An Unexpected Two Hours...
I virtuously got up early this morning in order to go for a workout ride before work, and virtue being its own reward, Trainer Mel had to cancel, forget why, either death in the family, viral pneumonia or a holiday party that was earlier than she expected. Anyway, I found myself with two free hours!
And I thought perhaps I should do a post, as today will be a bit busy, tomorrow more busy and then I have gigs all weekend which makes for some more busy, and now we are up to Sunday, and by then you have forgotten me, gone off and formed your own country, built upon the shores of 500 or so comments....
Clearly, I need something exciting this morning.
Perhaps pictures of King Lear the Huge and Queen Mab the Dainty?
These Kitties get more fun every day. They are still getting used to me, and too close is not too good, but they come out every time I go in the room now, and I have done pets on Queen Mab.
Lear, as you can see is a big guy. Not 30 pounds, tho I make it 20 or very close.
The are truly two of the most beautiful Bengals I have ever seen, but more importantly, they are not damaged. They can love, and really want to love. They love to play, and we get further into it every day. Someone is going to be very, very lucky. The King and Queen are SO much further along than the Jungle Loves were. Lear is an F2, but I haven't seen any sign that he has any problems, and Mab an F4.
We are looking for a home for them. They need to stay together, they love each other SO. And their new Friend needs to be a women or perhaps two women, who have no plans to add any men to the household. Lear's one issue is he does not seem to like men. It is possible that his last home was simply the wrong one, tho I know of nothing the Gentleman did wrong exactly. Lear had no litterbox issues in his first home (the women moved away) or his foster home (tho she says she was fine with him, her husband could not get near)
There should also, I believe, be no other pets or children. I would keep them in a second, they are that much fun, but I believe they deserve their own home, and their own person who will love only them, someone who will come home at the end of the day and call out to them, like I do Venus and Mim, and have them come running up for love.
Love and Long Live King Lear and Queen Mab!
They are beautiful cats!
And look, I finished something at work, so taking a break, and there's a shiny new post to comment on!
Oh, I knew there was something else - yes, let's build our own country!
(No, this time I didn't forget to check the email box, just forgot what I was going to say... SQL does that to your brain, I'm afraid.)
So cute and loveable! I hope you'll find them a good home.
Am beyond busy (stealing time to comment).
and crumbs. Forgot the blooming box too.
Great Pictures and you gave them the space they needed to adjust. Now they can get down to the pleasures of engaging in bengal play. Bet they have fun in the tunnel! I'm not quite ready to list them for adoption to the general public but if anyone here knows the perfect owner, just let Lorraine know.
Does that make us all zombies now??
*spiiiiiccccyyy brraaaiiiiiiinns*
Actually, I could use some more, but there's a shortage 'round here I'm afraid.
No you did NOT.
Do you want to hear about Thrust Vector Control? I don't...
Nathalie can contribute Thrust Vector Control, and I'll season it with SQL code, and...
aren't you glad we AREN'T chattering away???
OH, trust us... you aren't THAT bored, Jess.
Yeah. Don't you have some packing to do?
Fods, I take a phone call and look what happens!
I agree Janet, they aren't ready for a general listing, but if the right home comes from the Fiends, we can certainly look at the situation...
But if you insist (or need soporific reading material)
I had to comment on the cats as I have NO idea what you lot are talking about...
Ok, now I am really lost. Trust me to wake up to the science types. Dr Score ought to be checking in at any moment
Good for you Lorraine. It'd be incredibly sad if you did.
Kitties are SO much more important.
They are fuzzy.
They are cuddly.
They purr.
They don't necessarily cost a fortune.
They are bundles of joy.
Now you are speaking words I can understand, Nat-law!
Jess, does this packing have anything to do with this spaceship???? I just worry sometimes...
At least Nathalie has rocket ships.... I have only computer code. *pout*
I do have lots of photos taken by satellites tho, those are fun.
Those are wonderful indeed.
My favourite being the 3D ones taken of Mars (coming from our own Mars Express, of course, I suppose NASA has some equivalent).
Now that is something I would not mind. But I can't afford the costs of the trip, nor the one year training before.
Oohh, pretty kitties! And if anyone can lend me some stretchy time I'll go back and read all the other posts and comments too.
I haven't quite got my brain back into work mode yet.. But if we manage to put Fiends in Space I definitely want to come. (We won't lie to HAL before we set off, then he will be OK)
Do you think the bengals will come too?
Ooooh! Mab is dainty, in't she? Good to see happy(/ier) kitties.
Laughing my way through the comments. Ought be getting back to writing about measurement. :P Mars ships sound much more interesting...
I think of HAL whenever I meet someone named Dave: "Dave? What are you doing Dave?"
I've always wanted to visit Planet Koozbain...
LOL Fiends in Space - do a little dominating of the solar system
I nominate Jess as mission controller. That way, you canstay on earth and direct us as to which particular bit of Space we should dominate at any given moment.
I don't think I can cope with Muppets in German right now. Maybe later, when I'm not supposed to be working...
Ground Control to Major Fiend...
Lovely pix of lovely kitties!
Fun chat today. I want to go to space too. I'll bring pie.
Check ignition, and may Fod's love be with you....
Ooooh! Can I be the science officer and look through my bright light viewfinder to describe the condition of the new planets?
As a trivia side note, does everyone know where they came up with the name HAL?
I do. I thought it was common knowledge too, but apparently I was wrong!
I think the expedition needs (at least) two science officers!
I know where HAL came from, and like Nathalie am surprised that not everyone does.
Pie Commander - *giggles*
I also thought HAL name source was common knowledge. Or maybe it's sci-fi/geek lore-apocraphya?
I vote for a stop by Titan to see the cryovolcanoes. :)
I just wanted to look through the cool glowing viewer thingy. I'll try not to get pie all over it.
"It looks as if the continent on the southern hemisphere is submerged in some kind of gelatinous, wait a minute, scratch that."
It's not often I get to reference a science movie that was made before I was born.
The story has it that HAL was created by shifting the letters of IBM.
Philia, you definitely need to be a science officer. Do we jet cool outfits with gizmos designed by Dan attached to our belts?
How's this for sad....
I never heard of HAL and had to go google it to see what it was.
I fail in computer and space geek. Booo!
Planet earth is blue and there's nothing I can do...
Which is really a shame for I'd rather have it purple (with sparkly skulls).
Or at least blue like an orange
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Oh yes, cool outfits with gizmos! It's all about the gizmos...
Let's see... Gizmos are the ones you cna't feed after mdnight, right?
And definitely don't get them wet!
Set your furby to stun, I'm going in.
Hmmm....furby vs. tribble..... wonder who would win?
The King & Queen are certainly beauties and worthy of the most discriminating fuzzlovers. Wish it could be me but can't wait to read about them finding their new lovely all girl home where they can romp and play and give all the loves they canz to their lucky servants!
This season is beyond busy for me. The gal that I did the dragonfly memory quilt now wants another quilt as well as 4 pillows. Meantime; I'm stitching like mad the deconstructed wedding dress wall hangings that are due this Friday! Forget about shopping or eating or cleaning or anything else. I SO need an assistant too!!! Love and hugs & catnips to all the fiends! Checking in when I can.
Again with the talking dolls. I'd root for the tribble.
LOL; I recently introduced Ellen to Gizmo from the original 'Gremlin's' movie. They were so much cuter than the later editions of Furbys.
Set your Furby to Stun! LOL Brilliant!
it goes without saying that the ones that were 'evil' so quickly stole the show. "Stripe" was my favorite; smoking the whole pack of cigs (all at the same time); drinks in each hand and slowly he just falls over backwards in a cloud of smoke & leather!
They were great. You wouldn't want them in your house but they're a riot.
sadly; i think one of them does live in my house & her name is Ms. Stella O'Houligan. She's been locked in the house due to our inclement weather. She doesn't like it; not one bit. When she gets tired of sleeping on 'her chair with her woobie' she terrorizes the other girls. The look she gets on her face is enough to make me roll in laughter; someday I must capture it on film.
Wow. How do these threads get so off-topic? It's like being inside my head - I love it! :D My inner linguist so very much wants to do a conversation analysis of this...
Aaanyway, to the actual comments:
King and Queen are indeed magnificent, and if I didn't live halfway across the planet sharing a tiny flat with two other girls and a Persian (cat, that is), I'd have them in a heartbeat. *siiiigh* One day... one day.
Schweine im Weltall - ahh, childhood memories... Yet another reason to be embarrassed by my native tongue. Though I always liked Miss Piggy's voice.
Fiends in Spaaaaaace and gremlins vs tribbles: I'm on board - just please don't make me a redshirt!
I love it here....kind of a shared stream of consciousness :)
Stream of consciousness, that was the term I was racking my brains for! Thanks, Arwenn! :)
Am I too late for the space party? Damn. My first laptop was named after Hal, and he behaved beautifully until he got a bit slow (must have been very small people pulling bits out of his motherboard when I wasn't looking) This new one SHOULD be called Hal as it went crazy on me last night and I had to go back to an earlier restore point. Phht.
Ahh, Jess you've taken your protein pills - but have you put your helmet on?
King Lear and Queen Mab have stolen my heart. If I was a lone wolf I'd have them in a flash.
And I have to leave a silly second comment after the tick the email box turned up.
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Wait, Science officer Score wants a what? A Lite Brite viewer?
That's just weird.
I've been lobbying for a Foster Fiend program, but nothing yet :)
Ceri- a redshirt with your hair and complexion?
Could rock you know :P
Oohh... You've got to not like any weather forecast that involves "heavy accretions of freezing rain". As if last night and this morning, with ice, rain and slush falling from the sky were not enough fun, that's the prediction for tomorrow night and Friday.
All this crappy weather, and no time off work! *pout*
I should go home, I think, having reached the point of negative progress, and apparently whininess.
Oh, and yay lite brite! I now want a lite brite planet viewer, though I'd be happy to share with my fellow Science Officer, and any other fiends who want to see the pretty, pretty planets.
Beez, pure awesomeness - takes Lite Brite to a whole new level, that skull does! And Skull-a-day. w00t
Does a Fiendish Spaceship have shuttles or transporters?
Wow - Fiends of LA, I just heard that it's expected to get cold enough for possible snow in the Hollywood Hills. Eek! I don't think it's snowed in LA county since ca 1979.
What is that thing? Did the cats kill a clown?
Once I work out the kinks in this weather satellite, ALL WILL BOW BEFORE MY SNOW ONSLAUGHT! Because you can't have snow troopers without snow.
uhh danth, avoid the midwest. repeat, avoid the midwest, i got five inches last night and a foot is projected for thursday and i am way to used to sitting on the snowplow......have mercy.......
I do hope they find somewhere wondeful and worthy. They sound like very special Bengals.
~The Masked Fiend
No no no Sue- let Dath come here.
We can point and laugh mockingly at his SNOW ONSLAUGHT! *snicker*
Then we can lock him outside in the -45 windchill.
.....and point and laugh mockingly.
Set your Furby to Stun
oh, and on another subject:
Stacy, do you Etsy??
The gaze of a Furby sends chills up my spine.
NOT a clown. Clowns are scary. At least I don't THINK it is a clown. They run thru it. Ok, it's a weird thing to have in a bedroom.
Going to do a short post now...
I can't help but think that "Brains...spicy Brains" should be on a Fiends t'shirt.
Huh. Somehow I have not yet commented on this post. Those royals look like they are very comfortable in their foster home. They are really lovely.
Dan. Could you aim that snow at LA or Hawaii for awhile please.
*sings* "We're Fiends out in space..." (think the end of History of the World, Part I)
Oh, so pretty kitties!! And I discovered we can't have any pets per our lease, so I need to find people close to me to visit!
(am currently in hiding from the freezing rain we're supposed to get tomorrow. I keep pointing out to Husband that he shouldn't be studying what weather does, but how to control it *MUWAHAHAHAHAH*)
Calling occupants of interplanetary,
Most extraordinary craft.
Their Majesties are beautiful! I'm sure they will find a home worthy of them. :)
Remember the arctic front that just blew through the plains a couple of days ago? We just hot it back as a warm front last night. We have dense fog, the highs for the next three days are projected to be 69, 70, and 71. The next arctic front is expected on Sunday, late, then highs around 40 on Monday and Tuesday. ::sigh:: It's amazing that anyone in Central Texas is healthy this time of year.
Just in case anyone wonders what was going on tonight...
New post up!
oh beez, snort, snicker, yeah, c'mon, give it your best shot danth...
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