Just got back from a screening of Coraline, complete with 3D! Boss said to people if you like it talk about it, and as I rather more than liked it, I will say so now.
(And I suspect Beez, Aleta, Gayle and El will not say a word until I give the ok, talk away guys)
One heck of a magic film, on every level. I am not sure I have ever heard a film better scored. The music was amazing, and added to the film in a way I hadn't exactly experienced before.
The animation, obviously, was, I think I have to go with Very. Very. Good. Took my breath away. Magic.
I think one of the best moments was seeing the reaction of the kids who were there. Allison Stemple in particular, I have seen a child's eyes shine like that, but never from a movie. It made my heart feel so good. Dr Score's boys were there too, and I loved seeing them quiz Neil and his friend about how exactly did they do everything. I think everyone went away feeling a little bit of magic.
It was a working night, in part as I did not know I was arranging everything, and being the official rep until yesterday. Learn fast. I kept thinking Someone would be Doing Things, and Someone did. Just hadn't thought it would be me. I feel like I did good. Instead of tickets, or a guest list, I gave out Black Buttons for people as their Tokens into the event. And little flyers for free popcorn and pop.
I wish I had had more time, (I know you know this, Minneapolis Fiends, but it bears saying) to talk with people and hang and such, but work is work, no matter the magic in between. I am very glad you were there.
It also goes without saying that I wish ALL of you could have been there too. The best I could wrangle were the local folk.
-12 here, and a cold cold night. And an early day tomorrow.
But I think my dreams will be sweet.
Love and great movies,
I was waiting to say...
OMF! Hurray and thank you! Best night I have had in some time. Great movie! I know that everyone here will go see it anyway but, go see it. :)
I am off to bed. If I can sleep. I am still feeling overwhelmed with good fortune!
Ditto what Gayle said.
Thanks so much Q! You did a great job on the event and it was lovely to see you in your working element! You have eyes and ears in the back of your head. Or something.
I agree that the music was great. If I could buy the soundtrack right now I would. Just the right sound/feel for the film.
Again -- Ditto Gayle. When you have the chance it will be worth seeing.
Beez, Aleta, Gayle and El !!! so lucky, hope you all had a marvelous time, and you too Lorraine - I know it was a working night, but hope you could enjoy the event fully too - is that adam's little one?
congrats all, sweet dreams of buttons and mirrors and walls and the magic in between.
Oh wow, I cannot wait to see it when it finally arrives down here. There is nothing quite so good as watching kids transported by a story.
Buttons as tokens - cool idea Q
That was Adam and Betsy's Allison, known her since she was born, I have.
And I did have fun, working or not. And I like working. I love my job.
Glad to to hear Dang. Alpha. was a hit. I lOVE that book!
Oh, one thing I was going to mention, the prints Kitty has over at, of Boss story with the art are BEAUTIFUL just saw it tonight when I got home.
But they are going very fast, Kitty says. As in may not last the month, and that's it for them...
Just so's you know...
LUCKY, lucky Minneapolis Fiends!
Seriously, glad you got to see it. :)
I was poking around the Coraline website yesterday with the girls looking over my shoulder. DD1 is fascinated by stop motion animation. Actually, she's fascinated by animation of any kind, including robotics (to touch on a subject from yesterday). It ranks very closely behind dinosaurs, dragons, unicorns/pegasus, and fairies. She wants a D-Rex for Christmas; she's not getting one. She'll probably get drawing books, and I know she's getting an origami kit. DD2 mainly just wants to play with her sister, though she doesn't scare quite as easily as DD1. Don't know if they will want to see "Coraline." We'll just have to wait and see.
Best wasn't sure ALi would want to and then she showed her the trailer, and she thought it was so cool.
Coraline comes thru as a great character in the movie. I love the way she would turn around and say YOU WILL NOT GET ME!!!!! Very strong girl.
Goes back to with the book, adults think it is scary, but kids just seems to want to know how she is going to handle things and what she is going to do. Obviously you beat the witch. And you win.
ooh i'm so jealous!!!
by the way the red line subway in la has this weird moving advertisement in the tunnel as the train passes, and it was an advertisement for coraline!!!!!
i was so excited. we took the train to a department lunch. i think they thought i was a bit nuts.
We got "The Dangerous Alphabet" for DD2 when it came out. Both girls like it.
How cool about the subway! I saw a poster at the theater tonight and that was the first time it was REAL to me that this was a real movie that was coming out soon, despite having been working on it , or I should say with it, for a long time now.
Gris Grimley is wonderful, isn't he?
Yes! :)
ok i was watching the videos at the coraline site and the lady knitting the sweaters is awesome.
i am so stoked to see this movie when it comes out. stop motion is really just quite amazing to me.
i'm so late to the alphabet book. i shall add it to my christmas wish list.
Yay Quiche for Super Woman!!
Yay Twin Cities Fiends for, well, being cool AND lucky!!
so....did it snow in LA, or what? trying to get my mind of the idea that I will have to drive 160 miles round trip to see Coraline......:)
If you are interested, here is a new Christmas song. Click on the player under the painting to hear the music. A friend of mine is in the group singing the song and it was recorded at the Armstrong-Browning Library at Baylor University. The lyrics are taken from a poem by G. K. Chesterton.
I really agree, Lorraine, about Coraline coming across as strong. I was a little worried when I saw in the trailer the addition of a little boy. You know that girl leads in animated films are so few and far between. But she is so clearly the person the story is about. She is strong and not perfect... which is just "perfect" in my book. If that made sense. Clearly I must sleep! Very busy day for me tomorrow!
Thanks again Q and good to see you local fiends!!
Wow, that is beautiful. More moody like easter music (my favorite of the church's year of music)
I haven't read Coraline yet, but it's been in my to-read pile for ever so long. Will bump it up. :)
Read The Dangerous Alphabet when it came out here. Read it in the store. I felt sooo creeped out by it, was sure I wouldn't buy it after all for me or the kids. Then I felt compelled to read it again. And again. And again...
I love Chesterton....
I need to sleep too...
oh na, i loved coraline, i read it in one go, i couldn't put it down. yes it was a little scary, but i liked her pluckiness. I'm so stoked for this movie, have i said that yet?
oh and the subway ad was in motion, so she's peeking in through the windows of the subway. it as way cool, i kind of want to ride the subway again to see it.
no snow here in la. i got quite ill yesterday, so i haven't left the house today, but boy said you can see snow inthe mountains.
ok i spoke too early, my boss said he just got home because the trains were delayed due to snow. WTF. it just rained where i was, but maybe it froze. i haven't been out since lunch time.
I just realized my mistake. At least two of the Fiends at the "Coraline" screening are from St. Paul, not Minneapolis. ::sigh::
I hang my head in shame. Twin Cities is a much more inclusive term. Many fine things are to be found in St. Paul, as well as all the lovely suburbs of both cities. I can't name anything off the top of my head, at least apart from said Fiends, but what do I know? I'm in Texas.
Oh wow! Awesome you guys got a preview! Can't wait for the movie!!!
Ben is a huge fan of The Dangerous Alphabet, it's great. I've stumbled upon other Grimley-illustrated books since and have become a fan (boris and bella is a great one).
I was heading to bed when i got distracted by the Coraline post so i'm off to there now.
Spent the day battling ants in our house and then addressing xmas cards. Not the most fun day there could be! But then we watched Ep.1 from season 1 of i know why it was recommended to me, very creepy and dark!
I've just gotten in now, as I had another thing to do after the movie, but I am here to tell you that it was SPECATULAR.
Everyone's talking about the score, rightfully so, it was phenomenally beautiful.
Coraline was fiesty and vulnerable and very much a real little girl, just as she should be. I adored her.
There were some genuinely creepy moments, which is also a plus! Like Lorraine said, magic!
Lorriane-- You really must let me take you out for a dinner sometime. I always see you working and I always want to tell you what a fantastic job you do. The evening went perfectly. Even with the *(&$%(#$&ing traffic.
Nice! So THAT's what you were about trying to send the other fiends to sleep...
Glad you guys had a great time. The movie looks amazing. I hope it will make it to Rome when it's out.
sounds like lots of fun! cool. I have enjoyed the last three movies in theatres... I have already got my friends signed up with me to go to this one in 3D.
those same friends are the ones I have just signed a tenancy agreement with... I'm moving! as of January 1st. We will have a duplex in which to craft. Wish me luck.
That sounds like wondrous news Kristina! Wishing you luck and loads of fun with it. Good that you'll have a space dedicated to craft.
drinks down
haha sally that's brilliant!
so, I'm slow, but the preview explains the cryptic messages the there day in comments.
so cool. quiche is sneaky, but awesome.
quick tip, if you don't regularly eat pork, do not eat bacon. no mater how good it smells. your intestines will hate you.
Wow. Just wow. You lucky, lucky Fiends!
I read the book for the first time last month but I pretty much swallowed it whole.
It was yummy.
Am very eager to see the movie.
Sally, that looks so much like my cat. I used to dress her up in stuff before I got married and had kids and she used to have that same expression on her face! (I think she misses it now :))
Great to hear about Coraline (and I'm really jealous!), I loved the book and I can't wait for the movie to come here. I can honestly say that it was the first book I heard my daughter read, that I heard the leeeeerve for a book in her voice.
Best of wishes for your new abode Rubius. A duplex sounds exotic. Is a duplex different from a condo or an apartment?
Ooh, lucky Twin City fiends!! The movie sounds awesome- can't wait for it to get here ;-)
DA is great - I didn't have a convenient child to buy it for so just bought it for myself (although if I see any small childnre over Christmas I may let them read it. If they're very very good (or very very bad, but in creative ways)
Harking back to last thread, I'm sure I've read that Arthur C. Clarke always denied the HAL/IMB story :-(. Pity, as it's such agood one.
Kristina, glad to herar about your new home - you must have a virtual housewarming party once you move, we can all come and spill virtual drinks on your new floors..
Sally, thanks for the warning. Thats a real tea-snorter if ever I saw one..
I love this Marjorie "or very very bad, but in creative ways" it makes life interesting!
And we know Major Tom's a junkie so it was all just a creative delusion :)
Aaaawwww, I sooo wanted to be there! Long to see the Corline movie, now, please.
Btw Lorraine, do you know if the Swedish premiere is in 6 February also?
Hugs, Sverker
Your Boss has been very fortunate to have the RIGHT people working their magic on his material.
I remember at His private screening for Stardust how much everybody loved it - and the film wasn't entirely complete. Lenny Henry loved it, and so did everybody else in the room (too many to mention). Even the kids that came along loved it.
And despite the obvious technical flaws with Neverwhere, I found it to be absolutely marvellous. Wonderful piece of work.
Whatever your Boss' secret in getting the right people to the project is - he needs to give it to more people! :)
When I heard about it from the boss last week Iooked into airfares for the whole family. The numbers burst that bubble and sobered me right up. Ah well. I can't wait to take the kids to see it in theaters!
That's what you get for being a family man!
(meant in the sweetest possible way, of course... :) )
I don't have time to read the comments, but I did read the post... I have to say, that was, well, Fabulous!
Hi Sverk, and welcome! Glad you de-lurked! I don't think it comes out in Sweden until later, that's the way things seem to work, sadly...
Hi Martyn, He really does have a talent attracting really good people to his project. Or perhaps they are attracted to his books. Hard to say, but it seems to work.
Dan, you should always see me on airlines, if I may flatter myself, I am really really good..Wish you could have been there.
Wanted everyone, but thought at least a few could go. Sneaky indeed I am! Up pretty early today too...
Good luck in the new place Rubios, Vampi, was that you who was ill? Feel better if so, Mistress, good luck with he science today!
Rubious, sounds like that will be good move! Good luck with that!
Good morning/evening!
More coffee...
I have lost a lot of faith over the years in animated children's films, but I will be going to see "Coraline" -- and this post will surely keep me from changing my mind.
~The Masked Fiend
That's so awesome! I'm glad all the local Fiends got to go to the screening -- I bet it rocked. :)
I'm slogging through the end-of-year deadlines over here, where Saltmine U. is living up to its name. Even though I don't have as much time to comment here right now, I will be back next week. Next week, when I can have time off to start working on my projects, and when I can relax a bit.
Hej, Sverker! Titta har: has these listings for many countries where fiends be.
Rubius - good luck with your move! Hope it goes smoothly and swiftly.
Got to work. Somehow the back door had come open in the night, and was open all night. OOPS!!!!!! It's 12 below here, and this lower floor is COLD, the tiles are froze!!!!!!!!
Oh dear, Q! I hope you have good slippers. Or boots. Have a great day. With warmer floors.
Good luck with deadlines, Val. Glad to hear there is a break coming for you.
Val, it sounds like your end of the year is similar to mine! It must be an administration thing...
But I got all emergency actions done (and with a day to spare too).
I might even be able to relax...
(I suppose I should not have said that, it is attracting troubles).
Tiles are cold but at least you did not get murdered in your sleep (and not even by Jack Frost), which is a GOOD thing. No bengal escaped?
meat scented cologne?
oh my, hope the house warms up an no pipes break.
thanks for the well wishes i'm holding down food so i'm off to work
Needless to say, I'm almost insanely jealous (but in a positive, ultra-jazzed, can't-wait-to-see-it way) of the preview people!
And I just decided that I will take at least one, probably two (littlest one is too small for 3D glasses) of my three nieces from the country to see it in the big city, even if that means I have to watch it in horrible dubbed German. Might even be my Christmas present for them - I had planned on taking them to an exhibition about the making of a German children's film (Hexe Lilli) at our film museum... maybe I'll do both!
The girls have so much stuff, Dad and me decided it's better to give them an event, time spent together, y'know? And they love it. :)
Well "holding down food" is OK but I hope you continue to feel better!
How are you feeling, Nathalie?
Still coughing an inferno and stress at work does not help. But stress will disappear and I hope that nice long holidays will help me get rid of the last germs (either that or I am going back to the doctor next week).
Thanks for asking.
Don't over do it, Vampi: Spreading germs and weakening yourself is not a good idea.
I hope your holiday is healing for you, Nathalie.
Ooh, so envious! I'm really looking forward to Coraline in all its creepy glory.
Now must catch up on last few posts, as I have been a negligent Fiend:
Yay new pony! I'm falling down a bit on my 'get stronger so I can ride' exercise schedule, but every time you post about riding, it motivates me again. So THANK YOU! :D
Their Majesties look so happy and lovely. I'm sure they will find a wonderful home. King Lear looks like my Rocky, so I find my heart going out to him especially. (Rocky's an F5 and about 16lbs) I'm sure you have more Minneapolis contacts than I do, but I will put the word around to my Twin Cities friends to see if they know anyone.
Like Val, I'm dealing with end of the year business stuff, plus clients who are dragging their heels with accounts payable, plus weirdly three proposals to write-- very unusual for the end of the year. But I've missed reading about everyone's Fiendish exploits, so I will try to comment at least once to get email notices on every post, at the least.
How quickly Fiendishness becomes a habit!
Oh, it was MY house that was open, it was Boss;s...
i think Princess left the door open...and
MAb and Leary are gorgeous--That face on Lear, it is like the supermodel Batman's pouty look. love him!
Wish I had been at the Coraline preview, going to the sets in Portland was a magical event. Henry Selick is a genius, especially with this great material. Sounds like a perfect night.
Sverker! I got your order, will be sending the prints out as soon as they arrive here in CA..... viva la Sverige....
Kali/Batman are using all the boxes of poster tubes as hiding spots, jumping out and surprising eachother.
and best news, Drew is home from Tina Turner. My tired little roadie...we went to the Amanda Palmer show Tuesday night, blog up soon.
back to package labels....xoxo
I loved Coraline and wished I'd lived closer. I've been watching the Coraline website and if the music is what we are given a taste of on the website it is wonderful. We need a few more "girl" heros. Isn't it wonderful when you know someone has put so much work into a project and then you realize it was YOU that made it happen. Good work!
Hiiiiii, Sverker! do you like to play? It's so nice to meet new playmates right before one's firbday. CX
Off to go check out if Hexe Lilli will be showing anytime in the USA. Thanks for the link, Ceridwen!
One good thing about my job - our year ends Sept 30, so all the last-minute rushing around and stress does not coincide with the holidays. This is the first year that's entirely true, and I definitely like the new arrangement.
Popping in for a quick comment. The movie was AWESOME and my boys loved it. One aspect that ( I believe ) has not been addressed yet deals with the technical aspects of Coraline. The 3D effects were astounding and it complemented the visual feast of colors and amazing detail that clearly went into every frame of this film. Absolutely beautiful!
Thanks for the invite Q and I'll see you tomorrow.
Great, there goes Adriandalen scaring away the de-lurkers again....
Yes, Paul is right , the 3D was AMAZING! And the colours brighter than one might think. Every frame done perfectly and exactly. Ths is by far the cutting edge of this medium.
Girl heros rule!
Lear does tend to look a little worried, like he isn't quite sure yet. He s going to get LOTS of chicken and play time tonight, which may help make hi happy. They sleep on my bed now when I am not there....And this morning I petted Queen Mab!
Princess couldn't have left the door open, it was in the DOG side of the house and he was up with Boss.
He has been banished to Doggie Day Care today, due to all that is going on here and his intense desire to help and steal scenes. (which is nothing compared to Princess's , she has been locked in the attic)
Been playing around with the button yourself up facility on the Coraline site.
Good fun!
Latest Milwaukee weather report for tonight...woohoo..thundersnow..
"The not-so-good news: Once the storm hits, it's expected to be fast and furious, dropping two inches or more per hour of snow until it reaches the predicted 7 to 11 inches.
Oh, and did we mention the threat for thundersnow?
It usually happens only once a year and not every year, but meteorologist Penny Zabel said the chances for loud bangs during your overnight slumber are highly possible.
Thundersnow? How cool is that!
"2 inches of snow per HOUR!!!!"
Okay, no more complaining about New Mexico desert. :)
'tho ThunderSnow does, indeed, just sound way cool.
Oh Arwen, didn't know you were in Milwaukee! You are going to get NAILED tonight!
Sorry, that wasn't very positive of me. You are going to have LOTS of pretty snow!
I love Thundersnow!
We are only getting 3-6 of new snow, ho-hum....Mostly it's going south I think. There is a Winter Weather Advisory out, it basically says : Don't go out in it you IDIOTS!!!!!
Smart money is on work being cancelled tomorrow :)
Yep, we're a bit further south than you guys, but we make up for it with Lake Michigan.
so yeah, it snowed around la, in la it's 50ish and moist. my boss was unable to take the train in and the highway near his house was unpassable due to snow. since this is la, i'm imagining 1 snowflake knocking out the trains and highways.
THUNDERSNOW!!!! omg i forgot about those from when i lived in ohio. oh lake effect snows, i miss you so. nothing quite so pretty as freshly fallen snow in moonlight. i'm no poet, but i think some midnight snow should be ithe night garden poems.
btw, garlic naan, brie and turkey makes an amazing toasted meal.
Ooohh......that sounds yummy!! I'm a naan faan :)
Snow is funny, it can be very peaceful and picturesque but it can also be rather terrifying... it obscures familiar things, muffles sound. You're right, definitely belongs in the Night Garden!!
My Sister calls it a Weather Event...When it does this...
hey, you can have multiple buttons on your eyes...but I couldn't save my pic to show you all. So cool.
Thundersnow - what a fantastic description. We seem to have stolen some of your weather, doesn't feel at all like summer here.
I hope the floor has warmed up Q
Here, we are supposed to get heavy snow and a quarter inch of ice (ick!), but alas no thunder.
Science was done today, but it was the kind of highly productive day where nothing actually got accomplished despite working on it hard for many hours.
my Coraline silliness
Hello everyone!
Visiting the little sphynx babies was wonderful.. I was mostly a new obstacle course for them, being climbed and such.. :)
Can't wait to see Coraline! May have to fly to the north island to see it in 3D.. (Beowulf was at the movies here but not in 3D, only in the north island IMAX theater)
and Love the buttoneyes thing on the site ;) hehe
Sally I see your button eyes, but didn't see Nathilies...
Yes, Hera, you SHOULD fly North to see it...WAY North and a little east, depending on which way you nip around the world. You can stay with US.
Of course, this is what is going on in my world....
"Winter Weather Advisory in effect until 12 PM CST Friday...
Winter Storm Watch in effect from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon..."
Sounds like a wonderful weekend to stay at home, inside, tucked up with a good book and cats.
Or alternatively go out and play my gigs...
This is the weather when you reall need a "Beam me up, Scotty" machine, so you don't have to walk outside in the cold at all.
At least you'll be warm while you're performing.
I actually hope we get some significant snow tonight because then I won't have to be at work at 7:30 AM. If we only get a few inches there will be no snow day and I will have to leave really early to get there. I don't mind it SO much but I don't like having to drag M out of bed at 5:30. We shall see.
I did hear that the second wave of snow (to hit Sat)could go on for 27 hours or something silly like that. If Sunday is not too cold it will be great sledding I would think! :)
We're supposed to get about a foot tomorrow. Yay (even though I don't think I'll be able to babysit, and I haven't seen my sweet little friend for a bit more than a week).
I don't think tonight will amount to much, enough to be irritating and maybe close some schools.
It is Saturday to Sunday that looks major. Up to 8 inches, on top of what we get tonight.
Yea gigs. Crowds go wild to drive in this weather.
Reading about the Twin City Fiends seeing Coraline last night made me so happy! What a wonderful mid-week treat... I can hardly wait for it to come here.
Thundersnow- who knew? Fascinating to this California girl!
I can hardly wait to play on the Coraline website when I get home... Although Olivia ( dog) already HAS black button eyes.... And Chantrelle is the BEST Other Mother ever.
Fingers crossed that the snow closes M's school! ;)
Fingers and toes crossed that I can make it out to a show this weekend. Quiche, you play Friday and Saturday?
I would not place heavy bets on us making Saturday, if it pans out like it seems to be forecasting as, I am not risking my life for a couple hundred $$. Friday ought to be fine tho, I am thinking.
I have to drive an hour thru the country, and Prius is no good in snow.
But we will have to see what happens weather-wise.
Fods, I am getting tired. Very long day today, and not done yet.
I hope you get some rest soon, Q!
Not soon, but it is in the plan....
Keep me awake! Where is my chatter! I need to come in from time to time and see Fiends! More warm Coke! More cold Coffee!
My teeth are chattering, does that help?
Its meant to be summer here -its only bloody 15C (60 F?) at 1pm. I feel like I should be rugged up in layers!
this Fiend is on the 405, stuck in traffic.
This fiend is doing the happy dance. A cord of firewood was just dropped off and I'm planning a hot tub followed by reading in front of a blazing inferno! YAHOO!
Right as exciting a time as Sally and Dread Val are having , I am going to Ticias after work!
Wait. I have a hot tub and a fire at home.
I was having wimpy "firelog" fires until now. Might as well stick a candle in the fireplace for all the warmth they threw out! ;-D
Now I can have REAL fires again!
I think you should follow my lead Lorraine! Hot tub and fire, make it so.
Hurrah for real fires!!!!!!
This storm tonight is a whole lot of hype I say. Hppmh. Might get some, but I think it was a lot of twisted knickers for nothing.
Doesn't sound like a bad plane, but I may not make it past couch and fire...
Val, have you read "Good Omens"? I think of the 405 as likening to the highway in that book, that is shaped into an evil sigil, hence some of the worst traffic on the planet. :P
We've got... *checks forecast*... a temp of -5 F and it's been snowing on and off all day, but not the heavy dumping of snow so many folks are getting. No thundersnow, more like drizzlesnow.
I'm reading a manuscript written by a friend of a friend. So far really good! Postapoc meets Victorian era in a smart romance sort of way. Enjoying it.
Good luck to y'all with the snow this weekend! I can't even imagine.
Fire and couch sounds good! I miss having a fire place. Fire, couch and pie. Now that would be great!
I'm one for three: got a very nice couch going, but neither pie nor fire.
Still, hard to complain - cat, dog and fuzzy blanket. :)
It is predicted to be a bit unpleasant here tonight and tomorrow, but not like what other Fiends are expecting.
I am so close to done I can hear my couch calling me. Or maybe angry Bengals wanting supper. Hard to tell.
Want be home now.
*feeeeeeed usssssssssss*
That doesn't sound like my couch....
Again tho, hard to tell....Wrapping....
Aaahhhh, phase one complete.
Q, are you sure??? Has Dan been to your house recently???
Hmmmm. Point. Dan hasn't been there in a while. But he could have planted something.
Ticia is done hot tubbing. I am so jealous. And so close to going home...
I like Phiala's interpretation better.... I HAVE been warning you about the Bengals and their computer antics... And, doesn't anyone else find it suspicious that Dan has been so absent lately????
VERY close to going home.
New Boss Blog up if you want to read some about this Very Long Day.
I have just walked in the door, 3 hours after leaving my office. For those playing the home game, this brings my commuting hours so far today to 4.5. And, once I feed the Furry Minions, i need to buy groceries. OY.
Na, yes, I've read Good Omens, and I am not altogether sure that the 405 is not actually an Enochian sigil for binding or holding. This is something I keep meaning to run past the head of the OTO, next time I see him; if anyone knows, it'd be Lon.
Okay, deep breath. Right. Off I go. Again.
I was obviously being too smug (even though it was a PRETEND smug) about my relaxing evening.
I was watching a spider crawling away from a log in my fire thinking "poor spider" (they don't usually scare me), when a GINORMOUS, multi-legged monstrosity started crawling TOWARD me. I screamed like a girl.
Blimey Teddy Val, that's a long time to be stuck in traffic.
Mmmm, hot tub. I could do with that right now.
Just popped over to Boss's blog. You have had a busy day by the look of it Q. Loved the Other Mother art installation.
Oh, I hate it when they crawl out of fires like that. Did you take a photo? Sure it wasn't our long lost Storm Chicken on a US holiday?
I have just walked in the door, 3 hours after leaving my office. For those playing the home game, this brings my commuting hours so far today to 4.5. And, once I feed the Furry Minions, i need to buy groceries. OY.
Na, yes, I've read Good Omens, and I am not altogether sure that the 405 is not actually an Enochian sigil for binding or holding. This is something I keep meaning to run past the head of the OTO, next time I see him; if anyone knows, it'd be Lon.
Okay, deep breath. Right. Off I go. Again.
Oh Val, that commute sucks! I hope you get to relax soon.
I agree with Sally, that "Other Mother" you tube was fabulous!
And Sally, It was NOT your spider.... This one was only big because it was crawling toward me.
Yes, the closer they scurry towards you the huger they grow. Spider magic.
Haha! Exactly! Spider magic!
I think it was storm chicken come back to us once again! It lives within the hearts and minds of Fiends! Long Live Storm Chicken!!!!!
Ok. SO a 15 hour shoot has left me a little wonky. But Fods, it was fun, I love the behind the camera bits. And it worked. It did.
Hey ! I am home! I can tell becuase there are bengals everywhere and a fire!. Opps. No Fire. Hang on.
Now fire. I used to be a purist about fires. They should be made of wood. But I am re-thinking that since I got the magic switch on switch off gas fire.
Right . New post. I am SO blogging Boss tonight.
See, you should all move to Texas. It is currently warmer than it was at 4 PM. The highs tomorrow and Saturday are predicted to be in the low to mid 70s. Then we're supposed to get that lovely arctic front Saturday night and have a high of 39 Sunday for solstice.
Now you know one reason why Central Texas is the allergy sufferer's capital of the USA.
Not so many Fiends around so late I see...
If you want to hear more about this day tho, and perhaps be first, now is the time...
It's up....
My button thingies are there
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