes me big time.

At 7:39 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Butt kicking time!

At 8:03 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

grrrr there are other regions i would rather kick....

At 8:14 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

ladies ,ladies, you can turn the Earth off its axis if not careful. but i did get the story of no food/water for days for Sue's dogs and felt the blood rush to my i do understand...any excuse is a crummy one, just glad the story ended well---and that your away time was fairly short.

Today I go to watch the Fab Lo ride her horsey.
Just took a Cabal-in-the-snow movie, him killing a stick...and posted a new challenge from Boss on my
waiting happpily for Quiche to show up, wonder if she'll bring caramel latte, fingers crossed...
ps DragSal, many wishes for your little Mom! she might like a latte as well...? no donuts today, that would become habit forming, they do NOT mess around out here on the donut...

At 8:44 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Does this mean we get more movie premieres? Of Q and Rommy? Pretty please with skulls on top..

At 8:44 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8:46 AM , Blogger Siri said...

Fiends!!! It's snowing here in the midwest, and I just looked out my north window to the townhouse next to me. The gas meter is on that side of her house, and there is the most perfect skull sculpted in snow by the wind. I hooted, and I am not in a very laughing mood today (long story - not going to bore you - suffice to say getting old sucks).

Anyway, wanted to share my skull sighting with my fiends....

At 8:46 AM , Blogger vampi said...

spaced, not all donuts are fried. i actually prefer cake donuts, of which dunkin donuts are the bestest. hee in la there are all sorts of crazy mom & pop donut shops. this is my favorite to laugh at, but i haven't been brave enough to try it yet
mom's chinese and donuts to go

At 8:46 AM , Blogger Siri said...

And no, I can't send a picture, because I don't have a fancy camera - remember, techno slow, here

At 9:17 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hurray for horse fun! Pictures later please. I am green with envy. :)

At 9:44 AM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Ms Maddy (aka Da Bomb!) & I and my inon are on the same wave length apparently; I woke up from a short nap yesterday & broke my non-sugar habit and we went for donuts too. OMF the entire box was chocolate. My pers. favorite is the singular French cruller. I think I'll go have my other one with my morning coffee today.

At 10:17 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Jess, sounds like a fun night-and five hours is a really long time to wait - glad your manwife was protective of you. i'm still mentally kicking mine. humph. siri - snow skulls! cool, tho i just sent the kids off early to univ cuz the snow is coming here, fast, and i don't want them on the roads. i am going out quick to to beat the storm, it's supposed to be a doozy. stay safe any who are traveling today! kittie, fingers crossed for caramel latte, and glad you are having fun with cabal, and seeing lorr ride - rommy is a beaut.

At 10:24 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Thanks for the Amanda Palmer update Jess. I can hardly wait to see her (and meet Chantrelle in person- YAY for fiends!!!!!!!) on Dec. 15th. I love her music. I can almost guarantee I'll be the oldest person there - but who cares.
And here in the Bay Area we have "chicken and waffles": fried chicken drizzled with maple syrup served on a crispy waffle. Oh my Fod, you don't know what you're missing until you try it!

At 10:29 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I am drooling over the keyboard. And it's not Amanda Palmer. The chicken recipe sounds positively WICKED!
I want some.

At 10:53 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Nat- I was appalled the first time someone suggested it - but YUM!

Whenever someone visits here from Australia (my BF works for Lonely Planet which is based in Australia), my BF takes them there and they LOVE it!

Talk about a gut bomb though!

At 11:18 AM , Blogger vampi said...

but... chicken and waffles are a southern thing, not california thing. there must be a lot of southern transplants in the california area. i live right near a roscoe's chicken and waffles. nothing like some good soul food. it's good, but somehow is missing something from the south. i never thought i would miss anything after moving from south carolina, but darn if i don't miss the soul food restaurants. ya'll need to try the flying biscuit cafe in atlanta. heck ina pinch waffle house will do, nothing like cheap chicken and waffles at all hours of the day,

At 11:25 AM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Sal, good luck with the hospital trolls. Bureaucracy, arrgh.

I think the KrispyKreme/DunkinDonuts thing is geographic. Whatever you grew up with tastes right. Well, except for Carvel ice cream - that beats Dairy Queen any day. And my first job was at DQ. I love eggy crullers too - can't get them in our part of Texas.

I got a dozen donuts last night and it restored family harmony as I had had to confiscate computer and cellphone from 14-yr-old daughter and she was a bit miffed, to say the least. We ended up tanking up on grease and sugar while watching "Human Wrecking Balls" on G4 with the Spouse. Definite guy stuff and silly in the extreme - it did lighten the rather heavy atmosphere!

Maddy the Peacemaker: spreading goodwill across the land with sugary fried dough. Woot!

At 11:30 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Well Vampi, that makes sense. The SF Bay Area does like to incorporate other peoples foods into our culture. Cool! Now I can look for original "chicken and waffles" if I ever go visit "The South". And, now that you mention it, I have heard of "Roscoes".

At 12:12 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Thanks for the details Jess! I am sure I'll be among the oldest at AFP on Friday -- but I am okay with that. There are these very limited special few seats at First Ave and as I got my tickets very early for this show I also reserved one of those tables because I am old and big and all that standing would get to me for sure! I felt like I could splurge on the seats as the tickets themselves were not tooooooo expensive. I am sure it will be well worth it.

At 12:15 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Fiends! Sorry for the silence, I got home last night to find my poor laptop had given up the ghost and would not turn on despite much pleading on my part.

I have to send it in for a verdict, but in the meantime I have borrowed an old Mac from Boss, and so have internet here at the Spooky House again.

Sadly, no horsie pics today. Spent the night trying in vain to sleep, and then slept late and woke up feeling horrid. Suspect it is a Moon Time thing, ladies (guys, you don't need to know) Gets really bad a few times a year. I am cranky, headachie, sore and crampy. Bloody bitch really.

Went to Bosses, grabbed a computer, got some hugs, made soup for the people who are doing BeeThings, and now I am couching with hot water bottle...

At 12:24 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

More hugs coming up your way
[[[ ]]]
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[[[ ]]]

At 12:30 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Sorry to hear that Q. I know EXACTLY what you mean and you have my sympathy. I find chocolate can help. Or a strategicly placed cat (the furry, purry hotwater bottle that doesn't require refilling ;-)Hope you start to feel better soon.

Glad you could borrow a spare computer from Boss to keep in touch with us all.

Back a comment or two, the chicken-waffles-maple syrup sounds wierd, but would be interesting to taste..

At 12:32 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...


The hot water bottle is a wonderful invention.

Hope you can sleep and feel better.


At 12:34 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

That's so lousy. It's hard to be a woman. Please do feel better.


At 12:58 PM , Blogger vampi said...

aww *snugs*

i can't wait to go to san fran again for work. it is such a crazy city. i find it so amusing that until i moved to south carolina i had never heard of chicken and waffles, and now they are everywhere. i'm not from the south, but i did live there for 10 years, and roscoe's is a fairly decent replacement for that stick to ya ribs soul fod crazing here in Los Angeles.

well for me dunkins love isn't regional, i do like krispy, just not as much because i prefer the cake donuts and not the fried ones period. crullers are a good second place when cake is not available, but i like it with out the sugar glaze. i'm so weird.

yum carvel is the best and makes the cutest ice cream cakes.

At 1:15 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks all, it is lousy.....

It might be the Nuprin-plus I took, to try and stop this headache, but I am getting surer I do not get Jane Austen, watching Pride and Prejudice and don't these people ever DO anything???

And oh yes, I have kitteies, Mim is on the hot water bottle, under the blanket, Selina Kyle at my feet and Venus on the top of the couch by my head. Perfect I say.

At 1:24 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

You can always rely on kitties.

Right. It's stopwriting and off to bed with me as I have to get up at some ungodly hours tomorrow to fly to Paris for the day (that's going to be a killer - let's hope the weather fods are sending me gentle climate tomorrow instead of the end of the world nonsense we had today).
Not quite finished with the NaNoWriMo story but I only have the last chapter to polish off. I think. Meanwhile the story will continue being posted twice daily until we reached that final chapter.

At 1:29 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Pooey stuff, that. Hope all gets better soon. Piles of kitties are recommended by four out of five doctors for hormone-caused distress.

I also take two Aleve at the start to minimize the inflammation. (((hugs)))

At 1:37 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

How IS everyone doing with Namo????

At 1:38 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

Kitties are the best. Once the snugglyon particles start; they should help immensely. One warning (from one who suffers monthly with hormone related migraines) stay away from chocolate; salt in any form; red meat; caffeine... drink more water than you can possibly stand. El finds that milk relieves her crampiness. All the love & warm & relaxing thoughts coming to you!

At 1:41 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

((((((L)))))) sending soothing,warm, moontime thoughts your way. Ughhhh.

Sue, tell your manwife he has been virtually kicked from a long way away

Second day in a row I've read about donuts before my breakfast. So not a good thing to do!

At 1:43 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh, should refresh before commenting...Nano amount of words completed (ie I won a sign, woot)
going back to story prolly next week to finish.

At 1:44 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I am ashamed but inclinced to confess that I did not complete a novel for NAMO, since I'm still exploring so much with writing.

Oh well. Maybe next year. Or the year after that. I'm young, a sprite young chicken, as my thirty-one-year-old friend likes to say.


At 1:55 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Quiche: three things:
1. your soup was great
2. birdchick got stung, but all bees are well
3. i hope you feel better and it is lonely without you.

At 1:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q--adding my hugs to the rest. It is esp sucky when one's cycle seems to be peaking, isn't it!

Vampi--having lived and more importantly eaten in both geo zones, I must report to you that southern/comfort/soul foods are (for reasons unknown to me) generally done much better in the Northern end of California.

The chains (like Roscoe's) are MUCH more like the Carolinas, and in addition there are a LOT of family owned BBQ and Soul Food labeled restaurants. OMF--I once drove from Santa Barbara to deepest Oakland for a fix (well, there were two of us jonesing, and that apparently is sufficient critical mass.)

AletaMay-Gorsh, seriously miss First Ave. There's nothing like it around here, that's for sure. And by "around here" I'm pretty certain I mean a 500 mile radius.
Have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 1:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Quiche = Ms Fabulous, AKA The Fabulous Lorriane, Queen of No and Empress of Everything. Etymologically speaking, derives from Quiche Lorraine. :-))"

Oh, I walked RIGHT into that one. Brain has taken holiday today (whereas the body still has to go to Sainsburys in the rain), so I think I'm excused. ;)

At 2:00 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I hope you feel much better soon, Q!

At 2:07 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

hope you feel better lorraine! hot water bottle, warm kitties, nice relaxing tea, with many hugs to boot.

this goes into the record books as one of my worst weekends - i went to school to load kilns and locked my keys in the kiln room - no one at school, i had to call a colleague and they had the grace and goodwill to rescue me- my kids did beat the snowstorm back to university, only to find the twins' apt. had been broken into - and the only person out of the five that live there to have stuff stolen was the older twin :(. she called in hysterics - she saved a long time to buy her tv and such and is heartbroken. they called the cops, and will call insurance tomorrow. sigh. odd weekend. need pastry. don't care what kind. frazzled and weary, pls no more .....

At 2:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miz Q, I so feel your pain. It is icckkk and no fun. Booo that you can't go riding, but that's probably for the best and your body will thank you. And you missed out on bees too! I'm so sorry. Hope you get some good rest and feel better very soon.

And no, nothing much happens action-wise in Jane Austen. The heroine always *thinks* a bunch, which doesn't translate well onto film. I happen to love Ms. Austen and her books, and she is in fact my comfort reading when I'm feeling low and ill. I don't do Northanger Abbey, but I love the others. I take great pride in knowing that my most favourite -- Mansfield Park -- is also Susanna Clark's fave. :-) But such sedate pursuits are not to everyone's taste, that's true...

Oh Sue, I am so very sorry. What an awful, frustrating weekend. And a snow storm to top it off!! I hope things get better and the insurance and police are helpful to your daughter. I feel so bad for you right now.

And DSally, I hope you get good news about your mom soon.

Okay, people, I will be disapperating for a bit, if I have an ounce of willpower. I must must must study this week and take my exams. Monday is class, Tuesday and Wednesday I am tutoring 8p-10p, Friday night I'm helping my favourite colleague at my school (he's the basketball coach) by manning the ticket booth for four, count them *four*, basketball games in a row, and then next Monday night is my last exam. Oh, and this week is the Gateway exams at my school, which means that I will be one of the spec ed teachers administering the Algebra 1 and English 10 tests to our spec ed students, which means reading each test out loud, problem by problem by problem. So, I need to quit playing on the internet and go study!!! *Hugs* to all, and I will check in when possible!

At 2:40 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Lys - Are you talking about "Flints"?????

At 2:53 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Sue, what a perfectly horrid few days for you.

Bullfinch, good luck with those exams.

At 3:13 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Martyn, no worries Sainsburys in the rain is enough or one day....

Oh Sue! Not at all fun!

Sharon got stung? Teach you guys to wear bee suits!Knew the soup would BEE handy! Wish I was there!

Thanks Grac for the Jane Austen comments, it did do me goo in that I fell asleep....Good luck with the studying!!!!!!!

At 3:31 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I know you're feeling "sensitive" right now, so the last thing you need is to feel like everyone left the blog as soon as you signed on.

Hi Lorraine!

At 3:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ticia--how'd you know?!!!

There's also a place I like on San Pedro (in Berkeley, near the Telegraph intersection....can't remember the name.

Is Flint's still there? (In either of their locations?) It has been TOO long. sigh. Now I'm drooling. These rodeo people think they know their BBQs....but don't understand the SERIOUSLY slow smoked joy to be found (only in daylight, for some of us melanin-challenged folks) in Oakland.

Boy, it's been quite a week for the Fiends. Good thing we have each other...but (Hey FOD, are you listening?) it can STOP now, eh?

At 3:43 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Do you mean KC's BBQ Lys? The original Flints burned down 10 years ago and even though they rebuilt, it's not the same...

The neighborhood it's in is VERY dicey, so my husband always got the food...

At 3:50 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Yeah Fod, enough! My poor daughter is sick to boot, with finals coming fast - she just doesnt need the additional stress. Lorr, are you feeling a bit better? I used to like a shot of scotch when i was feeling "ladylike", tho i think those days are past for me - been quite a while. Grace, best of luck with your busy week - keep up with the meds so the evil virus doesn't come back. and lys and ticia, mmmm, barbecue now you are making me gape and drool on the laptop. Thank you, Sally, for virtually kicking the manwife, i hope he felt it EXACTLY where i am thinking. Nat, you go on the nano writing - will we get to read?


At 4:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ticia...mostly what I remember about what MIGHT be KC's is the white bread. Like wonder bread. And it wasn't exactly OPTIONAL, especially if you dined in rather than came in for your pound (or two or three) of flesh.

Flint's. Yup. I didn't know enough to be nervous, the first time going there. But then manwife left the door unlocked (he says he didn't, but noone had to break the car windows) and after only a fifteen minute absence to pickup our order we came back to an empty car. No backpacks. No radio. No ANYTHING.

Guess we should just be glad we still had our wee transport!

Shot of scotch works for me. Think I'll go find some. No BBQ here, just turkey and bacon sandwiches. This will go on for awhile :)

did I hear something about a Bee adventure?

At 4:20 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Yeah Lys - you're talkin' my neck of the woods now. I cover a lot of ground here. I live in the East Bay and work in Marin County! Wahoo for crappy commutes. But I've been doing it for 13 years, so I listen to Jack Benny, NPR, Audio books, podcasts, and Burns and Allen while I drive. I actually process a ton of information that way. :-D

At 4:25 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hope you are feeling better Fablo.

Sleep is always a good part of the cure for me. Or was. For me caffeine was actually an essential part of the cure too. Advil. Vicodin in the really bad days. (I really do not miss my womb at all!) I also used those ThermaCare air-activated heat pack thingys.

I am having a nice glass of wine, waiting for a pizza to arrive. Happy to have made some progress on my really important projects today!

At 4:28 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Drinking is a fine idea, but alas I do not indulge anymore, bad idea...

I hate even resorting to pain pills they make me loopy and brain dead, which is where I am now......

At 4:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

L-I found these medicated stick ons that are now in the states from some French company (they are very mild here, the equivalent of aspirin and capsicum really).
They have been surprisingly effective. Can't remember the name, but the boxes are white w/blue and green....I should just send you some for the next time you might need them.

The ThermaCare packs Aleta mentioned have also brought me much relief.

At 5:32 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I grew up in San Leandro and lived in Oakland and Berkeley. Where in Marin do you work, Ticia? I miss the food in the Bay Area!!!! There is anything you want from all over the world AND entire restaurants which are dedicated to my kind. One more year...

I am sorry that you are having a hard time, Q! Good vibes being sent your way. What kind of soup did you make?

At 5:50 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Something hot to eat or drink should help, although I'm not really one to talk, since I'm bad at soothing the pain myself. (This might just be too much information, but I hadn't been getting Moon Time before going into the hospital and kept insisting to the doctors and nurses that "I don't miss it!")

Ivenotime -- Ladylike! Hahahahahaha. I love that.


At 6:04 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

I work in San Rafael Gayle, near San Quentin.. I take walks at lunch along the bay....So beautiful. And the food around here is stupendous! So many countries and styles to choose from!

At 6:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...





Okay, I'm done now. Thank you for politely turning your backs while I went all juvenile.

What *will* the future bring?

At 6:42 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Hm, Ticia, that sounds nice. My Maternal Grandfather died in San Quentin prison: accountant for the Mob. ;)

Lys, I wanna go home too! I will get to the homeland! If and when I do, any Fiends are welcome to visit and crash on my futon.

At 8:15 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Dear Emily Lady....I don't miss it either.

Advil or Motrin or the generic Ibuprofen- 800 mg a dose (yup, 4 OTC pills) is what my doc from the Women's Clinic at the U told me- that's the old prescription strength dose and it's safe- heat and make sure you're getting enough sleep.

I liked a heating pad on the lower back too, because you tense up all those muscles when you hurt.

On the other hand- w00t for the Miracle Of Menopause!

At 8:29 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I am SO disappointed. I had an hour between appointments so went to Donut King for a donut (who'd have thunk, eh) and it was bloody average.


At 8:47 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

I take Citracal Plus, a calcium/magnesium supplement. I noticed that once I started take the calcium with magnesium, I didn't crave chocolate as much right before my period. I have to admit that I've had very few periods where I just wanted to curl up and stay in bed in my life. Hope you're feeling better soon, Ms. Fabulous.

Emily, you might not miss it now, but in several years if/when you're ready to have a child, you will find it comforting to bleed every month. Go to your library and check out Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD. Lots of good information from an OB/GYN who believes in a holistic approach to medicine.

Sue, what can I say other than not only is tomorrow Monday, it's the start of a new month. Life's got to get better.

At 8:56 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Ariandalen, I love that book. And thanks for the info. about the magnesium.

I'm sorry Lys and Gayle. I moved up here from San Diego the day after I graduated high school and have never wanted to go back.

If anyone wants to come stay in my house, they're welcome as well! I love touring people around the sights, so stop on by!

At 9:13 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Lorraine, you haven't been on in hours. I hope you're feeling better and/or sleeping. (hugs)

At 10:16 PM , Blogger Na said...

Maddy G is in da house! Always fun to read your posts, Ms. Maddy.

And I agree - hurray for a new month. Glad you got the theft stuff resolved, El. My heart was wrenched to read about neglected pups - so Sue, here are a few more virtual ***kicks***, to be applied as desired. Thank Fods the doggehs are okay!!

This month saw the end of my workgroup - all were laid off last week, and my official letter arrived on Friday, to chase down the post-feast family blowup the night before. But I have to say, Fiends are such an amazing bunch, you're all an extra inspiration to me to not be pitying self. I think I'd much rather turn around and do some pwning.

That and I've been reading a lot of poetry. I'm finding it's a balm. 'Tho I doubt poetry will soothe the ills of being "ladylike". (So loving that usage here!) Sympathies to FabLo.

Here's wishing safe passage to Fiends traveling.

At 12:10 AM , Blogger Rubius said...

Rock on Maddy!!

haven't read the comments yet... too tired right now. Did glass bead course today and it was fun. I made some pretty things and there are more to pick up yet. Simple beginners stuff... but it was fun. It was really neat to play with glass as a liquid.

Goodnight all.

At 1:45 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Na, sorry to hear about your job; that really sucks, but good for you for looking at things so positively. I hope poetry and pwning continue!

FabLo, feel better. More hugs and evening primrose vibes aimed in your direction!

Rubious - your course sounds faxcinating - do you have any pics of the things you made?

At 6:56 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Took me a while to read all the comments - super busy!
Let's see... What needed answers?
NaMo: I am over 60.000 and am almost finished with last (I hope) chapter.
The story is available on-line, Sue but the blog is invitation only so if you (or someone else) want to read the story (and has the time to do so) I'll dig up your email (from facebook?). I'd be grateful for feedback, as it is bound to have loads of nonsense and mistakes in it. I am grateful already for the help you guys provided.

Poor twins, Sue. :(

Have fun with the revisions, Grace (that brings me way back!). Good luck too. Oh and I love Jane Austen stories despite the lack of action.
Which reminds me I should really get an English version of "Tarzan. Read that in French as a kid, I wonder what it would be like to read it now and in the original.

At 7:20 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

I only have a sec but I would like to request some Fiendishly good vibes for my nephew. He leaves for Iraq today. Here is hoping for a safe return.

Thanks all! You Fiends are my strength today. :)

Have a great day.

At 7:43 AM , Blogger vampi said...

much thoughts prayers and love for your nephew, gaypet.

i hope to hear good things about Sal's mum.

oohers glass beading, yet another craft i can't get into. fire, hot molten glass and klutzy me? i'd be a disaster:) can't wait to see pictures!

At 8:19 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Gayle, {{hugs and strong, safe, supportive vibes}} Hope all goes well and safely for your nephew.

Nat, I'd be interested in reading your NaMo - I have sent you a message via facebook with my e-mail.

(And may have to go home and look for Tarzan, I'm nearly sure I have some somewhere..)

I love Austen (My favourite is Persausion) but agree it does go slowly; I'm glad live now and not then, I don't think I would have been cut out to be an accomplished young lady (!)

Here#s hoping Kitty Cat or Boss blogs the bees (Or Quiche, but I got the impression you'd already retired to catcouch before bees happened.)

At 9:46 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

So Gayle and Lys,

I was thinking last night, if there is anything from the Bay Area you would like me to fetch and send to you to help make these winter months more bearable, just let me know.

I go to Cafe Gratitude all the time Gayle, so I can retrieve vegan products for you. Now, I can't mail BBQ, but maybe there's a BBQ sauce you like Lys?

I'll even fetch sand, leaves, a water sample of the bay..... A redwood sample... What can I get you???

There has been alot of weird stuff happening with our fiends lately, so anything I can do to put some positive out in the world may help to turn the tide.

email me at

Love to all fiends!

At 9:50 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh, Ticia, you are too sweet! How about the next time I visit we will hang out. :) If I think of something I need I will let you know.

My still-undone-bibliography is calling me.

At 9:51 AM , Blogger Na said...

Sending more good thoughts for your nephew, Gayle, and all your family in supporting him.

At 9:53 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Perfect Gayle! I would LOVE to meet you in person. The offer still stands though!

At 10:17 AM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Love Jane Austen - her prose is da b0mb. (yo) I read all the Tarzan books as well as Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars books when I was in high school. Loved them, but I'd be interested in hearing what someone else thinks. I wonder if I'd still like them now?

My very best wishes to your nephew, Gayle. And ~~~~~~ positive vibes ~~~~~~ for everyone. Sally, how is your mum? Lorraine, how is the head/ladylike areas/mental outlook [delete whichever is inappropriate]?

I can has nap?

At 11:38 AM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Thanks Natalie, yes my email is on facebook, and i would love to read your story! I didn't sleep much last night as i kept dreaming that whoever broke into my daughter's window was coming back to get her. ugh, terrible nightmares - i actually called her at 7 30 to make sure she was ok, mmmm, paranoia...Gayle, good thoughts and vibes for your nephew, over and over, hope he is guided safely. Lorr, hope you're not feeling so "ladylike" todady!

At 12:34 PM , Blogger Na said...

I was off puttering and a number sunk into my thoughts - 60,000, as in words, Nathalie - that's marvelous!!!

Sue, what a tough time. Here's a virtual toast to more fun in days soon to come *Clink!*

I love most everything Jane Austen. Two movie adaptations stray into less heady territory - the 1999 "Mansfield Park", and "Bride & Prejudice" (but recommend that only if you appreciate Bollywood at least a little).

Dreary weather here, too. Sun oh so low in the sky, when it's visible, and currently an overcast sky that won't snow, with a bitter wind to boot. But, hours before dawn this morning, saw the Big Dipper straight overhead. That was a new one!

At 12:36 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

ah, it has decided to be Major Snowy here of the heavy wet stuff - very pretty, hard to drive thru. Thanks Jess, its been pretty yucky - and i am just exhausted cuz i slept so poorly - after class tonight, home and a better sleep! i have belonged to the cbldf for a few years, love comics myself, if you haven't read many, Persepolis is great - movie is too. thought neil's response was well written, and i have always found it interesting that england does not have freedom of speech.

At 1:40 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Gayle, sending as many keep safe vibes as possible for your nephew and covering him in love.
Sue, I am not in the least surprised about your dreams last night.
I'm a big Austen fan too - studied at school and uni, and that didn't destroy the love, which is something.

No mum report yet. I rang last night and they didn't have the results from MRI so I'll ring this morning after the doctors have done their rounds and hopefully we'll get some news then.

Sending big warm hugs to our Empress - she can't be feeling too good yet, and to all of us, cos we Fiends need a little love all the time, right?

At 1:49 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

just read Boss' blog after your comment Jess. Wow, the man can write - reminder of his journalistic beginnings and brilliance

At 1:51 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Jess, you're right, we don't have a specific law protecting freedom of speech per se, (no written constitution) but we do have the Human Rights Act, which in effect incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights, including the right to freedom of expression. Nudity on TV is an interesting one bare breasts sems to be fine (after 9 p.m. watershed) naked men (except the odd buttock shot) less commen, and erections a complete no-no (unless I'm just watching the wrong programmes...)

I can't identify the specifc case you're referring to but it sounds about right - I do think that is very much a question of hpow the laws are interpreted and enforced.

ID cards - this is a monumentally unpopular idea with the public - both on the civil liberties front and the sheer incompetance of most government departments when it comes to keeping data secure!

At 2:06 PM , Blogger Marjorie said...

And yes, what Sally said. My god the man can write! I've also found the discussions in Chris Brookmyre's books (Esp. not the end of the world' and 'country of the blind' to be thoght provoking - (The books are also very funny and a damn good read, BTW)

e.g. ' "But you've got to admit, we're talking about some material that is highly offensive to women" "No", he insisted, " We're talking about material some women find highly offensive. There's a difference" (chapter 10 'Country of the Blind)

At 2:37 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Hey Fiends,

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend/holiday/donut adventure. Or, thinking of Sue here, will have a better week this week.

Vampi! I swear I've seen that very donut sign. Where did you take that photo? It's driving me mad trying to remember it.

Q, here's hoping you're feeling better by the time you read this. Oh, and Mim's growl? Hilarious. Especially paired with the indignant look on her face as she paused right before racing away with her prize.

And everyone ought to have a Gorey kitchen. Or other room. Not long ago I had a little tutorial with Boy's sitter who had never heard of Gorey. Many books pulled off shelves but she left a fan. Mission accomplished.

OK, there's more I planned to say to everyone but the meeting I'm supposed to sit through in an hour means that I must find a potent caffeine source NOW.

Must think perky thoughts.

At 5:10 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Okay, an easy mum report.

MRI was normal - good news

she is going home today

Her condition is still a medical enigma, not such good news.

At 5:39 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Sally, I am sending you and your mother the warmest wishes.


At 5:50 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Thanks Emily. She's going to be pretty impressed and happy that friends from across the world have been thinking about her!

At 6:17 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I was reading "Don't Bump the Glump" by Shel Silverstein for M's bed time and came across this poem:


How To Deal With The Gru

Don't pooh-pooh the Gru,
For if you do,
He'll bite you through,
And chomp and chew,
And swallow you.
But if you don't,
Don't think he won't.

And I thought that this was the crowd to share that with. :)

At 6:22 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I like it
don't pooh the Gru *happy grin*

At 6:47 PM , Blogger Siri said...

Sally - great about Mum - sorry that she's an enigma. I can deal with anything, if I know what it is.

Gayle - Is there a picture of the Gru - I wonder if he's the one who's been chewing on me!

At 6:49 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...





:) funny that

At 7:36 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

No worries Jess, you are a good witterer.

It's late here in Rhode Island. Goodnight, Fiends.


At 8:24 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

Jess, well said, eloquent! I have enjoyed reading these posts and discovering a bit more about Englands' system and how it relates to ours. I don't have your background in rhetoric and composition, and applaud your passion in teaching those subjects. Sally, glad the MRI was fine for your mom, and hope they are able to provide you with more answers, tho its great she is able to go home. Lexocat, hope your meeting went well, and Marjorie, enjoyed reading your comments as welll. Kristina! borosillicate beads? flameworking? share, dear, share...

At 8:50 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Jess, wittering? Hardly. You write passionately (and quite concisely) on a topic of enormous importance. Well done.

And I couldn't agree more re thinking and the challenges it poses, especially where the not so comfortable ideas are concerned. Teach on!

At 9:02 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Hey Fiends!

I just checked in with our Fiend Queen -- being a bit worried not having seen her here for many hours. She asked me to tell you all that she has some sort of stomach flu and expects to be up and around again tomorrow. For now she is away from the computer and not feeling up to moving closer to it.

Good thoughts to you dear Q!

At 9:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

while there has been discussion of Edward Gorey I give you Tarot.

At 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gayle, great poem choice! And keep safe vibes for your nephew.

Poor need soup and a fire and cats and BED. Feel better ok?

Jess I do love when you witter on..;)

Sally I'm glad the MRI was ok, I really hope they find out what it is.

The Gorey tarot is interesting..not really a tarot per se..more of an oracle really (no suits, no court cards). Plus only 20 or so cards! Not enough to use, sadly, 'cause I like oracles better than tarot for personal use. My two favorites being Brian Froud's Faerie Oracle cards and the Morgan's Tarot. who's wittering on?;)

At 10:24 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

ohhh, I like them Kali, going back to look again

At 10:39 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Haven't read comments...wayyyy far behind on fiend-dom!

We found a total of 4 mushrooms...blah. But they were wonderful! The weather was stunningly gorgeous (hence the lack of mushrooms) and we had a lovely time anyway.

Now i'm crampy and icky (not related to mushrooms but to our lovely visitor...are we in synch?!? Can you do that virtually?!?) and need bed now.

*Maybe* i'll be able to catch up tomorrow??

At 11:21 PM , Blogger vampi said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:22 PM , Blogger vampi said...

lexocat, the donut sign is on silverlake blvd just past virgil. i drive past it daily. in los angeles

gaypet, if your nephew can receive packages, i'd be happy to send a holiday package. :)

At 11:29 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for your nephew, Gayle.

I suppose I have to go and read Neil's blog at some time?

At 1:20 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Vampi, I *have* driven past that sign! Silverlake and Virgil both figure heavily in my east-west freeway alternates, for those days when I just can't (or don't want to) deal with driving on freeways or through downtown or through downtown on freeways. Thanks. I can sleep now. ;)

At 2:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yowzers..... Once again, out of contact for a little while and SO MUCH HAPPENS!!

Okay, first: bestest vibes for all who needs'em...special double helping for Sally's mum to keep things on the upswing.

Separate portion, extra ladling, for the Fabulous one....because it certainly sounds like she is feeling MUCH less than fabulous right now. Plus side: she isn't alone. Let us hope this doesn't interfere w/AMF, Chicago and Royalty pickup.

RE Chinese N Donuts: You can see a very similar sign on the way from SB to LA....I want to say it is in Oxnard.....but might be sooner. hehehehe. Silly me, thought it was the only one. They also do a mean fried chicken. I didn't ask...but it was tasty.

GAYPET--wowzers! What service is he in? (you probably mentioned this before. I have a hecka weird memory, and so if we've already discussed this I DO apologize)
Anyway, if you want to email me here it is:
greylemur at

Depending on where he is going, I might have some good (NON-classified!) intel for you. At the very least, can give you an idea on his living environment and what he might most want for packages. Yes, most soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines over there get packages. THEY DESERVE AS MANY AS THEY CAN GET!! And what they don't use, generally is distributed to TCNs (Third Country Nationals) and/or locals.

I highly recommend he get his unit registered (he can be the contact, or someone else) with They are amazing.
And any Fiend who wants to do post-holiday kindnesses to the troops, feel free to have a look at the web page. Things tend to drop off after the Christmas rush, and as the Operational Tempo slows...and there are less packages to open....that is when folks tend a bit more towards depression. Oh, and yes...packages sent now might get there in seven days, or seven weeks. Funny how that works.

My turn to witter on, I guess.
Jess inspired me.....tho few can witter as eruditely as she...

At 2:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps I did forget:

THANK YOU TICIA for your ever so kind offer! You are sweet.

Just send pictures of the ocean once in a while, that'll do :)

hugs ...

At 6:54 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Thanks a lot Lys! Ben is a medic in the Army. When I find out where he is and what he wants sent I will let everyone know. My Sister is, well you can imagine how she feels. I will keep you posted and see if he can register for anysoldier. Thanks for letting me know about it!

I hope you are feeling better, Q!!!!

At 8:05 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Lys, I'll take pictures for you!

Sally- I'm glad your mum is heading home. I hope she is feeling better.

I hope you feel better soon, Lorraine.

And Sue... We worry enough about our babies when all is well. I'm sorry that your worries have been increased.

So interesting to hear the "wittering" today. This place is a font of information.

Oh, and before I forget, I have signed up for Facebook, please friend me so I can figure out how this thing works! :-D

Ticia Drake Isom

At 8:09 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Well, Ms. Fabulous...phooey! I'm sure Ms. Kitty is taking good care of you, even if it's not the nice visit either of you envisioned. ::sigh:: Hope you're feeling better today. At least stomach bugs only last around 24 hours.

We misses our Queen Empress Fiend!

Jess, in answer to that question...not me, I just ovulated. ;)

At 8:14 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Ticia, I searched for you on Facebook but did not find you. I will try again in a bit but if you want to add me you can search for Gayle Peterson. I will watch for you. :)

At 8:47 AM , Blogger Na said...

Excellent wittering! Go Teacher Jess! I do wish more teachers had your drive. I think there is a trend in educational setting which compounds the problem with a dearth in teaching critical thinking skills, which is having so many students go to relatively isolating schools, parochial and charter and home - public school students daily interact and negotiate with a greater variety of people, more likely to encounter people with ideas that may contradict their own or their family's.

I work in educational publishing, and adding to the mess is a lengthy list of verboten topics that publishers are allowed to include in stories, or they can't get their materials sold/adopted. Some things make sense to me (like not portraying criminal acts and something for kids to emulate), but these lists also include what interests children (and many adults) the most, for example any mention of wizards or magic, 'cause Fods forfend you offend the fundamentalists. It stagnates the soul and imagination, and dumbs down curriculum. And it goes to what Jess said - keeps students from being exposed to different ways of thinking and questioning.

Virtual synching - it seems possible. :) Although not just in ladylike ways - I was walking around all day with a Shel Silverstein poem in my head, too! It was this one:

When the light turns green, you go.
When the light turns red, you stop.
But what do you do
When the light turns blue
With orange and lavender spots?

I swear it's naught to do with any substances, unless tea and hot chocolate can do that to a person...

At 8:56 AM , Blogger Na said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:12 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Facebook is frustrating me. I can see Gayle (i think) but I can't figure out how to add her as a friend...

I'm positive It's because I'm at work, and should be working....

"Naught" I love that word.

(I may be near the "ladylike time" as well, which makes me cranky!)

At 9:22 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

Oh, and here's an amusing side-note. Especially after all of our family discussions...

My family is having no problems finding me! What's up with that!!! No fair!! :-D

At 9:26 AM , Blogger Na said...

Ticia - LOL

At 9:30 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I found Na but not Ticia on FaceBook (I get some bloke when I enter the name provided in the search box).
You friend people by clicking on their name. A small box pops in and on the right hand side there are a few options of which the first is "add as friend" then you get a pop up offering the possibility to add a message to the friend request. You are friend with that person when they accept the request.
You can enter the name or the email of the person in the serch box (and do the same procedure).

At 9:33 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Okay...I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

I've just joined Facebook...eek!

I'm an Amy Powell (there are several of us apparently) but I used the same photo I use here and I appear to be the only one in Milwaukee.

At 9:39 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That is dramatic, Jess. How are those kids (or adults) suppose to learn anything that way?

At 9:49 AM , Blogger Na said...

Jess - I love what you're writing here.

To clarify - I think isolating environments compound the issue, not that they're an underlying cause. Although perhaps are both effects of the same cause? How does language die? I think of "Fahrenheit 451".

From what I understand from folks who have been in educational publishing a long while, several teaching paradigm shifts in past decades have resulted in a lowering of expectations for students. And if we lower expectations of what students can achieve, they do too.

I also think written language and its related culture is like algal blooms - it will thrive and be enriched for periods of time, then die back, then bloom again in new forms.

Beyond those thoughts I go to passionate political-cultural issues, but this doesn't seem the place for those. ;)

At 9:50 AM , Blogger Na said...

I found Ticia on facebook, and toggled the "recommend friends" thing after, to try to connect her to Gayle, maybe can do the same for others...

At 9:56 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Am I the only one who finds it sort of, erm, odd that Facebook recommends friends? It reminds me a bit of or something (if you like this person then maybe you'd like that other person over there, too) :)

At 10:03 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Oh, and na, the algal blooms comparison? I'm totally adopting that, thanks. I love the image!

At 10:03 AM , Blogger Na said...

Lexocat - yea, and I also find it amusing that you can "now be friends" with someone you've been friends with for decades.

Amy Powells are legion and might give the John Smiths a run for their money! Some have great hairstyles, too.

Off to pick a dragonet up from playschool, then finish a w00t! new work assignment.

At 10:23 AM , Blogger Dread Val said...

Morning, Fiends!

I've been taking a break from teh Internets, to meet deadlines. More work ahead of me, but I'll be back soon.

My best wishes to the ill, kicks to unruly manwives, and may all in danger be safe.

At 10:31 AM , Blogger Ticia said...

No time to read right now, but you fiends rock! Yay for fiends!

At 10:32 AM , Blogger gaypet said...

Good luck with those deadlines, Val!

More good energy and wellness being sent out to you, Quiche. Bast candle and sage burning for you my dear. Hope you feel better soon.

At 10:43 AM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

sadly i am NOT taking care of my Quiche.
she is down and out,
and i am not over there.

At 10:44 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I found an Amy Powell in Milwakee on page 7 but no picture...

At 11:11 AM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Even weirder would be "None for me, I just ovulated"

At 11:12 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Wow, lots of comments!

Facebook - Na & Ticia - found you, and sent friend requests - Arwenn - can't find you, but would friend you if I could! I'm on as Marjorie Taylor, same photo as here - there are fewer of us so I may be easier to find!

FabLo - hope you're feeling better. Lots of sympathetic vibescoming your way.

Jess, Nathalie et al - Eduacation..
waht you say sounds so familiar, I think here, a lot of problems arise from standardised testing (National Curriculum) - I think they have relaxed thigs a little recently but I know when i was at school the policy was that pupils should not be streamed by ability, which of course meant that everything was done at the pace of the lowest common denominator - which, (not unpredictably, I should have thought) led to lots of bored kids. Most of the best teachers I had were those who refused to follow the rules!

I remember the disappointment I felt when I started my A Level english course ('advanced' level - 2 year course age 16-18) and found I was the only member of the class whob had read ANY of the 'suggested advance reading' (not academic or critical works, just a selection of 18th & 19th C novels) and also that we were obviously not expected to have read any of it. I don't think that there is quite so much in the way of excluding things so as not to offend, but I do think that there is a tendency to assume that everything needs to be broken into easily digestible bite-size chunks and spoon fed, and I tend to feel that by the time you are in the final years of your secondary education you really ought to be able to do a little more for yourself. But I guess letting people learn by trying and, sometimes failing, doesn't lead to good league-table scores...

I also feel we now have a situation where a lot of teachers have been through the same system and so they themselves have never been tught, or had the opportunity to learn, any other way.

(rant over, at least for now)

At 11:19 AM , Blogger Marjorie said...

Oh, and Lexocat - some of the facebook reports are even better. My mum joined recently, and then a day or two later I got an update saying that she "is now married" . . .

... I sent my congratulations - what else can a good daughter do? But unless it was her subtle way of telling us she's just become a bigamist, its about 39 years late, as an announcement :-D

At 11:27 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Marjorie, clearly you are a very good daughter. :)

How did your mum respond to your congrats?

At 11:34 AM , Blogger Na said...

The Fods of snow arrived today, about midmorning.

Lexocat - thanks!

Jess - Well, until two weeks ago I was with a small supplemental publisher called Options Publishing. But we were bought by an investment group a while back, and they just finished disassembling us, so I'm freelancing again. And speaking of deadlines, happily I have some, too, and ought to see to one at the moment.

Cheers, Fiends. Wishing all well.

At 11:46 AM , Blogger Na said...

Oh this time delay with commenting. Marjorie, that's hilarious with your mum "just getting married". I'll have to check in at facebook later, too.

And I agree about NCLB and the shift towards standardized testing - to get the most kids to pass, you lower the expectations for all. Then you get bored but stressed students, more people get discouraged, and it seems more and more like an awful downward spiral. Hrumph.

At 12:31 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I thought you might be with Lorraine, Kitty!
So sad she is poorly and on her own (with wild beasts that might take to devour her if she does not forget she is sick to get up and FEED them).

At 12:40 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

Oh, Lorraine, feel better; stomach bugs are THE VERY WORST!



At 12:55 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

What a wonderfully thought provoking lot of comments to get up to - gee you lot write and argue well.
Same thing has happened here with standardization too. Oh, and does anyone else have the situation where Christmas carols/nativity plays etc are banned from junior schools because they might offend the non-Christians?
So many more Facebook Fiends - its excellent.
Val, I was wondering how you were as I read through the comments and -bingo - there you were.
Kitty, give Q lots of good,healing thoughts when you talk to her. Probably just as well not to be there if its a bug.

At 1:03 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

At my primary school we were not allowed to sing Christmas songs (so we did Jingle Bells and Frosty the Snowman) and yet we sang Hanukkah songs - go figure.

At 1:07 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Political correctness gone berserk, isn't it

At 2:16 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

Nat-a-law, she told me "nay, stay away" she just wantd to sleep, so i am with Boss, being all Lorraine-ish. except for the sick part. sad thing, we may have to cancel the chicago trip. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

At 2:29 PM , Blogger Arwenn said...

Boo indeed!!! Although that's a heckuva drive even when healthy.

I was going to try to get down to the Amanda show but I have class :(

Sending all kinds of get well NOW wishes!

At 2:33 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh bummer, I'm so sorry your week isn't turning out how you planned it Kitty and Lorraine. Not fair.
Hope you get to do something else fun instead.

At 2:39 PM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Cancel Chicago trip? Egad, this IS bad, isn't it?

Redoubling the get-well-now wishes and crossing everything for luck...

At 3:15 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...


Someone is being mean to Fablo's Fiends. Our fridge just went kaput. There I was in the shower minding my own business when the power went off. Grabbed my towel and went out to the powerbox and flicked the safety switch - and it went straight off again. After several trips outside in my towel, switching various powerpoints off to try and isolate the problems I had a brainwave. Get dry and dressed and get Pete up to do the powerpoint testing while I waited at the powerbox to see the effect.
Repair man can't come until tomorrow. *sigh*

At 3:15 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I'm not sure if I have said it here or not but I think the Christmas ban thing can certainly go to far. That said, as a parent who does not celebrate Christmas with M it is nice that he is not singled out in yet another way at school. I have a lot of oddities (like I don't say the pledge to the flag although I have never told him not to) as far as mainstream American culture go and it's nice to find a school that is sensitive to such things. I always think it's better to be inclusive which may mean a very long and involved Holiday program. It's hard to be the only Jewish-pagan-atheist-vegetarian in a school. Kids can be mean for a lot of reasons and the less we isolate those who are different the better.

Standardized testing is being used as a club these days. I'm not sure it is bad for a school to get an idea of where their students are but that is not what we are doing now. It again is just another way to force people into a box which most of us don't fit into. The "lowest common denominator" are often student who are not native English speakers or have other issues and instead of helping them and focusing on successes we punish a school or even a district for having students who don't test well.

At 3:21 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I do see your point Gayle, if I were a parent I'd probably feel pretty much the same way, its just sad that the kids miss out on fun stuff.

At 3:30 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

The more fun the better! I think Holiday stuff can have lots of different traditions represented rather than be missed. That's really all I mean. Even as an atheist I still believe that humans need ritual to help maintain society. Not sure why but we do. So the more parties the better I say. We lite the menorah, celebrate the solstice and M gets Christmas presents from other family. It's a month of partying. :) The schools that I have worked in have often gotten rid of celebrations instead of including as many traditions as possible. Party on, I say!

At 3:35 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Just as I was posting that "Genius of Love" by "Tom Tom Club" came on M's little MP3 player. Funny! And appropriate I think. For you youngsters who don't know it this is it.

At 4:01 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

And not to forget the sense of community that rituals and celebrating together can foster.

At 4:07 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Oh yes, Sally! It's all about community. We are all looking for our tribe. Ours is here. The World Wide Tribe of Fiends. :D

At 4:43 PM , Blogger Beez said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4:57 PM , Blogger Beez said...


Get better Ms. Q.

Sorry for being a hit-and-run and work and work.

At 5:50 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

You are no more of a hit-and-run Fiend than I am, Beez ...

I agree about the Christmas bans, by the way. I wish there were more religious diversity in schools and general society. I don't think we need to withdraw from the most prominent religion so much as we need to find ways to contribute more from other religions .... especially here in Rhode Island. I hate to say it, but we are so blah. Diversity is practically unheard of here (except in Providence, but I don't live there).


At 7:31 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Oooh, the Christmas in schools thing. In Texas they go as nutty as they want with it (PTA buys Christmas trees for each elementary school classroom, etc.) My daughter is one of three Jews in her 1,000 student middle school and gets regular doses of anti-semitism, most of which she handles herself. She knows she can go to the administration if it gets out of hand (and I would if she didn't.)

In elementary school they had "Polar Express Day," an all-morning party every December for the K-2 grades where the kids could wear pj's. Since I had never read the book I had no idea what it said until 2nd grade, when she brought home her ticket that said: "Only children who believe in the magic of Christmas may ride the Polar Express," and at the bottom, the children were required to sign: "I (blank) believe in the magic of Christmas." My eight-year-old, not wanting to lie, crossed out "Christmas" and substituted "The Holidays." It made the hair on my neck stand up, thinking of her wrestling with this dilemma since kindergarten.

I think this kind of thing makes the non-Christian kids feel painfully excluded in their own communities. And there's enough to celebrate about the season itself that will include everyone. I'm definitely pro-party, but not just for one group.

I think it was all such a shock to me because I went to school in CA and SC, and in neither place was there such a thing as trees in every classroom, bringing Santa to the school in a helicopter, busing the kids to see Christmas plays and movies and SO much more. We had a party in the classroom and maybe a school program from the choir.

BTW, local churches have leaned on the school district to exclude objectionable things like witches from their Halloween decor.

Slightly sensitive here, sorry.

Lorranie, hope you feel up to snuff soon. That's just a miserable thing to deal with.

At 7:33 PM , Blogger Fluffy said...

Ahem. I mean Lorraine (insert best wishes here...)

At 7:52 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Your expeeriences are really interesting Fluffy, because you're coming from the outside so far as Christmas goes (not well expressed, I hope you know what I mean) Your daughter dealt with that form really well.
And wow, seems like Christmas swamps the schools there. I guess one difference is that here Christmas comes at the end of the school year, so it's easy for the celebration to be more than just about a religious festival...its "School's Out For Summer"
I find this all fascinating. A friend, who is Hindi, makes sure her children get Christmas presents so they didn't feel left out - but they were always aware it wasn't their religious holiday.
Much for me to think about here and learn - we are such a varied bunch here I love it.

At 8:09 PM , Blogger Na said...

Anyone else notice we're nearly to 200 comments?

I like that idea, of working to include more, rather than worrying over what to exclude. It would be fun for a change to challenge a student body to make sure they'd included absolutely everyone, even the abstainers in some way. ;)

Fluffy - kudos to your kiddo! I am so impressed that she edited her ticket.

As a teenager, I joined a co-ed scout group, and in order to do so, I was required to speak an oath that included the word "God". I wrestled with that for a good while. I'd already done a lot of hiking trips with them. Since I was doing so with a group, I knew I'd have audial cover, so in the end I deliberately said "Dog" instead.

At 8:26 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Wow. So much to read and say and think on.

First good thoughts to all going through hard stuff -- layoffs and robberies and sick friends and relitives... Life.

Free Speech: I like what people are saying here and I liked NG's post. This is such an important thing to talk about. Like many things in life I think we are able to think better about this when we hear more about how others are thinking.

One of the things that came to my mind when reading NG's post was the idea that "we" tend to think that "the law" is the only tool we have to combat things we don't like in the world. Not only is that not true, but often the law is the least useful tool. Like NG said it is a blunt instrument. The notion of free speech also allows an individual to speak or write against the things they oppose. Voices and Pens and Keyboards are much more precises tools than The Law can ever be.

There is this false security in the idea that if we pass enough laws the children we love will be safe. The reality is that the best protection a child can have (in my opinion) is the presence of good, caring, honest adults in their lives. The reality is also that there are people in the world who are messed up and will hurt other people. This was true before the invention of the printing press or the internet and I tend to think it will be true as long as humans exist. That doesn't mean that we don't work for the good -- it just means that we have to think it through and use all our tools. That is what I think anyway.

I went on a bit there. Sorry.

Christmas in the schools? I fall on the side of using the winter holidays as a time to broaden kids knowledge of the world. There are so many wonderful ways humans have come up with to deal with the dark and look forward to the light. Kids should learn about all of them and no one of them should be presented as the normal one. None should be promoted by the state above the others.

IMO there should never be the assumption in school (or anywhere really) that "everyone" does anything when it comes to kids in school. That goes for celebrating Christmas and for assumptions that moms cook dinner. That's my inner anthropologist talking.

Wow. Blabbing on amn't I.

Night Fiends!

At 9:35 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

Hope you feel better soon Q! Yucky yuck :(

I'm trying to put together Christmas photo calendars for the fam. Speaking of christmas! We always celebrated it but never the religious part, we're pretty much doing the same with ben. But we talk about solstice as well (my mother-in-law's not sure what to do with her pagan-leaning daughter in law) ;-)

I think if schools are going to do anything, they should do all the holidays of that season. They're supposed to be educating, not preaching.

Back to calendars...blah.

At 9:36 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Good show Aleta! And, I love all of the comments today. These are difficult subjects we're discussing. Good show to everyone!

I would live in Fiendland!

At 9:50 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I love the discussion too. I started off thinking it was bad that Christmas stuff has been banned in schools here without thinking about the exclusion thing, now I'm thinking of a way to be all inclusive. So many belief systems in the world, how would you do it?

Getting away from the commercial side is a start.
My best friend was telling me that lst year the kids in her son's grade not only gave everyone Christmas cards but they all had little gifts/candy in them too. I don't think we even exchanged Christmas cards at that age, now the obligation is on them to outdo each other. The one that won my best friends vote was the card with oats in it for the reindeer.

At 10:20 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

It's already the 3rd December on my end, so Happy Birthday , Sue! I hope it will be better than the days you've been having lately...

At 10:31 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

That sucks if you girls have to cancel the road trip (and miss the concert) but I read that the weather in Illinois was terrible, people getting stuck at the Chicago airport because of snow storm, so I don't think you might want to ride in such weather....
More good wishes for Lorraine.
Do you need French lessons too Kitty? Seeing you are Lorraining now...

At 10:36 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Well, it's after midnight so...
Happy Firbday, Sue!

Yes, that's really what my fingers typed. I should be in bed, sleeping.


At 10:44 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Hey! I like a Firbday! MUCH nicer that a birthday. And you could probably have then anytime and as often as you please too!
I propose the typo be incorporated in the official Fiendish Lingo.

At 10:49 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I second that Spacedlaw, seeing that we're all fur-natics here

At 10:49 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh said fir, not fur.

At 10:57 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Well, a fir is a seasonal tree...

At 10:58 PM , Blogger Stacy Hurt said...

ok you guys; this made me laugh for 10 minutes straight. In fact; I'm still laughing. enjoy

I am wealthy beyond measure in lolcats alone; nevermind the disapprovadorable beloved Cinnamon.

At 11:11 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

to add to our wealth.


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