Here Was My Night...Wish You Were There!
I will get to the gig, which was loads of fun shortly, but first, this Adventure...
I was driving home, and it happened. The WORST feeling. Red and Blue Lights flashing away behind me. On the start of a long dark highway. (Actually, it wasn't really dark, the moon was amazing doing the reflect off the new fallen snow and all thing, lovely)
ACK!!!!!!! My brain screamed, oh FODS!!!!!! I am SO in trouble!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!! WHY??
Why indeed? Actually, I thought, pulled over, doing the Wait. Not speeding. Sober. Obeying traffic laws. Car not stolen, No warrants, not even for snow parking tickets. Not running drugs. No firearms. No bodies in the vicinity.
Tail Light. Heh. Then the questions, with the LIGHT shinned two inches from my face. Same questions, very fast, differently phrased. After telling him several times yes, my license was correct, except for the weight thing, I smiled and said "I'm sober. BA zero."
He grinned, and said " THAT'S what I like to hear, get your light fixed and have a good evening."
I sped off. As it were.
The gig was good, made better by Fiends being there. Paul got caught in traffic and was late, and Dylan was late, so we weren't really all together and going until half an hour late, so the set did go long. Kind of too long, but it falls that way sometimes.
It's harder to play the big room, as so much of what we do depends on one on one contact with the people, harder in a big room, and most people were there for the drinking, but I think we won them over. Did some good things, I do know that.
The last song was a true Epic of Absurd. A song called Look At The Coffin, which done correctly, or incorrectly, can be a wonderful train wreck of love. We took it DOWN...
Look at the Coffin, with golden handles,
Isn't it grand boys, too be bloody well dead..
Let's not have a sniffle, let's have a bloody good cry!
And always remember the longer you live,
The sooner you bloody well die!
Look at the preacher, bloody sanctimonious...Isn't it grand boys....
Look at the flowers, all bloody wilted...Isn't it grand boys...
Look at the mourners, bloody great hypocrites....Isn't it grand boys...
Look at the widow, bloody great female....Isn't it grand boys...
Some things will stay with you. Had to be there to feel the love. And the true love of the Fiends who stayed and played roadies (while declining our rock n roll suggestions of playing groupies, some people!) and hauled the gear to Prius, in the freezing night.
Love, Police and Rock,
Isn't it amazing that no matter what we haven't done, as soon as we see those flashing lights we feel guilty. The flashing lights must have looked so pretty reflecting off the snow.
Wish I could have been at your gig...maybe one night you could have a webcam set up so we far away Fiends can join in?
Well, obviously I'm here but as its 7pm Sat for me that's not surprising. Pete has just gone to get fish and chips for tea. Yum.
Damn. I hate that feeling -- flashing lights.
I REALLY loved that last song. I also loved meeting more fiends! Yay!
Now I must go to sleep.
I know, one second to guilt!!! And I hadn't DONE anything! Refuse to be responsible for a tail light going out. Hmmph.
The last song WAS pretty, uh, un-repeatable.
Sally, we DO want to do a podcast of show. Maybe St Pats Day. We play something like 13 hours that day, and so could do some fun things.
If AFP can do it from our kitchen, why not a club??? I am so there!
Glad to hear you had a great night (apart from the delay going home - no body in the boot of your car? You had eaten that already for snacks?)
And I want a podcast of the show too.
Who was there apart from Aleta?
Podcast would be awesome, especially for St Patricks Day. I love that song you put up, it has such a ring of truth about it :)
I'm not particularly fond of flashing lights - tends to make me a bit grumpy.
Spacedlaw - hope you're feeling better. If your talking about zombie chews (my daughter's favourite candy) or otherwise known as the body in the boot, I guess you must be feeling better!
Oh my. That is the worst feeling. I've had similar and I especially hate how rattled I feel when it's all over. During the crisis I'm good. Afterward, not so much. It's like once I can relax there's nothing holding things together anymore. Sounds like you handled the whole thing perfectly, though
Glad the gig was good. I'm thowing my support behind the podcast idea, too. Expanding the Fiendish presence at some future gig? So cool.
In the meantime, I'm taking my under the weather self to bed. I just know I can outrun this cold!
BTW, Nathalie, how ARE you?
I neither confirm nor deny any bodies. At any rate, none were discovered. My victims are NOT generally dead, and are always happy, tho much changed...For the better I like to think.
There was Aleta, and El, and their friends Katherine and Nice Lady in A purple shirt..(who rocked as both audience and roadie.)
Beez and Gayle were not there tho I do need them to e-mail me.....
Where do you get Zombie chews Jacq? awesome.
yes - if AFP can do it from your kitchen you can do it from a pub. Shame the drinks can't be transmitted as well
Yes, Nathile, are you feeling better? I do hope so..I need to talk to you about our French, can't do this class anymore, drives me nuts. I bought Rosetta Stone...
Lexo, do beat this!
I really want a podcast, and it doesn't seem so hard, does it? How tho, anyone know?
Okay,I have to tell you all something silly. It was years and years after I started driving that I was first pulled over to be breathe tested by the police. I was so excited by it, and told the nice young policeman so he said I made his night.
I am such a dork.
Sal, Zombie chews are available in all discerning milk bars especially if they in the vicinity of a primary school.
Still acking my lungs out but the fever seems to finally take the hint that it wasn't exactly welcome.
I am crushed by your defection. I quite enjoyed our skyping.
Somebody will be happy though. My friend Martha has been looking for your slot...
I'm glad you're feeling a little better Nathalie
It was funny for me too, the only time I had to do a drunk test was THE weekend after I had had quit drinking...We all ended up laughing..
I just watched the Houston Animal Cops episode where they took over 100 Bengals from a breeding farm. Broke my heart. Apollo one of the best ALC's died in that seizure tho they did not say so. I think the while thing gave Bengals a bad name, Wish I could have said some things..About truth.
I HATE those farms. Poor cats.
Defection????? You heartless Frenchwomen!!!!!! A small matter of my JOB, yes, I do have one! And it DOES involve a fair bit of work, one cannot simply nip off and Skype midday..
We must fix this , she mutters, one must NOT be replaced...
I miss you too. Lots.
I have just made a scientific discovery. It is impossible to yodel with the oil from fish and chips coating your throat.
*nods at discovery*
Very, very bad it was, for those Bengals. Quite a lot of them have ended up happy tho , due to our rescue...
Sally , not entirely sure we want to know, but hey, always up for anything..
That was a useful discovery, Sally: Next time someone threatens to yodel next to me I shall shove some fish and chips down their throat.
Ah yes. Work... (it might not have been so bad if not for the blasted time difference).
you can blame a tv show showing someone yodelling for my discovery.
Monkey see, Monkey do!
SAlly, next you're going to tell us you're strapping on the lederhosen!
Nathalie, you're on fire!
Poor bengals. Do they still get such high prices for them, if there are so many that need to be rescued?
The time difference DOES play havoc with us, oui? Rats...
I don't remember yodeling in Monkey but I could certainly be wrong..
Sleep now, I am thinking, gooodnight Fiends...
Good night!
Bonne nuit!
Fods no, unless Malena does something with the concept and makes them sexy
Were you at all tempted to accelerate, and start a thrilling car chase?
London is really cold just now, I need to live somewhere warmer.
Sounds like fun, 'cept for the flashylights.
Thank you all for the comments on my picture; I do really like that one! My camera is poor at low-light environments, but I keep trying.
i'm with lexo on the reactions after the flashing lights, shudder. glad you had a good gig, nat, glad you are feeling a bit better! sally, perhaps a different foodstuff will yield easier yodeling? :) i watched the dark knight last night for the first time - wow, heath ledger was powerful, and how sad his last scene was. (i don't want to spoil it if others hadn't seen it, but usually i am the last in the universe to see anything). now off to work- have a great saturday all!
I love the quotability of that song. "The longer you live, the sooner you bloody well die ..."
~The Masked Fiend
Sounds like a pirate song. Arrrg. Web cast would be brilliant! (For some reason, I am using this word a lot today.)
I agree with everyone on flashylights = not good. Even seeing a police car on the road I feel adrenalin. Why, oh why? Whence guilt over nothing? We humans are so odd.
Glad you're on the mend, Nathalie.
Martin, I recommend central Alberta if you're looking for someplace warmer. Mwaaahahaha.
Happy weekend, fiends all.
JUst woke up, made the boys french toast for breakfast (ben had a friend sleepover) and now they're watching the Cat in the Hat and i'm going to pop into the shower while i have the chance. My dad and stepmom are comingover today for his bday.
I want to hear a recording of that song, LOVE it!
Glad it was only a taillight, Ms. Q! And that the gig rocked so well, if a bit . . . strangley there at the end. :-)
Wishing all of the fiends the peace and beauty of the season, and best wishes for a happy new year. (Having taken a metaphorical tumble down a metaphorical staircase, I'm going quiet for a bit.)
I think my reaction to the flashing lights (particularly on a dark lonely road) may have been to keep driving or pull into someones driveway. Something about an authority figure with a gun... Yikes!
Paranoid? Me?
I am glad the gig went well. I am feeling sorry for myself that I missed it. I WILL attend sometime soon!! :)
Glad to hear that the fever has broken, Nathalie! Hope the lungs clear soon. It's so tiring to cough and cough.
M has not been able to swallow food for 4 days now. He is drinking a wide variety of things but we may be off to the Dr again today. He is fine otherwise, which is odd.
Hello Martin. Warmer is good! I could go for warmer myself.
I can't watch that Animal Cops, it's too close to home. The woman who had the cats wasn't a commercial kitten mill, she was a cat hoarder, which is sad for her as well. It's a type of obsessive compulsive behavior. I would have more sympathy...
but in Texas, we are still dealing with the fall out from that seizure. Animal Control wouldn't treat the hybrids/early generation cats differently and most of them died. They wouldn't release many of the bengals to rescue. And most animal controls in South Texas still think of bengals as problem, unadoptable cats. "The pit bull of the cat world."
Plus, her hoarding/breeding practices put a lot of breeding cats in the hands of uneducated people, and so now we have a lot of badly bred, mixed, and otherwise uncared for bengals here.
I wasn't working with rescue when it happened, and I'm selfishly glad for that because I'm not sure I could have handled it. It seems like everyone in the bengal community felt so helpless.
Hoarding is such a difficult thing to deal with. Most hoarders start out with good intentions and then the OCD takes over and things get out of control.
It takes a strong person to watch the animal cops show! Stronger than me. I always end up a mess when I see what people are capable of doing.
OK, so, other than the horrors of human nature, how is everyone today? I am avoiding cleaning. :)
OMF, I'm out of coffee!! I guess that is one way to get me out of the house. Off to the store.
Happy Saturday everyone! Or Sunday for some, right?
Still sturday, mostly, here.
Spent goofing in bed (with a few asides for cooking) and preparing pictures for Word of the Day, or Haigas for One Single Impression.
And sleeping.
With cats.
Who are grumpy becasue I did not let them have a go at the pasta at lunch time (poor little hard done by pussycats. HA!)
Adri, Seems horrifying to me that the posture they portray on TV is how 'caring' and 'concerned' they are for the animals welfare and according to your report & many others; it seems quite the opposite is true. I bet once the 'romance' of the TV shoot is over; most, if not all, those so called animal rescue places are so bogged down in red tape it's a wonder any of the animals survive.
Maybe it's too early or even that it's just Saturday and such things don't warrant a deeper introspection; but I wonder this:
If TV keeps shoving out such images & misinforms those who watch (of which there are tens of millions and of those; there are huge numbers who believe EXACTLY what they see and are not at all capable of doing their own thinking) then what is the hope for truth? Sure; you can say 'who's truth?" and I would argue that truth that says "One day the animals were alive and needed to go to Bengal rescues or even facilities that aren't specific to Bengals but are enlightened to their plight" and the next day they are dead."
My qualms with TV notwithstanding (I don't watch anymore, period) Freedom of speech notwithstanding; I agree w/Mr. Gaiman here: the law is not a scalpel: If you are going to have a show that CLAIMS to be REAL, then DO IT!
I'm stopping before I lose what illusion of composure I have left and apologize if anyone is offiended. I simply cannot tolerate stupidity or greed and it seems that disease is currently running rampant in our country. Now where did I put my red pill?
I'm currently having an espresso, then I will go meet a friend for tacos. Also on our agenda: huffing the bulk spices and coffees and teas at the gourmet grocery (I am thinking also of buying a lamb roast) and going to our comics shop. It's semi-annual sale day and everything will be 50% off! I'm going to buy Settlers of Catan and possibly another game for my Solstice Party, wherein I will invite my friends to come over and stay up all night.
Just in case the sun doesn't come up again, you understand, it's important to eat, drink, and be merry with friends!
Hi Martin, and good morning. I love it when you pop by. WEll, yes, OF COURSE I was MORE than tempted, one is you know, it's the kind of flight or fight thing...
I don't LIKE big men with guns. At all.
I bet London is cold. Be glad of purgatory, here is hell. On another note, I named one of my new Bengals Mab, thinking of you.
Why am I only talking to Martin? Good Morning Fiends! Just up a bit ago, much sleeping in! Teeing now. And reading all your chatter from the night...BIZZARE dreams, where does my mind GET this stuff?
Grace is going away for a bit? Don't stay away long, my dear, we are here you know.
I agree on the animial thing. I felt so sad watching that Bengal thing, and it seemed kind of obvious that they didn't like these cats AT ALL. They were just poor scared things. Bengals are really sensitive, and any cats in that situation would have been traumatized.
I think of my poor Leopard, and what he has been thru, to get in such a state. I may never get thru to this guy, made no progress. If he had been with the right person when he was a kitten, he would be happy.
On a good note Queen Mab came out and said good morning. Venus and Mim think the lack of chicken in the house is un-acceptable.
Going into work after another cup of tea. Am checking and updating adresses on Boss's closest friends he is sending out his things too. Boss has a lot of friends.
Good morning Ms Fab! Hope the dreams weren't to bad. Glad you got to sleep in!
I have faith that one day your leopard will come out of hiding and take a seat next to you. I say six months from now.
Good news about Mab!
Thanks Gayle! I need the support!
Right. Off to work.
I think there is a foul subculture amongst police officers and detectives -- at least in the United States (or Rhode Island). I don't want to generalize, but most police officers (and detectives) strike me as insecure and fake -- forcing out a geniality. I imagine this comes from being subjected to so much horror, certainly more than any human being should have to handle; and so they handle it in their way.
If there are any police officers or detectives reading this, please do forgive me. I don't think they're all like this.
~Still Not Signing
Nat's friend Martha has been lurking. She's a cat lover actually. But I scent an opening I may have to hop through.
Well Martha- welcome! Glad you -did- hop.
Hi there Martha! Welcome. I love the dragon. Tell us about your cats, please.
Eska vou vou, Martha!
I can't watch animal rescue shows. I feel they will not tell me anything of which I am not already painfully aware, nor teach me anything I can put to use.
Today I braved the Cold and took care of a few errands. I feel duty-bound to report that what we have here _is_ Cold by local standards. It's just not As Cold as It Will Get. Although one person who concurred with the Cold analysis was in fact wearing a kilt. Might be biased.
Will now hide indoors while.
And hopefully remember next time to unplug the car before backing out of the garage. Doh.
Emily, you have made a huge step in your cloaking device lesson, by not signing. Soon you will able to mask completely, and then, my shadow, you will have power! MMmwmwhahah!
Hi Martha! Welcome to the Fiends! Glad you hopped in! Do tell us cat stories, we love them here!
That moment when your heart drops into your gut. Ugh.
It smells of onions here. Nick is roasting a chicken for dinner, though it is apparently going to be a late dinner since the bird isn't in the oven yet, and it's nearly 6:30pm Phiala Standard Time.
I did much shopping today, and spent a slightly ridiculous amount of money on furniture and other near-necessities. Still, I'm cheap and it was challenging, even if it was stuff I need.
In random bits of good news:
- I get the day after Christmas off. :)
- I have a completely useless new title: I have been "promoted" from an Adjunct Assistant Professor to an Adjunct Associate Professor. If I were an actual faculty member, that would mean I now had tenure. As it is, it means absolutely nothing (and I already have tenure).
- Hm. I had three when I started. I think. Oh, right! I have an actual paid gig teaching weaving to a weaving guild in the western part of Pennsylvania. Neat! I've been teaching for a very long time (15 years or so), but have never done a weekend-long class, nor have I been paid for most of my teaching (and certainly not this well). I'm already nervously planning!
Congratulations on your new AAP role Mistress. Did the department need to spend money on new stationary perhaps? I always figure that is the reason for these obscure name changes.
Grace - I hope everything is okay.
Welcome Martha-and yes - cool dragon for me to covet. Quiche, I imagine Boss's address book is quite a tome.
Stacy - I'm with you all the way.
On the subject of stupidity, and with the usual warning to put down your drink big fail
Sally, I don't work for the University, it's purely a courtesy title. It doesn't matter AT ALL what it is, just that I'm adjunct faculty so I can use the library (yay library). It would mean something if I were "real" faculty, tho.
Phiala, congrats on the new title! which does sound much better than adjunct instructor of art - at the community college level, we don't get the professorship titles, nor tenure. Hope it means a bit more for the coffers for you! and big congrats on your first weekened weaving workshop! i am sure you will be splendid. what is your topic? tablet? braiding?
Grace hope all is ok, delurk sooner than later.
Adri, I love your attitude on life, and hope your evening was long lasting and fun filled.
Na, stay warm! Emily, such power you will gain, the queen has decreed!
hope everyone is or did or will enjoy their saturday evening, i am off to bed as work beckons early, the kilns they are a calling....
My dad just left. We had a lovely day. Lunch and then up into the mtns to get our xmas tree. It was 58 degrees at our house when we left, 34 at the tree place and we got a bit of novelty snow. It melted when it hit anything but a brief quick dust came down. Very sweet for here....i know, you all hate me.
But the tree is up and decorated w/ our star wars ornaments as well as all the other oddities...our star is a monkey w/ fez.
I can't watch any of the animal shows, i don't even go near animal planet.
Phiala - yay for the promotion, meaningless or not!!
I couldn't imagine Boss's address book! He's so damn nice, it must be ridiculous to keep track of all those friends! ;-)
Yeah for Saturdays! I've been watching movies, and spending time with various kitties.
AND I saw King Lear The Huge's WHOLE HEAD! He crawled out and ate chicken, kind of head and shoulders. ad is a sweetie, and I touched her for a moment, still nervous about that, tho not so nervous of me.
Le Leopard, who does need a name I think, growled and hissed, but he did turn to sniff his chicken...
Such excitement.
Currently I am watching one of the sacriest things I have ever SEEN. A doc about child beauty pageants.
I don't think the people who are the subjects know they are freaks who are being viewed in horror.
Those poor kids! It's all about the Mom's....
I'm finally getting organized for xmas cards now too. If anyone would like to send me their snail mail address, email it to and you'll be added to my list! :)
I would love to, Chantrelle, as long as you are most surely a Fiend and not a murderer or stalker ... I am a bit wary of e-mailing my address, but Lorraine knows who you are, right?
~The Masked Fiend
Oh wait. Would you mind sending cards to far-away Fiends?
Well, Lorraine only knows me via boss....boss knows me :) I'm weary of the address thing too so i totally understand!
Far away is fine!
Okay then. Thanks, Chantrelle!
~The Masked Fiend, Shadow Fiend, Eminent Emily (sorry, having far too much fun)
Hi Martha.
Emily you make me smile. Thanks.
Glad to hear that Nat-Law is feeling better.
Early to bed for me I think.
Oh -- forgot to say...
Child Beauty Pageants. Yicks. So very scary. Did love love love Little Miss Sunshine though!
Oo, oo, oo, new fiend delurking!
Hi, Martha! You speakses in third personses! Do you like...
purple cauliflower in cheese sauce?
::nod, nod, nod:: You know, it goes well with spicy brains. ::BIG GRIN::
Oh Fods, there goes Adriandalen again after the new Fiend....Don'y play too hard, my dear...
I am off for bed too. Horses tomorrow, and some interesting news. It looks like I am getting a new horse! Thru an odd combination of things....
Yay! King Lear sighting and Queen Mab touching! Mayhaps a translation of Solace into another language for Le Leopard?
How is Rommy doing? have you been able to ride recently?
Congratulations, Grace! Talk to us again sooner, rather than later! :)
I've never watched any of the Animal Cops shows on Animal Planet. Too depressing. I watched a lot of Emergency Vets when it was relatively new. Haven't really watched much of the E-Vets Interns, though. We quit watching much Animal Planet due to the oft-repeated Funniest Animal Videos. Couldn't stand the announcer.
See! You knew what I was going to ask. Well, actually I had already asked, just hadn't posted yet.
New horse? Instead of or in addition to Rommy. Don't leave us hanging Quiche, inquiring Fiends need to know
I finally remembered what else I was going to say. ::sigh::
I love Holiday cards, but I really would prefer e-cards. There are lots of places where they are free, and if you use you help animal causes. They also have lots of "click to donate" and green living tips. It is free, though you do have to register. I've been a member for at least ten years. My email address is rowane at hot dot rr dot com.
kittehs channel L's Bengals
Night Fiends!
Heh. That is so right, Sally!
Night, Chantrelle!
I'm off to bed soon myself.
Any fiends up late? (or early?) I had a lovely day, and espresso in my cocktails and I am wired. :D
Can't wait to hear about new horses!
Welcome, Martha. Please, tell us about your cats.
We should have a Fiend pet gallery. Mine have been lovely tonight, except Zanzibar carried his dinner (a chicken thigh) into the living room to eat on one of my shoes.
Hi Adri, I'm up - because its not even 7pm (Sunday) here - a fiend pet gallery should definately be included in the Night Garden site, I agree
Sally, you're in Australia? I've got Sydney on my worldclock here. I've friends and work colleagues in AUS and New Zealand, but I'm rubbish at keeping track of the time difference. It's about 2am here in Texas.
Any big evening plans?
Yes, I'm in Australia..both Jacqui and I are in Melbourne. Melbourne breeds very good Fiends
oops - plans for tonight? Find something decent to watch on tv. exciting, huh.
::waving:: Hi, Adri! I really need to be in bed already, but I got caught in Doom Moonlight Time doing searches for names meaning "solace/console/comfort" for Le Leopard.
Ms. Fabulous, what about Jabir, Arabic for consolation, or it's variant Jabar, Arabic for consoler? So far "solace" isn't coming up on any searches under baby names.
Ooh, I love names!
I looked up 'peace' and found:
(Hindi names) Aman, Bheru (friend), Dhiraj (patience)
Morning Fiends - a little word play on Solace: in Irish Solas means Light; it does seem like Le Leopard has brought a new Light into your life, Q. And seasonally appropriate, only a week 'til Solstice [does little happy dance in anticipation of the light returning]
Gotta jump in on this one. Beauty pagents for little girls are the ugliest, most foul things that adults could ever inflict on their children.
However, AletaMay I'm with you on Little Miss Sunshine. If a few little girls have been scarred for life, they should rest easy in the knowledge that they have inspired one of the most thought provoking and funniest movies ever made.
Adri, was it you who promised a recipe for creole chicken?
Lorraine, na, gaypet, Beez, Ariandalen and all fiends who welcomed me after I went to bed
Oui,je suis Martha.
Let me introduce myself. I live on the other side of the world from thee - one hour time zone later than Nat-Law. That would be Estonia; on an island in the North Baltic Sea. I live in a Soviet era apartment block so have somewhat limited space for animals. Thus I share my life with a single long black-haired 16 pound feline tyrant named Neri.
I love vegetables of all sorts but, up here, our access to purple cauliflower is somewhat restricted. So, inspired by the picture I made my gratin du choufleur of the plain old white variety and added chunks of ham and peas to make a one dish meal.
Also on the subject of food I am a member of our local Organic Farmers Organisation. No, I'm not a farmer. As a retired English teacher, I help with public relations, visitor guiding and occasional cooking for special events. I find your blog fascinating, but have been concerned that I haven't anything of interest to contribute. Nat-Law disagrees so I promise to try. I'd love to participate in a web-cam event. I'd even replace the old one that Neri destroyed. It was round and she thought I meant it as a toy for her. It's late night for you - noon for me here so, I'll sign off. Thank you again for letting me play.
Hi Martha, lovely to meet you. I have an occasional interest in the history and especially the folk weaving of the Baltic states.
I'm sure you will have much fun playing here. Just ignore Ariandalen and her quest for spicy brains. :)
Hi Martha! Welcome to the Fiend-dom.
It is morning here in Rhode Island. Most of you are probably sleeping. I will be tiptoeing so as to let you get your rest.
~The Masked Fiend
Welcome Martha and Neri - so glad you decided to delurk, and adriandalen is quite lovely, nothing to worry about......much.....Love how we are such a global community! How many countries now? i know Phiala started a map, but don't recall how to find it. Emily, you make me smile too. have a wonderful sunday fiends one and all, back to work i go.
Someone called for the map?!
Estonia! Martha, that is very cool. And Hellos to Neri as well. Yes, please do put your Skull on the map.
We started it a while ago, it's a map of the world, and you click on where you live, and a Skull pops up there. It will be up on the new site, when ever I GET my new site...
Dreamt I was late to the gig again. And had to keep going back to the car for things. And it was harder as I had brought Venus, Mim and the Leopard and they kept escaping.
Right tea.
Oh hurray for horses today! Can't wait to hear how it goes.
It's 37 degrees here and it's raining. It's going to be -4 tonight. You know what that means. When I leave the house tomorrow at 7:00 AM the world will an ice rink. At least it is down hill to the freeway. I will get there one way or another.
Martha, a retired English teacher who loves cats and food! One of us, one of us...
One of us indeed.
Very much one of us!
It is going to get nasty. It's raining here and changing over to snow.
I'll go and ride and come home and tell you about it, and when I am getting my new horse and what it is like.
OH!! Fods, I forgot, King Lear the Huge came out for chicken last night and took it from my hand!!!!!!
I went in with some, and there they both were, came running up to me! And I played with some toys with them too. They PLAYED all night too, both of them. Hmmph.
I think these two will be VERY adoptable, by the right person. I will start looking for a single women, or a couple. I need a nice Lesbian or two. No men, sorry guys.
Or a women who is planning on staying single would work too. I just don't want them to have to move again, and I don't think Lear can handle men. I'll blog it out there in a week or so when I know them a bit better
No peeing or spraying problems since they have been here.
Adri, when I read one of your posts I first read it as "espresso in my cockatiels".
Fun with dyslexia. :) And the way that is spelled is a cruel joke, I say.
Wow, Q, that is great news!
That's great news indeed! But they are happy cats anyway so it was obvious they would settle down fairly quickly. Monsieur Leopard is the real challenge.
I'm so glad His Majesty warmed up to you, Lorraine! Of course, it was bound to happen eventually...
Welcome, Martha. I spent exactly one marvelous day in Talinn, several years ago, enjoying the tours in the older part of the city. Hope you have as much fun here as the rest of us. I think you'll have plenty to contribute!
It's mid-morning here, but I'm the only one up in my house. Psh.
I think I will try my own culinary adventure and make an egg bake out of leftover croissants. I'll let you know how it goes, it could get dangerous.
Quiche -- you see, of course you were sober, because on Friday night I was handling all your drinking for you! It was Sketch Night at the studio, where we drink and draw... and then stumble down the road to the pub after all our wine has run out. And then, drink like artists until the pub closes and get home somehow, after foraging for food places that are open at 2:15 a.m.
And then I got up at 8 to shower and head back to the studio and paint until 10:30 last night; got home well after midnight, and am trying to get it together enough for coffee.
Natalie, sorry you're still feeling bleh.
Phiala, congratulations on the title change/promotion with a real benefit: library privileges!
On the subject of holiday cards: if you would like your very own digital copy of my holiday card, nip on over to my blog and leave a comment with your email address there. And you will get a copy of your very own, as soon as I finish making it. ;)
Okay, coffee. Coffee NOW.
Yes, our Solace is a hard case. May need to go back for more advice...Nothing seems to be working...
I want someone to make me an egg bake. Rats.
El, drop me an e-mail would you, I have a question for you...
Oh, Val, thanks for the drinking on Friday. I did wonder why I was so out of it Saturday.
Email sent, Lorraine. I would totally make you some egg bake, but I've discovered the eggs I had are old. :(
Thanks so much to Phiala, I have good friends in my school who teach traditional handicrafts, so if you have questions, please let me know,Thanks also to ivenotime and Jess. I think ariandalen and I will get on just fine. I have some experience with spiced brains - especially when contained in roasted lamb s heads. Yes, el, Tallinn and Riga are fascinating, but as I have become a country girl since moving to Saaremaa, I am very partial to my peaceful quiet little island.
Lorraine I have added my skull so you can see where I am.
I know that Bengals and Ferals are different but we had a Feral who took over a year to warm up and come out to sit by a human. He never could be picked up or anything but he would sit by us and let us pet him. You may just need to give it A LOT more time. I know that you will get there. :) I hope you are having fun with horses.
Just to clarify: I already had library privileges! Very important, that. :)
The title change really _is_ nothing but a different word. It doesn't affect pay, status, library use, or anything at all.
Morn.. oops! It's afternoon. I am joining you, Louisa, in a happy dance for sun return. Less than 8 hours of daylight where I am. Martha, it must be even shorter days for you! I took a nap today: before noon. So strange. Am now blasting Tchaikowski through the house to help keep me awake.
Hooray for Lear and Mab! That warms my heart. I also guess le Leopard still has a chance. Seems he's making some progress, just at a much slower pace. I hold hope for you two, FabLo.
Gayle, hope your descent to the freeway was controlled, at least. ;)
Great news about Lear Q, and that they were playing all night, even if that was bad for your sleep. They feel at home. Yah.
Emily definitely needs a stealth car...Dan, are you on it?
na - the sun - when you can see it - officially rises at 09.08 and sets at 15.39 here, but it's been so grim and gray for 2 weeks that it's just dark - ALL THE TIME
I think we might have about an hour more daylight at the moment, Martha, but the same gray, overcast skies. Then the sun just made an appearance! Even so low in the sky, and through a big conifer, it's nice to see it. The sun as leopard.
Back from the horses, had a fine time with the people, but not so much with the horse. She is a LOT of horse, Romy is, and today she was a BRAT!!!!!!
Horses will pull stuff just to see if they can get away from it, and you HAVE to be the one in control, and I lost my nerve, and got pretty scared.
It was my head that beat me today. Everyone was really nice about it tho, and said the same thing had happened to them too, and helped me. Trainer Mel most of all, she is great with that sort of thing, and helped me and told me I HAD to win, if Romy thought she could, she would.
I won, and feel good about it. I am going to ride another horse tomorrow tho, so I can just ride and get my confidence back up, and concentrate on riding and not be worried about Romy. She's been acting up a lot with other people too.
THEN i will get back on her, HA! Might ride them both.
I saw my new horse too. LOVELY, YES, pics and a new blog are coming, as soon as Mel sends them to me, this evening most like, and I will tell you the whole story then.
Lady May is, uh, a lot of horse too, from the looks of her.
Today is one of those day that I am reminded of my favorite description of what depression feels like. A morning radio personality here (Mary Lucia who is now on The Current for those of you here)once was trying to describe being depressed and how it is different from feeling sad. She said something like, "it's when you walk past the same piece of lint on the floor everyday for six weeks and everyday you think - I should pick that up." :)Substitute piles of laundry and sink full of dishes for lint.
I hope Fiends are having a good Saturday. Waiting on tenterhooks for horse stories.
HA! And there it is. Horse story. Thanks. :) That's what I get for looking up how to spell "tenterhooks".
That'll learn ya!!!!!
Hee hee!
I am looking for indoor riding near by. I would love to expose M early and it would be something I could do even when I don't feel well. Ya, I know, copy cat! ;)
You'll show Romy who's boss; I don't doubt it for a minute.
Waiting for a layer of paint to dry, which has got to be one of the least exciting things ever. ;) Maybe I will go see about cooking something for dinner. Am wishing I'd picked an artist whose style was closer to my own for this study, like, say, Frans Hals.
Who did you choose, Val? Sorry if you said already and I missed it. What are you painting? I really wished I lived closer to you while I was working on my final project for drawing class. Could have used your input. Have fun watching paint dry.
I don't know Val, you could always watch grass grow.....
You should ride, Gayle, mostly it is very fun and even on days like today, you get something out of it. And horse people rock. At least mine do.
As you have said, horses have a special kind of magic! There are reasons they are used in therapy so often. I think it would do me good to spend an hour or two with a horse every so often. We shall see what I can find.
All my candles are lit. There is water boiling away to add moisture to the air and M is eating bobka. All is well with the world.
Chocolate babka?
Gayle, I'm doing a study of Caravaggio's Sick Bacchus. I had to scrape the first six attempts and begin all over again, so this one's #7 since April. I'm always happy to give input on art; you just have to warn me if you want it to be honest input, or not. ;)
I think I might have just as much fun watching grass grow, yes… probably a sign I should go do something else now.
I didn't make it but this will give you an idea of what it is. I buy it at a shop called Breadsmith and it's yummy.
Oh nice, Val. Can't wait to see it! I always prefer honest input. It's not really possible for someone to be harder on me than I am on myself anyway. This was for a beginning drawing class and the instructor was fine but clearly did not want to be teaching beginning art. Understandable! I would love to know what you think. I should have it back on Thursday and will take a photo of it.
Good luck with bacchus!
Oh yum. A good babka can be magic! I would be so happy to have some with tea. I will have to settle for tea and decongestants. And maybe some sleep. Sigh.
I'll have to wait for healthier and/or more energetic days but I think I'll be trying that recipe.
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Watching grass grow is so much fun.
Babka is one of the things I don't bake. Too much work when there are good ones to buy. ;) I make bagels because you can't get good ones here.
Making bagels is another one of those things I keep meaning to do. Do you boil and bake? I had a recipe once that called for malt as one of the ingredients. Never tried it but it seemed interesting.
I use barley malt. Boil-and-bake is essential for the right texture but it is really not that much trouble. There are many good recipes but this is a great place to start for anyone wanting to make bagels. If you like to make bread, click around the site. There is a ton of good info.
Hm. Thank link seems to not want to work. Bagels.
Still waiting for my pictures....
Ack! Now I really want chocolate babka and tea....but it's driving Hell out there, so I shall just settle for tea. You are so right Gayle, about there not being good bagles here, and I am impressed that you make 'em. I never seem to have time to bake these days- maybe when the U. is on break.
Val- I hope you get to like your study of the Carvaggio. Maybe #7 is the magic number.
Well Q, you will show that hoss who's boss. Right? Remember you are the Empress of Everything.
....of course Romy -is- a horse. Could be a tie.
*waits for horse stories and pictures and everything
Me waiting too....
Oh Quichie, I remember you asked...
my email is beezerbub AT gmail DOT com.
That I did Beez.
I just texted Trainer Mel about the photos, told her no pressure or anything but that the Fiends were getting restless...
She says sh just got home and will go right in and send. Hmmph. I said "What took you so long???"
Maybe next time I will just bring my OWN camera instead of leaving it at home!
Ugh. Wind chill readings -18 to -28 tonight. Right. How can it be 40 above and raining today, then go that cold????
Mel is sending the pictures now. I hope they are fun. I brought in some clip on hair extensions I had left over from a LaM event for the other riders, who love my hair, and Mel's daughter had the BEST idea....
So- which of the horses got extensions in their manes?
Go and see, post is up!
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