Sunday, December 14, 2008

An All New Look For Horses.....

Despite the fact that my horse, Rommy, was a brat today, and I got rather scared, and had to battle it out with her, I had a lot of fun. Trainer Mel's daughter had the BEST idea. I had brought in some clip on hair extensions for my riding friends, so they could have cool hair too, and we had extra, so....

Pretty fun, eh? Here's another with Trainer's daughter Jeannie, who knows more about horses than I ever will, and helps me with the hard bits. (IE everything)

Horses sometimes take into their heads that they are going to do what they want, and not perhaps what you want. And they will try it on just to see if it might not work. This is the point where you HAVE to win. My Winter Romance was being a BUTT today, and I got scared. Riding is scary. Horses are big, and Rommy is a lot more horse than I ever did ride. I had the help, and the skills, but it was my head that defeated me. Mel helped me thru it, and my friends told me that it had happened to them, and to everyone. (I Really like my horse friends, we will do some pics of them soon, they can RIDE!)

I am going to keep at this, and I am going to get good. And fit. My one problem with this stable tho, is that this horse thing is meant to be helping the "How the hell did I gain 20 pounds???" problem, and people are not so helpfully bring in Goodies....AH well, I will win this too.

It was an interesting lesson to learn about fear tho, and how it is your head that can defeat you...

In other news, I am getting a new horse. Meet My Lady May, or Mazie for short. Had nothing to do with today. Mel had a chance to acquire some horses from someone who had heard about her, and had too many horses, so she was pretty much offered them, only she said she could not take so many as she had no one to lease them to, and I had the idea I could give Rommy back, her owners are fine off, and take one of these new horses instead, and she should just pick me out the one best for me.

Lady May is a full Arab, and a top level show horse. And, meeting her today, by the looks of her, a whole lot of horse! I am thinking she will be teaching me a lot about riding in the months to come!

Can't wait!

Love and Horses,


At 7:27 PM , Blogger Beez said...

First! Muahahahah

At 7:29 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Oh, Lady may looks like a honey! I love Arabians. If she's a show horse she'll be a dream to learn on because she'll know -all- the rider signals.

At 7:30 PM , Blogger Na said...

Oooh, evil laugh indeed, Beez. And that'll teach me to go looking up bagel recipes. ;)

May I ask - what does the sticky note on your forehead say?

At 7:31 PM , Blogger Dread Val said...

I love the shot of you and Lady May. :) Arabs are cool; feisty, but that's just part of their charm. And the colorful hair extensions certainly add charm... ;)

At 7:31 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

She does know them, riding a finely trained show type horse is magic, well, kind of, when it goes right anyway. They are so in tune with EVERY cue, each muscle.

She is a sweetie, very nervous, as she only came to her new home today, but she will settle in, Mel says.

At 7:32 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I want to know about that sticky note too...

At 7:37 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

The pic shows Bernard Black putting a sticky note on his head...think it said f'off...most likely being Black Books.

Lady May looks like a beautiful Arabian. They are such splendid horses.
Do you think maybe Rommy was trying to tell you she didn't like having colour in her mane?

At 7:43 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

Hey love the pics.. You did good today Lorraine even when Rommy was being a butt!!! Over coming your fears on a horse is not an easy task!!

At 7:46 PM , Blogger Beez said...

It's Bernard's "On Phone" sticky note.

At 7:47 PM , Blogger Na said...

I don't know much about horses, but Mazie looks like a beauty. Digging the extensions in that white-and-black mane, too - fun!

And more Facing of Fears! *whew* One way life lets us know we're still in it, I think.

At 7:50 PM , Blogger Na said...

Ahhh. I see it now. Clearly have not seen enough of that show. ;)

At 7:51 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

Horses teach us a lot about ourselves!

At 7:53 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Na, we need to have a black Books party somehow. I just got the whole thing on DVD.

At 7:54 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Thanks Mel, couldn't have done it without you!

Rommy was fine with the extensions, tho they didn't stay in long, she just didn't want to work. Apparently she was being a butt yesterday for someone else too...

Mazie is going to be fun, I am looking forward to riding her. Not soon tho. Tomorrow I am going to ride a very settled horse, Anna Montana, just so I can ride, and get my confidence back, and not worry about battles.

It isn't easy, but that IS the thing, isn't it, with fear...

That's Jeannie jumping on Rommy by the way, in Mel's pic..

Oh THAT post it note..

At 7:55 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Glad you had fun even though Rommy was a butt! How old is Mazie? She is lovely.

At 7:55 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Horses DO teach us, I second that!

At 7:56 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

Mazie is 6 years old.

At 7:56 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sje is 6, I think.

Have you all met Mel, Horse Instructor, before? Not sure if she has posted, but IS a true Fiend!

At 7:57 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Gadz. I think I'm in love with Mazie just from the picture. She's the very picture of my Dream Horse.

At 8:00 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My Dream Horse is black and at least half Frisian, but Mazie will do just fine. I love Arabs

At 8:03 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

I hope you enjoy tomorrow and have a peaceful ride with very little work and no battles.

Yes, I believe Mel has posted before. Hello Mel! Nice of you to get the Empress of Everything out riding. :)

At 8:04 PM , Blogger Beez said...

You have a ranch/farm near you that specializes in Frisians- they are incredibly beautiful, but the Arabians won my heart as a young girl child.

Mazie's coloration and face are -exactly- my dream.

At 8:06 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

I love when she comes to the barn, she is a fabulous fiend and always makes me smile!

At 8:09 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Am looking forward to tomorrow, tho it is starting kind of early for late night girl.

I think I know this farm, if it is the one I am thinking of, and sadly it belongs to the mother of the drummer Paul and I ditched. OOPS!!!!!

At 8:10 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I love it there too! You guys are the Fiends! Glad I make you laugh, you ought to get SOMETHING for all the work I cause, hee-hee!

At 8:12 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Oh. Yeah- OOPS!

There are others out there.

Welcome back Mel, thanks for keeping our Empress high in the saddle.

And with that dear Fiends, I am off to bed. The whole driving thing is going to be "interesting" in the morning, and I need to make sure Son+ is well prepared to wait for a bus.

I will dream of Dream Horses.

At 8:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Fab, you look cool and composed and completely at home on a horse. I'm jealous!

Speaking of interesting driving, Beez, I'm watching the school closings scroll across my screen and I'm feeling such a flash of nostalgia, hah. I hope you get where you're going safely.

At 8:18 PM , Blogger Horse Instructor said...

Had a long day..Good night all!

At 8:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Wait, driving cannot be bad tomorrow, what is up???

At 8:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

'Night Beez and Mel! Sweet Dreams of Horses....

At 8:22 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

My dream horse is a Morgan!

At 8:25 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Great photos! Mazie is really beautiful.

You are doing so much in this facing fears thing. It is really inspiring. Really. Thanks!

At 8:26 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...


Yes, Ms. Fabulous, Mel has posted before. :) She doesn't post often, but today isn't the first time.

I trust that the Eminent Masked Shadow has power, since she posted earlier today. I also hope all of you Northern Plains Fiends, and Ms. Fabulous stay warm and safe the next few days. The same blue norther is supposed to hit Central Texas in the next few hour or so. The high was around 78 F this afternoon. It's supposed to be 36 F at 7 AM and falling all day. We won't have snow, but we may have freezing drizzle. Y'all are having much worse weather than we'll have, but I've got to say that yesterday, last night and today we had a howling South wind. I got to the grocery store while the weather was decent, so I don't have to go out tomorrow with the girls.

Donated a medium Dogloo to a lady who runs a dog and cat rescue within 15 miles of us. Our dogs have never slept in it, so it was in really good shape. Don't worry, Lavender and the kittens have a large Dogloo and a house that shares a wall with our house on the south side so they have lots of shelter. The dogs she has that will be using the Dogloo are a Doberman pinscher and a chocolate Lab who can't stand to be separated. Unfortunately, they also have heart worms, but she is treating them. All of her dogs that I could see were in good shape and happy. She also has some rescue cats, but I didn't see them as they were inside her house. We met her yesterday at the Waco Petco, where she had a few of her cats and dogs for adoption. I don't know if any of them found homes yesterday, but I do hope we can help her out some in the future. She doesn't advertise because she doesn't want people dumping animals at her house, and she lives far enough out that they would.

At 8:27 PM , Blogger gaypet said...

Snow and ice on the roads should make the morning a less than fun drive.

Night all! Sweet dreams.

At 8:31 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Oops! I forgot!
Mazie looks gorgeous! I bet she likes extensions, too. ;)

At 8:31 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Good night Gayle. I am kinda nervous about driving tomorrow. Hope the road crews do their work overnight.

Everyone in crazy weather lands drive safely!

At 8:37 PM , Blogger ivenotime said...

What a pretty baby! I do love the arab face, she is a love. Hi Mel! and welcome back! I lack nerve in riding too, can utterly empathize. G'Night fiends who have entered slumberland - i am off to bed soon with an early final for my class, and very nervous about the weather - windy as all heck, raining like crazy with dropping temps..all us in the path of this freezing mess be careful sweet dreams fiends...

At 8:37 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Way to go on helping rescue Adriandalen! Every bit much.

Good luck everyone tomorrow! I think the driving will be fine but it will be cold!!!!!!!!!!!! -30 windchill....

At 8:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think those of us in the Metro area especially are going to be ok, just a few inches of snow. Of course, who knows what craziness people can get up to?

Right now I'm looking out my living room windows and thinking that it's kind of pretty. If it has to be so cold, I'd at least like some snow with it.

At 8:51 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I am ok with snow, just don't like the below zero thing much..

At 9:02 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

It is that layer of ice under the snow I am worried about. But I am sure it will not be too bad. Yeah. The cold. I just saw on the news that we'll have a high of -1(F) tomorrow. Yicks!

Night all. It is under the covers for me.

At 9:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

*unlurks for prettiness of horses*

'strue, Arabians are quite a handful, but so very elegant. The first time I saw a full Arabian (a white stallion, to boot), it literally took my breath away just how beautiful he was. *siiiigh*
I'm sure you'll have an unforgettable time with Mazie, Mistress Fabulous.

At 9:30 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

oo, oo! Another unlurking fiend!
Goody, goody! More playmates!

Yep. Yep! YEP!

Amok, amok, amok, amok, amok!

Eska vou vou, Ceridwen! Here's a nice white jacket with all sorts of buckles, just for you!

hee hee

At 9:30 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Hi Cewidren, and welcome! I am glad the horses drew you to de-lurking, we like that here!

Arabs are the, there is something so special about them, to me....

I so need to go to bed!!!!! After chickening of course....

At 9:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank yew, thank yew!
Je suis trés honorée de votre commentaires! (no idea if that's right, it's been 10 years since French class).
G'night, Miss Fabulous!
I'm actually almost getting up on this side of the Atlantic...

At 10:00 PM , Blogger ariandalen said...

Is bedtime for me!

Sweet dreams, American fiends!

Have a good day, European fiends, and a good evening Ozzie fiends!

At 11:09 PM , Blogger Kitty Cat said...

New horse!
i can't believe i didn't meet the original horsey.

and you really do have a magical hold over the police force, they always like you so very much. and they don't give you tickets.
it is goodly.

Nath-a-law, what are wonderful poem, Quiche shared it with me. Whisper on, girlfriend.

At 11:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, oh, OH! An Arab! I remember the first time I was introduced to one of those, here at our local polo club - such a sweetheart!

At 11:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rainie--what a BEYOOOTIFUL Arab Queen!

She looks exactly like my first Breyer horse (bryer?) so very long ago. My dream horse all through my childhood.

Sorry I've been so absent; some of the nice acquaintances I've made here are becoming actual friends (yay!) and my social life is expanding.

They are both artists (glass, stone and imagery) and I have been learning much from them.
Gratuitous but beautiful advertisement inserts HERE! and HERE!

Two wonderful strong women, talented funny music... readers
They are Fiends in the making, I am sure!

Also need to thank whomsoever posted the bagel recipe link. You have done my life a service!! Though not necessarily my waistline.

At 12:10 AM , Blogger Lexocat said...

Pretty, pretty horses!

And that's about all the head cold will allow me to focus on at the moment. Back to bed after this cup of tea.

Have a good week, Fiends.

At 12:34 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Oh Lys, shiny pretties.

Beez - I wasn't far off with what the note said was I?

At 12:44 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Hey -the email follow-up comments option has disappeared from Blogger. Anyone know what's going on?

At 12:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's there for me, dragonsally... that's weird.

At 12:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't ever post here or get updates via email, so am unsure of what you speak. Sorry!!

As for shiny shinys.....yah, I have a low resistance to them bright shiny objects. Since I am STILL unemployed (no whinging here, really) and Denise needs some photography done, we are perhaps going to achieve barter harmony. A very happy thing this is!

Back to staring at lovely Arab....

At 12:54 AM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ah hah. It has just come back! Very curious.

At 1:23 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Every horse should wear coloured hair clip!
Glad you liked the poem, Kitty.
Go ahead and inspire more!

At 4:06 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Busy Fiends - see what I get for going to sleep? (By which I mean falling asleep on the couch with the cat, of course.) I desperately needed to do laundry last night too... I don't think calling in naked to work would be well-received, so I'll have to come up with something clean.

Clip-on hair extensions... must look into this.

At 5:05 AM , Blogger martha said...

Your new friend, Lady May has such a beautiful classic Arabian head. She's just gorgeous, and maybe young enough so she won't have developed too many bad habits.

I'm really worried about you-all. The BBC reports with piccies of the New England area ice storms are scary. This freezing thawing weather pattern produces the worst kind of dangerous conditions. You all drive carefully, mow; Ya hear!

At 6:20 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Mmmmm! Lovely horses!!

Lorraine, you have the absolute best adventures!

Bees. Cats. Horses. Dogs. Carrots! There is no living creature you cannot tame!

At 6:35 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I must say I am a pretty good tamer of carrots too.
(Good idea for dinner that. Thanks)

At 7:34 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Jess and Nathalie! You're both making me hungry. Haha!

Will there be butter on said carrots and garlic? Yum.

At 7:42 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

I put tomato sauce and TONS of butter. Butter is essential for the taming of carrots: they are partial to it.

At 7:49 AM , Blogger vampi said...

oh many thoughts of safe and warmth for winter storm fiends.

while i miss the white of moonlight after a fresh snow, i don't miss the icy streets and shoveling.

At 8:13 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

FODS!!!!! First cold day of the year, MINUS 11 currently, with wind chills -20 to -30! That's F not C too.

Which means it is COLD. Really, really cold. Hmmph.

Tonight, down to -15 to -25. That's real temp. They stop with telling you what the windchills are at that point because it is simply too depressing.

The forcaseters used that phrase today too, which I always find kind of funny "High temp today of Zero"

Zero, is not, in my book, a high temp!

At 8:14 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Oh, I am going to ride today, but not the kinder gentler horse. She lives outside, and you can't bring a horse from outside to in, and then ride and put it back out.

SO back to Rommy. Tho I am thinking Western saddle until I get her and myself, straightened out a bit.

At 8:24 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

My mom just moved to New England from California. She was watching the weather report and says to me, "What do they mean -50 degree storms are predicted in the Midwest? It can't get that cold, can it?"


At 8:40 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Apologies to anyone who liked Twilight, but this is hilarious.

At 8:58 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

It can get that cold. And does.

Mistress, that is REALLY funny, and ,uh, dead on. I so tried with that book but just couldn't DO it.
Not sure what editor let that one out with as many things wrong with it as there were....

At 9:27 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

::snort:: That's about right on the movie, though I didn't think the movie was horrible. I have seen worse. "Blair Witch Project" comes to mind.

I haven't read any of Stephanie Myers books. I've got Kim Harrison to catch up on. :)

At 9:48 AM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

I liked Blair Witch, but I got to see it before any of the Hype or indeed anyone had ever heard of it. Boss just said, watch this, so it was a complete surprise. After seeing the ads and reading the hype, I am not sure I would have liked it...

At 10:08 AM , Blogger Na said...

Nice, Phiala - thanks for sharing. I considered checking out the books or movie, but you and have saved me bothering. My to-read pile is ever so tall as it is.

Ooooh. Blair Witch. Just one scene really got me, the very last shot. Something about the kid standing in the corner.

At 10:14 AM , Blogger Erin Underwood said...

Phiala, you're killing me. Hah!

I didn't like the movie at all. Ugh! It was a wet blanket, but that script is a riot. I'm still laughing!

At 10:23 AM , Blogger ariandalen said...

When we watched Blair Witch it was the Halloween after it came out on DVD. Even the 13 year old boy watching it with us said to the characters half way through the movie, "DIE already!" The whining got to be really old.

I can see how it would have been Much more effective if seen before any of the hype.

At 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooof, finally back home, and tons of comments to read...

Hello Jess! Actually, that dragon would be Fred the travelling Limertilly attending a punk rock concert with me in Berlin last summer.

At 11:44 AM , Blogger AletaMay said...

I think that Rommie looks a bit like a real My Little Pony.

Roads were not so bad this morning. We really got very little snow in the city. It is cold -- but it is sunny. For me the sun outweighs the cold.

My mind is going in too many directions today. If I can just focus on one thing for the next hour or so all will be well.

At 11:44 AM , Blogger martha said...

e: Twilight - I was warned off that book by a friend wo lives in the states. From the sounds of it I may have to send her a prezzie - but then I'm not a pre-teen girl. Thank all ye Gods. Not sure I ever was one

At 11:49 AM , Blogger martha said...

Jess those snowflakes were gorgeous - thank you

At 12:01 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Those snowflakes are great Jess!

Speaking of snowflakes!

At 12:03 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Don't care about snowflakes. Or dragons.

Evil address book just ate all my A's and half the B's.



At 12:04 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

I have a dragon named George. :)

At 12:07 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Oh no!!!

I suppose sending you mine wouldn't be all that helpful, would it?

At 12:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

That is a very kind offer, Mistress, but not sure it would help.

I will get this done. Darn horse trainer needs to call soon and take me away for this tho...

At 12:32 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

The Twilight link was AWESOME! I liked that book for about the first 1/3 as a mindless vampire romance...then it just got ultra-crappy! Good Fod!

I have to eat lunch and finish cleaning up from soup night last night before picking up ben and then, after the sitter gets here, heading to Amanda Palmer!! Woo!

I'm trying to get caught up here though...stunning horsies! Damn address book, that sucks! Gorgeous snowflakes! Blair Witch pre-hype was far more interesting, the final scene scared the bejeebus out of me...the rest of the movie was pretty irritating. As for good movies, I just picked up Totoro and Mononoke for ben for xmas...well, Mononoke is for me :)

Off to leftover lentil soup now.

At 12:42 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

How strange is that? I am listening to "Deck the Halls" by the Jingle Cats on imeen and the next two songs suggested as beign "related" are "Cheeseburger in paradise" by one Jimmy Buffet and "Detroit rock City" by Kiss. Not sure which one of the two suggestions boggled me the most!

I blame THIS picture for the first one anyway (DON'T CLICK AND DRINK).

At 12:44 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Would that be YOUR address book, Lorraine, or Boss'?
That is seriously annoying. I wish address books would behave but they notoriously sneaky about dropping bits of valuable info.

At 12:50 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

Arggg! How frustrating! As and Bs please come home!

At 12:51 PM , Blogger DataGoddess said...

I've majorly avoided Twlight mainly because of the hype, and I've never been that big on vampires, anyway. Meh.

And Oh, pretty horsie!! Nice to see today. I don't know jack about horses, other than they're smart and gorgeous. And tricksy ;-)

Q, what application do you use for your address book? I might be able to help you...

Have spent the last few days in a hospital with Husband and his family - his 87-year old mother had a stroke on Saturday night. First doctor we talked to yesterday basically said they couldn't do anything, so sorry, start the death watch, etc. Doctor today has already started her on PT, had her out of bed, is actually treating her like a *person*, unlike previous doctor. She's not ready to give up, she was cracking jokes with us yesterday even though we had to struggle to understand her.

Sorry to unload, I'm just so angry at that first doctor. We were planning her funeral, for heaven's sake, based on what he said.

At 12:57 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Some doctors are asses.
Sorry about this DataGoddess.

At 1:01 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

DataGoddess, that's horrible!

Nat-law, that picture could be my cat! :)

At 1:10 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Don't let him eat holly! If memory serves me well it is poisonnous!

At 1:19 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Sadly, not my address book. Got most of the things back, fortunately, one OUGHT to be able to remove an address from a group and not have it sent into oblivion forever off the master list....

At 1:21 PM , Blogger Phiala said...

Holly berries are poisonous; not sure about the leaves.

But no, I try not to let Morgan eat plants that are bad to him. That's why I have no yew shrubs any more - that cat has no sense of self-preservation, and within 30 seconds of encountering one started gnawing on it. Nope, back in you go!

My house has a courtyard enclosed by walls but open to the sky, where I grow tomatoes and flowers, and allow the cat outside to lay in the sun and chase bugs. When I bought the house there was a yew in the courtyard, but no more.

At 1:21 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Given what you said about your weekend activities I was afraid this was the case... Hopefully not ALL is eaten by the greedy machines. But your time and effort, alas...

At 1:24 PM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

Phiala, for the shortest moment I read yew phonetically and imagined your cat chewing on a poor hapless ewe.

At 1:36 PM , Blogger Phiala said...


Morgan likes his wool clean, and made into fuzzy blankets.

That's how I got my wolfie, though, more or less.

I was helping a friend move. They had a litter of pups that they were distributing, and Grendel (then named Prometheus) was one they were planning to keep. At the beginning of the day, I taught another of the moving volunteers how to skirt a raw fleece, and we split it between us. So I smelled interesting to the wolfie pup!

He decided that I was the most fascinating thing ever, and after watching this for a while, his owners decided I should take him, since he liked me so much.

I couldn't reach Nick on the phone, so I showed up at home with a floppy brown puppy. "Look what I brought! We can give him back tomorrow if you don't want him."

Nine years later... *grin*

At 2:33 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Ugh, that's cold!And here I was thinking I was feeling a little chilly and its a mere 18C.

Geez, by the time I finished all the comments I had a trillion tabs open. Must be a Fiend record I think.
DataGoddess that is horrible about the doc and your MIL. I'm glad she is improving and proving him and idiot.
Hey, the email comments thingie has disappeared again.

At 2:38 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Put down your drinks Fiends, I have two snorting pics for you this morning.

At 3:04 PM , Blogger EmilyLady said...

I love the last picture, partly because I just love your own hair extensions and partly because Lady May is really beautiful!

It is funny how fear can overwhelm your rationality -- I have horrible emetophobia (fear of vomiting; strange but true) and it gets so ridiculous sometimes.

~The Masked Fiend

At 3:07 PM , Blogger Na said...

{{hug}} DataGoddess, to you and your family. May your MIL defy the first doctor thoroughly. As a parent, I now tend to think of doctors as "well-informed advisers". They can certainly err.

FabLo - glad you got addresses back. That had to be most unfun.

Beez - I have an idea for a virtual Black Books party; if I can get the discs we and whoever else wanted to could plan to watch the same episode(s) the same night.

Love the snowflakes, Jess, as well as the chart at the end of the slideshow. I <3 science charts.

And oh, Sally - "one" had me laughing hard, and "two" made me think "WTF!?!?".

At 3:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for that link--just SLAYED me. Cured completely of any need/desire to see the movie (Lorraine had pretty much cured me of the desire to read the books already....but I am generally more forgiving of movies if I have NO expectations. That said, there is a LIMIT!!)

I'm with you--saw the movie at the artsy movie house in Uptown (Mpls) before it went into broader release. Hadn't seen the hype. Got vaguely car/seasick at the jittery camera work (annoying!) but found it interesting. THEN the kid in the corner image....AAACCCKK! Somehow it hit a button with me, after the buildup during the movie.

Still gives me chills if something causes me to flashback visually. I probably am more likely to PTSD from that than most of my Iraq memories :)

At 3:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the address book!! Is it in Outlook? Outlook is EVIL when it comes to editing groups. Hate it....

At 3:15 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

I know na - I laughed and wondered what the heck they were thinking..

At 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


They probably sell REALLY well in certain circles. :)

At 4:11 PM , Blogger Na said...

Re: Blair Witch, I saw it at the height of the hype, and went in terrified. I was relaxed and de-crazed by the middle of the movie, but that only served to set me up for that ending and - yes, exactly, Lys - AACCCKKK!

At 4:30 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Fiends- I'm back. Well, I've been back all day, but it took me all day to catch up on comments.. Still haven't checked the Boss blog... But I have Amanda Palmer in less than 4 hours.. and I get to meet Chantrelle in person... Yahoo!

Love the horsies! Love the kitten love, and Sally! The 2nd link is naughty! I was SHOCKED!

Na- I have the Black Book series and would LOVE to watch with others on a schedule...

I'll try to take camera pictures tonight!

At 4:34 PM , Blogger Chantrelle said...

I have black books too!

Babysitter gets here in 30 minutes for AFP! Then i'll get changed into my mistressmousey skirt (first time wearing it, it rocks) and head to get hubby and go to the show. If i had it more together i would have tried to get an interview with Amanda worked out for Foodporn but this time of year is too damn hectic and i didn't get my crap together.

Speaking of "damn"...hubby and ben were playing cards yesterday and when ben couldn't play (they were playing crazy 8s) he said "Damn it!"...woops, wonder where he got that one?

At 4:47 PM , Blogger Dragonsally said...

Have fun at the show Ticia and Chantrelle - full reports will be required!

Ticia, I fail to believe you were shocked. Mwahahaha

At 4:56 PM , Blogger AletaMay said...

DataGoddess, so sorry to hear about your doctor experience. We had a similar situation with my mother. It made for lots of confussed and strange emotions.

I hope your MiL keeps the forward movement she is showing. Great that she was cracking jokes!

At 5:34 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

- 10 and falling. Fods.

Riding was much better today, rode western and had a few things to communicate to Miss Rommy who settled down pretty quickly after a few tires and a wiggle buck. HA!

Datagoddess good news on a better Dr, hope it goes well.

Ticia and Chatrelle, full report, yes? I can tell you , that you are going to have a wonderful time!

I have to take a bath, I am chilled to the BONE and it won't warm, or they won't, they bones I mean.

I have some fun things to post tonight, including video sent by Hera of her Freaky Pets..And pics!

At 5:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah!! Now I DEFINITELY know what to send you for Christmas (gurgles Herbal Lys, gathering her bottles .. powders.. and salts...)

Or maybe not, as that just rather gave it away. Herm.... Must think on't.

Val--not ignoring your email!! It has been squirrelly recently....and ate replies twice. We are taking a wee vacation, Hotmail and I.

At 5:57 PM , Blogger Beez said...

Yes. Freaking cold. We don't usually get this until January.

I tried to take a hot bath, but this being an old apartment building and apparently other people having the same idea.....


Tepid just won't do it.

At 6:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I lived near Loring Park, the first apartment building I lived in... if you wanted a hot bath in cccccccccold weather, you boiled water on the stove and poured it in! There are many things to miss about Minneapolis...that would so NOT be one.

At 6:45 PM , Blogger Na said...

Okay, I went a little over plan on holiday shopping, and ordered myself Black Books. Should have the first season in a week or so. Hee hee. (Decided the mandatory shopping-for-oneself whilst shopping for others extended to online.)

I looks forward to hearing more about AFP on tour, and more about horsehs.

At 7:44 PM , Blogger Beez said...

A-HA! A Black Books virtual party!

At 7:52 PM , Blogger Ticia said...

Fiends - I am in heaven! So many wonderful costumes and performers and the muscians aren't even on the stage yet!

At 8:05 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Minus 14 and dropping.

I just got a comment e-mailed, a porn spam comment, sick, and saw it on my phone and hurried in to delete, only the idiots commented on a post three and a half years old!

And WHO do they think is going to respond to these?? I don't get it, I mean, go for your target audience, hello? Ain't thinking we are into what they were selling...

(well, maybee you are, and that's just fine, but my POINT is advertise on porn places where people go for porn...)

At 8:05 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

My car is warm. I am going home an will do a new post. Long day.

At 8:11 PM , Blogger Beez said...


Well, "The Internet Is For Porn" is a song from Avenue Q.

At 9:14 PM , Blogger FabulousLorraine said...

Too true too true. That is a wonderful show by the way, Ave Q. I saw it first off Broadway, a good friend of mine (well ours, she lurks here HA! Got you now) has been in that since the beginning.

Speaking of beginning, anyone up? You could be first on the new post if you are....

At 3:54 AM , Blogger Phiala said...

Nobody's going to reply to the porn spam, but the more links to the porn spam that are out there, the higher it will place in searches.

That's why you get, say, asbestos spam.

At 5:34 AM , Blogger martha said...

I have a plastic lizard named Albert.

At 5:39 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

And I have a Little Cthulhu. I don't call it anything (it might summon the real thing) and have been known to abuse him. Several times (Hey if you have to be an offender, be a repeat offender. Practice makes perfect).

At 5:52 AM , Blogger martha said...

Albert has been with me for Yonks - since London actually. He now overlooks my work area keeping the other creatures in line - literally.
I should take and post a photo pme of these days.

At 5:55 AM , Blogger spacedlaw said...

You have another post to do first. Hint. Push. Nag. Shove.

At 7:35 AM , Blogger martha said...

Mom! I've started the outline and have begun lining up the photos I want to include. You know how anal I am. I promise to get that done before taking pictures of plastic lizards - although Albert is offended.


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